( I COUNTY ITEMI) - ■ J ■ ' C O U N T T U U D A Y , N O V . 18, Y S D ALLAS. OREGON, SATU R D AY, NOVEMBER l\ K H IE K . atiat. ir is line, W bnt b the Lesson? Partisan papers are drawing d if­ férent conclusions from the recent •lections. I t :» asserted on the one- aide, that while tho result may be a Republican defeat, it is not a Dem­ ocratic victory. On the other side, , the amount o f “ crow in g” indicates pretty well that the Democratic mind is willing to take tho fact, without making any very refined distinctions. The return» show that not a full vote was cast. I t is as­ sumed by sonic that the stay-at- homes were disgruntled Republicans S T A T E AND T E K K IT O B IA L . N E W T H IS W E E K . as the years go oh the classes rep __ r ___ _ ,v . r\ i. A little elbow leaus upon jo u r kueo. resented by the “ Crested Jay-H aw k The passenger fare on the O. i Y o u rlir-d koe. that b « i o much to beer; o f tho Mountain ” and the “ Bald- C. R. R. has been reduced. A c h ill's dear « je a are lookingly lovingly A . J. Bumison has been indicted | Fiom^underueath a thatch of tangled Headed Snipe o f the V alley ” w ill become extinct, and the " petulant for killing Brown, in Lane County Petbap» yon do not heed the velvet touch (8nccc«»or to Alex. Patterson), The Portland Standard takes' Of warm, moist hngere holding youre eo | pop o f the pistol” be heard no more strong ground against prohibition. Too d ‘ *“ :prU# thu blejting 0„ rmnch in the land. — DEALEU IN ----- Montrose B. Monteith died a tj You are almost too tired to pray to-night, j Albany, last W eek, of consumption But it ie ble.eedneee. A year ago E D IT O R IA L NOTES. The Democrats in Lafayette en- l,d,d “ ot 1 “ « “ >d*y. Washington Territory return* thused over the result of the late * e , e slew ‘ U 10 d“u ‘ “ d » “ «u k le .e and too elections. Brents as delegato to Congress. To catch the sunshine till it alipa away; Seventy-one bills from the recent Aud now it seems aurpussiug strange to me Thut, while I wore the badge of mother­ Drs. Barnes and Woodward, sur- legislature reached the Governor, hood. I did not kiss more oft and tenderly goons who attended Gen. Garfield, and sixty-seven became laws. The little chili? that brought me only Dru?s ami Medicines, The Orphans’ Home under charge are very low. good. o f the Good Templars of this State Aud if, some night, when yon sit down to B A L L S T O N , I’O L K C O U N T Y , O G N. James Gordon Bennett, tired of has been located at The Dalles. D. C. SALING, • who took this method of “ rebuk­ in g " t h e Republican bosses. The arctic explorations, is getting up a lain on election day is said to have scheme fo r a new ocean cable. inured to the advantage of the France has had a long rest, which Democrats, though why the Repub­ •■ w about to be broken by tbs licans should fear lain- tha mor», anarchists. I t takes a periodical does not appear. The Democrats hubbub to put Parisina good humor. • - are usually credited with being ■ ■ anything but a cold-water party. B ill Jones, who it w ill be remem­ "The passage of tho river and har­ bered tried to Bhoot Guiteau, w ill bor bill Is said to have caused the be tried for assault. The Jones Republican defeat. But the Presi­ fam ily w ill y e t be famous. Bill is dent vetoed the bill and the party swimming out for glory. was defeated where he most wished Herbert Spencer, the English it to succeed. I t is not probable that any one sufficient reason can be given. I t was tho conjunction o f man}' causes, different and per­ haps opposite i:i different places. author, recently visiting this coun­ try, has been givin g his impressions o f America. H e thinks Americans too much tolerate political bosses. I t is confidently asserted by the That was before the eloctions. Republican picss that this is not a A Chinese dwarf,Chee Mah, forty - deluge, but a shower which w ill be over before 1SSI. The President five years old and forty-four inches comes in for