ftí E P O U COUNTY ITEMIZER. | L in c o l n it e m s . S T A T E AN I» T E R R I T O R I A L . IX D tP E .V B E .X E ITEMS. AIRLIE ITEMS. »Suva vvkvat. MAX'» M M TAIinr. Mrs Alderman is now visiting her I Iraoii out » fecial coatssrovDBsv.] We clip th# following from the Daily (F R O M O C R S F E C I A L C O E R ItS P O N 'líK X T . 1 Jack Vincent, who was tried in the (laughter, Mrs. Duncan. . * There will be a regular meeting of the Like as the damask rose you see, Circuit Court for Cbehalia County, Oregonian; Fall town wheat In this sec­ Or Will Dalton has removed to S ot ver. like a blossom on a tree, Mr. William Get.rtr* u;u i . . . council on Tuesday evening next. . ... . ITEMS IN K ltlE F. tion of the country, I tliiuk, ia pretty • . , . , >r8e» nas kilUtl this ' , J , , . . i «IBS uuui « » t nimm* leu on aiouuay i W. T., a short time since, for shoot­ Misa Dollie William» left on Monday’ a Or like a dainty flower in May, --------- I w,,lter ‘' “ it1« below Lincoln, G5 . A *ton and baker shop have train to visit her many friends ut Dallas. ing John Westfall, and found guilty well couketl, though it was a very cold Or like the morning to the day. ,b printing of all kind, done at the , ***> ft“ a « 5 ducks. been added to our town during the past Ea McBride made a gyillg trip to Mon- Hurt/ of Polk, of murder in the second degree, hue roost But this it not tile first time wheat Or like the sun, or like the shade, • lu lb« matter’ ■Ti uxtta office. i . 1 “ “ 1" M|Uj - « ! ctunae hand, by the j , 1----- ’ * Returning ' " Monday ' Or like the gonrd which Jonah had— lDou ii “ Sunday, t\ e . R. Miller, minor been granted a new trial by Judge has been killed by frost. And __________ as I have Even such is man, whose thread is spuD fiuo line of triuies of »11 kind, at | “ « # >• a good chance for a Quito a number of our cittrent went to Ed thinks he'll go again. (hau Stouler 0 To SylTMter I Green on the grouud that the ver- had some experience in the business, 1 Drawn oat and out, and so is done. H Miller’ s* ¡good inyuatmont; the two mills can be | the State Temperance ! bought cheap In the iMBM of tJ Ed Ford and Juo. D. Palmer, have at — give it to you for the benefit of your Alliance, which met at that place’ on last1 last succeeded iu securing houses for diet was uot in accordance with the 1 will The rose withers, the blossom blasteth, rent reduction in price» at \V. C. evidence.—Evening Telegram. >> ednesday. The flower fades, the morning hastetb I Tho bottom has fallen out of the now their families, we are glad to have them numerous readers, or to whom it may |lt. «u'l. court room theraof.'tt Da The son sets, the shadow flies, Kyte road. It will take Ç1,000 to make A dispatch from Walla Walla concern. H. D. Foster and Mrs. Lucinda Chitt- "B h they are valuable citizeus. tr. McMnrn Hod »on, of Salt Crook, it as good as the old one. The gonrd consumes, the mau-he dies. bro, of Independence, were married on ! Ntzaro is dead, or at least we dont see gnys thav-F. C. Hammond, the man j The The full full of of 1855 1855 I I had a finid of fifty > u. a call on Monday, Thu Imperial Mills have purchased all the evening of the 20th inst., Chief J u s-' any more items in your valuable paper who killed Grinnell, at Ainsworth, acres welt summer fallowed and sown Like to an arrow from the bow, ¡M s r e t t p * ' utler DeLathmute li»» for aulu 100 tho wheat at Lincoln with tho exception tice J. T. Ford, of Independence precinct, from this point with his siguatme. n « ; l the D L claim , Or like the swift course of water flow, thence eouth <11 che. I 1 u{ mu lid aheop, for «-’ .75 per head, of 5,000 bushels and that is not .vdd yet. officiating No cards, no cake, no fool - ! Tom Williams has purchased u new hoe had a preliminary examination on early, ami a finer stand and growth I Or like tho tide ’twixt flood and ebb, «) ch», thence wot 2 Saturday, the result of which was imvt) „ , ver m u Hut that winter was Or like the spider’s tender web, 'or denti.trr, go to Matoii, over Rut- Aleo thet other tract . 1 and a straw rake an _ l aaya !ge v * Daly Lnfuyotto Tnwnsoml, son of David iahness. ____ ________ «.»j® if *• Ju " “ v*® '"*/ that he was ordered committed on v N oi the &E corner uch liku thii_ „ ry cold aild no Or like a race, or like a goal, , grocery »tore. , 11 1 will be kind enough te lend him hi» ® o1® «ml wife, thence w»-* ____ _ iwvm | Presbyterian Liout. Schwatka did on not lecture at the t thinks he will succeed in raisiug the charge of murder, without bail, Townsend, is quito sick. Dr. McAfee church last Wednesday! . . , . T - » t T Or like the dealing of a dole— clw to Ihe piece of t, edneaday 1 liaP» 118 lIunlts will *uccee. lain- ir. A. Shultz who lias boon nick for This led by the future time. trading points in the county. Imperial Mills. Aitort: railroad company let to J. B. Mont-1 , Prl,,i! »heat. It was then the last of The dole soon dealt,man’s life soon done I>ll.y A B i n « « , Any». M -nil duy'a ia able to bo on the atroot 1.1 ( We loam that a petition ia being cir- The/allow who seat Charlie GouM[that gomery & Co., tho contract for con - 1 February. I walked over the field, pou- A good toachor could find employment ag. in. Like to tho lightning from the sky, ciliated in town ¿ k in * tho Bo,ml of J»1*“,11™ T ^ i T n , 7. ' i u h «v.a structing the grade and the bridging dering what to do. I had ordered my here this spring and summer, as our school ball will Be «iron at J. W. Way mire. rii . . . swear that Charlie lias two good eyes, County Treasurer’* I rupees to raise the saloon l.scense to ftU(, U.ut mtdicines. he is not iu of the link between Portland and | uien to KOt oat the plows and team» and Or like a post that quick doth hie, Tr lay evoniog March kill. No admit- directors are anxious that our school 9o00 Or like n quarter in a song. per amnum. That means we sup- j ueed 0f any shall bo a good one. So far there h;i9 t,o :e except with partner.. Or like a journey three days long. Kalntna. Work will begin imme-: come on to plowing. 