. vrr 1. I‘ awg ■»' th em lk cuu n ty " * a » g g I IK T R ir » « I IH. item izer . » U L I » m k k i .T C O L U M TU TTS HULS ui ru m _ .*■ ..1_____jr ~ ------ — ■ — = DALLAS, SATU RDAY, A P R IL 21, 1883. Gardener, Douglas Co. Or. W heat—per bushel, $1 35. E bitor it im izk b :— When lust 1 wrote Oats— per bushel, 75 cents. ■T* i-’-T^SJEa you I was ut Roaebur^. W ell I must any Potatoes -p er bushel, $1. it is a pretty rough place, ¿¿ore auloons Onions per pound, 3 cents. than all the business houses combined. C O l 'N T Y O F F I C E ! » . Cabbage per pound, 3 cents. I stayed there about two weeks, saw more I Butter per roll, 62* * cents. r?'-7T lx ' • drunkeu men and more tights than I ever < per pound, 15 cents. S Y M P T O M S OF A ou y Judge, T.............C. A. J ohns . saw in all my life bofore. The place is j Lard— Hides, green— per pound, 8 cent* . “ C lerk,......... R oswell S helly . encorporated, yet they do net arrest for W ool— per pouud, 20 cents. •* Treasurer.........E. T. M ii . leh being drunk and disorderly on the street Less o f Appetite, Dcwel : cost ve, Pain in Eggs— per dozen, 16 cents. unless they get into a general wake, then the Head, witn a <.uil sonR..tion iu tho . . j S. A. R ioob . Chickens— per dozen, $1 (JO. back part, Pain under the Shoulder C o m m is s io n e r s , j J o 8 C haven if they are small men tho marshal is not Apples, greeu—per pound (J cents. blade, fullness after eating, with a disin­ afraid in case they flue them. Yet we clination to exertion c f bod y cr triad. Apples, dry— per pound, f> to 6 cents. Sheriff........................H akuy H olman , made the acquaintance of a great many Irritability o f temper, I j OW sprits, with Plums, dry— per pound, 10 to 12 cents. a feeling o f having n' ,Tlect *d tome duty, Assessor......................W . J. M uleey . flue people while there, and ltoseburg is Tallow— per pouud, 6 cents. Weariness, Dirtiness, Fluttering at the Heart, Dots betoro tho eyes. Yellow akin, Surveyor......................W . P. AV hioht . especially noted for good looking ladies.^ Hums— per pouud, 15 cents. Next we came to Draiu Station; and from"’ Headache generally over tho right eye. Sides— per pound, 14 cents. School Supt................F iiank R ioleb . there take the stage for Scottsburg, a dis­ Hestle33nes3, with fitful dr «.am a. highly Shoulders—per pound, 11 cents. colored Urine, and Coroner.........................T. J. L ee . tance of about forty miles. Three stages C O N S T IP A T iO M , as they called them started out, aud those who did not take the precaution to take TTTT’S PILLS are especially adapted to out their false teeth before startiug were such cases, one (lose elfects »uch n chabgo Dairy B iisìik - sh Again. of feeling as to astonish tho sufferer. very soon disposed of their ivories after Tlit-v Xnereasi* the Appelile, and cause the starting. Talk about rough roads aud body to T h I m on Flesh, thus tlie system ts nourished, and by their Tonic A d ieu on the Two weeks ago wo published a mountains and rocks and narrow grades. Mlucativt* L -zani, liegulur Stools are pro­ have crossed the Cascades six times but duced. Price cent.*. ¡ » Murray Ml.. N. little article on the absurdity of our I never saw any rough roads before. When farmers allowing the butter market we came to tho first hill the driver gave of Oregon to depend upon Califor­ the command “ get ou t,” well of course we wanted to bo kind to the horses aud G bav H aib on WHISKERS changed to a G lossy nia for the butter consumed at home. driver, so we obeyed. This continued till B lack by a single application of this D yk . Itlm- n natural color, acts Instantaneously. Sold C urts we had walked up six or eight mountains, y Druggists, or sent by express on receipt of 91. In a few days wo received an answer and this for a fat man with sore toes is OFFICE, 39 MURRAY *T „ NEW YOKK. to our article from an anonymous exercise enough for one day, so I made r. TUTS «IM.IL sTTsIsahle InfuruKliin ad\ ( D UeT.il Uetelpl* will be ■■Lied IULL on ui>pllrsUo*./ source. In our last issue we stated up my miud, the next hill we came to I would ride. But at the bottom of a moun­ people are always on the lookout that if the author would send his tain one mile to the top, the driver gave for chances to increase their earn­ ings, and in time become wealthy; name we would gladly publish bis the usual command “ get out” I politely __ those who do not improve their op- excused myself on the ground of sore feet. rtunities remain in