THE POLK COUNTY H A L L A S , S A T U R D A Y , S EPT. 1,1883. AGENTS IT E M T Z E R . .A. N. VfARTlN. S. S. UlMBLfc. .A. C. NicHois. G kohgk B elt . B a i . l h t o n .......... L incoln K d k k k a l ............. lNDtPSMDKNCK. M . C albh lath 1U ENA V lH T A . . D a l t u N Hitos. A ik liü . M o MMOLIH ..................L. 8. Bowl AMD. Wouldn't bo a pious idea to have the sidewalk fixed in freut of James Harris’ building before somebody fails through and takes a cold bath? j put and the large quantity of ore at the The Dallas Brass Band has several new pieces of music, and will no doubt sus­ ¡ mine, make it one o f the richest mine tain their high reputation as being one on the coast. the best bauds in the state, at Portlaud. . Prof. Randle and Reuben F. Rooinson returned home Saturday from Moscow, North Idaho, where they have been They report Jennings Lodge No. 0. A. F. A A. M., spending their vacation, holds regular communications in Dallas on the things liooining in that country. Second and fourth Friday’s of each month. Mr. A. Locke, near Independence, threshed 4,000 bushels of wheat which Ainsworth Koyal Arch Chapter No. 17, 1 : „ T T ” ! ,* u meets at Ifae Masonic Hall, in Dallas, ths first averaged over J3 bushels to the acre. Saturday evening at 7:30 o'clock P. M. after His oat crop yielded 00 bushels to the LODGE DIRECTORY. every full nu; ., . , , K- „ , A P * Messrs. Joda Morrison, Harry Coeper «■*»- “ who tuo~ iu Dallas at 7:30 o’clock. last week on a hunting and fishing excur- ________ «ion, returned home on last Sunday, and ¡¡a No. 23, I. O. (I. T.. meets report he»ing a good time. Laeroole Lodgt at Odd Fellows’ Hall Tuesday evening of each Mias Ethel Williams, who has been week at 7;30 o’clock. confined to her bed the last three months, is still improving, but is not yet able to Union Lodge No. 85, A. O. U VV\. meets at She has lost her hearing, but (Lid Fellows’ Hall on Monday eveniugs of each sit up. hopes are entertained that it will return week at 7:ik) o’clock. to her. LOCAL NEWS. Business is picking up. Fresh fish in town Thursday. Harvesting oils at J. D. Lee's. David East, who lived near Rdlston, was brought to Dallas Tuesday charged with insanity. After considerable difficulty in securing witnesses he had an examination, Wednesday, which left no doubt as to his sanity. Sheriff Holman took him to Portlaud Thursday. ¿¿Luts of Indians in town this week. vve wish to call the attention of our Dried prunes and plums at J. D. Lee's. readers to the advertisement of the La Creole Academy. This institution is so W. C. Brown’s new brick is looming old and prosperous that comment is un­ up grandly. necessary, but those contemplating at­ J udge Daly went to Portland Monday tending school the coining winter can do no better than attend the La Creolo. on business. Mr. L. B. Frazer paid Dallas a visit on last Tuesday. Shingles and split boards for sale at J. W. Crider's. ih Hodgin Sc Chamness, of Independence, Oregon, at the postotfice store, have just received a large supply of school books and stationery of every description. Also a full stoek of family groceries and prov­ isions. Everything kept neat and clean and ill first class style. They also keep a full stock of imported and domestic cigars and the best supply of tobacco in town. Everybody invited to call and examine our stuck before purchasing elsewhere. School books and school supplies a spec­ ______ ialty. The Terror Engine Fire Co. No. 1 held a special meeting Wednesday evening in their hall, the proceedings of which have been kindly furnished us by the secretary of the company, as follows: To arrange ways and means to secure a hose carriage and distribute the belts. The meeting was called to order by the president, B. M. Smith, and