\ w w Thfl Polk County Itemizer. CODIFY USl’ KD EVERY SATURDAY ---------- I T ------------ J. 8. M cO A IN . M^Sin I -• ; M u bM crlptlon R a t e n : • « f r C upi« D m „ £ . • ' “ W R IP T IO * MUST BE P A ID IN A D VAN CE p h y s ic ia n and s u r g e o n Dallas. Oregou. li® c*un Mill Ht., North o f Court Hoiuo. DK. d e H KL DELIU’- W. n t i s , t Dallas, Oregon. ll w ork done in f ir s t - c l a ss s t y l e . Offlc« oqo door north o f J.D. Lee’« Whit® Brick H L BUTLER. JOH N T D A L Y D ALY & B U T L E R , ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ILL PROMPTLY ATTEND TO A L L busineiM entrusted to them. Oliice on ©Ppooito Court House, Dull**- W I.EO AL Mill St. E. J. DAW NE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, and Notary Pupllc* S P E C IA L ATTENTION G IVEN {TO COLLECTING C7 and loaning money. Always prepared to loan from *lO0 to $2,800 on nersonal or real estate security. Office In Griswold's building, opposite the bank, Salem, Ore­ gon. J. H. TOW N SEN D^ ATTORNEY A Til LAW, Dallas, Oregon. MILL STREET, oriHSITK TUE PFICK ON Court House. 0 Collections made a specialty. E. B. SK IPW O R TH , ATTORNEY AT LAW, -A N D - Notary Public, Albany, Oregon, W I L L PRACTICE IN A LL T H E COURTS IN THE ? Y State. All business entrusted to him promptly at­ tended to. Office in O'Toole's Block, Broad-Albin St., M. L. Finos Dallai Gao. w Belt, Independence. BELT & PIPES. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, PST" Will practice in all the Courts of the State. Office up stairs in Court House. W. CAPPS, M. D. Homoepathic Physician and Surgeon. C alls D ay or N ig h t P ropm tly A t ­ to . tended J-jT" Office on Mill Street opposite Printing Office. o n t i a t ' Having returned to Iudependonee to permunentlv locate, is prepared to do all kinds o f dental work. Filling and treating a specialty. Office in Yanduyn & Smith's new brick, up stairs. T R U IT T & JOHNS, Attomeys-at-La-w, D A L LA S, OREGON. FFICE ON M IL L STREET. NORTH O F COURT House. *uglt5 O DE. I. T. MASON, R E S ID E N T D E N T IS T , Dallas, Oregon. (Late o f Eugene City and Sheridan.) Nitro Oxide or Laughing Gas administered. up stairs over II. T. Butler’s store. O L . I X D A L L A S , OREGON, S A T U R D A Y , A P R IL 28, 1883. . Offloe D a l l a s , N o v . 17, 1882.________________________________ _ Z F. VAUGHN, Mill Street, Dallas, The Largest Stock and Cheapest Goods ! ! F or the P eople SPRING In My P o l k C o u n t y ! of STOCK ! In d e p e n d e n c e A ll work Warranted. _______ Z. T. DODSON, M. D., PHYSICIAN, SURCEON. OBSTETRICIAN. Hasfpermanently located in Dallas, Oregon. Office in Hyde b drug store. novlltf. Counselor at Law, Salem, Oregon. ~~ jo h n M c D o w ell My Millinery Department In my Perrydale store GENERAL MERCHANDISE EZRA POPPLETON. ALL I ASK D A L LA S. OREGON. A R T IE S D ESIRIN G TO B U Y OR SELL RE A L estate will do well to consult me. Office two doors west of J ap R Miller # drug s t o r e _______ _ ______ P : MONEY TO LOAN I We have mones to loan on approved Real Estate Security, in sums from One to Ten Thousand Dollars. L T im e : IfcFrom one to five years; Truitt August & Terms Eaey. Johns. 1882. WILSOH * BAY, Drugs. Patent Medicines, S T A T IO N E R Y , Perfumery, Fancy and Toilet Articles, CIGARS AND TOBACCOS. P E R R Y D A L E . OREGON Blacksmiths, I* U*. f r * T »ort u wwUA. Aw or night. Our shop ie at the Elk-horn sign, one door south of Bum s A Morrison's livery stable We thank you for your eu#i _ in U r p w t * M bop* you will continue the sen» in the future We are R O W ELL * SON r D 3 u » 1k o r « n il* r X . IB3 Achievements o f Profeeeor S CLOTHING A U C T IO N E E R And County Surveyor H. M. LUES & LAWRENCE, f LIVERY AND SALE STABLE. JO H N E SMITH, . KSf HARKIN’ & BURG, B U C K SWITHIY«. J. L. C O LL IN S , W. P. WRIGHT. D u u t O u i« THE TIMID QUEST. 