: ^ « COUNTY ITEMIZER. AU'IDtJTIL SHOOTING. IX U tm ffh M i; IT E M S . ZEYA IT E M S . ■ A railroad is to be built from Rosobur" to Coos Buy. rts and a » pecial coRMwroNnrsT.l While Messrs. F. M. Lewis, John el ou Rich dirt has lieen found on the eeui3 to be the order of tho More rain Remember the baud ball oil tlie 29th Simpson, Rufus Siin|iaon, Thomas Mor­ o ’clock. Jay. Kantiam and miners are encouraged. rison, G. W. Gardner ami James B. inst. Help tho boys along. Followin Hev. DsviJ Lynch will preach hero to- Prather, together with others of this Mr. A. J. Reiss and family contemplate ' Hosmttlo ” is the way the La- |MH IN {CHIEF* county, were hunting deer, on Thursday starting for Califor nia on or about the 7th uiorruw at 11 o'clock. All invited. C h ick » It most M cCoy, Polls forenoon, the 9th iiist., on the south side of next month. Mis: piisfc. I ’ 1 have the phonetics. of Grass Mountain, in Benton County, Chicken, Be Mr. W. H. Judson nebs a little of Fairfield, aro visiting Mr. and Sirs. S. ; IN — a fino. the hist named, who lives near Buena everything at his auction rooms, on each Phillips. son. ix>. ! Some twenty Catholic priests snd Beef and Pork. Vista, had the thumb of his right hand Saturday afternoon. [ fire company, Ruv. It. \V. Hill, uf Salem, preached Sisters of Charity have recently ^ h 8 io n a . l c i t i J COLD. •hot away by tho accidental discharge of ■gustu», shako. Adolf Wolf is selling out tho balance of here Sunday at 11 o'clock, and again on i arrived in Oregon to organ ize Beef snd Pork. his ritie. lie was crossing a log ami had |r coinbuatiou before your placed the breech of his weapon, a Win­ his stock of men s and youths’ overcoats Monday evening. _ churches and schools. SIDS D isu sa . R . s it e s T Ï J Mr. 0. C. Walker loft soino anplos m i , . , . , . , , Apple Cobbler, Apple Tarts, Meat Tarts, chester rifle, on tho log to aid him in and ladies’ and misses’ cloaks at reduced our oflico weighing 11 pounds earn, of tho I ^ school-house and conHDissAry Uaeearoni snd Cheese, ¡Smith, of Monmouth, was climbing, when the gun slipped, the ham­ prices. Chicken Giblets. SIAN AND su aesciay. W. H. Osborn is now associated with Gloria Mundi aiid King of Thonipkina i b u ild in g, at the Siletz Indian agen- mer striking a limb, causing a discharge. VSO STABLES. oy, was burned last week. The In- Warn) , of Eola Hills, made Prathers thumb was directly over the 8. W. Allen in tho cabinet-making and varietics. Cabbage, Turnips snd Tomatoes. - DALLAS. OliKofj,^ Mr. J. J. Flynn, our Vulcan, is kept dian school w ill continue soon in muzzle, and was shattered. Mr. Gardner, upholstering business, and they aro kept ¿unlay last. ru m . »loi'tf your plows, »nd if I temporary buildin gs, ly Jud^o of Polk Counter who was standing near, quickly bound the busy filling orders. Blackberry end Apple Pie, Corn Starch ni. Keep constantly on hand a fall sssortmsnt of you have horses you wish stnxl tie can ac- *N MIM. 8THEET, |v, wounded man's arm to stop tho flow of The tax roll for the year 1882 is now in get a “ writ of attachment. snd Bios Podding. »ture. 4 1 Tho Benton Leader offers itself blood, ami the party took him back to tho Marshal’s hands for collection, and it commodate you. |imn lion been absent, and The young folks arc talking of stortili« ! for one year to tlie oldest unmarried B ALLAS ■ • T E L A B B I S I ! * . ;s h;w been recoiviny taxes camp. Tho loss of blood caused him to is hoped that our citizens will be prompt faint several times, and some of the party in paying the amounts assessed to them. lee club. Wo hope that it will come to lady in Benton County. That is N. SMITH, N h^ rryR' W asser Ksrosv or Asmiv.es at ths D u e . , Uurse. went to camp and brought back some Mrs. Florence Williams, wife of Mar­ more than talk. We are not a singer, yet ■ not the kiml of offer the “ oldest that .f. D. Leo, is the only whisky to revive him. He was taken to CIAN AND shal Williams, started for.Rugut Sound we tike to hear others. Furnishing Goods, Drees Goods, Etc., Etc. J. Kshnweiier. San Franco untnatried lad y” wants. Mr. Holman, Portlaivl delivers goods to any part a house where he remained Thursday Tht*. Jonw, Seattle Tho Good Templars installed their offi , _ . . . • Cooper, Yaiuhtll