Polk County itemizer. (Dallas, Or.) 1879-1927, September 30, 1882, Image 3

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30, 1882,
u m T !
i\ telegram gives tho vote yes
M itchell, 42 ; Shat-
Failing, 18.
18, OUKG0K.
OP A T H l
udtnan B ro s., o f Independence,
,ints and oils. Sold at bedrock
if Cincinnati,
tl serviced to
*ck west of Ih
tfarch 23, 18d:
rO W N S E B
ME Y -A T * j
9. Oolit elions illude i
htruatwt to them,
purt 11 u u . no , Dallas.
J. D A W N E .
Í E Y -A T -1
lotary Pub!
loaning money. Aim
K) to «*2,600 on |ieraooa|
•tice lu Qriawoid’a huildii
I Oregon.
l L L A S ,
Eugene City an<l Sheiid
inserted on rubber, very
SatiKfactioii guarantee
c two doom east of Jai»,
o ftr y
P u b lic , 3
ice in all the Courts ii
intrusted to him prom
¡’Toole’s Block, Broad-«
»»dependence and Dal]
now prepared to “ secure the shadow.”
Goodman Bros., druggists, successors
m e residences o f A. Shultz
ly are rapidly nearing com- to L. W. Robertson, have rented Mr.
Robertson’s new building, and as soon as
it is completed will move into their new
[ughes, of W asco County, was
ock visiting Ilia »¡»ter, Mrs. J.
James Tatum has accepted the appoint­
W. I\ \\ right, auctioneer ment of District Agent o f the Western
Insurance Company, of S. F ., Cal. The
H o will attend to all busi-
company is to bo congratulated upon se­
curing tho sorvicos of so eflicient an
IF. V . Spence»*! as purchased and
[independent the steamer C ity of
li the upper Willamette.
Riggs A M dler’s notice to those
Bid!). They are determined to
[the partnership accounts.
fhoniHS Richm ond, who was Mar-
[he Fair, returned home Sunday
l in good health and spirits.
Hubbard and wife left yesterday
[ornia, where they will remain for
ne and probably permanently.
!. Sites Jeft on M onday for Illi.i-
1 County, W. T . , where he is em,
in a general merchandise storo.
ear o f another dollar that went in-
loe, the other day. That race will
o good point for placer mining
Dallas Trom bone Band has corn-
regular practice again. The boys
to sustain their well-earned rep-
Senatorial contest elicits a good
[intorest here, a crowd gathering
[cuin g to learn the news when the
Hues in.
lerson contemplating attending the
H Business College this winter can
nicy on their tuition fee by call-
ins office.
Ifipps informs us that he saw four
It had been killed by the railroad
hide south of town. It is hardly
[ugh yet for hog killing.
| Hall .started to Portland on M on­
ti got, loft at M cM innville. W e
it. Mrs. C. W . Crystal and others
[same experience later in tho week,
lohns yesterday resigned his office
rder of the Town of Dallas, “ to
[higher.” W o suppose a new R e­
f i l l shortly l e appointed by tho
tic ad ay, October Sd, W . E. Good-
hxie, will sell at public auction a
hrsonal property, consisting of
tv ago ns, etc. Bo sure and attend
dolman has been having some
[n getting his broken collar-bone
n place. l i e fell over the fence
jr day, wo presumo to give it a
feet. ”
*. M iller has just ^received a fine
e\v goods, in the way o f druggists’
and toilet articles. Remember
keeps a full supply o f the best
ice in all the Courts
iT E R Y F E E D & M e
S T A B L E ;
¡ver prices than have m l
modating Commercial!
faction guaranteed.
Court Ilona
{L ate of Salem,
had at all tin e s. O il
modern improvomentil
?st in the city. Open I
D .
M c D O U l
A nei
.T o w d jJ
I ®
>cks, Watches 4 V; ■
Kntendent R iglor, aisisted by Mr.
6. o f Independence, and Mr.
