r r - FACTS ^0F INTEREST. iA r fc- V- f" Ik W- ; M ATT CARPEN TER. A Cincinnati woman was crazid by the flood, and although lier house was A m u sin j A ccount of h i» IudocU ion ou the Que» ion of Financ*. high and dry, imagined it to be soak ir.g with wafer. ¡She therefore pro­ cured tivogullons o f kerosene, spnuk THE ONLY NEAVSPAriill INTERVIEW led it on the walls und was about ap­ 111' HIS ENTIRE LIFE. plying the match in order “ to dry the house” wbeu she was discovered. A writer in the S mday H era ld tolls A l'lttsburg Postoflice clerk had his how Matt Carpenter invited the ouly eyes tilled with rod pepper the other day while canceling stumps. The newspaper interview to which he pepper was not meant for him, but for ever submitted. Carpenter had been tbe ^irl to whom the valentine con disapjiointed when Angus Cameron tainmg it. was addressed. It was in was sent to tho Senate, it having been tended to let her know something about tho warmth o f the writer’s Carpenter's ambition to sit in that body. After his defeat ho settled ¿eciiuga for her. The Hansom cab, established by down to law-practice here. His polit the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, ical ambition was roused ngain when is now a lixed affair in Philadelphia. the time camo for the election of a The faro is also fixed. Eash driver pays $3 25 for the use o f his vehicle successor to Mr. Howe, now Post­ teu hours u day and keeps for his master-General. Carpenter h id not own profit whatever he receive above been in Wisconsin for three years. that sum. A set of news caps with His health would not permit his conspicuous white letters were dis­ tributed the other day which the cab­ making a personal canvass o f the man refused to wear; they said they State, so determining to pluce himself would rather do nothing. They as candidate before the Legislature were taken at their word, and plenty through a newspaper interview he of men, glad o f the chance took their sent for the writer of the present places. The thieves who broke into “ The sketch. The writer found Curpenter Little Church Around the C orn er” pacing his office in high liuwor pull­ stole a large silver flagon, a gold- ing a huge cigar. His partner, Cole­ lined chalice, a silver gold-lined box man, who was posted on Wisconsin for the sacramental bread all me­ politics, was present in the capacity morial gifts are denounced for their of brakeman. Carpenter began by meanness in robbing a church which saying: " I want you to sit down is famous for the kindly side its pus there and ask me a few leading tor bus ulways shown towards people questions. Don’ t pin mo down too who are under the legal or social close. I want an opportunity to talk ban. Dr. Houghton has often lieen to the people of Wisconsin in my urged to keep these articles in a burg­ I own way. I f you ask me a question lar proof rfafe, but ho uniformly 1 I don’t want to answer, I don't want said; “ Nobody will rob the church.” that question to appear. I want you But a man might as well trust to the to wnto down carefully every word morcy of a tiger as to put any faith in of my answers. Then I must have tho opportunity of revising tho man a professional burglar. uscript afterwards.” The Boston Common' Council An assent was made to all of these spend $30,000 in 1883 for “ refresh­ ments und carriuge hire.” The Alder propositions, and thou tho interview began. Carpenter would start off in men have fallen into a way o f speech- A BABY SHOW PKOU BANGOR. making nnd wrangling till 3 a . m . S o a brilliant, saroastic, happy way, only There was a baby show on the pas­ midnight suppers are necessary, and to ho stopped by Mr. Coleman say­ senger train from the East tho other the members must ride home in car­ ing: “ For G od’s sake, Matt, don't day. A woman got aboard at Bangor riages, occasionally taking tho city’s say that!” Then Carpenter would with an infant, one yearling and a cigars and wines along. A few years wheel about with great intellectual two-year-old. Tho infant had a bottle, ago the nowtq apers showed up this ease and ex; ess a directly opposite attended strictly to business and hail junketing ami tho Board in 1878 opinion. There was hardly an an­ all the business it could take care of, managed to ride and out only $3000 swer that was not changed ut least a and was docile and happy. The other worth, but tho figures huve risen half-dozen times. When it came to the financial question Carpenter two youngsters were loaded with ngain. threw up liis hands in despair. He gingorbread and cookies; tatty and Eccentric Chadwick of Farming- caramels were piled on them till each ton, N. Y., died the other day. All said: “ I don’t know enough to man­ one’s face was as brown and sticky as arrangements for his funeral were age my own finances. I huve not a molasses poultice. There was no found complete. He had dug his the slightest idea upon the subject. soothing syrup in coin balls, prize grave, his coffin he had hewn out of I know absolutely nothing about it. packages or auything in the train a block of granite, and carriages had Coleman, do you know what tho Ixiy's basket for them. They ran lieen engaged for liis friends, includ­ people ut-i in Wisconsin would like tp their candy-smeared hands over each ing one hundred or more brother Odd have me say on that question? I f other's tow heads till each individual Follows and Knights of Pythias. His you do I wish you wonld toll mo, hair looked like a waxed end. They wishes were honored, even to the instead of sitting there with that threw the caramels on the Hoor and eating of a feast that ho hud ordered absurd grin on your face.” Finally, after smoking up half a fought with each other for tho tin at