poverty. We offer a great chance article. This week we received a “ I ’ ve heard too many such excuses” he t<> make money. We want many men, women, boys ami girls to work for us right in their own localities. letter in which tbo writer gives us railed, “ get ou t.” Well tho driver is a Anyone can do the work projicrly from the first start. The business will pay more than ten times ordinary part of his name. This we suppose very tall man and weighs two hundred wages. Kxpciisive outfit furnished free. No one who pounds so 1 got sorry for the team aud got engages fails to make money rapidly. You can devote will justify us in publishing part *f out. This was perpetuated all day, till your whole time to the work, or only your sjmre after dark. And I paid four dollars for moments. Fu* information and all that is needed his article, and it will be found in sent free. Address S tinson a Co., Portland, Maine the privilage of climbiug more mountains another column. than I ever climbed any day of my life, Our friend informs ub that he can the grades are narrow and daugerous. Our Spring and Summer I asked the driver if there were not a Price-List No. 33, has made raise wheat, take it to market, and good many accidents oh the road. “ Yes lits .appearance — improved sell jt for cnsh. With this preposi­ some few “ “ D o you see that steep place land enlarged. Over 2 0 0 aheud, so steep that a person could pages. Over 3 , 0 0 0 illus­ tion we unhesitatingly agree. He just nearly spit iuto the river six hundred ft. trations. Contains quota­ next tells us that if he makes butter, below ?” said he, “ there is where a mule tions, descriptions and illustrations of This powder never varies. A marvel of fell over a while buck with a pack on his nearly all articles in general use, from and takes it to market he cannot sell and wh lesomenef-t, back. But they never went down to see purity, strength Adam and Eve to Sitting Bull ynd Mrs. it for cash, but must trade it for what became of the donkey.” X suppose more econom ical than tho ordinary kind, Langtry. It costs us 25 cents h>r every and cannot be sold in competition with goods. Our friend seems to go up­ not unless they were suspended by a rope. the multitude of low test, short weighs, copy we mail—nearly 150.000 per annum. Proceeding on where the mountain was not on the assumption that the country so steep, he said, “ there. Do you see that alum or phosphate powders. Sold only It makes our hair red to think of it. \Y e should have the c ost of production. The R oyal B aking P owder C o ., 106 _____ ____________ _____ a wag- in cans down there? ______ that where stores is the only market there is for wreck book is full o f brains. Send for it, and gon loaded with furniture with four hors- | Wall st., N. \. enclose 25 cents—anything or nothing— butter and cheese. Of course the es to it went over, aud although they Let us hear from vou. Respectfully, idea of a diaryman depending upon went down the bluff" about oue hundred M ONTGOM ERY W ARD A CO . feet, and made stove-wood out of tho t , j 227 At WabiuUk Ateaie, Ihlcato, ill. these country stores as a market for waggon and furniture, yet strange to say, tho products of his diary, is simply not a horse was injured, nor tho man d . M c D o w e l l rediculous. If the farmer depended hurt. Aud on a little farther where a V. A . U R O U A . I * r o p * r . drunk man rolled over the bank into the —•—PRACTICAL—*-» upon the same source as a market Umpqua, came out sober, with only a few NEW HOTEL JUST OPENED. for wheat ho would havo the same bruises. Scottsburg is a small town of MAIN ST., NORTH OF LIVERY »STABLE. i two dozen houses, at the head of naviga­ experience tlmt our critic has with tion on the Umpqua, and is head quar­ D tilla i* . O g n . his butter. He informs us that he ters for the logging camps iu this part of Everything Now, Neat mill Clean. the country, where over fifty men are en­ takes his wheat to market to get cash gaged in putting in logs. Hands are iu for it. Wo stated in our first discus­ good demand; more men wanted than they Single Mi nis........................... ................ $ fiOets. sion of tho subject, that almost every can get; wages ranging from fifty to seven­ Three meal Tickets................................... 