[of this place, has been, yesterday
Bay, holding a teacher.l’ examins-
lOnly on* applicant, Mr. buster,
re tho examining board for a
»V. H . Grant writes us that on ac-
l press o f business below, he will
I'le to reach tlm point for some
pt ho is coming, and don’t forget
mold your orders in readiness for
len he arrives. M r. Grant, you
Is Davidson, the picture man’s,
I the ad. o f the Western Fire and
Insurance Company. Mr. J. C.
|e, who is traveling in the interest
¡ompany, was here this weeek, and
appointed James Tatoni, one of
st known citizens, agent for this
M r. Tatom will undoubtedly
iTiare ofi5fi«iness.
linit ia again “ on d eck,” and will
•ok open out his real estate office
as. H. W . Lyons will do tho
work and can .always be found in
se, while Mr. S'tinit will be at any
here his business requires his at-
H c is a genuine rustler and
ays succeeded better than .any one
the real estate business in Polk
DR. W . H . RI
< nunfj Judiir.
p ile s A. Julius, E sq., on Thursday
wed from Gov. M oody the appoint-
|<f C ounty Judge o f Folk County, in
[ o f Judge Kmith, rasi'/ned, and im-
litely qualified. Mr. Johns is a
k lawyer o f steady habits snd good
Fy and we doubt not will make on ef>
It officer.
A pugilistic encounter took pl«ace b e­
tween two little boys— pupils of the Old
Town school, last week ; and they were
brohght before Justice F ord, who fined
one of thorn five dollars and discharged
the other.
Geo Bolder, who started for Ohio, last
Thursday, sold his dwelling house to Ben
Whiteaker. the R oberts’ property to J.
M. Sloper, and his interest in the sash
and door factory and grounds to L. W.
Robertson, Esq.
A band of about twenty Indians, from
tho Grand R ondo Agency, are engaged
in picking hops at Mr. Row e’s hop-yard,
on the bank of the river. Ono of them
celelirated his advent among us by getting
gloriously drunk. H o was fined.
At tho Council meeting, last Tuesday
evening, tho R ecorder was instructed to
make the assessment of the town property
for the year 1883. It is estimated that a
2.1 nr 2 } mill tax will bo sufficient to run
the town government next year, and leave
a smnll surplus in tho treasury.
Wells Dornsife is the boss thresher this
season. In 41 days he threshed 55,322
bushels of grain 41,822 bushels of wheat
and 13,500 bushels of oats; an average of
1349.8 bushels per day
Can any one
beat it? Let us hear from the M on­
mouth, Buena Vista and D ixie liars.
A dolf W olf has on hand a fine lot of
Indies’, misses’ , boys’ and# girls’ cloaks,
which he will sell at unprecedentedly low
prices. Mr. W olf has a large stock of
this class of goods, all of tho latest make
and style, and will Rell thorn very cheap
rather than carry the stock over. Call
and satisfy yourselves.
We aro requested to announce that
there will tie nn election .it the Calvary
Presbyterian Church on M onday next,
between the hours o f 10 and 12 in the
form oon, for the purpose of electing a
President, Secret.nry, Treasurer and two
Trustees, to serve for the ensuing year.
All members in good standing, above the
age of eighteen years, are requested to
assemble at the church, at 10 o ’clock on
that day.
There seems to bo some misunderstand­
ing ns to the proposed change in the town
limits, and for tho information of those
interested we give the limits «as taken
from the bill submitted to the Legislature:
“ Commencing at tho mouth of In d e­
pendence slough and running up said
slough to the north branch; thence up the
north branch to the lino o f J. M cC or­
mack’s land claim ; thence south to the
county road; thence east to the west line
of Patterson’s Second A ddition; thence
south to the south line of E street; thence
east to tho depot grounds; thence south
sixteen rods; thence east to the river.
Petitions for and against the extension
have been circulated and numerously
signed, but we believe most of the oppo­
sition arises from a misapprehension of
what is to be included in the extension of
the limits.
W alter M adden hat taken unto hiiuaelf
a better half.
P. F. Clark hat returned from the coatt
and reporta game scarce.
Farmer« will toon be through with sum­
mer-fallow, and rain it much needed.
E lder Fairchild delivered an excellent
discourse at 11 o ’clock on Sunday last.
M r. Andrew Ennis has gone to M cM inn­
H e is going into business there.
Mr. and Mrs. 0 . C. W alker have gone
on a visit to Mr. W. B. W alker, near
Goldendale, W . T.
J. B. Franklin has returned from Nes-
tucca to move his family out there. May
success foil )w them.
W e aro inform ed that Mr. C. P. Cran-
gle, o f Lincoln, has purchased the W eb-
foot mill. W e wish him success.