the village hotel. cigar, Mr. Carpenter began with box. The one who captured it tried The cigarette lias obtained a pojiu- to oat it. They refused to bo com ­ laritv among the schoolboys of Philu great rapidity and cUurnes, and forted until tlioy had spilled half the delphia that lias alarmed tho uuthori talked for at least ten minntes. When industrious baby’s milk on tho cur ties, and various plans for roform ho bad finished, he said, “ Head it floor. Then they threw two or three have been proposed. A principal of over.” It was read. He then turned cookies into the puddlo and began to a grammar school estimates that to Coleman anil said; “ How is that? knead the mass with their feet They 75 per cent, c f the male pupils under I Coleman said: “ It will not do. You daubed their little shoes to the ankles his charge are smokers, against loss | can never get through on that state with this dough. They tried climb than half that number before ciga r­ ment.” "Burn it then,” said Car ing over tho cur-seats for amusement. ettes came into common use. The politer. He tried it again, but ail Soon a young man with the prevail ouly measure thus far adopted is of a hour had passed before lie could ing tight pants and short cout came persuasive nature. A circular sot satisfy bis partner. Carpenter then told the writer to in and snt down. He sat on some­ ting forth the hurtfulness c f tobacco, thing soft and adhesive. He sudden­ and especially of bud cigarettes, lias hold the interview for two or three ly got up and backed out of the car. boon placed in the hands o f every days, and next day he «ailed on him By this time the yearling and the two hoy, and pasted inside tho cover of and said lie had brought up another financial chapter to lie used in place year-old were both howling and try­ euch text book. of what he already had. He approved ing to pick up the few spears of down A woman was the only passenger tlio interview finally and went away. discernible on the infant’s pate. Tile mother kept cool and administered in a Montana stage except her Imby, He went to Now York that night doses of tatty anil gingerbread at whom she wrapped in her fur cloak, but before lie went to bed ho tele proper intervals. When they left the leaving herself unprotected from the graphed: "H old the interview until train tho two seuts they occupied re zero temperature. The driver saw I return.” Ho camo back to Wasli semblod the Maranocook picnic pa that she was benumbed and would ingtoa within a day or two and called freeze to death unless roused to vio­ again. "I have decided,” said lie, vilion after n big excursion. lent exert ise. He dragged her from “ to omit everything relative to tho ------------- ---------------------------- THE BEAUTIFUL ROSES. the couch and left her by the road financial question. I don’t know side. “ Oh. my baby!” she cried anything about it, anyway, and I am The South has been called the land Tho driver cracked his whip. The not, going to risk any blundering.” o f tho mocking bin! and magnolia, stngo flew over the snow with tho The financial chapter was chopped and the land of orango groves. I f f woman running after. The race was out, and the much-cut and mangled might be permitted to rechristen it, kept up for nearly two miles, when interview was sent to Chicago, where I should name it ....................if tho land of : roses. tho driver took the mothor in again it was printed'in the Timex. It was I don’t believe there is any region on - e£ il and wrapped his coat around her. He afterwards reprinted in nearly every earth where roses grow in such abun had warmed her blood and saved her newspaper in Wisconsin. The inter dance, variety, beauty and sweetness life. view was a very diplomatic one as it as they do in this country. finally appeared. It put him in the ACROSS TH E ALPS. At New Orleans the Mum-tint Neil canvass at a very early stage, nnd roses cause tho Northerner to stare Cattle drovers in their journeys received the most favorablo comment in speechless wonder. I saw one of over Iho Alps, often fall victims to from the Republican newspapers of the plants that must have been fifty avalanches. At certain times of the the State. Mr. Carpenter afterwards feet long. 1 have seen vines of the year, they literally carry their lives in attributed his election to the Uuited same roses that long in the North, their hands. A volume might bo States Senate to this carefully-pre­ but they were scraggy and lean look tilled with a history of their strange pared interview the only newspaper ing and in the florists' greenhouses. adventures. When the weather is interview of his entire life. At New Orleans they run wild revel threatening, they take with them like a midsummer night's dream. spades to dig their cattle out of snow­ LINCOLN'S UNSELFISH LOVE- ms g .. . ■ drifts, and, in case o f need, to dig out tors o f half a dozen or more, und the each other. In tho winter of 1880 I In no act of his eventful lifo did flowers are so large that they would traveled from Airolo to Locarno with the pure, unselfish nature of Abraham more than cover the top of a large an Italian drover, who gave me a Lincoln shine out with a clearer, sized coffee cup. A single one o f the graphic dercription of tho way in stronger light than in his unselfish pale golden beauties will till a room which, a few weeks before, lie hud lost devotion to the happiness of the lady with porfume. Thoy are as plenty half a drove of oxen hy an avalanche whose» hand in marriage he vainly down here as “ white top” in a North in the Yal do Tremola. This man sought. It is to he deeply regretted ern meadow. And they sell for #1 a spent nil his working life on the St. that remarkable worth and purity in bud up North! (lothard road. No sooner lmd lie young men and women is so rarely In some o f the private citizens driven one lot of oxen from Lombardy I appreciated, or at all understood, un yards in New Orleans there are ns to Zurich, than he returned by dili- til, in the light of subsequent events, many as 100 different kinds o f roses fence and rail to Turin for another their grand display brings to mind all in bloom at once. They do not ot. Tho journey occupied a foit- tiie fact that their whole course had require protection from cold at any night, nnd he was on the move all the lieen of n like character. After Lin- time either. They all stand out year round. In summer !»