The Polk County Itemizer. j T IHdl'K D E V E B T Ö A T t'K D A Y J. 8 . M cO A IN . P O L K C 0 U Ï T T Y I T E M ' SMáSSéS HuUrrlpllon Hates: D ev oted t o the Best In terests o f Polk County in Particular and to the Pacific Coast in General. tifivi« Topi«« On« Veer......... .................... #¿50 „ “ 84x Mouths ........................... -, Throe M ou th «...................................... tiuvle Number................................................................ 1 tft 75 10 P B o n a a io ia L J. N. SM ITH, M. D~ F H Y S IC IA N THE CRUEL FATHER- NEW PRICES. NEWCOODS. c a r p s . AND S U R G E O N When charming Christine Nilsson sang. In oar ¡esthetic town, And all our local country rang With praise to her renown, A gentle, comely maid we knew Made loud and numerous ado — The fair Caiuelia Brown. Dullas. Oregon. Office on Mill Rfc., North o f Court Hoiue. Oli. W. Ë “ 1 want to hear Miss Nilsson sing,’ * To her papa, said she, “ And so to night I pray you bring A bonnet home for me: For how the other girls would «tare I f I should show the old one there— I hate the horrid thing!” The Largest Stock and Cheapest Goods ! ! 1U B E LL, D E N T I S T , Dallas, Oregon. But he with purpose to deride And give his child the bluff— “ I’ll buy no bonnets new!” he cried, “ The old one’s good enough!” Then fuir Camelia hung her head, And not another word she said— She simply gasped and died. A LL WORK DONE IN FIRST-CLASS S T Y L E . Office on** door north o f J.D. Lee’« White Brick. N t, BtriXBB JO H N T. D A L V F oe D A LY & B U T L E R , P e o p l e * of P olk C o u n t y ! the ATTO R N E YS A T LAW, riLL PRO M PTLY AT T EN D TO A L L business entrusted to them. Office ou opposite Court House, Dallas- U ! MR- DELMAYNE’B W ARD. LE G A L Mill St. I take pleasure in announcing to the public that my E. J. D A W N e T ATTORNEY AT LAW, SPRING a n d N o tary P u p lic * SJ P ECIAI ATTENTION G IV E N ITO C OLLECTIN G O and loaning money Always prepared to loan from çliKJ to #2,i>00 on nersonal or real estate security. Office in Griswold's building, opposite the bank, Salem, Ore­ gon, ,1. H. TOWNSEND, In Dallas, Oregon. A f f ic k on s t r e e t , o p p o s it e Collections made a specialty m a in Court House. E. B. 8K IP W O R T H , G E N E R A L MERCHANDI SE ATTORNEY AT LAW, -A N D - Notary M !y In d e p e n d e n c e S to re You will fiml the FIN E ST GOODS and the L A R G E S T ASSORTM ENT of th e Kept on the West Side o f the Willamette, outside of Portland. Public, Albany, Oregon, M LL PRACTICE IN A L L THE COURTS IN THE State. All business entrusted to biin promptly at­ tended to. Office in O'Toole's Block, Broad Alhin St., U Geo. W Belt. Independence. My M L Pines Dallas BELT & PIPES. Millinery Department Is complete >u every respect and in the hands of a competent Milliner. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ¡ Ï T W ill practice in all the Courts of the State. Office up stairs in Court House. I n m P e r r y d a l© s to r e g You will find n CO M PLETE ASSORTM ENT of CHA.S. P. SULLIVAN, A t t o r n e y y a t L a w , G E N E R A L M E R C H A N D ISE DALLAS. OREGON. P r o m p t A t t e n t i o n P a i d t o IIiitin cs H . Suitable for the Country Trade. Orricm -On Main .Street, two doors north o f Postoffioe You will also find a L IN E of Millinery of the Latest Styles! DR. J. B. JOHNSON, O o n tle t- Having returned to Independence to permanently locate, is prepared to do all kinds of dental work. Filling and treating a specialty. Office in Vanduyn & Smith’s new brick, up stairs. IK MTT Produrr takrn in Exriiungr for Goods at Market rates. c . A. JO H N S Give me a call before purchasing elsewhere, and SEE MY GOODS T R U IT T & JOHNS, and G E T T H E P R IC E S !! Attorneys-at-Lavr, EZRA D ALLAS, OREGON ON Hons«. O FFICE POPPLETON. M ILL STREET. NORTH O FC O U R auglt5 DR. I. T. A LL X A S K MASON, R E S ID E N T D E N T IS T , Dallas, Oregon. Is that you do yourself justice by buying