Nelson W alling has removed the resi­
dence on Lincoln Avenue to his orchard,
and will convert it into a tree house.
E lder Stipp, o f Scio, preached a good
sermon on Sunday evening. Mr. Stipp
is in his 7bth year, and bids fair to preach
many years yet.
M arried— At Salem, on Friday last,
Mr. W alter Madden and Miss Saloma J.
Franklin, both ot this place. M ay jo y
and happiness be their 8 through life.
Mr. James R. Shupbach and wife are
visiting friends near Zena. Mr. S. son-
templates remaining in the State perma­
nently if he can purchase a suitable place.
. Master Dudley Purvino had his leg
broken above the ankle join t, caused by
his team running Away and turning the
wagon over on him. H e is doing as well
as could be expected under the circum ­
Autum n has cotne again and is turning
the leavos to a golden hue. Thus time
flies. It seems to us but yesterday ’fcwas
summer, but the winds remind us ot our
mistake. It was ever so, from the cradle
to the grave.
The serenaders were around again on
Saturday evoniug.
W e can appreciate
music, but some remarks might have been
left unsaid, and we hope that we will
never hear them used again in our burg.
“ H on or thy father and thy m other” is a
good maxim to bear in mind. W e may
be out of hearing o f our own parents,
but some one’s may hear us when we are
least expecting. Guard the tongue.
J. P. Frizzell’s new house is nearing
The Sabbath School will commence
again next Sunday.
John W . M cG rew and vife are in P ort­
land attending the M echanics’ Fair.
J. W. W ilson, the Justice, has all he
can do in his court— all civil actions.
D. S. K ey t is going to Portland soon,
where he will remain during the winter.
Glandon & D eBerry will furnish the
farmers nlows o f all kinds. Joseph is
going to Portland to buy the stock.
John J. Daly and Sheriff Holm an
passed through town this week on their
way to Ballston. Call again, gents.
Farmers are pretty well through sowing
their fallow ground. They expect a large
yield next year, as the land i3 in fine con­
T ho Zena correspondent “ chips” when
tliero is no hand dealt to him. W e’ll
give him a “ deal” if he wishes, and will
throw the “ low card” for another keg of
of beer.
W o understand the clearance sale at
M cGrew & W aller’s will continue another
Or, at le-ast, they will make
largo reductions for cash. T hey mean
The N im rod« did not meet with much
success while on their hunt. John T ow n­
send et al. were under many obligations
to Uncle Henry Ellis for a driyo in his
new buggy. l i e has, without doubt, the
finest rig in Polk County.
(non our. o m u l teeiu»»»wurt.)
8up*rintend*nt Rigler lu * * nourishing
■cliool now, and it i* still iner*a*ing in the
number o f its scholars.
M r. A. M. Smith, o f Portland, mad*
us a short visit this week. H e will have
a tine display of wares at the Mechanics'
T he infant daughter o f Mr. and Mrs.
T y ler died on W ednesday, the 20th inal.
It lias not been two y e a n since they bur­
ied two little ones in one week, snd now
the third is laid beside them.
This is the way we hear it spoken of :
“ T he Oregonian must bo sick about M itch­
ell. W hy don’t some o f its friends bathe
its foet ill warm water, then put a hot,
wot [lack on its stomach and put it to
bed I It seems to have it very bad.”
Mr. Mart. Prather and M n . Minnie
H ornbuckle Prather are fully acquainted
with the music of a genuine charivari.
T he boys gave them a superb lot of music,
with all the accompaniments, just because
they were sensible enough to get married.
Whoat is coming in to our warehouses
with a rush. Looks like old times to see
teams rushing and racing through the
stroets to get to the warehouse first. Mr.
Richardson's popularity as a warehouse­
man and the superiority o f river trans­
portation will bring the wheat here.
T ho hop pickers have finished their
work and returned to their homes. They
were paid forty cents per box this year,
an advance o f two and one-half cents over
the usual price paid. There were two
deaths among them whilo here— ono from
consumption, and one from general de­
Just about right. Our fun-loving citi­
zens have hit upon a plan that will pre­
vent catch-penny and humbug shows from
imposing upon them : A committee haa
been appointed to wait upon M r. M an­
ager, and if the allow is good, the boys
all buy some, but if a humbug, they—
well, they whoop ’em up.
Miss Lillian Richardson took charge of
the Oak d ro v e school mi M onday of this
week. Miss It. is a P olk County girl—
was b om in Buena Vista, we believe.
