Polk County itemizer. (Dallas, Or.) 1879-1927, October 28, 1882, Image 2

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ï*OïiK e o t t V f T * * *
T h e New S en a tor.
e u i t o k i . i l
James G. Blaine has sent $50 00
The election of J. N. Dolph to
the Senate o f the United States, at as a contribution towards erecting
the last minute c f the last day of a monument to Ben Hill, o f Geor­
the session, will lie received with a gia, It is a graceful and generous
feeling of relief, if not entire satis­ act.
faction, by the conservative men of
D. M. C. Gault was the only Re­
the State. Partizans usually view
publican who voted for Mitchell on
such events solely in relation to
the last ballot. H e has only one
their effect on political parties. So
arm. Perhaps that is why he pre­
common and so prevailing is this
ferred to play a lone hand.
habit that the comments on this oc­
currence deal almost entirely with
It is said that Dr. Plummer, being
the question of advantage or disad­ a Presbyterian, would not go back
vantage to the Democratic or Re­ to Mitchell after he ceased voting
publican organizations. The larger for him, because he believed in the
and more important question of the “ final perseverance of tho saints.”
effect o f this election on the mate­
Gov. Moody has appointed Judge
rial interests of the State is lost sight
of, or only partially considered. Ore­ R. S. Bean, Rodney Scott, Asahel
gon has important interests before Bush and Henry Failing Regent* of
every Congress. As a young and re-, the Styte. University. They were
mote State, her interests there, in a all confirmed by the Senate.
much greater degree than the inter­
Seymoui W . Condon was, on the
ests of the older and more eastern
last day of tho legislative session,
States, depend on the energy,ability
elected State Librarian. Mr. Litch-
and influence of her representatives.
tcnthnler was elected Register of
To have remained for two yeans,
State Lands, and Mr. Rinearson,
represented in tho Senate by only
Lock Commissioner.
one Senator, would have very ma­
terially lessened her influence and
Tho Astorian of Friday before
weakened the force of her just de­ tho election predicted there would
mands. As to whether Mr. Dolph bo no election, and that the Gover­
or Mr. Mitchell would be the more nor would appoint Henry Failing.
efficient Senator, remains an open Alas! Henry, “ in the lexicon of
question. As Mr. Dolph is elected, Oregon’s bright youth there’s no
a comparison is without profit.
such word as Failing."
Those who are not pleased with
The unkindest cut comes from
Mr. Dolph’s election may be divided
into three classes: The Democrats, the Boston Post. It says that Port­
who object to him because he is a land, Oregon, is tho wealthiest
Republican; the Mitchell advocates, city, in proportion to its population,
who object to his election because in the United States; the country
their own favorite was defeated, for miles around is supplied with
and because they regard his election liquor from that point.
as the overthrowing of party disci­
The law for the prevention of
pline, and a consequent injury to
cruelty to animals makes it a crim­
future party success; and last, the
inal offense to overdrive, overwork,
anti-monopolists of both parties,
torment, deprive of neces­
who think Mr. Dolph’s relations
with railroad corporations will be sary sustenance, cruelly beat, mutil-
in tho way of his justly represent­ ato or kill, or cause to be so treated,
ing the interests of tho State. The any animal, of the domestic brutes.
first two classes of objections have
The Insane Asylum law author­
relation only to personal predilec­ izes the Governor, at the close of
tions and party welfare, and with the present contract for keeping the
them, as such, wo have nothing to insane, which expires December 1st
do. The last objection is ono that j next, to make a contract with the
every citizen may feel justified in Hawthorne heirs for seven months
Regarding railroad 1 longer. This is to give ample time
influence, there is in Oregon rather | for completing and furnishing the
an apprehension of future evil than new asylum.
a conviction of present injustice.
The number of accidental shoot
It is just and proper that the public
mind should be alert to the dangers ings which we have published from
of corporative powers which menace our exchanges, the past few weeks,
This week it is
the public interests. But Oregon j is remarkable.
needs railroads. Her present pro­ [ Alec Bledsoe, in Washington county,
gress is due to them. Her future who was mistaken for a deer. The
advancement depends on them. result of the season’s hunting seem*
Hence a captious spirit that would likely to show more men than deer
antagonize a present good for fear killed. A remarkable fact is that
that it may be made a future evil, the hunter often misses a deer; he
is not on a line with the good sense never misses a man.
that characterizes tho citizens of
J. N. Dolph, Senator-elect, was
this State. To believe that " Rich­
born in New York, in 1835, and
ard is in every bush,” is to be tor­
mented with a fear that, besides was forty-seven years old the day
before his election. Ha was edu­
being baseless, may prove also in­
cated at Gennessec college, in hi*
jurious. Mr. Dolph is an officer
native State, was admitted to the
of a transportation company. The
bar in 1800, came to Oregon in
suspicion of him that arises from
that fact is reasonable, but it ought 18G1, and is now at the head of hi*
not be intensified into a positive profession in the State. His man­
ners arc cold and formal, and he
belief of his disregard of the peo­
ple as against the railroads, without has not those social qualities which
further proof o f it. He doubtless endear a man to the people. His
will, and he ought to, favor railroad private life has been exemplary.
