f THE POLK COUNTY ITEMIZER. POLK COUN lüKCKD KVKBY SÀTUBDAY, J. S. Mo C A IN . S u b s r r lp d o u H u m **• «<• Copi«» One Year......................................... »2 60 * “ Six Mouth»...................................... 1 25 ' . " Three Mouth* ......................... 7ft ■ Uifl* Number.............................. ....... .............. ITEMIZER 10 UIWC’HIPTION Ml’ST BE PAID IN ADVANCE. VOL- IX . DALLAS, OREGON, SATURDAY, M ARCH 10 , 1 8 8 8 . NO- 15- MYMrir Like. A I K s I I M I R S I I'K IH TITIOY. M W C M M 1 FAYS. ■ ■ H AD And sure enough, the drowsy unkempt, unshaven, took the places ourselves as any scratch three, hero [ by jf. » . M.~) ruffian had planted himself right of those heroes, and with stern or there. Before we can hope to fight con- “ We l a l letter understand each The other day a Having satisfied themselves of across the opening and was snoring I stood on the rim of of the Mystio Lake sumptiois with any chance of suc­ other,” he said drprecatingly, as he It was on such a morning as we gestures and muttered threats, or­ In the dawn of a summer morn, cess, wo have to get rid of the night sauntered into the editorial room, came to a halt o * fog-nurtured islanders seldom w it­ dered us to follow them. My first the value of my late father’s loudly. “ Now for it!" cried the impetuon* As the sun cliiued up o ’er the eastward superstition. Like the dread of cold “ before we begin. I’m a book agent.” and the woman ness at home, that I stood upon the thought wr.s resistance; but, when watch, which I parted from with cragps she was cai water, ruw fruits, etc., it is founded 1 showed the slightest signs, the Unmindful of the groans that met some emotion, and of the intrinsic Jack Jenkins, rising. deck of the good steamer Coum- Where the infant day was born. “ I willl I w: en that mistrust of our instincts this statement, he went on: “ Hold hard"' said Will. “Let He modestly peered with his round red oundourous, watching the nearing three bell-mouthed muskets were worth of the Captain's gold chron­ you another day !” which wo owe to our nnti-naturul diso “ I ’m not a white-haired philan­ shores of the Piraeus, which as all bent toward me; and I felt that ometer, as well as the supercargo’s them get well off.” “ You’ll leave me, Through the mist of the fading night, So, settling ourselves down for And painted his image on the westward religion. It is probably the most thropist from New Haven, who hoe calmly asked. the world knows or should know, the odds were to many, and, deter­ watch and diamond ring, wo were prolific singlo cause of impaired come south through sympathy for cliffs “ Yes, I will.” is the port of the classic city of mining to await events, grimly interrogated, through Themistocles, half an hour, we talked the lnattey health, even among the civilized na­ your stricken people. I ’m a fair, In a halo of roseate light. “ When?” Athens. The beautiful, unclouded submitted to be led down the as to our means. For myself, the over. At the end o f this time, we tions of our enlightened age, through square, bald headed book agent.” “ Now—right off— thia skv; the bright outline of the sun- I mountain by our unsavory guide.1 name of the firm I was traveling j sent the trembling i hemistocleaifc For down ;n t^e pi,My depths below, its absurdity rivals the grossest de­ Encouroged by the reception of “ You’ll go away?” A t lost, after winding through for acted with a talisinanic effect! see uow things were outside; and Like a pearl in settings of gold ha; hed coast; the air laiden with lusions of tho witchcraft era. The this frank avowel he took a seat, and “ Yes, sir.” The shining lake in quiet slumbers lay subject ion of holy reasons to hearsays the scent of the distant Hynu ttus; ravines and hollows, across glens upon them, and I was immediately j after peeping over the proa strate dropped big feet in a waste-basket In its curtained couch so quaint aud old; “ I wouldn’t if I stand and over mountain-paths iuuiuner- sentinel, lie gave us to undersl assessed— notwithstanding my p r o -! said: conld baldly go father. “ Beware the far eminence with the grand Scarce a ripple disturbed its peaeful rest of the night wind; be sure and close As it myrored the sun’ s red ray; “ I’m not a retired clergyman who i !!!??