rau COUNTY TVE DALLAS, SATURDAY, ITEMIZER. POLK COUNTY ITEMIZER. O C T . 1 3 , 1883. AGENTS FOR T H E ITEMIZER. V a l u io i ................A. N. M a i m » • .............. H. S. G lu a u . H ic ir ia l ........................... A. C. N ioholi . I*U E T4N U K >0*.....................G IO BO* B lLT. B urma V ista ..................R- C albiiath . a iulik .......................D altum B uoi . M o m m o c t h .............................U . DR. W . J. McDANIEL, PHYSICIAN AND SUBGXOH, D a lla » . O r n a » . A m " i IK CONKBCTIOK WITH JAP. » . MIL I n '« dm* M u _____ MRS. DR. GREEN, I a 4 a p a a « le a c a , • p * i *», PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. I j H i i B SK OF WOMEN Devoted to the Bast Interests of Polk Connty in Particular and to the Pacifi Coast in General. 8* R o w l a h d . AND CHILDREN D A L L A S . OREGON, S A T U R D A Y , OCTOBER 13,1883. VOL. IX . C u e OBI SUE m u ¡n s m LOCAL NEWS. F ar.iers arc begining to t o e fall grain. AYe notice Mr. J ob Conner, o f Salt Creek, on our Street« thie week. Mr. Hastings, o f A irlie was in town during the week. W. J. McDANIEL, M. E „ THE PIONEER OF LOW PRICES Physician and Surgeon, Dall»» Oregon. M » -U JOHN T. DALY. DALY A BUTLER, ATTORNEYS A T L A W a n a « — a » « * •■« to «U 1«*»1 bu.ln.ra « *tn u t«l e t a Oflra «o Mill i t ., uppMtto Court Hume, J . H. TOWNSEND, A T T O R N EY AT L A W, Dallai, Oregon, M o « «a M ol. (tr a il, oppmJt. th« court houra. CHAS. P. SULLIVAN, A T T O R N E Y AT LAW, * t . STO CK OF GOODS To be Slaughtered in the next Ninety Days, as we desire to G oods and N ov elties, Retire from Business. W ith an unusually L A R G E * STOCK m ost A TTR A C T IV E o f the CONSISTING OF Ottoman and Brocaded Silks and Ribbons, Servian do « Paid to Business, » doors north of post«fflee. aSTpJrer. Suitings, English Checked Worsted Satin Damasse. Those wishing to purchase will do well to call D R . J. B. JOHNSON, Armures, Moires and Ottaman Cashmers, upon us before malting their selections. To our line o f L A D IE S ’ DRESS GOODS, BOOTS, H iv in g returned to Independence tu M riiu p w tljr locate, it prepared to d o all ciad e * f dental work. FilliuK and treat- SHOES, and GEN TLEM EN ’S CLOTHING we call ppeeiilty. Office in Yanduyn & Smith's new brick up stairs. your special attention. C. A. JOHNS. TIL’ITT. N. B.—Those indebted to us M UST SETTLE A FULL LINE OF ATTORNEYS AT . LAW, before the 15th o f November. Dalla», Oregon, FANCY I STAPLE DRY GOODS ~ MEN AND BOYS GLOTHIHG, BOOTS AND SHOES, OF A LL GRADES. Dali»». Oregon. BETTMAN & ROSENBLATT, Offloc on Mill str«ct, North of Court IIouso. w . H. m o l r i e s T” - Attorney and Counselor at Law, Salem, Oregon, W . P. W RIGHT, A U C T I O N E E R Dallas, Oregon, Will attend to his business in a«y part of the coun­ try promptly. Hardware, Street, Dallas, Oregon. Grocries, Crockery. I will continue m y regular im portations o f SALLER LEWiN CO S PHILADEL­ PHIA FINE SHOES, ii . S. L A N D OFFICE A T OREGON C ITY , OREGON. Octebar IS, 1883. V O T I C I 18 IIBRCDY GIVEN THAT Leonidas O. sey, < of Dull*«, Polk County, Oregon, has X* lim limsey. ~1i»t st ' b I u r e o v g o SarM, 17 » . Broad Street, A t i a k t a , G o . , O ctober 17, 1881 “D r. R a sh 's M sd ico l Associati. >n : f»EAk D o n o » » : — T h e three bottle« of “ D r. Kush's R egulator I ordered were received by express lent w eek. 1 h are U k e n n u trir one h e m e ratal era thorou ghly satisfied w ith the m u lt . F o r orar tw o y e a r. I h er e been trraaUed w ith • «hnrp pain at m y heaart. M y physician upon «la m in a tio n pronounced ft a »In r(«ra e»t of a « heart, end wata unahl« to g ir e me xn y relief. T h e trouble grew wore« until I had becom e eonvincad th at I could ne W h ile in N e w Y o r k C ity la w e»k I «waled apra, owe of th e moat prominent phyaUiena th e ir, w ho charged m e *T> for a » ■ ii------ J **— ---------- Knowing I r a l lit e r . K n ow in g y you i f ad le a l A ssociation . aod i r>wr to be a regalar a patent medi , I ordered three bottlea. I hare _________ oblad daca I commenced taking H, hot «hall centrane aad taka tha aatin three bottlea an aa to cStala a permanent rare. T m hate a y «incere thank«. I am, ««atiera— , Very raapactfally, W a. G. OSGOOD6 Y. C. P. S U L L IV A N . H. W . LY O N S, LYONS & SULLIVAN, RealEstate Agents DLLAS POLK C 0U N TÄ O R . -o - We hove for gale on easy terms, farms o f all sizes from fort# acres upward. Also C O V E R N M E N T AN D R A ILR O A D LA N D , T IM B E R LA N D S , S T O C K R A N C H E S , T O W N P R O P E R TY , SAW MILL8 E T C ., E T C -. E T C . Z Vaugn haa m ovod his shop to Jap R Millers Drug Store, where lie is prepvred to do all kinds e f Jewelry work. In the Lead for good goods and low prices. Yours Truly. M. M. Ellis. I f you want to buy your goods at cost, be sure and go to B . A I t Mill Street, Valla», Oregon. G Buy your boot* and »hoe* of M. M. Elba and get the best good« and lowest price«. 