fm THE POLK COUNTY IVEMIZER. POLK COUNTY ITEMIZE]?. IMP KD ITKBT ftATUKDAT, G E O R G E E. GOOD. Sub crtptiou B aimi ngle Copies Oue Year............................ fi i Mix Months. ** " Three M ou th s.. 75 I I .le Number........................ It itied* uid do«a B lJ S C U I lT iO N • our.' », i«t. 1 «».I ft th great a it i>U ft eo li &i « 1 wm tcnd get s I om- he waft », and I «iru, and tcr*wr.' Altogether I was in excel­ a suburban lodging-house contained lent »pi 1 its, and •» far as any man but one— "but I come new as a could ho from dreaming of the evil messenger of good tidings. Do you remember a serving man, Enoch that was to line. "H ow will vau take itf" asked Clint by name, whom your undo my client, Mr. Braithwaite, engaged the bank cashier. “Short!" I answered, with a aort some six weeks before the unlucky of lioyish pride >n mT newly- affair of the stolen money? B e acquired familiarity with l.i-ainess was a smart young fellow with ex­ phiaacs, and with my gold and cellent testimonials— all forged, by the bye— and made himself useful notes T left the hank. As 1 did «0, a man staggered both in the house and in the sta­ toward me, jostled me, then reeled ble-yard, and was vastly popular away, muttering, “ B*g pardon," with his fellow-servanto on account ard would have fallen but for the of his powers of mimicry and the support of my arm. I saw in a juggling trick« which he could per­ moment that the mail w*s sober. form. I bod an indistinct recco1 lection But he looked ill, very ill, haggard and hollow-eyed, though still o f having seen Cfiti hoard o f such young, and he was decently clad in a person in my uade's household, a well-worn veiveteen suit, with and I said so, wondering how lhe>e la-ge bronze buttons. There was a could be anything in Enoch Clint •J smack of the country about him, to concern me. " waif as he was in the midst of "This Enoch Clint,” said Mr. London, and his accent, so far as I Mordaunt slowly, “ was a north could judge, was that of Yorkshire countryman.” 1 stared at him. sorely puxxled. “ He was your or Northumberland. “ Yon are ill, I fear," I inquired, countryman,” drawled out tns "and pei haps a stranger to J>on- shrewd lawyer, and then a light broke in upon mo, ar.d I grew, eick - v_. dour Ni^h clemmed in this blessed and dimy, and could hardly hear London o f yours, |>aved wi’ golden Mr. Mordaun-'s friendly voice as guineas, as our old crones aar up lie »aid, shaking my passive hand iu Craven,” mntiered the eonnB-y- ■ the while. “ You have been sorely man in ike same thin, reedy Tome; ' wronged, Mr. Vaughan. I. for one, "paved wi' traps, oay I, ami co n e j believed you guilty, for which I for it, since all that granfeyther ' heartily beg your pardon. Now, stiued up, whether for Bess and ! listen to mo. This poor »notch, Bell or for me— ” and then he Enoch Clint, was two days since would have fallen but for my ao- run over by a heavily-laden van, not fifty yards from his master's aiatance. Clearly the man was fainting, door, and carried back to the house, blood-stained and from starvation. We had . tho crushed and r «. 1W1. * Co., ft the pub- ril—meat Kendall* from the Kendall’* !h wo aro Tress as a »neared la «Idea near he .id rr .cy of the credulity. Cure «id inw wit* •k that ft ert Herre- tonid find had berat cd a e«ff Diseases, 'ft loth he w>t obtain iable »Til­ 9 ADVANCE. Devoted to the Best Interests o f P olk County in Particular and to the Pacific Coast in Genera1. osto « M- Strf)„ 1 ,1 . i aa WttV.tto ^ npaultt » rs. ' U 1ST UK PAID IN '- • a THE W U wreck of a man. He asked for his master, and, Mr. Brathwaite being absent, he prayed to see Miss Lucy. To her, in the doctor’s presence, the dying man gasped out some inarti­ culate confession, clearing you from all blame but that a credulity, par­ donable at your age, and implicat­ ing most seriously another person. At his own desire his broken slate- meut was, l>y the docier's help, taken down in writing, but he died before th« narrative was coinpl«te. Miss Lucy hail an interview with her father, 1 need scarcely say, on his return home, as a sequel to which, Mr. Brathwaite, more agi­ tated than I had ever L iown him to be, culled on me, and laid the matter before me. We, too, had a long talk, and the result of it was, Mr. Cyril, that on the following morning I received a visit from— have you guessed it?