mors than his share of high, is trying to marry a young A young man in Corvallis has cleared three or four thousand dol­ lars in tho past two months, specu­ lating in hops. The telegraph operator at Marsh­ field is accused o f making public certain private dispatches sent by Mitchell and his friends during the recent unpleasantness. Astorian : From the beginning of the season to date, over 1,500,000 pounds o f hops have been sent from Oregon and Washington Territory to San Francisco, representing a cash value o f over 8300,000. Eight boys were recently confined in the county ja il in Portland, whose ages ranged from nine to fourteen years, the offenses for which they were imprisoned being from petit larceny up to burglary. rest, Yon uiiss this elbow from your tired knee, a v in g purchase » the e n t ir e stock This restless curly head from off your of good» formerly owned bv Alex. Patterson, 1 breast, I will sell the same, for the next Thirty Days, This lisping tongue that chatters con­ stantly; If from your own the dimpled band bail slipped, And n e ’er would nestle in your palm again; If the feet into their grave had tripped, Just arriving, a Urge and well-seloctod stock of I could not blame you for your heart­ ache then. H. W. LY O N S . A. S T IM T . ifiro company. Igustus, shake, S T IN IT & L Y O N S , PHYSICIAN AND Si I wonder ae that mothers ever fret At little children clinging to their gown; O r that the fooUpriuts when the days are ’wet, Are ever black enough to make them frown. If I coaid find a little muddy boot. O r cap or jacket on my chamber floor; If I could kiss a rosy, restless foot, And hear its patter in my home once more; If I could mend a broken cart to-day, To-m orrow make a kite to reach the sky, There is no woman in G o d ’s world eould say She was more blissfully content than I. But, ah! the dainty pillow next my own Is never rumpled by a shining head; My binging birdling from its nest has flow n ; The little boy I used to kiss is dead!— — Aldine. GENI MERCHANDISE Which will Le »old at Lowest Prices. C o u n try P rod u ce Of Every Description taken in exchange for g^ods, aud the highest market price allow.*! for the same. garCall aud examine stock and prices before pur­ chasing elsewhere. Also keep a full line of ' Smith, of Monmouth, liesday. W aiiu , of Eola H ills, iturthiy last. D A L L A S . OHE gqj c* MILL ST R U T i«a . Stun?. 11 O r n Drug on J. :y Judge of Polk C- ¡get a “ writ of attachu 1 ____________ heriff Hdluiaii hail been abseil! T 4® “ has been receiving N . S M IT H , PHYSICIAN AND Oitoiuembei that J. D. Luo, is the DALLAS. AND LOAN AGENTS, .M a in S i r o o t * D a l l a s O 1 »* »1 U C o n n l y , O r e g o n . _ _ ’ Hou«o,X M d “‘ iVeri I U x . _ _ JE ^ A K r e M i J\T __________ T? ’ Holman, of Santa visiting hero, rut T c > w h flB been H e tk M w L k . OKEGojIwBytH'Ujy, one of tho best C«i Office two doors north of Post Office. work a l l DONE « " « . o Rnco »rn on« «loor .rK,N north R ** of j. F,iw p r • " P o l f O o u n ty W e have for sale about 100,000 acres of well improved land, iu farms X. L . B U TLK Il. from 100 to 3,000 acres. Stock ranches of from 100 to 1,500 acres, well D A L Y Sc B U located and uear market. Also city property, flouring mills, saw mills, water powers, good locations for portable mills, hotels, livery stnbles, har­ A t t o r n o , y » - a t ness shops, blacksmith shops, wagon shops, etc., etc. IL L PROMPTLY ATTEND a busi ness entrusted to tbtm , Parlies wishing to locate, by pre-emption or homestead, upon Govern­ •Street, opposite Court House, ¡¡¡J ment land, or to purchase School or Railroad lauds, will do well to call upon or address us, ns we have the plats and are thoroughly acquainted E . J . D A W liju t with such lands throughout the entire Willamette Valley and Eastern Ore­ gon, and can show parties the most valuable lauds and desirable locations, A T T O R N E Y - A T . ’ u' from 1G0 to 10,000 acres in a body. a n d