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About Polk County itemizer. (Dallas, Or.) 1879-1927 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1883)
V« ITEMI ZER. « i » T» i r m T ». l e t i i : k m on hanta ito »t « a u JASPER R. MILLER, SPUING OPENING. S O M E T H IN G - N E W . R cdibvru O r ., April lath, 1883. M r . E d :—being a stranger to you but A KINK STOCK OF ALL KINDS OF BI OTWHOR TO RIOOS A MILLER), Eu. I temize » :------Since my last article not to your welcome I tim u kr , I promised to contribute occasional items and obser written at Gardner, I have taken the round trip on the southern ooast of ration from this sunny clime, when there r O F F IC E R S . ©ur State. At the mouth of Winchester is Aery little exoerience with the web-foot’ s K u ll u n d ( 'o i n p l e U ' S t o c K o f r o B i u s LABUN « m itin * .\s we take stage for Coos Bay, twenty miles mists, and what they have t«» 8j»are there liOLS H r., I Ir. y Ju dge,.............. . 0 . A . J ohns . south, traveling on the beach the entire would not come amiss here, as even n<*w, aftor quite a rain there is still some anx C lerk , ........... . B o s w e l l S h e l l y . distance which is as smooth as a floor. I’iisfc door North of tho hallas Hotel, Main st. There is a board marking the resting iety felt in the probable out-couie of this ft Treasurer ........... K. T . M i l l e r . years crops esjieeially in the interior val apr 7 MBS. M K. MV A IN, fr a p fetor, place of a man picked ud a few days — DEALER IN----- _ . (S .A .R w o s , '• Commissioners> | Joi C baven since, who was out of the crew off the ley’s when a number of inches of rain | more surely would not come amiss to ; ill-fated steamer Tacoma. Several . . . H ardy H olman , wrecks of ships are noticed along the beach materiaiy help the crops. 1 doubt very ALSO A LABOR STOCK 01-’ . . . V f . 3 . M u l k e ï . also the head bones of a huge whale. much whether some |-aits« f this state i 10 t o r , . . . / .............. W . P . W r i o h t . The lewer jaw weighing three thousand ever have or will be renu iterative to ! l K A L U ib IN I S u p t .......................F r a n e R i o l e r . lbs. is only an index of what the huge what on account of growing. The much THE BEST VARIETY, AND FINEST QUALITY OF dreaded north winds. Tho estimate of j monster was two or three yenrs since . . .. T . J . L ee . i n d i l i V I I A Ï * I S l - . s * d - ... ■ H I M ¿roerles in n i when it washed a shore. Coos Bay, op- this years wheat crops is less than last j M oas, >site Empire City is two *)niles wide, it year but should sufficient rain fall in a IN THE STATE. C is an average width of one mile and is short time tho yield may very mar equal A Jou rn a listic R elic. CIGARS m id T O IU C C O . eighteen miles long, and is the safest Bar last years crop, as the average is 1 »rg«*r. M A I N S T R E E T , - - lU D E P E N D E W C E . for ships to cross any bar on the Before the last rain some two w e e k s a g o ■ W e bad placed in our hands one coast of Oregon. there was a great deal of aux etv felt G. !.. 1 > IE K (T , l* r « p t le t o r . u H s K ills. < tu.iidh'M, N u flo u i day this week by Mr. James Camp Empire City is the 1st town, we meet about draught being tfie gereial topi? of j the day. But now the people seem great L ie ., E t c . bell of this place a copy of the “ New and has a population of about three hundred. Next is South Bend about the ly relieved and general prosperity flour I fè ti 1 . Hampshire Bentenal," printed in same size. Next is Marshfield. That ishes. Wheat declined in price some Keene, New Hampshire, April 17 is the liveliest town 1 have soon since j fifteen cents per. bushel from the effect M ill .Street, : D a lla s, O regon >f this rain tho high price which was rul 1839, just about 44 years ago. Com left the vailey, has population of about ing being mostly speculative and not eight hundred. A large saw mill, Ship This powder never varies. A marvel of A llo o n rr « A l l ! pared with the newspapers of the yard. Good stoves hotels etc., actual value, seems that a corperation purity, strength and «blesomenekt, Always on hand, a Fine Line of known as grain exchange, contrôles the Coos City, near the head of the bay a more economical than the ordinary kind, present time it is something of a v k g e t a i i i, i : it i : ii i ; u v . a small town backed by the extensive coal wheat market in this state, it appears and cannot bo sold in competition with journalistic curiosity. It is printed mines, is a lively little town, nothing more or less than a gambling in the multitude ot low test, short weighs, Those distressing complaints, such as in a mixture of type ranging from eight ships are built a year, on Coos Bay stitution as the real transfer of grain alum or phosphnto powders. Sold only Billiouhiiess, Dyspepsia, Headache, Pains is not necessary. The majority of these in cans. K oval B aki . no P owder Co., 100 four at Marshield and four at Marshfield Minion to Long Primer, and its gen iu the Buck and Kidneys, Malarial troubles Cigars. Tobaccos, Etc. and four at South Bend, at a cost of brokers buy and sell on speculation not Wall st., N. Y. and all disease arising from