•> traveled | coin's offer of marriage had been de­ doors in the o|>en ground, and n.uny by night, in winter by d»J Thouinn clined, under date o f August Hi, 1837, varieties bloom more or less all the led a wild, free life, and was the very he again wrote to Mary Owens ns winter throflgh. picture of health, lmt he looked for­ follows: “ What I do wish is that ■ - - -• * ■■ ward with great satisfaction to the our further acquaintance shall de R A T H E R A BAD B A R G A IN . IH'iid on yourself. If such further A western paper lias been reviving time when the completion of the St. acquaintance would contribute noth­ the old story of Satan and the news (lothard railroad should enable him ing to your happiness, I am sure it paper. A very impecunious fellow to ride through instead o f over the would not to mine. I f you feel your was approached by tho Evil One with mountain a satisfaction in which, self in any degree bound to me, I am the proposition that he would supply if the question could have lieen put now willing to release yon, provided the i. f. with all the money that lie to them, his cattle would doubtless von wish it; while on the other hand could spend for five years if at the have participated. Many instances of the deadly perils I am willing, nnd even anxious to end of that time i. f. would turn over j hind you faster, if le a n be convinced kis soul. The bargain was close and that lieset winter wanderers on the ! that it will, in any considerable d e ­ i. f. went at it. He built railroads Alps, are on record. In March, 15'.Hi, gree, add to your hnp|fiu*ss. This, and hotels and kept fast horses He three drovers and forty live horses indeed, is the whole question with me. •ornored wheat nnd stock, but Satan were killed by a single avalanche in Nothing would make me more miser honored his drafts every time. The the Septimer Puss. In the same year I able than to. believe you miserable time for the final delivery drew near, a like fate liefol seven men ami two nothing more happy than to know and i. f. was in trouble. Satan had hundred and ten horses on the I'm I yon were so." Brave and strong ns fulfilled every jmrt of his contract to brail, a place where, both before nnd was his moral nature, this disappoint since, many lives o f man and lieast the letter. ment of liis love cast a shallow o f sad Einallv it occurred to the i. f. that have lieen sacrificed in the same way. i tioss over the whole o f his subsequent he would settle matters. To that end* The French troops, in their passage I life. he drew on his sulphurous banker for of the Alps in 1800, suffered much ►I*** Macdonald, who money and established a daily news from avalanches. The Hartford clergymen, with little led his division over the Splugen, lost paper; in three weeks he drew again, whole columns. A drummer, thrown distinction of sect, believe that )>eo and found it necessary to keep draw ' pie are getting tired o f extemporan ing. Then Satan, with a very long hy the wind o f a S tn ub laiein e down a eons and nnconaidered prayers at face, dropped into his sanctum one precipice, alighted on soft snow and funerals, "which are half petition, .lay and said: “ Look here, I have a was unhurt. His comrade* heard liis half exhortation, seasoned with com proposal to make you. I can stand crie for help, but th # precipice was plimentary notices o f the brother in horses, yachts, diamonds and jH.liti- so deep they eon Id ilo nothing for the coffin.” They propose hereafter eal campaigns, but I can’t stale) tins him, and the p io r wretch (lerislied to use the burial service o f the Epis­ newspaper racket. Now I am dis miserably o f hunger and cold. In copal Church, and to omit the fnnei to do the fair thing. l ’(j give Novemlier. 1478, fro thousand Swiss al sermon which often “ depicts stingy u a receipt in full for ail you have marched over the Helvetic Alps to men as philanthropists, tyrants ns d ; will give you back your soul, take part in the campaign that ended lovely ornaments o f Christian homes i f ! yon will let mo o ff from my bar in the “ crowning victory” of (liornieo. ami graceless scamps ns the embodi The advance guard o f this force, as gain.” ment o f all that is lovely nnd good Ho the i. t. saved his soul only to it crossed the St. (lothard Pass, lost report." They might omit the preach 1 we it by running a morning paper. sixty men by an avalanche. Twenty- ing o f such discourses and get “ leave one years thereafter, one hundred In the dozen years since Dickens French soldiers were destroyed by a to print"— ns Congressmen d o their lied over 4.(XX).G00 copies o f his books similar catastrophe as they crossed undelivered enlogie* in the Hecord. ----- » »•* * — ave been sold in (treat Britain, and the S t Bernard into Italy. ■ - » m i ----- — « >r o f whom the elder A Chicago man has just received True glory take* root, and even one cent ilamages from a man who »ked: “ W ho is Dick bnt a reporter, and spread*: all false pretences, like flow ran away with his wife. He feeia r better ones on the I ers. fall to the ground; nor can any satisfied now that justice had been counterfeit last long. ' , don* him. r o f a New York pu|>er applied to for help by a ¿root black, w ho said bin box bad !