The Folk County Itemizer Ibrtl’ K D E V E R Y H ATI’ tt D A Y J. s . M c C a i n . M u b w rrip tlo n R a l f « : Biutflu L'opina Out- Y e a r ................................................ i ¿ . - MU M o u lt* .............................................. i * " Throe M o u th «......................................... Muid« Number..................................................................... Devoted to the Best Interests o f Polk County in Particular and to. the Pacific Coast in General 50 3» 75 10 UBMCRU’T I o N MUHT UK P A ID IN A D V A N C E . PR O FE SSIO N A L CARDS. D A L L A S , OREGON, S A T U R D A Y , S E P T E M B E R 16, 1883. VOL. IX . THE EYE. N EW PRICES. N EW C00D 8. Tha eye shows character. Th eyes o f great warriors have almost always been gray, thoir brows lower P H Y S I C I A N AND S U R G E O N ing like thunder clonds. Inventors Dallas, Oregon. have large eyes, very full. Philoso- >hers the most illustrious have bad O fflw on Mill 8* . North Court H om o forgo and deep set eyes. The poets T h e L a rg e s t S to c k a n d C h e a p e st “ di T w ; h . b u b e l l T all have large, full eyoa; and mu sician’s eyes are large and lustrous. Goods ! ! D E N T I S T , Bufibn considers that the most beautiful eyes are the black and blue. Dallas, Oregon. We think we have seen black and L L W O R K D O N E IN F IR S T -C L A S S S T Y L E . blue eyes that were far from beauti . Ofllce m m door north of J.D . Leva W hit« Brick ful. Byron says th e' gazelle wi'l N . L. B U T L E R . J O H N T. D A L Y weep at the sound of music. The gazelle’B eyes have been called .the D ALY & BUTLER, most beautiful in the world, and the reatest compliment an Arab can pay ATTORNEYS AT LAW, is mistress is to compare her eyes to I L L P R O M P T L Y A T T E N D TO A L L L E G A L a gazelle's. The power of the eye buaine«« entruated to them. Ottico on M ill St. oypoaifcc Court H ouse, Dallas- was well illustrated in Robert, He I take pleasure in announcing to the public that my was taken to Edinburgh very much E. J DAW NE, as Sampsom was taken to the temple —to amuse the Phillistines. He was ATTORNEY AT LAW, brought to the palace where the and Notary Pupllo* great men of Scotland were to he en­ tertained, and was put in a back O l 'E l ' I A l A T T E N T IO N (IIV K N fTO I'O U .K I T I N O O and loaning money. Alway« prepared to loan from room r until the time should come In now open and ready for inspection. •100 to $2,500 on neraonal or real entute security. Ottico In Griswold's building, opposite the bunk, Malum, Ore- when they were ready for him. When they were, he was brought in, and having measured the company with J. H. TOWNSEND, his eyes he recited his immortal poem. “ Is there for honest poverty?” ATTORNEY AT LAW, I i i J V Iy I i L c lo p e i u l e i i c o S to re Carlyle says that when he finished, Dalla», Oregon. the nobles and gentlemen cowered F F IC E O N M A IN ST R E E T . O P P O SIT E T H E You will find the F IN E S T GOODS and tho I AKGEST ASSO RTM EN T of and shrank before his eyes. We Court House. Collection« made u specialty. think his words had as much to do with it as his eyes. e T b T s k i p w o k t h , Clooptra had black eyes. Mary Queen of Scots had liquid gray eye«. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Dark eyes show power, light 6yes -A N D - gentleness, and gray eyes sweetness. Kept on the West Side of tho Willamette, outside of Portland. There is great magnectic power in N o ta ry Public, the eyes of several of the lower ani­ Albany, Oregon, mals. The lica’s, the tiger's and the i l t P R A C T IC E IN A L L T H E C O U R TS IN T H E . serpent’s eyes are all magnetic. It State. A ll business entrusted to him promptly at­ is well known the serpent will charm tended to. Office in O’Toole’s Block, Broad-A lbi» 8 t . , j bird;, that are dying above it, until Geo W . Belt, M. L Pipes in great circles they will sweep down Independence. Dallas to the destruction that awaits them. B E L T & PIPES. A friend of the writer, a doctor, was Is completo in every respect ami ih the hnnds of a competent Milliner. one day walking in the fields, when ATTORNEYS AT LAW, he saw an adder lying on a rock. He drew near to examine it, and present­ U T W ill practice in all the Courts ly looked at its eyes.. Ho was at­ o f the State. Office up stairs in i tracted by their great beauty, and in­ Court