Polk County itemizer. (Dallas, Or.) 1879-1927, November 18, 1882, Image 1

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Devoted to the Beet Interest« o f P olk County
VOL. Y in .
e n d to th e
is .
a s s ­
York “ Trl*
fAIr IP m I i
W j
hiui id ea! ’’ Mid
y , am she stood
| bushes at the
nost ridiculous
at this gushing
ill do next ?”
phatic twitch to
f uiurmur o f dis-
roinan on the
s-grown fence,
iron don’t agree
Miss Reliance,
[ ruby and pearl
art pail at her
ft-bear ted that
oruver running
You never say
stional debt, or
pr navy, but let
Subscription for
bawls to Brazil,
lument to Me-
tour lost quarter,
ping to open your
ttlc ragamuffins
own eyes on the
tenee were full of
Bt voice replied:
ait ache to think
b things suffer,
in dirty streets,
eath of a clover
milk. I f you'd
L you’d count it a
i give them a bit
Ire a tribe of Zulus
Miss Reliance,
• mv advice you’ll
i of trouble.”
ed her work for
line arc all alone
tOnc by one wo’vc
ah and baby Liz-
thc old burying
fck is in Colorado,
Dston, and we get
i for the sound of
I began to read
¡ir fund it kind of
pver me, and ’Lia-
Dut it every day,
|ks at the Egypt-
ripes his glasses
Then we heard
at a party would
rci*nri l»e found
loke right off for
here next Tues-
to make it just
en as I can.”
purse If sick, that's
anda Lane,” cried
hut if you want
pin, and your sil-
and your house
four nerves pros­
pur own fault. I
[m y jelly started.”
Vent up the path
pwers and holly-
arge, sunny, airy
(dow n the pail of
nah, the nouse-
Then she hung
un-bonnet on the
[ years had been
rrpose, and went
(ng room, to rest
rtz-covered rock-
lloxbury had
ars, with the 6x-
lener and house-
antof this ancient
At hail stood for
|tury beneath its
[the pride of the
She was a
liked but few
horror o f children,
ent. The village
[perception o f her
tture, called her
Miss Roxbury rose at once, glad
o f another channel for her thoughts,
but amid her weighing and meas­
uring, and carafqT calculations of
pints and pounds, the strange im­
pression did not leave her mind.
A fter the rich crimson syrup had
been poured into the row of shining
tumblers on the table, she returned
to her chints-covered rocker and
took up the Bible to read her daily
chapter. Opening it at random,
her eves fell unon these words:
'• Then shall He answer them, ray­
ing, inasmuch as ye did it not unto
one o f the least of these— ’’
Miss Roxbury read no further on
that page, but hurriedly turned back
to Chronicles, which, she felt, was
perfectly safe ground. But, mingled
with the lung gaacalugioal tabira,
■be saw other word* between the
lines, so that the Israelitish records
read thus:
“ The son o f Eikanah, the son of
Joel, the son of Axariah. (‘ Y e did
it not.’)
“ The son o f Tshsth, the son of
Aiwir, the son of Ebiasaph, the son
of Korah. (‘Ye did it not.’)
Finally, the whole page icsolved
itself into these four monosyllables.
She closed the Bible and put it
in its accustomed place on the table,
bounded on the north by the lamp,
on the south by tho match-box, on
tho east by Bunyan's Pilgrim's Pro­
gress, and on the west by a bunch
of worsted rases under a glass case.
She was restless, miserable, tor­
mented. She endeavored to read
the “ Life of Na|ioleon Bonaparte,”
but even tho thrilling story of the
Russian campaign was lacking in
interest, compared with her own in­
ward conflict between duty and the
cold selfishness of a lifetime.
She did not enjoy her dinner, al­
though the butter beans were from
her garden, and the black raspber­
ries were the first of the season.
She could not take her accus­
tomed afternoon nap, and for the
first time in years the Daily Tribune
lay unopened. She even put it out
o f Right in her china closet. A
wonderful new design in patchwork
known as tho Rocky Mountain pat­
tern, could not fasten her attention.
She ordered the home and rock­
away and drove four miles after
wild cheiry bark, for which she bad
no need, as her garret was already
a great herbarium.