>een nlolwu. and,- after giviuji the little fellow a faw cents, lie went to the Superintendent o f the Boys’ L odg iug-house to inquire about biin. "A ainall boy is ofteu robbed of bis box and brushes,” said the Superintend ent, •’and wbeu wo know or believe him to tie honest and industrious, tve start him afresh. But some o f them will Boil their kit to go to the theater, or to see Jumbo, or anything else that’s going on, and then they’ll try to beg money for a new kit. It, you are over asked again, tell the boy to bring you a note from me; if he d e ­ serves it, he’ll get it.” “How many of those who began as newsboys or boblblaeks have sue ceedod in life?” "Hundreds! VY hy, the other day u man stopped me in the street and asked if I recollected him. O f course I didn’t, but he soon recalled himself to my mind. He had beou under my care, and he told me that he was now owner o f a factory in Nownrk, em ploying two bookkeepers and sixty workmen. "Another man visited mo lately who had been picked up, wandering about the Bowery, and had been brought to the lodging-house. His parents were dead. He is now proprietor and ed­ itor o f a paper in Warsaw. Ind. “ There are Aldermen in this city who begun life under our care, but some of them are ashamed to have it known. They ought to be proud of it. “ Many o f the little bootblacks work for the big ones, who sit ma­ jestically on stoops, or in doorways, look in g'on ; and the big boy feeds the little one, giving him six cents for his lodging, and pockets the rest o f tho day’s earnings. It’s wonder ful how faithful the little ones are, too. I suppose they are afraid of getting thrashed.”_________ i ES* PERSONAL. William E. D odge’s estate is said to be worth $15,000,000. • Tho ltev. Fhiiiips Brooks is home­ sick in India. Ho writes to a Boston friend that the sun never waruc-d a dearer part of the earth'» tn u t than America. Dr. Oliver Wendell K ilmrs writes with a broad gold pen lixeil into a quill handle. The pen is said to have done duty for twenty years. He writes only in the morning for three hours u day. William K. Vanderbilt’s house is considered milch moro artistic and elegant tbpn his father’s und is the only residence in this country where the servants and lackeys appear in silk stockings and kuee-broeches and with «oats covered with gold lace. Bichard A. Proctor, the English astronomer, is indignant because some Christmas presents addressed to him hy Americans are held for duty in the Now York Custom-house. Iu his small anger Mr. Proctor sug gestod that the raven, instead o f the eagle, should he our national bird. A Washington letter says that Miss Bayard is not only very pretty, but extremely bright. She was the young lady who so astonished Oscar Wilde by her keen repartee to his patronizing remark. "Are you going to the german, Mr. W ilde?” she asked the night of his lecture there. "Yes,” drawled the esthete, " if uiy lecture doesn't fatigue me too much. "Are yon going, Miss Bayard?” “ Yes, if your lecturo doosn't fatigue me too much!" The richest widow on the Pacific coast, or in the country for that mat ter, with the possible exception of ills . Cornelia Stewart, is Mrs. Mark Hopkins, widow of one of the Con trul Pacific syndicate. Her husbund's estate proved up to $23,000,000, and the only two men in California who could justify on the widow's bond as executrix were Leland Stanford und Charles Crocker, two o f her hus­ band’s business associates. They were compelled to justify in twice the amount o f tho estate, anil each .wore that he was worth 84(1,000,000. Mrs. Hopkins is an elderly woman. They liuif no children, hut had adopted a son, whom Mrs. Hopkins has just married to a iliss Crittenden, a pro­ tege of hers, providing her with the dot o f a princess. There are other heirs to tho estate, but tho adopted osu, “ Tim ,” will get the bulk of it Tho Alarquis of L om e is a man of Commanding figure and o f exception al beauty of countenance. Tall broad shouldered, with free move­ ment, his head is thrown buck with a certain dauntless grace that has in it no self-conscious haughtiness; rather it is the unconscious expression o f a fine character, the fine carriage that may become the inherited grace of a lofty race. His features are fine and strong, especially his brow and chin; but a picture which gives merely tho outline o f his features can impart no idea of the charm o f the face, lit alike hy coloring and expression. So blonde a man is rarely seen, for not only is liis abundant hair golden, but his eyelashes are o f the same him, long and curling outward; the deep gray blue eyes that gaze through thorn take on a remarkable expres­ sion, so purely spiritual one instantly censes to wonder that the Marquis of L om e writes jxietry. Engineer Melville’s pretty home at Sharon Hill is deserted and desolate. Mrs. Melville and her children are in West Philadelphia, and Mr. Melville is in Washington. Maud, who was given into the custody of her father by the Court, has not been given up. The furniture of the cottage lias been seized by the Sheriff to satisfy some of tho debts incurred by Mrs. Mel ville during her husband’s absence, anil the house and grounds are in possession of the officers, a mortgnge of $2,300 hold by Miss Polls having lieen foreclosed. Recently a Phila­ delphia piano manufacturer took pos­ session o f the piano iu the parlor and carried it to the city, claiming it as his property. It is said that E n g i­ neer Melville will apply for a divorce in the spring. The house and