THE n o w t l CITY I'llOKE.
“ A (earful one. I hail felt languid anil ( A , ST INI I •
unfitted for busiuess for years. But I did
not know what ailed me. When, how ;
ever, I found it wan kidney difficulty 1
thought there was little hope, and so did
the doctora. I have since learned that
oue of the physicians of this city pointed
me out to a gentleman on the street one
day, saying; ‘ There goes a man who will
be dead within a year.’ I believe his
words would have proven true if I had
not fortunately secured and used the rem­
edy uow known as Warner’s Safe Kidney
and Liver Cure.”
“ And this caused you to manufacturo
bills then go to the committees,there
to sleep the everlasting sleep. It is ; The Ceiuiuotlon (’nit-rd by the Htntenicut
o f • Phywfelab.
very rare that any measure can
reach, in its regular order, the final
An unusual article from the Rochester,
vote upon it. It must be brought N’ . Y., Democrat and Chronicle, v u pub­
up under suspension of the rules. lished in this paper recently, anil haa been
As this requires a two-thirds vote, tho eubject of much conversation, both in
professional circlet and on tbe street.
it may easily bo seen how difficult Apparently it caused more commotion in
it is to pass a law against the slight­ Rochester, as the following from the came
est opposition.
The Assembly paper shows:
Dr. J. B. Heiiion, who is well known it?”
never considers one-fifth of tho
“ No, it, caused me to investigate. I
nat only in Rochester, but in nearly every
work it maps out in the beginning. part of America, lent an axtendod article went to the principal cities, saw physi­
prescribing nnd using it, and I
to this paper a few days since, which was
The introduction and printing of so duly
published, detailing his remarkable therefore determined, ns a duty I owed
many bills uselessly consumes agreat experience and rescue from what seemed humanity and tho suffering, to bring it
to be certain death. It would be impoesi within their reach, aud now it is known
deal o f time and costs much money. ble to enumerate the personal enquiries j >uevery Par* °f Amerioa, is sold in tì' e,y
Appreciating this, members think which have beeu made at our office as to ; druS Blor*j ftud ha8 become a hoU,ehul11
the validity of the article; but they hove i neciiMUj-”
the session ought to be made longer. been so numerous that further investiga-1 ^he rePor*er l®ft ^ir - Earner, much iu-
88®d with the earnestness and sinceri y
But forty days is long enough to tion of the subject was deemed an editorial i Pr®
of his statements, and next paid a visit
Dr. S. A. Lattimore, at his residence
consider well every measure of im­
With this end in view a representative
on Prince street. Dr. Lattimore, although
portance, providing the whole time of this paper called on Dr. Heniod, at his busily engaged upon some matters con­
residence on St. Paul street, when the fol-1
nected with the State Board of Health, of
is devoted to such consideration. lowing interview occurred :
“ That article of yours, Doctor, has which he is one of the analysts, cour­
There ought to be a rule limiting created
answered the questions that were
quite a whirlwind. Are the state­
the number of bills to at most, ono ments about the terrible condition you propounded him .
* Did you make a chemical analysis of
were in, and the way you were rescued,
for each member, until these are all such as you can sustain ? “
the case of Mr. II. H. Warner, some three
“ Every one of them aud many addi­ years ago, Doctor?”
disposed of. It is not probable that
“ Yes, sir.”
tional ones. Few people ever get so near
there will ever be ninety sepaiate the grave as I did, and then return, aud I
“ What did this analysis show you?”
“ The presence of albumen uud tube
measures of importance at one ses­ am not surprised that the public think it
casts in great abundance.”
marvelous. It was marvelous.”
“ And what did the symptoms indicate?’ ,
sion. The consideration of ninety
“ Ilow in the world did yon, a physi­
“ A serious iliseese of the kidneys.”
bills will fully occupy the time, and cian, come to be brought so low!”
“ Did you think Mr. Warner could re­
“ By neglecting the first and most sim­
the results will be better matured. ple symptoms. I did not think I was cover?”
