« v iT • *5f? 4 ••¿¿¿' jf ll M i ì ? LOCAL AND GENERAL W e h av e large trespass notices, cloth, a t five cents each. J. L. H offm an is the p re sen t teacher Miss V eina *iwann will again teach a t K ings Yfalley. I a t B ridgeport. P I O N E E R T I M E S AT K O L A . P IO N E E R . Highest of all in Leavening Power.— Latest U. S. Gov’t Report A bout 1853 A. C. K Shaw and som e O ra H a rrin g to n is m an u factu rin g M ason, d e n tist, in C a m p M I’a brick O tto H eadrick has m oved from Cor­ others laid out a town site on the west cord wood. C. C. L inden, of W illsm in a, is to Dr. H ayter. d e n tist, over W iUon’» block, Mil' stre et, Dallas. vallis to Lewisville. teach a t S heridan. hank of the W illam ette, five m iles One of Newton W oodw ard’s cows drug »tore, Dull»«. Good, fresh m ilk cow for sale by Miss M innie T etherow , of Indepen above Salem , a t the m outh of th e I»a- diet! Iasi week. T his office is prepared to p rin t horse Elder Doty haa retu rn ed from the T hom as T atom , east of Dallas. deuce, will teach upon the L uckia Creole, and nam ed it C incinnati. Mr. bills in good shape. ett*t and opened a d e n ta l otlice in Mon Dr. Kink th in k s of m oving to the m ute. Plows, plows, plows for evervlxslv F ra n k Bust, a form er McCoyite, m outh. Shaw, having a large q u a n tity of ex­ place he bought of Mr. Nichol*. everyone w arranted by \V. li now a Salem real estate rustler. T he Independence tile works are cellent white fir tim ber grow ing in the V ote for the heat m an instead of for and C harlie W oodward has been selling Davis doing h good business, with an increas your friend or fellow lodge or ch u rch W in. Madison and wife th in k of bottom so u th of th e creek, concluded 1 fat CAttle to the Dallas butcher». ing dem and. An electric railw av is being built m oving from lnde{>endeiice to Rose- m em ber. to erect a steam sawm ill, which was The snow m ade feed scarce and the Miss S tella U m phlette has gone b u ilt in 1853. T his in'll was of the old burg. p rieto r of i frmn ° / 'K " n • >»« T u alatin riv George Good, a form er p r ro L i f e r Bros, have been h au lin g haled • - - some th ree miles. from the norm al school because her style vitb a capacity of from 1.000 to tliie paper, is now ru n n in g the I'eikina straw . W h at was the Bethel hand moved 2,000 feet per day of twelve hours. It is a wise editor who si wavs know to McCoy and changed nam e accord­ m o th er is sick a t A m ity. hotel in P ortland. Miss Aggie W in n u ll, of In d e p en ­ L n n it* r being very scarce his product 1 w hst it is bent to ssy and w hat it is ingly. E. C. H all, form erly of B euna Vista, Mr». A. B. Cogper, of Salem , haa found ready m ark et all over to country, dence. will begin teaching for us next better to leave unsaid. has at Moscow, Idaho, an opal m ines gone to Moanow, Idaho, to viait her J. VV. B uster has moved from Inde a considerable q u a n tity going to Salem , Monday. R IC K R E A L L . O ur advertising rates are so low th a t pi ndeuce to Roseburg to engage in the supposed to be worth $25,000. d a u g h te r, Mr». Lafe W illiam». and in Polk county there are n u m er­ J . y . T. Sadler u n ig h t w atch a t th e J . M. M cFee w rites back from cen- anybody can afford to use p rin te r’s ink G lenn Graves bought a t $800 the drug business. ous old buildings the lum ber of which All feel good over th e certainty of woolen mill. Mr*. Lou M agruder haa been a t P o rt­ teral Iowa th a t they have th is w iuter I in helpm g them to buy or *< 11. eighty acres of the C. B. Grave** place was c u t a t Shaw ’s sawm ill, th e co u rt having a new and b e tte r flouring mill. la n d viaiting her b ro th er, H en ry Teal, had about 100 days of sleighing. The K iekapoo Indian m edicine com ­ Born, to th e wife of H enry McKee, who haa a aerioua lu n g trouble. Mr Boyd bus th is week been severe' pany, who were here, are uow perform ­ sold a t a d m in istra to r’s sale last S atu r­ house at Dallas being one. As tim e Miss N onie B urch has been engaged n ear Dixie, W ednesday, a girl. H enry Byerley furnished the lum ber day. passed on a n d the tim ber grew scarce E ld er R. M. Mesaick, now stationed ly aillicted with neuruL 'ia of the h e art ing in Albina. and helped to m ake new seats and now as a regulai asaistant in our public L ittle E sth e r Savage haa been I very ve a t the hom e of his daughter, Mrs. We have reasons to I* proud of the about th e mill, a flouring m ill was add­ at M ilton, in easte rn O regon, ha', been Hoy. O u t beyond B illston. a m an set a kind things being said ab o u t this paper ed to the p lan t and did a good business. our school house has double its form er school. sick and u n d e r the care of Mrs Dod- visiting his form er pariahoners a t M on­ capacity. trap for a wild beast aud cap tu red a Jas. Sim onton has been visiting his son. and are all th e tim e trying to m ake it Jim m ie C lark started a tanery there Blow, blow, blow! T h a t disagree­ C hina pheasant. m o u th . and m ade lots of money. Mr. C lark d aughter, Mrs. Sm ith, a t M cM innville, still better. H a r n e tt * a n d S a d d l e r y , C harlie H a m lin , of Airlie, reports a able c atarrh can be cured by takim r m arried a sister of Ben H ayden. H e and Sunday cau g h t F ra n k Gibson in new fem inine boarder a t th eir house L. C. P a rk e r, A. W. T eats and 1. N* Mrs. E lizabeth W h itm an , ol M on­ T. 8. Coffey a t Perrydale keeps on Portland. H ood’s Sarsaparilla, the constitution. 