1 met thorn as they O ffici of T t t u n t u or I pose, that the petitioners prefer that the , been but one application. liu Cora Riley, <’f Saiem, came over diately, and the contract requires J were coming Into the field. I said, “ stop, Or like a snow when summer’s come, whiskey that ia sol,! in this place should , . " e,\rfe T * * "rr? ;.to “ *ru ‘ h?,‘ T Mr. Weeks is running the black-smith Or like the pear or like the pluin, / . * i r * friend Mr. I. P. Smith who recently re- be sold Wednesday', stage for a visit among hid fauli|y ‘from that it be finished September go back to the barn, and prepare ninety Even such is man, who heaps up sorrow ,! shop here. He has charge of it for three. over one bar instead of two o r , cen„ y MmjYe<1 irj nil ill Dali»». The company will lay the iron, 1 romiurer’« offlee « « demand, mud that his brother who has gone to California; I Washington Teritory to this vicinity, cou- line is thirty-nine miles long, and bushels of whoat for sowing. The next I Lives but this day, and dies to-morrow. on amid orders from this dmte i hero was 0:10 d. d ., up before the po \Y no indebted to Mr. It. M. Site, and he is anxious to sell it as his farm de­ The lightning’s past, the post must go, ; templates returning to ♦bat couutry in ____ K T M ILL«!, Oomfr 1 day I commenced sowing. 1 think it was lice court this week. there will be three miles cf side-track. The song is short, the journey no. fo, ... iu nioo fresh orange, this week. mands all of his attention. Here is a j the near future for the purpose of enter­ the 28th day of February. I know it was The peAr doth rot, the plum doth fall. Many thanks. in g into the stock business. Wo regret Evoning Telegram. rare opportunity for a good smith who is Summons. The snow dissolves, aud so must all. | loosing Mr. S. as he has a great many | The Eugene City Guard in speak­ the 4th day of March I finished. That V E ItK Y D A L E IT E M S . ! ; i Mr. Perkins will not bo able to anxious to secure an encellont location at j friends her a model ate [nice. In the County Court of th« State of Orugua, tor th att .oil bin apointni«nt at Lewiavillu on bushels of as Like to the grass that's newly sprang, ing of the commencement of the harvest T threshed [FROM Ol'R SPECIAL CORP.RHPONDEVT.J County of Polk. | Wo now have a blacksmith shop in run­ Stato University says: The senior ik : I Sabbath. St. Valentines day brought with it its fine white winter wheat as ever grew for Or like a tale that’s now begun, H. Hinchberff, Plaintiff, vs. Georg* O r l f l M , Ds Mutton sheep in good demand. Sales femiant. o.|,,- state Temporinao Alliance is in usual amount of fun, and the entertain­ made by E. C. Key to at four dollars per ning order with Tom Price at the anvil. class of the -State University ____ have each and every acre in the field, and there Or like the bird that’ a here to-day, To George Griawold, the Defendant above-aanwd: Tom is a first class workman and a jolly , c.]logen Wallace Mount valedictorian ment given by the people of Lincoln „ in Albany this week. No reports head. chosen Wallace Mount vnledietorinn was at least five acres fell down that we Or like the pearled dew in May, N THE NAME OP THE STATE OF I------------- proved to be the richest treat of the (• it u. vet. Or like an hoar, or like a span, > you are hereby notified and i 1WM, tr e d l “lie 7.%P reparC ftd to d T a il Miss Emma Cornelius saluta- The social “ hop” at J. II. Downing», never cut or tried to save, ouly by turn­ Or like the singing of a swan— and answer the complaint tied i;,v. Mr. Perkins has been quite sick season. The programme was a good one kinds Of IU work at u( moderate prices. Those j tonan._ Senator Slater, through his above-entitled action, in the abovvnaoM during tho week was a pleasant affair. wMW t,40 uacil - » -- *--- O — “ *■' ing the hogs in tho field. They saved it Even such is man, who U vf • by breaih, who are iu need of work done in bis 1 line son, W. T. Sluter, kindly woh rheumatism, most of this week, lie and was well acted, much better than was 1 Dallas, in aaid Polk County, by the flrat offered to Is here, now there, in life and death. ctod, as most of those who took part I j Wo weje ph-ased to see tho smiling face , wrill do well to call on him. { term of «aid Court following the complete in ..till confined to the house. in tho music and literarv ........ of tliU Summons, being Monday, the id d_„ secure from Mount Vernon nu elm in a manner that paid me about as well The grass withers, the tale is euded, Mr. (leo. o Kelty on our our streets streets during during | j Arrangements 4- -------------* nre being considered ■i-iirv exorcises never ' m y on . A. D., 1883. And you are hereby farther no«, I D. 1-eo has on hand a good stock of for a class tree if the seniors desired as T bad nut and t.b***'«b«d it,, a» nork I The bird is flown, the dew ascended, ituiA nail iu such exorcises . i before. Iti- In- the , ,, week, ,, . . erection .. _ also Mr. Dud Saling, merchant to the of a new school . _ building if you fail so to appear and answer, for want g« is ut low prices. You can not do bet- . 