tho functions eral make-up is somewhat antiqne. thirty thousand dollars each or two hun for actual want to ship or use, as many of tho stomach and liver being deranged In politics it is W h ig ; and we learn dred and forty thousand dollars expend parcels of wheat are bought and sold from weakness or excesses, cured by ues of which were not existing except on paper, C A P IT A L , P a id up in U . S. G old C oin, : $3(H),00 0.00 from reading its columns that the ed anually for said building. this system has advocates pro and con. Three very large saw mills are kept R EG O pLO OD PURI HER political arena was not much mere running continually, each cutting fifty but it seems proper that the staff of life COIN ASSETS, D ecem b er 31, 1880, : 042,841.00 immaculate forty years ago than at thousand ft per day or forty five millions ought to regulate by actual production and consumption as far as price is con In c o m e fo r 1SK0, : : : : 340,041.00 present. W e hear a great deal now ft. annually, which is worth four millions, cerned. The fruit production lias and is 6ve hundred dollars at the mills. Next _ _ TJfX _ days about the corruptions of society in importance is the coal mines, and 1 taking a prominent pav in this state. ( Successor to Alex. Patterson), Losses, paid sin c e o rg a n iza tio n , : 1,035,202.81 and from certain quarters there only visited one. This mine is very ex Industries and seems now a financial suc 8YN!PTO*7i3 OF A tensive, fifty mien employed, the cess that wine produced equals tho im eomes a constant lament that society R e in su r a n c e R eserve, : : *• H 4,080.60 year round. They are now working cars, ported and is sought after, there art; Loss o f A p petite, B o w e ls costiv e. Pain in is growing more and more corrupt and mules are used in hauling the coal to many hundred acres of «vineyards in the the H ead , w ith a d ull sensation in the L osses P a id in O regon, : : : 200,000.00 back part, P ain u n d e r the S houlder every day. It wouldjdo such croak the wharf, where the ships are loaded. middle part of the state in trie southern blade, fullness after ea tin g, w ith a disin Ten thousand tons of coal per year, is and coast counties, the grapes are mostly a tion to e x e rtio n o f b o d y c r xx-.ind. ers good to read occasionally forty- •hipped from these mines, valued at $5 converted into excellent raisons. It is also clin Irrita b ility o f tem p er. L o w spirits, with g o f having n e g le cte d som e duty, year-old papers such as the one be ton, or fifty thousand dollars per anum. in this part that the oranges lemons, figs a W feelin ea rin ess, D izzin ess, F lu tterin g at the T h is le a d in g a n d p o p u la r c o m p a n y ofToi’s s u p e r io r olives most tropical fruit is grown. Ap eart, D ots b efore th e eyes, Y e llo w Skin, fore us. They might possibly turn for these mines alone, and as there are ples pears prunes of which there were a H o ^ K e n d a l l ’ s ; H ea d ach e gen erally o v e r tho rig h t eye, three mines in this country, the other a d v a n ta g e s to th ose d e s ir in g r e lia b le in d e m n it y again st ySVPU W Æ uw É away from the perusal with the con two are said to be as good as this one. great many planted this year, and a great R estlessness, w ith fitfu l dream o, highly c o lo re d U rine, an d SE lo ss a n d d a m a g e b y lir e , b e in g s o lid in assets, c o n s e r v a viction that the corruption develop there is a revenue of one hundred and many other kinds cf fruit are experimented ST i NA T IO N . fifty thousand dollars per annum from with and many grown with success, cer T h o M in i Sii<'ri'N *nii i t o m e i l r D r ills and M ed icin es, ment runs backward instead of for the coal mines. tiv e in m a n a g e m e n t, m o d e ra te in ra te s a n d p r o m p t and T JTT T ’.S P I L L S are especially adapted t o ,!l 118 it is certain iu it/effect-s and does tainly this sunny clime is a factor but it such cases, one <loso eft’oets suck a change Hit Mister. READ PROOF BELOW. ward. W e find in this little five Mr. Louis the foreman spared no nevertheless the fact that a great deal of o f feeling ns to astonish the suft'crcr. lib e r a l in th e a d ju s tm e n t a n d p a y m e n t ox losses. BALLSTON, POLK COUNTY, OGN They I n c r e a s e t h e A p p e t it e , and caus»* the FROM ;THE AKRON COMMERCIAL. column sheet a number of choice time and pains in showing and explain attention care and work is being stowed body to '¡¡«I'*» o a F Ii « l thus the system is ing to me the working of the mines. upon them to make it a success. The Iio u riu h v d i.y tin i. T o n i c A c t i o n on the OHIO. OF NOV. 25TH. 1382,1G32. bits like this. “ Another bloody When we entered the tunnel. We were state seeing the financial success of this D ig e s t iv e h m i ' i , ReiM diiT S t o o l* ere pro duced. Price cents. 