Hence we feel just a little proud, for it
has required energy and close application
to qualify herself to take charge of a
school before she is eighteen.
P IL E S ! P IL E S ! P IL E S !
A Sure Cure Found at Last!
No One Need 8ufFer!
A huxe Cure for Blind, Bleeding, Itch­
ing anoU lcerated Piles has been discover­
ed by Dr. W illiam ,(uu Indian Remedy,)
called D r. W illiam ’s Indian Ointment.
A siugle box has cured the worst chronic
cases of 25 or 30 years standing.
one need suffer five minutes after apply­
ing this wonderful soothing* it adic’ iie.
Lotions instruments and electuaries do
more harm than good. W illiam ’s Ointment
absorbs the tumors, allays the intense
itebing, (particularly at night after get­
ting wurmjin bed,) acts as a poultice, gives
instant relief, and is prepared only for
Piles, itching of the private parts, and
for «"th in g else.
Read what the Hon. J. M. Coffiuberiy
of Cleveland has to say about D r. Wil­
liam’s Indian Pile Ointment;
I have
used scores of Pile Cures, and it affords
me pleasure to say that I have never
found anything wbicb gave such immedi­
ate and permanent relief as Dr. William’s
Indian Ointment.
F or sale by all druggists, or mailed on
receipt of price, $1.00.
Hodge, Davis & Co., wholesale agents,
Portland, Oregon.
H E N R Y 4c CO.. P r o p » r « .
Cleveland, O.
Hr W im Thar.
Tho Misspulian tells the follow in ggood
one about Prof. W illio, the magician. It
says the professor is one o f the few men
in Montana who wears a ‘ plug’ hat; he
needs it in his business. There are peo
pie who do not seem to have the necessary
respect for this style o f headgear and
never miss an opportunity to show it; bift
there is one man in this county who will
size up his man before ho again «attacks a
hat with a stranger u n d e n t. T o explain,
the gentlemanly magician had occasion to
enter a saloon, a few nights since, where
several o f ‘ the boys’ were indulging in a
good time. One of them got his eye on
the prestidigitator’s high hat and im­
mediately brought his flat hand down up­
on it. Turning upon his assailant, the
Charley W oodward came to mill on professor politely requested an apology,
Monday and left his team standing while which w as received with derisive laughter
lie earned a sack of wheat into the mill. by the hat masher and his friends. But
The team started and ran up M ill street,
colliding with Peterson’s wood pile, leav­
ing the hind wheels near by. The horses
came up the street with the fore wheels
and turned into Main street at J. L.
H yde’s. They then ran against a tree,
became separated and were soon caught,
nef serious damage being done., We sug­
gest that hereafter when M r. W oodward
K'in appeared and no further hostile
conics to town with that team that he ex ­
demonstrations wero made. ‘ You can’t
ercise more care to keep control o f them,
most always generally,’ etc.
as they have twice made a race track of
our streets and there is danger of some­
A P o r t la n d F ir e .
one being hurt if this thing is to be kept
A firo occurred in Portland last Sunday
m orning in which half a block was des­
troyed. The burned buildings were five
PainTnl Injury.
J. B. Teal met with an accident on saloons, a restaurant, a lodging house and
Wednesday by which his right hand was two fruit stores. M any of the lodgers in
badly cut. H e was engaged in shaving the lodging houso wero unable to save
shingles, and let go of the drawing knife their outside clothing, barely escaping
with his right hand to turn the shingle, with their lives. A11 the stock and bu ild­
when the knife struck some object and ings were insured except the buildings of
one end o f it hit him in the face. Mr. ; Mr. Harrington. T he fire originated in
Teal made a grab for it with his right hand ; the kitchen o f the restaurant, 89 North
and it positive that he caught it, at the ; First street.
I will sell at public outcry, at my place,
three miles south of Dallas, on Saturday,
the 7th of October, at one o ’clock in the
afternoon, the following described person­
al property, to-wit: One mare nnd one
colt, one cow and calf, three hogs, one
wagon, five dozen chickens, nnd some
household furniture. Terms—-Under $5,
cash in hand; over $5, twelve m ouths’
time, without interest, with security.
J oh n N e l s o n .
D a l l a s , Sept. 23, 1882.
The i ’lcruyinnu’s Annoyance.