A t last the dreary day came to a
close, but was succeeded by an
equally uncomfortable night. Atnid
frequent tossing and waking, Miss
Roxbury dreamed of thin little
hands stretched out to her in pite­
ous appeal, and of a sad, wonderful
voice that mid with infinite reproach:
“ Ye did it not.”
The Rev. Joseph Alder was sur­
prised soon after breakfast the next
morning by the appearance of Miss
Reliance Roxbury in the pai-sonage
porch. She brought a basket of
raspberries, and said:
“ I won’t come in this time, thank
you. I jlist wanted to say I'll take
one— one of those children.”
pf her birth and
antial property
her at tne death
i Judge Roxbury.
er o f the Presby-
hd paid a high
pxburv pew, but
that her pe
to tlie cause
i a general thing,
convictions on
i to trouble her,
since Sunday,
ated the work of
and made a fer-
Ithese little ones
l«en subjected
but uncoinfort-
he walked back
{spacious sitting-
( dared to invade,
feet order of the
the china shep-
itel to the braid
s, everything oc-
sition as in the
kbury's girlhood
in the thought
ble cover pulled
i shells and prim
direrranged on
ring sand tracked
over the faded
I her pet verbena
ing fingers,
and humanity
ch grant seen
i the currants is
•aid Hannah,
“ Yes dear, you’ll have all the
flowers you w an t Don’t talk any
more to-night”
The sky was already white with
the dawn.
The mother did not
sleep. As the light o f another day
of misery crept into the room, she
raised herself on one elbow and
looked long at her child, restrain­
ing an impulse to snatch it to her
heart; then softly rose, and after
bathing her face and hands and
kneeling iq prayer for endurance,
took her work and rat down by
the narrow window. A few hours
later she stood amid the bustle o f
the Grand Central depot, with D ot
clinging to her dress. A crowd o f
wondering, expectant children were
being marshalled into line to take
the Roxbury gato, and she surveyed
the old stone house with woodbine
clambering over its gray walls.
“ Yes, child.”
Dot's face grew luminous.
bath, a bountiful supper o f bread
and milk, and a walk in the garden
kept her joy fu l until twilight, but
with bedtime came the longing for
her mother.
“ I wants my mamma— my own
mamma,” she said.
Then Miss Roxbury gave full vent
to the instinct that * can never be
utterly destroyed in a woman. Tak­
ing the child in her lap, she caressed
the white face and sunny cu rb in
a restful, soothing way, and talked
so cheerfully that the shadows fell
from the violet eyes, and Dot, nest-.
oyer the geranium slips in tin niter*
1 answer-
depths of the
Yes. ma’am.”
/re really goin’ to keep
• And Hannah, be very careful to
Mrs. Lane.
keep out the flies, and tell Hiram
“ Yee. I’ve adopted both of ’em,’’
to fix the well-curb. He ie so apt
replied Mbe Roxbury, with a Te
to forget thiuga”
D ot was bathed in tear* aa she Dean in her voice, “ and I’ve tent
Mounted to her place in the raeka- for half a doom little girl*, to stay
until eold weather.”
“ Well, it doM beat all,” said Mrs.
“ Isn’t I eoming book f ” she laid,
Inns, wiping her eyes on the corner
“ I hope so, dear,”
Roxbury, who appeared preoceu- at her eneekered gingham apron.
and anxious,and seurasly heard “ I s’poM I needn’t ask you now,
s chatter on the way to the Reliance, what you think of the
Fresh Air Fund 1 ”
“ What do I think of it,” said
A Why, Mbs Roxbury,” said Mr.
Mbe Roxbury gravely, “ I believe
Alder as he assisted her to the
it’s been the means of saying toy
‘ yon
M u orin e
Seetion 1.
shall within the State at*
tween the first day of X
sechyser aadt
tbs following
take, kill or ”
ori Mk shell he guilty of a mb
• the pemege el thb eet, pure
Ragetore, raid: “ t krw-you.” ‘
Miss Roxbury had not only be-
*tbe*Judge would
> folks, (
[un to be happy; she had begun to a fortnight ago. Y on will who* her,
have said: ‘ Reliance Roxbury, I I* m the
With the eoming o f this will you n o t ? ”
used or
“ I shall go with her iw X «w York, gaye you a huge house and a long
sweet child, heaven was changing
What have yoir
the dull prose o f her existence into anyway,” said Miss Roxbury, “ and bank account.