6.» ' l t s n a j St.. N. Y . • 5 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 deposited in Oregon for tho further security of catastrophe shocked the feelings of each provided with a lamp and proceeded branch is fostering it by improved legisla Readers of the the Commercial can not well AVINO PURCHASED THE ENTIRE STOCK Policy Holders in Oregon, Washington and Idaho. forget that a large space has for years been is tion creating commissioners and inspectors the orderly part of our community on our journey one half (which of goods formerly owned by Alex. Patterson, 1 ikve up by Kendalls advertisements— farther back in the mountain than I ever whose duty is to promote, regulate will sell the same, for the next Thirty Days, S u p e r v i s o r s o f O r e g o n B r a n c h — C. II. Lewis, of Allen & Lewis; J. ■specially of a certain Sj-avin Cure. W e have yesterday. An altercation upon bu care about going again,) vet of course let and investigate tho health of orchards G r a y II a ir on WftlSK i . rs changed to a G lossy .tad dealings with Dr. Kendall for many years McCraken, of McCraken & C o.; P. Wasserman, of W aas.nm m & C o.; IS lack by a single application o f tbis D y e . It im siness matters between Judge W ylie, on to be very brave. The vein is from and prevent the spread of disease and m l the truth is fully nnd faithfully proven parts a natural color, acts Instantaneously. Sold Bankers, Ladd & Tilton. tour ft to five ft six inches thick and is injurious insects of which some orchards by Druggists, or sent by express on receipt o f $1. not, only that he is a good honest man, and an old and respected citizen, and a O F F IC E . :t5 m i t n i Y S T ., N E W Y O R K . inexhaustiable. I mention these statis are infested now. California, even with 'hat his celebroted Spavin Cure is not only all GEO. L. STORY, M anager O regon B ranch Dr. TrTTS HASl'AL of Valuable InformaUr.n \ person who had been in his employ, tics, as I fancy a great many of your its drawbacks is certainly a great and that it is recommended to bo, but that the ( leeful IwevIpU will lit mulled IRES on application.§ Knglish lam mage is not capable o f recommend- D . B. B U S H , Special Agent. was followed by a ^pistol shot fired readers like myself have but little idea prosperous state tho people are enterpris i ig it too highly ing and whenever tho experimenting and about the amount of business carried on mv2- H . J . F E R G U S O N , A g e n t, Independence. directly into M r. W ylies face. The in this small bay when we consider that trying to raise and grow cerials ceases Kendall s Spavin Cure will cure spavins. Just arriving, a large and well-selected stock o GEORGE FASRGRAVES, There are hundreds of cases in which that has I t . 11 . I t lt O O K S , S o l i c i t o r . ball entered the eye, but having the grots earnings of the three most im where the force of circumstances prohibits. becu proven to «»ur certain knowledge, but, There will be less failures especially in Lawn Arbor, Polk County, after all, if any person confines the usefulness struck the frontal bone, was defled- portant branches of industry carried on hero amounts to about four millions and the arid part. There is also less specula >f this celebrated medicine to during spavins ed from a straight course, and did a half per anum; you will not wonder tive mania in mining stocks, and money Has just r e c e iv e '^ new lot, of goods, such as are alone, they make a big mistake. It is the usually kept in a country store, which he will sell, for best medicine known as an outward applica not penetrate the brain, though the at times being good on the bay. The is used for a more certain investments. tion for rheumatism in the human family. It Coquelle is the next river and bay south Californians are pleased to talk about Which will be sold at Lowest Prices. is the best medicine known as an outward ap- the wound is considered a dangerous C a s h , o r P r o d u c e , of Coos; A poor bay for ships to cross, their glorious climate; they admit they p’ icati m for rheumatism in the human family. I \ A . B K O W X . IV o j» "r . one. The eye, of course, is totally but the best farming and dairy country of connot live on climate; but is certainly Cheaper than any dealer in Polk County. He posi It is good for pain-: an ! aches, swellings ami tively means business and will convince you that he a great factor, especially f< r health. lameness, is just as safely appied to men any on our coast, that I know. The gone.” W e give this simply as C o u n try P ro d u ce A N E W H O T E L J U S T OPENED. .v om, n and and states the truth if you will give him a call. children as it is to horses. W e lumbering interests, is a great source of specimen of a great many notices in revenue to this part of the country. know that there are other good liniments, but A H A P P Y NEH YEAR TO A L L ! Of Every Description taken in exchange tor goods, T h e B est in ' th e W orld! £ MAIN ST., NORTH OF LIVERY STABLE. we do believe this ^ spavin cure to lie fur bet- and the highest market price allowed for the same. the same little sheet to show how Boarding the propeller, Myrtle at Em D a l l a s , (»L’ n . er than any ever invented. l i s Vail and examine 9to«k and {»rices before pur pire, and while on our way to Marsh chasing elsewhere. Also keep a full line of By the kindness of the citizens of apt to forget the wickedness of those Everything New, Neat ami Clean. field, we discovered a deer ¿Wimming in Yamhill, Clackamas, Polk, Benton, Linn who lived just a little in advance of the Bay. There wore two cow hoys on and Marion counties, after six years D rugs, P a te n t M ed icin es, PATENTED BY &/!. V. ENSLEY. Hutchinson’s Bauch, 12 miles north of Denver us. W e fiucLa note in reference to the boat from the bunch grass region, business from a small starting point, I am Colorado Single Meals ....... Three meal Tickets and myself who armed ourselves with rope here. And why is iti Because I never I'u re W in es am i Liquors, Mar, 5th, 1883. a Deacon, John Whitman, of East The Monarch is the chief of bee-hives. As It »ani and Lodging D r . B. J. K endall & C o ., C en ts.