No, sir, I did not think it possible?
Besides, the State would save a sick. It is true I had frequent headaches, It “ was
seldom, indeed, that so pronounced
felt tired most of the time; could eat
large printing bill.
had, up to that time, ever been
nothing one day and was ravenous the
Ducks are plentiful in Wapatoo
Hon. O. N. Denny, Consul to
China, is in the State on a leave of
The Palmer Dramatic troupe is
playing “ The Lights o ’ London” in
Two citizens of Walla Walla have
successfully exposed the tricks of the
spiritualistic Miller Brothers.
George Haight, a half-witted child
nine years old, wandered away from
his home near The Dalles, last week,
and perished in tho rain.
Jack Powers is employed in the
kitchen at the penitentiary. He is
said to be reconciled to bis fate and
determined to make the best of tbe
Tbo Indies of Salem havo organ­
ized a coffee club, to make and sup­
ply coffee to the fire boys duriug
and after fires. That is better thau
the common habit of nil getting
The Pomeroy Republican tells of
n squash brought from Almota which
weighed eighty-seven pounds. Also
of a melon raised by S. L. Malcolm,
near Eureka Ferry, that v^pighed 3(1
“ Pen Pictures” is to be a book by
Mr. Frank F. Hodgkin, Assistant
Secretary of
sketches of the members of the Legis­
lature, Supreme Court and the State
A man had bis leg broken nt Sena­
tor Dolph’B reception in Portland by
a rocket. Joe Taylor had bis hand
burned, and one of tho spectators
was struck in the faco by a ball from
a Roman candle.
One Bates,alias Baxter,alias Gates,
has been bound over at Eugene city
for the crime of bigamy. Both of
his wives appeared at the prelimi­
nary examination. Both of them
aro after him und it will go hard
with him, for “ hell hath no fury like
a woman scorned.”
Sam West shot and killed Alec
Bledsoe, last Sunday, near Hillsboro,
mistaking him for a deer. Bledsoe
was moving through a piece of tall
f«rn when West fired, the ball enter­
ing Bledsoe's breast, inflicting a
wound from which he died in three
hours. Deceased was 22 years old
and was highly esteemed by his ac­
Amos Walters, a sprightly lad of
15 years, was drowned Inst Sunday,
at Cedar Mill, seven miles west of
Portland, while playing on some logs
in tho mill pond. A curious fact
connnocted with tho occurrence is
that some three weeks before, the
boy wrote to a cousin stating that he
enterprises in this State. He inav
The bi-centennial of tbe landing
was going to dio soon and request­
do that and be true to his constit­
of William Penn at Chester, Penn­ ing a visit from his cousin.
uents. Nay, he cannot be true to
sylvania, was celebr ated at that city
A tree fell on n tent, at the Sum­
them unless he does so. But he
on the 22d instant.
There was mit, in Benton County, two weeks
ago, in which a family named W il­
must take this course because tho
much eulogy of Penn’s manner of son woro living. A child eight years
people, not tho railroads, want it.
dealing with the Indians. His was old was killed instantly, and a girl
Whenever the demands of the peo­
a “peace policy.” That is, he thought fifteen years old has sinco died of
ple and of the railroads diverge,
her iniurios. The mother and a
it cheaper to purchase the land of
third cnild woro hurt. Mr. Wilson
Mr. Dolph, if he is a tru\ man, will
the Indians with beads and blarney, had just stepped out of tho tent, the
stand with those who have entrusted
than with blood and bullets, lie tree falling on the chair ho had just
him with tho keeping c f their in­
believed that William Penn was vacated, driving it into the ground.
terests. The Senator-elect is spoken
Standard: While a son of H. C.
mightier than the sword. His de­
Myers, of Stepbeu’saddition, was re­
of as an honest and honorable man.
scendants, having distinguished turning from a hunting trip last
If he is honest, he w
not betray
themselves for two hundred years Monday on horseback, his dog
us. If he is not k ?st, it would
j by not following his example, now stopped to tackle another of his
species when near Mr. Carmack's
make small differem whether ho
j approve his course.
residence. On the impulso of the
should be a railro..
officer or a
— ■ ■ - 'W ............... .
moment, and with more of haste
iaging anti-inonop",
A S u g g e s tio n .
He would
than of judgment, young Myers
blazed away at the enemy of liis ca­
sell out in either c.
Tho only
The legislative session just closed nine companion, and missing his
question, then, is wh
er Mr. Dolph
is a straight man. W dare hope ; exemplifies, as usual, how little mnrk, one of the shot entered the leg,
near the ankle, of a six-year-old
that ho is.
completed work it is passible to get
daughter of Mr. Carmack, who was
through with under the present standing near by against a post.
