1 - TiiE POLK COUNTY ITEMIZER.: w d « pb » » b * ce ite m s . (FROM OUR «FECIAL COKUXSroXDRXT.] DALLAS. SATURDAY, MARCH 3, 1883. The many friends and acquaintan­ ces o f Mrs. Nancy Cooper, will re­ gret to learu that she is quite sick at I T E M S IV B R I E F . her home in town. Tho types made us say. in last Fine cigar*, at Jap. It. Miller's. weeks issue, that a baker shop lmd Buy your groceries of J. W. Crider. been added to our tow u. It should Miss Allio Davidson, of Monmouth, is hare been barber shop. yuiting friends in Dallas this week. The Polk County Temperance A l­ Want 20 dozen chickens, highest mark­ liance met here to day (W ednesday) et prices will bo paid at J. W Criders. but it will be impossible to report the proceedings until next week. The annual meeting of School District No. 38 will be held at the school house on Monday tho 5th of j March at the hour o f 2 o ’clock r. m . I tem ize « office. j All legal voters of the district are Two children of the family of Rev. I*. : requested to bo present. B >lman are sick with scarlet fever. We learu that M essrsB. F. Burch, M. M. Ellis has opened out, and is do- P. W . Haley and several other far­ iii-i a rushing businosj. A full line of shoulderbraces and drug mers living in the vicinity of In de­ pendence have purchasod the ware­ su »dries, at Jap. R. Miller’s. Remember that J. W. Crider will close house near tho depot owned liv A. out his stock of glassware etc., rock bot­ W olf. tom prices. Clive him a call. The farmer’s warehouse in Old In ­ Mr. G. Tillotson, of Dallas, epects to dependence was sold this week to the gi t the contract of building the new 8a City of Salem (Scotch) Mills Com ­ 1« n Woollen Mill. pany for 810,000. W o understand Geo. Good, the former owner of this that tho Company will retain Mr. paper weut to Portland on business dur­ Counnwny osn g en tof tho warehouse. ing the week. The Independent steamer A. A. Rev. J. James will preach at Bridge- p< rt, School House, the 3 Sabbath, at 11 M cCully,” is now making regular trips, uassing this place going up 0 clock a. 1 : 1 . Fresh California butter, and onions, Sunday and Wednesday evenings oranges, cakes, candies, otc., at J. W. and returning Tuesday’s oud F ri­ day’s. This is a great accom m oda­ Criders. Mr. William Lyle ex-State Librarian te the traveling public. hits gone to Prineville to engage in the The petitions asking the Board of practice of law. Trustees to raise the saloon license Mr. James Townsend, one of our at­ to 8500 and $1000 were not present­ torneys, has been appointed Notary Pub­ ed at tho last meeting as was expect­ lic by Gov. Moody. ed. W e understand that, it will be Wo learn that Mrj Holman, the moth­ submitted at the next meeting. er of Mr. H. Holman, sheriff, is very sick Samuel Stnnnus sold the Bell and not expected to recover. House this week to Peter Cook, for­ Miss Effie Laughlin. of MeMinnviile is visiting the family of Mr. Shelly, the merly of the Western Hotel, for $5, 500. Mr. Cook will immediately County Clerk. Shiloh’ s Cough and Consumption Cure tako possssion of tho hotel and con­ is Bold by us on a guarantee. It cures tinue it opeu to the public, and Mr. Consumption. For sale by Jap. It. Miller, Staunus will run the grocery store Dallas. of Mr. C. which was technical iu the J. D. Lee has on hand a good stock of trade. Mr. Houck, the baker, rau goods at low prices. You can not do bet­ still he found nt tho store o f Mr. ter than to do your coming year’s trading Staunus. v ith him. The application to the County We noticed three of Dallas’s lady equestrians giving exhibitions of their Court to open a road from a point s cill, and enjoying the refreshing showers uear Jerome Dornsifes’ barn, south to a point ou the road leadiug from « n the street on last Wednesday. Pure and fresh drugs of every kind Old Independence to the Monmouth c instantly on hand at Jap. R. Miller’s. and Dallas road, is meeting with de­ J to keeps every artiejo belonging to the termined opposition from the parties t rado. through whoso land the proposed Mr. Job Conner, of Salt Creek, was in road is to be opened. Petitions pro- f.iwn on bust Monday. Ho reports plenty and eon r.re being extensively circu­ « f wheat in his section for spring sowing, lated. } ut very little good seed. At the regular meeting of the There is no use going out of the county Board of Trustees held last Tuesday t • buy furniture, when you can bo suited proceedings it prices and quality, at Allen & Os­ uiglit the follow ing were had: A petition was presented bornes, Independence Wo call special attention to the new ad praying the Board to pass an ordi- 1 f Mr. John E. Smith, blacksmith, which uanc preventing horses and chickens \ ill be found in this issue. Mr. Smith item running nt large within the v e il deserves the patronage of the public. town limits. Referred to the com- Miss Effa Good, ono of uiir compositors mitte on ordinances. P rof. V. Gnr- has been quite sick for the past two days. rigus also appeared and spoke in fn- } >he is threatend with congestion of the vor o f nn ordinance com pelling chil­ brain. We hope sho will be better soon. dren to