Nothing can be more annoying or un­
pleasant to our clergymen, than the con­
stant coughing of some of his congregation;
yet how easily can all this be avoided, by
using Dr. King’ s New Discovery for Con­
sumption. There can be no cough or cold,
however severe, but what this remedy will
relieve instantly. It is a positive cure
for Asthma, Bronchitis, Phthisic, Quinsy,
Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Dry Hacking
Cough, Croup, W hooping Cough, Diffi­
culty of Breathing, or any affection of the
Throat and Lungs. T o prove this you
are requested to call on Jasper R. Miller,
Druggist, and get a Trial Bottle free of
cost, which will show what a regular one
dollar size bottle will do.
wishing to purchase furniture can make it
pay to call on me now. I wish also to
give notice to those indebted to me to pay
their bills by the first day of October
J . M. C a m p b e l l ,
D a l l a s , Sept. 16, 1882.
An Important Notice.
I have sold my drug store in Indepen­
dence, and desire to settle up my business
at as early a date as possible. Those in­
debted to me will therefore much oblige
me by paying their accounts with as little
delay as they can. 1 hereby extend my
hearty thanks for the liberal patronage I
have received, and bespeak for my suc­
cessor’s, Messrs, Goodman, the same good
will I have myself received.
L. W. R obprthon .
| I n d e p e n d e n c e , Sept. 5, 1882.
Adolph W olf, of Independence, makes
j a specialty o f the San Francisco make of
T k » D l. l r t r l a r fce e l.
All person* knowing thtmaelv»« indebt­
ed to C. G. Rowell will p i»* »« call and u t ­
ile their ftcconnte, by eeeh or note, before
th* 10th of October, 1882.
C. G. B o w iu ..
F o rt; t lo n u n d good »hake* for u l* ,
rb**p. Apply to I . ¥ . Cuspb*U, D allw .
when he wee b a t Svo years of eg*. What­
ever he is, be mad* himself, earning the
m oney with which he paid fo r his educa­
tion at Bethel College in this countv. He
wee one* the owner apd editor ot the
iTBMi/.isn, ably conducting the same while
its editor. We are glad to know that he
is appreciated. He deserve* success, end
if the people can elect him we can atsnr*
them they will not regret it, as he is not
th* man that will aver betray a trust,
hundreds of oar snbstantiftl citizens can
about u m ontb ago. Whan last seen she
was side-hobbled, fore and hind feet to­
gether, The person finding her and
giving me inform ation of her will be lib­
erally rewarded.
H. J. E llis .
Sunday afternoon while the mem­
bers of her household were away
from heme, Mrs. Levi Leland, liv­
ing six miles east of Oregon City,
committed suicide by inhaling ether.
She left a note to her husband, con­
fessing that she intended taking her
life. Financial troubles which came
upon Mr. Leland, weighed heavily on
her mind and the deed was evidently
committed while she was much de­
Because they send forth trained pressed. She was 40 years old and
teachers from their halls, and thus usd no children.
add to the efficiency of the common
schools. I presume it will be admit­
ted that to spend public money in
increasing the efficiency of the com­
W . P. W R IG H T ,
mon schools. is not wasting it. If
tbis be admitted, and tbe efficacy of
normal schools be granted the con­
clusion is unavoidable that we ought
And County Surveyor,
to have such iustitutions, supported
by the State.
The cadet nt West Point receives
part of the county promptly.
as much personal benefit from bis
training as does the student at the
Sheriff’s Sale,
normal school. Yet who asks the
former to “ put up” for it? No one.
Ho not only receives his training
free, but he is fed, clothed and paid
while he is receiving it. Why is
this? Surely not simply that he
may learn a lucrative business, but
that he may bo used by the nation.