— the confiden­ tial clerk, Mr. Jenkins.” “ Our Mr. Jenkins?” I returned, perplexed by the half-comic ex­ pression of tie solicitor’s face. “ You*- M”. Jenkins, if you will cling to i,he ancient formula,” as­ sented the lawyer, with twinkling eyes. “Tnat commercial luminary came to me blandly, unsuspecting, for, as it turnod out, he had not even heard o f the death of iiis ac­ complice. My fimt aet, when lie had made his uow and seated him­ self in the client's c - a i w a s to shut Lite door and lock it. When lie heard the click o ' the lock lie started, and turned us pale as iiis shirt-colla^. “ ‘Now, my friend,’ I said to him, in a frank, pleasant wey, ‘my ad­ vice te you is, for your own good, to make a clean breast o ! it at once.’ “Then you slioald have seen tbe ingenuous wonder of iiis interest­ ing countenance. “ ‘Excuse me, M \ Mordaunt, but I cauuoi. have heard you aright,1 ho said, after a parse. “ ‘Oh, ye», you have,’ said I, shak­ ing a finger at him. ‘Come, come, Mr. Jenkins, it is time for you to d op the sheep’s clothing, and stand fort 1 as the wolf you are— only this I promise, in M-. Biathivaite’s name, that if your revelations be full and ample yon shall have gen­ tle' and nio'e generous treatment than you Jcierve.’ “A stormy colloquy ensued. Once I thoi'jj.'.tu tbe man meant to »trike me, lint there was *ome,hing in iny eye that restrained him, I suppose, fo • ne t he began to sob, and then to whine like a beaten fl»und, as, sitting ou the edge of i . iv wiitiugrWrtuV, anil ¿daring at tnc carpet, be stammered out a con­ fession, which I reduced to writing, end to which he presently affixed his reliiciant signature. “The levtlarion, when this slip­ pery \ itnesswasat length brought to make it— lie did not know, you see, M-. Cyril, how much Iiis col­ league had confessed— was a lole •- able complete one. He l ad, it seem­ ed, an eg »ecial malice against your­ self, as the kinsman and future partner anil heir of the employer whesi it had b«en the business of his life to dupe by a show of zeal and a disp’ay of mock honesty— I say, mock, becarse, probably, when the book* coine to Le overhauled, it will be found that this was not the fi-st time of a betrayal of trust. And Mr. Jenkins thought, too, that young as you were, you did not share Mr. B athwaite’s high opinion of him, and might one day ask troublesome questions. “ Wherefore, by the help of a forged character, he got this fellow Clint into your uncle’s service, put him up to the trick which he had pla3‘ed on you— C'int bad been n low comedian, mountebank, and thimble-rigger in his time— and received from Clint himself, at the door of the city public heuse, the morocco pocketbook containing the gold and notes which you in the hurr^ and excitement of the mo­ ment had— Why, Mr. Vaughan, you are ill f” But if he liad said more I heard it not, for I was weak with long privation and aleepleasness, and the blood surged up to ray temples, and there was a roar as of waves in my ears, and I souk fainting on the floor. I have not much more to tei*. How cordial, ant! aeif-rep.-oachful even, was the reception which my umle, Mr. Biaihwaite, extended to me, or with wbat tearful jo y my Bucv’e eyes met mine, are easy to imagine, but difficult to describe. “ I wronged you, my bov, and I thank heaven that I was wrong in what I thought," said the old man, witii a sob in his imperious voice; “ Lucy, here, knew you beat." a r a n e ii a » k ih i n s r iiie i. An old toper waa locked in a police ceil at Dallas, Texas. In ths night hs ysllsd for help, declaring that a msnksy waa in tbs room. A police­ man thought bo had the delirium tremens, and aano-ed him that he saw ncthing. After that ba became more fraotic, and in the morning be wea found dsnd. Ths monksy was no •leiunion, howsvsr, but had got into the osll alter escaping from ita owner, an incarcerated organ-grinder. Subscribe for Tns Iru n a a . A rm w e n ■* rettavT mo. isevT s im im s . SI U N I O N * : M V IN X i. A ro . RCi'l L «IL L The first sensation in descending “ I tell you,” said Col. Holcombe, A sailor, roughly Vn-IMIM I« » « .M l. Arcar» 1« IS «H