attend school, and also re­ We loam that another social party was quiring them to go to bed at a cer­ given by Miss Fanny Lovelady, at her tain hour. Bids from four different icsidence, on Tuesday evening last. It persons were received offering to v as said to have been a most enjoyable net ns night watcher. Two bids were affair. for fifty and two for forty dollars. We acknowledge a pleasant call from l'r . Capps of Salem. He has recently re­ The Board refused to entertain tho turned from a visit east. He left Cin­ bids. Judge Truitt made a trip to Portland ai d back this week. For dentistry, go to Mason, over But­ ler’s grocery store. Job printing of all kiuds done at the BEIL EftT.tTE IK.riH.UtlOlM. Jam— Church and Mnrgeret Church, to W. J. Stool©- Lot* No. 0, 7 and 8 in block No. 2, north of Main street, and No. 2 east of Meridian street; also lots No. 4 in block No. 2 north of Main street, and block No. 3 east of Meridian street, Buena Vista; con., $500.00. James Church and wife to VV. E. W il­ cox—Lots No. 0, 7 and 8 in block No. 2 North of Main street and No. I west of Meridian, Buena Vista; con., $250.00. C. W. Pewtherer and Lydia Pewtherer, to Goo. W. Pewtherer—Tho north half of the donation land claim of John S. Har­ ris, iu township G, 7, S of R. 5 W .; con. taining 22J arces more or less; con., 0 1 ,0 0 0 . Geo. W. Pewtherer and Margaret A. Pewtherer, his wile, to C. W. Pewtherer —Tract of land containing 10.45 acres in township G S. R ., 6 W. Tract con­ taining 41 0-40 acres in township G S. It., 5 W .; con., $500.00 Geo. W. Pewtherer and C. W. Pewth­ erer, to Andrew J. McDaniel—Part of sec. 34 and 35,township GS. R .; 5 W. and also.part of see. 2 and 3 in township 7 8. of It., 5 VV., containing 255.GO acres; con., $7,058. Robert Clow and Carolina Clow Ills wife, to Johannes Emmens—Tract in township 7 8. of It., ft W ., containing 9.10 acres; con., $273. J. VV. Richardson and #Martha 0. Richardson, his wife, to Lucy L. Whitta­ ker- Lots 7 and 8 in block No. 13, in Henry H ill’s town of Independence; con., $720. Adolph Wolfe and Fannie Wolfe, to David VVhiteaker, heirs and assigns—Parts of lots iNo. U «and 3, in block No. 13 m Henry H ill’s town of Independence; cou., $ l t7oo. 1\ VV. Haley and Alice V. Haley, his wife, to J. VV. Richardson—Lots No. 5, G, 7 and 8 in block No. 28 in Henry Hill’s town of Independence; con ., $375. li. J. Bevins and Mary S. Bevins, his wife, to M. J. Allinghaui—Tract of land described as Notification No. 1722, claim No. 07 in township 10 S. of It.; 4 VV., containing 200 acres; con., 84,290. Jos. A. Ruble, to Henry A. Ruble—An undivided half interest in 100.35 acres situated in township 7 S. R ., 4 VV.; con., $2,050, Geo. VV. VVhiteaker and N. A. VVhitea­ ker, his wife to Nancy P. Cooper—Lot No. 8, in block No. 2 in Henry Hill's town of Independence; con., $420. Joseph Smith and Sarah A. Smith, his wife, to Joseph Hecker— All of Isae N. Miller’s donation land claim situated in townahip 9 and 10 S. of It,, 4 VV., con­ taining 180.74 acres; con., «$700. J. VV. Leonard and Jennie M. Leonard, his wife, to S. B. Irvine— Lot No. 1 in fractional block No. 3 of the town of In­ dependence; con., $000. J. P. Irvin and Jennie Irvin, his wile, to S. 13. Irvin—The undivided one-lnilf- iuterest in part of lot Nw. 1, in fractional block No. 3, in Henry Hill's town of In­ dependence; con., $300. F. A. Patterson and Carolina Patter­ son, his wife, to Jerome Dornsife—Part of tho donation land claim of John F. Davis and wife. Notification 1516, sec­ tions 33 and 34, township 7, S of R, 4 W ., containing 3.27 acres; con., $0,400. M. VI. Ellis and Ella Eiiist his wife, to VV. C. Brown Lot No. 5, in block No. 4 in the town of Dallas; con., $800. VV7. E. Dalton and M. J. Dalton, to I. A. D. and .1. L. Dalton—L«>t No. 1, in the town of Airiie north of rail road;con., $050. D. C. Sailing to Mary Yocum—Lots 4 and 5, in block No. 9 in the town of Ballston; con., $80. D. F. Bubinson and Ida I. Robinson, his wife, to Earnest Emil Krengel- Lot No. 4, m block No. 1 and No. 2, east of Madison street in the town of Buena Vista; con., $250. D. M. Calbroath and Adaline Calbreath, his wife, to VV. E. Wilcox— Lot lying east of‘lot No. 4 in block No. 1, north of Main street, in the town of Buena Vista; con., $300. cinnati only a v*oek before the great rni.r.sTov item s . floods. Mr. A. R. Lyle, of Prineville Oregon KEfttiMTIOXa OX Till’: nivAUl OS' RKY. Mr. O. W . Graves, who ha3 been who has been on an extended visit to Cal- Cl. <•. JllflMHI. aifuraia has arrived at Dallas on his way sick with typhoid fever lias had a re­ bonne. He started for Prineville on Fri- lapse, and is not getting along as well To the W. M. wardens «and brethren of « ay. as wished for. Jenning's Lodge, No. 9, A. F. & A. M., Mr. A- Kimsey, of Dixie, anil Mr. Grand-nm Buell is quite sick with Hathaway Yocum, of Ballston, called at typhoid fever. W e hope to report Dallas, Oregon. Your special committee < ur office on Wedncsdaj\ They both re- appointed to draft resolutions on the her recovery soou. I ort wheat absolutely killed iu the sections The many friends of Mr. J. Stouf- death of