i SM R K im U m w h o c r\ < i: i t e m s . ST A T E N EW S. I I from ein *t-sci ab SassMVOKiMUcr.ir.: *■>•> I TT*-* ■'«" s,t* i«*Kia it*ym:\r.| \ yeung lad of perhaps Itf years of age l(«an u n m oM . i^iu¡»rosui:xT. ¡ !»•« »i * «r*«*'- c M v n s.ts t.1 ¿A L L A S, SA I l'K bA Y . l'EU. 17, HÄ3. Hev». Hollenkiugh and llc rsh w r are B u tter und eggs are scarce at lío cents, ha.; b *eti • he means of solviug a problem „ a, , , . T . Mr. F . S. .Powell, had the misfuitune O no n ig lit lust n c e k ilio s t o r e o i , ' Y.,.TA Poppi* ton, o Iudei.et.de,tco, « , *ful)t wltil u> :lx. U „ u U 1 buldiii'4 a prutrautud at this ¡.Lieo. I Wheat f t . timt h a. bouii ei^agiot' tho attention of M r. H e n ry S in itli on W o lf C'reek • m town on WudB« J * > . ^ ^ fa „ fc d ,,.-*, |*a U able considerable interest is mani.estetl, and I CoM weather defrayed most of t!ic* 1 *-*.o soieutist. and philosophers of this wns btiry h u ixeil am i so m o th in g l i t e t,a I T E M S IX B R I E F . C. T. Waller went to Siilum thu loro J 4.. il __ __ i .» congregations nro mdte largely attended, j potatoes in this section. and other States for a period of t a-n years. f iOO.OO tukou. I t secm » tlia t tb e ! . ---------- to walk around on it. l * r t oí thu week. Mrs. J . H- Iliggs is agaiu quite title. Quite a laughable incident took place tb ie v e s rc m o v e J a window p an e irò ni »ni? 80 ! Mr. W. E . Wilcox, our boss lmntor. i u 1 Mis» J « h » L'li:v...u nor, . i .'a h .::, ' , ^ '• J Mi«» RhotU Culver, who ha» been visit­ here,during our cold snap. Our druggist, two days brought in sixty ducks and sliot vwiUug in t -» u tm i >ue of Mrs. L y lc s fine I101 sei is very ing at this place, ha» ffone to Albany. . v n.er.‘ a M Ilio rc a r wii: low th ro u g b w bich t b e r us®v‘ 89 - sick. 1 he folic Conntv ! eiupemnce Allisnce st.t.ltl „H accounts Huit t» o craz-, inailo th u ir cutram -e u n ii, n ltb o i!;,b '*r0l^a c t* * School closed on Friday last and there M r .--------, had a bottle each oi emuamou them »11 on tho win*. We do not k w m aud peppermint water, which was about to tile ureatest uumbw hid d at one shot, ¡ will inoet lie » February 2Mli and Manch ‘ u.,,,. hnvu blc.„ Iomi Jap. 11. M ilhi 1ms Leen cofifinoil ko Iris will be a vacation for one month. tile mounUins b«‘- tl. a o n a s « c-ieik rlc e p iu g i n a j - tbo sue freeze and he coiudiKluit to lako them to j b||t ^ it i8 enough. 11st and 2d. roi/Ui with 11 sbght «pell of sickucss. Î tween the two streams known S3 Abiquu juiiiiti«; rootu, th è tb ie f to o k cu t tb a w‘iicb i We understand that turkey dinners his rcsidcucc prevent the bottles irotil lias ru-1 Lieut. sSehwatka " ill lecture at tho land, Butte Greek, and that the««) tw »per- ilia iv cr, lumi Mr. A. B . Gibeon, of Salem, was in are taken us tuition in exchangi for rate broukmg Wlta _ Mr. U. F . Wells, . <»£ this place, . lo th è fro n t il or. r tbom . u |ir» SYI.no on the way homo, n ,iUocolilll j cioved tho rigiit t*» sell tho Monrux-h ,|h>e Presbyterian chun a next Woduoad&y son» have caused considerable trouble tr u n lo ck eil it nini w eut ou t. Some- tuie ta u t. P e o p le t< wn 011 Tucsday. 1 *' I met by one of Mark Twain s 1 hive. Tin* hive is tlm .'oust fmq-iulo evening, . 1 parties living on the outer c ’go of civili­ L J . W. Gardner, of Salem, is in town m ust havo Leon th o ro n -jh ly ne- soap, am i un, it, a Prof. Jarvis and Will Townsend re- abroad," who,by the way, want» to ktiovv William Herren, of tho City of ttalem zation. Who these fellows arc and where (jn a iu te tl with tlio preiuiee», am i P e o p le rsciling piano» aud organs ceived more valentines than .any other all that i.s going on, and seeing M r .-------- tiling of *tho kind that we bare o rcr! who they came from, aro tho questions which seen, it is s > well arranged, that a oluldj stills, was in town t!bs week, olferint' $1. I. I. Dt iupsey, of Idsie, gave us a pleas- two persons in town. The Draft received «-«frying a bott.e under each arm ¡a* Costed lia l.its o f Ilio nttnehee tu h-ive li, . my . alcohol . . up aud i . relic , »ff past ages was unearthed by J boiler of Duality’s saw mill, so that it i» have d mo us they are alnu.y too hi- ['ca ra to Lo g u n U y on tho iuerem.e Cfood is alm o st a A I). SV. Ju ri!» . f Perrvdale inotle 'tun t !» «amu. 1t g .« . t . tl.e ta.ai.« u ... tho liousc w tha.» it uut, miliar, hut will say that it ia i o\v thought >1 ni in.r ilio ija s t few n io u lh s .— llo se - I f so ap b a d bei l ’mf. “ ith wliil« . prospecting ** luaku iii.iKc- au | 1 • M. S. ........ — for c*ayt J practically useless. ' J ’ ■ Oregon City Mills. vvhich euused liiuoccuce t«> . . j these men aro two escaped lunatics. b u r " l ‘ l» im le a lcr. n» a pleasant call. - . extru trip t*> lnd«q»undcuco to toll» jt ' a few da/agt». I t is a^tone irtortar, vvill E n g la n d in th e Rev. Mr. Jam es, of Dallas, occupie ,c* ! In Ju ly 1881, Johnathan JShuyoufcll Mrs. H«rty, lirtiiK about t.treo miles ,t *1» „11 m dead earue«. Hu 1>.»M «bunt «* tuuch . . a woodeu Buoket the pulpit dt the' Methodist church last would h av e been no A. Shultz, purchased a fine organ of j and Susan Shuyoufell, his sister, nt;ef wUiub runs Abiqun Ip.nmi a t 0 0 M orrison betw een T h ird ! bo d ies. H ad tho cooked breakfast, inter winch sho na- #U; uh puttiua saud lu his su-ar. had an existence. Mr. Smith will . for the benefit ».f the bell fund of that Creak. They U ul sluppul uti ibo trail tu and 1’ou rth etroets. An alarm w a : - m in e b e en d isco v ered a The Won inns’ Suii'i ago Association is uoum-od she xvaa guiug to ule and mit.ie- . ‘ i .1 i ,. : it in his oflico window, in Portland, diately ex-tired A aorio uouuc accident uaupuiied t>u tho ’ church. Wo have hoard Mr* Sell wat Was j gatbur «»mu uluukbuiiius aud were biuily tu rn ed in from b«n l 'J , to which th e e a rlie r and its oatpu t- in session at Portland. 1 ’ . 1 1 . , , .co a lew day. SC", while quue a iiu inber' 1 " 'e have learned that a party in ra- lecture and can truthfully say that it is j unpouuil tilling tbuir paili wb l-'ire d ep a rtm en t q u ick ly resp on d ed , ¡trib u te d thoro w ould b e B utler DoLashmute ha» f >r sale 16 ) .