1 00 ty-five dollars per month, aud board. Board and Lodging, per week.................... f» 00 Board, per week............................... ... I 00 year there was, at some season, a For fifty miles up the Umpqua, Smith Board per month...................................... lf> 00 g jo d cnsh market for the products River and Elk creek, is almost a contin­ Foimticrcinl SI., ual cluster of tim ber. One would think of the diary, u statement which our traveling through hero that there was Salem , : : ; O regon . friend does not attempt to deny. timber enough to fence the United States in ten acre lots. Here at Scotsburg we Supose that our fnrmor has any­ took the propeller, and sped our way where from 100 to 500 lbs. of good twenty miles down the Umpqua to Gard­ ner city, which is near tho mouth of the b itter nicely packed, aud in the win­ Umpqua, where it empties into the Ocean. M A Xl FAC IT RB8 AND DKALKRft IN— F u r n it l i r e , S p r in g ; B e ils ter or early spring will ship it to The average width of tho Umpqua from The Best in the W orld ! Scotsburg to its mouth, is about tho surne AND ALL KINDS OF— Portland. W ill he be compelled to as the Willamette River. Gardner is a UPHOLSTERED WORK, ALBUM PICTURE FAMES* t.*ade it for goods? Those of us who rather lively little place. Two very large WALL BRACKETS, AND WINDOW SHADES. hive lived in the metropolis know saw-mills, a cannery with capacity to can a thousand cases per day. Altogether a just how anxious dealers aud custo- population of about two hundred and fifty. i: KF.F.P A COMPLETE STOCK IN* OUR LINE \ V and will well as cheap as the same goods can m jrs aro to pay cash for just such an One of these very large saw-mills was *'»• g"t in Portland. l»o not take ojr word, or other running, aud cut from forty to fifty thou­ pc e word for it, But come and see our goods and article. Our correspondent tells us sand our prices. The Monarch is the chief of bee-hives. A s feet of lumber per day. It has ten a roomy, conviently arraiuged and secure hive next, that if ho wants to buy goods saws runuing, three plauers, aud works I h i n d s o l w o r k in o u r lin e it has not an equaj. It is very large, holding ■t the store, and has no butter to from forty to fifty men. T his lumber about HH0 pounds -the hroodchamher* hold- j « l o u r t o o r d e r o n .S h o r t \ o t U r . finds ready sale in the San Francisco ing 430. rl he honev chambers are so arranged trade, that then ho must pay cash. market at good prices. The steamer that the bees eau be shut off froiy them after and Tais is just the reason why wo urge “ D u ie” a three mast ship is now loading, they are filled, giving them free rucce.-s from * We also keep a I.Alton {STOCK of and carries five hundred thousand feet of the outside of the hive to the unfilled chain- | farm jis to mako butter. Certainly lumber at a load. From the beach at low hers. By this means the honey, which is put C A N K E T K s m « l « A S i ’. S o n l i i i i . d in one and five pound frames, can be taken if a fanner can make butter and trade tide we can see a part of the rigging of up Which we will furnish at REDUCED PRICES. the hive at pleasure, without disturbing the ill-fated steamer “ Tacoma” which from Sales Room on Main Street, two doors i north of it to tho merchants for just such was wrecked hero near the mouth of or even seeing the bees. It. is a non - wanning hive, thus re;|uirhig no time or trouble in Vamlnvne & Smith. goo Is as ho wouM bo compelled to the Umpqua a short time ago. It was watching or hiving the young swranis. Hav­ OLN. a splended new iron ship that cost half a ing plenty of room the bees do not become idle pay cash for, there is no better pos­ m illion of dollars and was loaded with in a few weeks, as is the case with small i hives, which are soon filled; and there is not a | sible argument in favor of making coal, its first load it ever carried, and had on board about fifty persons. Tbo cargo point about the hive which is not an improve­ t jo butter, and saviug tho cash for of coal was worth twenty-four thousand ment over the old styles. Mr. M . V . Knsley, which tho wheat is sold. . Now the dollars. But the Captain got too much of Willamina. Yamhill county, is the patent» e, I and Messrs. W ells .k Clark, of Buena Vista, facts are that there is a cash market liquor, and ran her toward the shore till Polk county, arc the agents f<»r this county she ran upon the rocks. All the passen­ ami counties south. Those who keep bees will for butter and cheese or the mer­ gers but eleven were saved. Seven new do well to call and examine the hive. chants would not tako them in trade made graves mark the spot here of the TESTIMONIALS. bodies recovered while four are still sleep­ SFO* 188 3. McMinnville Or, April 13, 1882. ill be mailect fbee to nil applicants, and to cus- for goods. Aud tho fact rcmaius ing beneath tho angry waves of the tomors of last year without orcleriDg It It contains M r . K nsi . e Y— S ir: The .Monarch lice-Hive nl>ctit 1<5 pages, 600 illustntions. prices, accurate troubled water. From Dr. Mackey U. S. pattentns it was before that it is a I bought of you last spring has ^¡ven U, 1IM| descriptiom andl vuluablo (iirections for planting Surgeon»,we learn that the cries of the satisfaction, and I think the hive a perfect l .kJ vaHctlos ef Ve«rotablo an«1 Flower Seeds, blushing shame that Oregon farmers eleven men hauging iu the rigging when success. 1 Lrui.t Trees, eta In valuable to all, csih .0- Respectfully Y outh , i uly to ?Jarbet Gardeners. Send for It I will allow California enterprise to the ship broke and they knew they must W m . H em uree . U. M. FERRY & CO. DETROIT MlCH. Bellvuc, Or., .July 26.% Monarch Bee- .1 I I I . Oregon butter market. As we are Oh! such a thought is sad and wild, Hiv»* I bought of you 1 am well pleased with. What spot on earth could darker ho I stocked the hiv.* with two young swam is " f short of splice this week, wo will the season of 1883, con commencing Than caves where sunbeams never smiled. bees and one old one, put together, and so far , hope of discussing it more fully at with it that l intend t»» ;ret another one <>f you Sulu ,1 and I»t\ t< :i na«l; Fridays and Saturday» at And whore the mournful wrecks lie deep turd ,V hills'Stuhle, Salem. this fall. Respectfully Yotps, some other time. And tinted isles of coral grow. TO & PsD LIVER. v v , î ,. T U T T ’S H A IR D Y E i WISE : rei b l U lK S h O * TU ftIUMb Si MILLBK), 3K f a m i d Apothecary, B EE-HIVE! P. O. Box 583 C h e m ic a ls , The K e n tu c k y J u b ile e h r*. Since man was from the garden hurled, The sun has seen no sadder sight, S w in d - W hile looking on a suffering world Thun Neptune’s dreary Inu iaT rite. Dm. t (irocries — D. C. SALING, A I N L « .l NI. IN niM.AH, A PAIROFCI rrRl-TTGN« A R N Frulla, Uni*. 4 .IMIIIII,.,, E S S — Kir. Kir. - - i n d e p e n d e n c In d e p e n d e n c e e llo o n - Of. OGN t A&K -i«i:i:u«ii] offer for sale, and in I f A VINO PURCHASED THF. ENTIRE STOCK 11 of good» formerly owned by Alex. Pattereou, I will »ell the same, for the next Thirty Day«, DRESS AND 7 FA N C Y GOODS, CLOTHING AND AT COST, FOR CASH. A ll! V K t a K T A I t l.K Ki:«||:|>v I know it is the practice among a great many m e r ­ chants to sell a few leading articles ¡it cost, hut they must make it up on something else. 1 intend to T ry It. strictly adhere to very Low Prices in everything I Drugs mid Medicines, T o Tlmso (lin(roB«iiiK complaint,, lv, ItiliionsncnH, H.vxpopsm, H-adnchc I ,“ ill the Hack mi,I Knlot>_y„,.Malar:,|trvil'* an,I nil .linenao nrisini; (rom Ib« luía ,? j of tho ntomnch mui liver bfinu dm from wenknennorexoennen, curedhv„gj you can g»*t them the cheapest. COUNTY, uud Provini,N L. I’ lEIM F, I’ r«pri«*lor. ;p FUNDER'S'! NOMI U4 LUI h III Kl KENDALL’S .SPAVIN CURE! Furnishing Goods, Etc., Etc. Just arriving, a large and well-selected stock o T ill- TI. im I S i i o e c s r i l l Itemr«; ever discovered, as it is certain in its cfTucti and doc« not blister. READ PROOF BELOW. There is no doubt or question hut 1 shall sell them very m uch lower than the same goods have ever been offered iu this market. G E N ! MERCHANDISE Which will be aold at Lowest Prices. Saved Him 1.800 Dollars. Please call and price tlie goods and you w ill see that l a m in earnest. M. M. ELLIS, Country Produce Of Even- Description taken in exchange tor goods, ami the highest market price allowed for the same. f-I?'CalI and examine »to«k and prices before pur­ chasing elsewhere. Also keep a full line of A dams , N. Y., Jan. 80,188. i D h . II. J. K endall Si Co , Gents: Having ui»l ' gu"il deal of yt.ur Kendall's Spavin Cure with ^rtt i success, I thought I would let you know what it h* 1 done f«>r me. Two year» ago I had as speeflraiftlt* J wa» ever raises I in Jefferson County. When I ia breaking him, he kiekud «»ver the cross lor and I fast ami tore one of ills hind legs all to pieces It* 1 | ployed tlie best farrier», hut they all said he 1*1 j He bad a very large thorough-pin, led ( spoiled. used two 1 Kittles of y our Kendall's Spavin Cure, as* it to«»k tlie bunch entirely otf, amt lie sold alurvur.. j for *l,8b0(Jt hUanlaa. "■TTTTC .