the secretary called the roll, there being eleven absent. A fte r hearing se'eral speeches in re­ gard to the advisability of getting a hose carriage, John E. Weeds made the fo l­ lowing motion: ‘ * That a warrant be drawn on treasurer for $130 in favor of B. M. Sm ith." Motion amended to read in favor of B. M. Smith, J. E. Woods, J. C. Shultz, F. M. Collins, ami Bart Consta­ ble, and carried as amended, the above tendering their names as security for the amount ordered drawn. M otion by U. 8. Grant that note be ordered drawn, payable on or before twelve months, at 10 per cent, per an­ il umn interest, and it was so ordered. Motion made and carried that warrant be drawn on the treasurer for the sum of #54 DO as payment to J. J. Dubrull, A l­ bany, for three dozen belts, in favor of the secretary. Motion by U. M. Coaper that rules of company be suspended to take in con­ sideration a proposition for membership, lost. Motion that meeting adjourn and so ordered. J. W. C r id e r , Secretary. thev have thrown their mouey away. T o overcome these evil» Wo offer W llU U N t’a No. WJ Bl'SE R l U N U to the sick and suffering o x * rsmkdy for each disease, without for a moment claiming that one remedy will cure any other dis-aae than the one claimed lor it, ami a» these remedies have stood tho test of years without a single failure, we agree to refund the money paid in every instance where a cure is not positively effected. The remedies areentirslv vegetable, can do no harm, and will positively cure every disease for which the are prescribed. Gout, Lameness o: Joints, Sciatica, and Neuralgia are relieved at once and positively cured by the use of Wheeler's No. WS Rheumatic Rem ­ edy. We say boldly that in the worst of cases of no matter how long standing, how serious, or how |tain- ful, we can not only give relief but positively cure for all time. Failing to do this wo will positively refund the money paid for the treatuicut, and if your buffer tugs are not positively stopped for all time you have not thrown your money away os you would oi. any other than these guaranteed remedies. The price of Wheeler's No. SIS Rheumatic Remedy is only 60 cents, obtainable from druggists or sent free by mail on receipt of price. Stamp* taken. Many a lady endowed by nature with a p re tty face, beautiful figure, faultless complexion, as well as the sweetest o f tempers and faultless mental qualities grows prematurely old, gray and wrinkled, her form loses its perfect contour, the complexion becomes sallow, the brightness leaves the eye, a feeling of languor takes the place of the once buoyant spirits, an irritable nervous fractiousneu makes life a burden, thing« that once were trifles worry her till life be- comes unbearable. All this being caused by the physical derangements so common to women, which the innate modesty of feiuiue nature prevents their making ku«>wn, and o f which the ignorance of the medical profession prevents a cure. Lady reader, pause and consider,’tis a duty you owe yourself, your fam ily and your God, that you should cure yourself of these troubles and once more feel the glow of per­ fect health ami spirits that nature intend for you. W heeler’s No. 96 Prescriptions are pleasant and palat­ able to take, contain nothing of an injurious nature, and may be taken by all ages at all times and in all conditions without possibility of ill effects, and will positively cure any of the peculiar diseases to which females are subject. Failing to produce a perfect cure the proprietors will refund the money paid for the treatment. If you have a sallow complexion, constant or iutermittant headaches, backache, lesAiiess, loss of appetite, suppressions of monthly flow, or irregularities thereof accompanied by head­ aches, nervousness, hysterics and similar symptoms, Wheeler’s No. 96 Prescription “ B" will positively re­ store you to health. If you have a sensation of heat and throbbing in the back, frequent tainting spells, Leucwrrhca or white discharge, painful oi scalding sensation in urinating, teddish or while depos.t in urine, hot and dry skin, Wheeler’s No. 96 Prescrip­ tion “ C " wiil give immediate and lasting relief. The price of Wheclor’s 96 Prescriptions *• B” and “ U” arc 61 * cants each, obtainable trout druggists or sent by mail secure from observation, post paid, on receipt of price. Postage stamps taken. W e desire to state to our many friends and customers that our stock is replete with the be 3t asBoitment of all kinds of goods. Never before h as the people of Polk County had the privilege of selecting from such an extensive stock. : I j | ■ , IS S T IL L A T H1N OLD S TA N D IN T I!E Not only is it extensive, but the best “ W selected ever brought to the county. W ith an one price to all. m o st T h ere is no house in and everybody should exam ine o u r stock ; before p u rch asin g elsew here, an d be con­ i | vinced o f this fact, i f they desire to save , g C hurch A ppointm ent .— Rev. i „ » * u * u „ j Ul,lla“ Hurlb“ rt, h“ b~ n *PP<«"‘ «> take charge of the Dallas circuit, by the ' - ., v .... recent conference of the M. E. church, held at Vancouver, W. T. Mr. Hurlburt is a good speaker, a great worker, and Mrs. Dr. W. P. Connaway and children, of Antelope, airived in Dallas Wednes­ will doubtless give general satisfaction. We are glad to welcome him to a home day, and are visiting relatives. Y et we would not forget the .James Harris is overhauling his build­ among us. ing on Main street. Its ai>j»eanince will services of Rev. C. .Alderson, who is ap- be greatly improved when finished. pointed to another charge. The fall term of the La Creole Acade- i “ my begins Sept. 10. It is well equipped D ru n k A rrested . — John Jordan was with able teachers in every department, arrested on last Sunday, on a charge of H. L. Deacon, our obliging telegraph1 being drunk and disorderly. He "as tried operator and station agent, and wife, will before City Recorder Holman, was con- start Saturday for a two weeks’ vacation. victed> antj a flne 0f |l0 and costs was A large line of dress goods at forced assessed against him. But while the re­ Must be sold to | corcj er waa consulting a few minutes in sale at M. M. Ellis’. E llis. make room for goods coming. Call early regard to the fine the prisoner stepped Mr. II. J. Ferguson and wife and Mr. outside of the court room. When the L. W. Roberts- m i and Mrs. Brooks, of marshal came to look for him, lo! where Iiidet’endeiice, were in Dallas Wednesday. was hef Echo answers where. A loiter to a friend in Dallas from Miss Eflie B L U - . nh I, dated San Francisco, J i states ArciDKNTALLY 8 hot . — Last Sunday that .he haU a plewant trip » » d arrived a{ternof,n while tw„ of Mr. E. B. . . . . . Don’t let your teeth iro to ruin for want of a little care. (Jo to Dr. I. T. M u o n , dtmta! rooms in Dallas ami get them nice- ly liquored. .. i . — „ melons. He w a s rewarded b y C fttc b lB g one of tbe boys who informed on the others in order to escape himself. Mr. Newby gives notice that he intends to save his melons at the muzzle of bis shot gun. Ho has worked hard to raise his melons, and intends to have the good cf them. o a h ’ s A rk Hardware, Grocries, Crockery. m erit the confidence o f the public. ; /.nue m y r e g u la r im p o rt a tio n s o f .m u " «ad 1 / ^ v m FINE SHOES, 01 /7 7 SEAM BOOTS. AND AIY OW N BR AND OF BASKET FIRED NATURAL LEAF M a i n O T .O V S S TEA. S t ., D a l l a s , O g n . O'A TEXT ZU JCX3 l 'T i l , 1.70) rr-izT.-rsz-T/.c ED-ROGK PRICES. i . • 3 « 3 3 « 3 E . 