-»till we arc enabled to ell. n.ele gunllewan wore skating, i turning to this place, from Albany, thought one of the most inte resting, and instructive licai-J the suiftid of voices. Step i lie lire was put u n d er c h e ck before ' id io cies, fo r m en w ho head of Bound sheep, J o r £2.75 per head. through special reporter, the meeting of al)d M t;1|llki, ‘ tlloy ,VU1V a Ull S ! t„ 3«vo time and distance, by coming ' ' by lectuics to which wo have ever listened. it had done m uch d am ag e. T h o selvos th o rou g h ly and Samuel Gut hard, of Lnckiamute, we tho L. L. S. of this place with a crowded shallow water, one youn^ man, who w;w | way of tho mouth of tho Luckiamute. w hich His lecture i» an account of his Arctic book into the path tho children saw t men pint «head of them, each with house b e lo n g s to M essrs. C o rb e tt ft fc lo th e 3, how ever ra g g e d . ; understand, lias lost a horse valued at house. Tho speech of Prof. Jarvis, tho j fun|| pruiiy lose on his skates, foil | lie proposed to cross tm a saw log. He got joimi»*y iu March of the ill-fated Franklin standard-bearer of the s »cioty, brought' ^ _•» a hole iu tho loo amt Ills feet along swimiuglv until he »got near the a oroal atone on his shoulder au.l pufflug I F n ilin if, ntu.1 tv»» (lam ugod to th e ex- com e so cia list» or party, snd is graphic aud thrilling in the out a brilliant audience. Wo are informed ' * takiii^ 14 j ^ a forward slant, the water being »•enter of the stream, where tho D k extreme. Wo h»<|>o the Lieut, wjll l>*» jit*, Jtuam busts The sight of the two j ten t of abo u t $ 1 0 0 . TUo d am ag e by i n i a l e s . B u t it is n o t fa The wife and daughter of Tom Gilbert, that tf;e society have challenged men in that bmrly plsuo and tho facM hat | hre anti w ater to th e room s am i fu m i-1 caught on a snag, so firmly that ho could only «About a lout deep, he slid right un- the Indian prisoner, are visiting him at greeted with a m uing house. The ad­ fo rn ia shonW mon “ boy.i” of Bethel, to AU “ or:il c ill bat they li.ul big rouge on tliuir shuulihis I , nl.e w ill no t exce ed SHOO. T h e houso j p ro d u ctio n o f i , i i i i x i i . i der the ice iu the water up to lus chili; not release it, ami was compelled t«> wait mittance will be 50 cents. the county jail. and wo are nUo told that the corrospon- .. »on fri^Utenu l Jonathan am J 0CCl,p jet] t,v M r. W n tb an B h a p ire r, e a rth ca n y ield o there, on a slippery l»»g all night and , . . xi i» .• * others soon came tu ins relict and ho was W. P. Wright has purchased another deuce Wo take tho following from th Salem between tho Profs. « f the two soc:o- soon extricated, . . . but . . the word , was passed . I , u ,, until nino the uext-morning. W hen),, Snsui ar. 1 »hey started to run. to men j w|10 ,h a t w hile a ll th e fam ily m ent an y w h ere .. fourth interest in the LaCreolu stone ties came very noar resulting disaatrusly . , found, he wai so chilled, as hardly able Town Talk of th . !!th inat.; and es it is » : U..1B.1 to theni ,Ul . . 9 . . . J l tmiii iiiiti «i uiiulMni-. tliat tile Vtiiiinr unui u ti,e ro.-ks In th o fro n t p m lo r th e firo brok e | of the bo tto m lea quarry. , m a financial sense, to them, each being liad folien lulu »atei up to ins d im , and to lalk. m atter in which our eitt/eti • are all m- j ^ x , a.,n.!.-run an 1 the 1 ou t in tho p a n try . T h o p r o b a b le ! b e aom e liv ely proapooting ak 1 A very pleas uit a n l enjoyable party anxious to hack hi» composition against, it éhused such a flutter among tho ladies, The pottery ccn^nieoced oponvti»m on -crested, wa copy it in full. |.]ii'.e made. A few | .,rnno,|||tM liutiMd thst too » Id'll- <>uo wa* i .1 011 nhort notice. Bring your job work Monmouth, Oregon, Feb. 12, 183B. that deep here. Then you »mglit to have figures, a» to the capacity of the wolks, ' c,m^ ,,f tli »i*3»l mao with black hair and j T h e C o lu m b ia riv er, say» th e I A Eure Cure Found a il and prove it. E ditor I tem izek :— As you invite cor- seen tliem scamper oil tiiat lee, but it was may not be uninteresting. There are over j8 ohV; the «'thur ¡>urs» n a mere X im e s-M o u n ta iu e e r, is th o n a tu ra l) W. 1!. Austin, brakemau on tho narrow rcspoudence on educational matters, your »eon learned how lie crawled in under 25,000 srjuare feet under cover, besides 1 it fm- tha| rio Olio Need li'U, Sgh; hair, M iio eyes, and ; ou {|0t o f a v a s t reg ion o f co u n try , puage, who dislocated lbs shoulder by a readers will no doubt bo interested in the ice, and ail went on a» merry us ever. engine room and clay bins. There is | tiiat sum eiiliar habit of removing Ins , |U1(| j n -fa ct. th e only av ailab le on e, fall while skating, expects to be able to knowing something of the prosperity and A hnro Care for Blind, L over 20,000 feet of tl«x*r room, and foot Imac uftiimo his duties next week. infi and Ulcerated a st prospects of the State Normal School k:lu room f«^r burning 5,000 feet We uro Z g . i A it e m *. , Piles h _ Indian -.V ' man - „ - vv|/l 1 . 