1 'h a r e h N n U rea. Services will be held at the M . E. Church in Dallaa. N ext Haboth Oat. 14 M orning and evening. F ev. W . Hurlburt, Paator. G. W. C rystal . To 11 y Patrons. Daria« t»y ibsense Mr. George Cryatal will act as my agent in tbe settlement of accounts. He is very conversant with my business, and no one need delay settle­ ment uutil my return. 44 it J. D . L i b . For Sale or Kent. M r. D . J. Whitaker has moved out to his farm. Uncle Dave has got tired of town. Mr. Al Cumins formerly agent for the railroad company, has opened up hi» office with Gee. Belt, ho has gono into tha real estate business. II. M. L inealbos just received n large stock of coffins and everything in that lino and he can sell cheaper than any one in the state, bee ad in another column. Dont forget to look at the immense stock o f childrens, youths and mens clothing at J. D. Lees' M rs. M. R osendorf hns been confined to her bed for some time with a severe spell of sickness. N at Holman is com forted this week, but ho holds his neck a little cross eyed, aud the boil paiiu awfully. Mrs. Dr. Harris has been in our eiiy the past week visiting her daughter, Mrs. E. T . Heukle. Buy your boots and shoes where you can have a chance to select from a variety at J. I). Lee’s Mr. Henry Patterson has been ap­ pointed agent for W ells, Fargo Express. Mrs. M yers lias had a new sidewalk laid in front o f her M illinery store. Rem em ber Bettmsn & Rosenblatt are sell lng off their endless stock of goods at cost. A much needed piece of sidewalk be tween the M. E. Church and the law office has been laid this week. M unch to the delight o f webfooters the first installment of “ Uregon mist made its appearance on Saturday. A t one o'clock on with a scream-exultant monitor c f modern lo ciferous cheering t and waving o f i ward bound train bearing the Oregon 1 from East Portland. As ally inferred, many o f the show the weight of but their faces are r o f pride gives new < Then there are the yo neers, children of the ’ editions o f the first. They are men and women o f l 'er, who appear worthy of the < and will certainly ' th Is it not eminently should accompany the excursion? One representing the hardy men and no: who 110 or 40 year« ago braved the i gers o f probably tho longeat, and i perilous o f overland journeys o f i migrating people, and planted the stand­ ard of ciiilization and progress by tho m western sea, built homes and i families. The other, theirp nutured in tho wilds of tho frontier, have not lagged far behind their eastern cou­ sins in tho race of progress, and upon whom soon the burdons of society will i-est. Of ihe former, few have looked upon the land of their nativity since their departure; of the latter few have seen any other. The conquests of peace are exactly opposite those of but equally enduring. In the days Roman aggression when her proud eagles were seeking and overcoming renjote countries, the triumphal procession ex­ hibited the trophies of war, captives and spoib, the prey of an invading army. But the triumphal return of the Oregon pioneers will exhibit tho mastery of mind over tho brute furce, civilization over barbarism of the wilderness reclaim­ ed. Hut enough of this moralizing. I have hardly had time to note much of tha personal composing the train. I note from Polk county, Commissioner, Scott A. Riggs and wife, of Ballston, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Lucas,5>f Monmouth, Mr. Fuqua of Buetm Vista, Hon. F. A. Pat­ terson, c f Independence, Hon. J. H. Hawloy, J. D. Kclty, and George Watt of Bethel, J. P. Frizzell of Perrydalo, Mr. and Mrs. J. D Leo, W. C. Brown and T. G. Richmond of Dallas, and Judge Isaac