- old Acropolis standing out white j able, this most unpleasant journey testations-at three hundred pounds. \ that all were sleeping except three, Like a virgin pure, its boosom fanned your windows after dark!” In other seeks to scatter religious instruction ! i„' and bold in the clear atmosphere; j ended by our guides calling a halt At ibis juice, too, tire Captain’s and they wore retiring to the furth­ I hands as long as I ca By the breath of the new born day. words bewaae of G od’s free air; be while he builds up his worn out and close at hand the moluering as we gained the summit of an freedom was valued; while the un- j er end of the ravine, and wouln-j-v sure aud infect your lungs with the frame in your balmy clime. I’m not it.” Out on the rcstfnl tide the “ Phantou ; eminence surrounded by trees and a «dilute lie out of sight. fortunate supercargo— whoso bus- i tomb of Themistoclcs— all com­ Oh, I shan't try to stop stagnant azotized, and impure and an apostle of u t who has consented Ship” quietly replied. “ I ’ll aim bined to arouse such poetie fancies I tall rocks, forming an extraordinary mess they presisted in confounding ; “Capital!” said Will, with sup-j In solem grandnre proudly stood, offensive atmosphere of your bed­ to seek your benighted region, end “ Now, each I A stately sentinel, as if to guard in my mind that I forgot for the ! fortress. Beneath our feet, in a witli that of owner of the cargo j pressed excitement. room. In other words beware of educate vour people by parting with to the police that my wife moment the prosaic business upon deep ravine, with seemingly but and ship— was unaimously voted to take a pistol and a cutlass from the ! The hauuts of sacred solitude, j the rock spring; stick to sewerage. a few picture books in parts. I ’m teriously disappeared. Tbey T hrough fateful years aud storied centu­ which 1 had come. The screaming | one outlet, and excellently shelter­ he worth twice our ransom. Hav­ fellows, and follow me.” Is night air injurious? Is there a not a temperence lecturer from Ban­ want your description, ev*d I One after the oilier wo stepped j Its ries, engine of the busy little railway ed by overhanging foliage, was the ing arranged this matter to their siugle tenable pretex for Buch an gor who pays expenses by dispen­ give it. You wear No. 7 shoes; you silent vigils have been kept, camp of the brigands; and here we own satisfaction, if not to ours, v;e across the sleeping brigand at the idea? since tire day of creation that sing of literature on commission have an extra large mouth; you walk Nor yet the while has reefed or shortened which carries the traveler from the stiff in your knees; your nose turns sail air has been breathed with impunity while he regenerates the rum-sucker Pirieus to Athens, soon reminded found the rest of the shaggy ruf­ were told to sit down and enjoy entrance, Will relieving him of his Tho* myriad storms have o'er it swept. by millions of different animuls—ten­ I ’m an unmodified book-agent, with up at the end; hair the color of brick roc, however, that I was accredited fians— with the exception of one ourselves with what appetite wo pistol, dirK and blunderbuss; while terra cotta, the newest in fashion; the Captain and I stood by ready : The “ Castle Tow er” with frowning para­ der, delicate creatures, some of them none of the oorners rounded, run­ eyes rather on the squint; voice with a mission from a London who stood sentinel— enjoying their could muster. — fawns, lambs and young birds. ning on cheek in pursuit of tin.” pet to give liim bis quietus at the siesta with indolent content. The smell of the roast lamb and Greek firm to their friends in the takes of—” And head in hoary heather drest The moist air of the tropical forest “ Here’s candor at leust,” remarked A shrill whistle soon brought the the freshly baked meal-cakes, how­ slightest sign of his waking. Then With Attic city; and I was soon whirling “ Wretch, you wouldn’t dare to do craggs and cliff's of osseous, igneous is breathed with impunity by our the young man who writes the puffs rascals to their feet; and, rushing ever, soon aroused pleasanter sen­ the four of us, gliding like ghosts, that!” she screamed. rocks over the sacred ground next relatives, anthropoid apes—the on hardware stores. * To sheathe its corrugated breast to whatever “ I certainly will, and the WLere History give« to every rood u page! up to meet us, they displayed a sations, and dimmed for a time the assisted ourselves "Y es; candor at best, I ’m not a tion will go into all the papers.” In royal splendor stands, and cleaves the same apes that soon perish with V o passed the monuments of tiiose dozen o f as unfavorable specimens memory o f our griefs; more especi­ weapons we could most easily lay consumption in the close, though clouds, gilded sham. You