Co. on last Monday, m obedience to a tele­ DALLAS, UHîGOl* ■ s. Edwa, Mrs. Eriwardit, McCoy Dr. Worthington, McCoy night. The following day he started for gram which stated that her mother was cers hero on lust Saturday evening, but « “ 0 Corvallis Gazette has been 3L A Z X S A N D T O B A ( Ed Lsujfhlin, country John iMvb, country • us MILI. KTKKtT SonM ,s Richmond, an authority Independence for surgical aid, riding late not expected to live. wo havo not tho list at hand. They arc ( telling us fo r a month in a stereo- Mim F. Jackson, “ IHD. * 1 • J. H. Jackson is, thinks the tfaine law a into the night of Friday, and arrived U. J. McDov«U, McMinn L. Pewtherer, “ typed local, that it haa bought a H. J. Ferguson, Indepeu K. Jones, Boru—to the wife of A. 0. Sweet, Esq., stiil alive and working. A n d W i n e s a n d L iq n o r a t a r M e d i c i n a l F a “ there faint from the loss of blood and ex­ L Bevens, “ on Monday, the 13th inst., a smi; weight, I» W . H . Hfl; Mr. Nelson Walling, of Amity, was I mailing machine. W hy don’t it T. Boyle, Marion Co. F. Graves, |M. Holman, of Santa Rosa, hausted from his long ride. Drs. David­ 9 pounds. Mother and son doing very Imre on Monday and Tuesday last. He | pu t tGut machine in use? J. D. Bchnrff, Portland use? 8. D. Gaunt, “ G. W. Dioiick, “ |been visiting hero, returned son and Smith, of Independence, ampu­ well, but the overjoyed father show., i must haro made it lively for hogs, as he ! A. Li. Palmer, Salem C. Farley, M tated the injured member, which opera­ Irk. A few weeks agr our exchanges A. Rosenthal, Portland J. Concannon, San Fran’co had quite a fine lot of them stretched out symptoms of insanity. tion was very painful on account of itn G. E. Chamber lain, Albany B. Gier, Alsea DALLAS, OBEu, !. ! *, one of the best Coumiis- were filled with accounts of shoot­ J. Wm. A. Duval and Mins Mattie V. ! in his wagon. D. VanHorn, Portland I. Smith, country swollen condition. At the moment of j County ever had, was in E. K. Campbell, :*>stland G. W. Gaunt, McMinnville er» Muthieus were married last Sunday ar,: Mr. Wm. Sargent is handling the rib* ings and murders. Now they come discharge Gardner felt something strike o n K THINE is niWTi C. E. Magers, country H. C. Williams, Airlie Jday. ü on« door north of J. [> 1 n on ] U. 8. Grant, city him on tho neck, which subsequently tho residence of S. 1). Bournor, in Old j buns »gam. Mr. H. lias had a great deal I to us laden with birth-day parties R. 8. Hastings, Airlie A. E. Parker, Parker Sta J. 8. Smith, Independence (incipient lire at Mr. Rush* proved to bo ihe blood, flesh and bones Town, by Chief Justice John T. Ford, of 1 f sickness m bis family. Mr. Smith, an d w o o d e n weddings and silver C. H. Howard, country A. Siinit, eity L’TLER. ■Wednesday. No damage, of his comrade's thumb. Tho bullet cut Independence Precinct. bilging , , . |° ■, .- -x / young OUDL man, was driving the stage w(Hidings Kachenberger, Portland James Elliott, Canada and crystal weddings and L. r ladders. W. H. Lewis, Dundee Frank Brown, city Hon. M. L. Pipes, of Dallas, was in | during Mr. 8 ’s absence. off a portion of Prather’s moustache and 8. Laughary,VaueouverK. Montgomery, couutry A L Y Sc BUTI*’ ker, our genial friend of severed his hat band. J list a moment be­ town a short time on Saturday with a j Tho horns of tho humors wore heard recherche affairs and brilliant recep­ T. B. Shelby, Portland W. H. West, Portland J. Goldbery,San Francisco J. K. High, McMinnville was in town on Monday fore the accident, one of tho party shot wagon and team. If aiiy of our citizens last Monday morning, and we suppose tions.' o r n e y K .a t .T J. DeCourvy, Silverton H. Clark. Airlie k pleasant call. at a deer, the bullet hitting one of the have missed anything since then, tlii« that tho hounds became impatient and Jas. McCain, Lafayette ....................... Max Levinson, Lafayette item will suggest where it can be found. . P R O M P T L Y ATTEND ft I dogs in the back. The dog was still howl­ started out on their own hook, but their J. W. Richards, McCoy McM. Dodson, country- • of Bound” was the subject A IM U E . L E T T E R I T lUHinuHH entrusted to thtm f Jacob Ogle, Salem R. Farley, country i lecture. He doesn’t live ing when Prather's misfortune occurred. Mr. Wm. Rubell, Jr., is announced to masters seemed not willing ; hence blast­ l>posite Court House, I m H^ 1 J. C. Marsh. N Yamhill W. Am land, country When the party started to camp Frank lecture this evening at tho opera house, ing horns broke tho stillness of the night. W. Saulabury, country Jit of the Rand Hall. Frank Pike, Pendleton A irlie , N ov . 