Smith of Bridgeport. Possi­ bly some others, but 1 do not recall their names. I will endeavor to occasionally 4 give you some incidents o f tho trip. At this writing wo aro about 50 miles from Portland and everything looking ploasant and encouaging. Mr. II. Crow will give a liberal reward for the arrest of the porson that stole his sheep pelts. R e v .C . Cheethnn, state Evanglist for the Christian Church commenced a scries of meetings last Wednesday. Take Notice. Haveing Made a change in our liusinss wu must suttlo alt accounts by the first of November. All persons owing the old firm must pay up bv that time. Please give this your attention at ouce. Sleppy & Brown Elk Hum Mills Pulk County. A Curd to The Public. T ake Metlec. A »lock or dairy farm o f 600 adre». TA J. L. H yde has placed in mydiands for mile« N. W. of Dalla*. F o r p a r tic i* * » collection all his notes and accounts, apply to, or addr which must be paid within thirty days, G. H. Lamberaon, Call and settle aud save yourself costs. 127 A. Ht Portland J. H. T ow nsino . Women’ * H ea lth Journal Contains valuable information on the diseases of women only . Published by L ady P hysicians who have made these peculiar weaknesses of the sex their sole study for yeais. It gives tbe causes, symptoms, and a sure home treatment for Prolapsus Uteri or Falling of the Womb, Inilamation and Ulceration of the Womb, and all displacements. Leucorrhoca or Whites, Irregular, suppressed or painful Menstruation, Flooding, Sick and Nerv­ ous Headache, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Heartburn, Weakness in back and stom­ ach, Scrofula, Pains in side, Dizziness, Kidney Complaint, Barrenness, Nervous Prostration, Depression of Spirits, Gen­ eral Debility of Women and change of life. Sent on receipt of six cent« in stamps. Address. Dr. Rush’s Medical Association, Nanda, New York. ^ Mr. Dave Johnson one of our substan­ tial farmers, has moved to town this week. last L. Bettinan went to Portland on Tuesday. D rags, Mr. James Alexander and J. W. Davis, left here last Tuesday morning (or a trip east by the Northern Paciflo. Mr. Alex­ ander goes to see his old homo once more in Kentucky, he will be absent about 4 months. M r. Davis perhaps is on im­ portant business, when ha will return ia aard to tell. J. J. Daly and Sheriff Holman, of Dallas The new j residence of M r James Smith were in this city during the week. is nearing completion. Mr. D, L . Hedges jund Hank Merwin R osendorf A Hirschberg inform s ne started east of the mountains this week where they expect to make their future t b it a parse containing money was found home. n their store. Any one claiming the same Mr. Douty will start his saw mill again can have it by proving property. It is in a few days, as soon ss the river raises in tbe possssion of Mrs. Middlehams. enough to get logs. Dallas, Oregon. (Saccrsftor The boys were sold ju st a little about our Halley going to Dallas last wsek after some legal documents. Second to none in quality and pi rice« lower than ever offered before i at M. M E llix«. Main Street, A FIRST-CLASS DRUG STORE. Mr. J. W. Vaughn the popular clerk, is now employed in the store o f Vanduyn A Smith. Irvine & Alexander will soon receive a large invoice of new groceriea which they will aell at the loweat figures for cash. m full assortment o f Paints, Oils, Brushes, and everything pertaining to Ram G off is now working us a double assessment on the road, o f courso we d on 't like this double assessment very much, but Sam d on 't care. W e acknowledged a pleasant call from M r. N. F. Nelson, of Oak Grove Thurs­ day. We make a Specialty o f Ailing Prescriptions, Family Recipes with the best o f Drugs, and A lw a ys H and a Pin* U n a # f Attorney A Couns’r at Law at reasonable rates. MEERSCHAUM PIPES, CIGARS, TOBACCO, ETC. ftoliftitor in Chancery. A m bow ready te de all kina of Blacksmith work in their line of business in ths besd styls and on the live and lot lit« plan. You will find them at their shop « • m e te r work Is wanted, day or night. Our shop is « M b * B k hem sign, on- door south of Burns * Msriesa e Every stable. We thank pen for year eastern I n the past and hope yeu will eontlnae the same in the future. We arc yeuM truly. BOW T1L I SON Pailas. November 24, 1882. Mr. Geo. W. Belt, city Recorder, is now busily assessing the town. Is it possible that Dallas is nover to have another Hotel) O f Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, Etc., Etc. J. L . COLLINS, BLACKSM ITHS. Our City Council has ordered another town assessment o f about 4 miles. I f you have the tooth ache go to Mason the dentist and got it oxtracted without fail. A S S O R T M E N T October I !