don’t piek me They glared at each other for KB And braves the wintery blasts that roar generally well-warmed atmosphere up for a prince in disguise or art or dtughty champions of the War of of the human race as could well lie ally as, under the apparent cer­ hands upon; and as Themistocles moment like cats. Then he was not of much use for fighting, i tainty of obtaining his booty, the found. Seizing our asses by their In frightful chorus round its head, of our northern menageries. Thous­ mortality going incog. I do not Independence, Karaiskakis and She looked up and down the But keeps its watch along the shore. ands of soldiers, huuters and lum­ fly the skull and crosshones hid be­ Miaulis, ami many other objects of bridles, tlicy relieved our captors, chief condescended to bo quite wo gave him the bag containing gritted her teeth together, and patronizing toward us, carving the and led us down the ravine: and, OUT valuables which WO found by . L ik e ft ruined tower on an ancient wall bermen sleep every night in tents hind a holiday flag till I’ve grap­ interest; and after a ride of three picked up her basket and followed or four miles, I found myself at my having roughly assisted us to dis- | joints himself for us, and delicately the side of the sleeping chief— a s 1 “ Mount Jackson” stood on the north- and open sheds without the least pled and boarded you. I've got the on after him. He bad what they injurious consequence; meu in the regular old death's-head nailed to well as several spare pistols, to! ward rim, mount, brought us into the present« handing on the point of a dagger call the dead wood on her.—Detroit destination. last stage of consumption have re­ the mast, aud I ’m a privateer from Free Press. morn 1 our several portions. After we had carry. Picking our way without After the first few days I cer­ of thu chief of the band. keel to center-board and if you covered by adopting a semi-savage “ Bravo, lads! excellent! excel­ satisfied our hunger with the more speaking a word, we advanced to- , Like a frowning rampart gray and grim tainly had a very pleasant time of ward the open end o f t h e ravine, I While just in front, and from ' iu loftiest mode of life, and camping out-doors don’t want that tort of company it. the few hours’ work each day lent!” be shouted, as his sparkling solid viands, we were regaled with L IT T L E TOM MUSI. in all but the stormiest nights. Is blow me out of the water.” eyes bent upon us in delight; ami dried fruits as dessert; and a large and just as ,ve turned round a j u t - Wer7giutered „ sheen of eternal snow at ting only as a stimulus to my He had the whole force on deck it the draught you fear, or the con­ varied pleasures; and having exam­ after a cursory examination, we ja '- o f a peculiar sherry-colored but ting piece O f I'OCiC, W O saw the j There stood a single frightful Cliff, and trast of Temperature? Blacksmiths at this point. Ragged, dirty-faeed and very balhed und railroad conductors seem to “ I ’ve got no off-hand preamble to much coufusod was little Tom Tay­ ined the Acropolis, and lunched by were conducted, amid the excited bad tasting wine of a resinous fla­ three sentinel«, seemingly in earn­ Its feet iu the silvery lake below. gesticulations of the brigands and est conversation. vor— which Themistocles described thrive under such influences. my bloody work. I do uot lead you lor aged soveu, of No. 41 Gansevoort the fallen pillar of Jupiter, seated “ Halt!” . whispered Will. “ Now And I stood entranced iu the midst of Draught? Have you never seen boys through the flowery paths of ease to street, when before Justice Ford at myself in the ruins of the Pnyx— without undue coremons, into a as the common wine o f the coun­ seenes try— was brought in and set down for a rush!” and each sinking our j skating in the fuee of a snow storm where I've got tho trap sprung. I Jefferson Market yesterday. A big whence Demosthenes declaimed,and dark cavern within the ravine. More beautiful and yet more wild “ Shiver my maintops!” exclaimed in the midst of us. This we told his man and clutching his riHo by Thau e’er on Alpine Chamoise huntsman nt the rate of fifteen miles an hour? do not beguile with anecdote, in­ policeman in ride whiskers said Tay­ Pericles evolved his plans— I looked They counteract the offect of the spire with eloquence, soothe with lor was a very disorderly person. eye around, like Alexander, for more a voice as I groped my way in; them wo could not drink; and the the barrel— for wo avoided the j From Alpine glacial gorges