13, 1882. H. Holmes, Salem ft. Glaze, country Mr. Wm. Walters and family, formerly I sunrise, Sunday morning, a Lewis carried one gun in his hand and his subject being “ By Land and Sea,” it E ditor I temizkr :— Seeing a communi­ E . J . DAWK two on his shoulder He stopped a mo­ being an account of his experience while of Folk County, have arrived at their cation in last week’s I temize » from this libow appeared in the west. T h e C le r g y m a n '» A n n o y a n c e . ment and remarked that he would with­ in the British army in India. Admission destination, tho great Wasco County. i indicate foul weather, place which managed to escape the waste­ .’ O R N E Y - A T " Nothing can be more annoying or un­ draw the cartridges, which he did. A Mr. W. reports grass good up there, and basket, I will endeavor to send you a few pleasant to our clergymen, than the con­ fin Brown was in town one few minutes aftorward, one of the guns free. ho thought Webfoot had followed him. Mr. C. L. Pierce went to Portland on items to see if they will meet with the stant coughing of some of hia congregation ; pk arranging with County on his shoulder being heavier than the yet how easily can all this- be avoided, by j I AL ATTENTION G IV eyor ' ¡right for u survey of some other, over balanced and fell, the hammer Thursday to meet his father, who was a Henco that long dry spell some time ago. same good luck. feting and iuuniug uiouey. passenger on the incoming steamer. Mr. But it seems to have found its way back I J. A. Dalton is thinking some of start- naing Dr. King’s New Discovery for Con­ striking and indenting the gun in his frolli $10») to *2,500 on m _______ sumption. There can be no cough or cold, Pierce, Sr., coin os from tho East to Ore­ again. I ing a drug store here. iirity. Office in nriswold'i | (¡¡number of men tho hunter» hand, and tho muzzle, at the same mo­ however severe, bat what this remedy will gon with the expectation of making it his k, Salem Oregon. Killed 11 ::• Benson, there euems to ment bringing up directly under his chin. M O N ttO IT IS IT E M S . Ira Hooker lost a very valuable horse relieve instantly. It is a positive cure M*to Im re need of a law fur the Had the gnu been h aded, he must cer­ home in the future. ; last week. As is always the case he says for Asthma, Bronchitis, Phthisic, Quinsy, Hodgin & Chamncas, Independence, [p'R id ora SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT.] r. H . TO W N Si»otion t f nu n than of t».mie. tainly have been killed. The party on I it is the best ono he had. Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Dry Hacking have on hand the largest and best selected Di. Curtis Shelton, of Carlton, gave us une thief stole 3000 from the barn of that day killed twelve deer, with some Next Wednesday work will commence Cough, Croup, Whooping Cough; Diffi­ stock of school books, sheet music, al­ on the new road, which will lead from culty of Breathing, or any affection of the T O R N E Y -A T W . W hfcuker, near Monmouth, re­ yet to hear from. We are indebted for bums and Btationery, of all kinds, over i a call on Sunday. Mrs. Moiras, sister of Mrs. Griggs, has here to a place some three miles south, Throat and Lungs. To prove this you ly. Mr, W. will no doubt hide his this information to Mr. Gardner, one of the party. Our efficient correspondents brought tr. town. Just the place to buy ■ been spending a few «lays in town. DALLAS, 0REGWT aoniArhere else hereafter. whore it connects with the old road lead­ are requested to call on Jasper R. Miller, your holiday goods. Post office store. Druggist, and get a Trial Bottle free of at Buena Vista and Independence also Miss Jennie Bushnell, of Junction City, ing from Corvallis to Sourer. This will coat, which will show what a regular one st wait until a tiro comes, At an election of officers'of the H. ¿e L. | is spending a few days here on a