1 MI,:l ov er tho lin o L o / f i » a V m onopoly. |ea | by Dr. W illiam,(an ti.u iiiiu luuuopuiy. I which Polk couuty was so fortunate a» to Alice Holman, another daughter of of suwer-pipe weekly, or in stone ware 14, dsps^'len iiiU *,“1‘ü ru ‘ ul T Ü T h u « a ie U n e . a re a s o f fe rtile e o illca lU d D r. W'illmni’s Indian iK R u M O l il »FBC IA I. C O E U E SP O X U X X T .j secure at the hands of the last Legislature F-hul'iff Holman who has been quite sick 000 gallons weekly. Mr. S. has tho evening to liuw aid you iiuuyeur vuleuuuus? during tho pa#fc week, is now slowly rc- through the untiring d ibits of our dole only clsy yet found in tho »State accept tho offer mado Ly tlie 'cnginccF U.VU s m l uisai.p ».utcl. lu g a b u u d a u tl) . a J i l »ho ou l> »“ »“ - | hne n(,ea gu« t.r dTB » in n U s t í gation in both Senate anil Hoii*o. On Will it ever quit freezing? c vering. that can i;o worked succe»i.fully. As a The report of the survey was burned at i vi oivt»,:- u. I'l then - lid, "havo v u noevled to lm iu ce mUuigTaUou tu a ¡ ^ (hi< wol,aerinl «onthln« the approval of the bill by tho Governor matter of interest to this county, we men­ tho Into firo of Corbiett & Made ay .nt Th Sc*d M'iivat is a scarce article in this The Second Brigade Band, O. S. M ., any . . . » I ...» -----............... r x, « ‘ * M KdhU i M ggljEH 7 ! Irur this wonderful soothing a,,v " » .fu rs!" “ Yus" s«i»l J '■-. »th in, ... . . ’ | tDoans ot o u tle t to seab o ard , u n ti am - j y^otio ua instruments and elect pari eneouragod'by the usual success, will give tho Normal School was fully organize.1 vicinity; potatoes aUe are iu good de­ tion that Mr. S. disburses about £20,000 Portland, but th« engineer lias his field point Iqg t •’ 1 ° “ is 1 ‘ V m oled by co rp o ra tio n s. rl l i o pulley moro harm than good. William's Of si. annually here. With present futilities, notes. The people of Salem should take t. u e, “ She ' is ! my sister.'’ ik Calico Hall at their Hall on February here to comply with the requirements of mand. 111 u , of ou r ^ ovorm ucu t hna alw ays been i absorbs the tumors, allays the tati Rev. Lynch will preach hero to-morrow this pottery can make double the amount heed, xis the peopU of liulopiMidcip e are only one! ’ li»> asked. MYo» sir” answered i’2nd. TI iobo attending will no doubt the law. The third term opened last week under ilt Yl H. iu and U:30 p. m. All are iu o f goods this State uses. Tho freight in souud earnest aud will make every the boy. 'I tie ywung umn sounied sorry to len d ni l to in teru u l im provem en ts, behlng, (particularly at night eli l ave a fine tinio. most flattering prospects. The atten- vite-il. shipped t*> Portland and other places effort for tho advancement and prosperity ana i:);tdo a few motions with hi« hands On account of failing health Mrs. dance is largely inoreoaed and tiie #11-1 > ; , . oases of staggers » r i ,,c r i,ollUI the ¿State annually from this place of their town, and should they succeed bu t lie h i 1 one more question to ask. •••> *'••*! America Grant has quit house-keeping tkusia3in m the work continues to grow. I hlJ,11° b rn e n t lio in the i<ì\onue nu- pj|eB .itch in g of tho private i>erte, amount to near 2t>00 t«nis. in making tho improvements contemplated Stepping toward Jonathan he said, j nim by paid in to ih o tre a su ry . T k :a ; j r «.„thing els* m d i- r the present will slop with her soil The eArollment during tho year, so far, is j horses in our Ueigiib»>rhood. ' ‘“I ... . by tl\pin—that <»f putting up a new flour­ “ can you keep a «eeret: f,,lio boy said William. t\ A. Joh n s has rented her morn than one hundred, and new students I D. Heury and D. Gibson woro the lucky i met. this tiiu. , und one coyote wa« the ! , Sleepless nights made miserable by that ing mill, ami, perhaps, .a woolen mill, it thst h® could, and tho m»n iu a 1 .«v con- I p lan lias been follow ed o u t in tho j lw.ad what tho Hon. J . M. bv< lmi.se and will move in soon. im m en se sum s sp e n t on tiie M issis-1 Cleveland haé l o say about 1ftp , are arriving each week. - will cut off a large supply of wheat ami i thlcnti.il t 'l.o Raid, *‘V\Vro out oil a | ' T ' " for you. COUgU'r ** V ™ \ it. H, ‘ m n Some of our le y s have hycicles, which The work of the Normal Hchool ij i ! Victim ... last . w. duescUy I mormug. . r 1 , I I Oily Jo * bh,l,°bi sale by Jap* Millur, | aippi, alth o u g h tim co u n try n l o u g | l u d n m TFil®_ O t a f i g g i L wool that now comes t«> Salem. A prom­ Scientific Geological Expedition. Don’t | lilt valeutine social at Lincoln, on the J Dallas. used scores of File Cures, and it afford them exercise and ivmnsement. specially that »»f projiaring teachers for ; tho banka o f t h a t nifi :uu have bud i\ j inent business man of Independence vmi tell any b«-dy, avr.V qirckly shoulder- | B u t they should exercise great care in their work, but as the Normal is the ex­ : i'veiling of the 11th, was a pleasant one; Those contemplating buying furnltufe takud 4hii» vie* »J llm matter, ho says: mg the rock whioli Im seemed to regard as I uetw ork o f ra ilro a d s for t inny y e a rs. I me pleasure to eny that I h a ^ but u6 many interested were strangers to i found anything which gave such ’ iheir use, lest they should be the cquse of ponent »if the best method» of teaching, i u4t UIUI1^ uk , wr we cuuiivi cannot vu give them the credit they can do no bettor than to call »m Allen A 'Theiv i.s b I T here has been no c o n ip h in t n,quin fit' ate and permanent relief as D r.f :. . -, t , • • c : ut*, e m < ui mi) from this place to a speoimen of great value started off t a runaway. | Osborne,- at Independence. -They carry Nilem 250,000 bushels of wheat yearly , w.n-1 the meek, hi» coinpauioa foll»iwiug, i th eto It .. furnishes áfMino> bnt ,mt would wo„ M say s;iy, iu rto r t, u , superior * . . facilities . . . for au «lu - - deserve, a p p ro ];:ia tio u s, fo r it wns Indian Olntioeiit. a tlC-.lir nUlT tlie Ll[ilva deserve rrent tho best stock in lb 4 comity. M. L. Pipes, E sq ., will move bis law :ation to those who do not intend to teach H ¡and wo can secure over twice that amount, 1>? l.h g • auiii.' under the immense uroigiit th *’ ro u g h th o d ev elo p m en t o f th a t Fin* salo by nil druggists, or I he faculty numhew six members aim 4>Rice to a room up stairs in tho Court A Story Llii. r-iillv True. j why should we n t havo tho facilities for of thmr bi.i.U.* J m t aftor they h ul portion of o u r g re a t co u n try d e­ receipt of price, $1.00. there aie| House. Where he will at all times be thcre are several assistants. There J . T. Hunt, Zeuu’s former vnlean, re- Hodge, Davis &. Co., v.holesslsl Hooently Mr. Frank MeC»un, a rsHroad | * ’!