with them ? ’ Then how my
celestial rythm. Her cold, loveless I don’t mean to come back alone,
Sec. 2.
nature in the presence o f this tiny either. Mr. Abler, I hope God will empty rooms and Grandfather Rox­ Mile or hss
girl was already bccomingChristlike forgive me for the empty bouse I’ve bury’* gohl pieces would have stood the d eer____________
up against m e! And He would ing seetion within ttfetiM theMdng
had all these years.”
in its tender ministry.
“ An empty house meant a lonely rave «aid: * Ye did it not unto Me. or killing thereof i* prohibited. M-
Dot ofleied her evening prayer
and was put in Miss Roxbury’s own heart," he replied, “ l a m glad-you Depart from Me,’ and what answer oeptauoh sa ore -tented or kept tor tip».«
could I have made Him? It is ■how or cariosity, ie guilty of • Mite
are going with the child.”
M ta te ly bed.
That afternoon Mira Roxbury and very true,” she continued, as Dot demeanor.
“ Good - night, dear,” said Miss
C hapter III.
See. 8.
Dot, attended by Mr. Knox, wended came flitting down the path like a
Roxbury with a kiss.
within the Stete
. * ■
There was an unusual stir in the
“ Dood-night,” said Dot, burying tbeir way through a dark alley in fairy, “ of such is the kingdom of the first dsy of J&naerj end th e ir *
village o f Lynford. Tho railway her face in tne great bunch o f white one o f the most squalid districts o f Heaven.”— New York Tribune.
day of August of cosh year, h u t,
station was thronged with people, roses she had brought to bed with New York city, and climbed flight
pursue, take, kill or deetrey eay elk,
and surrounded with people await­ her. “ I feel zif I ’d died and gone after flight of rickety stairs in a
moose, or mounteia sheep, shall be
ing the afternoon train.
rear tenement
to heaven.”
In these days o f business mira­ guilty of a misdemeanor.
The Rev. Joseph Alder ami the
The heat, the filth, the scenes of cles people are apt to fail to appre­ person who takes, kills, injures at
Miss Roxbury passed a wakeful
ministers o f sister churches con­ night, but not a restless one. Her misery, were indescribable.
Mira ciate the mighty changes Which are destroys, or purauss with iotsat te
versed together on the platform.
mind was filled with plans, and Roxbury felt as if she were on the j p in g on around them. AH have take, kill, injure or destroy, u y elk,
moose or mountain sheep, at ray
A glorious charity ! ” said the then it was such a pleasure to lie confines of the bottomleM p it
irara that the Northern Pacific
Baptist minister, raising his hat to and listen to the soft breathing at
Dot darted down a long prasuge railroad is to be completed next time for the sole purpose at obtain­
ing the skin, bid* or home of any
wipe the perspiration from his brow. her side, and occasionally to touch and disappeared in a room beyond.
year, but not one in a thousand of such animal, chalk be guilty of a
I expect that these poor child­ the little hand on the counterpane, The friends followed, and beheld
our countrymen realize what that misdemeanor.
ren will be a great blessing to our still holding the treasured roses.
her clasped tightly in the arms of event Will mean. It will be quite
"D on’t ho know
Sec. 4. Every person who shall
people,” said the Methodist minister,
The next day D ot nearly ran wild
“ I gncM
as important a road os the combined within the State of f Oregon,
in broadening the sympathies and with delight. She reveled among The woman had fainted.
and the jhretd y
Central and Union Pacific rood now thefirst day of April laadt
rnHava i '
JEM V lw VWfTl
wanning the hearts o f those who the daisies in the deep soft glass,
“ Mamma, mamma, look at m e ! ” is, and the country through which of September of eseh year, take,
continued, hut
have been oblivious to all interests and it was pitiful to see how small pleaded Dot, beginning to cry.
injure or destroy, or have in _
it is to pass has more elements of
save their own.”