ST is tbo sadden, bursting roar in the "that smoking istbo worst habit that s* rolling through tbe XaliSMlIlr. ears, caused by the air driven .nto a man can contract. You kxow I Orleans then in rather a the helmet from tbe airpump. The loan very affectionately towtrd liter­ dition from recent Knowing ¿he •« is a cause for flexible air hose has to be strong ature and that I write sketches oc­ tide. Turning the ( every c-y ( effect, a Ch.onicie reporter enough to bear a pressure of twenty- casionally. Several day. ago I re­ frequented and nan sought 117ht an interview with Coroner five «r fifty pounds to tho square ceived an order from a literary paper served a young lady i Livingston. Saiu the man of death: inch. The drum of the ear yields to lor for a story, I l was nattered flattered by the tb plexity, evidently During the past year there were the strong external pressure, the cempliment and immediately bega: in depth of mndilv water I seventy suicides in this city, of mouth opeue unvoluntorily, the air work. For years I have been an in­ and the opposite which number only nine weiw rushes in the tube and strikes the veterate smoker, and knew Un.t the very satisfied cou women, showing a proportion of drum, whieh snaps back to its nor­ effecls of tobacco was injurious ta Tbe eailor panseu, for 1 mal state with *a sharp, pistol-like my brain, and when I began the great admirer of beanty, about seven and a half men to one oraek. Peering througu the goggle story I resolved to i_ait. I have a fair faee that peeped fr woman. O f the aixty-one men, eyas of glass in bis helmet, the diver strong will, let me remark, but I little chip b a t -----1 1 * thirty-six were married and twenty- sees tbe strauga beauties about him was surprised at the ease with which miring glance. " g * live were reveling in single bless­ clearly, and in their own calm splen­ I crushed the habit. I wrote with a edness. Of tne nine women, four dor. Above him is a pure golden vigor which I never felt before, and gallant sailor, with wem married, three were single canopy, while around and besiu« wheu night came I went to bed feel­ exclaimed: and tivo weve widows. Tho pro­ him are lints and shimmering hues, ing like a hero. I thought of men “ That pretty little foot, portion of married su’eides is ¡Deluding all colors, which are iu- who had struggled with tbe habit should not be soiled with the scarcely large enough to admit tho d«8cribably elegant. The floor of and smiled when I contemplated my the lane. Wait a moment, only. argument t.iat marital unhappiness the sea rises like a golden carpet, superior strength. The next day I I will make a path for you. was the main cause. O.i the other inclining gently to the surface. The began work again. I wanted to So, springing past her into • hand, it is argued that family tics change in familiar objects is wo lder- smoke, but frowned at the desire penter shop opposite, he ful. The wreck of a ship seems tend to check suicidal disposition. and bent my mental energies to the for a plank board that st studdsd with emeralds, glittering siory. I soon conquered the desire doorway, and, coming back to O f the women who put an end* to in bees of gold; piles of brick as­ and worked with almost nervous smiling girl, who was iust their, all we e below 30 sume the nppenrance of ciystal; a rapidity. Looking up auddacly I enough to accept tbe eervioo yea.-j of age, except two widows, ladder becomes silver; every shadow saw ray mcevsahaum pipe lying on handsome young sailor, he bl o^ed 5C aud 58, who chose hanging gives the impression of a bottomless tbe inautlepiece. My victory was tbe narrow, black stream, aad and drowning respectively. It is depth. An instance of cool deter­ not complete. ‘ Ah.’ I thought, ‘ I ’ll tripped acroea with a merry noticeable that women generally mination aud courage in overcoming show myself that I am master ef the you,” and a roguish smile. select poison, while men take the unforeseen dangers occurred to a stiuatiou,’ and arising, I filled the Alas! Onr young eailor pisUi1, 01 some method equally as diver who was engaged in the recov­ pipe and placed it on the desk be­ feetly charmed. What el* tragic. Yet F ere is one instance ery of the dry dock at Pensacola. side me. ‘ Now I am master,' I make him cfitch and shouldar of this number where a young mar­ It had beeu constructed in water­ mused. ‘ The enemy is under my plank, and follow tbe little tight compartments, aud it was nec­ very nose nnd still I resist him.’ through the streets to her home. ried woman of 28 yeaia cut her essary to break into the lower edge The victory will soon grow common­ throat with a razor. The others She twice performed the to allow the water to flow evenly in­ place. I took up the pipe. I would of walking the plank, i used strychnine and laudanum, and to them. Huge beams and cross-ties go farther. I would light a match thanking him with one of her protty ono gi.i of 18 years wanted to bo formed a network so clo.e that pas­ anil hold it over the tobacco. I took •miles. sure, and so swallowed ca’ bolic sage between barely admitted the the stem between my teeth and Presently our young hero Mar tho acid. With women, jealousy and diver’s body. Through an aperture smiled again. Talk about conquer­ ledy trip up the marble stops of a betrayed love are assigned as the the diver had crawled, tearing off ing a desire. I struck a match and palace of a bouse and disappear with­ prime causes for crossing over into the casing and prosecuting bis la­ held it over the.| ipe.” in the rose-wood entrance. For full the unknown hereafter. Being of bors until time to return to the sur­ “ W ell,” remnrked one of the com- a minute he stood looking at the big a more refined nature than man, face. He attempted to back out, pauy when tbe colouel had stopped. door, and then,with a big sigh, turned' and less inclined to the tragic or but could not. The armor about “ I smokbd,” he continued. W ho’» away, disposed ofh is drawbridge and bis head and shoulders, acting like got s match?” heroic, she naturally selects the went back to his snip. the barb of a book, caught him; he easiest and less barbaric methods The next day he received notice o f . Subject for a Student of Humau romotion from tbo captain. P oor * could go uhend but could not retreat. ef death; besides, shooting d is 'g - In attempts to twist h’mself out he Nature.— Up iu tbo Sitting Boll uck was speechless with am u’ cs the body, and a woman likes ■pent so much time that the men oountry n while ngo an Indian who He had not dreamed of bein. to be beautiful even in death. B is lmil never scon any of the paleface above begau to be alarmed, and in­ to the diguity of a seco argued by some that she, being less creased their work at the pump. style of food came in from the war­ office on board one of the moet splen­ courageous than a man, selects these path lo the reservation and drew his This swelled up his armor aud in­ did ship* that ever ended out of tho easier methods. But on the other creased the difficulties and dangers rations. He made a light meal of port of New Orleans. He kosw be side, it is a question whether suicide of his position. He signaled for unground coffee tbe first day, and, was compstent: for. iosteai’. of is not more a matter of cowardice the pump to stop. The cock at the ns lie overnte, aud the coffee swelled ing his money for amusements than bravery, in thus escaping from back of his helmet, to let, the nir iu Iron, ho had difficulty in button­ ing tbealreH anil booting Alleys, the trials of life. Many hold that out, was beyond hie reach. His ing his |innts around the pain he had his return from nea, ho pm only chance wt^ to open his dress on hand. In a day or two (as soon books, and had become quite a it requires no heroism to commit round tho wrists. At this point he as he succeeded in getting his interi­ dout, but lie expected year« Wqi suicide, but that the great ma­ found himself affected by breathing or department quieted down alitfle) intervene before his itebitiofis jority of self-killings are done iu over the air in his armor. The car­ ho tackled his ration of caudles. would lie realized. moments of intense frenzy and bonized air made him dreamy, creat­ Those he decided to parboil, in or­ His superior officers favqred without delilieration. The absence ing au intense desire to sleep. This der to avoid trouble from indiges­ aud gave 1dm opportunities A K 1 IT R U IM1IIL1T. of deliberation accounts for ao he