The State normal student occupies
an analogous position. Both are
trained at the public expense and and costs and attorney fees; and at the
both aro pledged to use their training rendition of said judgment it was ordered,
and decreed by* tbe Court to be a
for the public benefit. There is just adjudged
Hen upon the following described real
as much philosophy, just as much p roperty, from and after the 31st day of
economy in training teachers at the M ay, 1881, to-wit: Four and 57-100 acres
public expense, as there is in train­ off the south part of “ o a t " L ot N o. (20)
ing soldiers. If the government of
tho United Stntes had undertaken
tho education of the people ns it has
undertaken their defense, it would
have provided the same adequate
P olk County,
means of putting competent teachers
in the schools that it has of putting
competent officers in the army. But
while the nation is the defender, the At 1 o ’clock p. m ., all the right, title and
that the said defendants had in
State is the educator, nnd a part of interest
and to the above described real estate on
the duties of the latter is to provide the said 31st day of May, 1881, to satisfy
teachers, Thntthis is believed to be said judgment of Twelve Hundred and
true, not only by “ foolish educators” Fourteen and Ninety-eight one-hundredth
but even by wise editors, in other Dollars, with interest at the rate of 10 per
per annum from tbe Gth day of De­
States, is evident from the large cent,
cember, 1881, aud the further sum of
sums spent annually in the support Forty-one and 48-100 D ollars costs, and
of norm 1 schools. In all of the accruing costs.
Terms of sale— Cash in hand.
larger States there are several such
institutions, supported chiefly by
Sheriff of P olk county, Oregon.
State appropriations.
D a l l a s , Oregon, Sept. 27, 1882.
No one knows bettor than yourself
the need of trained teachers in this
Stale and county. Only a few weeks
ago you referred to the illiteracy of
country teachers, as shown by their
examination papers, and you asked
whether “ the red letter days of a tri­
umphant incompetency” had wholly
A ll persons indebted to
passed away. Your criticisms were
just and your statement mild. On the undersigned will call
several public occasions, I have re­
ferred to the same subject in lan­ and settle their accounts
guage much stronger than your own.
Now, sir, I hold that to pay over the in full by October 10th,
school fund into Buch hands as these
is tQ waste it. I hold it to be a 1882, as I must have mon­
wiser public economy to spend a
Western I
Oflee, 4 M» Canforata Street, Haa Frai
P. J. White, Pres.; Jae. Phelan, Vice Pres.; R.
Th. lolloving h u m a n M ow ot tk . U ockhoU an, wHk their I mu I imw . un i oocupsilon given:
------ SAN FRANCISCO-------
j ! in T kh
r a o l » " '* M w SaM y,
J. A. VOLOKH, .o lg a . a Co., vh olew l. tiogot w d »plc-e dealer., California »trait.
B. MACIiONornH. Mardouoinrh S Co., cnol UMix-hent*. 33 and So Miu *<:(.
\'. D. OKulti.an, «tim tor Hibernian Bonk (let. O'B.illiv.n, Kelt, S Co.)
HOBKRT MoKKE, .She., Booquar*. A McKee, whnlowl* lisuor dnalm-a.
8 KRAPOLLI. a Frapolu S On., whotowlo doalor. in n . l i i . a 1 iu .
W. D. O'SULLIVAN, wboJawi. dwlar in point, and o il.
P. HARTIGAN, wholwnle grocer Mid liquor denier, Kirot Mid Howard atrocti.
I ,.
N. C. LUHRR, Wheaton * Luhra, wholaaale proviaioo marvhanU, V.'J Front.
J. M. DEWITT, wholMalt gruen and proviaioo dealer, 41« and «Id daiwmie «treet.
JONES BCHOKNFKLD, Importer nt laml tobacco. «33 aad »26 Jackson .treat.
J. RUDOLPH, Rudolph SOn.. importer* and manufacturer, ot piano..
r . O'LEARY. P. J. WHITE, OEO. W. SESSION», CapitalLw.
N. oifLANDT, Ohlaudt S Co., ooal merchant..
W. W. DODGE, Dodge S Co., whole.«.1, grocer*, Front M;d Clay etreete.
A. P HOTALINQ, Uotaling S Co., whotwal. liquor dealer., 42n and 427, Jaekeon.
E. H POND. Pond. Reynold. S Ce.. wholewla liquor dealer,, Market
NICHOLAS GOETJKN, manufacturer of pickled good«. 1032 McAllieter.
GUH IIEIB and FERD REIS, Reia Brother.. Capital!*», 31» California.
HENRI' CABANOV.'., P. Danorl S Co., whole-..1. grocer«, 604 Front etraet.
M. H. KELLY, Kelly * Egan, whoimal. liquor dealer*. 004 Batten .
G. FRKlDRlCli, Baltic It Co., banker*. 624 Montgomery.
THOMAS JENNINGS, wholesale grocer.
COMSTOCK, wholesale and retail dealer in furniture.