There was no water in the* room, strength than that along the lower session, cell or offer for sal*any wild
an object could charm her hungry
■wan, mallard duck, wood dock, vionsW spoken. 1
Yes,” replied the Rev. Mr. A l­ mind. God’s commonest gifts were and Mr. Knox took a cracked pitcher
line. It will commence and end in widgeon, teal, spoonbill, gray, blaek ohokect with sob*.
der, “ I have a practical illustration unknown to her in their bo'inty from the shelf and went with D ot
magnificent agricultural regions. or sprigtoil duck, shall fo guilty of
'Ha’s my
o f that, not a stone’s throw from and purity. Sunshine, sweet air, in search of some. Miss Roxbury
Along its course it will cross bound­ a misdemeanor; provided, that any as*. I heard
where we are standing."
flowers and bird songs, were enough knelt beside the woman, who was less regions of pasture and timber person may at any time kill dneks to HtUa
The practical illustration con­ to make her happy, and when she only about thirty years o f age, and
lands, and flank one of the richest protect his growing crops.
sisted o f the Roxbury rockaway found the brook that danced across had been very attractive as a young
Seo. 6. Every person who shall
mineral regions on the continont.
drawn up amid the other convey­ the meadow her delight was un­ girl. There wss a gleam o f gold on Along its line are to spring up ham­ within the State of Oregon, between while I stood in
ances, with Miss Reliance on the bounded. After a day or two Miss her left hand. Her hair was sunny
lets, cities and homes, and these are the first day of April and the 15th
back seat in a state o f mind in Roxbury took the morning train like Dot’s, and her features deli­
to be permanent. The people are day of June of eaeh year, few any
purpose, take, kill, injure or
which newly-fledged philanthropy down to Bradleyville to do some cately shaped. The letter that Miss
to be law-abiding, patriotic and
struggled with a terror of raga­ shopping.
She was gone until Roxbury had written lay crumpled strong, for the rule will be not many or have in possession, sell
for sale, any prairie chicken or sag*
muffins. She had come to the con­ nigh
ht, and all the way
_ home she and tear-stained on the pillow.
very rich, and not many very poor.
clusion that her visit at the par­ thought of the glad voice that
While Miss Roxbury gazed the In that region the boys are going hen, shall be guilty of a misdemw
Bee. 6. Every person whs
sonage had been made during an would welcome her, and her face woman opened her eyes.
as the snow 1
to suffer with cold fingers in getting within the State of Oregon, bet
attack o f mental aberration; but grew so radiant with the jo y in her were beautiful eyes, but sod with
in the kindling and feeding the do­ the first day of January and the 15th him, be forswore i
the word of a Roxbury was as im­ soul that when she alighted, laden want and a struggle against despair.
mestic animals at night, and some­ day of July of each year, take, kill, drunken
movable as the historic granite on with parcels, at Lynford Station, She tried to sit up, and moan
how boys, as a rule, have to now injure or destroy or hare in pos­ in the Mloon <
which Zephaniah Roxbury stepped old Deacon Bennett failed to recog­
“ My baby— please give me my
I’ve i
and then have frostbitten fingers session, rail or offer for sate, any
from the Mayflower in 1620, and nize her until she had passed him. b a b y !”
and chilblains on their heels in order grouse, pheasant, quail or partridge, I m w in i
the last representative o f the race
Just then D ot returned and car
shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
“ Wall, I declare,” he said, “ Re­
to grow up to be real men. The
Sea. 7. Every person who shall wrath* mo
would not falter now, although liance looks as if he had diskivered ried the pitcher to her mother, who
road will cut in twain the great within the State of Oregon, during York Star.
seized with dire apprehension when­ a gold mine.” Miss Roxbury reached drank long and eagerly, then, hold­
future granary o f the United States; the months of November, December,
ever her eyes rested on the verbena home and soon had the “ gold mine” ing out her arms to D ot,M id feebly
it will lay an empire richer and January, February and March of any
in her arms.
larger than any in Europe except year, catch, kill or have in possession,
It was with a grim determination
“ Oh, madam, will you take care
After tea the parcels had to be
His Royal
Russia, under tribute. It will be sell or offer for sale, any mom
to brave the worst that she awaited opened. There were paper patterns, of my little girl ? I think I am
Chief of th of
the means of creating a million new or brook tront, shall he guilty
f i f pMMM* in J
the train that afternoon, but when rolls of muslin, embroidery and going to die.”