grounds at Sharon Hill are worth consider^, more than the mortgages held agail . them, and it is not probable that they will lie sold at Sheriff's sale. Washington society has been set into au uproar by the re ora! of Fatti, the opera singer, to accept an invita- tion nf the President to a banquet ut tbe White House. Washington peo pie, und visiting statesmen, who con­ sider it a great honor to be invited to u White House banquet, sav that the opera star has violated a rule o f eti­ quette which eVi-U ti e greatest diplo­ mat ha- ever been glit ( io oliey. Phtti probably thought the President ouly wanted to get her there losin g for his guests, and is of the ooiuioii that if tho President desires to see her he can come where she is. The tables were appropriately deo- orated wbeu the Boston Commercial Club gave a dinner to some railroad meu. The centrul piece represouted a complete truiu,with erigine and teli uer two feot high umile eutirely of rosee, pinks. violets, and other flow ers. lt extended uearly half aerosa thè President’* table. The guest s, as a return et mptiiiH-nt. inviti ti thè club tot» » ili ter trip liirougb tho White Muiiutuius. cou n terfeit or im itation of H of B itters , es­ preparation*! w ith the and th at is intended cheat the p u b lic, or to for m islead any p rep a ­ ration put in an y form , pretending to be the sam e a$ H of B it te r s . The genuine have on the w hite label, and are the purest and m edicine on earth, especially for k id ­ ney, L iver and N erv ou s D iseases. B ew are o f all others, and of all pretended form ulas L E & G O ., Billiard Manufacturers, An C E LE3R ATED 1 Oo’o ow n ers for P a cific S ta te s f o r ----- DELAN EY ___ _— H t*«} STEEL S F R IN O CUSHIONS. rjiuovsd thiU’ O.lie.i F actory an 1 Wurereoms t o — — 515 M a r k e t S t r e e t 515 1 1« e I im n u i r n « - l.i.i .1 .u .... « HIM..“« T a b i«*, uv * as iu.ua! th atUttti; n . 1 p u .c h u .. ra V\ « oocumt th b u ilü I b e in g um • fui hi (uAv-rt-n« (\«i*uU*u.ubi g ì oui' ku&r.u aaiory. im._ . 1 Tbe o .1 t W v floor* Few people w ho have lived long in this lan l ! of plenty need to be introduced to tho Pacific ! Bunk as one o f the best institutions <>f its kind \ Homo unscrupulous parties with the inUution of misleading the public have rented our old place and with the of a I ought up name will try to ervatti confusion W’urely couiiiltritly oniour frieuda, put run* aud the on tho P acific ('ou st. A m on g trades people similarity public of this count to coatrovorte their iuteqtion* aud expose their worn out dodge*. Thankful for the past a# w ell as am ong farm ers it is regarded as a favor* und aoliciting the continuance of the liberal patronage, reapeutfully, safe and staunch con cern, to w hich all kinds of business and interest m ay l>e entrusted with entire confidence. I t has becom e proverbial for its conservative yet enterprising m ethods 515 M A R K E T STREET, S A N F R A N C I S C O . o f m anagem ent. It3 facilities for doing a gen­ e r a l banking business aie tus perfect as they H E N R Y L D A V IS . Socr.-lury A. S. I!ALLUME. Piwmlunt. can lie m ade, and thero are no a ccom m od a­ tions w hich can n ot bo obtained at its counters. It recom m ends itself m ore specially to inter­ ior m erchants, tradesm en and farm ers, for it has m ade the loaning o f m oney on grain, flour and other m erchandise a specialty, ami can therefore offer m ore advantageous c o n d i­ 8uccessurs to A. S. HAILIOIE ROBINSON & HALLIOIE und CALIFORNIA WIRE WORKS CO tions than any other ba n k .—{S a n F rancisco -----Manufacturers of and Dealers in----- Chronicle. or T O lmVKRANCE. recipies o f H of B itte rs published in pai>ers or for sale, as th ey are frauds and sw indles. W ir e . W ir e W e o f t on h e a r it s a id , “ Y o u c a n s e ll a n y h u m b u g a r t i c l e b y w e l l a d v e r t i s i n g i t . ’ T h i s is W h o e v e r deals in an y bu t the genuine w ill be prosecuted. H CALIFORNIA WIRE WORKS, clu ster o f G reen H ops (n otice this) printed best A JACOB STRAHLE &C0., w ord H op or Hope) in th eir nam e or con n ected therew ith, R BEWARE OF FRAUDS! W ill bo paiil for the d etection auJ con v iction or 8 T O P P O S E !K B U S H A N D B A T T E R Y S T R E E T S . Our pfMent location i. much morn ilc h a tl.. and hi view to 01« I ulnae aiulUwpuUlc W-ui-m, m u ottico. 1 tl , .... I iji . t i.T .1 uo'l wl .IT. ant-laaiUand imm. in. *U.:*lay 0 i.Ullaol I mm .U, liar lin im * . Ten Cm h '1 u in ti a active anil uiuqu - ________ variety. u s(libit _______ _ . .itiri .ng. (¡yin iioh iu m i------ ................. .-•■.ii.i.it TU'pcicil I.ntl Mitili with lite choicest'ond latest »w style* of nit L i l i a l i la b li.-W a rs room s o n tho c u t no ------------------------ ie* or AÎÎ OLD FRIF-'Ll o f an y person selling or dealing in any b ogu s, Bittern F t e t n b l i s h c d 1H5LJ. J A C O B Thero is a Russian nobleman in Chicago who is not sought ulter l>v “ society.” Ho drives a simili pox i ambulane« $ 2 0 0 .0 0 R E W A R D pecially B IL L IA R D S . R o p e A Vr UllVi id ' ,,VK W Ti r e L o o t ] * BRASS, COPPER AND IRON W IR E CLOTH. p a r ty true* but ;r t h * article has n o m erit the H o f B itters M eg . C o ., Rochester, N. Y. Judge Moran, o f Chicago, has granted Mrs. Scoville a decree o f di- voreu from her husband. * ZC T hi- Scarlet, C ardinal R ed , O td G old, N a v y B lue, Seal B row n, D iam ond D y e . give perfect re .n lt.. A n y fashionable color, 10 cen t.. p u r c h a s e r w ill n o t l u v a s e c o n d t im e , a m i w ill p r o b a b l y p r e v e n t h i s f r i e n d f r o m b u y i n g b y in ­ f o r m i n g h im o f it s w o r t h l e s s n e s s , b o th>* m o r o it is s o l d t h e s o o n e r it w i l l c e a s e t o B o ll. On th e o t h e r b a u d a n a r t ic l e o f m e r it a n d w o r th , l i k e A m m o n 's C o u c h H y r u p . w h e n o n c e u s e d w ill he a p p r e c ia t e d , a n d th e b u y A w il l n ot o n l y c o n t i u u e t o p u r c h a s e it a g a i n w * n in n e e d o f a r e m e d y f o r c o ld s o r c o u g h s , b u t w ill sp e a k a y o o d w o r d f o r it a m i t in ts , w i t h o u t a d v e r t i s i n g i t w o u l d b e c o m e k n o w n a n i h a v e a l a r g e s u !o . ----------- .