GRABS "ALLEY V J. C. COLEMAN and I . COLEMAN, Capitalists.
U r Ik e above II* of w in e , contain. Kane of th . wealthiest Mid b e * known merchant! and capital lit . of
California, which is e guarantee of the Company's solidity.
And will sell more goods
Than any house South of Portland
a choice line of
ey to buy goods;
men and women to fill competently
the places of th9 multitude of un­
taught teachers, who are now taking
Until the 1st of October, I wiil sell my the people’s money without giving
stock of furniture almost at cost. Those an equivalent.
knife made a circle and almost cut his
thumb off. Frank B utler sywed up the
j boots and shoes.
Near Dali*s, September 22, 1882, to the
wound and Mr. Teal is looking for some­
A ll persons indebted to Ricss Bros. &
body to work for him, as he expects to wife o f J. D. Chitwood* a son, weighing
i W hiteaker are requested to make cash
have all he can do for a few weeks in taking 10J pounds.
care of hit injured hand.
Near Dixie, September 28, 1882, to the ■ settlement on or before October 1st.
wife o f J. A . Dem psey, a 12-pound daugh­
The next steamer from San Francisco
U 4 'r.ol. A r ir ifw j,
ter. This makes eight daughters b o m to
| will bring Adolph W olf one o f tho largest
This institution opened last M onday, M r. and Mrs. Dempsey.
; and most elegant stocks o f children's
with Prof. S. A. Handle as principal and
Misses Ella Witten and Ora Palmer as
| misses’ and ladies’ cloaks, of the latest
assistants. There are forty-three students,
styles, ever brought to Independence.
W . S. Elkins writes us from P ortland that
with several more, not yet enrolled, to
Having enlarged my store and added
enter soon. A visit to this school im ­ he has got this valuable homestead for sale,
presses us favorably with ita management. which is now laid off in lots adjoining the
The claas-rooins are in perfect order and
the bright-faced girls and boys seem to be on the east side o f the W illamette river,
interested in their work. T he chapel just below East Portland. The lots com­
below is furnished with an organ, and the prising the homestead are sold on the in­
walls are adorned with a few excellent stallment plan. A narrow gauge railroad
pictures. This school should be the pride is being built through this homestead,
o f Dallas and receive hearty and in tel­ connecting East Portland with Vancouver.
Mr. Elkins will soon irive our citizens a
ligent support.
chance to invest in this enterprise, which
r a p a la r K m v w S r r f,
is better than a gold mine.
Every family should have a bottle of
Syrup o f Figs constantly on hand. Its
pleasant taste and beneficial effect make
All persons indebted to the late firm of
it popular everywhere, and the results are
Riggs k M iller are hereby notified that
better health and fewer d octor's b ills It their acconnts must be settled by Novem­
may be taken by old and young, by men ber 1st, 1882. All accounts not settled by
and women, under any and all circum ­ that time will be placed in the hands of an
stances. F or sale by Jasper R. M iller, attorney fo r collection. Settle np and
s a v e trouble.
R io o s k M i l l e r
Since the refusal o f some persons to
pay their taxes levied for the purpose of
building a new school house, nn account of
some irregularities in the levy, the matter
seems to b* at a stand-still. M any per­
sons are interested to know if tber* is to
b* a district school, and when it i* to
Bones I i a o n i The above lien is
clipped from the WoodUad Daily Demo­
crat o f September 11th. This is B . Clark,
who removed from thte county to Yolo
County, California, in 1875. He is nn
Oregon boy , who grow np in this sonntjr
from hie ch ild h ood to m anhood without
the care of fotber, m other or guardian,
bis parents dying on the plains in 1868,
F rank R io l e r .
In all tbe Latest Styles,
Thanking the people for
their liberal patronage in
the past, and hoping to
share a portion in the fu­
E ugene C it y , -Or., Sept. 25. — At a ture, I am very truly,
publio meeting held by Democrats
here to-niglit, the following resolu­
tions were unanimously adopted:
L ewisville , September 1, 1882.
Whereas, John Long was nomi-
All bought at figures enabling them to sell
Dated by the Democratic Convention
of Lane county in Apnl, as a Demo­
crat, and
Whereas, Said John Long was
elected as a Democrat to tho Legis­
lative Assembly by Democrats at the
June election; and
Whereas, The said John Long,
All kinds of Country Produce taken at mnjkct rates. Examine our
contrary to the usages of the party
and contrary to the will of the
and Prices and you will be satisfied.
itite, B o w e l« costiv e. F a in in
Democrats of Lane county, voted
for J. H. Mitchell, a Republican, for
D a llas , Oregon, September 8, 1862.