visit. wrote of the accident in their items, and ¡ICE ON MILL STR . EET, i k n d makes an utter sweep; be a great benefit to Airlio, and the rail­ dollar size bottle will do. -use. Collections o we have used the additional information Co. on last Wednesday night, Marsh M r- : road, but is considered quite a detriment “ — a »it down in the ashes, win was elected Prosklent, E. < >. Chal- j Lliss Grace Douty has gone to Port­ by Ihoso that havo much road tax to work, therein contained in writing this. And weep, and weep, and weep. Bneklfa’i Arnica Halve. land, to enjoy the pleasures of city life mere Secretary, Bud Cooper Treasurer, 1 as tlie roads wo already have are in bad The Beat Salve in the world for Cuts, E. H. SKIPNVORJr. William Rubell will deliver his Tli«* First .irailrmy Lecture. H. Lewis Foreman, J. S. Bohaunan First tor a few' months. fix, owing to so much road to be worked Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever re, “ Bjf Land and Sea,” at Sheridan On Wednesday evening as announced. Assistant, and Isaac Mozart Second As­ Mr. Sharpe, of Portland, working in in this district. Sores, Tetter, Chapped Han*!?, Chilblain», T O R N E Y --A Tfon Frhlay night. The people of Hon. N. L. Butler delivered at the Acad­ sistant. behalf of the West Shore, was in town Johnny Staats had a very dangerous Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi­ Than any house South of Portland. — axh — UUn will bo entertained by going to emy tho first of a series of lectures. His The Independence Silver Cornet Band the first part of the week. tively cures Piles. It is guaranteed to fall last Wednesday. He was engaged in him. subject was the “ Theory of Sound.” will give a grand ball at Butler’s Opera Miss N. Davis, who has been spending painting Dalton’s house, when the scaffold give perfect satisfaction or money re­ * o t „ r , ‘ ‘ » w W n , name unknown, was run over Three theories were examined. First, the House on tlie evening of the 29th inst. a few weeks in this place, has gone to In ­ on which he was standing gave way, pre­ funded. Price, 25 cents per box. For ilbany, : ; le caw tlT en m o, W. T ., on Wednes- undulatory or wave theory; second, the Everybody invited to attend, but the dependence to spend the winter. cipitating him to a wood-shed below, and sale by Jasper R. Miller. and upm^led beyond recognition, etherial medium theory, and third, the managers guarautee that none but res­ Mr. Caldwell, of Carleton, has moved not finding a suitable place on the steep ill practice In all tlie C od J I ia K calls. is ascribed in tilis case, corpuscular theory. The last is that pro­ pectable persons will be admitted. Ad­ his family to the house on Mr. Shelton’s Tho NE PLUS Washing Machine (only shed to stop, he went rolling on down to posed by Wilford Hall, who has written mission, 81.50. iiuluen intrusted to him ,.a bee iM.dri liking. farm, in the northern part of town,where tlie ground below, whore ho picked him­ premium at Mechanics’ Fair,‘Portland) a book defining and explaining it. For will wash clothes rapidly, thoroughly and sum of money was found one day Hodgin A Cham ness, at the Post Oilieo they will spend the winter. self up more scared than hurt, only re­ Ree in O’Toole’s Block, Bnl many years it has been taught that sound Johnny without tearing them. Easily worked by 3-23-m3 ffeek in Jap. R. Miller’s drug store, is produced by waves, or successive con­ store. Independence, have a largo num­ M i's E. McFadden, of Corvallis, was ceiving a few slight bruises. a lady. Price #15. Address: Owners ot the owner can recover the same by ber of bird cages, of every size and stylo. here the first of the week. She will be­ should look a littlo out. UR MB. BETTMAN HAS JUST RETBBNED FROM SAN FRANCISCO WITH SOLE SHOP RIGH T, P. O. Box 713, ig at the drug store and giving the densations and rarefactions of the air or Also candies, cigars, harm on ions, etc. gin teaching drawing and pen work in our Mr. Gould has had his house painted, Portland. a choice line of other surrounding medium. Each pulse of int and the kind of money lost. Give them a call. They also have the school about the first of January. which gives it a beautiful appearance. the vibrating or sounding body was sup­ T R U IT T a JOii lust ■gliiuay evening, Walter J. posed to cause a wave and these, striking agency of all the leading papers in the Mrs. T. II. Lucas, who has been lying C. E. Staats has taken the contract to NEW THIS WEEK. n, a druggist in Portland, committed the tympanum of the ear, to give rise to United States. very low for several weeks past, died on carry the mail between here and Lewis­ by taking prussic acid. He was the sensation of sound. Wilford Hall, in t t o r n c y s - •Sltde ; The many friends of Mr. and Mr?. Friday, Noy. 10, and was buried in the ville. a habit of taking morphine to ex- his own opinion, overthrows this theory Liuvillo will be pained t<> learn of the old cemetery southwest of town on Satur­ The greatest drawback Oregon seems to DALLAS, 0REG5 which dlnibtleas led to his rash deed. and asserts that not only Round, but light, death of their little daughter Mabel, day. Her funeral services, which took have to immigr ants is too mush rain. I KICK ON M11.I. STRUCT, **• 0 . W o .w e l l le ft.... Saturday last heat and electricity are substantial mate­ which occurred on last, Tuesday morning. I . W m SetunHy. conducted by Eider II. j (i„ |l t 8ue |10w° ul Unmi^rant or any ono else . I Waller, V'« ir.iro lal'. Irvine, Tom Bo- of construction on the public square, trout fruit Farmers cannot complain, for they are not settle the some without delay, resting on Independence street. Mr. T T O R N E Y S - t a * invoice of drugs and drug sundries. mated discussion among a few who re­ hannan and .lames Lawrence mentioned not behind in their work, and are now a fine line of perfumery, toilet ar- mained after the lecture in the Hall. One as candidates for Town Marshal, at the Haley is pushing forward the work as rap­ taking good advantage of the nice days bv they will havo to settle with our Ud-i.emlenee.uidl Jle4edetermined gentleman could not subscribe to the cor­ election of town officers, which oc.-ura on idly as possible, and we have no doubt plowing, preparatory to raising good crops attorney for the same. ... .. . . . . . n JM f'ifcGry article nertainin# to his puscular theory, for the reason that the tlie first Monday in December. There is that he will have it completed and ready in the spring. Those who make a living ill practice in all the 1 McGREW & WALLER. locust which shrills through the night good material among them, and our citi­ for use long before it is needed, if lie by days’ work only will surely not be keeps on working as he is at present. P b k r y d a l e , Nov. 17, 1882. growling about hard times, as those that .0 passe ilk rr fare oil tho narrow would throw off so many corpuscles that zens have an opportunity to secure the Mr. Wm. Rubell, Jr., came over Thurs­ cared to w nk have had a nice time to lay K. D a v id s o n , M . 1> . lailroadpias been reduced. Thirty he must finally sing himself away. An­ services of a faithful and efficient officer. L. W. Robertson has been engaged day and delivered us a very interesting up enough to keep them in comfortable Administratrix’ Notice. D A V I I>NO\ A Pays the fare between Dal has and other one hoped it might be true, as in la «11 lb » Latest Sty lea, uouMi. A citizen of Monmouth re- that event, the brass band must eventually this week in moving his stock of drugs, lecture on his “ seven years absence” in­ circumstances till early spring opens. o t i c e i s h e r e b y g iv f . n t o w h o m i t m a y PIIVSICIANS AND ^ed to its th at this is cheaper than run out of corpuscles and sink into a recently purchased from Goodman Bros., cluding stay at Afghan, and his return Hunters I know don’t object to fine concern that at the November Term, A. D., 1SS2, and ii much pleasanter way of restful silence. These lectures must prove into his new store building, next to Van- voyage home. We are glad to bog him weather, for, as Bill Williams, R. Hastings of the County Court of P o I k County, Oregon. Mrs an interesting feature the corning winter duyn it Smith’s. Henry Patterson will again and renew our old acquaintance with and Asa Staats passed here Friday they Ellen Wilcox was appointed Administratrix of Independence, and must prove both pleasant and prof­ him, although ho has changed somewhat made the remark: “ Isn’t this a lovely day the Estate of John