1 A Sc.io girl has a ton g u e so collossal afterw ard sold o u t his business to Wiujila are delegates to th e Odd Fel­ m outh, is visiting her grandson, Seth since the 20th. rem edy. th a t she can wet >■ C olum bia postage Jessie Ray and m oved to Salem , w here hand good eastern stock or will m ake low* gran d lodge, which meet» at Flu M urphy, a t Olym pia. Mrs. H en rietta E llis, of Salem , has to order a n y th in g you w ant in those sta m p a t one lick. T h e m an who Ladies, before buying your sum m er he did a larger business, but was rest­ We will be glad to ftirniah paper and g ene in May. T he L ittle Palace hotel at In d e p e n ­ m arries her will l*e e n titled to the less and anxious to do still m ore, so he lines. Be s u re to see his goods and been visiting her d a u g h te r, Mr*. W. m illinery be sure to see Mrs. W inakill’a envelope- to all who will occasionally II. K uykendall, anil a *i*terof Mrs. learn h is prices before D uying else­ K a rl’a Clover Root, th e new blood handsom e and stylish Btock. sold o u t aud w ent to Astoria where his send ns in the n- w-. Call or semi for dence c an n o t l>e a very paying conern, sy m p a th y of the world. Ben. L ucas is up Ironi McMinnville. where. p uritier, give» freshness a n d clearness judging from the frequency with which a package of it. D aniel H ollingsw orth, of Dallas, h ealth failed and he re tu rn e d to Salem t , , , T he Odd Fellow lodge, o( w hich to the eo m pl-xion and cure» constipa­ it changes landlords. T here w. 1 1* a a te n o p tie an show a t G ra n t T eats was an honored m em ber, answ ers the problem in last week's where he died. By a c t of the legisla­ K K D P U A 1 K IK . Mr. and Mrs. H . B T hielsen. of D er­ tion. 25c, 50c anti $1. ture th e nam e of C incinnati was tbe school house b n d a y evening for ' has passed a series of ap p ro p riate reao^ T urner,w hich is a few m iles east of M onm outh correspondence. He »-ays ry, wore am ong us T oe-day. T hey are G randm a P urdy has been sick. the lienefit of the library, and th e lutions concerning him. M ost of y o u r d a m p and clam m y soil Independence, on the railroad, seems the field m u st be fo n y m iles square, changed to Eola. J. B. V. B utler was thoroughly good citi/.- ns, w orthy of one af the first m erchants, rem oving l»e boom ing the wrong way, there be­ and gives th e figures to prove it. can be drained am i stirred u n til it will W ill Davis has im proved his farm by tea ch e r’s association will m eet there im itatio n in m any ways L. C. P a rk e r has been ru n n in g th e S aturday. from P ortland a bout 1853, an l doing grubbing, be aa good as any on the place. U n u ­ ing over a dozen e m p ty dwellings. H enry H ta tts.o f Lewisville, had one business there u n til 1858, when he foundry this week for P roprietor Biddle, »» Shiloh’s Cure, th e g reat c nigh and tilized ground is w orthless. M IL L C R E E K . L ittle Jim m ie C ham bers, of K ings ewe to give b irth to the lam bs and moved to M onm onth and died in 1876. who has been tak in g d octor »tuff, V. J. T u rn id g e will soon build a croup mire, is for sale hv fill druggists. Miss Alice C hapin i* teaching at Docket size contains twenty-five doses, Valley, tho u g h less th an ten years old, a n o th e r four. If tliev keep on at th a t In 18.56 ( ’has. H * M attoon, now of large barn. which acted b e tte r th a n it tasted. Bad w eather has m ade school a tte n ­ S m ithticld, K A Freeland at G rand has proved a very successful book lick lie will have to enlarge his farm to Airlie, began to publication of a news­ onlv 25 cents. C hildn-n love it. Miss May Pike, of M cM innville, was dance slim . A good farm , in a good co m m u n ity , R ondo, Mias Mary Stevens a t Oak •anvasser. L et o th e r boys tak e the give the sheeplets play room and paper called the R eligious E xpositor, here last week. T he new aHsessment law is a puzzle. hint* 8. A. Lackey is c u ttin g 3000 hop a t a reasonable price, can n o t alwaya P o in t and C. L. P urvine n o rth of Zona pasturage. an organ of the B aptist denom ination. l>e obtained, b u t W ise 4 K eyt a t Perry- Some assessors view it in one lig h t and J. I). Seward has sold some of his poles for 8. E. P urvine. T om orrow th ere is to be a neighbor I’he forem an of the office wa* E. M 4 he P o rtlan d |s»lice have for several S hiloh's V italizer is w hat you need some in another. It is to he hoped dale now have for sale one th a t hom e prairie property. W aite, now of Halem. T h e paper did C. P. C ham bers will hood m eeting a t th e W illam m a soon open a h u n te rs should see. for dyspepsia, torpid liver, yellow skit, that tliev will arrive at som e uniform i­ m onths been m aking it so warm for fill sorts of unw orthy c h ara cte rs th a t cem etery to g rub and clear it up. T here not succeed very well and as Mr. Mat- Mack Byron is our new school direc­ cooper shop at B allston. o r kidney trouble. It is g u a ran tee d to ty of action. Mrs. C airie L aw ton did n o t m arry loon wa* prom ised more encourage­ oug h t to be a t th e old Dallas cem etery tor and V. J. T u rn id g e clerk. tho city is now com paratively free of give you satisfaction. Price, 75 cents T he snow storm s deprived H a rry J o h n A lexander, who was out here two a t an early d a te a sim ilar m eeting for m ent a t Corvallis, he moved his p lan t C aptain Sweenev, IT S. A., San Die them . Coad of Heveral anim als th a t O ur lyceum closed for the season furnish years ago, b u t a n older b rother, W il­ Oregon ia not a good corn sta te ami go. Cal., says: “ S h ilo h ’s C a ta rrh Item to th a