Notary p W e have also stock of all kinds for sale. For price list, send for cir­ cular, or come and examine our Bulletin Board. pecial atti ^ tion cirri and louning money I f we sell, we give an abstract and pay all expenses. Any information to loan lecting from $100 to #2,500 , tate security. Office in Uriswt in our line furnished gratis. tho bank, Salem Ormroi*. S _ __ H * over had, Incipient lire at M r. nYodnusduy. N o d: ladders. W Drugs, Patent Medicines, or, our gonial frit , was in town on M pleasant call, of sound” was the i t lecture. H e does! it of the Hand Hall, sunrise, »Sunday uior ibow appeared in th indicate foul weathe k Brown was in to arranging with i lit for a survey c jhniiüber of men tho 1 Hilled tlii.-. season, there se ^ • dxHm ID 're need of a law T O W N S f c c t i o n « m o n than of game. »me thief st« le $000 from the n e a r Monn M o n mo !y. Mr.f W . will n o doubt I D A L L A S , OREG'tfjV t o iu w lu re else hereafter. ATTORNEY- A ] W . W H it e .ilv ir , P u re M ines am i L iq u o rs Suel Bates, indicted for bigamy For medical purposes. Competent jierson always on at wait until a fire comes, hand to All prescriptions. D. C. BALING. in Lane County, was discharged for Q IT IC I o n M ILL s t r e it , B allotox , Oregon, November 8,1882. FO U - , , ...... . A n d M S k .'H a., H irer want of jurisdiction, the crime hav­ ait down in the ashes, ing been committed in Yam hill A n d weep, and weep, and we E. II. SKIPW ORk W illiam Rubell vnll deli County. H e was immediately re­ » *r T d m c V « ,»«t » »Y L a n d a n d S ea , a t h arrested on a wanant from Yam hill white woman in Chicago. The girl A T T O R N E Y - - A T , (.xt F J y .iy njght Tlie ,JB the odium. H e is alluded to as A little son of J. M. Watson was County. o t ic e is h e r e b y g i v e n t h a t i w il l is willing, but they have found no — and — idan will ho entertained by : drowned in the mill race at Turner oiler tor ml«, on holding his office by the “ lottery of bint. The Governor has appointed the last week. N o t a r y |»ublU assassination.” This is extrem ely one w illin g to perform the eoremony. Thursday, N ovem ber S3, ’H*f, nnni“ u n k n o w n , w as r Van Damme has been sentenced, follow ing officers for the newcountv ie enr* «1 Tenino, W. T., on } Unfair. I t is right to criticize him At the rwMence ot the Ute Joann» Brake,. iloceaaeJ, Albany, I t ' is rumored that Folger will of Crook: Judge, S. G. Thompson ; |in Portland, to ten years imprison- near Perrydale. Polk County, Oreiron. the peraonal and mangled beyond recn for his acts and his administration meat for shooting his wife with peb­ property belonging to tuud estate, to-wit: W ill practice in all the Cour’^ a n a l cau.se is a scrib ed in ti succeed Justice Bradley, o f the Su­ Sheriff, G. II. C h u rch ill; Clerk, S. bles. A ll huriineM* intrusted t»> him j.iad been d r in k in g . o f affaire if these deserve criticism, preme Court, who w ill be seventy T. Richardson; County Commis­ HOUSES, COWS, HOGS, Itev. Mr. Banks, o f Vancouver, sioners, Ben A llen and C. M. Cart­ • but lie is ns fairly entitled to his WOme« inOTo..leVKWIc,B,..»"'“ ?f K ' " ncy » j “ fouml years old in February and w ill con­ ft-23-ui3 *eek in Jnp. II. Millers dri w righ t; Surveyor, S. G. Newsome; was last Monday presented by his lY a s o n s Household l ’ ton sils scat of President of the United ___________ Bw owner can recover I) m sequently retire. N ew w ill succeed School Superintendent, H. D illard ; congregation, with a gold watch as j Farming Implement1 «, Hay and other article« on the at the drill® Btore and yi States as any man woo ever occu­ W. TRUITT. 