goods whore you can get them the cheapest. (Late of Eugene City and Sheridan. Nitro Oxide or Laughing Gas administered. up stairs over H. \ Butler's store. D a l l a m , Nor. 17, 1882. Office I know it is the practice among a great many merchants to sell a few leading articles at cost, but they must make it up on something else. I intend to strictly adhere to very LO W P R IC E S in everything I offer for sale, and in A. E. SCOTT, M. D., Physician and* Surgeon, DRESS & FANCY GOODS, Late of Oakland, Cal., has permanently located in DALLAS, OREGON. CLOTHING Will be found at all times at B. M. Smith’s Drug Store. Z. T. DODSON, M. D.. PHYSICIAN, SUHCEON, A N O - OBSTETRICIAN. Haa|pennanently located in Dallas, Oregon. Office in H y d es drug store. novlltf. Furnishing Goods, Etc., Etc. W . H. HOLMES, Attorney and Counselor There is no doubt or question but I shall sell them very much lower than the same goods have ever been offered in this market. f y Please to call and price the goods and you will see that I am in earnest. at Law, Salem, Oregon. J o h n M c D o w ell M. M. E L L IS , Real Estate Agent, S u c c e s s o r to W . C . B r o w n , D ALLAS. OREGON a r t ie s d e s ir in g t o buy P or •state, wiN do well to consult me. west o f Jap. R. Miller's drug store. sell D ALLAS, OREGON, M ARCH 8. 1883 real Office two doors BURNS & M O R R IS O N . J. L. C O L L IN S , LIVERY AND SALE STABLE. Attorney and Counselor at Law Dalian. O reg on . H. H. LINES k LAWRENCE, M A N I F A C T l * E l t * A N D D E A I Eftfl IN IT IM ilT I RF. SOUCITOR IN CHANCERY. a « At ^ O f fl^ o p p U it e tl?«' Dallas Hotel, corner o f Main and Court sW t . Dali—. P o * County. Or— ml Patent Medicines, BELT HOUSE HAS CH ANG ED H A N D S AN D ill be run a« a flrat-claM house in «very respe«t. I Salcurootn T HE wT* DALLAS CITY MILLS, - n A U T .A fl, 0 S 2 0 0 1 T , WILSON t HOLMAN, PROPRIETORS. OREGON. A L L K IN D « OF busioma in th« on hand, on M A IN STREET, two d o o n north of Vaadnye It Smith. Promptly »nd in » aatisfactory manner D E A L E R IN D a l i a * Oregon. Jan 5. 1M3 I One to Ten Thousand Dollarn Time : From one to flve ye«r«; And County Surveyor. I August M i n t H EAD-STONES, Executed in Italian and American Marble. Terms Truitt k Johns. D a lla s . O b b o o n . «aW>-»f WM. STAIGER, Give os » call We have mone« to loan on approved Real Estate ATTEND TO HIS PU8INF88 TN o m i.o v WILSON A HOLMAN. P. WRIGHT. A U C T IO N E E R I, C ris t a n d C u s to m W o rk TiU •• wanted, dap . h . M bo™ • i n . ™ don, part *>€ th« «mmty prom ptly. C ase s Having purcha«ed Hie above mills, we are now pre’ pared to do »11 kinds of MONEY T C LOAN I j and m ir . P IM lH M W# thank you for fou r custom in the past ana n >r m the future W e are you will rwitinue the « R o w e l l « « o n X doM W hich we will furnish at Red need Price«. B1 a c k s m ith s , W Z We also keep a large and well selected stock o f ROWELL & SON, DO klnd* 0°nf 2 2 « n " C aske ts P E R R Y B A L E . OREGON To W * anaps much distress; because gnine temperaments have sunk into he signed when mamma tried it a «, and scolded so I cried, but ■ the grave.—| Rhiladlephia News. ms said I soon would wed, sne ■ ® - After recalling the circumstances of pa's clothes for him, instead trimmed with lace, just in tide Byron's final illness, and in view of the fact that ho was bled three times place, neath which two ankle« show with grace, in silken hoee to in one day, though already weakened by malaria fever, the Lancet con­ toe beans, who think they’re 1 I suppose. These are i cludes that the old fashioned physi­ feet in slipper* cians killed him. nest and - - — now, if we Mr. Flinders Petrie is about to pub­ should chance lish a work on measurements o f the to meet, we’ll flirt a great pyramid, in which he will show that the new measurements are irre­ l i t t l e { 'S concilable with those on whieh Pro­ fessor Pisxzi Smyth has built hie hypotheses. Paul H. Hague now ■ H •Vr