House. ____ I n m y P e r r y d a l e s t o r e voluntarily stepped forward two or three steps. Beautiful light flowed OSAS Pa SULLIVAN, You will find a C O M PLETE ASSORTM ENT of from them, and seemed to bathe the very coils of tho serpent. Gradually Attorney at Law, he drew closer, until, just as he was almost within the reptile’s reach, he DALLAS, OREGON. fell, feeling, as he said afterwards, as P r o m p t At te n tim i P a id to B uh I iicmk . though he had been struck by a Suitable for tho Country Trade. You will also find a L IN E of O rriC K -O u Main Street, two doors north o f Postofflce stone. When he became conscious his head was in a friend’s lap. His first word’s were, “ Who struck me?” D R J. B. JOHNSON, No one struck you, doctor. I saw D e n tis t- you were charmed by the snak\ and Having roturned to Independence ■ struck it with a stone.” He Lad struck the snake, and the doctor had to permanently locate, is prepared to ______________ i all kinds of ______ dental 1 work. Filling Produce taken in Exchange for Goods at Market rates. felt the blow.—| Chicago Eye. do and treating a specialty. an < Office ____ in Vandnyn & Smith’s new GREAT SELF-DENIAL- brick, up stairs “ Where can I buy a pair of cuffs?” T R JTTT. O. A . J O H N S Give me a call before purchasing elsewhere, and SEE M Y GOODS inquired a late riser of an' Austin T R U IT T & JOHNS, hotel proprietor one Sunday morn and G E T TH E P R IC E S ! ! Jug- A ttom eys-at-L aw , ■Don’t believe you can anywhere,” D A L L A S , ORE G O N replied the hotel man, “ clothing stores are all closed up until 4 o'clock in F F IC E O N M IL L ST R E E T . N O R T H O F COtTR Houae. lt5 the evening.” “Well, where can 1 get a cocktail? D r 7 I. T. MASON, I am as dry ns a puff ball.” “ Can’t. Saloons are closed up un­ R E S ID E N T D E N T IS T , til after 4 o’clock.” “I suppose I can get a glass of Dallas, Oregon. Is that you do yourself justice by buying goods where you can get them the sweet cider at some corner grocery, (Late o f Eugene City and Sheridan. can’ t I? ” cheapest. ‘‘Not much; groceries are all closed Nltro Oxide or Laughing Gas administered. Office Up stairs over H. T. Butler's store. I know it is the practice among a great mahy merchants to sell a few up until after 4 o ’clock. ’ . D a l l a s , N ot . 17. 1882. ‘Are, eh? Then I guess I ’ll have leading articles at cost, but they must make it up on something else. I A. E. SCOTT, M. D., intend to strictly adhero to ve'ry LOW PRICES in everything I offer for to go down to some drag store and get’ a glass of plain soda.” P hysician and Surgeon, sale, and in “ Can't do that, either. Drug stores are not allowed to sell soda until af­ L a t e o f O a k la n d , C a l., h as p e rm a n e n tly ter 4 o’clock.” l o c a t e d in The man moved mournfully over DALLAS, OREGON. to the water cooler and had about half filled a tumbler, when a police­ W i l l b e f o u n d a t a ll t i u e a a t B . M . S m it h '» D r u g S to r e . man in front of the hotel commenced shooting at a suspicions looking dog. Z. T. DODSON, M. D„ The hotel guest dropped the glass, jumped about 14 feet, and running PHYSICIAN, SURCEON. OBSTETRICIAN. —A N D ' ehind the office desk, shouted: Hrefcermanently located in Dallas, Oregon. “ D on’t shoot again, cap! 1 won’t Office inH ydo's drug store. novlltr. touch a drop of yonr old ice water until after 4 o’clock! If you think it’s W . H. HOLMES, too rich for my blood. I ’ll practice Attorney and Counselor at Luw, There is no doubt or question but I shall sell them very much lower than self denial and spit cotton till sun the same goods have ever been offered in this market. down.”—[Texas Siftings. S a le m , O r e g o n -* j y Please to call and price tho goods and you will see that I am in earnest. BRED.IN THE BONE. jo h n M c D o w e l l J. N. SM ITH, M. D , f S P R IN G O S TO C K ! GENERAL MERCHANDISE W * te « i: T o those whose minds are troubled Strange as it may appear to the with doubt aa to whether or not there uninitiated, says the Philadelphia hell, the following from the 1‘rau, it is none the less true that British Naval Chronieie, 1807, may there are a number o f people in all not be uninteresting: large cities who gain a livelihood by An Abstract from tho Journal of the Ship pawning jewely, curious pictures, and Sphinx, in the Year 1686 , -np the Btraite. a multiplicity o f other articles for May 12. — When we arrived at more than their actual value. From Manson we found three ships lying this statement it pinst not for a mo­ there from London, commanded by old vhoman half to ment be snppoeed that “ mine uncle” vho vhas the Capta, Bristol, Brown, and Bar is in the habit o f lending even the naby; all going to L ipa rtto load. full value, as be understands it, on May 13.