1.,,., ‘ „ 1.1 i„ n no» Ion». • s 12J cents a pound that year, but that [ Tuu LwUi iz rhrr4, ♦v>* the plaintiff will take ------- * • i „ w i» it in Airlio this year. Ibis enterprise is such a one. Tho class unanimously Duncan, W. at Ballaion. I — — » wmts.ii tei t inn to do your coming year’s trading The swau near death, man’s life is done. had uou.Aii* Abrams Mra. (li is-1 Pro* Järvi» has returnod accepted the offer, aud have written :th the whsat. A. iionry. Miss Lois Ybranis^Mrs.1 Gris'- Prof. Jarvis returned from rather “ “ c„ h “ !* d*4 “ ,h8 b “ 9. been Pollan, ami interest with him. month from t‘ Id and \V. Dimciin. The Tiie prefonnance ; 1 an ,U1 extended visit vis't to neighboring lieighborini towns. for a long time iu a delapidated condition to the Senator requesting him to I only givo this as an instance to show Like to the bubble iu the brock, ♦ ho costs a n d ------ - ut u u i a it. v. Gun. Pewtherer (Baptist) will tho Horiiimiica by Mrs. Griswold ae Everybody glad to soo him back. and a nuisance to the community Or in a glass much like a look. [finn ordered nni.....I by »... lion. .. ’ " " A. T Johns, *. forward it immediately. how much more wheat there would have Publication C. Judge. pi It regularly on the 3rd Sabbath of coutpanied by Mr. Duncan on the guitar, Pone at Chamber», January 24,1882. Our blacksmiths Glandon & DeBerry Farmers iu this vicinity nte begining to Or like the shuttle in weaver’s hand, ea. month ut the Suit Creek school been to tho acre, and how it is possible Or like the writing in Tne sand, Messrs. B rey man, Summerville BELT * PIPE». seemed to be especially enjoyed by the are doing a rushin - business judging we" r lon8 ,nces on ncccnnt oi tho present ho 0. Attorneys for Plaintiff. audio»:c. from the lively sound of the lmnimor. | Pr°spects of a short whsat crop. Wheat and Luckey, of Ocboco valley, made, we may make money by this freeze yet. Or like a thought, or like a dream, r. Nathan Connor, of Ballston, Literary exorcises consisted of readim* I -m____ ____. . , . , 1 certainly looks bad anil should it be fro- ou Wednesday, February the 7th 1 know a freeze, where ground is fall Or like the gliding oi the stream— S h e r if f ’s Even such is man, who lives by breath, 'ea do 1 at our office on last Thursday. We hy W. A. Henry. ‘ His !*a is Initiated ” 1 H '8 present management of our county i ztn out, farmers will be placed to a great one of the largest transactions of plowed, is as good as a heavy coat of Is here, now there, in life aud death tr. ndebted to him for two boxes of nice Fred Toner. Declamation ‘ -Red Jacket'” : I!"1"“' ““ l’? ' “ » “ f01' “ 1* wltl* «oilie auxieth inconveniance to proouro seed for rtsow- the kind that lias ever taken place o t ic e is h e r e b y g i v e n t h a t b t manure. Now I am going to do the same Ralbli Ton r Dpcl-mvifinn “ r tV 1 f V 01,1 PnoP*° an^ we aro gkd to state ing in the spring there being but little , execution Unwed out of th* CtreuD The bubble's out, the look forgot, v.ii. cr apple. A thousand thanks. oi the sute of Oregon, for the County of M b IM* p Kicking lou.r. in Declamation Lots of | the general venlict is, “ The Good'’ s till' grain reserved in the neighborhood for in Oregon. They sold their ranch thing ovor again, on the same field, but Solid tho Poorer Kind The ahuttle's flung, the writing's blot, a decree therein rendered on the 9lh t l a v ? ^ "* * * V u are pleased to report that the wife in Crook County, together with the ot sticketh to her yet. ! an S ome T imes au emergency. The thought is past, the dream it gone, ber. 1882. wherein Ladd A £ Ä °* Mule.” Reeitiona Morning, MissMable and child of Mr. B. Higgs, who have I. N David eon, Christina Davidson ~and"TZZu horseB and the cattle thereon, to A. not upon auunner fallow, and if it is a The waters glide, man’s life is done. Messrs. Ariainsou S: McFarland of j t. i, sick for sometime with intermittent McGrow; Noon, Miss Additi, Clangle; Marion couuiy were in town this week l ♦nick were Defendants, and to me d lJ S rted a ld 'd !* good season I expect to get ten bushels H. Johnson, of Portland, for a pri­ ZE N A IT E M S . Night, Misa Minnie Townsend; “ Never j recting and commanding me to tell t h o M to w W a l fever, are about well again. ¡ten bed premise«, to-wit: Th* weet m Z K Z T L *?' vate figure; Portland paper more to the acre than if it had net frozen Ilk U S t t r Mind What They Say,” Myrtle Nichols; purchasing dray horses for tho Seattle i „ , but a roruaml FLOOD* IX T i l l EAST. Uun Land Claim of Elijah D. Butler Mr. A. C. Nichols it wife, of Derry, “ Write Thotn a Letter To-night," Minnie market, and we nnderstrnd good prices [r»oM in « sracixL co«K»roMi«vr.i says it will take nearly $150,000 to out. I give this as my experience of that Butler, his wife, niLuated in Polk County, ** r. in town on Tuesday. Mr Nichols Townsend. Essays—“ Nine teenth Cen-i were offered. and market! and designated on the i S h Ü u V Weatlici very changeable. settle up the whole matter if they year and what I will do this year if the The whole country has been ap­ survey» of the United ,S the employ of Kratz & Washburn tury” by Miss Alice McLeutli. ill States as NotifwTL ÎÜT Mr J. P. Frizzell met with a severe ac- vocal Rev. W. D. Nichols will preach here | deliver what stock they claim to bo element» will let me. “ fu rti at W m . B aklow \ of ti at place. palled at the accounts of the great Township 9, 8. of R. 1.. S, west , of the Willamette lía» Music Quartette, Misses Abrams,Craugle \ cident Inst week by having the fleshy part jto-uiorrow at 11, a. in., nil are invited. able to do. T h e number of cattle idiaii, *aid went half containing 204 lft-iniT# *er*s, and ire and fresh drugs of every kind and Mrs. Abrain3. Vocal »Solo—“ When ' of his thumb cut almost to the bone, Hoods that have been for some time