homes within the coming decade. misdemeanor. Every person who
ghost, diodi
the locomotive appeared on the blue flannel, a pair of child’s slip­
“ You are not going to die— not
Out o f these homes a strong, bright
w Surprise
bridge below the village, the thought per«, dainty hose, bright ribbons
bit o f it,” raid Miss Roxbury,
and level-headed men and women take or attempt Id
of the dreadful boy who was com­ and a large doll.
pouring out some wine into a tea­
will emerge, and in the years to
ing to invade her peaceful domain
Oh, oh, oh,” was all D ot could cup, but I’ll take care o f you both. come when the nation shall need (levies other than hook and lira, any
C hapter II.
mountain or bsOob trout, ot any tiara Piute
nearly overcame her, and her im­ say, but her tone expressed more There, drink this, and you will feel
defenders, all that region can be after tbs passage of this act, shall bo
pulse was to order the hired man than the mast extensive volume on better righ t away. H ow long since
“ Mamma, is it tnornin ? ”
depended on to supply hardy and guilty of a misdemeanor.
to drive home as quickly as possi­ philanthropliy that was ever writ­ you’ve bad anything to eat ?
“ No, D o t ; go to sleep.'
brave volunteer*. With the com­
S en ,«. “
“ Day beforeyesterday,” was the
The child turned restlessly on ble. She could appreciate the emo­ ten. The village dressmaker was
pletion, o f the road and the weld­ within
the miserable straw pallet in the tions of a Rome dame at the ap­ installed in the house for a week. faint teply. “ I hod to stop work
ing o f the link between California time aftef .t
comer o f the small, hot room. It proach o f the Vandals.
The Rocky Mountain patchwork four days ago.”
and Oregon, the latter Stato will trap, not or
As the train stopped at tho sta­ was consigned to the seclusion o f the
was after midnight, and in summer,
“ Now, Mr. Knox,” said Miss R ox­
assume a new importance in the trap, net or
I awful I
but theie was a tire in the stove, tion the people crowded forward to spare-room closet, and Miss R ox­ bury, slipping her purse into his
union. It is by lesson o f its soil, bob white, i
for the woman was ironing by the welcome their guests. Miss R ox­ bury developed a taste in Mother hand, “ ju st step into the nearest
climate, mines, timber and fisheries,
fo il
light of a glimmering tallow candle. bury peered anxiously from the Hubbard dresses and ruffled aprons grocery and order some kindlin
an empire in itMlf, an empire with *uy live qtfail or hob wF
There was no breeze, but in at rockaway. It was not a very ap­ that was truly marvelous.
wood, and tea and eugar. I ’ll
chicken, grer - ------ *—
reeources so vast and varied that
be guilty of a
the one window came stifling, poi­ palling sight. A group o f pale lit­
In the meantime she wrote a let­ a nice egg for this poor
bat a few o f ite own people- now
See. 9. r Every
tle children, tired, dusty, and be ter to Dot’s m other; to which D ot we’ll see about getting her out o f
sonous odors.
realiM its real place in the anion.
within the State o f Oregon, at
Many eyes overflowed added a picture of the cat, which, this place.”
Pale and faint, the mother bent wildered.
time after the psMSge of tl * . a
over her work, and smoothed the os the train moved on and left their although not absolutely true to na­
The woman’s face brightened, but
D em ocrat: A surgical operation destroy or remove from th e:
dark calico dress as carefully as if wistful faces, pinched b y want and ture, resembled in fact the plan for she raid; “ I’m giving you much
by tho
was performed week before lost by any mallard dusk, .widgeon,
it were the finest muslin and lace. misfortune, in the hands o f the a bouse. There came no reply to trouble.”
kept osar her. r * r .