t place, hut th e prom ises were wool a n d m ohair. Jo h n R itner is the new d irecto r and a sim ilar purpose. y et m any of our best farm ers annual!', edv is the first m edicine I have ever liam , whose hab its and ch aractei have not realized and it was not long until with an en te rta in in g program m e. An ex change sa y s: *‘I t has been Barney C ady clerk, ju st th is side of raise a few acres for stock feed. It found th a t would do m e any good.” J. 0 , Avery, who had rendered some Mr. and Mrs. P urvine are seeing alw ays been above reproach. T hom as G ran t has less bacon since discovered th a t th e hom e-grown, hand- K ings V alley, and at Red P rairie, V. gives a variety and far mot th a n pays Brice 50 cents. financial aid, closed o u t the concern th a t theif visited his sm oke house at w hat m ay he seen a t the sta te capital T h e city recorder's financial sta te ­ J. T urnidge and M. Syron have those spauked. ragged, hare-foot c o u n try boy and the paper was suspended. The m idnight. for coat of production. Even a single and so is Miss Maggie B axter. m en t would have been far m ore satia- Chart C lantield, who hart been in m akes a better fighter in th e battle of places. acre would be appreciated by your am people of Eola held an indignation Zenas H inshaw is grubbing for P. L. factory if it had included th e reoeipta W alter Olm sted is w orking for Cyrus this co u n ty for tw en ty years, lias just ntala. Sol. S tu m p is the fresh d irec to r and life th an does «lie well pam pered, well m eeting when the paper was about to Purvine on Gooseneck and R achel Sy­ Frazier's hop yard, and J. M. Davis is for hall re n t, fines a n d from o th er taken o u t his n a tu r dizatioo papers, clothed city boy, the seat of whose be rem oved aud some stirrin g speeches Otis W olverton clerk in the d istrict T h e p re sen t y e ar’s hop c u ltu re will and no longer claim s allegiance to the ron is helping Mrs. W ilcox a t Ballston. xcavating a hillside for his hop house. sources and indicated the e x a c t bal­ west of Suver. For the school n o rth of p a n t- are dusted w ith a golden slipper. were m ade by A. C. R. Shaw, J. B. V. ance now on hand. be th e best ever in O regon. T here is queen of E n g lan d . Give iw th e hand spanked c o untry boy Ilnller aud others, hut all they could H en ry O lm sted, of Red Prairie, has Roads bad a u d m any bridges and Zens» Ira Burley will serve as director a general desire am ong hop m en to every tim e. E lsew here will be seen C ity R ecor­ do was to express th e ir indignation. culverts o u t of repair. If there were been am ong kindred in these p arts, For sale or trad e for farm lan d , my and F ra n k M eLeneh as clerk. know the best wav of doing everything H aving thin g s to sell and n o t adver­ W. B. C arter wa* one of th e printer* better drainage and tiling used instead and Sm iley Purvine has moved from der S nyder’s financial re p o rt from in c onnection w ith th eir grow th. Im ­ livery prep ertv situ ate d on Main stre et Tho p re sen t m em bers of th e Ball- J u n e , 1891, to d a te ,a n d now it rem ains proved sprayers will tight lice vigor in the business p a rt of Dallas. T here stou hand aro Jas. McCain, Geo. Ball, tising th e fact is like w inking or on th e paper and w ent w ith the office of lum ber for culverts, it would be a Salem to his Gooseneck hop ranch. for those concerned to pick o u t w hat­ outfit to Corvallis and afterw ard ran a great im provem ent over the present are two barns, box stalls, sheds, etc., ously. Stock is doing as well as could be ex­ J. C. W ilcox, E lias C onner, David g estu rin g in the dark. You know it ever flaws or e x travagance or am issions occupying nearly one forth of a bh»ck. Bowm an, Jo h n Cornelias, T J. B utler, but no one else does. I n th is age of paper on the sam e press called the order of things. pected, considering shortness of feed T h e young m an win) h satisfied with they canfind th erein . W . B. D a vis . co m p etitio n and progress, advertising Corvallis G azette. He died there sev­ aud lack of shelter. Those concerned S. A. Hall and W. B. Bowm an. evil associations and fp«>n>ling his ev­ HAZEL DELL. and push are a necessity for success in eral years ago. Napoleon Nelson, now will surely m ake b e tte r provisions for T h an k s to w hoever sen t the notice W e m ake no apology for repeatedly e n in g s and Sundays d rin k in g and gam W e have road tax receipts for sale a? business. If you do not w ant to be of Oak Grove, wa* the devil in the E x­ Still plenty of snow back in th e their a n im als before w inter comes u rg in g people to work, avoid useless bling aw iy his daily earnings has not of th a t social g a th e rin g a t the hom e of a cen t each. How m any m en whose positor olllee at Kola. T he idea of a bothered by people com ing around, do again. expense, sh u n bad com pany a n d to a very b rig h t future before him. T here J. M. Yocom. It is good and w ould lim e is wiir h a n y th in g can afford to not let any body know th a t you have religions new spaper harlroring the dev­ m ountains. strive for progress in good directions. are som e such in the county ju st west have been better had it c o n ta in ' d the | furnish the p ap er and w rite o u t twen Mr. M artin, his wife a n d th e ir son Sam m y says the o th e r boys will stand il in the office— no wonder it did not a n y th in g to sell. nam es of those present. Lot. som e one of M arion. Bert have la grippe. no show w hatever w hen he com es out Som e w ith confirm ed evil hab