We believe everybody got their share on the range bearing their brand that the proceeds of »aid sale h e ? ' ' a u i ; a L .iK c l i p p e r . . >ii. cantly oil hand at Jap. It. Millers. the Leaves Bogin to Fall,” by Miss Lois making a very ugly and painful wound, devastating the valleys of tho Ohio ri'Ht, in (tavinent * “ — — l t „ , „ a* follows: j cannot be far from five thousand, to He seeps every article belonging to the Abrams. “ Tho Warbling of the Birds,” j There is some hopes of tiie wheat crops of valentines iu this vicinity. and tributary rivers. A t Cinein- »uw oi «»JO »Horn«»»' f. to U dd * ftuh.' TMid. J. J. Flynn lelt for McMinnville one snv nothiug of tho horses. Messrs, by Misses MoGrew and Onmgi«. “ Take ! reviving, in this locality; in fact we are trade, Tho famous clipper ship Young Amer­ th« pftrm.nl ol th. day this wcclt, whore he has scoured a Breymau and Summerville nre now natti the river rose to the prodi­ to Shiloh’ # Cough and Consumption Cure mo Homo Where Mother Dwells,” by told by some of our best farmers-that the job at his trade. • j n t i i fee", to Lewi. H e T o i l o k T r S n i ^ l S * ? ^ ica is lying at Flanders' wharf discharging p u», if any, t * l*o pa|.| t<> the defendant! N iw » u gious hight of sixty-five feet above .» sold by ns on u guarantee. It cures tho Misses Walling’s. Dialogue by the past freeze has even improved the pros- j residing in East Portland, where her first cargo at this port. A visit to There is a yonng man o , b,- ,lrtu.o< the p rm Z iiiJ J id Y H " Consumption. Forsuleby Jap. It. ililler, little folks, “ Playing Singing School.” ! poet, they giving for a reason that where low water level, and not only flood­ 1 i " 1“ “ N this commit- they have recently made some large ". »hsriff, .III wu, to th . hlffhw bU M i ' « £ i the vessel yesterday resulted in many in- •bov.^Mcrllwd |.remi«o, on * **» it las. After the exercise» the post oil]ce was : one shoot has been bit off there will be nity that is in trouble. Will some lenuer tender I j investm ents in real estate.—State ed but litterally overwhelmed a M .lu r tln ), I h r .id i m , # r M « r « a , itffff. tesesting facts being learned as to her I ho new house of W. G. Harris, oppo­ opened and valentines were distributed to i two spring up from the root», but others heart step forward and help Johnny to J 0urlm ] large portion of the city. find the dear one, that scut him that | • i n n « In froot ol the c „ urt H eo«, door, In th . Tow» ho will 1 Main and Meridian streets for a hotel to Iowa in 1840, and from there to Cali- j matter of justice to myself I desire to j career o f ' The society, its special to “ Davy Jones’ locker,” or nre doing 8cripti«ms are I»___ ,-ing _ .«/.»«.u v m ! - •* — —**■'** forwarded fo r Uln ‘« tie tu the w at .ml the County Temperance Alliance i building 30xtSO feet. We do not know of f 1 .. C »1 ... o -ril*.,» tr.u t of huid, hrwiír^||Riiiílt»r#. cure has been the menial service and aro not heard of. The from various .sections of the cotkH’ ' ‘ ■r frm tt ^ —* — * - Swtkio • No. at Independence, before returning home. ! a nicer location for a hotel than tho one fornia in 1853. iSix years later lie came i state that there is no “ misunderstanding I ch a rge and _ try», the **-»*^ M outhed curoor liio. thu Monogchala I - ------ .... v..v oktiui toieu in ni» complaint proved ■u «»«»ge in «11» livsjy | with tbe a m b ia n ce o f friend#, T he to recover. | horses hero and there are a dozen or inure and .after a painfully protrated illness, business in the e.ty, nnd Mr. ForJ 'v.tU H om o „ „ „ bu ilt> and it |)as l)0enf and to these features is due much of her for, together widi conte and dlebursemeut* of thi* an various other rivers tho dostruc- suit. Anyone wishing to purchase - good ‘ [ »fflieteil Miiiilarly. Tho ilisease ¡» ».nao-; ,Iied „ „ Slluday mornin., the llt li of whom l made sale will not say so, the Published bv order of Hon. H. P. _ fact is I did not desire to sell out, for by unload, a hom e to many hundreds o f present strength. She is 248 feet in I tion has been very great indeed; uld thing like the blind sta/geiv. 1 here has ,» . e, ind-hand, No, 7 cooking stovi DAJ«Y A B< S&ÄT*1 tho kind patronage of tho citizens of Mar- helpless children. As the city has length over all, 45 feet breadth, 2G feet and there nro very few cities or dated January HI, I8,i8, do well to call on Mrs. Axom of this boon several fnt:>l cases: One man lust I F.obru',ry 1883> Rt 8:40 »• •“ •.** thu Attorney» for r Plaintiff. of P) 3*ears, 3 months and 5 days. Mr. ien and Polk Couuties my business linJ gro w n , the dem ands for charity have 7*indies deep and registers 1439 tons. i towns along these streams that have place. We can testify to its good .p o li­ three, and another two by it. tic» as we have used it for a few days. Summons. Somo of our farmers who have ex­ McCoy was a good substantial citizen. bocaino very remuneration lo me nnd I increased and the ladies now find Her main mast is 207 feet in length, be­ not been more or less flooded. We only »old out because they gave u s a largo tjjat thev have uot at Tho H om e Mr. G. \V. Hubbard, of Liltle Lnckia- amined their fall grain report that a great Ho was the proprietor of the town of price ing ns high as that of the largest wooden ' have seen no estimate as yet of tho In tho Circuit Couit of tho State of Oregon, tor Ik* and I thought that I could do better . ..... .... mutte called at our otlice on last M oo­ deal of it is killed. They also report that McfV»y, and took quite an interest in | 'with » new Stable. Tbe livery business ; facilities fo r keepin g the many child- ship afloat.