>-•■•» right here at home: [«usu.l out of «¡;:ht the hildreii heard a m and ed them . B u t O reg o n is m orn found read to attend to any and all bu s-, about forty daily recitations, occupying turned heme one day last week from a Foitlaliu, Oregon. fistin ct thud as of a heavy body falling j employee at Ray’s Landing, sought his and thiuk that bringing the water in hot all three stories of tho brick buildiiur. ss entrusted to his care. s :r .\ t :v A c o ., 1 three months visit among friend» and lonely couch, anticipating the repose that is tho first, ami an important*step to bo to the ground, followed by a second thud iso la ted . . . tlm u tho sla te » ¿ lo n « g the Clove Geo. A. Sheppard A Co. having con-1 Everything goes th show that the lieccs relatives in Washington Territory, lie rewinds n clear conscience and a tired taken towards th.it end.” louder than the first. On going to where M ississip p i, am ] lias alread y bi e n sity for a »State Normal school was deeply will take charge of lrrs^hopfu a few days; body. Not waiting to light his lamp, he eluded to move their Salem stock of goods H? At the meeting referred to above tho the sounds Koetned tu b e Johnathan and proved to bo us d e sira b le a section felt ami is now highly appreciated. The :t has been jfa progress by J . J . Flynn hung liis hat upon a nail, disrobed him­ secretary was instructed to prepsie and Sn-rui fuund both men flat on their back« a s th a t. H e r fa c ilitie s fo r n ^ iic u l-j Croup, Whooping Cough andl to Tho Dalles, and “ M itch,” preferring graduates iu the Normal course receive dming his absence, Dallas to “ The Dalles,” returned home ally. It wa» tome time ttn o nro eq u a l to a n y , h e r natu ral | immediately relieved by Shiloh’« self and put out hi« hand to Bmooth the open stock book» for subscripti» n, and to • 1 '• ihi'it; hy thib week, with his wife,to remain at pres­ diplomas fr«»m the State Board of. Eduoa D ied — I ’hillip Fuller, step sou of Win, coverlid of his bed. A rough body and n obtain from tho engineer a duplicate of j be to re the lunatics, or whatever they re so u rce s a re varied , and s h o p o s - l For sal« by Jap . It. Miller, Dallo«. tion that authorize them to teiU.li in any Pike, died at his la me February 8, 1883, startled grunt caused him to Jump to the tho survey destroyed in tho lire .at U«»r vver**, n o titoj that they were seen. Ah son - scs every a d ju n ct to population. ent. public school iu tho iState. Wo inv inv »iu I r - cq about ten years, door ami flee away iu dire dismay. An ! bitt it Macleiiy soon as they h i finished their laugh, the S t e r i T s slè. A s two gentlemen were coming to town every friend of education in Polk »unty ; __ * ^ ____ uninvited guest, was partaking of unoffered men again i-l."ulji re' the watchman was called * K Ä g ftiq :;-id!*! aud disappeared iu the direction of Abi- «MLU COISTI’ ’ ¡M ’ . BA'MT, AMM'.« C. coyotes in the road ahead of them a little on. Yours truly, pool a low ! r m ,!i, ci tho n ,,1 > . tli« V. i'?-! ! The Literary Society connected with to the cabin t > investigate the matter. ! qi a Cr^ok. May above town. A flock of sheep were C itizen . Upon returning, it wns ionud that a sow j L., linn., 7 - aa-üí-li « orm ili! m ; and 3*r©:;r:iis:iir. tho Acaduniy have determined to cele­ T!i ’ sb »vQ facts were ltthrued from Columbi.*’.? near by, j nd it is ptet.timed that, the riti» $ aiuary. .V ft- H tutsi A i fro» 1 An abed more suitable to the nature of swine • i í b^giniíiitg u f L IN C O L N I T E M S . versary of Washington's Birthday, by ap- \ l,ea “ °Fe »«'*^0 .010 m enan.ro o. swuue • Committee o: .irrangemcnt» and iuvi- c’ i.tiivn.whii iw the two>d4 eluviAAiiM». »iw ut nata of the herder. than that upon which Frank had been 1 bow a Hule Pi|»n »>f Nvuikoniifif, but Air, 8huy»>ufa&Tii rstm tiiiop for truth Tho courageous Miss Good, one of our Ml I UO'Uñ'&i L)’ i wont to close his “ tired eyelid» upon tired , 0 ^ , , ........... .............., v,-. 0 . mr.kiu.q ft • lT*'>n,í ».'ffiirt t»> kefip up Wheat about all shipped. A let Sold v; r r : «nergetic compositors, having suffered for recently f»»r$L10p er bushel. the sow, bnt but twulvo twelve lit- lit­ Mrs. I. Vanduyti, Mi-is till« lltitljv ami aud A’er.v ug- is unquestionably gor*d ami bin to u rn é e . c ’¡ji.’ ' 'i'1 ' L " , ) '- " 1B’, ' eyes.” Not only t'oo iWr>\.u ■ - , ftka-k H al i t is th e opiuion witlv there-'am be m > a«.ubt about tho matter. i hu obscrvanco of this even» m our tle grantors w,,re were making themsulvcs themselves i , M ri Kov VJ . . . several days with tooth-ache, went on last A later rop-*rt say» that thcMO two ofazy qpinè i^vuiUλ ÜlViJtlH 4 ho li h v o iti! k'tcl Tiie freeze is a thing of the past. It nation 3 hi.tory vory npptot.nato, tai- thoroughly lhoro^lghly at nt home. touio. It i t is a little littlu r.m«li 1 “" , . rough Tuesday, to tho office of Mr. Mason, mem were two of ! »•!!: Go’s young man ! w ith bin i tli a t h n w ill voi mnko a B .... h i & M cause it expressus, at it wnro, tho lovo of on i,'nlllk l.»»u had h aJ to make Ms Committee ot. Music- W. L. W hit- Frank that a hog liis bed •dentist, and became victimized to the injured the crops to some extent, 0Ver, before she would lie iu it. i Mrs. Geo. B elt and J r i Smith, of lode- who wtro out tomping hij »1 94-eiug two clea n lvrem t o f th o m u rd e r t»f hi« amount of five incisure, nil at ,.ne sittin«. ! «*l»«taiuUd that they will ubi- gn:t.ef;ii children toward a parent who over, ■ J ; • liui 5.1 t>Mdar5<>l ha.« left thorn tiie riobeat l; aacy: «nd. be- — - ! pendenco,Miss Jounio Rownll,Mias Bi-own childveu ill night they would have some ; broth» r. T h o id on in a m ista k e -th a t .Sho took gas, but “ hollered” nil the same, j ' ““»“'y recover. • f M --ili*. *t thv Coirti llotqs 4<»or I Catarrh cured, health and sweet breath nnfi t * t t, 11^^. _t «»,. <• . anuv-vmont. if the report I s true i hi« c o n n u viucn an w all a s A m e rican s (laines Fisher, says the Oregonian who ! Next Sunday, thn 13th instant, Rev. cause, if vie would prosoryu ppf freedom, wed « imty, ou ■ Cu» b .'»are n«»t behind yet; Tim only Uoaily , ..ns ht by Washu,gt„n mid kw j ,a,.are,t l,v Bmloh'a « at irrh I t « « l y . J K' ‘ ,,f " ' ', ’ rocentlv suhl his livurv stable iu Salem ! \V. D. Nichols Will preach at Perry,tale 'ü'noN«lttyy T c l i r i i a r y M it .