—These three ships sailed any ariicie intrusted to his temporary in company with tho Sphinx (wind keeping. It ia safe to say that, save N W.) to Lipari, where they anchor­ in exceptional cases, the pawnbroker ed in twelve fathoms water (wind S. home she goes for ms rarely, if ever, lends more than what S. W.). Vhas dot der right vhay he considers two-thirds o f the value May 14.—The four Captains and a some shobe on a man?” of the article dejiosited. Nor, per­ “ No. o f course n o t ” Mr. Bell, a merchant, went on shore haps, is this unreasonable, when it is “ Und pooty queek after dot some­ upon tho Island of Mount Stromboli taken into consideration that the ar­ to shoot rabbits, About three o’clock body else rings oop m y ___ the; ticle, if left in his hands, w ill proba­ ev called their men together to go tousond times, und my vhife on i board thoir respective sHip», w hen. faints avbay. Vheri bly have to be disposed of at auction, to their inexpreuible astonishment^ ▼has dere somebody answers: 1 and that from the proceeds o f this they saw the appearance of two men, Shake, I saw you riding oudt iorced sale he has to realize both the comTng very swiftly through the air yonr vkif# on der Lake road loss and the interest due thsreon. toward them; one of them appeared Sunday 1 Doan’ be afraidt—I How, then, the professional pawner to be dressed in black and the other give him awayP Und d es m j succeeds in making a profit out of his in gray olothes; they passed close by vhas madt enough to boat m transactions may best be told in the with the greatest rapidity, and, to und vhen I comes home ehe words of a well known pawnbroker. their extreme consternation, descend at me mit der teapot D o you He said yesterday: “ Both men and ed, amid the burning flames, into the him telephone convenience?” women are engaged in this business, “ I calf it a shame, sir.” FEKALE Cli m IS FARIS. mouth o f that dreadful volcano, Mb and they work for a principal who “ Vhell, some odds The editor o f the Voltaire publishes Stromboli. At their entrance there goes r-r-r-r-ring-ing-ing-ring supplies them with the goods they deposit The jewelry pawned is pur­ some interesting statistics furnished issued tremendous noises; the flames tunder, und my vhife vhas as rushed out most terribly, and Capb chased second hand at auctions, and him by the administrators o f the ash a bedquilt She tinks dot doctored till it is made to look worth Credit Foncier and Bank o f France Burnaby oried out, “ The Lord bless some Occident to me, or some ateam- considerably, more than it really is. on the employment of women in these me! the foremost o f the tw o,in black poai blowed oop mit her sister. Her Take a watch for instance. An old establishments. M. Jansen, the head clothes, is old Mr. Booty, my next hefert beats like it would shump ondt gold hunter, the cases worn thin with of a department at the Credit Fon­ door neighbor at W apping; bnt I do on der floor, und vhen she asks who age, is bought for a few dollars at a cier, states that he has always had not know the other.” He then desired vhas killed somepody answers: “ Iah ■ sale. First it is ‘rechristoned’— that full reason to be satisfied with the them all the write down in their dot Shake? Say, Snake, how m is to say, a fushionable maker's name Uqly clerks. They were first brought pocketbook, or note it on something, yon g if dot policeman to keep what they had then seen; which was is substituted for that of the actual in as supernumeraries duiing the on you. ebb Ah! dot vhaa a manufactuturer. Then the case, if of emission of the lottery loan o f 1879. immediately done by the three Cap­ racket Shake, bat if der oldt vhomans a low standard, is treuted to a liberal Just then the corresprndence was tains and Mr. Bell, and likewise en­ drops on it y ou vhas gone oop like replating, Now, yon see this watch,” phenomenally great. It was neces­ tered in the different ships’ journals some Gilderoy’s IriteP Den my vhife continued tho