1 farm. Folger, and Gorham w ill bo offered Treasurer, Gus. W in c k lc r; Coroner, a birthday present. int and the Lind of money fo I Terms -A ll mini*« und^r $10, cash in hand; over pied it. Ho was elected lo occupy Seme hoodlums persist in spitting W ill still be the Emporium of the Latest and Best $10, approved note, due October 1, 1383. R. Graham. the place vacated by New. T R U I T T & JCt hiat Sunday e v e n in g , W W ILLIA M SA KG KANT, Administrator. tobacco juico on tho show windows it on the happening of a contingency n, adrtM'iri.st in Portland, cn Dated November 10, 1882. Last week Mr. Kitchen’s store, in of Salem merchants. The guilty V 1 t o r n o y « - a t Jo by faking prussic acid. which actually did happen. The California now has a bloody Irvin g, Lane County, was entered parties have not been discovered. 8 liahit of taking morphim J A M E S H A RRIS, people elected him. He was Vice crank. Josiah B. Smith, lost week, by burglars. A gentleman across D .A L L A S , OREG|vvluch Aubtlensled to liis r a The Governor o f Oregon adds his President by no accident, and he murdered his fourteen-year-old son the street heard the noise, dressed recommendation to that of the Pres­ ------DEALER IN ------ FFICB ON M ILL STRERT, N V. O . U . p i m v e l l 1 eft o n Satu 0 House ortland t«> take the steamer is President because ho was chosen by cutting his throat. H e and his himself and aroused several citi­ ident of the United States that the ----- SUCH AS----- deco. She g o¿3 to San 1 zens, who prepared to capture the people be thankful on the 30th inst. Wagons, Plows, Harrows, G lo . W . B rlt , to the succession. The only mean­ wife say the Lord commanded them a sister whom she has not Independence. thieves. A light, however, struck years, end expects to be a' Ashland elects a municipal ticket ------AND ------ ing the office o f Vice President has, to sacrifice their son, and they in the house across the street, pledged not to permit a saloon iu B E L T Sc the only reason for the existence of obeyed. When the murderous blow alarmed them, and they escaped. that town. There were two tickets F A R M I N G I M P L E M E N T S Black, all wool, Armures, > IL lo ll or has this week A T T O R N E Y S invoice of drugs and drug i the oQiec is, that the incumbent was struck, the boy was kneeling F ive ineffectual shots were fired at in the field and the saloon issue was Of Every Description, a iino lino o f perfumery, t Shaded Serges, Fancy Melanges, squarely made. shall, in a certain event, be the before his parents. The whole fam ­ them. Im dpptndenceand D booker, ; tc.— U e-isd e D ALLAS, OREGON. The body of a man was found on President. He was as much chosen ily are under arrest. THE THESPISS LI IV. W ill practice in all the al rticle portainit the 12th inst. a mile and a half above Fine Diagonals and Brocaded Suitings, f b u s in f outline*« N Y DESIRED ARTICLE FURNISH ED TO ORDER t> be President as lie was to lie Vice on short notice and at the lowest possible price. I ’resport, W . T ., with eleven buck­ seng« : fare on the I4 . . l4 .o ptsscaver A marshal has seized liquor be­ As much interest is felt by the shot wounds in it. He was evidently Depot on Main Street, in building formerly occupied J. K, AWDKON, * I. President. Indeed, his fitness for railruajfhns by A. Brown as a wagon simp. »ad has been reduced. Cloakings, Ladies’ Cloths, Waterproofs, sportsmen of this city in regard to longing to arm y officers in Indian murdered for his money. t i between D O W I D N O N A : r * y * the the fare the office of President was, or should the trespass law, a copy of it is given uoiiHi. A < dizeu of M on; Z . T . D O D S O N , M . D ., Brigadier - General Emmanuel have been, in mind when ho was Territory. Tho law provide» against Ladies’ Cloaks and Dolmans, P H Y S I C I A N S A N D t*d to us th it. this is che; below. It will be seen that it is in Meyer has resigned his office. This chosen. The Vice Presidential office any liquor except for medicinal pur­ force now: j j , and a much plcassntei Physician. Surgeon. Obstetrician, Independence, |jr < f 1 is the second instance in history is nothing except as it- derives sig­ poses being taken into that T erri­ A ll colors o f Cashmeres. Has permanently located