•ToTir, In Adams, tlie other day and raw a v* line picture you sent them. I tried to buy it, M could not. They said that if 1 would write toy' that vou would send me one. I wish you would, iv 1 will do you ail the gootl I can. Very "respectfully, E. 8. L txaj Successor to VV. C. Brown. Oregon, March 8, D allas , IS , 83. Drugs, Patent Medicines, C u r e W in e s a m i L i q u o r s , C. E. WORTHINGTON, For medical purp«>»c». Competent person always on hand to till prescriptions. 1». C. BALING. B alls ' O regon, November 8.1882 —~ l j > r«< -----------------— ------------------- J O H N E. S M IT H . G E N I*ollr < -1WALKR IN — General M erchandise From the Ontonta Tress, N. Y j • * vkonta , New York. January fi. 1881 | F.arlv last sn liter Messrs. Ik J. Kendall & Cu. J \ Kuoshurgli Fail' , Vt., mode a contract with the p.; , lishers of the Press for a half column ailvertisenwr • 1 fur one y ear, setting forth the merits of KendJb Spavin Cure. At the same time we secured from:* firm u »juuntity «if hookf, entitled "l»r. KemlaJi'* Treatise on tin* Horae and I iih Diseases, which we »(•- givinjTto advance paying subscriber? to theFre»»“ A N D D R U G S A N D M E D IC IN E S . E R A L ------ Keep constantly on hand a full assortmjiit of X . • -«* ; BLACKSM ITBIN G . I premium. About tlie time tlie advertisement first appearn ik tliis paper Mr. P. G. Schermerhorn, who resid« i«w Collier», hail a spavined horse. Hu read the an'**’ tisement and eonchulcd to test the otfiescy of tbs remedy, although his friends laugiieilat hiscredulitj He bought a bottle of KcnilaU's Spurin Cure aw* commenecd using it on the horse, in accordance the direction», and he informed us this week that effected such a complete cure that an expert r man, who examine.! the animal recently, could Mi no trace of the spavin or the place where it had located. Mr. Bchormerhoru ha» since secured* wp of Kendall's Treatise on the Horse and his Ids«*"* which he prizes very highly, and would be lej part with at any price, provided lie could not omw mother copy. So much for advertising reliable art GROCERIES, H A R D W A R E , Furnishing Goods, Dress Goods, Etc., Etc. C Two I)oor< North of Post Onice. I G A R S A l> v D T O B A C C O S A n d W in e s and L iqu ors fo r M ed icin al P urposes. IN C O R P O R A T E D 1804. IN Fiom Col. L. T. Foster. A ll w o r k W a r r a n t e d . DALLAS CITY MILLS, , s ale HOME MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, C A PITA L, Paid up in U S. Golii Coin, COIN ASSETS, Decernb( “ 31 , ISSO, Incom e fo r ISM), W V t O .O O O ! oney to loan on lono or short tine mm Inno or muli aoiount,. o>. ppi.ro, -,1 M in laRuiru of UHlRlo VlPEK« ; S 02239799 ' (» 42,84 UM) ; Reinsurance Reserve Losses Paid in Oregon, : P atten ’ s M ills , N. Y., Feb._2lt 1*78. D r . B. J. K endall , DearSlr: The j-art’ on which I uscii your Kendall's Hpavni Core ankle "sprain of aixtecn months -raj«»« 2 0 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 r ^ v tried X 'i many things, but in vain. A « 'tr *1 , Cure put the f.»»t to tho ground again, and ror ^ ; flr»t time since hurt, in a natural ponti» n. family liniment it excel» anything weaver Youra trull, ,;i.'. ■« !’■ offers su p erior Pwtnr «»f M. F.. Church, Patten * M b V 174 , 080.(50 : This leading nnd p o p u la r co m p a n y advantages to those desirin g re lia b le in d em n ity agains« loss and dam age b y fire , being solid in assets, con serva­ tive in m an agem en t, m oderate in rates and p rom p t and liberal in th e ad ju stm en t and paym en t o f losses. P r * 5 ? r O O < r !* O O l ep08ited in ° reg0n fortbe father security of I obey Holders m Oregon, M asliington and Idaho. S upervisors o r O regon B ranch — C . H . L e w is of t t M cC-aken.of MeCrafen A Co.; 1». AVassermn of Y J Bankers, Ladd & Tilton. w «Merman, of 1 • r T *A J , man & Co GKO. L. STORY, 3Ianngcr Oregon Branch D. B. B U S H , Special Agent. A LIVERY AND D m I I ii « . U O K K IN O N . •KENDALL’S SPAVIN I Is sure in Its effects, mild in its action, w Winter, yet it is penetrating and p-*w\i! every deep-seated pain or t*» remove any r.r «.¿her enlargements, such as spavies, *1 ■ alloua, a , tains, swellings, and any lamei enlargement* of the joints or limbs, <*r ti- ni ¡u man anil for any purpose for w hu is tiw..,! f.,r msn ..r beast. It is now hn«»w best liniment f<»r man ever u»e«l, acting yet certain in it* effects. Hf.wl address for Illustrate«! Circulai think gives positive ]*ro«»f of its virtues, has ever in«*t with such unqualificil su» know 1« eg«*, far beast as well as man. Ih-i.