its and * iy-fivH such receipts for two bits. succeed. A few years later a harness always rep o rt such m eetings to this no am bition will inevitably d rift on FOR T H E I.ADIES! .h o p wa* started th ere and did a good R em em ber th e county tea ch e rs’ as­ We now h e ar the w histle of M ont­ with his new c a rt and harness. All from bad to worse and never a m o u n t J. D. Sew ard, of Ballsion, answ ers office. they can do will he to sadly sit on the business, and later old m an May sta rt sociation m eeting at Dixie tomorrow. gom ery's steam sawmill. S p o k a n e , W ash., M arch 10, 1893. ! the M onm outh problem of last week, fence and see him and th eir girls go to a pinch of snuff, b u t th e g re a t m a­ L ast S aturday ev en in g a crowd of ¡saying the farm m ust he forty miles T hey will th ere decide when and when* For the p ast three y ears I have been ed a pottery, which ran a n u m b er of G. W . Tillolson and Mr. W ilkes are happily spin n in g up and down the jority are susceptible of being influenc­ young folk- gath ered a t th e li*»nn? of years. In 1856 th e w riter b u ilt the to hold th e ir a n n u a l picnic. T here square a n d would c ontain 1,024.000 a g reat sufferer from a coinplicatian of ed to lead a more honorable a n d useful c u ttin g logs for J o h n Teal. road. will be an illu strated histori -al lecture J. M. Y ocum , n e ar P le asan t hill, and acres and th a t m any rails and stakes. diseases peculiar to m y sex in their first bri ige across the little spring course iu life. gave them a n enjoyable surprise and C h risten a Brown and K itty C orn­ branch in the town and also assisted th ere th is evening for th e benefit of C yrus Purvine is extended his hop worst form ; also general debility, con .Several huu 'red song birds of differ­ .-pent th e tim e in playing gam es, after wall were am ong tlu.tr H azel Dell George Bell, of Bethel, in the erection th e ir school library. H en ry C am pbell could h o t be hired area and will try the post and wire in stip atio n . bloating, neuralgia, etc. I which all partook of an e x cellen t sii|>- e n t kinds were im ported from Ger tried m any physicians and all sorts of of a store house for T. O. W aller, now friends last week. his old yard. A. N. H inshaw and J. T. to steal chickens nor to pluck a w ater­ P reach in g a t all th e c hurches every per before going hom e. m any and tu rn e d loose in the W illam ­ p a te n t m edicines and obtained no re­ of M onm outh, and Lot L iverm ore, of Mr. W ellm an and fam ily have m ov­ Sim pson, Jr., are startin g one on Up m elon front the neighbor's p e tc h — un­ Sunday m orn in g and evening. M eth­ e tte valle. a n d are already begin n in g lief. I had heard m uch of Drs. Darrin 1'endleton, who was a brother of Mrs. Slow people n a tu ra lly get left on all ed in to th e H uber house and he is per Gooseneck. W e should like to hear less it wa* rips— b u t a little m ock'ng odist and C h ristia n Sunday schools at to m ultip ly like the C hinese p h easan t W aller. A lthough g e ttin g som e w hat through the I t k m i z k k from some one bird has ju st told us of som e of bia years ago, h u t did not apply to them , working for Mr. Teal. 9 :45, P resb y terian 12:15’ B ap tist and sides. A sluggishness of body begets who has tried th e [lost and wire for shooting a n d figuring last fall. A T he S heridan Sun m an w ants to as 1 th o ui:lit they were g reat frauds advanced in years. Mr W aller is q uite M. E. south 3. P rayer m eetings T hurs­ a corresponding m ind and while such well preserved and i* living a q u iet life M ONM OUTH. Cooper Hollow m an was d riv in g down hops. day evening. T h e general public wel people are th in k in g ab o u t g e ttin g know how th e ladies will ride horse like m any o th ers who treated m y case. with his second wife, his first wife hav­ th e hill n ear H e n ry ’s bachelor ranch ready, quicker ones are off and there hack when they begin to wear hoop Finally I concluded to consult them . com e a t all these m eetings. Mr. E d d le m an ’s in fan t child died ing died m any years ago. Mr. Hliaw so u th of town w ith a coop of chickens gettin g tin* cream of what is going, skirts. W hen a wom an says she will T o my g re at joy a n d satisfaction I was C o rn eliu s H ughes has a letter from leaving the dregs to the sluggish d u ll­ she will, if she has to ride like a clothes soon relieved and now I am entirely and his father, Jo sh u a 8liaw, b rought last week. Mr. T im m onds has p u t o u t a sm all for m arket. Som e how th e coop got his son, J o h n , saying th a t he is now ards. Lazy o|>en and th e fowls took to th e woods. T he m otor cars were laid up for re­ peach orchard. cured aud enjoying the m ost perfect the first sheep to Oregon across th e paren ts and stupid pin plains in 1844. W hen th e tim ber located in C hicago, teleg rap h in g for teachers m ake slothful children. T he ow ner told th e above m entioned pairs several days th is week. Noble red m e n . m u st believe in health . I can he seen a n d referred to supply n ear his m ill began to be ex­ H . H ayden is t tearin g hie lots and th e W estern U nion. His daughter, and a n o th e r big boy they m ig h t have at any tim e a t my residence a t the T he butchers are having some trouble w om an’s rights, for a t The Dalles last If the $4.000 or $5,000 which is setting o u t fruit trees. hausted, Mr. Shaw had foresight K ate, who m arried a Mr. M orrison, i- half the young roosters th ey could M ohr block, S pokane, W ash. to get fat c attle for