3 E 3 E .Main S , D allas, Oregon. J asper R. M il l e r , («tncce.HSor to H ig g s d M ü le r ), Dallas, Oregon. F IR S T -C L A S S D R U G S T O R E . ---- D E A L E R Dr-ags. Stationery, I N ------ Chemicals, Perfum ery Toilet Articles, Etc., Etc. A l w a y s o u llit iu l a F in e L in e of M EER SC H AU M P IP E S , C IG AKS, rOHACCO, ETC . 'IiU Street. E>.-iIlns, Or.-sron. C O L U M B I A C a X X fiX Q U J t © © M iS < lE , TV. S. J U I £ m , I’ r i n e i p a i . I have also secured the sen ices o f a competent and V i il U.' dh J “d p irl t i place within t’»9 reach of the young and middle-aged of either sex tho fa. ililies lor obtaining a experienced PHARMACIST from the East, who w ill he found at the Store THOROUGH P R A C T IC A L B U S IN E S S E D U C A T IO N At the lowest 'Possible rate«. The school ¡a supplied with all the conveniences of th» Krwt at all hours, work. I .very tiling ¡.s new, neat and pleoHunt, and the instructions arc the most practical and D A Y O R thorough. rl iie Telegraph Department has all the necessary appliances for iuipa.-ting a thor- ‘j'/rfh knowledge of that science. All kinds of pen-work, Filch as engrossing resolutions, filling dip I «»man, visiting (,r wed ling cards, etc., executed in a work-man-lik»* manner at living rates. For particulars send for the “ Columbia Commercial College Journal.” Address, N IG L E C T . W. K. .JAMES, Cor. Second and Salmon St«. We make a Specialty o f filling Prescriptions, Family P . O . E c x 5 S 3 .................................. P O R T L A N D . O R E G O N Recipes with the best o f Drugs, and at reasonable rates. H. W. L Y O N S , C. P. S U L L I V A N . SdfTo avoid loss in the Mails, please send money b. U koistkrxd L etter . O n ly I m p o r t e l i l i j ( ¿ I V K HAYLOCK k JENNEY, S ole A oentn for A msrica . LA CREOLE ACADEMY, D ALLAM , P O L K i N S L Y O N S & S U L L IV A N , C A L L . 7 Ikey Ml., X. ¥ CO U NTY, OGN. -T O S . n S S B ïïU K requ ires n o change o f d ie t o r nauseous, m ercu nai i __________ _____.. o x r p p o oison ou s m e d ic in e s to be tak« n ir teri s ilj W h en taken mm m p r e v e n t i v e ) j n th « r m u it is im p o R flib le to c o rtrB rta n y v e n e T ta ld iF ff:*«« but in tbe ease o f t l,»* e frireedy t r n f o i t u - p a t f l y p M H e « e d w ilh G o n n o iJ o « m d G k c t. W<* ru aran tee S boxee to cure o r w o w ill refund tnfe m o M ;. P r ir e by w a il, rrs ta fr* | »id . ( ’¿.«C p er b ox. or. 8 b o x es f o r A5JO. W iit U n g n e tti leaned by «11 a u th o r m d »*rr.fa M r. F e lix L e H rn n A t o. flo lr P r o p «. M O O D A R Ib P L A S M A t O , A u th orized A r e r t « , W h . o l M s l . a r .4 I t c ia ll r r a p p l t t i , P O R T L A U D , flR K G O R . O rders b y m ail w ill r« re iv e p rom p t a Iter, t i e r . t S TA TE AGENT FOR IRON TRIBUNE AND BUCKEYE WIND [KOINES MlS?) FORCE PUMP W o r k « « • « jr G irn im m ron* «irra m !l n t Porcelain l . l n r d <’ f l l u « t r r . COVERi-iflflSM T A N D R A IL R O A D L A N D , Ti?«fi3 ER L A N D S , S T O C K R A N C H E S , fO V/N P R O P E R T Y , S A W M iiLS, E T C ., ETC .. E T C . k I m iii 1« « nail v «»V. la PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, DALLAS, POLK CO., OGN. JVe have for sale on easy terms, farms o f all size» from forty acres upward. Also * tin* 9 l i m p cal m i l l*.-al P orre P u m p I n l l i r «% i.r lif I h i*|* «»r SI i h I I o ’. v VS « I l a . 'I Ivo ii « o n if « I n nar in « v e r y p a r oi l ia r I nurd M ate*, The >.«<>’• lL ;k B. .m l' th ^ e ^ o f hk’*u »'m DU W. J. M< D A N IE L , were found near the wheat pile, and it ia , ____ to be hoped be will be traced up giren | I his just deserts. N ever fr e e z e «in » e ile « , O rego n . Inter. j -— ------ ---------- A B e, Wa.irW I 1!