1 Th« Groceries and Prouisions, OREGON, A R E S O W R E A D T TO DO A L L K IND S OP A Bi«<*«nilt» 1» th-ir li«< of h w n « I" *J* Ikfat «t,t, «n« on lit li™ M Dim u th.ir .ho. A BLIND MAN. r ROWELL & SON, DALLAS, GOODS, M. M. E L L I S , Rea! Estate Agent, if “ Then you refuse?” “ Assuredly I do. Out yon pack, bag and baggage. The place will never fetch within throe hundred dol­ lars of the amount I have lent ou it, with accumulated interest.” “ I raised the mortgage to send your niece's husband to college.” “ All the worse for you, inarm.” “ My husband helped tho poor and needy in more affiuent days.” “ All the worse for him, maim.” “ Then I need stay no longer—my case is hopeless*” “I f your time is worth anything to you, I would advise you to go.” Ho had tho satisfaction of seeing the tearful woman, who strove in vain to hide her sobs, ride away heart­ broken. Years passed on, and Godfrey An­ derson grew richer and richer. But the more he got, the stronger became his appetite for wealth. To increuse liis already swollen fortune, he built a great elevator on the hanks of the river and went boldly into specula­ tion. This took all bis resources, but bo knew that tho tide of money would soon pour into his coffers and make him, what ho dreamed to be the high­ est point of human bliss, a million­ aire. A severe winter set in. The Febru­ ary thaw turned the frozen rills of the hills into raging torrents, and the great river rose in sullen anger and Hooded tho lowlands round B ridge­ town, but Godfrey Anderson looked at the massive foundation» of his mighty building and laughed the water» to scorn. Tossing about on his bed in fever ish unrest one night, tho miser lay listening to the sullen roar of the mighty river and tho moan of the wind through the troes. Presently a knock came at his door. “ Who is thvfo?” “ I am, ’squire: I cannot sleep. The waters are rising and I am afraid.” It was tho querulous voice of his old housekeeper. “ G o to bed, you old fool. D o you think I should stay here if there woro any danger?” “ But already tho waves splash against the house-side, and—” But before tho poor woman could finish her sentence, n mighty roar drowned her voice, and as it by a grand upheaving of nature, the house rocked on its foundation. Godfrey rose hurriedly and dressed. He openod the casomont and looked into the dark horror of the night. Past his very window, so close ho could nlmost touch it, swirled the mad water, rushing with impetuous fury beneath him. He heard horrid cries for help come out of the darknoss, and his soul quailed within him. All without crash, rage, fury and darkness. Would the blessed day­ light never come! An hour passed by. It seoinod to him a year of un­ told agony. Then above the roar of the tempest came a rolling crash, ns though tho very heavens hnd opened to pour out their wrath. The fear- stricken man and woman listened, appalled and in silence. Then a gleam of light, nnd the faint dawn of morning struggled through the piercing gloom. Godfrey peered out into the wild scene before him. Where was the stately pile he had built with all his thousands’ Gone into tho wreck and ruin o f tho insati­ ate flood—a crumbling wall alone standing as a monument of his mis­ fortunes! But his present necessities dulled the keen pang o f his bereavement. G old is dear, but life is dearer. B e­ tween him and tho village was a mile of rushing waters cutting off his last hopo of rescue. W ho would dare to put off into such a mad torrent o f de­ struction? All that day he gazed at the min around him. Then followed another Furnishing Goods, Etc., Etc. W . H. HOLMES, Attorney and S to re GENERAL MERCHANDISE Watchmaker and Jeweler, DRESS & FAN CY Watches, Clocks and Sewing Ma chines Repaired. Only so ranch Ibe less— One heart ha-H fallen awny; It rook q j liifht fro.n the m u . No splen dor oat o f ihe day. The s in clin e see ms the same, Ami ih e o p tl tin 's ou the sea, Ami theuolden ro d ’s yellow tUme— i Yet som ething has yone fro m m e. NO. 22. A His appearance was somewhat threadbare, still there was a respect­ when • F aw cett. A able air about him, and when he | stepped up to the counter in the thise O N E O F T H I H A D I’ IK AT O F M E N . Burnett house office, the other night, A i-lerk Bamford shoved the register on: His bad. One heart, one heart the less, i A Brooklyn It is probable that Professor Faw ­ uronnd toward him and held ont a NS h«n I nam e the mtiue o f m v friends; pen. that a man One love that seemed b orn to bless, cett will live in history as the