smiled. “ Wbat did he do?” asked the coart. cold air by vigorous exercise. Is persuasion, or pique with local gos­ “ they might give us sea-room, the noisa of shooting— wc sprang for* j chief very generously ordered us a worlds to conquer. I thereupon And though I should live for a thousand there no other way of keeping warm? sip. I was uot directed to you us a “ He stood on his head on the consulted iny geniei but unwashed vagabonds, and not land us in this couple o f bottles from his own par­ ward. Almost simultaneously, and years Docs the north wind damage the leader of culture or a person who’d stands in Gansvoort Market,” th* lust. Kvre Antonio Pericles Pap- lubberly creek; and now they are ticular store, doubtless the proceeds before the enemy had time to ob-1 Yet naught could e’er from my m emory fine indy sitting motionless in her be likely to buy. I won’t show you policeman said. take, of a raid upon some well-to-do servo us, we were upon them, and ■ pr.demetracopoulos— who, although shoving more craft in to anchoi!’’ “ I suppose you call that a well a list of high-toned decoys who have “ Haul in, Jack, old chum!” an­ householder. three rifle-stock descended upon | The fadeless picture that was painted sleigh, or the pilot and helmsman of Plato was to him a text-hook, and a storm tossed vessel? It cannot be put their names down to get rid of understood performance said Clerk there swered another; “ we must make Will Johnson after a time man­ three shock-heads with such force j A s I g a z c d o n t h e M y l t i o L a U l ! . the sayings of Socrates as familiar the inclemency of the open uir, for, me and to draw you iu. I don’t Murray. aged to ingratiate himself in the that two of the fellows dropped £3 «£> “ What else did he do?” even in sweltering summer nights, show the work I’m selling, and I ’ve as the story of Tommy and Harry the best of a had job, mate.” To say that my heart leaped to favor of our shaggy host and his like stones. The stock of my rifle TH E AMT OF TEAMS. “ Ho threw a spittoon at a peddler, the sweet south wind, blessed by all never been able to learn the idiot's to an English school-boy, was al­ oft’ the hard head of my , creatures that draw the breath of soliloquy that explains the pictures.” he stole apples from a farmer and ways as dirty as a sweep— upon the 1113' mouth at hearing such unex­ friends by his genial happy man­ glanced antagonist and crashed against the . Tb<* approach of age shows itself life, brings no relief to the victim of Here ho paused while the mana­ broke a confectioner's window,” said propriety of betaking myself to pected words, and finding myself ner and fiank bearing, favoring the , a , ? . , i about the eyes. Lines come faintly the policeman, stopping for breath. There is no doubt ger called for the cash-tay. in the company of my own coun­ company with many remarks, rock. With a stifled cry, he turned; nt ^ ^ d er ftnd deeperf on’ hydrophobia. where “ For all of which he cannot be “ That’s about the size of me and trymen, would no more than de­ which, translated by Themistocles, but in an instant my hand was up- The mountains look ou Marathon, the jnoipjeut crow’s feet ate indi- that families who have freed them­ And Marathon looks on the Rea. scribe the cheering sensation that evidently pleased them. When, on his throat, and the sound died in | eated, developed, rovenled. Tho selves from the curs« of that super­ my business. The book’s right here imprisoned,” replied the Court. “ He swore big oathos,” tho po­ too, by sleight-of-hand— in which his gullet, while with the strength woman who, looking iu her glass, stition can live out and out healthier — fifty parts, fifty cents a part, plenty F ir one might as well go to Egypt thrilled through me. “ What cheer, mates?” I cried in he was an adept— ho perform« d of desperation, I dashed his head perceives these fatal lines diverging in the heart of a great city than its o' pictures and big type for the read­ liceman said. without visiting the Pyramids, or “ There you have hiivr mrter the slaves on the airiest highland of the ing, written by somebody or other to Rome without entering St. Peter’s the darkness. Answering exclama­ some simple tricks, and gave them against the wall-like rock; and af- from the outer corner of her eyes, southern Apennines.