Bro. II. C. Jenkins, respectfully where they live. submit tho following: Mr. Charles Sullivan, of Lafayette was for will be glad to learn that ho is Whereas death has removod from in town this week on business connected recovering from his very extended with the Sheppard and Yocom case. He sickuess o f the last six-months, and among us our esteemed Bro. H. C. Jen­ j.ave “ our gil ls’’ a glimpse of his smiling that he will soon be able to attend kins, who was for many years a faithful j hiz in tho office on Wednesday. to bis business as usual. A ll others member of the Masonic fraternity, and Anyone wishing to purchase a good sick, of whom there arc several in who was long and honorably identified Boeond-hand, No, 7 cooking stove would tho neighborhood, are doing well. with this lodge. bo well to call on Mrs. Axom of this Farmers here fdecide nearly all R esolved : —That this lodgo has heard place. We can testify to its good quali- their winter wheat killed by the late with profound sorrow, of the death of 1 ic3 as we have used it for a few days. Rev. J. B. Perkins, who has been sick freeze, und many have begun to re­ Rev. Jenkins. R esolved :— -That tho Masonic ratcr- for two weeks past wishes us to say that plant. Am ong those we notice Mr. nity has lost bv his death a worthy mem­ if he continues to improve he will l>e able Nathan Connor and N. J. G regg. ber, and the State a good citizen. i o conduct tho morning service in tho The fine weather has reduced the R esolved : —That while we deeply de­ ¡Bnuthern Methodist church ill Dallas on Nail K eg Brigade to a very slim at­ plore his loss, we believe that our loss is oiext Sabbath. tendance. In fact your correspon­ his eternal gain.” Though but little pastl Hr Henry Teal of Portland—«and form­ dent is about the only active mem­ the meridian of life, yet enfeebled by, a lly of this place— who has been sick for ber loft and we feel so solitary that disease and bodily infirmities, nt home, j *. few days came home on a visit, and to we are almost persuaded to go out in the bosom of his family, at peace witl oecnperate. Having recovered sufficient­ tho world. He was called from labor be ly he&0J.returned to hi* work in Port­ and hunt a jo b of plowing. low, to the rest and refreshment of thi Our popular merchant Dud Sail­ Celestial Lodge above. land. 3£iw. Eliza Ann Liggett, from near ing went to Portland to lay in a R esolved :—That we tender to thel Bowui VifrU, was brought to wn on fresh supply of new goods. He will family of our deceased brother, our sin­ Monday last* and after an examination in about two weeks open out a full cere sympathy in their afflicted bereave before Judge C. A. Johns, by Drs. line o f ready made clothing, where ment. May they be sustained by tin J. N. Smith -and Z. T. Dodson, was men and boys may be supplied with hope of the lasting reunion which awai pronounced insane, and was sent on them. suits to suit, at tho lowest prices. Tuesday to tho Asyltnn at East Portland. R esolved :—That the Secretary bo in ‘ The attention of all in this vicinity A very pleasant social party was given structed to transmit a copy of these n by Mrs. Maud Burford at her residence | is called to the meeting to he held lutions to his family. R esolved :—That these resolutions in Dallas, on Monday evening of this here ou Saturday, March, 10th, for week. Good music, good luncheon and the purpose of organizing a company entered at large in the record book, tha1 a good social time generally. We hear to build a flouring mill nt Ballston. the brethren wear the usual badges of highly spoken of by those who were j W e hooe every farmer in this locality mourning, and that the lodge room be present. Such social g.atherings are a will bo bere at that time, and give draped in mourning, for thirty days. Fraternally submitted, this, 9th, of source of great pleasure and profit to any ■< ommunity. We hope this will not be this movement all the encourage- February, A. L., 5883, A. D ., 1883. j ment in their power. Robt. Clow, ) the host. Warren » » i l l I C i l Truitt, L I U M .li, ! / Committee. W e understand that parties in j Judge Collins has been practicing law Geo. Tillotson, ) in this town for nearly a quarter of a Gen­ ■ Portland have arranged to supply ii tiry. He is one of the earliest pioneers tho farmers with California spring A Wise K'lan. ^ind is well known throughout the state. j wheat for seed on very reasonable j .He ha« held many positions of high terms; the price not probably ex ce e d -! Every one wishing to try the new plan Jionor and trust, and has acquitted him- 1 ing $1 25 per bushel. All those in I for billiouHness and constipation— Syrnp of Figs—can obtain a trial bottle fr«e of »••elf with ability and fidelity as a lawyer, wishing seed charge at Jap B. Miller’s Drug Store, in »mil in every other public capacity in this neighborhood Dallas. Knowing Syrup of Figstobebett€r wheat, and leaving their orders with which it has been his lot to act. We have known him long, and take pleasure in A. N. Martin will have them attended in its effect and more pleasant to ihe taste tlitui any other remedy, the California «-ailing the