Senator, and
Whereas, At the time said John
LoDg voted for said Mitchell, there
was nominated by the Democratic
members of said Legislative Assem­
bly, a Democratic candidato for
TUTT’8 F IL L S a re especially a d ap ted to
Ilesolved, That we, tbe Democrats such
ca se«, on e done elTeett such a change
fe e lin g a t t o antonUlt th e Mufforer.
of Lane county, in mass meeting o f They
A n d
H to o k .
l o e r e a a e t h e A p p e t it e . *nd caon* tht
to T u b e o a F l c * k tliua thf* system Is
assembled, hereby denounce the act body
n o u r is h e d , snd by tbHr T o o l e Arttoaa on tbs
1 of said John Long, in voting for said D ig e s t iv e O ra a n s . U ejral*ir W o o t o are pro­
M urray
W. T .
nt Public Aurtion, on
Mitchell, as contrary to the will of duced. Price 25 cents.
I his constituante, and
T n e sd a y , O r t o b r r IO. ISH«,
Resolved, That we hereby arraign
ay farm, one an<l ono half miles east of Delhis,
him for having betrayed the conti-
I Horses, one W oifn , one Gem Broadcast Seed
Sower, one Spring tooth Harrow, one four horse
denoe reposed in him by the Democ-
Harrow, ae good as new, all of which will be t»M
racy of this county, and
S h rrp, Hoffw. P oultry,
Resolved, That we hereby request
i tho »aid John Long to resign hie
Wagon, Flack, Plow», Harrows, Mower, and manj
other articles too numerous to mention.
seat as a member of said Legislative
Terms All sum» under $10* cash in hand; orw
tlO, one year's time, with interest at ten per cent.,
with approved w n r ity .
P ettyjoh n’s Ferry I f
R. B. C ocrrix , Chairman.
D allas , Mepteviber 2S, 188?.
O sbokx , Secretary.
■ o M
_ ________
n c E !8
■lY lowing named wttlcr has filed notice of Ms In­
make final 1 proof ' in fui
‘ '
A young- married women named tention to
a v in g p u r c h a s e d t h e o ld
and that « i d proof will he made
- - --------.
Wagner was accidentally shot and Clerk of Tillamook County, at Tlllatnorrt, Oregon, on
L *bo terry so d pat tli* road* trading
8sp«einl>er 30, 1«M, vi*: Isaac C. Quick,
killed at Deer creek in Josephine Saturday,
Preemption t> S. No. 3,«7§, for the 8. R. fourth of M. to it in
county on Monday last by a younger F*. fourth and N. E. f.wirth of 8. E. fourth o? Hectkai
11, and W. half of N. W. fourth of Mention 12, T. 4 8.,
First Clast Condition
brother, the gun discharging acci­ R.
ruary 3, i8t& Tuition in the Academy,Tw
10 W. He name» the following witnesses to prove
dentally while being taken from tbe hit continuo«* resMence upon, and nahiration of, mké I am now prepared to eroaa tk* traveling four Dollars a year, nr Six Dollars a quarter, !<
ranoe; and in the P r e fa t o r y . Twenty Doll
land, riz: A. D. Farmer. George W. Wallace, O. W.
wall. Tbe Indy iras shot in the fore­ Body felt and J. L. laoderer, all of Nestocton, Tilla­
year, or Fire Dollar» a quarter, in adranca*
For further ]<arti< ular* apply to.
county, Oregon.
head and was killed instantly. She mook
Also, A. 1). Farmer, Preemption D. 8. No. *,W?, for
I was there on a visit to her parents, the K. half of N. E. fourth and E. half of 8. K. fourth
Section 1, T. ♦ » ., R- 10 W. He names the follow­
Mr. and Mrs. Adams, in company •tl
ing witnesses to prove hie continuous residence upon
with her husband, tbe latter being a and cuMrstto* of. mM land, via: Geo. W. Wallace, O.
j son
of Isaac Wagner of Marion W. Budytelt, / . L. Lederar, and laaae C. Quick. sO of
j county.
FOR SALE CHEAP ! a u c t io n