ideal “ Before I register,” said the stran- submit. In a m irage o f falsehood ends. blind man. The expression of blind­ , ger, taking his pen in hand and look- The sunshine seems the same, The And the opal tints on the sea. ' ing about with a timid air, “ I would ness is all over him and in ovory And the golden rod ’s yellow flame— starting a smallest movement, contrasting at like to inquire------ ” Yet som ething is gon e fro m me. l “ Abont the fire escapes?” inter and a hqu —Mary Clem war. every moment with the tokens o f his , rnpted Bamford. “Certainly, that’s Extract of triumph over it. His habitual loud all proper enough. Since the New- drug. It NORAH ANDERSON. voice in conversation—that of one who hall fire, guests are more or less nerv- should be There aro few villages that hive Justice ia no cannot measure the distances of those I ous on the subject of conflagrations and anxious to know about the facili­ nmbrella thief in I greater pretensions to naturul beauty to '»horn he is speaking; his unaltered ties for escape." than Woodbridge. The River Ohio sentenced to " look us one approaches, until his hand “ What I desire to ask particularly,” ment roils in majestic grandeur on its south is tou bed or he is spoken to, and the said the stranger, “ do you keep----- “ ern extremity, while a long range of A young lady I take pleasure in announcing to tho public that my sud ! ness of his smile then, his in “ Night watchmen? Oh, yes. three bills, crowded with dense woods, pro­ tent uir, os of one concentrating all or four of them, on guard all night of opera glaaao tect it from the cold blasts of the other means of perception to make long. They sleep all day so as to cently, said: “I north. Beyond being the center of a up for the absence of sight, and more keep _ awake at nigh _ t They patrol I going to keep! thriving agricultural community .it Tho old than all, perhaps, the abseuco of all | the halls constantly and see that has no great commercial interest; dfid will there’s a those sinull conventionalities or tricks everything is safe.” its inhabitants, accustomed to the of manner which people unconscious- j “ You don’t quite get my meaning.” to suit the situation. Is d o w o p e n a n d r e a d y f o r i n s p e c t io n . healthy exercises of out door labor, ly copy from one another, these huve 1 said the stranger, toying with the pen. “When there’s a bill aro a cloan, orderly community, be more and more become the visible J “ I don’t desire to register bofore I hind tho ago a little, perhaps, hut go­ Chicago haa a charactoristies of Professor Fawcett know------” ing happily on the even tenor of their vantage over other as his real and intellectual mastery! “ What more do you wan’t to know?” en there can way “ the world forgetting, by tho U>«r bi has increased. So that he is as unique asked Bamford. testily. “ The fire Santa Claus slippere world forgot.” re four f among the blind in nctuul powers as escapes are all right, beside that we the time. Godfrey Anderson was perhaps an he is outwardly among the seeing have a tire brigado among the aer- exception to tho generul rulo. His It is related as a eii He has few equals in fly fishing, is a , vants, who aro thoroughly trained fat men never You will find tho F IN E ST GOODS and tho L A R G E S T ASSORTM ENT of ambition extended beyond the narrow capital skater and knows all the flow and know just what to do in case of doesn’t seem so ei: boundaries o f tho township, and led ers nnd vegetables in his garden as tire.” him into constunt communication reflect that it is dii w ill as his gardener, in all their stages , “ You don’t understand me. Can I man to stoop to anything low. with the great commercial centers of of grow th. Not long ago he was w alk-, get------ ” the country. He was a slight, bony, Treasurer Polk of “ Get on the roof? mg with Sir Joseph Hooker in Kew you gray-haired man o f fifty-five, wiry in Gardens and talked about the trees can. Should escape be cut off by the certainly not a carpet-1 Kept on tho W est Side o f the Willamette, outside o f Portland. constitution and possessing a dogged it bag wouldn't hold and ponds and paths with such ap­ staircases, or if you couldn’t