The bill creating the Sixth Ju­ system of work. More than two
The Westor Leader says that Mr.
dicial Disti ict passed both houses hundred bills were introduced. Oglesby and others recently at­
of tho Legislature.
It will com­ About twenty-five liecatue laws. tempted tho a*. out of Mt. Jefferson,
a feat which it says has never yet
prise all the counties of Eastern Every bill introduced was read the
b««n accomplished. Tbe Dr. and
Oregon, except Wasco, which re­ first time, eititer at length or by hie party found an insurmountable
mains in tire Fifth, and will have title. When read by title, tire rule« barrier in the shape of a perpendicu­
added to it Washington, Clatsop, were suspended in each instance, lar wall of ice at the apex, but felt
well paid for their dangerous and
Clackamas end Columbia, Multno­ much time being loet in calling the fatiguing climb in the magnificent
mah comprising the entire Fourth roll. Then each bill is printed at views obtained of the surrounding
District. The First. Second and expense to the State, after which country. They also discovered a
new lake, told about by the Indians,
Third remaining unchanged. Gov.
it must bo read a second time at bnt it is claimed never seen by white
Moody will have to appoint a judge
men before. It is about ten miles
for the new district, who, according length or by title ; in the latter from Jefferson, and is five miles by
to the bill, must be a resident cose the rule« being os before sus­ three in eise, clear, very deep and
pended bv roll coll. Most o f the I filled with mountain trout.
town Wud-
next; felt dull, indefinite pains, and my cured.”
stomach was out of order; but I didn’t! “ Do you know anything about tho
remedy which cured him?”
think it meant anything serious.”
“ But have these common ailments any-' “ Yes, I have chemically analyzed it,
thing to do with the fearful Bright’s dis- ftDd uPou critical examination, find it en-
tirely * free * from any poisonous
or deleter­
ease which took so firm a hold on you?” **
“ Why, they are the sure indications of ious substances.”
We publish the foregoing statements in
the first stages of that dreadful malady.
The fact is, few people know or realize vfew of the commotion which the publicity
Dr. Heniou’ s article has caused, aud
what ails them, and I am sorry to say that
to meet the protestations which have been
few physicians do either.”
“ That is a strange statement, doctor.” mnde. The stuuding of Dr. Henion, Mr.
“ But it is a true one. The medical Warner and Dr. Lattimore in the com­
profession have been treating symptoms munity is beyond question, and the state­
instead of diseases for years, and it is ments they make, cannot for a moment be
high tim6 it ceased. We doctors have doubted. They conclusively show that
been clipping off the twigs, when we Bright’s disease of the kidneys is one of
should strike at the root. The symptoms the most deceptive and dangerous of all
I have just mentioned or any unusual diseases, that it is exceedingly common,
action or irritrtion of the water channels alarmingly increasing, and that it can bo
indicate the approach of Bright’s disease cured.
even more thau a cough announces the
coming of consumption. We do not treat
the cough, but try to help the lungs. We
The announcement that a clergy­
should not waste our time trying to relieve
the headache, stomach, pains about the man in the north of England is about
body, or other symptoms, bbt go directly to play a game of chess on his lawn
to the kidneys, tho source of most of these
with living pieces supplied from the
“ This, then, is what you meant when children of his parish recalls ono of
you said that more than one-half of tho the most amusing of tho “ Contes
deaths which occur arise from Bright’ s Ecceutriques” of Adrien Robert.
disease, is it, Doctor?”
The Thugs, according to tho French
“ Precisely. Thousands of so called writer, who wished to have it all
diseases are torturing people to-day, when
in reality it is Bright s disease in some their own way in India, having made
one of its many forms. It is a hydra­ five attempts to stab, poison and
headed monster, and the slightest symp­ blow up the governor of the East
toms should strike terror to every one who India company, attributed their want
has them. I can look back and recall of success to a talisman in the shape
hundreds of deaths which physicians de­
clared at the time were caused by paraly­ of his gray felt hat, unknown till
se, apoplexy, heart disease, pneumonia, then in India. His passion was
malarial fever, and other common com­ chess, and it was determined by the
plaints, which I see now were caused by chief of the sect to challenge him t.t
Bright’s disease.”
that game. The stake was the gov­
“ And did all these cases have simple
ernor’s hat on o le side, and the sur­
symptoms at first?”
