I V IfP&Sgp w TKi ’ vU. COUNTY ITEMIZER. ■HHUKO K V B B Y POLK COUNTY ITEMIZER. «A TU BU AY, ORGE E. GOOD. M u b ic r lp tiu n i3 One Y ear.......... Devoted to the Best Interests of Polk County in Particular and to the Paoiflo Coast in General. Six M o n th *......... T h re e M »iit'iK . . MUST DK PAID in ADV’ANC*. VOL- VIII. DALLAS, OREGON. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 3 0 . 1883. Ml» IM.1TH MILL'S UVIII.W E A tu m v rs or c h o it . stood a saw-niill. Mr. Tracey, the j two roads, with no other house in lain, and he sank senseless on the SOTSEa. owner of the Half-Way House, was ! sight, and was a common slopping floor. The remaining burglar has­ “ Shall you miss we sweetheart?" ‘In all bis life, Ben Hill, the Pizarro McGiuness was going 6le» f ami aimlessly out of tlie engaged at work here, ami he | place for persons passing to and tened to his comrade’s assistance, from the city. Mat stepped boldly buthe was like a child in the hands away, far away to the trackless soli­ great Southern orator, never did a .anikred p<»or, lmlf-witted turned aside to speak to him. t pleasant summer after- lm on business for the K iro, upou the broad piazza in front and of a giant, and in a moment he, too, tudes of Ht. Louis, and when he had more graceful thing,” said General had no particular dosti- and I m Bein’ to your house,” lie with a fuil consciousness of his was helpless and motionless. Nat told Daphne McCarthy of his intend­ Evans in his funeral oration over the late Senator from Georgia, “ than hlnUNTKY PRODlCi’ a a n [long in body though weak terday. I was foolish not to put it paring supper for her guest another when morning came and help came girl. eyes that saw Home and Heaven and ; Mother, all in one vision of transcen­ I; then lie passed down on into the bank l ight oft’, but J didn’t, thought came to her. Could she j with it, the burglars were safely “ Yes,” was the reply. Hi Savi» Money by P ® _____ >r side to where the road and as I didn't have time t •> go to not induce Nat to stop there for the lodged in the county jail. All that “ Then,” said Daphne, the wistful dent glory.” a forest which stretched town yesterday, I had to leave it n ig h t1 His noti n of wandering is easily surmised. And at last look gone from her face, “you can­ A Detroit lawyer took ip a new ro co ry s away. It was here quiet at Lome. I reckon it’s safe enough, made it an uncertain request, and Nat was a hero— not only in his not start too soon.” boy the othor day, and, as he had luelv, but Nat fancied this, though, till to-morrow night, nnd even if lie remained, with his be­ own eyes but in the eyes of all suffered to some extent from the J . BUTLE clouded intellect, he could not be others. He bore his honors meekly Savs a correspondent •esp' of the Farm- depredations of the former une, ho [i-asionallv liked to escape then—” her a. ISSI. and with dignity, as a right belong­ ■ moan voices and human hub* “ Hist! interrupted his compan­ depended on in ense of trouble. decided to try tho new lad's honesty Still lie would be company, and ing to a servant of the King. He which six years ago the felloes shrunk at once. He therefore placed fifteen 1 M l A t f l H k t® S0*" away by himself and ion, suddenly. “ What’s t h a t !” L. sV( A i^k v|i|t, tlie birds, the trees and peniaps lie might aid her—she accepted the numerous congratula­ so the tires became very loose. I dollars in bills under <\ weight upon Tracey paused to listen. sled tions and band-shakings, wonder­ gave it a good coat of hot oil and his desk and walked out without say­ lor that— if she lieedi “ I didn’t hear anything,” he said. pra v lie flfwcrs. Here in the wool the ing, perhaps, what it all meant, and every year since it has knd a coat of ing a word. Upon his retun half an Holoinu Bio*.), , i!dj »agarics of his brain found “ 1 thought I 'heard some one help. replying to the questions heaped oil or paint, sometimes both. The hour later, the bills were gone and poured “ Nat,” she raid, as she nil pi y. Here no one disputed over there,” pursued the other, upon him with the simple state­ tires are tight yet and thev have not seventy-five cents in silver had taken “ won’t is cl a ,ns t > greatness, no one de- pointing to a large, high pile ot' out a glass of milk for him, been sot for eight or nine years. ment : “ I just obeyed orders.” Many farmers think that ns soon as their place. * K E I t ied I n being a noted general, a boards a few feet distant— the yon slay here ( »-night! ’ “ Boy, when I stepped out to got n “ 1 don’t know whether it be | Nothing, however, could induce him their wagon felloes begin to shrink iftcd lrato r or musician, when the boards being piled in the foWli of a draft in London I left fifteen dollars to accent any reward for his ser­ orders,” ho answered uncertainly. ,ancy L. ized him to be such. In square with a large cavity in the they must go at once to a blacksmith uuder that weight?” ¡ ■ ■ . i t always had “ greatness center. “ Most likely it was rats, " Parson said the King sent out j vices. The royal command was to shop and get the tires set. Instead “ Yes, sir.” his messengers, an’ they wasn t to j take no bread, no money in his of doing that which is often a dam­ linisuupon him ; he was never an though.” “ And now I find only seventy-five age to the wheels, causing them to purse, and he would not. take no money nor nothin' to eat, “ More likely to be rats than any­ * I'dimu’ .