beef, they being week a squaw was seen tru d g in g .»long annu ally squundred a* the three D dlas enough to sell lus p la n t anil did so to well pleased with her new homo at M u s. A n n a B u r t o n . C hailie, one of J . M. L ynn's tw in c atch or kill. T hey did kill a n d e a t very scarce. the stre e t w ith a cooking stove on her saloons wero devoted to im proving th e Joe Downer, who afterw ard sold it to a Silver lake, east of Rogeburg. boys, had his left fore finger chopped four, which they consider th e ir share, homes and m aking m ore com fortable hack, w hile her liege lord walked Drs. D arrin can he consulted free n com pany a n d th e m ills were removed E lder M essick, form erly pastor of the off, b u t have not been able to th is gowd Jacob C onser, a pioneer of 1847, died tlie fam iles oj those w h o -p e n d it, ’lime leisurely behind c arrin g the lid lift«; 2704 W *sh n g to u street. P ortland, a n d to Buena Vista and *.on b u rn t down. C hristian church, was am ong friends day to catch th e o th er fallow’s sh a re of a t E u g en e last week, aged 75 years. would be m ore th rift a u d su n sh in e On a plum tree lim b, which touches Review” building, Spokane, W ash. W aller & Liverm ore continued for a fleeing birds. here lately. W e are co n stan tly receiving an u n ­ More th a n forty years ago he I iid o u t wlier * neglect, a n d gloom now exist. a window, there is a cluster of blossoms Office hours. P) to 5 daily, evening 7 num ber of years in the m ercantile Prof. S p illm a n ’s wife and Mrs. Zielier iu full bloom. the tow n site of Jefferson and built a D rinking men a n d gambler.- a n d all lim ited a m o u n t of would be free adver­ to 8, Sunday 10 to 12. T hey trea t all N ever before a t the b e g in n in g of a business and then removed to eastern tising. h u t m o-t of if is a t once c h u ck ­ have returned from th e ir extended visit m ill there. H is second wife was a w id­ others know the assertion to be true. p residential term have we seen so m a­ curable nervous, chronic, a cu te and Oregon. In those days a pettifagger ed in to th e waste lni>ket, for it, takes L ast Sunday five dogs killed nine in California. ow of N orris H u m p h re y , who used to ewes anti four lam bs for A. W. Mc- ny things done by th e chief m ag istra te A correspondent, asks if there are to m oney to ru n a new spaper, aud those priv ate diseases, and m ake a specialty lived th ere who succeeded well and in ru n a ferry u p th e river from Salem. A. W. L ucas still retains his stre n g th Nary. O ne of the cur* has been killed th a t we believe will m eet w ith alm o st be a n y school app ro p riatio n s th is v. nr, wti 'g e : th e benefits of advertising of all diseases of the eye, car, nose and after years becam e a noted law yer, and universal aoproval. T he o th e r day a th ro a t, c a ta rrh and deafness, loss of had it not licen for th e dem on drink to a rem arkable degree for one bo low and he is h u n tin g for the others. T h e Ind ep en d en ce c annery last year and we an-w er. yes. T h e new laws should pay for it. congressm an approached th e p re sid en t m anhood, loss of desire or sexual power m ight have been in th e halls of c o n ­ with lung disease. sold all its p ro d u c t to San Francisco on the suhjc t -ecm to he equivocal In th e Lewisville school d istric t Me - in m an or w om an. All peculiar fe- gress. W hen tin capital of the state in behalf of one of the p resid en t’s ow n S M IT H S I E L U p arlies in u n la h e lh d can.-, which and conflicting, h u t it was i.ot the i n ­ City M arshal C oats has been on the kinsm en for office, and he at ouce p u t m eans th a t they p u t ilieir own brand tention of the law m akers to work a I) I'urm r is now a director with l>. W. m nies' troubles, irregularities, etc. are was located at Salem for a tim e the sick list for a few days, h u t a t this Sunday school regularly a t 3 o’clock his foot down on the proposition, a n d on the goods. Hie cannery will this I hard sh ip on public schools and the .au­ Lewis as clerk. At B allston H enry c o nfidentially and successfully treated. fortunes of E ola h u n g in the balance, w riting is ¡»»me better. ami everybody invited to atten d . p u t him self on record as squarely op­ year utilize tw enty or m ore h ands and th o rities and c o u rt- will find som eway Bu -11 i-< to s Tve as director and W. VV. Mo-t cases can receiv* hom e treatm en t h u t the rapid progress of Salem soon Answer to last week's problem of how W e need a postoffice a n d there is a posed to senators, congressm en a n d will p u t u p m ostly cherries, straw ber­ I to see th a t no seiiotis dam age is df no Stockton clerk, while W in. F uqua after a visit to the doctor's office. In Iwgan to tell on th e little town and fin­ and D M. C albreaih occupy those q uiries answ ered. C irculars a n d ques­ ally, like a hill of potato«'» under an m any acres of land in a field to be probability of one being established o th er officials a p p o in tin g o r seek:n g ries and pears. to school interests. p irtitions at. Parker. a p p o in tm e n t of their relatives to subor- tion blanks se n t free. Drs. D arrin oak tree, it w ithered. A c h u rc h was fenced with an even n um ber of rails is here. Of la te several Salem ladies have | T he only way to succeed is to keep d uate positions. H e etofore senators charge sit the low ra te of $5 per m onth ; built by the C hristian d enom ination, forty m iles square. J. M. C am pbell's uncle has sen t him G. W . M yer lias lieen shipping oats. m ade