in Dallas, Oregon. Section 1. I f any person shall go when a great m ilitary chieftain has Oftico, one door south will coat three cents for 01 T h e officers are indignant or trespass upon auy land Dot his nificance from the uncertainty o f tory. £rT Office at Hy«Ie'» drug store. novll-tf voluntarily retired from his place ware store. Residence *>stnl money orders for a that the marshal did not make an own, and shall fail, neglect or re­ street between 3d and 4th a ° d the service is so ex human life. Wherefore wc say that o f pomp and power. Washington Diseases of women a spr®« the limit «if orders fro N O T IC E ! fuse to depart therefrom immediate­ was the first. exception in their favor. They are it is disingenuous to intimate that, July 15 1S«1 Persons|will not be re ly, and remain away, upon the ver­ N O V E LTIE S ! N O V E LT IE S ! N O V E LTIE S ! U. S. L and O m en at O rboox C it y , ^ j t a blank,,but will receivi Bnker City recently levied a tax an assassin' made him President. unw illing that it shall bo so long a bal or printed or written notice of the Oregon, November 11, 1882. > ile to the| bearer at an TOTICK IS HEREBY G IV E N T H A T JOSEPH E. person in the occupation of said lands, for building a school house. Out i V" .H e is President because the Repub­ time between drinks. Brown, of Polk County, Oregon, haa made ap- y ollice. J. E. L'OOPKH. such trespassers Bhall be deemed of seventeen votes against the tax, ' plication to purchase the S. 4 of S. W. J, N. E. J of S. lican party nominated and elected nt part of tbc lcuhc law p N. W. \ of S. E. \ of Section 10, T. 7 S., K; I t is said that Frank James is guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon only five spelled the word correctly. 7 \V. W., and Willamette Meridian, under the provision* bf j illin(! of do I i ..... - _v.' him to be Vico President, and there­ “ Tacks’’ was the way it wns most the Act of ConjfreH*, approved June 3, 1878, entitled, trsatod like a hero, his cell being eonviction thereof, shall be punished : tu be enforced. W ho is ‘‘An Act for the »ale of Timber Land» in the States by Coe not less than five uor more frequently spelled. It would be in­ of fore to be President. , California, Oregon, Nevada, and in Washington 1, lee a d..' walk up, wi. fitted up in sumptuous stylo by his than fifty dollars, and Bh all be com­ teresting to have the spelling returns Territory.” into the muzzle of his But we were hunting fo r the lea- All adverse claims tu »aid tract must be filed in the admirers. As Frank in in prison, mitted, in default of payment of the from the other side. ily u*«»i t, and with a f United State* Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon, be­ son. Wo don’t know what it is. fore the expiration of eixty days from thi» «late. tho aSjpe'i.itmces imp! and in any event, is not likely to fine imposed, to the jail of county in A son of Mr. Turpin, o f East Given under uiy band thij 11th day of November, nt, that [wo wouldn't, which the offense is committed, one Salem, says tho Statesmen, has been 1882. Each man, from Vanderbilt to Den­ L. T. BAK IN, Register. read tlii". we venture the remark day for each two dollars Of the said p by the writer to Indc missing since last Monday. He nis Kearney, w ill draw his own con­ ns that that he does not deserve such hand­ fine. Administrator’s Notice. S T A P L E DOMESTICS, GROCERIES, HARD W ARE. went duok bunting anil did not re­ clusions. Perhaps it is a matter o f 1 bustle and Sec. 2. Printed or written no- turn at night. As he is only thirteen some treatment. W e are as mild road wns id id, except t) o t ic e is h f . u k b y g i v e n t o w h o m it m a y no consequence, and that ths future ticee, having attached thereto, by years old, and not accustomed to concern, that at the November term, A. !