find the determination that overcame all ob­ e was a native, , chiYalrom, I preciation, expressing the wish that rope readily with which every room stacles. What Godfrey Anderson the public might enjoy them oftener, is supplied, so as to lower yourself trunker. could not accomplish w hen'he once Mice can live any thut Sir Joseph forgot that ho was from the windows, you have only to set his mind on it and saw its possi­ talking to a blind man and told him go up on the roof and you can easily ably except in a church. bility, was yet to be discovered. And that he (Fawcett) was welcome to ire rescued by way of the balconies, very slowly in a c h u r c h .___________ ho had set his mind on making a for­ enter the gardens at any time of the with which the house is liberally that they can’t live on religioyr aay tune, how, ho carod not, so long as tho more than a minister can. night or day. His wife has lieen such supplied.” ond was happily accomplished Gold "W ill you tell me if I can Btay------ ” eyes to him that he constantly speaks Jay Gould ie said to have was his god, w hich ho reverenced with Is complete in overy rospect and in tho hands of a competent Milliner. "Stay Cer play in New York the of having “ soen in 'the papers” this T in the office all night? „ the infatuation of n Hindoo devotee and that. Ho goes home from Parlia- t.rinly if you are afraid to go to bed, Wo do not know what the for his idol. His whole soul was sat­ meut across many streets nnd turn , though I can assure you that you can but it was probably a urated with a greed for money. By ings; nnd if the cabman drives a yard calm your fears o f any conflagration “ Fox and Geese,” in which the degrees ho gauged everything by its lieyond the door hois at once checked, in this house." got away with the fox. standard; and what a thing would He rarely fails to name the person “ My deur sir,” said the seedy gen- fetch in tho market was his only ap­ A Winston, N. G., who speaks to him, however long the tlernun. “you fail to comprehend me Glenn, aged 53 year«, left her preciation of its worth. Integrity, You will find a CO M PLE TE ASSORTM ENT of time since their meeting. entirely. I am not afraid of any fire. band ana 17 children to elope honor, virtue, were to him only empty I remember as a very impressive oc- I have had to lodge so often of man not half her age. Not names, except so far as he believed casion one on which the pupils of the late where I have been deprived of woman at her time o f life can them to be valuable means to the ac­ a 4 1 College for tho Blind were gathered , (he luxury of warmth that a moder- fool as she did. quisition of wealth. Honesty as a athis mansion by the Duke of Devon- ate conflagration would be a blessing policy he acknowledged, but nothing An old man eaid one day to a shire, where they nnd thoir friends | in disguise. Your tire escapes are more Suitable for the Country Trade. You will also find a L IN E of lady, “ I never see you, my were uddressed by Professor Fawcett, doubtless ample and your fire brigade He lived at a pretty farmhouse on I am a score of years the These afflicted youths of all ages anil one of the best trained nnd most efii- tho outskirts jof the village. He “ Then, pray,” wittily replii both sexes sat before the tall intellect cient in the country. I don’t question had never married, but had adopted “let us not meet of top, uni man, who scorned to be their nat the easy ascent to the roof and the the orphan child of his only sister, he in your second urnl representative. His address was exhilarating descent by way o f the and this girl, Norah, with an old ser­ There’s nothing more simple, cheerful and in every way | convenient balconies to the street be- vant woman, formed tho whole o f his felicitons. He said that he thought; low. BuMigfore registering my name to a boy than to foljiiw a household. Tho only bein'; on earth blind people received an unnecessary among your distinguished guests I half a mile np a long bill for whom he cored, or ever hail cared, impression that he is go;“ amount o f condolence on their loss. wish to ask Produce taken in Exchange for Goods at Market rates. was the sweet young niece, who glad­ only