—Orogonian. County of Polk. | number c f lives lost or families dily. lie reports the wheat crop not seri­ there is not wheat enoiurh in the country iu Salem is very largo* much larger than red w hom providen ce directs to tbeir T. F. Smith, Plaintiff, v». Oscar Eloper, j left without the necessary means ously injured in his section and also that to resdw the ground. Bather a bad show­ building it up. To havo the town site the present stables can accommodate, To O.icar Hloper, the Defendant above- A I ' i u m i i i m u n t i . p t r i t . of support. Doubtless ~ so ck is doing well. ing for this country. Yet in all proba­ located on his land, aud take his name, and if in my new business I can only get care. Th ey need a larger and a the number 11N TI,K n a m e of t h e s t a t e or oeboon . bettor b u ild in g , and Lave called up­ , m i i x ) ou are hereby notiflod and required to appear t be so bad as first lie gave tho \V. O. It. R. Co., 10 acres of ¡each year, the patronage which was Interesting religious services wore held bility things will The time when we may meet with i wl11 bP vcrY Kreat. Rml l l w ll‘ be |»»# ■aswsirMra c ™ i W » i m«.i j o o In th. on tho p e op le to aid them. M r. in tho Baptist church, in this place, on reported. : valuable land. Mainly through His etForts turned away by myself and Captain Scott j . » . — — ------- — • | pioneers, whose residence in the far sometime before the destitute are! n»iu. i. —m o»u. during the past season, I will have lull*», III Mill Folk County, by tbe flnt day o f’ th* o-t Sabbath. Her. P. Holman (pastor) A movement is on foot to organize a a new school district was organized for all j 1 Villard has given them a block, aud northwest dates back into the thir- properly cared for. In the mean- term of mid Court following the complete publieeltee can attend to. If the business did Glciated at the service in the morning, joint stock company for the purpose of ------ — uot they want twenty thousand dollars jjea anj forties, draws rapidly to a time, it is refreshing to note bow of thi« Sum in on», being the Moond Monday, th* 14th •lay of May, A. D., 1883, tut by law required. Aed building a saw-mill here. Some practical McCoy and a school hoe«, in prove« o f : J « “/ » **• 1 f " ' " “ '*. and Rev. J. James in tho evening. ^ pUtt,ng.S close, — J."H u,nB o * "Pi | U lUSU, nr.,1 perhaps two decades ready and prompt the American you are hereby farther notified thet if you toil a* te A n d they w ant fifty thousand l j i,eDC0( Prom a card sent Ilev. J. James wo saw-mill man with limited capital can find hoihuK at .ho time of his death. *p|)«ar end airewer, for want thereof the plaintiff will Ti^O^ imo'“»1 t w ^ u ’ b le" wUh am «•« ‘ «cord of the early I people are b, come to the rescue of i and l»y hard work and! 4. early | take judgment against you for the rum *f (SfiAM) 1. mi that Mr. \Y. C. Wills arrived at a good opening. d lla rs m ore fo endowment, be - - i ***. n is o n ------- » tlmt 1 il V8 l - i l 1 - D O solely a silent one. In j close economy lmd accumulated valuable I °.1 . . comJ,ltltop the field. u Sincoly , . . , o i(> ,.r r an .i______i------ 1 1 1 ,iaV8 J « w¿1 Sixty five fifty one hundredth Helton, and tor the Mr. E. C. 11.11 had the the mistortune misfortune to ♦ property. .Mr. a. wr ---------- V’ »’.— T r r thankiog the I . home, east of the mountains, after 11 thanking the people of Pofk County fox j tlj0 sup port o f the orphans may be v;p\v nf tUia their fellow countrymen in such co»t» and di»bur»enieiit« of thi* action. .11 hart to Me Coy was what is called thnir generotj tllfiil’ ireiini'dlu: si... f nQCiii'o/1 1._ • ___ • _ C* 1.111» fuct personal remi I1Ì3- Thi» Suimnoii» ordered publiah«d on Ik* el d ys travel, and found all well. Pis out a deep goal h in the cap of his knee; j a liberal. He read and greatly admired hopo ous tmlvnnaoa patronage it» with ne seasons of distress. .** the past I | assured. Mr. Corbett Las given ten | Cences related by such o f these brave named defendant lor »i.t ••«miecutive w**ka In now liar the cut interfer res with his locomotion to the writings of Toni Paine. He b lie was alive and doing well. a fr#.ab I truixrr , a weekly newspaper published iu messes and new buggies i thousand dollars, and others have | fronUerRmou as stilP occasion ally For lame Back, Side or Chest use Shi- ¡fresh teams, and a large nnd corutnodi does not him to U strong disbeliever in all forms of super a large amt corutnodi- I rmur.d ih . * \ . lame Back, * Side or Chest use Shi- \ •*t does not confine confine him Mrs. C. 0 . Hovvoll, of this place, who some extent, but the » am ount te ert---- fifteen *«---- th ou - 1 i “ l' ,,l “ ;r8l“ 0" il 88 « » « i occasionally I . For « ¡¡¿ L T E i J L ‘'S T tS ji forms of super- jous stable to merit n continuance of the raised laiseu u ie amouiu 10 n iieen in ou cross ollr path and h o ld ou r atten- loli'a Porous Plaster. Prloa 25 cents io . u . ll. s. t o , Jmiseo/ the Sovoml JudicwTst ), s been visiting a sister in San Diego, the house. ! stition and supernatural ism, and request a i m i i u w w i l l 1110 )U1)11C i ; n n f n i. a Y • / i : . ^ *i ----------# same, my new stable will be open about sand. A n d now w ill the p u b lic | tioI1 for a brief time with scraps o f For sale by Jap, It. Miller, Ball».. Scarlet rash lias been having quite a no prayers or other ceremonies at his i; lift,rma, returned aafelv home on Ihurs- the first of June, when I would be pleased make up tho sum d e s ir o d í- O r e g o u - 1 “ . b ,ie f l w ,tb 8cr«P8 “ f ; No fatal cases, but some very burial. ,1 y evening. She is glad to get back run lure ° ! verbal history o f oth er da}’ s have a _l Kloeplo»» nights mads miserable by that JuJ*. ot «aid Court. A. C..8WKBT, to see the familiar faces of my former jaI1 h me, and thinks the vale of tho La Cro- cross ones, and we have reason to feel He left a young wife, of good fam ily. customers once more. I more than passing interest”. tsrrihlo cough. Hhlloh’ s Cura is the ram- °°*7*_______________ ******* thankful that we are through with it. o i beat* San Diego yet. and 3 children, with sufficient property , Very Truly and Respectfully Yours. Wo clip tho following from the This reflection was induced at this n V “ r you' For “ile by Jup' K' “ '"**• Admintxfratar’a Natie# *'• secure them from want or hardship. We are pleased to receive news items G aines F ihhkb . Evening Telegram: East night time hy the call this morning of Mr. D" " a"' T Aaminiliraur» MOM. T !»