**;\ band of patro-ts, wo must fan the fires 1 Price 50 cents. Nasal injector free. For olonvoo 1 uvvcllj ,,li4S iv'ij ,v Uontluj ami i> t tlrtifc can ho asked u tfio opo : conviete*l him litofore tiin l, fo r w hile m,¡l Lill“ul? to Fold * Ellis nf tM.i ulnci-.lias purclnsud *» I >«k r. ». of srvM day. »11 t the head of this article, viz. th e y woro n il reaily to be liev e him I At of [iatrii>ti»ai t!iat they be n«»t quenched sale by Jap. It. Miller, Dallas. L. Murphy, «Ut l.,t ■ti>i ».norctH John Axhbi tho vacant . . ,-o.tli _____ ; f tliv Cliuiuekut« u cluck. Public L-uiJüilly mviUnl. j g u ilty , th e y , lievertu elos», crow ded ? mid They J l ivo B ccrif’ Allen & Osborne, Indeqtemlcnce, have! All singers present are rospecif. illy in n i! • Vi.Hirty, to w:ti4y ] ¡Hotel with the intention of a.-ain going | Our yuiirig ladies «re getting up a s ^ ..i- hy t:i-j s*u-so», .«tug pditician of t»>-»kiy. , ow-l.i. II. in to tho co u rt I iouho to h e n r him ex* L et every youth in »cir s J h . I b h*irii ftn e xtmisive st-ack of furniture which vited to take part in the singing. Air. A. .nto his old business. Wo understand able for the uvoiiing of the U til instant, 8 ’iortff of Polk ( i pillili how he cfttuo in to porsen tion of ashing toil ami they seTl at reasonable prices. 'J’hci»■ 1 Brown, of Lafayette, is especially invited January W, lftSL • there is csll.era inisuinler.t.indilig or vio- to be bold ill iho eliajiel. 1. I ’1’1 : : I : I ■ s to t j revere tu name ot c ; : i 9 s i m : s 02 i\ owi/h m : s ¡*. ------------- yr— »nor the flag v*hich protects our homes stock consists of chamber set», parlor to bo present ami lead iu the singing, 1 ho m u d i m oney on th e d ay th a t h i s f bition of honor. ; he a vorv enjoyable ii.trnr. Any thing am the e:::l>h;.!j of ouc -ivatiie««. s(;l3, chair» of the best quality, a fine M m oo hammk . b ro th e r d isap p eared . R e fu s lo jl 1° The heavy mining suit instituted two »'>»» p.e el.lurfy or young ladies of Lincoln 0 ¿.or iff’s Salo. I t j j co m m on ly know n tlm t owls x ,l aro mvitvd to tii;» cejobration winch 1 ,f pjcture frame», and whatever is usually j Opening—Singing and prayer; appoint- . i Uria, v. li» 11 be ha 1 an nppor: . . years aao.ii, J o I. ion county by il. Kelly i “ * h“'‘d -neceeds. We ..-jpo will be regarded as a precedent, carried in a first class furniture store. ivo tw tw o o o or r th th re re e e se se ts ts o o f f y ou n g in in f.-; i u n KN THAT voun^f ¡ p^R lie o p in io n . H a d tí ' ing committees on credential» enrolling aeainet Win., and Walter Ruble, of this j This would he a good point for steam t * be f< d!,»*ved by a loving 7 , ch 1 by tho . ;« isciif.ul »sut at tm < . th e co u rse o f a Reason; b u t nu fur us — --r — (JelegateK, etc.. Music at intervals. f»*r t!».* Couofcr 90 law clo red liis m outh nnd prevented ««»unty to recover a vendor's lien over the ferry. It is the best p«»int foe ferry in, students who may hereafter gather in the i.'Jiictl on tho 9lh * 1 o ut find ou t a fte r n ittiu g upon the I1K*T iM KiM . r a w iii u , 3;.'10 o’clock Short address by Mr. E. Coyote creek mines,was on last. Friday de­ »luring higli water between Albany find halls of our Institute. TI 10 exercise vvill ig . 1 ,v iUuh wer«__ — - — C. ita ll, of Buena Vista;subject, “ Which first e,.;^ o r p a ir of P ita*, nnd lm tili- ' him from m ak in g n sta te m e n t th e re j ■"* . iK • -»‘.iti Havldsou 1 cided in tbe Supreme Court in favor of Portland; therefore a good steam ferry c<»ii.ii.fl of appropriate music l*y the mom m ig h t bo ju s t g rou nd » fo r doubt ns I (, ¡ulfrcstlag Tc%i* Slmlc hy the («»vrinmefcl would bo the best Policy for Oregon, to iu;i tho bird «, no fu rth e r ino u b nlio n „.uikt 1 und to me dirwtsi would do an excellent business and pay a *ho defendants, the decree of tho court hern of the societies, a recitation, “ Our »'•:»»,; me Io soil tho fuk T Z S - t t . 1 to h is g u ilt. Ho lies on h is co nch rc Chcnil-Nf. adopt High License, or to move fur Fro large per cent, oil the inveatmant. in m nde. D ire c tly a fte r tho ow lets below bo ng reversed. • Hte wMt blit «C Nation« Flag” by Alias Lena Whitson, m o st of the tim e, and h as refused to u _ ' , hibition; followed by five minutes i ij.it I». linflor «od i,l ( nro o u t o f th e sh e ll the lieu l.ird lityn the reading of Washington's Farewell Dr. Edward <» Lore, the present Ana- ■ speeclios by members. We acknowledge a pleasant call on f iu Polk C. untjf ca t a n y th in g sin ce S a tu rd a y , w hich I im l i x t o * l u n v tr.».AU;.i .m the c*«9l» Address, by Miss Ora Palmer, and an lytical ChemiKt for the Government, has 1 5:30 o'clock Music frequent; recita­ on e or tw o m ora bountiful w hito c t o i , List Tuesday from Mr. H. J . Beveus, of in d ic a te s th e fa ct th a t fe a r ¡3 t a k in g !-, ^ J . V. Lynch i« laid up by a tery pain­ H it 'i riti» tifi Ut» Noti tic« recently made some interesting ex peri- ' <»i; 'ivi;, American Liberty, hy Mr. U. F. Yaqiflna Bay, and M r.’ E. W. Alliiiglmni, ful abscess on his ankle. tion, by Miss Panidine Douty, »»f Mon- lin t tines not. n.t, dovotiug; hffrutlf to pottsoision o f him . Ho w atches th e r| i lata of SeitioM incuts ns to the com pilative value* o f bak­ j month; 4 «»’chick—Mueollaiiooii» bus, Rubinw ’H. <>f Soap Creek in tins county. Wo learn of u. wont ot th« Wl feed in g tl.o itisa liu b le little niotiRtern ing powders. Dr.*Love’» test» wore made 1 w orkm en fittin g up th e cag e w hich ! i . »• -'l.t ôf Ul« FUW of ff'or sum of G. 88,500. Mr. Bevens 7:30—A sliort address by l ’rof. W. E. next o w let. T h is on e h a lch o d , un- to l.is d ea th , ap p aren tly u n con cern ed , i '« this county, baa received a patent for a 1 lies in th«ir leavening power, tests were, ft «' fco«, b» I-attifff à forms us that work is still progressing on w ith typhoid fever, is recovering, B ei'tlm N elson is s till h e ld as a wit- '! tim Finit »4 H4S.4A can-opener that is so simple and docs its directed solely to ascertain the availably into«,of Monmouth, subject; “ .Mrmid t o o l l t t r e o ^ D la id w ith th e autno to- the Yaquina Bay railroad. | We havo had pleasant calls from ILm » Lu '•i>» lic nilck. Four!