“ Every one of them, and might have render of the ringleaders of the
beeu cured as I was, by the timely use of Thugs on the other. On the plain at
Warner’ s Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. I Barrackpore a chess-board 100 yards
am getting my eyes thoroughly opened, in square was marked out. There were
this matter, and think I am helping others
the castles and m knights
to see the facts
su vvo u
u u their
t u c u possible
tiu o n iu tD u
tiu g e r | .
-* 1 • •
also Why, there are no end of truths ! in arm or aud livin g pawns. lliG gov -
of £23
bearing on this subject. If you want to ern o r’s men w ere nimnl.'/vJ
supplied ftt
know more about it go and see Mr. apiece by b is rival.
T he game
Wsrner himself, He was sick, the same lasted a ll'd a y , f r all the pieces were
as I, and is the healthiest man in Rochester
to-day. He has made a study of this sub­ Killed as they were taken. Just as
ject, and can give you more facts than I tbe Thug queen was in danger, hav­
can. Go, too, and see Dr. Lattimore, the ing taken tbo white queen, tbe im­
chemist, at the University. If you want perturbable governor adjourned to
facts there are any quantity of them show­ lunch, where be sta 3 *ed two hours.
ing the alarming increase of Bright’s dis­
ease, its simple and deceptive symptoms, ! His rival was in anguish, for tbe
and that there is but one way by which it i queen was bis own wife. On the re
turn of tbe _ governor tbe white king
can be escaped.”
Fully satisfied of the truth and force of advanced to take her, but the ma^
the Doctor’ , word., the reporterh.de him i nanim ity o f the E n glishm an stepped
B T A B l S r . V L S T M "• *■“'!;• ‘««l ,L" **>“ : .
At first Mr. Warner was inclined to be : ffener081ly SO dem oralized bis o p -
reticent, but lemming that the inform.- p on en t that in a few m ore m oves
tion desired w .s »bout the alarming in- the gam e was over, tho conspirators
crease of Bright’ s disease, his manner handed over to the m ercies o f John
suddenly changed, and he «poke very earn- the com pany nnd In d ia saved from
e ,’ ’yit i. true that Bright’ .di.ease has in- Perishing. T h e story is n ot fou n d
creased wonderfully, and we find, by relia-1in h isto n e s, DO d o u b t, b ut it is quite
ble statistics that in the past ten years its as veracious as m ost o f th e special
growth has been 250 per cant. Look at telegrams
the seat of war to be
the prominent men it has carried o ff: found in the columns of the Figaro.
Everett, Sumner, Chase, Wilson, Carpen­
ter, Bishop Haven and others. This is — Pall Mall Gazette
terrible, and shows a greater growth than
that of any other known complaint. It
■ ■
should be plain to every one that some­
When Gratiot county first began
thing must be done to check this increase,
or there is no knowing where it may end.” to bo disturbed by pioneers, and
“ Do you think many people are afflicted soon after it bad its first Justice of
with it to-day who do not realize it, Mr. tbe Peace, a farmer named Davison
walked three miles to secure a war­
“ Hundreds of thousands.” I have a rant for the nrrest of his neighbor,
striking example of this truth which has
named Meacbam, for assault imd
just come to my notice. A prominent pro­
fessor in a New Orleans medical college battery. To save the Constable a
was lecturing before his class on the sub­ six miles’ trip, the defendant walked
ject of Bright's disease. He had various in with the plaintiff. They encoun
tlniils under microscopio analysis, and was tered his Honor just leaving his
showing the students what the indications house with a gun on his shoulder.
of this terrible malady were. In order to
show the contrast between healthy fluids, Davison halted him:
“ ’Squar, I want a warrant for this
ho had provided a vial the contents of
which were drawn from his own person. man for striking me.'
‘ And now, gentlemen,’ ho said, ‘ as we
“ I ’m in an awful hurry; come to­
have seen the unhealthy indications, I morrow."
will «ho* vou how it appears in a stato of
“ So’m I in a hurry, and I ’m coin "
perfect health,’ and he submitted his owu
f lu id to tho u s u a I test.
A.be wateheJ the to ll8ve * mtsing to morrow.
remit hia conntenance .udilenlj changed, j “ Meacbam, did vou hit him?”
— his color and command both left him, | “ Yes.”
and in a trembling roice he aaid: • Gentle-1
"Davison, did yon strike first?”
men, I have made a painful discovery; I
hare Bright's disease of the kidney.,' aud ] "N o .”
“ Meacham, had you rather work
in less than a year he was dead."
“ Yon believe that it haa no symptoms for him three days than go to jail?1
of it. own and is frequently unknown
“ I guess SO.”