E. Wilcox, deceased. All persons having claims against "aid Estate are hereby notified Oftico, one door south will coat ftree cents for one of the itable to the students and the people. occupy Mr. Robertson’s old stand. W e now have throe first-class drug stores and in appearance from what ho was eight to catch a coyote ! ” and sure enough they to present them, duly venueu, to said Administratrix, are store. Residence **tfil money orders for a sum less Tho firfft was a success. at her residence, at McCoy, within six months, years ago, while attending school here. had not been gone long till a fine large thrs'o physicians, and still this community [reet between :kl and 4th•&, and tho service is so extended as and all persons knowing theniselvos indebtod to said one put in an appearance, hotly pursued Estate will make payment thereof to said Administra­ moves along as if nothing was tho matter. D i s e a s e s of women asp«*« the limit of orders from $50 to A F ir e A la r m . ELLEN WILCOX, Administratrix. by the hounds ; but worse for the coyote, trix. BUEVA VISTA ITEMS. It is to be hoped that the parents and July 15 18811: PersQM will not he requited to D alt A B utler , Attorneys for Estate. On Wednesday morning the alarm of he ventured a littlo too close to Mort friends of tho children will not forget it- a blank, but will receive an order M c C oy , Oregon, November If», 1882. [ frg \ i ora special correspondent .] fire was given, and Elkins’ Hotel was sup­ Staats. He saw it coming and turned his G r o c e r i e s , B t o ., E t c ., them altogether during the coming holi­ de to the bearer at any desired posed to be on fire. Smoko issued from ?.Ir. E. C. Hall lo3t a valuable horse on two hounds loose, which soon picked it days. Balls and parties will be announced, Summons. j. e . t’ooPKH. y o ffic e . an up-stairs window and the inmates were Saturday, the 11th. Inflammation of tho up, and Mort being close behind them he but we have heard of no amusements for at part «if the game law prohibiting in confusion. In a short while, a number soon had a rope around its neck and took In Justice'!! Court for the Precinct of Independence, kidneys was the cause of death. All .bought at figure* enabling them to sell ____ P illing of Hoes for four years is not of agile citizens were climbing the roof, the little ones, Let one or both of the State of Oregon, County of Polk. J. L. Bevens has purchased the A. M. it to tlie house, where he now has it con­ to be enfjorced. Who is going to tearing off shingles, and acting frantically churches get up a Christmas tree, or let fined in a substantial box, where he will . E. Davidson and T. J. Lee, partners practicing med­ Smith residence, and now we are com us all join together and have a grand icine under the firm name of Davidson & Lee, ¡Hoc walk up, wink one eye generally. Buckets of water were on Plaintiffs, rs. J. T. Thorp, Defendant.-Action on Wish it koep it a while, and if the sheep men \ into the muzzle of his gun? We hand, but nobody could discover the fire union treo at the opera house. It is none polled to change quarters. don’t come down liberally perhaps ho will note. wouldn’t rain. too soon to begin to discuss the matter. ately assert, and with a full knowl- Jap Miller, clinging to the comb of the Q. To J. T. Thorp, the above-named Defendant: set him free, for if it isn’t worth anything What’s tlie matter? We didn’t hear the The Board of Trustees met at the [ the consequences implied in the roof with his hands, made an impromptu N THE NAMB OF THE STATE OF OREGON, to them, it isn’t to him. Youwo N a z r o . usual boisterous disturbance created on Council Chamber last week, and after jo u are hereby required to appear before the un­ |bve wouldn’t. hook «J hia foot and drew up a bucket of dersigned, a Justice of the Peace for the Precinct After the equalizing the assessment roll, levied a Sunday, and tho rattle of the dice box ^ ^ H H writer to Independence, water hung on his instep. aforesaid, within six week» from the date of the ser­ I K O N GOLDEN D ALE. vice ef this 8ummons upon you, by publication, ^ ^ H ^ S ffio w e d us that that city whole town had gathered at the scene, it three mill tax for the year 1882. This is was still. Surely there has a change taken to-wit: On the SOth day of December, 1882, at 10 Its its usual hustle and liveliness, was announced that the flue was burning a good showing for the Board, as they place, and for the better. All kinda of Country Proda** taken at market rate*. Examine our o'clock in ths forenoon of »aid day, at the office of G o l d e s d a i . e , W. T ., N o t .' 