•••»____________________________ has been la prmetice of his profession in this place far about twenty-ire years, and will attsnd to all bnsinsm Oflee, opposite the Dallas Hotel, comer of Mala aad Court street Dallas, Polk Couny, Oregon. Her. J. R. N. Bell preaches Snndaj next, at the Methodist ehurcb. Morning and evening. Clothing at M. M. Ellis's 50 per cent, cheaper and of better quality than can be found elsewhere, the reason wo sell cheap­ er is we sell lots of them. W e acknowledge a pleasant call fiom M esser. Brown, Sleppy and Ilinshaw, of the E lk H orn lumering mills, on last Saturday. AND M Y O W N BRAND OF N otice o f A p p lica tion to P u t ­ chase T im ber Land. Mr. T. B. William«, of A irlie paid Dallas a visit on Monday. Plenty of rain and m ots. A hunting party consisting o f J. H Townsend, Jap Ellis, Judge Johns, Tom Farley and Henry Lyons are up to La- Creole thia week slaying the deer, I dont know. W H d l w wttk J»p. K. Ullter'. Drug Stur« K. L. BUTLER, Wheat 83 cts. Firet Claaa Dentistry at Dr I. T. Maaon’e. Bird I»]»Bd Uemt. M r. E. P. D ove ha« built him i Has residence this summer. W het crops on ths Island averaged about 20 bushel* to tha a cn . Mr. B. Dove ia building a brick Chim ­ ney to hi* old house which was erected in 1804. Better late than never. D irk D ove, drove to Eola on last Sunday with a borrowed buggy, patting on heaps o f style, but the end proved rather trag­ ical. A lady o f that place knocked his nose out of jo is t , aad did not half try. M r E. P. D ove, informs us that hi« hop crop uonsisting o f 4 acrea yielded 10.000 lb« making 2800 lbs to th* acre. T h is * very large turn eul,and al.-iwa that hops are a profitable crop to raise, the NOTICE TO TAX-PAY E M . prioce in Portland ia quoted at 18 te 20 eta. thia is too low , and grower* had NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN T H A T I will meet the Tax-payers of Polk County, better h old , a* there i* no doubt about a Oregon, in their respective precincts, at their usual place of r< ting, for thepurpose of col­ lecting t.otea for the year 1883. and will re­ D io w n id - -A young man by th* nai main at .rad place from the hour of 10 o’cloek a m. until 4 o'clock, p. m., at the following of John F. K a te r « w m drowned et Har­ time, an I place«, to wit. risburg last reek, by belag threwn frora a Dougin»,................Monday, . . . saw log open «hieb h* w m ridlng dewn Jeckaon,............... Turaday.. . . . »nit Lake,......... Werinenday.. tbe river. X r . Hjrara Kraitb, w b* w m Bethel....................Thureday,... riding »n otier leg, ss he pan ed W ater« Kola,..................... Friday.......... Dixie,....................Saturday,... reaehed hie band to M«i*t b i » , aad was Monmouth,.......... Monday, draged in te tbe water, aad it WM witb tbe Independence,......Tureday, . . . Buena Vieta, ....... Wednesday, gremt.it difteulty (hat be eeeaped «Down­ .. ...Thureday,.. ing bim self. H* wa* aaffbl* to eev« .. .Friday........ w a ten , aad bis dead body wa* reeevered . . . .Saturday,.... .. . .Monday,. . . . a short U aeafterw ard l e w m a blgbly H. H ot»**, T ie n , wfj Tax collector for Polk County, Daila* 0«t. fth 1883. A «le e d C k a .f r . A hotel, the Traveler's Rest, with 80 «crea of land, situated in Dallas, for tale on reasonable terms. I also have a farm iff 104 acre* of rich land four mile* from bkwn for tale. H. H aqood . S chool B ook *.