- For the all standing in a row on deck. The flung in your faces that “ I possessed For medical purposes. Competent person always on a roomy, conviently arraniged and secure hive D.tard, per week... 4 00 _ Will bo mailed Lrott W 8 3 . * £ , _ _ 1 past three years standing I havo Bridgewater, who had just entered Captain offered a free ride to the success largo amounts of glittering gold.” I hand to fill prescriptions. 1>. C. BALING. 15 00 free to all applicants, and to eus- it ha.s not an equal. It id very large, holding Board four weeks. used Kendall's Fpavin Cure. In every tornerà of last year without ordering: i i It contains B allston Oregon, Novembers, 1882 his 105th year in the enjoyment of ful man. The plan was to run the steam have never said you would havo to trade about 880 pounds—the broodchambers hold ua. e of Spavin, of which I have treated five about 175 paffos, 600 illustrations, prices, accurato er by the deor and as we passed each one CHAS. 1*. SULLIVAN. descriptions and valuable directions for planting ing 430. The honev chambers are so arranged it lias killed then) all. and entirely removed good health. H e was the father of to take a throw; the cow boys threw, but with me and you couldn’t help yourselves. 1500 varieties of Vegetable and Flower Seeds, that the bees can he shut off from them after them. 1 case of splint 1 find it 1ms no equal, Plants, Fruit Treos, etc. Invaluable to all, espec I have never said “ I didn’t want Salem they are filled, giving them free access from ially to Market Gardeners. Send for it ! Rev. Jason Whitman, of Portland, being deceived in the distance, missed to grow any larger, for fear it might bring one case I had was of three years standing A T T O H N E Y -A T - L A A V the outside of the hive to the unfilled - ’ cham D. M. F E R R Y & CO . D e t r o it M ioh . removed it entirely One year ago a two Rev. Nathaniel Whitman, of Milton, mark; I threw and by shear accident too much competition in business,” and I bers. B y this means the honey, which is put hundred pound block of ice fell out of a Dallas, Ogn. caught the deer and brought it on board did not turn a cold shoulder to the Wool up in one and live pound frames, can lie taken wagon striking m y foot on thk Instep and toes, and Rev. Bernard Whitman, of W alt and gave it to the captain of tho steamer. . t k s h e a . from the liiye at pleasure, without .disturbing en Mills last summer. DALLAS, OREGON, it would be impossible t«» mash a foot worse P r o m p t A t t e n t i o n p a n i to b u s in e s s . ham. The paper also contains a ro He is going to send it to Woodwards gar or even seeing the bees. I t is a non -wanning i.hoiit bn iking any bones. I was taken In six years of business we do not find Will make the season of 1883, commencing hive, thus requiring no time or trouble in Orli c on Main s t ./t w j doors ¡forth of post office ¡’omo and carried into the house. I d o not den. Many questions were asked in re it all sunshine; but, fellow-citizens, I mance characteristic of forty years April 1st ami ending July 1st, on Mondays or hiving the young swrams. Hav think amputation cf the leg would cause any gard to my skill with the rope, to which I must say that J thank you for your kind, Wilson & Holman, - Prop’rs. watching ___ 'and Tuesdays at Dallas; Wednesdays and ing plenty o f room the bees uo nbt become idle County Treasurer’s Notice. more j ain. 1 went for Kendall's Spavin Cure, ago. One of tne kind that has neither answered, that if they would give mo a| at my farm, 4 miles from Salem, on the ness and patronage, and hope to he able Thursdays in a few weeks, as is the case with small Salem and Dayton road; Fridays and Saturdays at it was all I used and iu six days I could walk beginning or ending, and leaves one, good horse and lasso, I would turn the to merit a continuation of your past fa- Ford & Ellis’ stable, Salem. a v in g pu r c h a s e d t h e a b o v e m il l s , hives, which are soon tilled; and there is not a around. A bout th i>v weeks ago m y team ran O ffice of T reasurer ok P olk l.'N T Y , ) we are now prepared t ) do all kinds of deer in tho streets of Marshfield point about the hive which is not an improve D allas , Oregon, March, 17, _____ away threw me out of the wag» n, the hind For 1883, I have the largest stock of after reading it, to puzlze his brain T L K J L S . 