*, work so well that it must supercede every 1 gas of each powder. I)r. L jv e '» report i temperance peoplei of Orog«m onooimigu « ..I t ' tiu.t in vivified by tho yotiutf n e ss. S h e h as b e m cry in g a groat • i ■ if! to »he tU NiiilautVl. K. Mr. J . \V. Gardner, of Gardner Dros., |J - *>. Lee aud D. M. Oathrio, of Dallas, other one in tbe market. Without a cut, gives tho following: d ea l sin ce tho v erd ict wns ro u d e re d ,! j the publication of u teuq>ersnre li ra* .- . I.ff \i lu*; of th« T>rrml«o« mtonttH was ¡11 town this wuuk and «„111 two l)r. ; *>u‘l <>>“•1* Llarc as gemal a . uvu,. paper, that will advocate prohibition, in ­ One a tvern ith, escap e» from th e ahell and fe e ls very un hap py ovor th e '! •!»n Si. Tih. will wl!, loth« hlfch««t UM it is impossible to describe its details. A Nam« of the St renç th trails, one to W. \V. Millar and nno to H. ' Mr. Hathaway Yocnm nnd A. N. Martin circular rf-ceivj/jg plate receives the can. Cubic luche« Can stead of discouraging itf” followed by live and o n ce m ore an eg p o r two occupy Iragody. B e in g a total stra n g e r in ! ■ ' 'N -.crlticd j rjntiáe«, on I' u -. m I ts . l a iu n f iM , flM* .'id lin y # f per each ounce of Powder. 1 minute speeches; music; any unscclla.io- th e i.u .t, eo th a t iu theH am o co rn e r, L. llvscon. He KH\e an instrumental will each build now dwelling houses in Above the can nro two send-circular knives *•«.,*-»]•• (cream tirtir . ...........127.4 i th is p art o f tho co u n try , tho W om en 's III fr, f of th*. v- utrt IluUMc dour, in T_ and vocal performance nt the i„«iilcncr l°» n aoc"i t'io we ak er will admit of vvhich receive a downward motion I rum a oiis businoss and adjournment. in a sh a llo w , dow ny sp o t may ho -.c .** i .¡ u.i i-iv* i-r* . ... •»uni v <’i Pttlk, Aixl Htsto of Orsfoa* I C h ristia n Hociety w ill havo to look of X . L Butler Wuduustlay evening, but Betting the material. cam lever aud at the sumo time nn»l by Kuiufor-I m ” (ptiusphfttv) ft of t> o'i lock a . M. ami 4 ocluck f. M &IAlibi! l«T. v e n an o w le t th re e p a rts g ro w n , (phpHphjlv) oi-t. 1, io-wH: The hour of l «»'cluck , tbo venerable “ Tack” failed to yield t o 1 C. Schimmel, ot Wiliamins, contractor the same loverj the can is raised to meet “Humfortr* i) o’clock a. lit. —Music and opdniiijf nnd a n o th e r h a lf grow u , a n o th e r a a fte r h e r, le s t m ore m isery bo added "iiRiifortl'j Nolle Sncti,” fr ■ !» .......... lu of Mile- i nth in hsnd. •to h e r alread y hard l o t .— Sta n d a rd . its soothing charms. Tho performance nud buiUrr. wns in town Wednesday, and tho knives, A ainglo motion of the lever “Ifsnfurd's Norte Huch,” »»I'l exercise»; 10 o’clock, election of officers fow hour.« o ld , nud a co u p le o f 0" g « , H. HOLM AX, ...'. i . was highly appreciated by theaudien««. has taken th . contract to build thu dwul- cuts tbe top of the can completely out, "KeilliefiiiV’. . . I i . \ Bh«rUr of Polk Countijr* O rngm . and appointing committees; 11* o ’clock, "Charm” (slum ptm Jcr)...................... L a s t M onday ev en in g tw o h iilf- fo u r uta^'o» in a l l; and if itiHpcctod LAs J^t ni+y J«, IÆ3. Daly ,X Butler, the attorney's of Tom I lio" fl,r A’ N M,,r‘ iu - th ' knifes being thrown up to place by k "Ama7 >ii”(»lum )K>wd«r).................... report of temperance w»»rk in various parts . 111.** (¡iibcrt th j doomed Indian hav« taLeu 'Ve nrc K'',d to chronlola the fact tlmt spring. A moment only is neeesssry to **CI«v»r! tml'n" (short weight f o t .) ...... of the county; 11:30, music; time u n i - by day tl.o th re e yo.iugH tcrs will bo brc-i .1 In d ia n s sta rted front O ak lan d Foam”........................................ ..107.9 jum m ons. seen l.u d d lrd to g e th e r in very good to T y eo m o u n ta in , about tw o m iles m. appeal to the Supreme Court and have! P f - 8 »00/ ^ , ; 3 sradnalty r-gidnina Ins open a can. T h . arrangement is such "Rea “f W ............................................. . .100.8 place of holding next Alliance; adjourn. procured a stay of pi,feedings. This gives h.Mtb. and will .non be .1,1« to lake n;...n that there is no danger of cutting tbe •*i)r. Price'*"....................................... .102.0 1 o’clock p. ui.— Music, aud opening fello w sh ip , on e and ull f.tut nsleop, from tho U m pqu» fe rry , to attond '.n uit Court of !ho Stata .^ of o Or« r e s ^ tw lh a , - , , - „a | . „„*¡1 hunsclf the duties of Justice of the Peace ban 1« of the operator.. lii»i whole ma- "Saow J-lake" IQrofl*« St. Paul)............. . .101.83 1 exercises; essay by Mis» Nolliu Collins, and tho e g g s iu tho co ld e st plnco on nemo festiv e occasion to tnko p la o County of i'oik' him a now lease ou his life, at least until of thi , fo vhlch office Ue bolds au chine c a n p it. small space, and may ke .. P8.2 CoivtomeJ....................... v. . <»u>, Haintiff, VA William Col« and a t M r. I’ a c h e tt’s. T h e y b e in g pro-1 . î»7.ü jo flM llits; 1:80— short address by Mr. th e O utside. T h e e ig h t is no t p le a , n is deemed by that Court when }» , ppoiBfln(.Bt,> tab.« or c o u n t,,. 4 chit« «an ‘■»Jatri’iiW»-»'' yeo»t C 'L l , I h fendaata. 78.17 j Stephens, of Oak Grove, subject, ' ‘should in g , as m ay he su pposed from tho v it led w ith tho sp ir its th a t ca u se s *‘ii K. ftndruw« \ Co’i." (c iiituiim alum) .. 92.5 r j!!] | hi ' l '11 t f Ir* ax* Several of our prominent citizens, slightly •riB^7 operate it. When one oonsiMdrs "He kor'-»"................. - ........................ To tiie.-\bove n im cl iKtfondanta. «!’