13, 1832. Our city election passed off quietly. road was splendid, except the portions out. That was all. But as insignificant have purchased a hook and ladder truck Justice, in »aid Precinct, to answer the aboro- E d it o h I t e m i z e s :— The election is over ed plaintiffs In a civil action. The defondant Stock and Price« and you will be aatiafied. L I V E H Y F E E l st to thfihe two belligerent cities, as the danger was, the occasion serves to and fire bell, besides making extensive The position of Marshal was the only one will take notice, that if he fail to answer the com­ BETTM AN A ROSEN BLATT. The difficulty of get­ street improvements during the year, and that elicited any effort or interest. E. G. And the dead and wounded have been plaint herein, the plaintiffs will take judgment iih fable teaches” that the principal point a moral r i m A T> Ifcfpalitie*opght to bestir themselves. ting on the roof suggests that a real fire have reduced the tax one mill lower than Hall, A. J. Richardson, D. M Calbreath, u.Tthurcd un and properly disposed of. against him for the aura of ($11.fiO) Eleven and Fifty D a l l a s , Oregon, September 8, 18M. One-hundredth Dollars, and interest thereon from Brents carried the county by a good ma­ it was last year.* James Church and Joseph Miller were may sometime get such a start as to be O A 2 1 J j ieyes of tlifirfcounty arc on you. the first day of Januarv, 1879, at the rate of one j»cr elected Trustees, C. O. Lee Recorder, and jority for delegate to Cougreu. R. O. cent, month, and for the costs and disbursements of e learn from the Statesman that last very destructive. Two minutes time at P E U R Y D A L E IT E M S . Dunbar, Republican, is elected Prosecut­ this action. J. J. Fitzgerald Marshal. IN D E P E N D E N C E S evening while Mr. E. Wolford tho beginning of a fire is worth a great Publication ordered this the 14th day of Novem­ Summons* B. DeLASHXTtT, Mabel Clair, youngest daughter of W. ing Attorney in this District by about 400 ber, A. D., 1882. J. T. FORI). ' his two daughters were returning deal. The cost of ladders would be so [FROM ora SPECIAL CORRESPOXDENT. 1 Tho following Republicans Justice of the Peace for Independence Precinct. S. and Hannah Linvillc, was buried in majority. --------- | Silverton, when about four miles inconsiderable that it is a matter of won­ In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for th* Items are scarce. Those County of Polk. the Odd Fellows’ cemetery at this place were successful in this county, viz: Legis­ that place,! the horses became fright- der that they aro not provided. Mr. C. T. Waller loft on Thursday for Nov. 15. Rev. Me Waller conducted the lator, Nelson B. Brooks ; Sheriff, E. B. John P. Hart and T. B. Hart, an insane person, by D R . I. T . M A S O N , FIEST CLAS3 Tl* and ran off a bridge. Tho carriage w ho aro interested should not longer neg- D. M. Guthrie, his guardian, Plaintiffs, vs. Julia A. Yaquina, to be absent about two weeks. locfc this very simple matter. funeral services, and preached an able ser­ Wise; Probate Judge, W. R. Dunbar; . . at lower prices ii14„ Hayes, Jacob Hayes, William M. Riggs, Georgs A. and than i,J upset - Midi _, Bliss Gertrude . . r ., Wolford , Our accommodating stage driver was mon. Mabel was a bright and attractive County Commissioner, J. A. Stout; Sheep Riggs and G. B. Riggs, his guardian, and Thoms* r thrown under the feet of the horses Commissioner, J. W. Jackson; Surveyor, Hart, Defendants. no, your Zena correspondent will compli­ girl, and sure to find a place in the affec- Ail I m p r o iu p ln S a lu te . Accomimnlating ConinisHiiiplcd toraeath. She was 21 years -—-AMD------ S. B. Stone; Coroner, S. H. Miller. T h . To Julia A. Hayes, Jacob Haras, William If. Riggs. j tions of those whom she met. It does not On Tuesday, as we were going home to ment him. Specialty. A nine-year-old daughter of Mr. George A. Riggs