« cosn i-m on WITH JAP. R. MIL S fin ì fo r e lm i. .J O h r - .j™ ,* * » In r a n d p r l e e « . I «m in need of . bright ,n,.niw.w, intelligent . end | aetire boy. with good h.hits. from 14 to MRS. DR. (¡REEN, NKJD P U M P S , IIG S E , p i p e * a n d f i t t i n g s o f a l l k i n d s a l w a y s o n . ¡ j ymra old, to le .ro th. printing bum j hau l and furnished t * »>rder. Parties desiring any article in my line will be ne.e. No boy need apply nnle.e h .J «- In d ep en d en ce. O regon . promptly atfemled to lie s . t s-turdav e*P«cted under the circumstances. It In d T u ^ U - -.7 . nerr-.w e ^ p e from deeth • p . Do you intend to go to school this i ________ ___________ winterl I f an you «hould reed the ad. of , ___ n ____ „ __ u___ . . j ------- . t h c W ilU m .t f- - r n ir e r .it y .w h ic h .p l* « . „ K »eburg ln d p e t. “ W ill Q. Brown, Superintendent d the in «nether column. W P Wri ’ ht returned to Dull«« ^ ifkle mine, near Riddle, in »hi. county, WVdninday froiu Southern Oregon, where h « juet relumed from ¡Sen Frencieco, he h «. been with a goeemment «urreying «h ere he had a quantity of ere «melted New York, enclosing fl.oO, and you will receive by i return a remedy that will enable you to hear like sm i ^ y • !»«, and whoM curative effect» will be perraa nent. will never regret doing so. -E ditor or — 4 You ----— Turkish paper conies i ERMS of pre—nt school year begin Sept. 10, Nov. Jan. 2S, and April 1. to the front with an account of the dis- I The 19, scho »1 1» n o n s r e in r la n Tuition r lio n p e r covery of the orignul Noah's Ark, in a then at say other inslitutioa o f like grad» n M m Porirc Coast. A f u l l and r o m p r t e n t faculty is glacier, on Mt. Ararat, by some French emj loyed. The department» and course» of wtudy a:e r o u u li and u p In th e « le m n iM li o t th e explorers, a short time since. The Ark j Ilio lim e « . Students may enter at n n y t im e is reported to be in a good state of | S if Send postal card to boy 32 for catalogue. ; preservation and to conform to the j Mosais description. The Statesmau i j thinks that it is only a wonder that ! Mark Twain did not make the discovery P i f t r a t l Y C aad ( b i y . f o r e i t h e r h e x . remedy being injerled directly to the seal while visiting the Holy Land. As a 1 of This thoeedieeasea of the Genito-Lrinary Orgur n N . — A “ Its virtue«» are tnq bm tio x ab le and its ctrative CHARACTER ABAOLt'TK, AS T IIK WRITER CAR PERSONALLY TESTIFY, BOTH FROM BXI’ KIIIRNCK A N » OBSERVATION. W rite at once to H ayloch k J bnaky , 7 !»• >tr.-t ;;nd Ribbons, Servian A ’ ?4i?: a ss i : vs slothing , botts m a p p ro v a l in the past, w o are p ‘.rc.j a to A Jasper Ellis and wife, of Salem, paid their father and mother. Mr. and Mrs. Richmond, a v i „ t this week. , , . Rev. C. Alderson returned home from conference Wednesday. H e is appointed to Brownsville and Lebanon. A T T R A C T IV E O u r lo w prices and squ are dealing in this county has met w ith u n iv e rsa l EARS!«» MILLION! Foo C hoo’s Balsam ef Shark’s O il M.v hearing 1» much benefited. 1 fiavc reeeieed untold benefit. My hearing is improving. It is giving good satisfaction. Have been greatly benefited, and am rejoiced that I saw the notice of it. o f th e STOCK FANCY S STAPLE DRY G O O D S in g you no “ taffy ” BOW TO OBTAIN! M elon S te a lin q .