m id n ig h t visits to the saloons | pegging away and try in g to hold all and congressm en have claim ed a n d or in th at proportion a* the cate m ay hut not being firm ly p u t together, it from Iowa a piece of w rought steel, H is buggy horse, Ugo, is sick, and his Fred Lucas has been taken hack to and gam bling hells in search of their ihe ground you gain. A young m an which was used over 100 years ago in require. T h is applies to each and succonied to a storm of wind a few the hospital a t P ortland, aud is in a b rother, A n a n , has several sick horses. been gran ted th e rig h t to a lm o st abso­ husb an d s, who had t>ecn claim ing th a t may work hard all the week, but, if he lutely c o n tro l th e federal p a tro n ag e i strik in g fire, before m atches cam e into every disease except surgical and s|*eci- re a rs afterw ard, and the delria was pur­ very dangerous condition with th ru at lodge a n d com m ittee m eetings d e ta in ­ blow- in liis earn in g s at the saloons, Jas. Myer, Jesse M artin, Bert. H a st­ from th eir d istric t, b u t now Mr. Cleve­ ! use. As o u r pioneers read this a niul- a) com plicated cases. The doctors’ fall chased by Jo h n W aym ire from which and kidney troubles. ed th em so late. At least two of the shows, halls, and buggy riding, or in ings, F ra n k Myer a n d Ja s. H a stin g s land says th a t all th e world m ay have ! tit,ude of m em ories in connection with in prices is not onlv a boon to the poor, he erected for him self a t Dallas a unw o rth y recrean ts were found a t such any o th er unnecessary or unprofitable Mr. H alsinger, of Salem , a brother- have been at McCov digging hop roots ju st as fair a show ing and ch an ce aa j flint and steel lire m aking will come but will b ap p reciated by thousands dw elling which atill stands. I). I.. places and m arched home. m anner, he is very a p t to go through trooping hack. Higgs p u t up a m achine shop, using in-law of our tow nsm an, T. J. B erry, is and will plant, them as soon a* the th e pet* of big m en. u n ab le to pay. ----- ---------- R u n n in g a news paper where there life w ithout a m o u n tin g to m uch and Ilia w ater of the spring branch for his here this week on a visit and in the m oist w eather let* up. T he Presbyterian Y. P. S. C. E . will OAK DALE. c a n n o t possibly he found enough sub­ to come down to old age in poverty. power, and a m an nam ed Long started interest of the new Salem paper the Mi*s Alice C hapin is now tea ch in g N E W TO -D A Y . m eet a t the ch u rch on M onday even­ Oregon in d e|ie n d en l. sc rip tio n a n d advertising patronage to her second term of school here w ith Some re ce n t g o v e rn m e n t a p p o in t­ ings a t 7 :30,instead of Sunday evening Spelling school has adjourned sine a m anufactory of th resh in g m achines. David Ruble had a nursery and sold n su p p o rt it, can have hut one inevita­ m en t a re : Isaac B. Ora v, of In d ian a .! as heretofore. Song service and Bible die. D uring th e great religions revival th irty pupils. Two good blackboards good m any trees. A serio-comic inci­ here lately there were eighty-tw o new and a reading c h a rt have been added K HUNT AT ss PER MONTH A DWELLING, ble result. Ask th e experience of nine- m inister to M exico; Jo siah Q uincy, of reading. R egular Y. P. S. C. E. topic, B aptist p rayer m eeting changed to d e n t look place a t Eola a lsm t 1854 or of F two lots and stable. Inquire te n th s of all th e m en who ever went M assachusetts, a ssista n t secretary <>f God’s Prom ises. Special topic, T he m em bers added to th e C hristian church to our teach in g facilities. FULTON A BELL. four o’clock S un d ay afternoon. ------------------------------------- — '55 betw een Old. Je rry C--------- and a and several a t the B aptist c h u rc h , hut to th e m ines in search of gold a n d sil s t a le ; Ja m es B. E u stis, of L ouisiana, H ousehold at B ethany. All young ver and th e ir replies will he equivalent m inister to F ra n c e ; P atrick A. C ollin-, jieople cordially invited. B U E N A V IS T A . We are glad to h e ar th at o u r form er widow there. Not liking som ething none a t the E vangelical. CHOICE LOT OF ENOLI8H CLUSTER HOF neighbor, llert H ibbert, has th e Bridge­ he said she grabbed a kettle of hot wa­ to th a t result. of M assachusetts, consul to London . roots for sals at T2.W per 1,000. Come or ad­ It is c u rre n tly re|K>rted th a t a young Crops look well. T he governor and secretary of sta te port school. dress J. C. Frink or W. A. Brown, Falls CU]-, Or. ter and started for him . H e ran out R obert A M axwell, of New York, W . F . 8. D illon, a y oung m an who lady of th is place will m arry a barkeep­ have been in eastern Oregon try in g to of the house and in try in g to scale the G randm a Porterfield is again u p and used to live witli Dr. C hase in L incoln, fourth assistant p o stm aster-general; select the m ost eligible location for the H enry Farley is enjoying a badly fence som e knots on a fir pole, which er of P ortland in a few days. W hat around. OME GOOD YOUNO HORSES, MUTTON AND w ent w rong a n d found him self in the W ade H am p to n , of South C arolina, new lu n a tic asylum authorized by th e c u t leg and A ndy Siefarth lias carved lay on top of the fence c a u g h t his an awful future th ere is in store for stock sheep for sals by Sam. Sm ith,of Smithfleld. Jo h n n ie W ells is now a t school in Address Kiekreall. P o rtla n d jail last Sunday night. He com m issioner of railroads; W illiam legislature. H alf a dozen