— » TH E SC U TT PATENT t ' o h i‘ - l* o i h I e d L ic e r n e J All Under Puteuts. * ---------------- A m m o n 's C o u c h S y r u p is p r e a r e d b y a c o m ­ p e t e n t d r u g g i s t , f o m it p r * s crii t i o n o ' o n n o f th e m o s t n o te d p ln s ic iu n s o f 1 u r o p e . l t is a s u r e a i d sf f e r* n ie d y f o r c o l d s , c o u g h s a n d d is e a s e s f o r w h ic h s t is r e c o m m e n d e d . A s k y o u r d e a le r t o s h o w y o u a la r g e b o t t le . -------H a v k C o n s t a n t l y on H and a F ull L i n k o f ------- F L A T A N D R O U N D W I R E R O P E of Iron a n d Steel. W IR E W O R K R AILIN G S , G UAR D S, SCREENS Unkind language is sure to produce the 1‘iuits of unkindness -that is, suffering in the l>osom o f others. 81EVK8. SHADE CLOTH. No. 6 C A L I F O R N I A S T . y San Francisco Office and Salesroom s *A11 ladies w h o m ay be troubled w ith ner­ vous prostration; w ho suffer from organic dis­ placem ent; w ho have a sense o f weariness and a feeling o f lassitude; w ho are languid in tho m orning; in w hom the appetite for food is ca­ pricious and sleep at proper hours uncertain, should have recourse to M rs. P inkh am 's V eg­ etable C om pound. H. N. COOK, 405 Market Sfreot, * <#► * O “ &TA11 is the on ly first class T o b a c co that is alv ays put u p in 10 ozs. t<> the poun d plugs. Cons '.liners w ho alw ays buy T o b a c co by the plug will save 2 ozs. on ea ;fi j »Jug b y imrchas- ing S T A B . F o r proof o f this weigh your T ob acco. T in Stars on c »eh plug. H ig h c h a ir « at Jo VEGETABLE COMPOUND. A Horn i'n re fo r a ll F E M A L E W E A K - NESSES, Including Leucorrlurn, I r ­ regular nnd Painful M enstruation, Inflninmntion nnd Tlcerallon o f the W omb* Flooding, P R O - L A P S U S U T E R I, A c. e ll A m m o n 's nr r e p u ta tio n v e ir p u t t i n g I r ic e b e in g C oogh s> rnp, fc< i us an apothecary a n y fr a s h o n ih e ru about the «ini*> ;-s i 1 bave no oF againut i t, rilY S K IAXS USE IT AND PRESCRIBE IT FREELY. t l T K I D X E Y COM P L A IN T S o f Either Sex Find («rent R e lie f in Its Use. LYDIA E. PI?iKHAM*8 BLOOD P l IilE IE R w ill era d ica te e v e ry v e s tig e o f H u m ors fr o m th * B lood , ti? the sam e tim e w ill g i r o to n e a n d str e n g th t o th e system . As m a rve llo u s in results as th e C om p ou n d. L y B o t h th e C om p ou n d a n d B lo o d I'm ifit r a re p re ­ pared a t 2X1 a n d 255 W e ste rn A ve n u e , L yn n , Mass. P rice o f eith e r, $1. S ix beetles f o r $5. T h e C om p ou n d is sent b y m all in th e fo r m o f p ills, o r o f lo z e n g e s , on re ce ip t o f p rice , $1 p e r b o x f o r e ith er. M rs. P in k h a m fr e e ly a n sw ers a ll le tte rs o f in q u ir y . E n close 3 ce n t stam p. Send f o r p a m ph let. M en tion th is r a p e r . r v L v o i A E . IT nktiam ’ s i . i y e r P il i . b c u r e C on stlp a tion, Biliousness an d T o rp id ity o f th e L iv e r. 25 cents. £ a “Sold by nil Druggists, ltd ‘■*v I a k î k ï u 4 î ,' â h you will I expensive j T . - T - .,' h e a d e r ' d r a p e r s ^ ^ , Union, lie L argest A u x ilia r y Publishing 1 f 'K i House ; J ’ -'E !S D C O N S T IP A T IO N . N o o t h e r d is e a se ia s o p r e v a le n t I n t h is c o u n - ' t r y 09 C o n s t ip a t io n , a n d n o r e m e d y h a s e v e r I c q u a ll ? :lt h o c e le b r a t e d K I D I I H Y -W O U T a s a , e u r o . Y T h o tc v o r V ie c a u s e , h o w e v e r o b o tL ia to 4 t h e ca s e , t h is r e m e d y w i l l o v e r c o m e it . R e ddin g . Cal. Feh. 15th, I S « . —We have two drug Htoi’LM-one at Anderson, Cal., and the other here. We have kept and sollt A m m en’s Cough Syrup fo r s om etim e, and find it gives g ood satisfaction. G LEAVES ft AV EK ILL. T H I 3 d is tr e s s in g c o n _ 1 la v e r y a p t t o b o c o m p lic a t e d ' 1 w i t h c o n s t ip a t io n . K i d n e y - W o r t s t r e n g t h e n s ' t h e w e a k e n e d p a r t* a n d q u i c k l y c u r e s a ll k i n d s | 1 o f P il e s e v e n w h e n p h y s ic ia n s a n d ln cd icin v-t,. h a v o b e fo r e f _ il c d . DELICIOUS Breakfast or supper dish. » s n a o ■ I M II A l t i » « in n r Ul 1 n r D L T i A n i l R H E U M A TIS M . P E R FE C TLY CURED. S ^ T t o le n n a c s . S t r e n g t h e n s nnx and it com p letely cured her, so that she can d o as m uch w ork n ow as she could be­ fore we m oved W est. Since she got well every one a b iu t here is taking it." m oim ki O K P almer & R e y , Prop’rs. t lio lic .) Sun : A A Newspaper Th.i O- :> ,>any in pi'uvo most will be 'o yon Francisco. S A N F R A N C IS C O W. UWPli anant t o th e ta ste , effica cio u s n nd im m e d ia te *.n it* e ffe c t. It is a g r e a t h e lp in p re gn a n cy, a n d re­ lieves p a in d u r in g la b o r an d a t re g u la r period s. r r F < > a a l l W e a k n esses o f th e ge n e ra tiv e e r g a n s o f e ith e r sex, it i* s e c o n d t o n o re m e d y th a t h a s evt r been b e fo r e t!i© p u b lic ; a n d f o r a ll d iseases o f th e K idn eys it is th e G rea test R em ed y i>« the W orld. F re m o n t, San