and U. B. Riggs, his guardian, amd DALLAS, OREGON. ■ ii possible n HP 11 no that .ii,. she has left ns. Y e t! Democrats elect: G. W. Filloon, Auditor; Thomas Hart, Defendants: Thanksgiving will be on the oCth, and seem ford also was severely injured. dinner, when at the corner of David Burns’ (Late of Eugene City and Sheridan.) NAME OF THE STATE OP OREGON, HOUSES BOARDED residence, wo were startled by a loud re­ turkeys are—no, your Zena correspondent stern reality asserts the truth, and wo can ! J- T - Eshelman, Treasurer, and W. R. M . I .u . MAUKIi:il. P THE Nitrous Oxide or Laughing Gas adiniimtcrod. Ofilce you and each of you are hereby required to ap­ but how in assent. Site has gone to that Neal School Superintendent Mr.. C. K. port as of a heavily-charged fire-arm, in will notice that. two doors east of Jap. Tl. Miller's drug »tore. pear and answer the complaint filed g a in s t you In Satisfaction guarantee j land over the River of Death. Tore I ■ in doubt, a . the official taka lodgment against yon as prayed for in PlaintiTe ^ ^ | iin g at the parlors of the ¡The report came from Frank Collins’ nesday. CUMTUX. vote is not counted. complaint, which le for a partition of the f o l i o s * « Portland, by Itev, T. L. | yard, and we went there to investigate. described real property, according to tha respective Mr. J. P. Frizzell’s elegant residence i nt *oL r i : p « : : t . righto, as therein act forth: The South half o f the |of Dallas. The party con­ Mrs. Collins had placed a five-gallon coal has been completed, the workmen having Forty thousand good shake* for sale, Donation Land Claim uf Thoamo Bart, Metifimtfun oil can on the stove to melt off the bot­ es brothers, M. M. and finished painting this week. It now looms No. 2280 , In T. * * ., R. t and • W. ef tha W U foM tn — or— Has for g h , m may i Agents for the Û^‘ The following .9 the »vertigo standing Apply to J. M. Cmnpb.ll, D .ll.s sister Miss Mattie Ellis. tom. A very small portion of the oil still up like Mt. Jefferson at a distance. an. Aim l £ thsi rfrtain tract ef h ad hnsnrn a* St. Domingo and Bohemian cigars, the a part ef a the Donation Chins o f A. J. OUHam, Motlft- of the pupils who were examined for tho |liR, Miss Jennie Rowell, remained in the can and caught fire from cation I No. 2774. »74, and more partinwissly parthnalaity dmerited an On last Sabbath, the roads being good month ending November 10,1882: best in this or any other market, at Jap. Rnd Mr. L. Bettman, and the heat. The lady observing this, and beginning at tm tHb S. E. e«m»sr earner of said mid G GHUna** Imrt and the weather fine, we enjoyed a pleas­ R. Miller’s. (room, left here on the | that the can showed symptoms of uneasi- ol2m , No. 62, la T. t 8 S., R. ft W. of the W i l l m * « E,ln Addie C la r k .... 100 Fannie Mann . . 80 Meridian, running nning til thence North 80*, E. ie.d0 nflblnri morning for Portland, j ness, removed it to the yard and retired ant drive to the classic shades of Spring Elmer Purvine.97i Lincoln M ann..81 \ John Hyde has just received a new thence North 1 ear, d COUNSELOR AT-LAW which order bsars date October l f / l M t . requested b* preastit them t< tbi* we«.« received a floe snd tbev are constantly selling farms snd desire to close out their business as early etc., etc., besides many other new goods, siring anything in this Uns can b t ssitsd within -rix months from this • Ha H avmf , W. , T 5 2 L ,y » S 5 b . otJter property. M possible. H. A. R> Belem, Oregon. at J. D. Lee e. i by csJUng on him. ' find glassware. Dated November 9.1881 IrROM UI’B »rSOIAL OOHRBHFONi>SXT. ] [FROM O C. E. General M e: AND DRUGS AND G R O C E R IE S , H AR D W AI E Î N T , D ALLA S, OREGON, LEAD THE TRADE, nd Notary Pm ■ And will sail more goods £3 FOR LESS M ONET o Debtors, Take Notice! DRESS GOODS, N CLOTHING, BOOTS & SHOES, CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST FOR GASH. I COOPER REAL - 'l l ! ESTATE »RESIDENT DENTIST, G e n e ra l A g e n t , ar I), w. r u ; THE LARGEST STOCK l°»d Watches, Clocks, Jewelry GRAIN AND GRASS LANDS, S IL V E R W A R E , F . D . M c D o w e ll’s, UPRIGHT, SQUARE D. W .P R E N T r^ AUCTION SALE f V i - ¡ - j , » , as- * L ra i s s s js r& DRUGS, PATENT MEDICI» I LA CREOLE ACADEMY, m n. ■ sapST iP m