—Popular Sci­ and means $10 clear money to me new code,” said the justice. as to “do” Greece and leave Mara­ tions of astonishment greeted my a music-hall song with a rollicking ter a struggle— in which he wound- knows that she lias reached an era ence Monthly. "A ll I said was that the copper every time I work one oft’. Do you thon unexplored. And when my words; and in a few minutes our chorus, and wound up with a horn­ od me with his dagger— he fell in her life. She recognizes it with a ought to go shoot himself, he was tnko or do I go?” host tried to dissuade me by assur­ stories were told, and I learned pipe accompanied by the Captain from my grasp apparently lifeless. ! s*oh> *f SA0 Ae a vain, a lovely or a By this time eleven copies of the too fresh,” said Taylor, sobbing. A i l t l l M O S e .11 TO 11. “ Now,” said the Captain, “ where worldly woman; with a smile per- “ If I let you go,” said the court, first part were ordered, aud the ing me that a Greek gentleman's that my new-found friends wete | with a pocket-comb and a pieco of the donkeys? Come, Greeky,” h.ftP8' ,f 8,be i0S chi *ren ln whom It is reported that Henry Irving “ elevin able” resumed their work, looking severe, "‘ will you go home?” ear had been sent a fortnight be­ the Captain and supercargo o f a j paper, the general enthusiasm knew are , . , . / « ! • , r J she can live her youth over again, will bring with him to this country while the office boy indites his tri­ “ Aud never come to court again,” Jay smile. No" 0 of fore by the brigands to his obsti­ ship then lying in the port of the no bounds, ami the beetle-browed he cried to themistocles; bear a fiut it can>t be nate relations to hurry up the ne­ Piraeus, who, seeking a like object, j vagabonds laughed till the tears hand; and looking around, we j ug men or woman hke to 8e0 Vo u r - an adjunct to success in the persous bute to a man who ain’t ashamed of added the youngster.—[New York gotiations for his ransom, it so bad met with a similar fate to my rolled down their cheeks. spied our four animals just as wo that precious possession—slipping of a handsome support. Says the his little racket.—(Atlanta Constitu­ Journal. tion. Will now became on such excel­ left them, hut with a brigand sit- away from us. But we should uev- Brooklyn Eagle: reused my blood that I vowed I own. Au actor is coming over to this ITAn AS I'ST'AL. “ And now,” said Captain Jack lent terms with them all, that he ! t;Dg by them. Here was an un- be on the lookout for crow's feet or would go if I returned as close MEF.I) A M ) HIH BWËKT- country next year from England who ■IK A HT. cropped as an English terrier. So Jenkins, “ how are we to get out of proceeded to take some freedoms looked-for rencontre! He was fully j gray hairs. Looking for them is is said to be the most beautiful man The Supreme court of the Terri­ away we started— myself and Thc- this scrape? If I had Tim and Joe with them; and when he snatched a hundred yards off, and to get at i sure to bring them; for thinking on the stage. There’s distinction “ When I wns working in Coopers- tory lias signed a memorial to Con­ inistocles, the son of my host, a said Black Tom, each with a cutlass the horn from the cup-bearer, and him we should have to cross a ! about them brings them. Tears for you. The younger sisters of the ! f ° rln 1 P“ rt °f the language of tho impressionable girls who used to town,” Mr. Weed said “ I and two gress asking that a law he passed sallow unshaved youth dirtier than and a barking-iron here, we’d soon installed himself in that official’s small plateau. “ Leave him to me!” cried J e n -: e>;68' «Aich is eloquent en ou g h - worship Montague and George Itig- other fellows were arrested fer in­ giving the Governor of Utah power place, ladling the wine out of the his father— mounted upon two make a passage, I ’d warrant!” to appoint territorial and county “That's all very well,” said W ill wide-mouthed jar and handing it kins, preparing to rush forward, «hen sparingly used for other rea- nold (“ Henry V .” ) will now have a sulting some girls while going home officers to fill tho vacancies occa­ high-spirited donkeys, our revolvers ,, . 1 , 1 ^ ^ sons thuu of adding to their unite from meeting. *1 wns'never more in­ well primed, and our commissariat Johnson, the supercargo; “ but we round to the company, his triumph Lut under the advice of the super- el enco. Xeari * 0 B dlar,g,.