— It seems thAt Mc­ Minnville is cursed with young hoodlums who think it smart to steal watermelons. We learn from the Reporter that Mr. W. F. Newby has had his premises raided by this lawless class of young scoundrels . , I u n t l l l fie m a d e up L i s u m u l to guard t h e , ” for y o u r s e lf an d be satisfied that w e are g iv ­ Cor. Main and Mill passed through Dallas Thursday evening | hose carriage arrives will be ready for on their way to Portland. j business. _ K S u itiii;; , R ngiihh Cheeked W cn d c il S atin Da masse. A riiiiiie ? ,, M oires find O ttom an Cash mors, Cures n every ease 1 Hear What the Deaf Say. I C LARGE Ottoman and Brocaded S It is no trou ble to show goods, and w e invite y ou to call an d inspect R C O N S IS T IN G O P money- , | | R Goods and Novelties, D a lla s that o ff r ths inducem ents w s do. j , < or w ill refund men’y T he J ustic e C ase . —From the Ashland paid. We place our Tidings we learn that the counsel for the price for these rem­ edies at loss than ono-twontteth of the price asked by < defense in the case of John Justice, of others for remedies upon which you take all tin Jackson county, who was sentenced to be chances, at id we specially invite the patronage of the many persons who have tried other remedies without hanged, have succeeded in getting a stay effect or depicted their purses by paying doctor bill» that beneflttcd them not. of proteedings, and will appeal to the Supreme Court for a new trial. I t does these remedies. Go to your druggist j seem that when a criminal has had a fair and ask for them. If they have not , Messrs. Belt, Reise and A. C. Sweet. | lost appearance lwfore au Oregon audi- trial before an intelligent jury and has m * 4 J h .. iJ L ^ a m f got them, write at once to the proprietors, enclosing o f Independence, paid Dallas a visit this ence. In order that everybody may at- been convicied of the crime of minder, tho price in money or stamps, and they will he sent you at once by mail, post paid. Conespondence so­ * eek- ! tend the rally, the admission price has unless there shall arise some new testi­ N l C C K S S O I l T O J . !.. I I Y D K , licited. Address plainly Several new business houses are alamt | pl>ce(j l t r)0 cellt>> wi(h a5 ceIlts mony, the attorneys ought to be willing L. WHRF.LF.R & CO., No. 96 W. Baltimore St., ready for occupancy on the burnt district extra for reserved seats. The O. R. Sc to let justice be done, and the law vin­ Sts., (Sept. 1-iyr.) BALTIM ORE. MD. in Dallas. N, and O. Sc C. R. R. Co.’s will issue dicated; but it seems they arc not. No The family of W. S. Elkina, who have excursion tickets at the usual discount of doubt on some trivial technicality a new been sick with scarlatina, are all about 40 per cent, to all who wish to attend the trial will be granted, and perhaps the well again. H aving purchased tins well-known corner Drug Store, I have lcplaced outside the city. criminal will be set free. A couple of Indians had a set-to “ down . rally from points the old stock with a now and by the river side ’ Thursday evening. No | _ Standard. B lac k m ailin g .— F rom the Yamhill one carved. C O M P L E T E V S H O ltT M E N T T he T error B elt .— T he Terror Engine Reporter we learn that M cM innville has P o s itiv e ly R e s to r e s th e U e a r iiiit The painters have finished their work Fire Co. No. 1 received their new belts among its citizens a blackmaili ng viper m O f Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, Etc., Etc. m id is th e o n ly A s o ln tc C u re on the outside of the new school house. Wednesday. They are exceedingly neat human shape who is in the habit of f o r D e a fn e s s K n o w n . It looks well. A L S O Tins Oil is abstracted from peculiar species o f small Miss Laura Hall, of Buna Vista, re­ and reflects great credit on its manufac­ writing anonymous letters and sending W h i t e S h a r k , caught in the Y'ellow Sea, known as turned home Sunday, after a week’s visit turers for their taste and workmanship. them through the neighborhood to stir C arciiarodox Ko.XDELRTIf. Every