“ ....................
And will that satisfy you, Davi-
"It has no symptoms of it. own, and
,, v
very often none at all. I'anally no two
le s '
people hare tbe earne symptoms, and fre-
Then make tracks for home and
qnently death is the first symptom. The don’t bother me another minute,
al'ghteat indications of any kidney diffl- My son just came in with the news
even by the person who i. afflicted with i
g s £ * u S r s f . i s a ! i Z i r •“ .»»«“ t
for I have been throngh all tha stages of UP the “ “ «beech down at the edge
kidney disease."
of the slashing, and I'm going to
’’ Yon kaow of Dr. Henion’s easof"
have some bear meat if it upsets tbe
| ,” T »s .I have both read and heard of Supreme
Bench of
It i. very wonderfal. U if not?"
tdiourned r - D t t a o i l
" A ve»y prominent case, but not more
so than a great many others that have
com* to my notice aa having been cured
The slander case of Rev. Vander-
by the same means."
sal is occupying much space in the
can b«a
Bright’*disease Washington County papers. Van-
* * "I k nowit can. I know it from th.
{ru ra lly condemned,
experience of hand reds of prominrnt per­
sona who were given np to dio, loth by
Shiloh’ s Congh and Conanmption Cor*
their physicians and frionds."
¡is »old by na on a gnarantee. It core«
e iVn.
o lT fc S ,
r n iO lU A N
J. D .L e * ¡» d Hon. Warren Truitt
<!|!>tuni«d to lb. homo» in Dallas.
‘‘Mirsday a £rc at Salem did $10,000
DALLAS, okegqj » t o the Opu I House building-
just receivod a new
tho La Oranadtna.
I fino
u .....le u L
J - H . S M IT H , M, : the ad. c f Wilson * Hay, of
M a in
Gcorgo N. Townsend,
purchased V/arron
^ H niilm ilf >n Main street.
S i r o « * t ! , , D n l h i s ,
l» o llt
DALLAS, ORE go « night weather has been a bonanza
are dotted with
O m H uE O . N M lU sniB 1 „ J l B p lo T u g h h e m ie e l.lv
C ’o u n f . T , O r o y r o n .
Office two floors uortli of Post Oflloc.
rtT 3 xxr r . T r r - ' * Lr on* have this week sold
O R . W . H . RU Bjplaoee.’ ' The., mean business at
„ _
*" purchase!* » hen others fail.
ff * i JNu TP j £ ameg Hasiri* *» receiving a hit of
' plows, etc., and expects to deal
ALLAS, OUEUO.1 iRural implements in Dallas.
. LI. work DONE 7 n F
T .i m M $1.M0 SSn be hiul oil real estate
^ O.llcü Olio J. K,r north of J.
D. Lc,,, . till September 1st next, nt 9 per
’all soon, W. S. E lkin «, agent.
1 mber thetitliu first of November
D A L Y & RTT^T-d here a id that accounts due
an,;t bo settled by that
- V t t o r i i O ' V N - a t - l trouble |wifl ensue.
WDTO. rrel at jHknne City this week, bo-
louiiuiHH entrust«]
u> ii,üni ' frown ■na llumesoii, about (SJ5
•.tost. ..|.|.no l'-.u.i II .,.,., |„
p o ta toes
resulted in Brown be
with a rite and killed.
IS- j . D A W N ty Clerk Shelley lust week went to
A rrvrm/'N'oivy t i vr . - wounty
and brought hie father
fA A xV J xY lv 15 X - A T -IlK . R e i. .lowly recovering from
_ _ _ j or
„ . rie. r a c k e d at The Dallos »01110
Wo h«ve for sale about 100,000 acres of well iiiqwovefl la»J, in farms
100 to 3 000 acres. Stock ranchee of from 100 to 1,500 acres, well
locatefl fttifl near market. Also city property, flouring mills, saw mills,
water powers, good locations for portable iuí II h , hotels, livoty stables, liar1
ness shops, blacksmith shops, wngou shops, etc., etc.
Parties wishing to locato, by pre-emption or homestead, upon Govern­
ment land, or to purclinso School or Railroad lands, will do well to call
upon or address us, ns we have the plats and are thoroughly acquainted
with such lauds throughout the entire Willamette Valley and Eastern Ore­
gon, and can show parties tho most valuable lands and desirablo locations,
from IliO to 10,000 acres in a body.
a n d Notary Puíúncé!