to find that they f t “ What do you wish to ask?” While it wns right that they should dened with her presence his lonciy “ I f a man could got to stay hero if machine to be repaired. • bo speedily aided, the sympathy with fireside; but of late even she had A man in a town in Is them need not be sorrowful. They ho was broke. I liain’t got a cent." fallen under his displeasure. It was “ There was a wild scampering of drink half a pint of.ksrcn missed the dismal and ugly sight of the old, old story—love. Norah had tho world, nnd their powerfully stim feet toward the door ns Bamford ever anyone will offer him 1 mus a atg- Give me a call before purchasing elsewhere, and SEE MY GOODS had the bad taste, nay, in Godfrey He says he likes,tfcr > tv tA M t ulntod imaginations saw tho world reached in a drawer for his revolver, lar. Anderson’s eyes, the criminal stupidi­ and G E T TH E P R IC E S !! chiefly in its beauty, if they were in and tho seedy muu quickly disap­ some day some one will U e o ty, to fall in love with a young man, health and comfort. They constantly peared in the direction of the street his chimney and explode him. Hubert Gregory, who was principal heard descriptions of things and these, The negro king desired to he of the village graded school, and who, TRUE BRAVERY- especially if they had once enjoyed 1 trayed as white. Bat do not Ii according to her uncie’B way of meas­ eight, became to the blind so real that | He is hrnvo who, knowing that his at the poor African; for every uring people, was a very low-priced they woro npt to take their place in act to nid another may bring peril of but another negro king, ana commixlity in the world’s market. memory as things actually seen. He limb, or even of life, deliberately like to appear a color One summer’s day Godlrey sat in said that ho himself often confused takes the chances and doos the deed. that which fate has bedanbed him. the little room, sacred to his account things he had heard about with things A writer iu the Christian Union books, lodgers and general office busi­ Piscator (short-sighted; been trol-« he hnd seen and.was sometimes aston­ lirings out, by several anecdotes, this ling all day for a big pike that lay in ness, when the door opened and his ished when it was proved tq him that trait, which distinguishes courage a hole about here)—“Quick Jarne-*- Is that you do yourself justice by buying goods where you can got them the old housekeeper, Mrs. Wilders, en he could nevor have seen certain per­ from rectlossness: * tered. the landing net—I ’ve got him T Jar­ cheapest. sons and objects of which he had tli i A little buy and girl wero playing vis—“Ah, sir, it’s only an old frying- “ Well, now, what is itf” was the vivid impressions of a witness. There by a bonfire. X *16 B'E wn* sitting pan ; hut that will be useful y’know, I know it is the practice among a great many merchants to sell a few sharp inquiry, as the old woman hes­ was in the blind statesman’s speech before tho fire, when somehow her sir, when we do catch him.” leading articles at cost, but they must make it up on something else. I itatingly approached her employer. on this occasion a hopeful and happy apron of cotton canght fire and be­ intend to strictly adhere to very L O W P R IC E S in everything I offer for ‘M i “ Miss Norah ain’t come hack yet, Mrs. Smith, triumphantly: view of the world anil an indirect tes­ gan to blaze up about her. She hand that rocks the cradle is the sale, and in squire.” timony to tho good-heartedness and ¡ creamed with terror that rules the world.” Mr. 81 “ What of that?” sympathy of human nature, more con­ Hor little brother did not scroarn “ Yes, indeed, my “ Leastways I hope nothing’s gone vincing than the pessimistic essays of nor run for help; he caught hold of cynically: amiss with the poor young thing.” Schopenhauer and more poetic thnn the blazing apron and tore it off her. nnd that’s jnst why the world Gone amiss, woman! W hatcould the moody moaning of Byron. One and threw it upon tho ground and duced badly governed. go amiss? She went ent yesterday to “ What the Mephistophelee is had to question whether the nncients 1 trampled the flames out. He carried able by the