„ng chance to idolize a man who is not nocent of anything in my life, but I sioned by the lapsing of (be August heven’t. If I'd but the opportu­ was complete, cargo he stopped. We could have I ‘ ion of eraotioUi and tllO80 only strikingly handsome but an well stocked. had no friends and was threatened elections snd thus prevent anarchy. “ For heaven's sake!” said lie, as picked him off easily, but dared not that get into the habit of weeping uncommonly good actor. His name with jail. Suddenly a man whom I Tho Hoar amendment to the Ed­ “Adios Kyre'.1’ shouted my long- nity given me. I’d guarantee”------ Whatever the supercargo was he passed us, “don’t take any of for the noise of the rifles. named host ns we cantered off : over every small vexation do much is William Terriss, and ho supports did not know stepped forward and munds law was passed and power to Henry Irving. A great effort has appoint was conferred upon the Gov­ “Hang it!’ impatiently muttered toward acquiring a careworn, miser- “Never fear,” I replied, waving about to say was cut : hort by the this stuff, and don’t drink much of boon made of late to find somebody guvo bail for me, and a lawyer whom Jcnkins, “ we shall be trapped able expression, aud are sure to look to fill tho place that Montague hold I had barely seen offered to serve ernor. In October last the Govern­ my revolver defiantly, and feeling advent of two shock-heads at the your own.” “ Never fear,” said Jenkins, mak­ again, after ail;" and without furth­ old before their time. Excessive in women’s hearts. Managers are me as counsel. My trial came on, or made his appointments and the tl.at 1 should be greatly disap­ little opening of our prison, and pointed if the rascals did not show two harsh voices calling us— as my ing a wry face; “one taste is suffi­ er parley the impetuous fellow weeping has been known not only shrewd men in some things. They and the girls completely exonerated Mormons resisted. Cases came np guide Themistocles informed ns— to cient.” started off’, running on the tips of to injure, but actually to destroy the recognize the fact that women are me from having had anything to do in several districts presided over by themselves. Judges who affirmed the law bill. partake o f a feast; for we learned On we wont, enjoying the scen­ And so W ill went round with his toes, with a drawn cutlass in sight. Few women look pretty or an important element in theatrical with it. A year or two after this I Finally they reached the Supreme even interesting in tears, though it fell in love with Catharine Ostrander successes. Hence tbey cater to the ery and holding a hybrid convcrsa- afterward that the chief, in coui- the cup, making a comical remark one hand and a pistol in the other. Court and yesterday the farce was has been a pleasant fiction in poetry eution— lie in broken English, and cemoration of having made such a to this one, arnFa grimace at that, Just as he was within a few yards and romance io suppose they do. tastes of women by presenting soci­ of Cooperstown, and married her, ended by permitting an appeal to and a hotter wife no man ever had. ety plays und making their stages good haul, had decided to allow us, of the brigand, the latter turned until the chief— evidently fearing I in sadly mutilated Greek— until Many woman, some men and most It was ten ydars before I found out the Supreme Court of the United in the excitement of the ride, and his prisoners, to partake of the from their hilarity that they were round, and seeing how matters cbilderen make most disfiguring and nttrnctive by gorgeous upholstery how I had been defended. Meeting States. As the term fer which the and handsome scenery. They all re­ officers were appointed expires in tl c glorious panorama constantly geneial festivity. But, as a prelim­ taking too much— ordered them to stood, made for his rifle, which was distorting grimaces while crying, member tho magnet that drew put- the lawyer iu Albany I asked h outh, of the operas and the pic- to our country; and if any oppor­ we’re safe; for the black-faced ras- ued our journes until, late at night, meod ’ mothers to check a dispoei- preserve beef sound and of good fla­ of the euro, »od jttr-- "O b , I know ■ t ore-books? Three ragged, disre­ tunity should' arise for an attempt i cals won’t wake up for a dozen we reached Athens, where, round tion to make grimaces during their vor for some weeks, hut mutton But then you have s wife and family, putable-looking figures, clad in at an escape, I felt certain that we | hours I’ll be bound. There! o u r ! the honpitable board of our host, children's indulgence of mirth, treated in the same way tarns offen­ Oluckstadt to Kiel. and eo you can get along. ” I wesoonforgot ourtroubles.-Journal. ^ Home Journal. sive in the short space of eight deys. greesy sheep skins and dirty clothes, should give as good an account of i guard has dropped off already!” OUTWITTING THE BRIGANDS.