Wo have also stock of all kinds for snlo. For prico list, scud for cir­
Miller [lina just received the
cular, or come and examine our Bulletin Board.
unti loaning money. Ài
If we sell, we give an abstract and pay all expeusos. Any information to loan leoting
from 4100 to $2.600 on person ’’ i . Ohwncliauin pipe, and cigars
tute security. Oliiro in Griswold’« bai] l,gut tto D n lias. Any person dé­
in our line furnished gratis.
tho I hiii I c , Salem O iwod . ‘ ''
ySlngin tins lino can be suited
fro m
g on him.
D R . I. T. MASO Feirgnw. < is
•bur with a full
Still on hand at
lino of
H C H I T l ‘«pt
apountry store. He sella
'- S i Í T
í ™ I * I lihen.3pho.lv
To be convinced
visit him with tho cash or with
(Lets of Eugene lit, ml
pUjlB Patent Washing Ma-
A itili, ml I octh inserted un ruble, " " ^ ¡ Y e d y t h . only premium at the
ratos. Satisfaction k'liarutd
----- FOR
Ini}? sturo.
D allas , Juno 23,1882.
T h e
T R A D E !
W h i t e
B r i c k
ILE 8HO P RIGHT for Oregon
prepared to fill orders in a few
Specially reduced
ico, $15.
E. K. SKIP Vv (
dealer». Address P. O. Box
^ .^ tland.
i never knows h ov mean ho is
roport* for a paper. He watches
N o ta ry
* «rithtondiah delight, knowing
tier or later it will furnish him
iumTQwincr piece of news. His
ts up with ] ’>y when he sees
Will practice in all the Court» iijjfcpart with l ilies and cartridges,
Ml business intrusted to h i m d i s a p p o i n t e d and defrauded
* V’: .
turn with' it accident. Assault.
O t h c e m O T o o h i^ M iw a .^ ;^ ani, ae.ertio.is and nmr-
Will still be the Emporium of tho Latest and Bost
------SUCH AS------
Black, all wool, Ai umrcs,
Shaded Serges, Fancy Melanges,
Fine Diagonals and Brocaded Suitings,
Cloakings, Ladies’ Cloths, Waterproofs,
Ladies' Cloaks and Dolmans,
colors o f
ÉV Ïe n ’ s a n d B o y s ’ C l o t h i n g ,
!i:o. \V. B klt ,
In :s r r y ;
falls; broken nocks and stranded
SI. 1 his soul with inhuman ecstasy.
by a strange contradiction, he
vith the sorrowful. His heart
P IP & o is his head. He is a strange
The latrai E d it o r .
Independence and Dalh|
this head some Oregon editori?
Will practice in all tho Courts , H recently printing a notice ex
:ly complimentary to themselves,
atter tasti for each of them “ t<
J . E . D a v i d s o n , M. D
^ i crons looking glass and descan
a - IH* deformity.”
When an editor
PHY8N S and
nato putriiniisolf, lie inaV1"
h fo o l, and "blows the how™ 11
lendence, Or.
ry cy e .” Whatever else f.v h<
. i P..,w ráamantinc check of such
in *r„ llulil„, hi8UC5rai.e-
1 ’mce- 'oor south
ware *t«r;esldeiico
in| collocsal gran
street bet»:j<t ul,,l 4th
-conceit is an einbiittk'jrtreal
Diseases ullL-n . specialty, ck-ribbod Ml: ,
ancient t'
!y 15 ls81 ly
lanco nor mace can pier' beat i
- - »arks down. With a s l i / rilPllral
j. k . coowr .
i » well-known poem,he madescribc
ne of
Thoso paged things of T B'vny'
ith front of brass and P c 'ny-’ ’
o tells of . himself. V he knm
is not marvelous; wff® d‘ ie“ th
t grand; *liat he tlr that is n
:-V 3 .i ,ur“ l ; WhA he says t) >a not luir
with genius, is not th knowir
oing, or thinking, saying. H
D G D tm
■n’DA ° f, life “
Preface.ake tile wit
L U U r . I l .Dlkt'e heath, his erv is I “ I ’ll do, a
a, r.nd i ’U du." HeP*t»ph nlo
T .T V T 'R V cir'n foSA,lte<1 anJ niodest-^uptum;” or
i i x v x .a , i’HLD
loiceat vernacular lusted.”