attention of the business pub­ to without auv additional cost. Fig Syrup Company has adopted n wise lic to his card, which appears in another plan to make its merits known to the -peo­ R e l i g i o n * A pi: o il: rut « i ll * column of this paper. He is learned, ple- able, reliable, and responsible. What M. E. church appointments. The 2nd more could he desired by those who need and 4th Sabbath of eAch month, at Dallas. BOHN. the services of a lawyer? ' Buena Vista, 1st and 3rd Sabbath of each month. Born, to the wife of D. M. Guthrie, | Independence, the 3rd Sabbath of each noar Dallas, Feb. 25, 1883, a daughter. n o t ic e ::: month. Mr. Guthrie means no disparagement to Dixie, the 4th Sabbath, at 2, p. m., of his neighbors when ho boasts of this be­ Is hereby given that there will be a meeting at Ballston,of the citizens in that ; each month. Salt Creek school house, 4th Sabbath, ing the tenth in thirteen year*. vicinity on Haturday March 10, 1883, for To the wife of Geo. Good, in Dallas, the purpose of taking into consideration , at 11, a. m., of each month. Feb. 28th, a daughter. the forrnati n of a joint stock company to Frr- «r < *>«. bring the water of the Sonth Yamhill to All persons wishing to teat the mérita ol D I L L « * H O T . I.. BrJ’.rton for milling purposes, and such other baBiness as may properly come be­ a great remedy—ono that will positively W. *. Libia.. Proprietor, fore the meeting. AH interested are solic­ core Consomption, Cough., Cold*,Asthma, Bronchitia, or any affection of the Throat ited to attend. Tbi* Hotel i* second to none on the and Lungs— are requested to call at J. K. coast for good accomodation«, and is first- Miller’s Drug Store and get a Trial Bottle class in entertainment. Sample rooms Convincing. of Dr. King’ s New Discovery for Con In offering to everyone throughout the sumption free of eost, which will show free for displaying goods. land a trial bottle of Hyrnp of Figs free of yon wbat a regular dollar-aize bottle will Alim A Osborne, Independence, have charge the California Fig Syrup Company j do. an extensive stock of furniture which is fully aware that it were folly to do so if Barklea*. «mira salve. i lie new remedy did not poses* greater they sell at reasonable prices. Their The Best Salve in the world for Cots, stock consists of chamber seta, parlor merit than any other article ever offered »■a a cure for biliousness and constipation. Bruiaea, Bores, Ulcere. Balt Rheum, Fever sets, chain of the beat quality, a fine lot But knowing that every dose will con­ ! Bores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblain*. •f picture frames, and whatever is usually vince the one who takes it of its efficacy. J Corn», and all 8kin Eruption*, and po*i- carried in a first-class furniture atore. t nd make another friend for the reined; , lively enres Pile*. It i* guaranteed to That hacking cough can be to quickly «hich U dastiDwl to «Mcoma OBi»er«»l, S ’ ve perfect satisfaction or money ra­ il tied. Price, i i e.nta per box. For cured by Bhilob’a Cara. Wr guarantee it. tU«r vish n t r j o M to try it. Mr. J»p. For tala by Zap. R. Killer. > «ale by Jaeper B. Killer. « . MUUr U l i n t for Dalit*, — " A lt t L I E ( from oca IT E M S . I OSE DAY AT THE TEMPERANCE ASCE HELD AT ALBANY. khkcial c o i u s k h m m i .I STATE AND TERRITORIAL. A young man, whose name is sup­ MIRSE* at UT m a Tbo Union Sentinel o f last Satur­ Delegations and citizens met at the Jim Dalton from Souver made us a posed to be Phineas Steele, or Frank day furnished the appended report friendly visit Sunday returning homo Mon­ court house at 9 A. M. The platform Steele, formerly a resident o f Miuer- of a fatal shooting affray which «re­ day. und body of the romn was soon occupied nl Springs, Ark., died on Saturday curred last week at Hot lake Union Scarlet rash has boon making it lively with equal number of respectable looking nfter a few days’ illness, nt the New County: for the little ones in and around Airiie men and women, all chorful and hopeful England house iu Olympia. He ar­ On Tuesday evening lost, one o f for tho last ten day’s rived there on the 19th inst., and it the most cowardly and distardly Quite a number of farmers have lost a* seemed, valuable horses in this vicinity lately | The session was opened by prayer—a was first discovered that he was sick murders was committed that it has from some unknown disease. j large portly looking man, somewhat gray, on W ednesday, when medical a t -; been our duty to chronicle. A party Our friend and boss carpenter B. P. occupied the chair. Business began and tention was procured, but nothing " ’as given at tho Hot lake, about six D u . t R Carter who left harclw t fall for Col.fornia thu u‘'la11* lu re* ird t” *he ° ru« on ^ S » - nouncement in the Council Chamber o f the building aud the last report Our fellow townsman, J. C. Hastings ' Utor touching the temperance question, on last evening and «floated a pre­ wa« no more than heard until Henry D aly * Green enrae running up the stairway has been busily engaged this week fencing j and that body was spoken of in the high* liminary organization of tho “ Salem with the blood gushing out o f his and breakiag up ground in rear of the e*t terms; also the report in full was Board of trade.” Squiro Farrar pre­ cheek and exclaimed “ I am shot.” hotel preparitory to raising a fino “ truck ruft(l and criticised. Some slight irregit- sided, and G . J. Pearce acted as sec­ Every onos attention was directed to patch this year. j laritie3 were shown, but none uncomon to In the retary. A constitution and by laws him, not thinking that anyone else Quito a number of our young bloods other bills passed by the Legislature at county of In the n went to Dallas on the 22nd to take in the | every session. And yot it was thought wero adopted, and F. N. Gilbert ap- was iu a like condition. Within a R. Miller, raKor I calico ball but returned on the evening best to have some corrections made at the >oiuted to enter the same in suitable few minutes Mr. S. F. Newhard, the »than Stoi * ~ book, and he was also authorized train. What was tho matter boys, did proper time. Great, freedom of speech RylYL _ _ _ _ _ proprietor o f the house, went into To In the name of the “ you find tho neck-ties going at too - large ami the best of order prevailed. Present­ to take membership signatures when one of the bathrooms belonging to cited ami r a premium? ly a lady arose and moved to adjourn until accompanied with tho membership c tbe hodse, and in opening the door the State r 1:30 P. M. And a lively shaking of Two weeks ago Sam Dalton planted foes of $5.00. The monthly dues he stumbled (gainst tho dead body court on Monday, t huns began and friendly greetings closed in the for his mustache and is now waiting develop­ were fixed at 50 cents per month. of Clay Miller, being shot through cause wli __ ment. Wo are afraid it will bo doomed the morning Minion, land should not The afternooq gathering w;is in excess like the present whfcat crop, short. An iutesosting letter from Eli the bead, the ball entering the back nor of the D L e_ of tho morning; the credentials of new Watkins to his son, W . L. Watkins, part of the head, and passing into thence south 40 c S ome T imes che., t delegates were rerd, which by this time o f this city, was shown us a few days tlie brain. Everything was excite­ 40 Also that other t swelled tho number to about three hun­ N. of the S L c ment and confusion, and the assas­ P E E R A'DALE IT E M S . dred. Among other items of interest tho ago. Mr. Watkins is in Britton sin made good his.escape, but cot u.ud w «te, u chs to the [MW* OCR hFBClAL COBRWFOXDRNT.) question of finance was brought up and, Station, about twenty-five miles from O, 8 a « west, Wil •ill. _ without going bare-headed. ce’ ifc 40 acres oil of th# School meeting next Monday at ou motion, a collection was taken Balter City. In partnership with Wltnoee, tbe I throo others he lias taken up a min­ amounting to $32, dnd it was rosolved t* TU i SSSIT u s e . one o’clock, p . m . County court of the Jr___ repeat it in the evening. One of tho rosi ing claim which no doubt will pnn of Polk, with tbo seal of l Ilorses here are affected with blind dent ministerjpcalled the attention of the day of February, A. D. 18) out well. Claims o f tbe same size The arrangement for interchange Attest: Staggers; several have died from the fact that ittWas prayer meeting evening on each side were sold by Dan Cornea o(¡traffic between tho Oregon Bail- D alv A B utler , Attys. fo. < effect. for the difiwent churches; whereupon it to #n Eastern Company for $20,000 iebZ4 4t way & Navigation Company and the Prof. D. W . Jarvi9 is now in the was suggested for all to uuito in prayer at each. They have dug ditches and Oregon Short Line, announced bv County Treasurer’s the court house, and occupy one-half hour employ of J. P. Frizzell “ bucking at the opening of the evening session, have plenty o f water, and their telegraph yesterday, settles theques- packs” in his warehouse O ffice or T reasurer or which was very readily agreed to. This assays show $800 to $1500 to the ton tiou so much discussed, o f the ter­ D allas , Oregon, J. W . Me Grew, E. T. W aller and large delegatio:f was well cared for, at if not more. He thinks it will pay minus of the latter read. Tho ter­ TWTOTICE IS HEREBY QIV£N drawn on the Treasury of Wn). Ray have gone to Salem this least we heard^R complaint or alarm, ex­ them $10 to $12 per day. They have minus will be nt Portland, at least dorsod prior to August l i , 1882, cept on tho pjrt of a few saloon keepers sunk n shaft in a quartz ledge 33 during the ten years of the contract Treasurer's office on demand, aud l week. ®e on said orders from this date. who rather naturally feared the repetition j feet and are looking for big results. One o f tho questions with some of such a concourse, «and wondered E. r MILLER, < td where Ono qunrtz mine recently sold for term. Completion of this line aud of our young men, is, “ Harry have unto tips thing would grow. the Northern Pacific—nnd both will Summons. $-10,000, and another for $10,000. be done within the year— will give you seen my partner?” At 7 P. M. the specious court room was lio n . Scott R iggs was in town quite well filled, as was the platform and Ope man last year took $3000 out in us two rail routs to the east. The In the County Court of tho State of ' County of Bulk. this week, and reports County affairs gallery, and still they come, until every 0 weeks. Mr. Watkins states times dream of the pioneer will be more H. Hirechborg, Plaintiff, vs. Geurj iu good condition under the present available seat was occupied, quite a num­ are very g ood, and believes that will than realized. ber of additional chairs were brought in be a great raining region when de­ The Orogon Builway & Navigation To George Griswold, the Defendant a management. and some were obliged to stand. To say veloped.