<* lo ffie ----The trop». After wasting away for just two months j f mi a number of poins this week, hut about 11 o ’c l o c k _________ i I YV. . u . ciray oi Astoria amt the pro- Mr. John Miller, H. Gray of Astoria nnd the pro* | I n d i a n mdsrm . in th. I'ountv cuun oi is. sut* u Ongom, •<» until reduced to a living skeleton, death j Roiifflit Onf. E ditot I tr . m izir :—Many farmers think ire arc quito a number of other points who lives on 21st and L streets, was sentation of a photograph of himself County. the citizens w. of i Our enterprising townsman Mr. M. M. h m which we have not lionrd. Wm hope 1 that tho freeze we li»ve had this winter is ended his sufferings, _o_I and ___ ____ aroused hy a noise, as of some one und wife ns taken ten years ago. In th . nu»tt.r of th . EMra. ot 1 has nurclrasod the o • correspondents will find something of I R d l, to t|,0 prB31, oll McCoy and Polk County loose » good EUi Special Indian Agent Garduer is prowling around in the house. The^rains of winter have moistened > entire stock of ‘ * »••bra i citizen .and the noblest of natures ix-. works, at presenton tbe Sound inspeting tbe \ OTICK IS 1IKRKHY GIVEN TO WHOH IT MAT ” cre!,t w#ck' i account of it. having killed out much of an honest man goods of Mr. W. C. Brown, in this place, Proceeding to investigate, he found aud the dews and sunshine of sum- - 1 coiiram, that 1 have bran appointed AdadnMra. J am es S e ar s . • >i. account of pressure of other mat- the fa]1 , offi but frolll observation. ! several agencies. In conversation ter ot tha Krtat. ol M «*rret Tkfftey, tete •« FUk some one in the front room, and mer have kissed the tod above the and is now eugagod in taking an inventory teis we have been compelled to omit the . ° . County, fie. «wot. All jsnuna haiin, elalara ■ f.I .il with a reporter of tbe Post-Inteli- m ib r ie d . raid «.1.1« are r.-.piir«tf te prawnl tka raras te rara real estate transactions of the county ftir during a residence of more than thirty- of stock preparatory to opening for busi­ thinking it might be the Chinese kindly face of tho pioneor woman, ---------. geuce be is represented ns having ex* duly v.rifteil, within .1« mouth, frara thi. Sate, MU several weeks. We promise our readers, j five years in this countv, I think the loss ness. Mr. Ellis is a good business man, servant, called out to him. The man but tbe pictured face is still aglow pressed bimself os follows in refer- »11 partena indahtwl tharate a n I---------- * and ------ Miss . 4 Clara and *• has however, to have them prepared for next j comparatively trifling, when we consider n m Mr. :_. n Ray r *1 L. r Farmer c 1 ----- |—«• — • hall a large experiem.0 iu the answered in a mumbling tone, and witb sweetness and marked by the em.a to Moses and tbe large reserva- iuimediate |ia, m«ut. O. J. BAOLET. .___ threw up his hands, when Miller ^ » » d w .„ try thou to keep then, up , tion. TI freeze has Z ' ennicst purpose of a long and useful tion which lies immediately north of U ai . t k B ctl ««, AttortMy. for Adm'r. p/ u E I». IBATURDAY, FEB. U , 1883. I N supposed he was going to shoot, | U9: If m 1 a killed »»ut more wild oats , . and . woeds trrain n He will 1 h - t . open _ out 1. . in fired a pistol with which ho lmd life. H. w W. *r McElmurry, of r T Independence, . than , « that • ! « city, « » on Thursday the 15th of Febru- again, e win De ready to In the sprinstirae of 1883 there P ILE S ! P IL E S ! P ILE S I Tho direct followers of Chief looked in on Mff thiff week. He reports •ummer-followmir cou.d do; it has a few days when the people may lo >k out armed himself. Tbe stranger drop- \ started ncross tbe continent from a M oses ilo not t *! a large portion of the fall wheat is puffed up and pulverized the soil, so as A small company of friends assembled tor tho cheapest gfw>ds ever bought in Moses do be uot pod to the floor, and Mr. Miller j village in western New York a bri- though bos number over H I, nl- A Sure Cure Found at Last! bhiKist draan out by the root by the late to learo it iu better condition than any w^ ne“ nuptials and partako of the Dallas. called assistance, when it was dis- flal party of which this couple formed t - a : . — n small following No One Need Suffer! variable weather. He thinks it quite plowing can do; and all that is necessary i^dispensible wedding dinner. It w.o*! --- ------------------- ___ covered that tbe supposed burglar a part. Tbe other members were among Indians of other tribes. He K rliscloti* A p p o in t m e n 1« 1 ubtful whether it recovers or n^t. I to replace the crops injured will be to r»i- one of the most enjoyable affairs of the ■ lias never occupied the largo reser- a hurs Cure for Blind, Bleeding, itch- bad a scalp wound extending several Bov. E. Walker and wife, Rev. C. Mi»« Rosa Site* was the recipient o fa tow ard