ST ^
out two weeks age young man
STAPLE DOMESTICS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE TTW YFPTl'N"n>/rp 0 E “ me of Th'jn':»a •)’, living a sh
IlY U L B L IN D lrC E , D - 100 above! firm, ,k Ins gun r
out to hunt sha Not return
when ha Mas ei cted, search i
.¿Y. 1ST ID S H O E S ,
FIRST CLi Ajar.“ *ted for lim , b without succi
as than supped to havo b
and at lower prices th h««rv'^od, but upon fiber investigat
u was found .
dank of Tlini
A short dl8|l(.e fnrtUer d(
ream hi* hat, ith foor buck«
I hliall contimic to import Sailer,
I>*ck''dp. This mini,
roused su*pic>o and rotuinin
Lewin & Co.’s
Satisfaction guar»eed the gun lny, tin discovered wl
been tire d ,y some ono (
FINE PHILADELPHIA BOOTS & SHOES. July 15 1881 1 G*'«rKR a short dictancvolf, and where
id grazed a »mil grub in a di
G iant Seam Boots,
Sheriff; Stle. F1» »J«™ it « opposed he at
Killed. O M o‘
n’ thc
tIn» buckshot
— AND—
from tha grp. and it prove
issued out uf Vu * « “ me size nithe ones wrhich
tiic stuii' ei (>n;;"ii„!l, l’"li through hi« -.i. 'l l.'1 b -ly
O iiO V E lS
the 2<;tli day of Sepi,,b«.M>een found, lit it is suppose!
( p a t e n t e d j c s c 1 : t :;, 1373,,
of Joab P. Beeler u,.l -3ted either in the creek or si
Itohrer and Ellen Itoluer, r,car tha »pot vhere the hat
ment rendered in saidfoort*'® found.^So arrests have
day of December, l8n. fofmt The licensed was a cc
Twelve Hundred and
W. N.
who lives
ty-eight Wqe-bundredU D^Stletn
and costs uHiljrtfdfAf
rendition of said judgi
T r ip .
adjudged and decreed
) a visit to thi
lien npou the followi1
n part of the cc
property, from and afte
er quiet, t. far
May, 1881, to-wit: Foui
'lifting in V* eii
off the south part of
twenty, to bo cut off
1 business, \»h
line, in the town of
at a very small
of Polkf -^ad 8tftte ol
rry Also do a
fo*w h j virtue of said
•ork in their t
pursuance of said d e c r i ~ _
Wilson d
public auction, at tbe frojd
a drug and u
Notice of Proof.
J. U. I ir BKRRY Oregon, on
| be doing well
brthington has
L axo Or?ic*, O regon C ity , O regon , )
Nn(unlay. O rtolu r
[doing well. C<
Septem ber IS, 188 * 2 .
V O T IO T . » H E R E B Y G IV E N T H A T T H E FOL- 1
At 1 o'clock r.
all th( rjao
grocery store s
L " lowing-nam ed settler has flletl notiee of hi* in- |
interest that the said defc$^j|
it Lawn Arboi
tention t8 make Altai proof in support of his claim, !
and to the above described n i t
l supply the wa
and that said proof will he m ade before the K e is t e r
the said 31st day of May. 1) —
of the I ’ nited States I «and Otliee at Ure
I with anythin
t r , O repon, ow Monday, Oi-toT«r :k>.
said judgment of Twelve
ry surroundini
ui* B o ile y , Homestead Rntrv N *. iidk», for Lot "5
Fourteen and Ninety-eight #n.
o f K t traB
a, 7 , 8. 10 , 11 and J i ,»f 8 c-
as fine as any
tion 7 . T. & ^ R. 10 W
Dollars, with interest at th*7
d by honest a
He •amen tbe following wntne^se-t to prove Ids eon-
cent, per annum from the ftj!
hence it is nc
tinmu* r e ie d y f uooo. »«d ultivati-n of. ■*,.] Ian.I,
comber, 1881, aud the fii|Ta
viz: l . » - SuWon, m roerklan, Yamhill Countv; s
^F.vnzEH circuit!
Forty-one and 48-100 D o ll^ V
nardraaa, of Elkhom.and «¿. C. Lttchfleld, of Grand
Ronde. Folk County. a » l S. H. Rock, of Ovatown.
accruing costs.
Ti’ lamook Coanty, all df Oregon.
Terms of sale— Cash in h J
L. T. D ARIN , RcffLsUr
Heir ln«tall.
H. Is ]
No. 23, I. O.
Sheriff of Polk coutf
ilicly install the <
D a l l a s , Oregon, Sept. 1 7 J
ng quarter on
f 3rd. An inte
prepared for
lire ment of the «
pe committees, w
make it an en(
Keinbered event b
Ite as to receive
the hall will ac<
Fester's Genuine Kid Laced Glove;
A t the W hite Brick, Main St., Dallas.
2 E B L A C K S M IT H S ,
[ number of vi*it<
i made general