Leatlier Belli ii| dim HUM. is at H . r'Chelllm as’ , S t o < CTON.i < n i. L Y D IA E. P IN K H A M ’S C o rne r -------- M AN U FA CTU R ER O l^ jk — - A N HONEST POUND- llth S’ . (toh HI HD ( AGEH. BATTERY SCREENS. ETC. Recommended hy the Agricultural Convention. - C o r r e s p o n d D ir e c t W i t h — More & Fischer, Manufacturers and Dealers in OILS. 104 Market Street, San Francisco. W * H ava alao fo r ia l« — A reporter, who took the Shawmut avenue car in front o f tho G lobe ollice WHALE OIL SOAP. the other day, noticed u small bull­ HIGH TES T COAL OILS, dog with a satchel in liis mouth POLAR,PISH, At SPEK.YI OIL, Beware standing upon the sidewalk some dis­ Machine lubricating Oils of all grades tance ahead, with his tail toward-the cf Franfl. buildings and his nose toward the MINERAL SPERM OIL, center of the street, apparently en­ te r - SO L D BY A E L D RU GGISTS. CYLINDER OIL, Unscru- gaged in a close scrutiny of passing p u l o u i J. R. O A T E S A Co., - • Prop’rs. NEATS FOOT OIL. vehicles. When the ear got opposite partial CASTOR OIL, 4 1 7 Sansom e St., 8. F., Oal. him he immediately bounded out into T he P iio t o l k a i ' iie r , nave tried BLACK OIL, the street and jumped up on to the to imitate C m » . . H . S chm m it . C . S . B l HH. NUT OIL.. ETC. our Rem­ front platform of the car. 826 Market St., San Francisco, e d y and “ H ello!” said the driver looking F a i n t s o f a l l D e s c r ip t io n s . decei ve down at him. “ What are you doing The Largest and Finest thepublic here, doggy ? You have made a mis­ by ueine take; this isn't your ear.” And to K I D R E Y -W O R T SIMILAR mnke liis assertion the more intelligi NAMES, HAS BEEN PROVED ble the driver shook his head, while b u t d c T h e S U R E S T C U R E fo r C, S, Bush & Schmidt Prop ra. not bede> his dogship stood looking up into his K ID N E Y D I S E A S E S . c e I v e d ; BUSH STREET, betwet i Montgomery and Sansome fnen with an expression of close at­ D o c s a la m « b a c k o r a d is o r d e r e d u r in e ln d i. see t hat tention. The driver then slackened c a t e t h a t y o u a r e a v ic t im * T x*E I7 D O N O T the wore. H E S I T A T E ; u se K I D N E Y - W O U T a t o n c e , the speed of tho car, and the dog \ \ ’ F. B K G T O IN F O R M T H E P U B L I C T H A T W F (d ru grcla ts r e c o m m e n d i t ) a n d i t w i l l s p e e d il y > > w ill re-open the B rooklyn H o te l on About M arch \ jumped off without further instruc o v e r c o m e th e d ia e a to cr .d r e s t o r e h e a lt h y a c t io n . 20th, co m p le te ly r e fu r n is h in g «v ery ro o m w ith new 1 tion. He went ^immediately hack to C arpets. B e M in s . an d all th s n ecessary ajm icta o f a It la a S U R E C U R E fo r all F IR S T C L A S S H O T E L * a t an * i i *n** o f o ver T H I R T Y the sidewalk, anR resumed his posi­ IX T H E W O R L D , TH OUSAND DOLLARS D I S E A S E S o fth e L I V E R . T h e b u ild in g ' litse lf has bean te m o d e le d to suit the tion o f observation on the curbstone. I t haa s p e c ific a c t io n o n t h !« m o a t im p o r t a n t cnuTauit-nee o f o u r gu«tts. o r g a n , e a b lin g it t o t h r o w o f f t o r p id it y a n d in ­ Iron Safe, When the next car came along he Mr Chria S ch m id t, fo r tha past fou rte e n year* co n a c t io n , Htimulatinsr t h e h e a lt h y s e c r e tio n o f th e on ablack nectad w ith tha R u a i H ouse, tha latter 11 year* in B l l ’ , a n d b y k e e p in g t h e b o w e t e in fr e e c o n d i­ boarded it in the same manner. 1» ca p a city o f H ead C lark, w ill b e e ver ready to attend t io n , e ffe c t in g its r e g u la r d is c h a r g e . wrapper th bo all the w ants <*f o u r p atron * R espectfu lly your*. “ Has he got the right car?” queried and white C 8 B U S H A S C H M ID T W I f y o u a r o s u S b r ln g fr o m the reporter, with a laugh. 1*3 f l I ■ I C l ■ :n a la r ia , h a v o t h e c h illa , letters it a r e b ilio u s , d y s p e p t ic , o r c o n s t ip a t e d , K id n e y - “ Yes. Columbus avenue car. on every W o r t w il l s u r e ly r J lie v e a n d q u i c k l y c u r e . That’s the one," said the driver grave In t h e S p r in g , t o clo a n a o t h o S y s te m , e v e r y ack age. o n e s h o u ld b ik e a t h o r o u g h c o u r s e o f i t . A W E E K . #12 a day a t h om e easily m ade. C ostly ly. "D on ’t you know that dog? Well, Iso, se6 S I 5 0 . $ 7 2 outfit free. A d dress T n r r . k C o , A ugusta, M aine. B F o r cen t p la in ts p e c u lia r t o you ought to. He's as intelligent ns that it is K B t i U i v d i y o u r - e x , e u c h c a paLvt a n d $2 OO, and on the la­ w e a k n e s s e s , K I D N E Y - W O B T te u n s u r p a s s e d , any man yon ever saw. He rides on | a s i t w i l l a c t p r o m p t l y a n d s a fe ly . bel and this line very frequently. All the E it h e r Se x. I n c o n t in e n c e , r e t e n t io n c f u r in e , $2 50 par Day. s t a m p, b r i c k d u s t c r r o p y d e p o c ite , a n d d u ll d r a g g in g ----- MANUFACTURER OF------ drivers know him. He lielongs to a p a in s , a il s p e e d il y y i e l d to its c u r a t iv e p o w e r . ».id take doctor down in I’ark Square. He ‘ A cta o t th e nam e t lm o o n t h e K I D N E Y S , no other. L I V E D A N D B C W E L v l.^ C l F o r C o n s t ip a t io n , never makrs a mistake in the line, I P il e s , o r R h e u m a tis m i t is a p e r m a n e n t c u r e . hear, because he knows the ears by j H . H . W A R N E R & C O . G O '. C B V D 3 U C C I S T S . P r ic e * F" A liberal arrangement mail* tho checks on the side. But he some Mantels, House, Bank ROCHESTER. N.Y. with permanent guest*. times gets the Shawmut mixed with I AND- o i l y in a n n b w n ln t e s p f f l f l f th* Columbus avenue cars. I tell I f o T r h i i h * r r r m «linrHNCH o f w o m f i ; f o r t h r von, that’s a dog worth having. He j n o r v o n « I r o u b l e * o f y o u t h . n n«l f o r t h e This N.Y. Singer, $20 Office Fittings, r i e l i i l l t v w h i c h p r o c e e d » o l d n g ;c . .