Chinese fisherman A full assortment of Paints, Oils, Brushes, and everything pertaining to knows it. Its virtues as u restorative of hearing were with relatives. The officers belts are red, on which are up trouble. M cM innville is not the only discovered by a Buddhist Driest about the year 141t». Its cures arc so numerous and n in n y m i s e e m in g ly A large invoice of both heating and the following inscriptions in large, white place that is cursed with these vile hu­ m ir a c u lo u s , that the remedy wan officially pro­ cook stoves at Smith & Cooper’«, Inde- h eMeri; “ Foreman," «' First Assistant,” man buzzards who live on social carrion claimed over the entire Empire- Its use became so universal that for o v e r :WM> y e a r * n o Ih rM fu oM pcmlence, Oregon. | and “ Second A »«i«ta n t." The private. and attempt to vomit it upon every one h as e x is t e d a m o n g t h e i l i I n «•*.«• p e o p le . Sent, Removes paint, pitch or grease front ! belt ¡, black in the main w;,h red back- who comes near them. A man or woman charges prepaid, to any addiens at $1.00 per bottle. any kind o f cloth, .................... Em*,eror Savon' ° " j ground on which the word “ T error" ap- who can stoop to engage in such fiendish sale at M. M. Ellis’. pears in raised, white letters. In front employment ought to be confined in a It has performed a miracle in my case. Judge C. A. Johns and party, who have is the figure “ 1” in white and is also inenagarie of jackals and rattlesnakes, I I have no unearthly noises in my head and hear been rusticating for a short time, return- ( much better. ed home on last Tuesday. j raised. The company'« uniform is now and allowed to enjoy the company of ob- j I have been greatly benefited. My deafness helped a great deal -thi**k another About one hundred mutton .heep ' complete, and . . .oon « « the engine and jects of their own ilk. bottle will cure me. W oman ScrrKAO* R a l l y .— The Wo- man Suffrage Association has secured tho Lark Hall and family will remove to Buena Vista the Gist of the coming week. services of * Rev. " " Henry Ward Beecher, , , _ ,, , who will deliver a lecture under its It is rumored that Dallas will have a ! . ..., , ,r , restaurant shortly. “ A lone-felt want.” i auspices next Thursday evsniug. The t ~ „ , , .. , subject will be “ The Reign of tho Corn- Lark Hall, Frank Collins and daughter . , .. . ... and Lee Fenton went to Portland Thors- m' " ‘ I e" P le -»>>' “ <• «e lu d in g day. | woman. This will be the great orator’s u n u s u a lly W o treat a ll alike, rich an d poor - A pplegate ' s F arm S old . — Lindsay Ap- pelgate has sold his fine farm of about T. L. Butler, of M ill Creek, was in I 155 acres, lying partially within the town J Dallas Tuesday. j limits of Ashland. The price is #10,000, i Dr. Kirkpatrick, o f Scio, contemplates and Mr. Appelgate reserves 1$ acres, in­ locating in Dallas. | cluding his residence. I h e farm is a Frank Wood has been sick with the good one, agriculturally speaking, and in ague the past week. its location and topography is admirably Pork in the county seat is like hen’s adapted for building lots. Wo suppose teeth— mighty source. S erved H im R ig h t .— A soap peddler it will be surveyed into town lots which Emperor Savon, the best family soap. ! arrived in this city from Salem last Sat­ will be put upon the market soon, but Ask for it at M. M. Ellis'. urday, and he at once commenced mak­ have not lmd any authoritative informa­ M r. Matt Brown was buggy-riding on ing ariangenumti» t-» sell his worthless tion in the matter. The ground is level the streets on last Monday. goods on orr streets. But there was one It is needless to describe the and the soil productive, and there is symptoms o! this uauseous di­ J. H. Downing will remove to Alkili, thing that seemed to bother him, and room for many a pleasant homo, each sease that is sapping the life and strength of »nly too many Eastern Oregon, next week. that was the city charged a tee of #10 for with a good fruit and vegetable garden, of the fairest and best of both sexes, old and young, , all street hawkers, but the said soap ped- suffering alike from the poisonous dripping in the ; on the farm.