-e si per bottle, or six bottles for A gists have it «»r can get it for you, <»t it w and aililress on rc«*eipt of pn<-e by the DR. Ik J KENDALL AUO.. Eiwmburwh SOLD BY ALL DRUGbiSTS . . « . . r " „ rcu8°"- *«•*• HI H M i Y oi ' xcjhtown , Ohio, May 10, l®*1 Du. It J. K endall . v C o ., Gent»: I had a vfr valuahle Hnnihlettniian colt, which I prised ' direct Ions, and the fourth day the colt ceased t*» * lame, il>i»l tin* lumps have disappeared. 1 nM one bottle and the c»dt’s limbs are a» free fr« ni Itoii»» s smooth a» any horse in the State. IK* •* wrciy cured. The cure was so remarkable that 1 £ (wo «if my neighbors have the remaining two miti«* and they are now using it Very respectfully ,^ . T. Ko*l» 340 ,( 541.00 KENDALL’S SPAVIN CURE ON HUMAN FI.Hsn 1 , 035 , 202 . 8 1 Losses, paid since organization, W M . SALE STA&LE. S T A — 0. K.FLOURINC T ¿ I C a l-' i t . I N D E P E N D E N C E , O R E '* healer in O r o a fo u . W . B. W ils o n A S on , P rop’ « * " II«>RAF5H. CARRIAGE* AND LIVERY A t the moat rrMtoniihlr rutra. AW.VK SILI RN3 MORRISON, Propr{et«»r 9 T H E BELT rrrE R cook H O U SE . : I.FARFP THF. H A51XO art uow prej-ered to d«* *11 kind« -------ANI)------ Conveyance of Commercial men a speciality. Cash or Prodnc«. Administrator H Is that you »1»» you rself justice by buying goods w here GEORCE FAIRCRAVES, la .u .i - u S T R E E T . A X .S . W il’andna, Or., Jan 25th, 1883. iNrariNDi*« a, Deeemb H KN M T A r n ., P r o p * » , IMS. . Cleveland, O M rmsr *. W rllm .1 G lare Gentlemen- I thought I would let «on know soni« thing «»f the working of rav hive. I paid Mr. Finley Notice of Final Settlemen. ♦.»0 f«*r the «*ne I have I put 4 swarms into the hive the 21»t ...................... t. And the In re estate .if G. " Teller «h*, cam d. L»wn Arbor, Pol» County, honey . flow c ----------— »utili led „ ------- — -------- last «*f June, D. Gibson Administrator. «luring that time the l»ees tilled up the bromi * * j. i 1 .1 roerirtd o new lot of foodo, nich «« or. rhamlier and made two hundred |>oumia «»f ^«.T1. ;• W HEREBV given . t h a t t n e f in . l " H*« II, lop. in « country u n , nhi. h ha nill «oU. to, .N . ■G>.t , VlininMnu. —HK —M M au I honey in the surplus sells, or frames, fteside*, h*. In-.n in th, l'...intv ...Miri, l'..|l, n( t I making in all aliout •»00 |>oumls of honey. I have a little girl nine years ohi that can take IOT he..rtm|:.... TunHUr. Iho .,h .Uy o( V.v, Ivvl, ,| «»ut «»ne |M»un«l «>f honey, «>r as much as she con llw kourol IO. . «r «u.i ,1*.. , i whi.-h ,li r , ml rbcopor than »nr dealor in F»dk Uramtv Hr H carry, any hour the day. The hive is in * . . mi..r.—r-l .n n,H>.r-l u, t,T**y niMM FustfffM and will convinc* wou that b* every iW plol perfect, an.I I would n«»t be ' * 'f *fi*V* f i « * « , - f i . « P rim a » h « « . . . « p - pr.ypl » 11.1 «...1 tlm,n„trau.r .li. h.riril and h „ »tatc» the truth if you will fiv* htwi a owil without «»ne, for many times its c**st. Your*, J. ndroiy,. rph«.ril Iran, furtlMr lu.ri.lity in mkml mnt- UKaiRiAH B ai LIT. Wr. lfet«sl March lOth, IfeS. i __^ ARRKN TRI ITT, Attomey for Retato. C i t J V I Successor to Alex, l'attersuo). H G*o. Ben Butler seems to lie grow- ill favor with the Democatic party | it ie altogether probable that he l a good chance of nonina- i m Democratic candidate for the Ben ie irrepreeaable. i n -X. J . K . C onner . I i .i ( 8 2 5 l o p f lu » . S e a s o n . M cM innville, Or., Aug. ‘J, 1882. Mail's not proving with|*U, can be returned next Mn. K nsi . ky Dear Sir: The Monarch Bee-Hive 1 bought of you last spring has prov­ DALLAS, OREGON, DKSCRIPTh» AND PEDIGREE. en a perfect success. 1 stocked it with three old swarms put together on the 25th <»f last JESSE B., hrigiit »'»rrel <*olt, foaled in 1879, and May, and the brood chamber is nearly filled at g..f i.x Norfolk. Fiuid the projvrtv ..f Theodore W ils o n & H o lm a n , - P r o p ’rs. present date, without putting in any comb t<* \N mt. rs; now owned l»y Wm. Magee, near Salem, start with. It is all that is elnimed for it, nnd j on , -... Ha» two white hind feet, and a narrow »trip in tlie face. AVINO PURCHASED TIIE ABOVE MILLS, more too. Rcs|»ectfully Yours, First dam. imp. Lady Jane, hy Maraudor. 2nd «lam we are now prepare«! to Uu all kind» of D . o . D i rham . Jane Millie, hy panumon. 3d dam, Kttie Doans by ' : ' j l , V-1 'h»'!', Dispute, by Partington, «th «lam, McMinnville, Or., July 2D, 1882. ».lit, l.ydoling \Naxcy. Norfolk was l,v Lexington, M r. K nhi . ki Dear Sir: The Monarch Bee- out <>t Novice (sister in hh»od to Kiflcumu) hy Glencoe Hive 1 bought of you la-t spring I am well 1.