pawnbroker, taking an sary to verify more than three mil­ at the same time. When these four ships had taken she vhas msdt some-more, und she old gold watch from a drawer, "see lions of subscriptions, to say nothing packs oop her tranks’ and she vhas how thin and easy to bend the case o f the myriads o f hoaxing letters in their loadings at Lipari. they sailed all ready to go vhen I comes home. is. Now I take this ivory knob, and, that were received. The fair super­ togethor for London. When they Vhas dot some more convenience by laying the case on the counter, taking numeraries showed a genius for dis­ arrived in the River Thames, at electricity?” a firm grip on the knob, I press it on tinguishing serious demands for Gravesend, Capb Burnaby’s wife “ I shall certainly look into the tho inside o f the case, describing a serin from fictitious. Forty-four of came from London to him. He then matter. Snch things most s t o p p e d . ” , circle close to the rim, Now feel the them were at first bronght in. The sent for the other three Captains to “ Und sometimes somepody rinds ' case and you will find that you can­ number was raised to 1%), and then oome on board his ship to congratulate softly, shnst like oats, nua mv vhife. In divining hoaxes they him on his wife’s arrival. After they wants to know who vhas do?. Met not readily bend it, and it appears to to 202. be stronger, and, consequently, of rendered very important service. had thus met, a little conversation W ho vhas me? Katie! W ho trims more value. The renovnting com ­ Subscribers for fun they discovered passed between them in the oabin, Kstie? Vby, Shako, doan' you know when Mrs. Bnrnuby suddenly start­ pleted, the watch is handed over to generally borrowed their names from ed from her chair and said to her dot vidder vhcuisfts you met on der the pawner, and on his plausibility books or transposed ordinary ones. hnsband. “ Mv dear, 'I’ ll tell you some boat. Say, Shake, how vhas der oldt depends the profit he will have to When the lady clerks ceased to be vhomans to-day? Und how vhaa dot news. Old Mr. Booty is dead!” divide with his principal in the mere supernumeraries they got with on me vhen I goes home? Und how He directly answered. “ We all transaction. A woman neatly at­ astonishing quickness into the routine ean I make der oldt vhomans pelief saw him go into hell 1 ” and co d her tired as a lady’s maid will bring in a of the business. They are chiefly I vhas in my saloon all der time, nnd what they had seen, as befo’ « related, ‘little lot,’ comprising, perhaps, a employed in writing letters, as cash­ dot I doan’ know some vidder Thom* to her serious alarm. necklet, two or three ladies’ dress iers, and, when they are good ac When Mrs. Burnaby had returned ans from a load o f hay? I tell yon, countants, in striking balances. rings and a small gold watch. Very to London she went to an acquaint­ Misser Shackson, dot telephone preaks modestly she lays the things down There is a feminine division in a ance and related this serious eveDt-r oop my family if I doan’ look on dt separate wing. Nothing is so rare and wants $50 o f $100 for my mis that her hnsband had seen the eoul Eafery day it is ‘Hello 1 Shekel' u sd here as errors of inattention. At the tress, Mrs. So-and-So. This class of of Mr. Booty go into hell on the 14th eafeay evening vhen 1 cornea home Bank of France the highest character customers usually put in an appear­ of May last. This gentlewoman then it is some more crying nhd talking ance in the morning, when the prin­ is given of the lady clerks. They mentioned the same to Mrs. Booty, like I vhas der worst man in Detroit." have been found scrupulously honest cipal is often out and an assistant He was promised speedy and per* widow of the deceased, who im ­ and obedient to neceisary discipline, left in charge. He is frequently de mediately took a writ out of the king’s manent relief, and as he backed up though more quick ingotting through ceived by the woman’s manner and *, Bench Court in the penal snm of stairs to the sidewalk, hu said: does not too particularly scrutinize business which is not in the ordinary “ Vhell, dot makes me feel£ k e 1 £1.000 damages, and arrested Capb routine than the other employes. each particular article. The result is Burnaby for defamation npon her vhas happy. I f somepody vbauts to a loan in excess of their actual value, Only recently the Governor o f the late husband's soul. Capt. Burnaby 'Hello! Shake!’ on me let him oome Bank of France and the Board of often epotigh, at any rate, to make gave bond to stand trial; and he to my saloon. I g if him some tele- Directors established a retiring an­ the game fairly profitable. These hone convenience so he vhas then took out of the Court of the nuity fund for the men. It has also cases belong to a comparatively K ing’s Bench, in Westminster Hall, 'or eix months!” been decided when auxiliary clerks harmless class o f frauds, but there summonses for all the people that u p iauATna - are larger operators in the business, are wanted to prefer women to men had attended the late Mr. Booty iD and when they strike us it is usually because of their quickness in learning “ Say, yon, see here, have yon seen his last sickness and at the time of the business. The regular hoars < > f for a pretty stiff sum. These latter his death; also the sexton of the the new postal law which goea into people hail chiefly from New York work are from nine to funr. Extra arish who buried him,and the clothes effect next October?” inquired a large time is always paid for. Salaries and Chicago, ana make periodical e last wore before his sickness, he and illuminated nosed man ao f an are not docked when illness is certi predatory descents on our large had taken care of, to be introduced Austin merchant. fled. cities. I had one of them, a female “ I saw enough to know that we are . ----------- ♦ »« ■— in court on the day o f trial operator, a few weeks ago. She w as When the trial came on the different to have a two cent letter H ad B een T here .— It was on the an artiste, and no mistake, but she ersons, with the black clothes, were October, and that’s all I care tackled the wrong sort o f a customer elevated road the other morning. A irouglit into court, and were there it.” man was seen to suddenly rise up­ when Bho came to me. The lady “ Itis h e v ? Well, there’s mighty met by Capb Burnaby, the Captains ward, look aronnd on the seat, feel in drove up in her carriage; she was o f the other throe ships, aDd tho men little patriotism about yon. It does all his pockets, and grow excited over dressed richly and in exquisite taste, of the four boats, with Mr. bell, who seem as if those snipes wo send down and carried a tiny pug d og in her the Idas of something or other. wero all on the said Island o f Strom­ to Washington to make laws for this “ Lost your wallet?” quired the man arms. “ Oh, dear me,” she said with boli and saw ike two apparitions d e­ country didn’t know enough to pound next to him. with milch apparent purtnrbation, as scend into the bnrning names on the sand, it does, by thnnder. They No.” she entered tlio shop, ‘is Mr- ------ in ?’ aforsaid 14th day of May last. Ten have gone and jnmbled things np "Had your watch taken?” I bowed and Baid I was the party she o f the men of the boats made oath the worst kind o f wsy.” Ana the “ No.” was in search of ‘Oh, can I see you that the buttons on the cost which large-nosed man glared at the Austin “ Lost a roll of bills, perhaps f ’ privately for a few minutes?* she the apparition had on were like the merchant as though he would like to ‘-‘It is my check book. I left it at continued. I showed her into my one preeent, being moulds oovored bite a piece onl of him to see how be home. Dear, how careless I am.” private office, and she at once began tasted. "It might be worse,” said the other with black cloth, the same sort that to tell her tale. ‘I am in immediate “ How has Congress jnmbled things the coat was made of. The different He couldn't help it He had been need of some money,’ she said, and in a consoling tone. np in regard to the new postal ln w r’ in Wall street twelve years, and when though it’s very horrid to do it, I “ I don't see how it could,” growled persons who were with Mr. Boc ty at “ How? Why, great snakse and the boys cleaned him out he quietly must leave you some o f my jewelry, the other. “ My wife will sit down the time of his decease made oath otter trapr.l They have slid into a Pennsylvania town to-re as I nm suddenly called upon to pay and figure up the stubs, and when I that bis death happened at three first-clasB heads on S u c c e s s o r to W . C . B r o w n , cover his wind and count up his a bill ttiBt my husbdnd supposed was go home to dinner it'll take a full o’clock Rt noon on toe 14th of May postage stamps.” last, which was in the vesr 168C. The small change. He put up at the discharged long ago.’ Then she lour to make her believe that ‘ if D A LLA S, O REGON, M ARCH 8. 1883 “ Second class postage stamps I” gc _ _ jury then asked tho Captain of the cheapest hotel over night, and started nervously hing to ily produced from her hand­ “ Why, yes, here’s the great, the out in the morning to Jook for an ling a diamond bracelet, a pair of household expenses. .” —t Wa r ail Street Sphinx if be knew Mr. Booty in his lifetime. He answered that he never good, the kind, the benevolent, the B U R N S S c M O R R IS O N . opening. The first thing he en sapphire News. upphire earrings and a half-hoop saw him in his lifetime, bnt plainly philosophical and patriotic Ben countered was a toll bridge, and as nby and diamond ring. nr W i l d G u b s s e s . —The smart man observed the drees the apparition had Franklin with his handsome face he paid his way over he asked the LIVERY AND SALE STABLE. ‘ On carefully examining the jewel­ takes out a $20 gold piece and asks on. which Mr. Bornaby said was Mr. stock away on the obscure, insignifi­ MANUrAtTCMM AND DKALERM IN woman: ry in a good light I at once saw that his friends bow many new dollar Booty, in oompaDy with another un­ cant one cent stamp, while old Com­ O tlU fl, O reg o n . • ‘Is this bridge owned by a com- I ’ R Y ^ T R E . H P K I \ < . R i:iB 4 , they were specially made to pawn or bills wili balance it in the scales, and known. modore Perro, who never did sny ?" deceive a buyer. The diamonds in offers to treat any one who gneei t h i D g meritorious at all aside A n d a ll k in d s o f The Judge then spoke: “ The Lord "Yes, sir.” H O U S E «, c a r r i a g e s a n d i j v k k y accidentally getting to le’ward < the bracelets were ‘chips’ that is to “ Has it any stock ont?” « say, irregularly cut stones of small within 100 of the number. The grant that I may never see such a British on Lake Erie, has UPHOLSTERED WORK. ALBUM PICTURE FRAMES. thing was tried in Hartford, Conn., sight as that for I think it impossible WALL BRACKETS. AND WINDOW SHADES. A t the Moat R e » . c a b l e R ate* ! “ About $10,000. sir.” face adorned the big, heavy size and little value, while the alleged insurance office, and the range of "How does it sell P’ ninety cent stamp. emeralds and rabies were nothing human judgment, was never better H for thirty men to be mistaken!” F. K E E P A C O M P L E T E HTOCK IN O U R L IN K “ Well, its down about 15 cents, I The jury then gave their verdict Conreyanc© o f com m orolal men a »periati/. and will sell a” ran m the name goods can ha bnt drnblet», bita o f glass with a lustrated. "Is that s o r One clerk thought it against the widow Booty, plaintiff to j o In Portland D. .( take our word or other penpUa believe.” “ Fact, sure as yon are a foot high slice o f garr.rt on tho top and a piece would take 800 bills to counter bai word for It, but ©on a . Mid sea oar gooila and learn our BURNS A MORRISON. P rop'r». “ G ood! chuckled the speculator as pay the costs ol. the court. T oe fore­ prior* ami then again, there’s George of colored glass at bottom, worth a anco the gald coin, another 1,000, and going are facts, extracted from the Washington, father of his country, A l l k in d * o f W o r k in ou r lin o dono he walked on. “ I ’ll boy in $2,000 dollar a piece o f colored glaes at hot THE BELT HOUSE ! worth, bull it up to 75 on a report tom, worth abont a dollar, apiece. so on until everybody prosent had journal of the ship Sphinx’s voyage and all that sort o f thing, von know, on S h o rt N o tic e . laced his judgment in jeopari" that the next l ’reaident is from Penn np the Straits in the year 1686. • - three cents is good enough for him, How much money do you need, P I T C H C O O K . ............................. PBopmiMTom. he lowept guess was 350 bills. Wk sylvania, and nnload before the fall niadaiue?’ I asked with the ntmost The above trial 1* now to be seen on bnt old Sausage Scott— General W e also keep a large and well selected stock of the gMw»«» were all recorded the freshet takes the old thing dowi. politeness, ‘Ol., only $3tX),' responded the records o f the Court o f the Kini In d fp p n ilp n e e . O re g o n . Scott I mean—he must be allowed to double eagle was placed on the scales Caskets and Cases on hand, stream! Egad! I’ve got the country swell up on the fifteen centers. The the lady, ‘and I know that they cost and new dollar bills counted into the Bench, in Westminster Hall, t! right by the neck, Bnd somebody’s M rs Booty, plaintiff against Capb Which we will furnish at Reduced Prices very tbought is my husband over $1,0001’ ‘Then, other side until the beam went down flH E B E L T H O U « * H A S C H A N G E D H A N D S A N D to squeal!” —[W all Street News. Bnrnaby, defendant. enough to make a ms mad ame,’ said I, as I held the door with 34 in the tray. ftalwToom on M A IN »T H E F T , two d o c -. Mfcsaf L will he n * u » first d a i * house In every reapea*. These records are written-on par Vaadujre k Smith, mother. I never saw eo much incon­ open for her to pass on, ‘ I am afraid — ------- 11» i----------- cbment in Latin, in the lawyer's old r n iK P E X lI H R C E . O H l.L O Y sistency in my life The bonssk Old He was a seedy and not over-clean that your husband was badly taken text-band writing, and are kept in The London Lancet notes a very individual and bis breath was redo­ in, for my outside valnation o f the important new departare in medical a glass case in tbe-Clerk's office, Abe Lincoln ia obliged to content lent of mm as he stopped and thna lot does not exqped $100.’ She saw science! Dr. de Watterville has been where, for the snm o f one shilling, himself by posing on the six-sent accosted a gentleman on the street that I was ‘up to her game,' and appointed physician at Ht. 5Iary's they may be seen by all whose doubt stamp, while Rntabagge E d »*“ M DALLAS, OBiaOK, Stanton, whom I never heart last week: "Shay, mister, I want to walked out without a word. Now Hospital to the electro-therapeutic or cariosity may indnoe them to it I can remember, is given a ] borrow a dollar. Fay you to moirow, this woman, as do those of her trade; department. In other words, the [W . A M. In M Y. Snn. WILSON & HOLMAN, PROPRIETORS. the seven-cent stamps. I I get a letter from depended upon her acting t hecbarac most progreesive and successful of sure pop, soon's S' U FALE* IN Stanton was a cent bet! New York. Ought !Jug to bavs my clothes ter of a lady o f standing to disarm the smaller London hospitals haa, B n was A wful M ad . “Oh! but duc i 1 coin. O, o f course, o f H a.tna pnvebaMd «b» abore « 1111 ». » » •»» n o * l full of money, for I sent on to my me from making a close examination after a long struggle, elevated elec­ par~l to do all khel» wss swfttl mad at Henry last n: partner in business— prominent of the stones. Had I been new to ------------ is no telling whet aa tricity a» a medical agent into the will do i ‘ “ — "1 C u s to m W ork broker on Wall street—to send me on the trade, and if she had paid me m sphere of accepted and acknowledged said a fashionable belle to should be Cr,Btand etnr? manner G l»« na • call telegraphic order for a hundred and visit in gaslight, she might have left science. The experimente o f Dr. de “ I thought t o r said the mother, a half, bnt blamed telegraphers gone the rubbish with me and realized a Waierville with electricity were for a W ILSO N A H OLMAN. and struck and can't get nothin' profit ol $2.00. D a l l a s Oregon. J m l 5, 1883 long time derided by the medical An affable fellow will call upon thought so! What do von through. Hard case, ain’t t? and faculty, bnt now he is accepted ae peculiar? bnt no fault o f mine, you pawnbroker some fine morning and one of the highest authorities in all mean, m a f’ 'asked the girl, wonder HEAD-STONES, see I’ m son' re, but dash bloated pawn a diamomi stud or ring honest nervous diseases. He has been tap ingly. MONEY TC LOAN I “ I mean, , my dear daughter, what I taken to “ He wili re- roonop’ly! What t hey want t to p e r% i* !v worth $300 for $200 w. b » m to loa* «a «ur imu* "* M *in C o u r t¡b e e t. I n ll— . Polk ( ountr.X>rvS..n ___ Dealers in Drop, Patent Medicines, S T A T IO N E R Y , Perfumery, Fancy and Toilet Articles CIGARS AND TOBACCOS. P E R R Y D A L E . O RE G O N B1 acksmiths, OREOOS, ______ M NOW «K ADV N O W JM f a. TO no A LL KINP e OF i* th. ------- J™ w® L.Tntta ™ 24. 1 « ‘ ”— - ROWELL A M l ______ — --------- --------------- W . P. W E IG H T . ^ And County Surveyor. • 5 CITY MILLS, ROWELL & SON, A M II. 1. I,IMS & LAWtEMI, W WILSON A RAY, DALLAS, M . M!. E L L I S , •WM. STAIGER, Sere Troitt & Johns.