{ I tho temperance voter» cf Oregon organ- d e scrip tio n o f tho y o u n g o w ls; bu t m en 's b rain to oxebo th e pnssion t o 1 ............................... r f \\ Te ^ l ! ^ addicted to a card gnma celled poker, bave »he wound, 1 flng.rs th st people hare ;•: N \MK «>K TH E HTATK OF ffo.r, ixe for political work, independent of the ru')»iired even th e m o .t d a n g e ro u s' I“ V l*ii 1 1 bo rc' tr» ^ pledged themselves to eaeb other l.. the suffered m the »1 uly noecnaity of opening “Bulk’. if tho eye it o ffend ed , w hat is to ho ou joy 'i n his report the Governm-^ut Chemist * old political parties I ’ followed by five cd > ...tat yon in n*srs! will be BMtiAndediwr further proceed- .m, onnt of Hixty d oljtrs. not to play poker can«, th u invention may be considered n sp o rts, th o u g h it even tu ally begets said o! th e uose? T a k e so m e th in g in tix* : ruintur will u l n a m etica lly H.piaro U ; tho re su lt will th e ir road r -ju ic in g u n til they n r-! hotel-koeper will, on seeing this opener w holesome. Phosphate and Tartaric Add and adjournment. 1 i 1 ■ p . an­ even in small vices, is a blessing. Tun «If ü n . .m i o « '. * powders liberate their gas too freely in 7 :;g> Add.ess on temperance Work, by bo an itppru'icli to th e foul od o r of liv ed ut S h .tm b ro o k ’s o r U m p q u a ! work, insist on having cne, but the go i.tiM.t: n«vtnnte(l nounced that yourg Swanlx, sentenced to A young lady, visiting in this vicinity housewives, throughout tho land, will be process of baking or under varying dim - \jr. J . W. Watts, of On*g» n City; mustc cukt rumor of I fe rry ,, whore th ey le ft th e ir horses an ow l's n e st in h o t w ea th er. T h e , the Penitentiary for life from Multntrtnah from abroad, asked onr young man who sure to want them. It is Crrtaiuly a atic changes anffer deterioration.” c.-t, ir» th« t | miscellaneous business and adjourn. rea so n is no t fa r to seek w lieu it is and cro ssed tho riv er in n skiff, vtitlr! County,waa lying very low with consnmp- 1 measures calico* for taffy flowers. Not marvel of ingenuity and simplicity com- s-»nth I« < Dr. II. A. Mutt, the Inriner Oovernmeat All Tt;mi> i uicu onrnmzvti "iia, Suiol i» vn»c«Sl tion. Jh e sLvudaid aaw fit t<» assail this knowing what they were, he only told her 1U!,,,V Any information desired of this Chemist, after a earefnl ami »labor«!« ex- Ich„„u Hn,f churr-hes oi tl,., e rnty are born e In m i.id th a t tl.o ow l ia a bird w hich th ey ran in to tho b ru s h , *afnl i Chaina; thaï the» he hug inven ion may be obtained by addressing «initiation of the « n o « , llakinn Powrl.r» „ item as an attempt to proc»ire a pardon • he did not keep th< in eu d eav o rin g to laud g o t i u t o t h e : of p re y ; b u t till th o sam e I have • firn, n«; th tl(l ,..„,1 ,|ulu-;,>... .e* pia««« f«*r young Swards. Swards 1ms finer been consulting Webster’s Dictionary and Mr. Win. A. Stoddard, htTtaJIafe. visited th o n e st e a rlie r iu tho season river and woro w ell soaked w ith 'tlio j of commerce, reportej to the Gorurnment M j I,. V, hitkxkkr . < h ,ir.„r„, » hu ovini I died of conaumntioxi. We h«q>e t h e , all the oldest inhabitants, bnt finds the mi favor of the Royal bran 1. - - ^ ^— — -—■ and fou n d th o .p la co q u ite sc e n tle s s , b rig h t ».«!< rs o f Iho U m pqua, w h ich , etary. A W. Lx < pursuit of knowledge in this direction Standanl will hereafter confine Itself to kn'iijif'lv oMI Steal. nnd th a t, too, a t a tim e w hen , ran g ed cau sed su ch a su rp risin g clinngo to | on. R. F . 1 fact.«. '1 hat it will not see fit to coat any , difficult, as he atill don’t know. Fuie and fresh drugs of every bind Ilia OALY * 1 in tl sem i eirclo . a b o u t th o y ou n g com e over them th a t o n s o f t h e m ' imcalh'd for reflections or impugn t h e 1 A number of tbe substantial residents in Prof. J . Wriglitson, < f England, sirttes \ consfuntly on hand at Ja p . R. Mi il le t’s! sh o rtly a fte r lost his p h y sica l en erg y m oiiv«j f those who arc honest in opiuion j this vicinity are considering the feasibil­ that it is doubtful whether wheat hasever He^kcejia ev ery article belongin to the i tho woro n o loss than tw en ty-tw o y ou n g As this place is falling bellir ity of locating a flouring mill here iu tl»-“ rata an 1 fu ll-g ro w m ice , so fresh a n l n o t deprived o f b is m otive Summons. -md tho discharge of their duty. trad«*. line of items, I will soud a few tw near future. We hope they can make it l»cen f*>und growing wild. Adrdphe de th a t tii« y m ust havo b e e n ca n ,,It, ; pow er to S'trli a d egree Hint ho c u n h l1 8h»k.V« rough ami Con.amption fn re j The Vor» li»»a ha.l « fine time a success as this is nu industry that is a Comlello believed wheat bail been found litt „f Ulf S ta u Ol t A 4 u :u . d u rin g th o p re ce d in g n ig h t, th e proceed no fu rth e r on h is jo u rn e y . • ('«Mllaiyof Polk. direct benefit to every person in this ’* “ 'M bX “ ° 2 • thauol.1 nasthur. allltou glt it was only n sh o rt d ista n ce I ditos J tkmixcr : S i r - Please allow me locality, and none should be backwar.l iu in a natural state in Asia; but others Consumption. l or salt* bv Jap . it. Miller, la tilc r b . In g su p p lem e n ted by nt n i'F , r*. CH» tor a boot & KA < Dall.il. . TheV» “ to say to your rcailers that I , as Bridge­ encouraging it. »er. the l* t * i think it had eacr.pod from cult»valium for a harness co u p le o f y o u n g r a b b its . I f , th e n , th ith e r. T b e o th e r, whoso foet and | I _ _ # ^ _______ I shoe ah«»p ■ nF THK port correspondent, never wrote anything a p air o f ow ls p ro vid e no m any sp e c­ lim its were sh akin g w ith co ld nigh The weather has moderated, and a great B taniits do not a^rra in tho parentage •y nulidad m « -■ r la r ln i. ! a'l"P. insulting ot scandalous about any one. diversity of opinion exists among tl*o o f any of our cereal». I t is still n»>t dc- im e n ! o f nihichevious verm in in a un to freezin g , caused by th e datup- ttmphklnt füod : In offering to everyone thr«»ughout the j Gur bf,.d teach' r, Mr. 3’. \ inoeut, J ohn J . B rown . farmers ns to the amount of damage done termifted whether whoqt may have rx- n ig h t, th e y ce rta in ly e a rn thn title : nc.