impenetrable darkness. spend a week with an old schoolmate. On the morning of the next day, may not have pictured love as blind j the scar of tho burns on his hands use?” said the disgusted country I let her go because she wants change, the house began to give signs of dis­ becausethey thought people could see for many days. It took a brave boy editor. "How are yon going to make wants something to get foolish n o­ ruption. Already one wing was the fairest world hotter without eyes | to do that, n boy who was willing to a Iff til paper pay in a town where tions out of her head. Norah’s all washed away, and the main building than with them. Indeed, whenover I they hold three sewing societies a suffer to save his sister. right.” A N D tottered nnd shook at every fresh have conversed with Henry Fawcett j Henry Ma#K was a factory boy in week ? Too mnch opposition.” “ God grant it may be so." burst of the storm. Food they had I have been impressed by the ninny Cincinnati. The factory caught fire. It’s a mean man who, on entering Godfrey started at the significance little or none, for n lean larder wns beautiful myths which preceded the ! Instead of running out to save him a railroad car where all the seats are of the woman’s tone: one of Godfrey’s many failings. And word mystic (closing the eyes), though Belf, ho ran up stairs to tell the girls taken, will look ont on one side and Have you hoard anything, woman ? so for three days they lingered on in he is tho leaHt mystical o f men; and I on the fourth floor. The stairways exclaim: “ See that dog fight 1” and Speak.” an intensity of suspense, every mo­ have read a deeper moaning in Mil , wero already filled with smoke, and then take one o f the vacated tests on There is no doubt or question but I shall sell them very much lower than Well, ’Squire Jndson’s hoy has ment expecting instantileath. Their ton’s description of liis blindness ns in g o i n g down, after giving the alarm the other side. the same goods have ever been offered in this market. H *” Please to call and price the goods and you will see that I am been hero to borrow our churn, and signals were apparently disregarded. “ the oversliadowing o f heavenly to the girls, lie lost his way. Thore are Generals in the German he do say as Norah w as married last Insteud of leaving by the main army who have as many as 36 medals At last a skiff pnt off, rowed by a wings," and ns illutninntod with “ an in earnest. evening to Robert G regory.” single man, who periled his life by interior light, more precious nnd more door he went down into the cellar. of honor, and yet find it hard to “ Norah married! Impossible!” ure.” Up to this hour o f illness, hnd Thence there wns no escape. crossing the angry flood. Nearer it There keep out o f d ebt A medal doesfi’t But it was too true. Fate lmd hepn comes, and nearer. How anxiously been asked to name n happy man, I liis dead body wns found the follow stronger than G odfrey Anderson’s they watch his every movement. should probably have mimed Henry ing day. It was in a kneeling pos make a man any different from the ordinary run of nnmanity. machinations, for the gentle Norah Then it approaches the house; it is at Fawcett. turo, and his hands were clasped, ai hail appraised the young school tench tho window; nnd Godfrey Anderson S u ccessor to W . C . B r o w n , “ Ma,” said a Philadelphia lad, if in prayer. Ho was a brave boy. er with a different gauge from hi h clasps in his eager, clammy fingers At the time of the gold fever in “ does Mrs. Langtry’s husband think A STORY OF BEN BUTLER. D A L L A S , OREGON, M ARCH 8 . 