“ Trouble I ” said Miss Roxbury, Dr. J. L. Hill and Lige Irvine, all o f ■prigteil dusk, prairie ebie)
She had worked from early dawn kindly villagers.
this letter.
hie that an set ao :
Here, Miss Roxbury, is a woe
until dark at her daily task, but­
Dot’s cheeks wero getting rosy, “ I ’m all alone in the world, and Albany, for hare-lip, the unfortun sage ben, grouse, pheasant, q
I’ve a house with twenty-four rooms ate one being a little girl tw o and partridge, or other wild fowls, nay perpetrated even by i
ton-holes at four adnts a dozen. A lamb for you,” raid Mr. Alder.
and her steps buoyaut.
it, and plenty to ao with, am, a half years o f age, daughter of egg or eggs of such fowls or Usds,
Miss Roxbury had not observed
cup o f tea and a crust o f bread had
“ I f it wasn’t for my mamma,”
been her sustenance. For D ot there his approach in the crowd, and gave she said, “ I wouldn’t want to go what I’ve been thinking of all theM Alfred Blevins, living near Tangent or have In possession, sell or o'*
It was a very ugly, bad scar, the for rale, any sash, egg or egga,
a start o f surprise os he stood be­ back forever’n ever.”
years, I can’t say. Tv* been
was a bun and an orange.
The dress was finished and hun; fore her. As she looked, there was
When Mr. Knox, the gentleman crusty, cold, disagreeable old I om U, Up, ja w bone, roof o f the mouth, wilfully destroy tbs nest St i
and palate a ll being cloven. The sueh fowls or birds, shall bo guilty
inthrop; and when
whei I
on the only chair in the room witi a curious sensation under the left in charge of the party, called to see Mrs. W
other small articles : a hat o f coarse side o f her crape shawl, and her that D ot would be ready to return down here and find folks starving shape o f the ja w bone was such ot a misdemeanor.
See. 10. Evert person who shall
i t a p a rt o f it had to be taken
white straw, with a blue ribbon cold gray eyes grew misty.
at the appointed time, Mira Rox to death and erowded like cattle, I
k The child was pat under the have any mol# dear
wonder the good Lord’s had any
twisted around it, a pair o f bright
The “ dreadful boy ” had changed bury exclaimed almost fiercely:
female door or doo, or spotted Uwa,
lgs, a tiny hand
handkerchief with into a tiny girt of six years, as frail
Don’t von worry influence o f chloroform while the elk, moos* or
“ I can’t let her go. I need her. mercy on me.
another mite. Here’s the fire-staff operation was being performed, mallard duok, wood dock, widgeon
ir in the border. All as a snowdrop, whose coarse attire W hy may I not keep her ?
a bit ot color
which lasted two hours. The teeth
ir texture, but could not mar the loveliness of the
were pitifully cheap in
“ I do not believe her mother already.”
teal, spoonbill, gtmj, blaek or sprig
tho land
Mira Roxbury rolled np her and a part o f the jawbone were re­ tail daek, prairie chicken or
dear in patient toil and
ao loving sac dark violet eyes and hair o f tangled would part with her,” said Mr.Knox.
sleeves, put an apron over her silk moved, and the lip was adjusted in ben, grouse, pheasant, quail,
rificc. D ot was going to the coun­ sunbeam«.
The little creature
Miss Roxbury was silent for
try for two long weeks, and the stretched out her arms to Miss Rox few moments, and looked out on skirt, and while Mr. Knox built n so perfect and complete a manner white or partridge, mountoii
mother could cover the expense of bury, who reached forward and took the lawn where Dot was swinging fire and brought water te boat, she as to give the child a natural ap­ brook trout, at any time when it ie Bat the question whether the 1
the meagre outfit by extra depriva­ her into the rockaway, the ancient in the hammock with the doll and bathed Mrs. Winthrop’s face and pearance The child has fully re unlawful to toko or kill the
being cleared of ite timber for 1
covered from the effects of the ■s provided in this act, shall be gailty
tion during the child's absence, springs o f which creaked with as­ cat.
brushed out her hair.
mate purposes la a fraction ad i
“ Thank God 1 why, I’m better al operation._______________
She tam ed toward the pallet. Dot’s tonishment.
It will be a dull house without
possession of any of the aforesaid »hieb is liable t o la re ia rta tu y
violet eyes had opened. Her golden
“ What is y sur name ? ” said Miss the child,” she raid, but I will bring ready,” raid Mrs. Wiuthrop with n
Times-Mountaineer: Mr. Joseph animals, fowls, birds or fish at “ tiara. If U m
moved for any other
H trili
carls were tangled by the tossing Roxbury, feeling strangely aw k­ her to the station.”
rare smile.