8 2 .1 t o r t h e S e a s o n . ment over the old styles. Mr. M . V'. JKnaley, Y O T IC E IS HEREBY’ GIVEN THAT ALL ORDERS | vrhcil struck my knee. A fter applying several and they might say which foot they shelf hardware south of Portland, con drawn on the Treasury of Polk County, and cn- kinds of W illamma, Yam hill comity, is the patentee, Mares not proving with foal, can be returned next Grist and Custom Work for a week to make out the plot, and wished caught. This I felt quite safe in sisting of all articles usually found in of liniments without obtaining any and Messrs. W ells & Clark, o f Buena Vista, dorsed by me prior to this date, will be paid at the relief, I went for Kendalls Spavin Cure. M y Season. office on demand, and that interest will then he cant. Taking it all together offering, as I was quite certain there was hardware stores. I will also have a full Polk county, are the agents for this county Treasurer’s stop from data of this notice. leg was drawn up ami iny knee swollen badly. not a horse or lasso in the city. DESCRIPTION AND PEDIGREE. Promptly and in a satisfactory manner. Give us anil counties south. Those who keep bees will line of engines, threshers, headers, E. T. MILLER, County Treasurer, j In three days I was able to walk to the barn. it is a most interesting relic, and is call WILSON A HOLMAN. Our trip from the bay to Rosoburg was wagons, plows, spring tooth harrows, do well to call and examine the hive. JESSE 11., bright sorrel «•olt, foaled in 1878, and 1 could go into details more fully, and make D allas , Oregon, January 5,1883. well worth preservation. It was un not as pleasant as it might have been as twine pinders, harvesters, reapers, mow got by Norfolk. Foaled the property of Theodore this a very long letter but will not weary you. TESTIMONIALS. Notice for Publication. Winters; now owned by Win. Magee, near Salem, the snow was a fo#t deep on the mountain I am very respectfully yours^ M cM innville, Or, A pril 13, 1882. ers fruit driers, etc., Please give mo a Oregon. Has two white hind feet, and a narrow earthed by Mr Campbell from among ( )8CAR F. 1 [ L’TCHINSON. and it is sixty-five miles from ltoseburg strip in tho face. A .. •I. G O O D M A N , M r . E nslky —8ir: The Monarch Bee-Hive 1\ O. Lock Box, 2362, Denver City, Col. a lot of furniture just received from to Coos City over the roughest road 1 call. Corner of State and Commercial First dam, imp. Lady Jane, by Marauder. 2nd dam, R. L and O ffice at O regon C ity , > T bought of you last spring has given me good streets, Salem, Oregon. Jane Shore, by Paniimon. 3d dam, Effie Deans, by O regon , March 24, 1883. Successor to Cooper Bios.), ever saw, and Rev. I. D. Driver told me Salem Directory. satisfaction, and 1 think the hive a perfect Skip, ftth dam, Dispute, I»v Partington. 6tli dam, the east. T. B. W ait success. Kespectfully Yours, Gift, by Young Waxey. Norfolk was by Lexington, at Marshfield that he had traveled all out of Novice (sister in blood to Hilleman) by Glencoe. made application to purchase the N i of N E 1 and W m . H em br ee . Santa Rosa, Cal., Feb, Uth, 1883. ever the Pacific coast, and that the road Lexington was by lloston out of Alice Carneal, imp. N i ol N W \ of See. 28. T. » S. K. 7 W\, V. ill M?" A le x o l Clergy man M ason an d D ix on ’s Line. Bellvue, Or., J uly 26, 1882. was the roughest and most dangerous fie Sarpehon. It will therefore ho seen that in Jesse are B. J. K kndali isc Co., Gentleman:— I feel under the provisions of the act of Congress, approved Even tho patience of Job would become combined the very best strains of American and M il E nsley —D ear Sir: The Monarch Bee- June 3, 1878, entitled “ an net for the sale of Tim I cr I it a duty to others suffering with piles and had ever travelled. English racing blood. H ive J bought o f you I am well pleased with. Lands, in the .states of California, O icon Nevada falling of the rectum to write you. I have had Some time ago a subscriber wrote But I am tired writing and if these exhausted were he a preacher and try- ’ ’ ! the piles and prolapsus of the rectum for five For further particulars apply to I stocked the hive with two young swarms of and in Washington Territory." iug to interest his audience, while they Ail adverse claims to said tract must he filed in the us asking some questions about the articles on “ our trip South” are not WM. MAGEE* Prop letor. bees and one old one, put together, and so far U. S. Land Office, at Oregon City. Oregon, before the .• oai .y for the pit t three years I have suffered finding their way to the waste basket, were keeping up an incessant coughing, as J can see the working of the hive is fully up [ | the most a g nizing pain. Tried everything expiration of sixty days, from this date. Mason and Dixson’s Line Wbftt it your readers doubtiess are tired reading making it impossible for him to be heard. to what is claimed for it. I am so well pleased I Given under my hand, this 2lth d.iv of March 1883 j v, ifhout relief, but after ten days ^ise of Ken- Yet how very easy can all this bo avoided T H E B E L T H O U S E . where it was, whether it was a real them. with it that I intend to get another one of yo i L. T. BAKIN, Register. | »tail’s spavin < ure I h*ve not seen or heard by simply using Dr. King’s Now Discov PETKB COOK 24 mar 10 w.) this fall. Kespectfully Yours, | of the piles since. One who has not suffered : : M ta R N . D ic k . line or only an imaginary one; ery for consumption, coughs and colds. J . K . C o n n er . as I have cannot comprehend the great joy In d e p e iid en ee , O gn. Trial bottles given away at Jap. It. Mil I that I feel at being cured »if a disease almost Summons. whether it exists to-day or whether M cM innville, Or., A ug. 9, 1882. j RTATE AND T E R R IT O R IA L . . worse than death. 