different a sm all slice from his foot. th a t girl a n d her parents. W ill the pants and fell head down held by the Tacom a. had been a g e n t for an A lbany in su r­ McAdoo, of New Jersey, a ssista n t sec re point*« w an t it, and all th in k th ey give young never learn by th e sad ex p er­ Q uite a m ining cam p is being found sharp knots and in this |K>sitii>n th e ance com pany a n d a fte r repeated de­ tary of the navy. e n t o n a t o n e r w a n t a l l t h e MOHAIR the very best of reason why it go to down a t Jas. F ord's place C laim s are woman arrived wite the boiling water, ience of o th ers in such cases? T he baby of Mrs. W . P . Bevens is in Polk county and will pay tb s very I m ands, e x te n d in g over several m ouths, J. B. T ru llinger, who has been in th e ir respective localities. being sold and slaked off Blasting, which she delibcraily poured over his getting better. ' * NO RM AL N O TES. failed to acc o u n t for $405of their inon charge of the agency m ill a t G rand sinking shafts, pa-sing aro u n d sam ple inverted Issly, blistering him in a fear­ Oregon has five living ex-eovernors, ore and o ile r things in connection A large acreage of potatoes will be T h e ju n io rs who spoke F riday were ey th a t had gone in to his hands, and Kotide for several years, was in town ful m an n er. T he old fellow laughed p u t in this season. h o m a s m a s t e r s , s o n o f t h e l a t e S t e p h e n th ey procured his arrest on a charge of this week and says th a t the younger I Jo h n W hileaker, of E ugene, S. F nth q u artz m in in g are going on. Of i alsm t it when show ing his blistered Misses Sadie Briggs and M aud Bayles T and Charlotte Masters, who was at Dallas city, generation of In d ian s are m aking m a­ j Chadwick and Z. F. .Moody, of Salem , course the m ine will be advertised in skin and said she was n e t to blam e and Mr. T ilton. em bezzlem ent. O ur new ferrym an, Mr. Burgess, has Oregon, in 1808, or his representatives, or any ons knowing of his death, are requested to communicate ny im provem ents, h u t th a t the old L. F. G rover and W. W. T hayer, of th e IfBM 1 XKR. Prof. S pillm an is happy because his been im proving th in g s and can now with Messrs. Gill * Bush, soltcitora, Bath. England. and afterw ard m arried her. E ola has A t fine and as good beans as we ever tim e fellows stick to th e ir old tim e P ortland, Mr. Moody being th e only w hisk one across the river in sh o rt o r­ fe returned hom e Frida; seen m any changes and tom e palm y wife retu rn ed F rid a y ,a fte r »|>end ate were raised in this county, and w a v s . As the In d ia n police and In republican am ong them . It is sin g u lar U i m l w i i r e a t C o a t. der, • ing the w inter in California. days as well as som e gloomy ones. e nough of them could be profitably i dial) courts are m ain tain ed exactly as th a t a republican state should have so ji(i08 FOR HATCHING FROM IMPORTED AND F'or cash in hand or gisal notes u n ­ H ere are some of o u r hop g ro w ers: f J first prise Plym outh Rocks, f? for thirteen. Ap­ raised w ith in o u r borders to ten time« in the past, it would not seem th at the m any dem ocratic governors. Mias Bruce, th e m usic teach er, who til fu rth er notice you can have at cost H o p O ro w flri A tte n tio n . ply early. MRS. NAIRN. Ballston, Or. C. W. Miller six acres, W . P. Bevens supply th e hom e dem and, yet every governm ent yet regarded them as citi a n y th in g I have in stock, consisting of W m . Brown 4 Co., of Salem , vili has been a t hom e near P o rtlan d for T he C alifornia legislature has pass­ eighteen, A. P. Bonzey nine, C. P. and year o u r m et c h a n ts im p o rt thousands zens. He says F a th e r C roquette, who a fine line of hardw are, stoves, tinw are, »end one of th eir new horse power some tim e, retu rn ed Monday, BAROAIN IN LAND TEN ACRE TRACT IN- W. L. W ells sixteen, Miles P orterfield of pounds of beans. T his i- a h in t for is in charge of th e C atholic ch u rch ed a law m ak iu g itc rim in al to sell short farm machinery, buggies, wagons, har­ sprayers to Dallas and give ride the corporation of Dallas, all level and in public Mr. Roe, of the ju n io r class, was call- w eight of bu tter. H ereafter a two u l t i v a t i o n . I ............................. th e ladies and am bitious boys and girls there, is as spry as he was five years t can be bought very cheap by apply- row« and plows Come with your cash exhibition of its workings, T he date ed to his hom e a t La G rande B atuiday tw enty, G. A W ells, Jr., tw enty, J a ­ c ing to |M»und roll th ere m ust w eigh th irty 1MITH * WOODS. cob Brown th irty . to p la n t a p a tc h of beans for the m ar­ and be convinced. VV. B. D avih . will be announced in th e I tkmizkk , , t>y the serious illness of his m other. , *k°- two ounces. Oregon needs som ething k e t. Y ou will be surprised to find how perhaps the next issue. Not long ago som e railroad m en in sim ilar. If buyers would have m erch­ SU VER . MARKET R E P O R T Mr. Dixon, of th e advanced class, re­ or sali easily you c an th u s m ake from $5 to BALED HAY—BOTH CHEAT AND Chicago were talk in g about the rapid a n ts to weigh it and pav for ju st w hat tim othy. Good _ Good quality, 912 per ton at the barn ceived a telegram Hunday sta tin g the A Hucoftftaful F a r m e r . $10 or m ore. F in e prospects for fruit. [Corrected weekly by Ntee k Coeper] Also clean seed oats. i ' . B. KNOWLES. Derry advancem ' ent ninnuvcm «*»’ in railroad —•"* facilities and tliev get, it would have a tendency