« xiimtoi, wan hy Host.... .. of Alice Uarncal. imp.' pleased with. I think they are a perfect suc­ Narpehi»n. it will therefore bo seen that in Jesse are Promptly and in a satisfactory manner. Clive us WILSON & HOLMAN. ill,' .cry Iwst .train. American and •S cess. Respect fully yours, C. 1>. J ohnson . D allas , Oregon, January 1883. English racing blood. For further particulars apply to McMinnville Or., Aug. 8. 1882. U M. MAGEE* Prop ictor. M e K nsi . ky Dear Sir The Monarch Bee- A . .T . G O O D M A N , Hive 1 bought «*f you is April last has proven a success. I put tw.. swarms of ! A jn j;.t .,M(| j Successor io Cooper Bios.), they worked splenditi. Beili, an old h. k» e|*- , er, and having seen almost all kinds of hives, I I must say that the .Monarch tah. s the h ad for the bees storing large amounts »»f honev, with the least trouble in removing, and in ino8t|H*r- j feet security. 8. F. H arp in g . A hure Curo for Blind, Bleeding, Heh- Some 50 white set tiers have racent- ly been murdered by renegade Apaches who have never been con­ quered by the Government. The main body of the Apaches have been aettled on reservations, but a few i __ « . ____ m ___ a > : _ » .. -, In transferring th«* I hh ** into this Ime. after ■traglera D ä VP rofuued to subflllt, aud putting ill as many swarm* am jr«»u wish, keep are conituiUT making trouble «orne-1lh* «hut u|. f..r t» . .u,w ... a« t „ ¡ » a ■J,,— 1 »»1« qii««n« Um« t.. get tt mr tiirhti.itf. »II th.* 1« mm but una will ba kiUcl ' ll by that Uua — IN THE STATE. M BUR o « I L t it s mul TOR Art's, THE BEST VARIETY. AND FINEST QUALITY OK POLK 'W, JU. K. SW A IN I' m "Pw. ALSO A LABOR STOCK OF P I P E S , BUCCY WHIPS, BRIDLES, HALTERS, COMBtS & BRUSHES, Cigars, Tobaccos, Etc. BALLSTOX, th . |r„||M Hn| I’K. m . kiis in _ i HARNESS^and SADDLES, j ^ FEED S TA B LE, W e acknowledge the compliments o f Ehrich Bros., of Now York, ia the receipt of a copy of their splendid Spring Fashion »Quar­ terly. Every lady should have a eopy of it. '»«Ht.. " r X «*th H A S 3 K Ï M Always on hauJ, a Fine Line of l iv e r y prices before going elsewhere to purchase we mean just what we say. We keep a complete stock of all kinds of goods usu­ ally kept in a first class furniture store Salesroom two doors north of Vanduyn a . tj — —»------- » — A Smith, Main street, » Independence. H. M. “ L —! imes L awrence . mu « «> ■ »«* . ■ u m :, u ( , 1C„ 1 1 a n i l C o m p l e t e S » o « - U <»t D a lla s . O r e g o n We sometimes wonder how long « i n i o k m % ni n i : k . tbo public is to be imposed upon by E ditor I tkmizrr .— I n taking your paper ■ueb unblushing swindlers ns tbo from tho office the first thing that met my n parties who are “ tramping" their eye was your leading article headed “ Cali­ way through tbo couutry and im­ fornia Butter,” and giving us farmers a Grist and Custom Work raking on account of that butter. posing their pack of Hail Francisco general We did not blush as you would naturally buot blacks upon the people under expect we would, and will give you the the stolen titlejof "Kentuckv'Jubilee W . o n grew wl,™t t a b it to • . market and get cash for it; but we cannot Singers. In tho firat place their | get cash for butter, wo took butter to town performance is said to be of the I two weeks ago to a good man, but it was . . , uot cash, and I durst bet my best cow P IL E S ! P IL E S ! P IL E S ! very lowest order of negro ininstrelry that we might bring in twenty pounds and and not worth the fourth port of ' thore *■ uot 0,10 #tore *M tuwn th,lt would A Suro Curo Fo u n d at La st! be willing to cusb one pound of that but­ what is charged for it; and in tho ter. The first question would,bo what do No O ne Mood Suffer! next place it seems, they attempt you want to trade? But wo will chnngo the subject; suppose wo want to buy with iim unii l 1,‘erated Piles hns been (liscover- wherever they go to cither boldly out the butter, it must be cash. We can­ McMinnville, July 26, 1882. Mil. R nkley Dear Sir: The Monarch l ee- e i l b y D r . W illiam ,(an Indian Itemedy,) bluff people out of tho bills they not pay our hired help, taxes, aud buy implimeuts, and pay cash with­ Hive I bought of \ou last spring is all that it ca lli,l l»r. W illiam 's Indian Ointment. have contracted, or else to slip away farming A «ingle l»o\ lias cured tho worst chronic out cash iu return aud live, therefore we was claimed