1 had a valuable young ler’s drug store. M r . E nsley — Dear Sir: The Monarch ! it is a thing of the past. W e were ; horse that had a large bunch gather on his ------ a n d ------ Bee-Hive I bought o f you last springhalt prov- ! In tne Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for tl c MIF RF.I.T HOUSE HAS CHANGED HANDS AND breast bone. I tried all kinds ot liniments and County of Polk. Charles Johnson, of Seattle, tells too busy to give it any attention at en a |»erfeet success. I stocked it with three | „ _ _ w ill be run as a first class house in every respect. 1 M. B. Rankin, Plaintiff, vs. R. L. Scott, Defendant ! had it cut open without any benefit. Saw old swarms put together on the 2.“)th of last j your advertisement and bought a bottle of Summon«. the time, and it passed out of mind the following story of tho drowning N E W T H IS W E E K . May, and the brood chamber is nearly filled at To It. L. Scott, above named defendant. Kendall's Spavin Cure and ordered my of his four companions in Lake present date, without putting iu any com b to for a time. By chancing upon the Our Spring ami Summer teamster to use as directed. In less than one Washington last Monday. Ho and start with. It is all that is claimed for it, and IN THE NAME OF TIIE STATE )F OREGON. I INDEPENDENCE, OREGON. Price-List No. 33, has made You are hereby sum mom I and required r questions our attention was called te they were in a boat sailing. An uu- to be and week the lump 1 ad disappeared. Thinking more too. Kespectfully Yours, appear anc’ i its ap j »earn nee — i m pro v ed timt a liniment that would «1«» what KemlalTs 11 A I« N I 1). O. D urham . the above 1 '»¿‘tied ai-tion .itliin m, « -« * . fnmi the Spawn Cure has done for m y horse might . the subject again. W o thought it looked for squall struck them and land enlarged. Over 2 0 0 M cM innville, Or., J uly 29, 1882. “ Lt>>l* « ul»;," ,n*upo" > uuto «it: .... or I.,.. benefit more. I tried it as a last resort. AVINO PURCHASED THIS WELL-KNOWN pages. Over 3 , 0 0 0 illus capsized the boat, but beyond hold ■ ore the a m day ,.f the May t. .to of «.¡,1 „ „ „ t , M„ n. would be a good exercise for some establishment, I pr<»|»oMe to conduct it in first- W ith gratitude and best wishes for your Mr. E nsley —D ear ¡Sir: The Monarch Bee- j day. May 11 th, ¡rth.i. trations. Contains quota- tittle all I term t.. iti . the o class shape. Always in readiness, H ive 1 bought o f you last spring 1 am well one following the expiration u: publientfon for t!ti. 1 success. I am faithfully yours, of the students of the Academy and ing to her they were unable to do S A D D L E l l V descriptions and illustrations of lions, descripl anything. In a few minutes one of pleased with. I think they are a perfect suc J . II. G lenn . ____ / all articles in general use, from nearly arti so put the quaries in the hands of G O O I> T E A M S , cess. Kespectfully yours, C. D . J ohnson . for want thereof the plamtiif will take fud-im-nt the men, overcome by cold and water, Adam and Kve to Sitting Bull and Mrs. | against you for the sum of « 41 .-,, t , vt;,. r wit], ti . 1 one of them. After time for a little let go and sank. A little later an I interest thereon since December lfi. l,v 1 ;.t the rate I M cM innville Or., Aug. 8. 1882. R. H. DEARBORN, Langtry. It costs us ‘J.'» cents for every AT LOW BATES. 8 per cent, per annum, and for the costs and dig. M r . E nslky —D ear Sir* The Monarch Bee- , of copy we mail—nearly $50.000 per annum. research he brought us a correct solu other went, and nfter awhile a third bursements of this action. ON HUMAN FLESH] COMMERCIAL ST. "Jf P a r t i c u l a r A t t e n t i o n P a i d t o T r a n - Hive I bought of you in A pril last has proven It makes our hair red to think of it. \\ e TRUITT fi JOHNS and a fourth, Johnson seeing them tion of the question and we insert • le n t S t o c k . a success. 1 put tw o swarms o f bedh in it, and . A ttys. f.„ pur should have the cost of production. The | Dr. I*. J. K endall & Co., Gents:------fiample Next door to T. B. Wait's Hardware Store. all go down, being uuablo to help. ordered published by Hon. R. p. of circulars received to-day. Please send me Accommodation of Commercial Travelers a Spe they worked splendid. Being an old bee keep- [ I Bjise, *u®mon\ book is full of brains. {Send for it, and them for the benefit of our read er, and having seen almost all kinds o f hives, “““ Judge, ” ' Made at ambers in Dalla«, Polk : s »me with iny imprint, printed on one side cialty. Give me a call. A. J. GOODMAN. He floated with the overturned boat enclose 25 cents—anything or nothing— county, Grego I, March 22, 1 24mar I ndrpkndknck , Decernb 30, 1882. I must say that the Monarch takes the lead for ers. Here it is. “ Mason and Dix for five hours until it went shore. | only. The Kendall’s Spavin Cure is in excel- Let us hear from you. Respectfully, the bees storing large amounts o f honey, witli j lent demand with us, and not only for animals on's L in e" is a name given to the He was then so exhausted and be J AM IN RECEIPT OF A FINE LINE OF EASTERN Notice of Final Settlernen. MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. the least trouble in removing, ami in niostjier- ! hut for human ailments als»». Mr. Jos. A RRU \Yabuitli Avcuae. Chicago, III. P IL E S I P I L E S ! P I L E S ! feet security. 