1883 When once Godfrey had thoroughly the broad palm of Robert Gregory. California, a man went from England she is very pretty?” “Yae, my realized the ill fortune that had fallen * * * * * * Kpenking of grent men reminds me . to the diggings, nnd after a while why do you a s k f’ “Because 1 1 upon him, he gave himself up to a BU RNS A MORRISON, In a comfortable chamber a man of Ben Butler. There never wns a sent money for his Wife and child to dad say that no man sullen, determined prosecution of re lies dying. He is surrounded by better target for abuse follow him. While on the voyage _ D U M than the pres- y«jg'. a pretty after he had been veoge—on the man who had robbed friends. Robert Gregory, Norah, old ent governor of Massachusetts, nor tire broke out in the ship. W itb her a year.” M A N C F A C T C B E R 9 A N D D E A L E R S IN him of his idol’s love, on the woman Mrs. Gregory anil the housekeeper wns there ever a tarrret that accepted their utmost efforts the sailors could John, a Scotchman, meet! D a lla s , O r e g o n . r r it x r r r B K . u p r i x « b e d » . who had shown him such ingratitude. are ministering to the last wants of abuse with more philosophy. The not extinguish it. wns asked if he knew Godfrey Anderson was a power in the stricken sufferer. A n d a ll k i n d , o f “ Robert, tell last story told of him relates to a Ther boats wero got out; the strong “ Ken Peter T” Woodbridge. He easily secured me," says Godfrey in feeble tones, marble bust just executed. 'The nr pushed into them, and the weak were Peter. UPHOLSTERED WORK. ALBUM PICTURE FRAMES. “ Hoots, man! fine dae I H O R S E S , C A R R IA G E S A N D L IV E R Y Robert G regory’s dismissal from o f­ WALL BRACKETS. AND WINOOW SHADES. “ how you happened to come to my tist was anxious to obtain on honest left to their fate. As the last boat Him and me’s sleepit thegither A t the Moat Reasonable R a te s! fice, and had the satisfaction o f seeing rescue?” criticism from n knowing friend. wns moving off this mother pleaded same kirk for the last twenty him driven from the village, nearly W E K E E P A COM PLETE STOCK IK O UR LIN E The sailors said there “ We saw the account of tho flood "You cannot fail to catch liis like­ for her boy. Tindall says that men and ? v and will #ell a# cheap a# the tame gocxl* can be penniless, and with his way to make in the papers, and I ran down from ness,” said the critic. “ ADy fool can was not room for both; they would existed on this earth 50,000,00 j c ia Portland. D o not take our word or other peoples Conveyance o f commercial mem a specially. word for it, but com e and see our goods and learn our among strangers. Nay, Mr. Ander­ Chicago to look after you. Norah catch his likeness.” take oue. prices. before the date of Adam and son's evil nature did not stop here, as would have it so.” BURNS A MORRISON, Prop'ra. The mother kissed her son, handed probably we of to day know “ True,” replied the nrtist, “ but A ll kinds of W o rk in our line done •SS will bo seen by the following incident: “ And now 1 have little or nothing you see it is very difficult to get a him over the side o f the vessel, and of some of the most char mi: on Short Notice. A neat old lady, gentle and winning to leave yon. But whatever their may 'likeness of Butler imd not mnke a gave him thin mesaage to his father; THE BELT HOUSE ! dais that ever occurred. in her manners, drove up to his dcor he is yours.’ We also keep a large and well selected stock of "Tell him,” she snid, “if you live to caricature.” • A man who took many ohi one day, and was ushered into his PETER COOK, - - - - - - P a o P B iF T o a . “ D o not think o f such thimrs at such “ Yes,” said the other, ‘God A l­ see him, that I died to save you.” He Caskets and Cases on hand, presence. escaped; she died. She wns willing articles at a fair and never 1 a time as this,” murmured Norah. mighty tried His hr. jd at it sixty In d e p e n d e n ce . O regon . t or mined to be successful on “ I have called, Mr. Anderson,” she "T o think that Godfrey Anderson years ago, and He failed.” to die to save another. Whieh we will furnish at Reduced Price*. life, so he bought all the “ehs aid, “ as a suppliant My name is died not worth two thousand dollars, Of course this story permeated the Ralenroom on M A IN STREET, two doors north o f a watch, and one over fog J Bregory. I am the mother of the hus­ after all!” moaned the sick man. Vanduye & Smith, - atmosphere o f Boston in less time HF. BELT HOUSE HAS C H A N G E D H A N D « A N D P o t a t o e s in I r e l a n d . —A writer in band of your niece. Yon hold a mort­ will be rua a# • first clan# heu»e iu every reepeet I V I t R P F . X I H M R , O R F .I w O N “ H ush! You are going where money than it took Puck to put a girdle tho London (Jlohe