—I with to give notice to the patron« of the public *chool that I have quite a number of the variety of tlue books used in the public schools which I will sell on very reMonable terms. Call and see them before buying elsewhere. < B. A. R andlk , Prin. Academy. T im p z r a m :* Lacrvaiti». —Mr. W. C K ing delivered two of the most interest­ ing and instructive lecture* on last ^ Mon day and Tuesday evenings tliat it has been our privilege to listen to for many a day. The speaker wm listened to by large and attentive audiences, and we feel safe in saying that they were greatly benefited by listening te a sensible, logic sd discussion of this great quMtiou. Aa the people o f Oregon will aoon be called upon to vote on tbe prohibition amend m ent, auch diacuraiona are very timely. N*w H chool 8 sat . - The new, pattant Paragon aeaU, bought by Judge Truitt while eeet, for the new school house in DisllM, arrived on the train by the way of the Northern Pacific, last Tuesday. Taej a n the same seat that is used in Portland, and are considered th* very beet There ere 40 double eemte, and coat one him dred end seventy dollar* The director* • deserving ef credit for their enter It having been reported that I hail sold out my Undertaking husinoss, I wish to contradict this misstatement. I have merely removed my Undertaking business to the store one door south o f Oonnowsy’s agricultural depot. Having received the ngency for tho Ran Francisco Cast Si Casket Manufacturing C o ., I can afford to sell cheaper Ilian ever, and no extor tiun practiced. I am prepared to furnish Caskets and other burial goods as cheap as any house in the state. Thanking the public for past favors, I envite their forth er patronage. Remem ber tho place of H . M. L inks , Undertaker. One door south o f Conaoway's Store Inde peudouco. Car Bnrued afternoon last » box car on tb» down pasenger train was dis­ cov ered to be on fire near Rock Is­ la n d . The car was detached and an effort made to save the contents, » jersey c o w and calf, but the arnoke from a quantity of tlax haditrangeled them to death, and tbe woodwork being nearly all on fir», it woa im p o M ib le to accmphab anything. The car wae throwd from tli» tr»ch by train bands, who did »11 in th»ir pow er to save the property. Not much delay wai experienced.— Enterprise O n F r id a y —The total state tax for tb« year 1883 in rive and six-tenth mills upon the dollar,divided aa follows: Foui mills on account of current expence« ono mill for the completion of th« J ah . d *. e l Buena Vista. [FROM Ol'R SPECIAL ('iiRP.KP)NDKNT. Every body outfht to see tho cHfcplay made by A. M. Smith, Reporter of Buena Vista Pottery, at the mechaniei fair, Mr. Smith had a new feature in hit display thia fair, consisting of chimney Hue« tops and cups and they are really beautiful as well as servicable. His vase* are very fine showing that a mater hand executed tho w.irk upon them, the display of stono ware will he better than ever before, Our limited know lodge of the Pottery business prevents us from making any comparisons, but we feel safe in saying that blue ribbons will be tied all over his goods, for his display will all be genu- io Oregon manufacture. Bund ay School will open here on 14th inst. All are requested to attend. Many items of interest fail to be chronicled, simply because we do not get them in time to send in. Please assist u« this matter, and instead of items once in a while, you will have them twice in a irhile. An amatuer dramatic society is talked f hero for winter amusement only. Go ahead young folks and exhume tho social spirit that has so long been tfuried here. C. A. McCullough has started his chopping mill and is running night and day almost, just to catch up with the work that has accumulated during the last few weeks. Again we are compcled to mention that we are becoming tired of furnishing Dallas with tho best of our people, the last ab­ duction was Miss. Laura Hall by Jap Miller. We hope she has been $s fortunate as we believe ha hns. Hapiness be with them. M on m ou th ¡Prof. Stanley's little son is very aick with Typhoid fever. has A. M. Lucas removed to Linn Co to reside on a firm. Rev. R . H. Moss made Mon month a visit this week and give a discourse at the chapel, w Mrs. Fraxier, a sister of Mrs. R. M. •Smith, who has been viaiting here, has re­ turned to her home in Oakland Oregon* Thomas Campbell of Dallas, and hia tiigtor8 Mrs. Deshiell of Dayton W. T ., Mrs. L. Frazier, of Bethel, were in I visiting Mrs. Kenedy, anotherj wdl leave soon for Eastern The Vesterian Society connected with ' the College, composed o f young Ii the H espsntM composed o f young | men were reorganized last week. ~ j.‘ L. While, of Monroe, gave ns a i last Saturday. The band o f hope will church on Soturday at S o c E P«rcival is *t f«tMitemli at. Mr. and Mrs. Lelaaey hay*« > housekeeping.