— Ashland Tidings. throat, the poisonous nasal discharges, fetid breuth ler was equal to the emergency and and general weakness, debility and languor aside ] from the acute sufferinga of this disease, which if not F ears o r F oul P l a y .— M r. J. J. W ag­ escaped the tax by claiming that he was ever a town cheeked van only end in loss of palate, hoarseness, ! hotel Dallas needs one now. ! subject to a nameless disease. In the ner, who formerly lived at Drain, sold all weakened sight, loss of memory, deafness, end . premature death if not cheeked before it Is too late. ; Mr. George Townsend, of Perrydale, evening a crowd gathered to hear him his property there last spring and put the Labor, study and research in America, Europe s id > Eastern lands have resulted in Wheeler’s No. 86 In- I was iu town on last Tuesday. talk, but before tin crowd had got really proceeds into stock, which he took to the stunt Relief and Suie Cure for Catarrh, a remedy j which contains uo harmful ingredients, and that is j John M artin’s barn, at Bridgeport, was interested, a sln-wer of eggs greeted the front and sold, intending to engage in the guaranteed to cure every ease of acute or chronic; burnt to the ground last week. individual, one hitting him aqua rely in business of buying stock and selling to the catarrh or money refunded. Wheeler’s No. 90 Instant ! Relief and Sure ‘Cure for Catarrh will cure every case \ A fte r he sold his of catarrh, hay fever or asthma, price. SSI.00 per pack- j J. D. Lee is giving the front of his the face, when he got angry and need railroad company. age, from druggists or sent by mail post paid on re brick store a fresh coat of paint. some very indecent language, and was stock he started south and was last heard ; ceipt of price, W. J. Mulkey, the Polk county asses­ arrested and gave bonds to appear M on­ from at W olf creek, when all traco of him i W heeler’s No. f>6 Suae Cure for Kidney and Liver ; sor, was in the city Wednesday. day morning, but instead of waiting ho or his effects was lost. This was about Troubles cures all weakness and soreness of kidneys, i inflamalion of kidneys or liver, price $ 1 . 0 0 . Mr. Wayne W. Williams, of Indepeml- packed liis valise and left for Southern the middle of April «and fears are enter­ W heeler’s Vegetable Pills arc the only remedy that ence, tvas iu town on last Monday. j Oregon via the O A C. R. R. ties. We tained that he was murdered for his cure constipation, action to the bowels without physicing, purging, griping or pain. Price money. His family is at Drain, and any 25 cents, of druggists or by mail. Editor J. S. McCain went to Eugene hope the people of Southern Oregon will City Wednesday to spend a few days. j give him a warm reception, at he is one information regarding the missing hus­ Wheeler’s Nervine Tonic for mental depression, loss o f Manhood, languor, weak:.ess or over tax;.tio, Messrs. Vaughn and Hirschherg, of In- ®f the worst bilks that ever infested Ore- band will be thankfully received by Mrs. of the brain is invaluable, price 25 cents. Wagner.-—Plaindealer. dependence, were in Dallas Thursday. | gon.— Eugene City Guard. Two thousand sheep left this vicinity Monday for Eastern Oregon, overland. H I T E S JOSEPH FISHBUKN. Parties w lshluç t' Buy or Sell should call and ere ks .