Parents, the saloon-keeper at Lone time when it is unlawful to toko
■abject the entry town
“ Of course yon mw , child,” said Rock, started from Alkali on horse­ kill the same, in the county whs
o f the little head on the pillo
ward as they drove along.
the person who rat it
Miss Roxbury. “ W e ll see what back last Wednesday, in company the seme is found, shall bo gets
Her thin, pinched features were
“ Dot,” raid the child.
“ You
C hapter IV
toetefl soit forrenorei
good food and mountain air will do with Mr. Beard, who was driving a facie evidence in ra y _
flushed with feverish excitement.
hasn’t kissed me yet, has you ? ”
When the morning of D ot’s de­ for you yet.”
“ Mamma, is it morning ? ”
Miss Roxbury bent and kissed
team. After proceeding some dist­ s violation of any of'tl>*
ed parture came,Mira Roxbury arrayed
of Urit net, that too
A few days later found an oeeu
“ No, darling.”
the child. The rockaway creaked
the revised i
ance Mr. Parents stopped to sinch
The woman blew out the light louder than befote. The touch o f heiself in her second-best black pant in the great east chamber of bis saddle, when Mr. Beard drove in wboao possession the ram* in
found, took, killed or destroyed the
and threw herself on the pallet. the child’s mouth thrilled through silk, put a few articles in a satchel, the Roxbury nous*.
on and Mr. Parents rode on alone.
Mrs. Winthrop sat in an easy About three miles from Alkali he ram* in the county whsrsin the m h o
The tiny fingers crept eagerly into the iron nerves o f the woman with filled a small basket with fresh e j ~
chair before the open window, in­ w m approached by two men, and
a sensation inexpressibly delightful. new biscuit, a pat of butter, an
her palm.
wee nnlawfnl to take, kill or <
“ Mamina, tell me more about it,'
Miss Roxbury had imagined her bottle of current wine, and said to haling the fragrance of the blos­ o * looking around wm hit over the the remo.
soming honeysuckle that nodded to bead, knocked from his b on e and
pleaded Dot.
life to be a happy one. She now
Bee. 11. Every person
“ I may be gone tw o or three her through the erassnsnt
“ Darling, it is yea n and y ea n discovered that she had mistaken
of a violation of unyai thnj
robbed of *40 00.
The morning sanHfbt fell
since mamma raw the country, bat selfish isolation for happiness. She days. Have the east chamber thor­
of this rat shall be prati
it was ju st as I have told you. was beginning to be nappy for the oughly dusted before I get back, her bright hair and psss if s
The City of Salem Co. are fencing fine of not I sm t
ill Hiram to take a peek
peek of
Wide, clean streets, with big trees, first time in fifty yean . Dot was tell
Dot hang over her should
in their canal with a forbad wire
too tired to be very talkative, b a t ; down to Mrs. Alder, don t forget to threw daisies in hoc Isp
blue sky and flowers.”
fence to keep people from falling
“ Oh, oh,” murmured D o t “ Does she leaned against Miss Roxbury see if those canned strawberries
Down by tho gnri ra fsna
in. If anyth W in tb* world would
you s’pose they’ll give me one pitty with a look o f quiet wonder and have worked or not, and be «are Mira Roxbury. talhing wM
prevent a man from falling into a
the front door i* kept bolted, and
f ower, mamma ’ I f A i d one on content in her eyes.
neighbor, Mrs. Lone.
ditch, it would be a fence that
“ Is I gain’ to stay here ? ” she put that brood o f chicken* in the
the stweet once a ’ittle w ’ite f o w ’r.
would "stick” Urn i* tho Attempt half ofi
Mis. WMthrap snsilod Ira
asked, m the rockaway stopped at i other coop, and keep a newspaper
i A Indy dropped it."
“ Come, said the kind gentleman
in charge, to Dot.
D ot kissed her mother “ good-by,”
and laughed even while the tears
ran down her face, as she entered
the ranks of the odd procession.
“ Oh, sir,” raid the mother, as
she turned away, “ take good care
of tho baby. “ I’ve nothing else
in the world.”
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