>., 1882, as possible, for Frank was reported two belligei L I V E R Y F E E I " t «'■ «1 authority, the name of the person in handling a gun, it is feared thst he of the County Court of tho County of Polk, and .State .will solve its own problems w ith ­ ich (al le ichea” that th< B O O T S A I S T D S H O E S . of Oregon. I w u appointed by tiaid Court Adminietra- to be in Oregon not long ago. M ay­ the lawful occupation of said lands, tor of the K*tate of Joanna Frake*. late of »aid coun­ gilt to bestir t has met with an accident. out much reference to this autumn’s ty. deceawsl. All person* having claim* ngain*t and requiring all persons to forbear be he might come back. lounty arc on ; estate are re<|uire«l to present the name to me, Following is the change of passen­ •aid contest. In the meantime, one fact trespassing on said lands and to de­ duly verified, within *ix months from this date, and e learn the States in 2 all persons indebted thereto aro requested to make ger rates on the East side road: I N D E P E N D E N C E ^ ev, while M r. I stands out in bold relief. Ben But­ The defoat pi Gov. St. John, of part therefrom, posted in throe con­ immediate payment. W ILLIA M SA ROE A NT, Administrator. bia two daughters were spicuous places on said lands, shall From Portland to Salem, $2 35, in ler and the Democratic party arc Kansas, is. looked upon as a reversal be held and deemed to be sufficient pi®0® ° f $2 75; to Albany |3 CO, in- shall continue to import Sailer, D aly & B utler , Attorney» for Adtu'r. --------- - SilvertonL when al»«»ut Dated November 10, 1882. together, and on top. r e * ™ «a -- place! the h orn s bee of the voice of that State on the netioe, as mentioned in Section 1 of stead of $4; to Eugene |C 20, instead Lewin & Co.’s * ' FISS a CLAS3 -w and ran off a bridge. T of $7; to Roscburg $10 70, instead prohibition question. This con­ this act. JA SPE R R. M ILLE R , and at lower prices than I uhl S 1*®* •n di Miss Gertriu Seo. 3. Justices' courts shall have of $12 25, and to Riddle, the present T h re e Laws. FlrlE thrown iind« t , t ,.f clusion, however, does not necessa­ jurisdiction over all offenses defined terminus, 12 40, instead of $13 05. Acconun«nlntin^ C«»nini • trampled t l death. S h e » (Ml’CCCBMOR TO RICOS ¿L MILLER), rily follow. Gov. S t John was a in this act. An exebangesays: A man in Puy­ Specialty. A n in^m ar-old daugli W e print to-day full texts o f tho G ian t Seam Boots. Sec. 4. A ll fines collected under allup, last Spring, purchased a farm .'ord also wife tercrely inj. Republican, and them was consid­ now laws relating to game, trespass HOIiSKS R O AIID K D i! V ------ — M tilKI erable m ortality among the Repub­ the provisions of this act shall be of ICO acres, a team of horses and r. and the carrying of concealed weap­ paid into and shall constitute a pnrt j wagon, and the necessary farm tools, ai toe jg| Satisfaction guarantee -------- licans on the 7th instant. I t Is pos­ of the common school fund of the running iuto debt for the whole, the r. C. A. Johns, of Dallas, ons. The only persons interested Fooler’s Genuine Kid Laced July 13 1881 1 COOl’f ^ j „ j p 0|k t „ nnty am] sible that he simply went down in county in which the offense is com- amount being in the neighborhood (rATKITID n-ss l.;r:r, 1970.) especially in the gnino law are those aha ot it, , [lv. w.*rr mbted. of $4,000. On the place were several the universal storm. ----- DEALER IN ------ who hunt, but this class is quite Sec. 5. Inasmuch as tho present acres of hops. Thi* F all he is out I ) . W . I M t E N T I & n ! k l T o M U n d hebP; lew is inadequate to the punishment of debt and hae $700 besides. Pretty numeious in this county. N early formerly ol Dallas. Tt The n ep Salem m ill« will soon of trespassers, this law shall take good winning for a laboring man. D ru gs, Agents for the ( t í of , U n t o ld es brothers, •very one along the foot-hills keeps be ready for the machinery. effect and be in force from and after sister H iss ! Eugene Journal: A young man his gun. W e are interested to know bs. Miss Jet The electric light is being exten­ its approval by the governor. appeared in our office last Wednes- end Mr. L . D C h e m i c a l s , Approved Oct. 24, 1833. what our hunters think o f this law. sively introduced in Portland. iroora, left 1 ! day evening and stated that he was morning lo Their moré intimate knowledge of j 19 years old; was born on the classic Georgo Anderson fell into a bar­ I ben LAW ACAISST c a u i t i n i TVKtroV*. fa : e was d e l P e rfu m e ry , I shades of the Long Tom; had lived the subject" will make their opinion rel o f hot water at Seattle recently, .. V-.