to be. I put three swarms in it without paying them. It is cer­ will naturally grow cash produce. If a two old and one young swarm together iu it, I oases of -J5 or .10 years standing. No ami they went right to wort, and are doing one need suffer five minutes after apply­ tainly time that pecplo should cease farmer wanted to make butter for a de­ well up to d ite. Res|>ectfullv Yours, ing this wonderful soothing tredicine. pendence he could not livo ami he knows H . Y . V . J ohnson . Lotions instruments and electuaries do to harbor aud patronize such a bodge it. For I never saw the place they would more harm than good. W illiam 's Ointment M r . K x sL R Y -f have thoroughly tested tlie ! podge of beer-guzzling riff-raff pay a farmer cash for butter and eggs. hive In every r«**|»ect. I am satisfied, if I did | absorbs tho tumors, allays tho intense ----- AND----- Let the stores advertise cash for butter ¿.»thered from tho lowest dregs of and I guarantee you will get more butter; nav $50 while they are now selling f r rtLY itching, i particularly at night after get­ You could not get it from me and deprive me ting warm in bed,) acts as a poultice, gives ■ociety and foisted upon a libernl we have plenty of good butter in the house of it for five times that amount. instant relief, and is prepared only for now that we will not bring to town until J ohn H arn ey . public under the falso colors of n we actually want something we are com ­ Piles, itching of tho private parts, and INDKI’ ENDENCE, OREGON. for thing else. Yamhill county, Or., Aug. 15, 1882. respectable show. We give this pelled to have and I will venture to say Head what the lio n . ,f. M. fofflnberry M il K nsi . ky Sir: 1 put three swarms »>f | raotly pack tho benefit of this free there ia plenty of others in the same fix lice* in the Monarch B ce-llive that I I »ought of Cleveland has to say about l)r. Wil­ iving purcharkd this u e l i . known of you .»li the first dav of June, and they have | liam 's Indian Pile Ointment; I have nUMtahnwnl. I Pr,.(„n lo ronduct it in Ural notice in our editorial columns not A Won! 1» Inrliter*. filled the brood comb chamber full, ami »»lie of , used scores of Pile Cares, and it affords ci « m ,h«p«. Alw.y, In remiin«M, the top l»o\rs, giving me 3.5 lbs. of line surplus j because they ore worthy of the As you have sustained a great loss by me pleasure lo say that I have never hom y: and I am satisfied that if I had put the notice of respectablo people but the freeze, and as furniture is somewhat of bffeff in at the commencement of the honey found anything which gave such immedi­ G O O J ) T 1 2 A M S , a luxury, we propose to give to all who season, they would have filled the hiv.* full. ate and permanent relief as Dr. W illiam ’s AT LOW RATES. •imply to warn our readers to look wish to purchase furniture, or goods of \ ou «Ibi not claim enough for it. If 1 should Indian Ointment. F or sale by ail druggists, or mailed on e a r t l r u l a r A t l . a t l « a P a i s *• T r a « * out for them in the future, nnd be­ any kind in our line the benefit of ex tell you what I think aL»ut it v«»u w«*uld think I wa* trying to flatter v«»u. ft is i»eifecti«m receipt of price, *1.(10, a la n i s t o r k . cause we have paid tire dollars for cetnhngly low prices for the remainder of in the shai»e «»f a bee-hive. Respectfully, Hodge, Davis A- Co., wholesale agents, 1883. Those wishing good* in our line Aec«>ram 1 1 ^ diplomas, Chan «er, AS 111.. N IN l-lr.M-Ti, , I» .1.1« «-r .b.,ut I . , , , , , I t will attend to all lue Uiusa J ,îe„ r ' l -V.'.t" thorough. Th» .wleilB-e ..f that -uenee. «»ugh kimwledg DEALER IN- Coui, |ce> L aw , S o l i c i t o r * In « « « w a « « « * « ¡¡E i *”£ A t the low**«« puMdl.lv <■»«>•' CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEW ­ ELRY AND SILVERWARE. MONARCH nf either «•». An Institution del«..«.! *» H*** " ithi“ lh'' he facilities f».r obtaining a r. W itckko r and Jcwsler. A tto rn e y an d At Priiiel pa I w . » . J V 1 IK S A b s o lu t e ly P u r e . ro o t! J . L . C O L L lN g ^ f the yuan, snd uii.1.11. POWDER LOG B I A COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, JA 8 P E K K. M IL L E R , C ris t or C u s to m Wo** H E A D -S T O N E S , r x cr u lo il ¡ „ I t a l i , , „ m| A arr1raa , Or. short notice. We always have Flour on h 1 t0 , exchange for Wheat, and «an furnish PaoPBirroa. Bran, Shorts and Chop Mark I p . In d rp rn tlrn rr. «»un. FVF.RY .wher >t IN « 'rt’Y 'Z V 'C '^'HTTRY and T u n PELT Hfl