— States Bights Democrat. Company’s line, now some miles THE NAME OF T IIS STATE OF I N you are hi reby notified and required t Mr. Townsend W aller and wife th«it there were one thousand persons und answer the complaint filed against yw W hile out hunting on the 10th south of Pendleton, in Umatilln above-entitled was iu Unvn this week visiting at present would not perhaps be an over es­ action. In the above-t Mr. E. Iveyt’s. Mr. W aller is a mer­ timate. The session was opened by sing­ inst., near H il’ burst, Mr. Frost’a county, will ho ndvanoed with all Dallas, i:i said Poik County, by the 1____ term «>f said Couit following the complete r possible haste to the point of junction ing and grayer. A sharp alternate for chant o f Monmouth and ho reports bov, living iu that vicinity, and Gus of this Summons, being Monday, tr “ one-half hour or more, and all who took W allace of this city, beard the d o g ’s with the Short Line, probably at A. D., 18S3. And you are horeby f business good. if you fuil «> to appear nnd ausw . for want a part seemed to belong to but one church Snake river, and will be oompicted Mr. Pierce R fggs is making a pro­ with temperance and constitutional pro­ making a great commotion in the. by the last of the yo.ar. The dis­ ihe plaintiff wiii take judgment against you auin of (,tf.'>d.80) Fifty-three thirty-six r-elx i one-i.u tracted visit in the southern part of hibition the only articles of faith. This woods. Bushing to the spot, they Dullard, afid interest t!ieroon_ at one tance to the Snake, from Umatilla, month from tho 28th day of the county, and wo expect he will exercise was foil »wed by several apropri- found that the dogs had treed a is 223 miles, and in this there will the M B . costs and disbursement give old Linn a call before ho returns. ato addresses interspersed with music largo bear, who was “ taking iu” the Publication ordered b y ____ be aorno heavy mountain work. It James Morrison tho present man­ both instrumental and vocal, independent show on a high limb o f a IIr tree. is estimated that the cost of con­ Done at Chambers, January 24, BELT A PIPIS. ” • - Atturuay, lor f. ager of the Elk Horn mill was iu solos, and last but not least were two The boys concluded they would take struction will he about $5,000,000. pieces rendered by the Ladies Brass Band, . ------------------------- « “v r-- town this week looking after milling most of these pieces were followed by a shot at her majesty, and resting Oregonian. Summons. interests. W e think Perrydale tremendeous applause from the audience. their guns on a convenient log, took would bo a good place for one. In the (’ irciti: Court of the Stato of Oroeoe, fop-ttV A collection was taken amounting to .$32 good aim and fired together, bring­ DCUSKV* LOISSKL ICIIILKS. County of Pvto* ' x-j-fRcwjw«»« D. W . Burnside is selling the or $33. The secretary called the roll from ing bruin to the ground, fatnlly O. J. Bugley, Plaintiff, vs. William Coles wounded. The dogs not satisfied, the different temperance lodges, Churches, wheat purchased from Keyt and f l i e grand jury has found an in­ Colo, Defendants. To the above-named Defendant*. Frizzell at ono dollar and fifty cents Sunday schools, Bands of Hope, etc, and soon discovered two yearling cubs, dictment against A. B. Williams, of and there was quite a Response, mostly $5 which were also dispatched by the I N THE NAME OF THE STATE per bushel for seed. There has been each. Some paid down and others pledged the star-route counsel specially em­ |_ You are hereby required to i 5000 bushel’s sold in the last three in behalf of their respective orders, to be boys in short order. These two bear ployed by Dorsey. The eh rgo is the complaint filed against yocMri suit in 6 weeks from the dele of tiie- hunters, aged 11 and 12 year respect­ days. Mr. Fearnly is here manag­ paid hcaeafter. These funds were to receiving stolen good, based upon u ; k > u you, by pubiMciL; ively, are very proud of their tropies, his action ns counsel for parties summons fore the Utb day of ii^y^lSSS. ing the business. meet incidental expenses connected with answer, for want thereof Plaintiff the Alliance, and also with a view of pro­ upon which they have collected tho charged with having stolen a watoh against you for corruption uf the KlItllMjSI’ UBT ITKiatt. viding for a State lecturer. Dr. Watts usual bounty from tbo county treas­ and other valuables from Mi’s. EIH b , described tra,:t of land, J>-w West