oTorcuue by a strong effort of his tion. The dish was not so much of nautical knowledge, j,nd many failures. The failures are wit'. Hi* effort to loose" his dress a gli Ben ing snecess aa li« had autioi- the genlhcmnalfyouiqj A young man who bad Wen on perhaps 50 per ceut. and, ae hefroiucreefirfly picked nnireC unusual favor in succeeded, and with a supreme effort pàtbd, nr a three days' debauch wondered O f the sixty-one male suicides the diver escaped from Iiis narrow iflie candle triolein* out of bis teeth, the poriljr commander, Capt. into the reading-room of n hotel fo; tv died of pistol wounds in the limit* and was drawn to the surface, he made some remark that grated ho had taken the smart bL head, and two shot themselves in where he was well known, sat dazed and only half-conscious of the harshly ou the mstbetic ears of those fellow ns a cabin boj'. who stood near. He then tried a Ono night the young t’.ie heart. The men were nearly down and stored moodily into the peril he had uudergone. On another occasion a divor was meal of yeast powder with vinegar. the other officers, was invited a!l of middl, the Americans almost inva­ ltoseburg Plsindssler: We are in­ sister of an eminent clergyman, ac­ don’t know.” riably choosing the cheerful pistol. The Willamette Fannor. save: “ Why, sir, the other day when I formed of a horrible affair that hap­ companying ber brother to • disuer San Francisco Chronicle. "Mr. W. S. LaiLl is e.igagad in mentionod the fact of your indebted- pened one day last week on the Siut party, entirely forgot that sh*< ’ “ * below Cart­ — opening a model dairy >.vm upon nest you asked ms where I would law, about five miles not at ber own table, and ap A e il-u c c x * « i l l e u . wright's. The facte ns told ue are for the abominably bad dinn bis fa. in at Read vide, wLich ».ill be Tuesday.” aliout these: Mrs. Roork, wife of “ Yes sir.” was "quite ashamed” to see A wild man o f fierce and pecu­ eclipse anything of In« kind on t’.ie "W ell, wasn't that a promise that the Rev, Roork, left borne to visit dishes sent to the table. The Pacific slope, iiis he d will consist a neighbor, who lived near 24 miles liar shape has been discovered by you would pay me Tuesday?” of tho house did not enjoy the I away. At a point about equal dis­ der quite as much as the otbet t avelers in a forest sixty ini es of seventy cows of the Jeisey and “ No, fir.” Holstein breeds, forty of which are west of Onkapa.inga. The trunk Why, then, did you want to know tance between the two bouses she | guests. Lately, in New York, a dis­ met the neighbor’s dog, and it im­ tinguished English gentleman i " of his body terminates in a single already in stall. A patent machine where I would be Tuesday?” "Because I wanted to know where mediately attacked ber, threw her on a big morchant who leg, which is more i.han twice the propelled by a two pewer en­ thicknes» of an ordinary leg. Tbe gine will be brought into seivice yeu would be, so I could mako ar­ down, broke one of her legs and tained him two year» ago. gnawed the flesh therefrom, after heel of a sing'e foot projecls some for separating the c earn from the rangements to be somewhere else.” which it terribly mangled ber breasts d’ye do, Mr. — —?” be eaid, mill;. As soon as milking is done ing a cordial grasp. "W h o ar* ] five or six inches behind the ankle A clergyman met a rustic, and and tried to got at her throat, but rejoined the merchant, who boues, while the foot itself is broad „he lacteal fluid is poured immedi­ thinking it a good opportunity to could not succeed, as she firmly nor* are at time« bruaqu*, ' and flat and of extraordinary ately iato the inachiue, and m a make a religious impression asked: clasped her bands ovar that portion know you.” "Sir O. C .," replied trice the rich re a m poms from length. So quick is the man in his "John, if Satan were to suddenly ap­ of her body, and although they the other. “ I hail the pleasure of one spout anil the skim milk fioin actions that he can get over the pear which of ue two would be take?" were terribly torn and mangled, she dioing with you two J“ “ *«••*• ground with much greater rr.pidit; litv another. The latror can ba used Tbe rustic thought a moment and kept it from choking her to death or “ A miatake, air; I neveiM than a men can run blessed ri ,h for making cheese aad the former than replied. "M e, sir.” And why?” cutting her throat. The continued fore," and poor Sir. ta g »tout legs. He moves i.i a cilt-edied butter. The invention "W ell, sir, because it might be bis cries of tbo woman were finally confounded.