remarks that the he didn't draw it. It unknown party, who gage on my little place which you is o f no avail—where tne milllionaire around tho earth. Butler’s comment H H feM lIts o f recent Im h harvests have the room the night before h a v e foreclosed. Can nothing lie done stands side by side with the pauper.” on the tale was, “ I’m afraid it’s true.” j produced a general distrust in the ried it off with l e lot of < to extend the time? I have lived there “ True! It’s true! Money is not ________ ____________ _ i potato, and that the question o f the so long and the place is very dear to everything I" In ger soil says that T . . , „ . food supply o f the Irish people has — D EA LE R S Ïλ — me Besides I nave nowhere to go, And with this statement so contra­ In a reminiscent mood a Maine na | ^ o m e one of the ut- suspenders are needed and—” dictory to the rulings of his whole persays:“ Lverylaxly rememljers what | mogt ' ihfe importance. He reoom before we make much “ Yes,” said Godfrey, smilingly. life, the wretched man breathed his an ungainly thing the brat ruliliei , mends as a ju Jicioua and feasible ex people who wear slouch I • Something can be done.” shoo wi*. And what an art was it to | that tho oat crop of last yoar their trouser* bang **— last O B N B n A I i A -ay of cope lit the poor woman's put the thin£ on. 1 timing it hall ^onbl$d, and a f«v com m on hipn can ever beoooM . U I U R S and TOBACCO, features: inside ont, yon thrust your toe into VPKotablee, like the cabbage and the it With the danger of 1 "Senator Bayard started in life 1 its interior, and then with a tug and ‘.And that is?” Fruit». N ut« Candle., Notion., i parsnip, should lie cultivated to some suspenders and Kavix “ Why, pay the bond and interest “ writes a vivaciona Washington cor­ a jerk you pulled tho heel in place, exteut, and asserts that with slight smashed staring him to be sure." chuckled the old villain respondent, “ b s a clerk in a Philadel­ and were insido a shoe that clung to I Err.. I to .. E tc . foe“c h e a f o r m s " o f fish w'hTch man will be slow atom in the keen enjoyment o f his humor. phia hardware store. Senator Beck you tighter than a brother. | i wnrm jn the Irish sees might be fight In d ep en d en ce, O reson . “ Hsve yon the heart to turn me out began as a farm hand. Conger as a made a common article of diet among A curious enstoa into the world without a home, G od­ lumber hand, Davis of West Virginia When one family “ That fellow is jnst like a tele the Irish people. as a brakeman, Dawes as a school frey Anderson f ’ visit it, ‘ * “ I do not know anything about the teacher, Fair as a bar-tender, Farley scope," said a (lashing New York girl. (lean ta always i You can draw him ont, see through There are g e n e r a ^ Attorney and Counselor at Law heart. Mrs. Gregory. The heart is as a conch dfiver. Gorman as a Sen­ “ him, served. If th and shut him up again." inMip eg»' enongh and to spare kan s u p p o s e d by some to be the center of ate page, Jones o f Florida as a car­ Tw o doors north of Port Office- SOOClTOft IK CHANCERY. this country of sentimeiif. and there is nothing penter. M cD lpaa ■ department clerk, who I When cooking a large fowl or joint _____________ ____ _ B about sentiment in our mortgage. Morrill, as n country storekeeper. a s b e e n in P r a c t ic e o r h is pRorEHSios of meat it may be covered with a but­ at Sitka, where the natives are said Plumb as a printer’s devil, Sawyer as Sentiment is a drug iu the market, in thle pi - for »bout twenty-five year*, end will attend to aU b.*t d « mo quoted at nothing, and will never be a laborer, Sherman as a surveyor and ter paper to prevent its being to he yearning for •oorcbed. privileges. Vest as a reporter.” in active demand.” ) Millinery of the Latest Styles! ~~ DR. J. B. J O H N S O N ^ D V NEW PRICES. NEW COOuS. J. N. SM ITH, M. IX, oral. - ......... .................. LOSS. professional cards . A Davoted to the Baat Interests of Polk County in Particular and to the Pacific Coast in C Y n r ........................................... S’ SO I *1* Mouth* ................................ 1 JS K «.!«"!'**“ “",U H a t ? All Work Warranted • CD.n'îiVjf’DÏlîT a W r i *