% » W ith W set o f A tta ch m en ts Free. knows his business, he does." « t n l l « t i c « » h o w t h a t n i l dl*«*a«*ew a r t n r lit FACIFIC COAST WOODS A SPECIALTY. A M A G N I F I C E N T G I F T ! T W t i » « jxtib w a p rofloefd W arrantei! perfect. L ig h t run n in g, fro m th e k id n e y « o r liv e r , w e ran •nctoaaut Album •*( PhoUqtrai'fwc Vto««. <-miir*eing pvpry *b- quiet, handsom e and durable, rtent “ Does he ever pay any fare?” m l o f la ter*« In e»err Important city *n>! country in th* W'fld. o n tost trial plan w hen desired X i i a r a n t e c ( r o c .l o i n f r o n t t l l « e a « e b y 4 2 » and 431 F O U R T H S T . , hlnppy lions« O rgans! 4 sets “ No. lie hasn't got along as far as r e a s o n o f t h e p o w e r w h i c h o u r -Hale It I* entitled ** A m A lb u m o f t h e W o r l d '« V lo a d e r m ’ ’ (X)RNEK OF S 1I.VKK. - - . SAM FRA.V I9CO •n r * Y ork .U h .vfo, . durable In* -------insbi.-and o u t, C^r- ► » R. -tou and Mr hour»*. »r t net eh* -p o r inferior, but u lar. w ith tettim eli ia is. tree. A sk ‘ M O R SE , IIIKIOkLW HOTEL, SAFE S R. HERRING, i F ine furniture FREE TO YOU ! It is estimated that there are 200, (XXI vagal* nnls and beggars in the German Empire, including thieves pickpockets and other swindlers, and the authorities estimate the annual loss to honest people by their opera tions at the enormous sum of $25,- (XXl.tXXt. Many o f these evil-doers are brought before the Magistrates from time to time, but both judges and j urn's aVe accused of administering too mildly even the mild laws of Ger­ many against vagabondage. The evil has become so great that the Government is understood to lie pre paring a severe law for bringing scoundrel* o f the vagabond class to jnstiew. WO®** Invalida who ar« recovering v i t a l «tara ina, declare in g r a t e f u l term* their appreciation o f the m erit* a« a tonic o f Ho*t4»t- ter'* Stom ach Bit­ ter*. Not only do«M it impart strength to the weak, but it Also correct* an ir­ regular acid state off the stom ach, make* the bowel* act at proper inter­ val*, give« ease to those w ho sniffer from rheum atic and kidney trouble and conqn r* as well m presents fever and ague- For sale hy all Drnjogist* and tffinBlS nre the tlue*t and most «leeant »peutme«« o f the photocra|-hrr'* art. and th* rfiole are han.laomely hound in a beMtiful aitoim, fern.Inc »•« » f We » " x t •»term ini»* and ¡nvtrucUm production* ofthe age. Aa we turn * many p=ge* we*ee tpread before ue a comi lete pan-Tama of e world. w .:j :*U ita wonderful tight'— the puhDe building«, ea-tlcu, palace', ancient ruin', park', karbora, atreeta, c.itHv*dr»l', etc . ft«., and ohr satisfaction i* a rao-ta* treat a* If we bad journeyed r-und the world to tee there wonderful -ichta. This eharnriugalbum should hure a place upon every nurtor table, ami, in oytler 10 introduce oer epleadid luerary and family paper. T * ic M r , « l .t o u t Home, into il-nu'and* of ho»»*"« where It la not already tahea. we now make the Billowing ertrmen dinury o / e r ; fpoia rrrtipt •/ #*fy T w r a t r - l r r f e a U Is l^-tf'tya atomic we s ill send T h e I’ l r f s l e f s i l l o » f fie T k r c * M o n t h « , «* d w-euifl ml*» Ite u t iia llin g a n d 1nta> li tbl<> in c u r in g B p i « p ile h it » , S posnv U o n v u M o n * . S t V iu . ■Done«*. A lc o h o l is m O p iu m F it t in g . N * 1 v o i is d e b ili t y .S c r o fu l a n d a ll » r v o u * an- B lo o d d is e a s e » . 1 t b r g y m e ii. L a w y e r L it e r a r y m e n . M e* C h a n ts . B a n k e r * . Lf d ie s a n ti a ll w htM ex* d e n t a r y e m p lo y m e r N e r v o u s ITT.- { r a t io n . I r r e g u a r t l e o f t h e b lo o d , s t o m a e l b o w e ls o r k in d e y a . c w n o r e q u ir e a n e r v ii n k , a p p e t i s e r o « t l m u la n t , B a m a r iia N e rv ineiH in v a i nab*- r)H.iL«ian«Is p r o c la im • n n « t a o r id e r fu •end. T ree -nd poat p»<*tHtelp fret aa a pren inmwiih th*paper. T ub Fm a in a at K san ta a mamm. -h 1 lustrated paper m ntai«iag In every t o « 1C p*«*». C4 rein mas. e f the e h o ic -t reading matter, embracing ernal sad *b«rt ontvtah, akmehea, poem«, »seful kaowlodc*. h i'tery. Mography, w it and humor, and everything to amuee. rntevta'a a*d tnwnsrt every member #r he family! Seed now and g-t hia great bargain I Prr-fret taHxfaetwn paarmmttrd «r monepr. *H»d#d. A s m ear reliability wg refer to the pob- li*beeef anv m »«paper in Sew Y «r t. Five auh-erlpticu' and ■re Album« will t e •* m fo r fl 0 »; tbe re » r e hy getting four of ror.r ft ie -ls to send w»?h e* », ve« will aernre rowr *wn ft*». A d d ir", F . M . L C P T C . k , I 'a h t t s k m • 7 P a r k I* Imrey S e v T s r k . p er day a t L o m e sam p4 • »forth #5 free j » 5 toW 20 AddnuRmraosICo.. H ervi K ì vignrant that e v e r «ns|«in*Hi rhesinkingsywti-tn. F -L| ■ a e b y a l! I »ruggiste TIT F. |»R » . A. R i l l Mip.N M E D IC A I, tt> » » I f Frr.pnM ors at Jasepi M e ¡a week in yxxur own town $ 6 6 I free. Terme ami 95 outfit AddreesH H a l l * t t 4 ( o Frettami. Maize « i ’s v n e A CO. 47 Thitvl a v .C h lr a g o NTISLLL 10 000 Pianos 1.000 Organs. PIAK03 Bava Half. B y 1 nf Man ufaeti i Ft--« From »-S toS l/O O i Ca«h, Rent or AMTISELU VISITORS TO SAN FRANCISCO WILL FIND Elegant and Convenient Rooms! For Familie« or single Gentlemen, t-S ME ABN Y ST.