—Chioago! series of long nop«, and he ha« been is English, and is said to work to only chance to get me, while he's heard by tbe owner of the dog, who A South End worn* seen to hop «crons stream« twelvs perfection. The whole establish­ pretty sure of yon, sir, all tbe time.” arrived in time to keep it from kill­ ing her outright, as she was almost telegram, and her face l and fifteen feet wide. Tbe at­ ment will be under the manage­ "G et right out of this!” shouted exhausted. Tie killed tbe dog end tempts of travelers to effect the ment o f a gentleman frern across an irritated merchant to a menda­ cared for the women as beet he could, ber hand trembled a* unopened envelope fe I the Atlantic, who fully understands man’s capture proved ineffectual. cious clerk; "this is the third lie I but there is little hope of her recov- ing it to her dang j all tbs details of the business." have caught you in since 10 o'clock Read it.” The p •Ty’ . No a t * living walks in a straight. a policeman this morning!” "O b , well,” said tbe The latest nsms for An exchange remarks that during has broken his leg line. Tbe squarest- ootad walker new man, "d on 't hs too bard on me. hospital." ehe walks to tbe right or laft a distance is “ tbe uniform liar.” Give a fellow time to learn the rules the cold spell "the skstist himself face brightened. " 1 1 by perambulating ovar the congealed of Unrty-aix feet in a mile. In case of tbs house.”—Oil City Derrick. Will yea *sff*r with Dy.prp* » *ad surf ace of the equeons element/' is no wor»«,” eh* i there is a saloon on tbe way ha may Liver Complaint? Hbiloh • Titaiixar I« might be going to 1 divarga ae mneb ae 160.— Detroit rsstM» te rare yea. For tale •; Jep. , r.rrt cigars is th* city St J*p. R. Mil- That's a long way to say “ skating to dinner.’’—I on tbe ice.” Free Prese. tor's Miller, Dallas. Here is an old anecdote, very fa- mftiar many years «go, ana old enftugh to be new to many of tnis generation, which was a regular Thanksgiving night stand-by. No gathering about the fbe ever sepa- ia ted wi.hout its being told. It meriting in this war: A new ay had oeen opened through leak aud unsettled section of try. and had b«en in operation a short time when a heavy snow began fading and soon com­ pletely blockaih;«! the road, stop- pin-^ihe train with its single pas­ senger ear f t “ from any place of habitation. Thu. e were a dozen or mors travelers, but as the prospect of relief within a few hours was good they were taking the unpleas­ ant situation calmly. Among them Was a tall, tank, !av-p> eacne; , whose countenance was clu ed / -e- inarkable for a pretei iiatc-ally large mouth. Soon aKer the train came to a standstill he arose at the forward end of the ca|4, and with his blandest professional smile be­ gan: “Now, brethren and »'»ter«, we’ve got to stay he’-e shut up to­ gether for an hour or two, so let us make the best of it. I say b’xrih- ren and sisters—ain’t that so? V e are a'l Ca'istains, ain't we? Of we are. Now let us have a little experience mealing he e. Why not? We all love the Lord, don’t we? We all believe He knows best w'nat is best, what is good for us, don’t we? Of course we do? Well, let us talk about Him a little. To begin with, we all be'ieve where is nothing the Lord couldn’t do if He wanted to— we all believe that, don’t we?” At this point a green- looking countryman, who had been watching the smiling speaker with clese interest, startled him by say­ ing: “ Waal, now, I dunno ’bout that. I think I know one thing the Lord couldn't do” “ Oh! do you?” exclaimed the preacher with great delight. "Do you, indeed! Well, let’s hear it. Speak up loud, and let us all hear what the Lo<’d couldn't do?” "Waal,” said tbe countryman, with great delibera­ tion, “He coilidn’t ha’ made your mouth any bigger onless he’d iia’ sot your «a t back!” That ended the conference meeting. r . Vj A P 9 * S I f - Ì rr f i ». ■à