harrow the ground; it will not kind which it has been our privelege to ! M. K. church appointments. The 2nd vation set aside fur him aud his peo- lug and Ulcerated Pile» hat been diacovtr- and 4th Snbbatii of edc-li month, nt Dallas. inches across tho top of his head, | Eels and wife, nnd Rev. A. B. Smith ple, hut lives in the Inespellim vulley, od by Dr. Wil)iam,(an Indian Bemady.) pleasant surprise party, given her Meed to be replowcd. The prospect* will attend for months. Buena Vista, 1st and 3rd Sabbath of hut was not dangerously injured, and wife. Their destination was a l her Academy school-mates on hist be the best for spring crop* wo have had where lie has resided for years. This c*n*d. D/ ' William's India« Ointment, Tho wounded man proved to ho Mr. missionary station in the Colville valley Miss Croizen is a neice of our towns- ( ' each month. ►a nrdny evening at her home in Dallas. for many year*, and our wisest, farmers, is between Priest’s Rapid, A t.ngl. bo, ba, cnrral th. w .rtt ehroni. Fho was also presented a nice gold pen­ who had intended to summer-follow large man Mr. L. M. Hall. Mr. Farmer is 1 Independence, tho 3rd Sabbath of each W. W. Leach employed on the Sun- County, now in Yakima County, cases of 25 or 30 years standing. month. and Camp fields, will now sow them to spring grain, holder and pencil, as a token of the es­ day Welcome as foreman of the com- Washington Territory. Tbeir mode ___ suffer ___ five minutes after apply* . Spokane. S i, I , shall . recorn- one need foreman in Mr. .John Crawford’s store Dixie, the 4lh Sabbath, at 2, p. m., of and reap large crops off of them instead inencl tunt this \nlley bo M ( aside ing this wonderful soothing r a d ir is , teem of her young friends. posing room. Upon being asked to „ f travel was on horso»;ack and all for Moses and his people, and that Lotions iii.trnmonta and tleotnarits of being compelled to let them lie follow and tin store in Salem. The young peo- each month. The entertainment given at La Crole Salt Creek school house, 4tli Sabbath, explain his presence in tbe house, tbeir worldly poscssions wero plased |jis largo reservation, which embra- : “ or#bar“ *han k00«1- William’sOinl Academy on last Thursday evening, by this year. If the farmers generally take pie start off with good prospects, and we at 11, a. m., of each month. he said that yesterday afternoon lie upon pack animals Their mission- ces a number of rich mines, be thown absorbs the tumors, allays tto i the Literary Societies of the school, in 1 tho proper view of the situation, wo will wish them a prosperous journey through met a stranger who claimed to be a —j ary ------ work ------- among Spokane “ and open _ a'Ur F ree « r <”— !• •— the open to to tho tho public, public. In li«u of this itching, (particularly at uight honor of Washington’s Birthday was a have a larger overage of grain this year, life. real estate estate dealer, dealer, and v . . I’ P erco . . — Indians, T- -,:---— J- ' - broken • uu • by very much, than we have ever had be­ and thev they took took Nos rudely by -™ jar„ e track ef land I have recom- ting warniiiu bed,) acts aa a poultics, _ All persons wishing to test the merits of very enjoyable affair. The music was instaut relief, aud is prepared only for a great remedy—one that will positively sovernl drinks together and Leach the Whitman mas»aore, is a matter; mended thnt Moses bo paid $100, Piles, itching of ths private parts, and quite g.H#d, and the literary exercise* fore; and there can be no doubt o f a large M O .Y U O I T H IT L IIS . i yield. O bserver cure Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, mentioned that be would like to buy of pioneer history, but forever un- quo ¡n mouey, in installments. For for "«»thing else. * ere excellent. We hope to hear from Feb. 22 1883. Bronchitis, or any affection of the Throat some lots, or a house and lot, they written nnd soon umememberod will ¡nstance, $'20,000 as the first pay­ f FROM ih r ftftmL COS—SPWSSSS|.|* the societies again. ho<$d what the Hon. J. M. Coffin berry are requested to call at J. R. load visited several pieces of property, be the privations an fatigues of that Went, $10,000 each year for eight of Cleveland has to nay about Dr. WU* Mr. Jos. Niles agant for the *S. F. Cal! I.imr ■ I j ♦ I inn r tm# i a t . ,? Milltt * Drug Store and get a Trial Bottle This in fin, so Lcncli says, to o k kiln bridfll io o r o fT on liorHfiL&rk noarlv .> ». • .» «-« « liam’s Indian Pile Ointment; I havo . ■* ............... ...... spent a few days in town this week, so- Some excitement lias been created by was ing*s New Diwcovery for C Con A of D r, King'» D iL ov.rv hr o . to t h . h e n .» i„ whiM. . -------- --- “ _____ V. journey ioaTDfJ on o n horseback ,lor88back nearly ne8rlJ years thexenfUr, hy the General ' Gov used score« of Pile Cures, and it affords heiting for that paper. Ho shed a ray of thc discover!