8. F , H a rhino , j ------------ 1 Voids; one of the lea»ling fanners in our coun southern boundary lino of the free numbed that he was unable to help M cM innville, J u ly 26, 1882. . ,fn I f f tatc of °* w - Teller d lased. D. Gibbo 1 try, sprained an ankle badly, and knowing the himself. He could not stand up. DOCiC I K T II \HNF..HN, « . . . . ’ * ’ | Administrator. state of Pensylvania which formerly A Sure Cure F o u n d at La st! vain • if thn remedy f *»1 hoi -••*, tried it ou hiin- W M . S T A U i E l t . M r . E nslky Dear Sir: The Monarch Pc»- 1 v . <m. k n n * fhv . n . For 12 hours ho struggled around, >**lf, and it «lid far l etter than he had expecti !. No O ne Need Suffer! separated it from the slave states of n r U G Y II IN * I.* H RI1 (I H ive I Imught o f you l u t .|.rii>x I. j.ll it N ..V-,, V k ’ ' / • l,-1 m 1 Cured the s| rain in very short onlor. first on his hands and feet, aud after " ■ ■ • "1 was claimed to be. * I put three swarms in it • hM has he«« been ei-i filed in the Count nf • ■ l* •Ik < ■ Maryland and Virginia. It lies in wards on his feet. Finally reaching ( A I l K U G i : II IK X L H ft. A hure Cure for Blind, Bleeding, Itch two old and one young swarm together in it. ' State st »• .v • .o.d that Yours respectfully C. O. T hii b a n i ,. court ha the <atne ing and Ulcerated Piles bas been discover and they went right to work and are doing J‘,r h» arin^:o*n‘ooday, t th day nf M i y. leo:î, at latitude 39 43 min. and 2G.3 sec. the house of a settler on the eastern Which I offer to the public ut prices that defy com Price 81. per li-.ittle, or 6 bottles for All 1 «I h . well up to date. Kespectfully Yours. the hour «rfio « ,* . 1 »ek of 1 ed by Dr. William,(an Indian Remedy,) ii all ter- ! “ rggi.tts have it «»r can get it for you, cr it repaired to' and was run— with the exception of shore of the lake, by whom bo was h . v . v . jo h » - on . called Dr. William’s Indian Ointment. will l»e sent to any address on receipt of price, »*. why «ai»! 3 n<it an- I by the proprietors, D r . B J. Kemiall & Co. M r . E nslky — I have thoroughly tested the I Pr" veJ ana sai»i A single box has cured the worst chronic about 20 miles— by Charles Mason fed, warmed aud otherwise cared for. Of my own make that cannot be or celled on the nnd hi* hive in every respect. I am satisfied, if I di»i Uiudsnien released from forth« yuosbuigh Falls, Y t. Send for illustrated His companions were all Swedes. cases of 25 or 30 years standing. No •aid mat Pacific Coast, A1 so u fine iine of tor. Dated March 10th, I x i and Jeremiah Dixon, two English i circular one need suffer five minutes after apply nay $50 while thev are now selling for 93.' One was Aaron Johnson, one Aaron, 8. I» GI1I8P Y o u ooold not get it from me And dep, ing this wonderful soothing medicine. o f it for five times that amount. WARREN TRUITT. Attor Mathematician and Surveyors, be Laraen, another---------- Johnson, nnd T KM I’. NS. SOLD B Y ALL DRUGGISTS Lotions instruments and electuaries do tween Nov. 15, 1763 and Dec. 26, of the fourth name unknown. The J '. K X H a u e t . j~ n H A C K II I R A K SS. more harm than good. William’s Ointment H E A D -S T O N E S , Yamhill county, Or., Aug. I'», 1882. B k E b I 11 , 1767. During the excited debate in latter Johnson leaves a wife and two absorb« the tumors, allays the intense C A K K I l « i : H ARNESS M r . E nsley Sir: I put three «warm* of 8 8 U a W r t itching, (particularly at night after get Congress in 1820 on the question of children in Seattle. Tho others wore Executed hi Italian and Anierienn In* new Caj bet*, in the Mnnarch Ree-llive that I 1»ni>*ht ting warmjin bed,) acts as a poultice, gives strangers, and all four were going ftADDLFS SIDE SADDLES, BRIDLES, excluding slavery from Missouri, the to Seattle iu quest of laud upon instant relief, and is prepared only for nf you nil the lir.t il»v of June, nu.1 they have ; . i l l fu m i nth u everythin-' BLANKETS, ROBES SPI RS. Marble. Piles, itching of the private parts, and Hlhtl the b n ..I comb chamber full, ami one of (Tiri, in .) ; lfr. it pay. Ite: INDEPENDENCE, OREflCN. •eoentric John Randolph, of Roan which to locate. Charles Johnson the to|i boxe., fiviiw mi .V> lln. ..f fine turplu* •t which •ou n n make gn SPONGES, COMBS and BRUSHES, for nothing else. H pa honey; ami 1 am .ati.He.1 that if I ha.1 put the nr fwnii-i Ian t.» H. H all * T A C all th? t ri l-SO. EVERT VARIETY ¡OF CEMETERY AND oke, made great use of this phrase, the survivor, also lost $240 in . • Port lami 1 Read what the Hon. J. M. Coffinberry lwea in at the commencement ..f the holier k other Stom» w.*rk. Granite Monuments, and en- W . B . W ils o n & Son, P ro p ’ re.