-'.'-* Jwir.g re_ 'K the young i there continuously up to the present "/¡SI - JuleJUVT I The Dalles, valuable. The trespass law seems and waa scalded to death. Sec. 1. It shall be unlawful for time, and had never before visited > wife r ’turn home S t a t io n e r y , There are to be tw o steamers a any person to carry concealed about Eugene. The farthest he ever was to us to lie obnoxious. A man other Unrr^l Thr 'en I should, to Lc sure, have a right to week to and from San Franciaco, his person in any manner whatever from home was Corvallis, that being arriving at Astoria Mondays and any revolver, pistol or other firearm, the only tow n he ever saw until he well unitoci say who shall como on his premises, i I May joy and Fridays, leaving Tuesdays and or any knife, other than an ordinary came to this city last Wednesday, nlway but the law has features to ns sav- J FriJays. Mill Street, i D a lla s Oregon. pocket knife, or sny dirk or dagger, T . . [*<»1«] Util. I^ewis Curtis 8“ °* through C. HUGHES. Summons. T. H. G U Y orln gof injustice. N o man can now ! F. G. Schwatka, o f Salem, aged slungshot or metal knuckles, or any nton ] k«f who aboii instrument by the use of winch in- * 16 .w* . a r'^ e » on ^ e 12tb safely put his foot on another man’s ; 71 years, hae had the middle toe of jury could be inflicted upon the per- !nsi ‘r In the C im it Court ot the State of Orcijon, for ti e ! J the Jt.hn Ph “ other’s place here Alws.r* on han.l, a Fin« Line of H U C H E S & C U Y , County of Poik. his right foot amputated, for what |k soltl the si Ian 1 for the most innocent purpose,! son or property of any other person. |10 JreMinnville early in the morning | Sarah A Belicw, Plaintiff, vs. Wm. H. ikliew, Dc ! Acknowledged by all Musk-:d J^n | East, recc was at first a com. H e hated to MEERSCHAUM P IP E 8 , fendant. BEST PIANO now manufacture J Sec. 2. Any person violating anv * n,‘ , " a* found jn hii ®»bin early for he cannot know that there are i Mannfacturers of B ' When terms a* easy a* consistent with, To the above named Defcixiant: part with so old a friend. of the provisions of section 1 of this |n re® afternoon with his rifleclencbed »hip. Address lace and (>ai not three piinted notices posted I N THE NAME OF THE STATE OF O RIGON. Cigars. Tobaccos. Etc. “ Col.” R A. Hawkine is travel­ act. shall be deemed guilty of a mis- ,n. ®ne baud and a stick in the other, you are hereby re.| tire-l to ap|nar and answer the Teifon friend D . W . P R E N T r } somewhere on the premises, warn- ' complaint filed A«ram*t you in the above entitled suit w“ '-h h® touched the trigger, leaving tha ing in Washington Territory under demeanor, »rid, upon conviction „ i within six weeks front the date of the service of this i fo r t land, O^J ing trespassers. The law against the auspices o f the National Chris­ thereof, shall ... punished by a fine , wns * y ° unff mire about 30 years has derne j Summon* upon you by pablieation, to-wit « *n or ' Z. F. V A U G H N . i f«*re iHswn.ber 4»h, 1 * « : an»! if you fail Ml t »nraei bve on his pa ------------------------- « » 1 Mill Strict* IhilhiH, the carrying of concealed weapons tian Temperance Union. I f the o f not* less than fifty dolla'rs, nor of *8® * nd had taken up » home- | for want there.«#, the Plaintiff will take a dev n o the on the E oj more than two hundred dollars, or !