in d eath of his father, and h** left im m ed­ J o h n M cCulloch cam e to Polk coun­ O ur town needs a tile factory. W heat, per bushel, 58 cts. T h e b est stock m en the world over connections for th ro u g h travel. One the rig h t direction. ty in 1868 and has ever since lived in iately for his hom e in A shland. B ran, per ton, $17 All sorts of grain looks prom ising. «ay th a t all farm ers should raise ear- of them «»sorted th a t a lady could Call for Bids. ttie neighborhood of Ballston. To be­ W e are in reciept of Ssh-m ’s net Hhorts, per ton, $20. rota as w iu ter feed for th eir nows and leave C hicago, com e by way of Fort IN D E P E N D E N C E . Miss N orthrop i* teach in g us a good gin with he had n o thing except good O ats, per bushel, 35 cts. horses A n acre of ground devoted to ianer bushel, 50 cts. •to c k w ould produce an im m ense Chicago, a d istance of 12.000 m iles had com e to stay, and is sure to m ake county, , «rill bo 1« ky » k t count» stock picking up. ; son and they have four prom ising chil land. -------- ----------------------------------------------------------- court a contract for t h » making ol maps of ths lands B utter, per pound, 30 cts am ount of feed a n d the anim «ls would w ithout ever p u ttin g her foot on the the three o th er pa|iers th ere realize its j dren, two of them now in college. For T he M ongolians have driven o u t all o,» pro—nt o-nonhip er pound, 12^ cts. «tern amt in like manner to that employed ia the eult. W h a t Folk co u n ty farm er will N ebraska and will be in P ortland Sur.- ably not. expect m any divided» for a conatruction of the present owner map# now In use la er 400 acres of land, worth a t least (1 5 , B. F. B urch, who has been sick for a vear or so. Eggs, per dozen, 15 cts give us his experience in th a t line. day. Yamhill county, Oregon. Sealed bid« for the per­ T he Presbyterian ladies O range T ea U00, aud does n o t owe a dollar long tim e h a s been very low for the C hickens, per dozen, $4(36. formance of thin work are called for, the aame to be A re ce n t ca*e of corporal p uni-h wa* well attended and m uch enjoyed. opened at 1 o’clock, p m . of «aid day. a l the court he rent* past few days. Dried fruits. )>er pound. 10(320 cts. | on it. Besides his own house in Dallas, Oregon, when the contract will he Is* | m en t in a Salem school ha« brought As far a* possible the drAping and fur­ ! e n ough to m ake nine hu n d red [ Doc R obinson ha* retti ned from Beets, )>er pound, 2 cents. to the lowest and heel bidder therefor. The right to forth a tl'*od of opinion« on the nub* acre* of farm ing land,one-half of which Fai*eel Grove and cays be is com pletely nishing* of the (able* were of orange reject any and all bid« is reserved. T u rnips, per pound, 2 cts. Done by order of the county court, this 14th dav j* ct. T he sam e th in g ha« been up a coin»i, and the four Wf.itresses, Misses I is su m m er fallowed each year. Last restored to h e alth . Cabbage, jier pound, 3 c. of March. A. D.. ISM. B. F MULKEY. Clerk. thousand tim e* before w ith the name j O nions, )« r pound, 2^(«3 cts. T en ta K im ball, K ninia Black, M innie I year his o u t p u t was 13,000 bushel* of j diversity of «•putinn. T he boiled down J. \V. B uster and fam ily have moved Sm ith and H attie W illiam s wore ap- w heat and 4.000 of oats. Hi* harvest- Beans, per pound, 5 cents. c oucluiion of th e moet experienced ed -1 ^ ing expense* ag g reg at' d (1,300, of to Roaeburg and Mi«* Della Byers went ! runs of orange hue and pretty, fancy Corn m eal, j»er p o u n d ,4 cts. | ncaior- i** th a t He a rule dtacreet teach* I B uckw heat flour, per pound, 5 cts. cap* with tint* to m atch. The d u d e s which he paid (8 7 0 for th resh in g Last to P o rtlan d last week. or« c.m and photild avoid corporal p u n - ! G raham flour, j«er hUrrel, $4. year he put in 901 r«»la of tilin g mn«l F ra n k K ennedy was very m uch ol the occasion were n a n a e r t u n a n d «rmia la to c e n t i f t t h a t we haveeecbiv - i i-h m e n t. b u t that now and then eaten I mm * a carload on hand to p lan t thi* pleated a t th e arrival of a little b o y a t School Director C raven, th e principal | L ^ J r * * * unty, .<* *. H ay, per ton. $10 «$15. ariae w here n o th in g cine will fill the , rtpring. H e ke< pg from 200 to 2.50 hia place U*t S a tu rd ay . .A im in s ent n i nf a m s a h huge n s s yellow v s iin s d i ------- -------------* . « «rsgnn. ail mouisaa^ adornm of ssi»h each h being ,iu. to >u from ■aid ------------------- ____________ will of «aid *----- i f d . j bill. T h e teacher nhouid alw ays innint i lN » T ld » o n ’i S»l«*m M a rk e t. *° “• “ndM' *h* wi ! «beep, and every now and th en turn* Mi*n C ora Snell, who ban been vieit- cpttonade necktie. Foundrym an Bid- \ J BRiDWELL par W. K BridwuiL 11)1011 h* ing absolute m aster of th e situ- i W holesale and retail, 94 C ourt street. off a lo t of nice m u tto n a t a good price. I ing with her U ncle, W. P. Connaw ay. «lie, who haa been undergoing in te rn a l W R BRtDWELL. MARY H. BRI DWELL, •inti, i o m»t»er w hat it requires to j , All kind» of fresh and salt wat«r fish. H e wa* a t th* co u n ty »eat Tucailay ] haa returne«l to A storia, im provem ents for a week and was »up- LIZZIE E. BRI DWELL, par M. M. Brfdw m ke it »«' I ^ t p ro m p t Rod uncondi- oysters ami salm on eggs for tro u t fish- paying hia (175 taxes. H e haa ma«ie j Mr». F. A. Ih m ty w ent to Ju n c tio n |*iaed to tie scarcely able for q u a rte r SARAH B ELLIS, J F HKIDWRLL, rations was the biggest eater around u«m.