-, by A. Stinit, of what seems bedside of his father, who waa suffering sumption free of eost, which will show to the houso in which he was shot, f half a century ago. Of the brides ernnent." inc pleasure to *say that I havo with typhoid puustnonia and was quite show him him the the rooms. rooms. „ who made the notable journey Mrs. sunshine in our "ftice on Tuesday which to be a good quality of liine r»»ck on the you what a regular dollar-size bottle will in order to show m e noinote journey jur#. I While w c are postively in favor of fo n m l » n j t h i n g w h t c h g a v # tu«h 1™"«« /« „ „ , , m u « e •» »' * was quite refreshing in contrast with the farm of Judge Truitt near this city. sick but is better now. do. They »went in, and the man left G r a y a n d Mrs. Eels have gone to re- treating all good, law-abiding In- ¿rntraeut. R. M. Smith, the druggist, has gone to f**g that hung over the hill on the out There is a:i unlimited amount of the rock Leach standing in the front room, new their lost youth in tho beautiful1 diai,» with rranutlnl eoniiiU r»«»" - — R a rk ir n * « A r n ic a S a lv e. He expects to get a large •'do. We wish he pij*er and from the tests made by our best cx- Portland. telling him be would return in a few summer land; Mrs. Walker, honored dittns with respectful consideration For sale by all druggist*, or mailed i_ The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, agina ble. r-*presents all the success linag j.ert the lime is of, at least, good quality. stock of goods in his line and maybe we are decidedly of the opinion that receipt of prie*, $1.00. minutes with a light. Leach waited a„d beloved awaits nt her home in Bruises. Sores, Ulcers. Salt Rheum, Fever Mr. Wm. A. Basket, a former resident If in more thorough testing this proves some alcohol that don't free—. Hodge, Davis U Co., wholeaale agent nearly an hour and then getting ( ’„rest Grove the summons that has the treacherous rascal called "Chief The literary contest between the socie­ Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, cf this county, now of Denchutan. Waaeo to be the fact it will not only be a bonan­ Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi­ tired, started to find a door, in d o -jca|ie,j j,cr early associates hence, Moses” is not entitled to half tbe Fort land, Oregon. za to the owners of the quarry, but of ties of Monmouth and Corvallis, was well County, caiiie d.v.n from cast yf tho recognition he has already received. tively cures Piles. It is guaranteed to Smith returueu returned vu to m the _ which he fell over a chair. Then ----- | v . and s #« a a Mrs. n a . »7uuiU e n East a si Cascades Ust week. He reports the snow I great importance to the people of the attended last Friday evening at the Col- give perfect satisfaction or money re­ ing He is certainly not entitled to the ___ _ Whooping ... Croup, Cough aud F | , as thus far Oregon has had to get lege Chapel The Judges Hons. C. A. funded. Price, 25 cents per box. For tho door opened and a man asked, I with her husband about 1840. Of Yery light on the Deschutes and stock State “ Is that you?” Leach replied, the bridegrooms Mr. Walker died a princely sum of $100,000 for land he irameuiately relieve J by Shiloh's doing quite well. He brought down thir­ lime from out tide her borders which Johns of Dallas, G. W. Belt and J. T. sale by Jasper R. Miller. does not occupy. If be or any other For »ale by Jnp. B. Miller, Dali»*. “ Yes, I ’m waiting,” and the man number of years ago at Forest Grovo, teen head of horses from I'matiila County makes it sn expensive «article. We hope Ford of Independence. Praised the ex­ ----- r ercises and decided the debate in favor in a starving condition. He thinks that the quarry may prove good. fired at him. He is a good-looking au(j Messrs. Eels aud Gray alone remnant of tbe old Wenatcbie tribe ll.L t» of CorvalltH, and the declamation in favor of warrior. d ..ir .t a tract of land ThoM wbo , niudabudlOM| **tock will suffer severely in that count?, young fellow, with dark curly hair survive. 4 •aviarlas* , I*. Elk I»«, Pn»prl#-I«»r. of Monmonnth. and in all tha eastern portion of tlie State. and a small mustache. He came Certainly do bridal tour o f later for cultivation he ehould be allowed In offering to everyone throughout the Meerschaum is so vslasble and besntifnl This Hotsl is second the h erefrom Beattie and ha* a wife and timet can outdo this one in romance . .-------. . . . _ »i#;.. Und s trial bottle of Hyrup of Figs free of 4 I s i r I 'r n p o - l ll o n . for » .k .n K pipo«, that inferior q»*!*«';* ch3rife ' eoAet for good accomodation», and it firat- cb‘ W with him. A gentleman who am| ,jght toeing, however it may be ruia Fig Syrup Company Anyone suffering from habitual consti Rvc «oaietimro sold for the genuine. J*p is fully aware that it were folljr to do •<> if cl»»» in entertainment. Sample room» knew him at that place says that he eclipsed in comfort sod elegance. il- M il lei has received the fiuest sssort- the new remedy did not poses* greater patiou, torpidity of the liver, colds, fe free for diaplaying good». alwava oro it b .r .e t.r Ho always b bore a orvorl good c character. He --------- —-------- lueut of meerschaum pipes and holders merit than any other article ever offered vers, heartaches, restlessness, sleep! • ver brought to this county, every ose of as a cure for biliousness and constipation. —r :---- , came here with considerable money Catarrh cured, health and »weet breath indigestion or other ills arising from Allan * Osborne, Independence, have and weR.to-do. No charge was »erared by Station . C&U"h Remedy. I Vfhieh he absolutely guarantees to be pure But knowing that every dose s ill con­ a disordered or inactive condition of the *ed genuine. When you buy » pipe at vince tbe one who takes it of its efficacy, liver, stomach and bowels, and wishing furniture which Drt,ferre• »V J»P- R M.lter, . ** *©t genuine. Mr. Miller replaces it which is destined to become universal, can buy it of Jasper R. Miller, Dallas, . chairs of th beat , .• quality, a fine lot will be done in tbe case. another. Meerschaums of the most tbw wish everyone to try it. U t U p Who wifi agree to return your monty if it *< frau»*., ami whatever t. traually int design may be sees ia his show < R. killer is sgent for Dallas. 1 btte to art promptly and tatitfartortlr. i <*rnmd in » firtt-clM» furniture store.