from tiie corunr was unanmously requested, if practicable, ury, and are ready to take a contract over a year ago. Williams says the Township u, a. It. 5, tVqgfc, in the to destroy any stray bears whioh may chargo is absurd, aud is the out­ State nf Oregon; thence') to take the field. We were away last week, Chains; thence South ft <1 Folk county w$s represented from Dal­ iqolest the settlers of Pierce county. The freeze still continues nights, growth of ill will of tho department Chains; thence West IJfjEC“ las, Oak Grove, Monmouth, and otlior — Tacoma Nows. Chains; thence WootOfT Which one of our boys is it that can­ of Justice, because he has taken an thence East 13.88 Chula JSs I*»«« points. But it is due to Independence not tell an old woman from a ten year with tho other rd Tho Orogon Short Line will be activo part ia tho defense of Dorsey. together to say th.at she manifested the greatest for, together with coT * old boy. zeal on this live question by sending the extended to Snake river, where it The latter has written a long letter suit. Win. A. Stoddard went to Portland strongest delegation. Published by order ■Alto«. And now Mr. will join the Oregon Bailroad aud to Williams, dcolariug that the pre­ dated January 10 , 1383, ' with his can opener. Editor as your paper bears the name, and Navigation Company, whioh is iden­ sent indictment is an act o f perse­ A former resident of Bridgeport weiit justly to, of Itimizer, 1 send you these tical with tho Northern Pacific and cution against himself (Dorsey) to Portland to be examined; when last few items of the days doings, which closed Summons. seen he looked and acted as if Chief of about 10 P. M., and had wo been think­ which will be extended to Baker through his counsol. Dorsey also Police would hold the examination and ing of this notice at. the time------much City to meet it. A connection will says in this letter that an attempt In tim Circuit Court of tho Slat« of O n to *, for tho County of Polk. # get the pension too. more could have been said and to better ho rando next year and freight be­ will bo made to indict Col. Ingersoll T. F. Smith, Plaintiff, va. Oncar Slop«r, Defend*** tween the Pacific coast and Salt upon tho charge of defaming the We hear that Mr. Ruble wants 10,000 advantage. To Oacar hlopor, tho Defendant above-named: Portland is the place for the next Lake will be exchanged. Tho Ore­ the department of justico. Williams rails made. N THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OKJSGC O bserver . gon Short Line was to have been thinks this idea is not seriously en­ I j ou are hereby notified and required to appt George has been giving a series of meeting. and answer the complaint filed against you in 1 tertained, but says the department built to Baker City, but it will stop dances. above-entitled action, in tho above-named Court, A TICS I* TO rOUTLANI». at Snake river. To all points reached of justice endeavored to find grounds Ihdlas, in said Polk County, by the first Milt and wife are hack riding in a cart, term of said Court following the by tho twe roads the rates will be for such nn indictment against Col. f this Summons, being tho second to catch the sun which has shone some of Bridgeport, Feb. 25, 1883. day of May, A. b ., 1S33, as by law iatc. As business called me to Portland last the same, no matter wbat the differ­ Ingersoll.— Daily Nows, von arc hereby farther notified that if you fail appear and answer, for want thereof the plain" Frank Butlor was sick, but is out again. week I thought I would write about some ence in distance or exportation mny N.lUnilllkoBIT NOT JI.tTKD. take judgment against you for the sum of We think of holding a protracted jubi­ things I saw. Getting on board the N. bo. The rates between all Eastern Slxty-dvo fifty one hundredth Dollars, costs and di(*br.r*cinent* of this action. points and Portland « ill be the same. lee here over the death of so many wild Charles Leaks, the colored barber This Summons ordered published on tl oats. Wheat not hurt quite as bad as at G.ftrain at Dallas on we go through grain San Francisco freight from the East, named defendant lor six consecutive week who was recently married in the fields which show signs of hard usage by instead of going to San Francisco by 1 tkmif . hr , a weekly newspaper published in first thought. ' Police Judge’s office, has applied County, Oregon, per order made " We heard ono frog squall, but he was tho late freeze; but whero tho grain was rail and thence by Nvntor to Portlnnd, KUS one, Lans County, Oregon, " for a divorce from his blushing bride Hon. K. S. Bean, Judge of the like Robinson Cruso—alone. drilled, and »n dryest ground, least dam­ would go all tho way by rail to tho o f but a day, and was about the trlut of Oregon, acting as Judge of the Tho man that stood by the road side age done. That is the rule all the way latter point, ranking a clean saving named Couit, in tho absence of Hon. IL same time arrested on a charge of Judge of said Court. A. C. cased a young lady to go «about four and and in all localities, and whero the ground in time of thre6 days. The plan Attorney for polygamy. Such are the divers nod 7t a half miles, when she conld have gone to is wet all grain is dead, so we at onoo con­ does not mean the abandonment of ways aud varied experiences in the whero she started in three miles. Bad Administrator's Notice. cluded that sjino will bo to plow up or at tbe boats between San Frnncisco course of true love. Charles claims man you. and Portland, as the local business T. Scott, a brother of G. W. Scott is least sow again but that some will make would maintain them.