«s o f tho w ater, en deavored to Ilo îssful s laud a trial bottle of Svrap of Figs free of j lum taqglik» *uc to growing crops by tbe lute freeze up. isted in a wild form in regions whore the , (o n in i. o f frie n d s o f m an. W hen h u n tin g persuad e hi« com pan ion to proceed charge th*; California Fig Syrup Company g‘*xl hone; man, and There was a literary contest at Mon­ some claiming that their wheat is entirely human race is supposed to havo origina­ is fully a .v»re that it were folly to do so if couinuinity. .o r food th e ow l gltd .s u lo n g oil to th e end o f th e ir jo u rn e y , but h e ! rained while others say their damage is mouth Mil Friday evening between the I te«! or aro mo«li6e»i forma of species now **»•-' P * r r*»'K^ ,,0 ‘ «£•««» J . A. Liiioorm-.il i. going to I„.1«« h - ii . a ilc o t w ing be sid e som e barn o r stack i hail su dd enly been seized by a d eath merely nominal. We hope none will have Corvallis and M< nnioutb Literary S^rie- i growing wi^l. Iho recor 1 of wheat ■aunt lhan any other «rtirl« erer off.ru.I ,|.nce for tl .1 II B re rla y . .mil and woo b e tid e tho co w erin g m ouse lik e stu p o r, nud c o n l.l p ro ceed no to replant, as granaries nnd warehouses firs. It comusk«'»! ini’ a debate on the were never lower in the Willamette valley growt'i is .amongst the olJ«*st in history. c a r . for lnl.ou.ue.« aud eoa.t.pat.oD ., (m1, n n j wllhallt wtUr. o r ra tlin g th a t i . busy on tl.o g r a in ' fu rth e r. H i. cnmr:>do rem ained with ^t-vriff ipwwtion mid at two recitation» by | at this season of the year than at present. In the Bible connected with the plagues * But kno I ring that every dose will con­ A. Frese* ti i» still w iking at his lugs As th e owl pa .icu ov er, dow n g oes him lo n g en ough to alm o st freeze of Egypt, n-'t l»*ss than 3,010 years a«r«>, vince the one who tak* s it of its efficacy, each sveiuty. one le g , at. I fo u r sh o rt claw s have h it feet. T h e n he » la rte d for l'» c- wheat, rye. nnd barley are meiiti«»Deil. nod make another friend for the remedy on the Big Lurkaimut \ t B r i g h t MM « a r . ituty. Mrs. r . If • JUnsli'-ad has been ubitont sn a tch ed th e little q u a d ru p ed from lie tt's w here lie obtainevl h e lp t o , Rp»f. Wrights.>n aaya be has himself which is dcstine«l to become universal, Uncle Billy Howe, of Dallas, recently Those who are indebted to me, either on dredged up v. boat grains from the bottom they wish everjone to try it. Mr. dap. during the post week, v siting at U dilani the g ro u n d , th e fo u r p o in t» sec nt ing fe tch Ilia o th e r; b u t, Jo ! when they note or account, ar« ret pee tin lly reqncsted received a letter from his ancle, W b . A. of Lake I*feffaced in Switzerland, pro-. E . Miller s agent for Dalla«. Knnh. Burns’. to slo p e tow ard s a co m m on c e u te r , : raised hint from h is fallest p o sition , to come fortntd and nf ttle within 30 days. Krug, of Crawferdsviile, Indiana. Mr. served by charring, Loin these ancient . mihi Krug is ninety-three years old, bnt his 30 th a t e scap e is im p u s-ild o , E v ery ' it was fou n d th a t he was d ying and I do not wiih to offttid anyone, or to 'er i« what yon need for | rr« f mr < lake dwellings of the dpuzo period. handwriting is clear, firm and beautiful. KeUuro is p erfo rm ed w ith cla w s, th e ! o n ly spoke a few w ords ere ho em.nae anyone to in«nr expense, bnt I can- He makes special mention of the fact that They resemble dowdy trie ordinary CoaHti, atioii. Lo . .rf Apput.l., Diax.iw-v,, All | K ...,,,. » l.h .« « to tr t fW trfrrit« -( nAt wait any l«>nger; therefore, be os • .» « »11 .ynijaon’ . oi p y ,r - P„ , I*,,«« IO , , r „ | rein, ly - o n . tb .t w.ll p o d L r.ly b e a k b e in g reserved fo r d iv id in g th e e x p ire d . H is co m rad e had h is feet | he can walk without a cane, and can make w heat.-~Es. Adn lime and do ro t wait fo r the collectors. •n.l < 5 e-BU per (x,.tlu. I or «»1« hy J» p . enr* r r ^ .,niw|.Uo». ,. lw U l.,A .tlu»., an im al w hen to o la r g e .— L o tid o u mtveroly fro z en , b u t w ill no t siifior three miles an hoar. He has seven living .lor th*y nro expensive. A dol r V o l f . Itroncblti«, c r noy «tTe-ti rí t j Ihc Thr«»t G ra p h ic. n « r V !e w * . t r w l r a « « l i r . K. Mill- r. D alle. any se rio u s co n seq u en ces from his Children. Citing a remark of his friends iNDXPtwnKxcv, Ja n . 17t*T^W. And L o o * . - - . ? . rrqts..ted to cali at J . U. The Beat H a ! v « iu the world for Cuts, that he is good for ten years longer, he exp loit». T h is is th e first ease enih'-r Dr. I. T . Mr.«an. .h-ntiiK Millar'« Itriig Store and get a Tríal B " 't i . P to n w r«i.l4U *»a. says that he has no a*snr;in<-e of his life Bruise«, b*»r» «..I’lceis. Salt Bbenm. Fever op .taire, ower Hntt«r’. grocery of Dr. King'a X»or Diaaowery for Con T li.t backing c> ngta f in k a . qni. kly w here a m m died from tho e ffe c ts 11 » « a * Sor»-t, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, The (iregon Association last week in from one d#y to another.but calmly awaits rnnplágt. freo of ro .t, »M«h will «b«» fared by Hbilnh'. (tare. We gnarante. it. o f ro h l in th is co u n ty , and it o u g h t !; ie to can call hftn thst i» inm h Lome Corns, and all Skin F.rapUous. and posi- •euiilo. A flna line of traase. of «11 kinds at .¡d e r a tio n o f a ll who trav el by l Annual Rwuu'.t ti to be held at tbe Stare • old man was a boy! i t is aoniMhiug very giv** perfect satisfaetioa ti enn i * «u.tod For lam . Back, Hid« or Ca««» u s. Shi­ » last forei lmit H;il was invited to deliver the an- ( forward to a/ cath thst it I —- - - J Tries VS c« a t. t h * p h ysical e n e rg ie s t ffcxl Con per, oi Indepwndvucr, paid »».rant'-) d to no re yon. f o r aalo by Jap. i til pr.ua« aud # occaiicnAl addiaa». ,-W t THE » V POU Ç O Ü H ÏY J Ï E M I Z E R . P E B ItV I> U S í r m H U S W a l TU I T E .« * * . W : i n s k r Ä ' s i r s r S Ä ’Ä Ä S e r Mio ] V m / _ «s t i o Ä A J .•«s'* '