/ ™ . about e,6ht mil®» WMt of aifainst you for the diwi.duti .n of the marriage eon ) ■ is correct in theory, and it would Union can't get bettor tim ber it by imprisonment in the county jail “ *cM*nnrille. where he has been WATCHMAKER & JEWELER, trart now existimr between y*»u, the care ¡«»1 t tistody ■ace centsim I «tf the minor children ntenttoned in her complaint NONE BI T THF. REST OF M ATER IAL coaridwM M ttl « r e e l , n a t t a * . lit to vigorously enforce it. would as wall keep oa t o f the lec­ not lees then twenty-five days, n o r | , ,ag for two or three years. He ami for the other relief therein prav*d for V .. . E * I ,mI Ktiarmnto« wUiifactio« to all who favor u* IN*Miration ordeml by Hon. R. P. Boise. Judjre of ture field. mere than one hundred days, or by i • TV * widowed mother who lives i't,L ihra:r Ça rn " * f » - W « keep on hand a rood rap w ill not 1* done. I t cannot ; « ah I Court, at Chamber* at Salem. « H toher IS, 1 vs*» ! ply of Ready Made Work. Give u* a coll. «Iral at IN\I John Moore, m j n the Rose burg both fine and imprisonment, in the in. *®at f ° wn • Th* deed wae corn- W eteh es, C lerk s and S e w in g M achine. DALY A B IT LE R , ic i I1UÜHE8 ft O U T . c. The result w ill I s that __________________________ Attorneys for Plaintiff. D allas , February 2, 1882. KeiMurevl. AH work ruarmnteeJ. a one-yea: m,tl*d during s temporary fit of Plaindealer, eloped last week with discretion o f the court. •ch, living i is w ill be more carefully coil- hie wife's sister. The two had been Sec. 3. Nothing in this act ehall insanity.— Reporter. For Prico* and Terms, addrt I >ne of t he i W . P . W R IG H T , •ealed, perhaps, l o t fe w men who unduly familiar, whan M ia Moore ba constructed to apply to auy eher D. W. PRENTICE ft I | little one on M O N E Y T O L O A N ! iff, ooneUble, police or other peace out of hi« a n i n the habit o f carrying pistols rtmonstratod with thorn, and ob­ D E N T IS T : officer, wboee duty it is to eerre pro­ A band of sheep and lambs— from 20 Administrator’s pi to the floor to do so, by virtue o f this i tained their promise to amend their cesa or make om ets to 3U heed. Sheep branded with tar B •insm*. E m mm" ' i Re*' conduct Snortly afterwards, the IU vin g returned to Independence to Sea. 4. Justices of the Peace shall iotl ™‘” P ,nd h°l« in right enr. Lam b* Tho law, however, in­ lit for. We ’OTICIt 18 HEREBY O lV l And County Surveyor, permanently locate, is prepared to do all N * ' « TO « v i i w u n m im « . two took tha tram to Portland. have eoaeurrent jurisdiction to try î°* dersiirned has been duly 1 * hut with hide in right ear. icrioua will r kinds of detal work. Fillingsnd treating tor of the l-jitate >4 M a r p n 4 growth of publie senti- Moore ie twenty-seven years old, n vi : torn oat TO m e TIA.» r u n u n , DALLAR, OREGON, and all person* bavin* damn a specialty. any person charged with violation o f . S f ¿ í J ^ ,n& to th*'= ™er,T*ry requested t<* present them t< it tho practice. Ptrb*|w aud tha ycuag lady about seventeen. any i f the p rovirio«, of Uria act. i . j '» W I L L ATTEND T^> HI8 HI SIXFSri IN ANY Office in Vanduyn A Smith’s new brick, tbia wet’, i within six month* from thi» D n d r p rt. I f ? ,* f t of th« «V «% y pm»|*>y. up stairs. ’ H. A R® 1 and glftsawa ADM INISTRATOR'S S A L E I F A L L N T h e T R A D E ! W h i t e B r i c k DRESS G 90 DS AND NOVELTIES, lm¡>' tu K,‘; fr. T h o ® .;< Hicliinamt, an aul »uch watte s, thinks tho game D R . W . H. R U B sS S i -5 3 H AT COST, FOR GASH. i cotnbuatiou before J- R* SITES, M A LADIES’ AND GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, M e n ’s and B o y s’ Clothing, COOPER ->iu iu N STABS:““, PHILADELPHIA BOOTS & SHOES, Druggist asi Apothecary, Gloves. GOODS PRIME AND PRICES BEDROCK! JO S. D. L E E . .Etc., Etc. A t the W h ite Brick, M ain St., D allas. UPRIGHT, SQUARE BO O TS tc SHOES, Dr. J. B. JOHNSON, A U C T IO N E E R i U W,U p“d ,or’ A «v w t TRUin& JOHNS. 1882. Dated November S. 1WL '