— Chronicle. to have been made tho victim of a In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Ptlk one-half to two-thirds of a crop so that it County. designing woman, and saw no es­ visiting here. R oundabout . of Margaret Baglejr, de­ will pay tolut it stand. Smithfield passed, The officers of tho Union Pacific cape from (he (oils which she had In the matter of the Estate ceased. Perry Dale a halt—on down to tho Y, a and Northern Pacific Bailroadn have thrown around him, except through o t i c e i s h e r e b y g i v e n t o whom it may free ride to Ballston and on to Sheridan, perfected arrangements for an inter­ matrimony. But when the knot was N concern, that I have been ap then back to the Y. and now on down tor of the Estate of Margaret 1 deceased. All intrsons having claims past Bidwells to W. O. crossing, there change o f trafio aud the establish­ tiod he realized that ho was in a County, said estate are required to present tbe saute change cara for Portland on the standard ment mid maintainance of rates tighter box tban ever, and in his • Inly vended, within h J x months from this da ;auge train to McMinnville—20 minutes whereby the unnecessary building o f throes for freodom made the injudi­ all persons indebted thereto are requmtUd t ? or dinner. railroads will be avoided, unprofit­ cious disclosure of having a wife in immediate ptiy«nent.O. J. BAGLEY, able competition prevented an ami- tho East. On the strength of this D aly A B ctlrr , Attorneys for Adm’r, cnble relation between the two sys­ assertion his loving wife had him PiLESI FILES! PILKSl tems preserved by a general plan arrested on the abavo-nained charge, agreed upon. The Northern Pacific but no evidence to substantiate the A S u r e Cure Found at Last I will, upon its completion in July to charge having been introduced at No One Need Suffer! Little Blackfoot, M. T ., whero the his trial in Justice Davis’ court yes- Utah and Northern and the Union tenlay ho was discharged. And now A hnre Cure for Blind, Bleeding, lull­ Pacific roods intersect it, lay a third Charles is firmly iinnressed with the ing nii.l Ulcerated Riles has been discover­ rail on its main line from that point trials and vicissitudes o f a married ed by Dr. Vvil)iam,(an Indian Remedy,) called Dr. William's Indian Ointment. to Helena, A L T ., a distance of about life.— Daily News. A siuglc box lias cured the worst chronio forty-eigbt miles. Tbo Utah and cases of 25 or 30 years standing. No Northern is a naarow gauge road, N E W PATENTS. one need suffer five minntes after while the Northern Pacific Is a ing this wonderful soothing u ; ä : Dewey & C o.'s Rcieutific press Lotions instruments and electnariea do standard gauge. The Utah and Northern will in turn lay a third patent agency hns official reports to more harm than good. William’ s Ointment absorbs the tumors, allays the intense rail ou its road from Little Blackfoot the follow ing U. S. patents issued itching, (particularly at night after pet­ to Butte City to enable the Northern February G, 1883: ting wiirnV'tn bed,) acts as a ponltiee, given J ohr J. B rows . Tas. T. Clark, Bath, Cal., stone instant relief, and is prepared only for Pacific to run its liroad-gaugo cars over the lines. Thus both roads will /¡rilling machine; E. K. Cooley, S. | File«, itching of the private parte, and Trinprranre Lcdorcs. be able to run their own cars and F ., insole for boots and shoes; John for ««thing else. Read whut the Hon. J. M. CoiBnberry Wo received tho following notice last engines to the most important points P. Culver, Tueson, A. T ., water, gas of Cleveland has to say ubont Dr. Wil­ week too late for insertion. Iter. Will in Montana, nnd no transhipment or drain pipe; Geo. W . Deitzler, S. liam’ s Indian Pile Oiutment; I have F ., ovnporative cooler; Cbas. Elliot, used scores of Pile Cures, au within 90 days, li. Miller, Dalla o'clock, and the conference will convenh made our remarks hypothetical. No I caUBO u u y u u e iv s u v u , v m pou*< | u u . • va«i- * j | immediately after the cluee of the service. member of congress has done more uot any longer; therefore, be on AH the ofliciary are requested to 1» pres­ for Oregon than Mr. Georgo, and we time sod do not wait for the collectors, ent. D. N ichols , Pastor. quer t feel grateful to him for the lib era l; for Ihsy are expensive. A dolf W olt . rink. Everything appropriation granted at the last I* drp *» dskc «, Jsn. 17,1883. will furnish you •' . Catarrh cured, bcilth and sweat breath la fo r o ta tle a R a a lr S . secured by flh i^ b a Catarrh Remedy. session, for il was mainly through Considerable enthusiasm was ItUDM. La