* to burial lofct, furnished to order. Op|H»$ite of Cleveland has to say about Dr. Wil aMHoa, they would haic hlle.1 the hive full. h h o ' u j f B which was caught up and reechoed gold, contained in the pocket of his £ } £ * Mch 1 the pipera Hoilae, Salem. Als»», Btaiger Brothers, liam’s Indian Pile Ointment; I have You iliit not claim emmifh for it If I .hoiil.i ,w to T n Walt, Album . Oregon. by every newspaper in the land, and coat lost by the overturning of the , ........ .... strM, « . . . used scores of Pile Cures, aud it affords tell you what I think about it v.m w.mhl think DOftt. Hardware Store. Apr. | mo pleasure to say that I have never I wna trying to flatter von It j, perfection I l AVINO LI thus gained a celebrity which it still T H F ABOVE UHJJt, WE The trial of H. W . Abrams, of giv© jfcmr who 1 to é o tfl kimis of found anything which gave such immedi in th. *tia|ie of a bee-hive. Ue.fiecttuliv. will pay you nt 1». .1. J amfs . Eugene, under indictment for mur ate and permanent relief as Dr. William’ s f .il ti enorm ous pay. — i n — it ly i W il amin», th*.. Jan 2*'ith, IXS3. Indian Oiutment. Crist or C u s t o m W ork der, has been postponed until May and term s free M e n « a . W i l l * * C l a r k —G e n tle m e n l f i •My For sale by all drnggists, or mailed on GUNS RIFLES, R EVO V- 11th, at which time a special term thought I would let yon know aomethiiw " O HE ATTENTION OF ALL STOCK It ISKES IS receipt of price, $1.00. ^rt !*e.tb e. W ì al-vai » har« Kbmr »<n hard to of court will be held. The case will called te the fact that be a flat H\ v ■ -xcfcajiga for H b«U, and caa furoUrh _ there ____ will ... __ Hodge, Davit A Co., wholesale agonts, the working of my hire. I paj.f Mr Kn.lrv l M c D o w e l l . *.■¡0 f.w the one I have I put I inarm , into Am muni tion of A ll Kinds. Portland, be hotly contested on both sides. year «Id Oregon. the hive the Zl.t cUy of May l.wt. And the Clydesdale Stallion District Attorney Hursh, Rufus Bran, Shorts and C h o p h «ney flow continued *,.«1 till the last of June tbenetUMin of 1S33 Mallory, of Portland, George B. Dor A t Ballston during during that time the lice, filled up the brood J a m IX Yl>cl 1.LOCK, Proprietor. cham ber anil made two hundred poinds *f B allstom , April 28th, ls82. (apr28 4t) istmi.era at pi.ccs that dafy ccmpetitinn ris and George Washburn of, Eugene .Istorfmint o f CuttUry in the City, honey in the surplus .ella, or frames, beaides. people % rt Always on the lookout appearing for the prosecution, and VATI*FA C T IO N G t’ AR AN TF.ED . making in all about tiOO pound« of honey. I for chances to m ere*»« their earn Richard William*, of Portland, inga, anti in tim e becom e w ealthy; W. P.. WILSON A SON have a little girl nine years old that can take pkxpetc *, November 24, 1882. _ ___ thorn who do not im prove their >»p. out one pmnd of honev, or a. much as shh can Strahn A Bilyeu, of Eugene, Weath- port uni tic« remain in poverty. W e offeragreat ch a m e carry, any hour of the dav. The hive is in to m ake m oney. W e want m any m en, wom en, boys ertoedA Blackburn, of Albany, and L '* ND IN DALLAR. V P.WKOF CUFF BUTTONS every reject perfe<t and I would not be and girls to work for us right ia their own tocaJHiaa. T and'• rintr. Tht .»w ner .*an have them by « g l- Jonn Burnett, of Corvallis, for the without one, for many tim e its net. Y.mra, Anyone can do the work properly from the rtn* start. office an»I proving property. The business will pay m ors than ten tim es onlinarv defense. The postponement was M esikiah iUlLKT. wage*. Expensive outfit furnished free No one who In transferring the lees into this hive, after made under agreement of both «idea engages fails to make money rapidly. Y’ oucan devote H 'J O . O O O ! putting in as many swarms as you wish, keep your whole tim e to th e work, or only your s|etre that witnesses might be brought to- the hive shut up be two liavt'ao as to wjv, i momenta. F u ’ information ami all that is needed OSYKY t 1 0 \N ox LOMO OR SHORT TI VE aeat fre*. Addreet im >w >s * O a , Portland. Maui« «•»her, the queen, time to get HKhtii.K, \11 th Cl 1 M m larre or o um ll amounts, ...proved M »*. on approve queen, but on« will be kUied wf by that tun« S a l d D , inquire of m lfe. i t » H r....... P F «: T H H briefs B Urn*, t r 5 DAT, APBIL 28, 1883. The first ever known in Polk County Druggist d Ajatkary, Bra Mi Hilary Goals, I H A R N E S S ami S A B B I.; A T K s i'J & Drugs, B U R G , BUCCY W HIPS, BRIDLES, H A LTER S, C IM B fS & CHu* If s Chemicals, Pici Perfumery, Stationery, Etc., Etc. Absolutely Pure. S r i HOME MEERSCHAUM PIPES, TU TTS Es I N C 0 1 î l * 0 J l A T i : i ) IN independence, - - Ogn I M U TU A L FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. D. C. SALING, L IV E R . H AT COST, FOR CASH. GENI MERCHANDISE M ONARCH BEE-HIVE! KENDALL’S S P A V IN C U R E DALLAS CITY MILLS, H r e KENDALL’S SPAVIN CURE L IV E R Y , S A L E FEED S T A B L E , H KENDALL S SPAVIN GUR tot 0. K. FLOURING MILL, 8 \ FARMERS ATTEN TIO N ! S 72 O. A. W A L L E R . t T Fine Fishing Tackle. CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEW ELRY AND SILVERWARE. O re g o n . I