- man in his own estiina- cents?” ‘dish,’ if they will get some linseed But Nat did not lack for friends thing else, there’s so many of them an’ I don’t know if it bo right to ion, at 1 he was not now. “ Yes, sir; but you see you hadn’t after that. He still continued his oil, heat it boiling hot and give the been gone five minutes when a man But ■ hi this occasion a now fancy about here," answered Tracy. Th en stop.” “ O yes it is,” replied Mrs. Tracey, wandering, and, as the story spread, felloes all the oil they can take, it came in with a bill against you of “ Maybe, fiad ta en possession of him— he he added jocu larly: will fill them up to their usual size for ine the King, . ns gn fi I business ior ivmg. j though, it’s them burglars that’s catching at once an idea of his homes and hearts were open to him and tighten the tire. After the oil a $14.25, and I paid jt. I guess the Yhatll ing, or what was the par- been playin’ mischief ’round these thoughts. “ I heard what the par­ everywhere. But it was at Tracey’s coat of paint is a good thing to holp change is correct.” “ You—you paid a bill?” Dallas, O 'iculÄ ra iusincss he did not precisely parts for the last week or so— son said too. VYh.en the King’s that he was more especially wel­ keep them from shrinking and also “ Yes, sir; there it is, all receipted. hou: he was comed, and as the years came and to help keep out the water. If you :now|biit lie had derived his idea I maybe they’re stowed away in that | messenger enh red to ' stop. went it was noticed that his visits do not wish to go to the troublo of The irfftn said it had slipped your there— that My ! if I really be- to rd TH IS W E L I.lt rom v. nous sermons he had heard j pile of lumber. propose to conduct it became more frequent and his stays mixing paint, you can heat the oil mind for the last four years, and be uneasy myself, j Don’t you remember ?” t the so—” cho<® which he attended With I for the chaps would have heard all Nat considered the proposition. more prolonged. Indeed, as Tracey and tie a rag to a stick and swab Ho didn’t get any further before tliein over ns long ns they will take he was fired from that office, yet who rI ' 1.0 Nlcrupwous punctuality thiough all j 1 said about my pension." ! “ Yes’m, that’s his orders. Ill expressed i t : oil. A brush is more convenient to “ He’ll get his orders to come •eathfc: s, and although lie under-1 “ What burglars is that ?” in - , stop,” he said. was the most honest, the lawyer or >\ RATES. to o d lu t little of the proceedings, | qulred the other. “ And, Nat,’ pursued the lady, here an' die yet, I reckon ; an’ lie’s use, but a swab will answer if you do the boy? not wish to buy a brush. It is quite __ et chance sentences had fastened* “ What burglars! Why, man, j rendered eager by her success, welcome to all the care we can give n saving of time and money to look Fred. McCabe, the ventriloquist, jhemsllves on his sluggish brain. I don’t yon read the papers ?. Why, j “ there's another thing the King him. An’ I just believe that away after the woodwork of farm machin­ H o n P a id was a great joker. Some years ago he up in that other world we read on business for the King,” only yesterday the sheriff nnd his ; said— voiiheard it at Sunday-school. t » lo c k . ery. Alternate weltiug and drying was on the Mississippi, on board one reaching up his great deputies rode by my house on the j lie said, ‘ SiifU i little children to about, he’d be as clear-headed as injures and causes the best of wood of tho steamboats, and, making an NAT. HOL] ,e mutt such little anybody, and in genuine earnest come unto mo— ’ that is Crosgkiand nnd wrenching a huge hunt for ’em. Last Saturday night soon to decay and lose its strength acquaintance with the engineer, ho verhap ,dng branch from its place they broke into Lawyer Burkes children as mine there pointing ! will be forever on busines for the unless kept well painted. It pays was allowed the freedom- of the en­ i to keep a little oil cn hand, to oil gine-room. nd spt; ililv converting it into a house, in the village, and carried to them a < they stood a t her side. Kin He sat down in a cor­ fork handles, rakes, neck-yokes, ner, and, drawing his hat over his .•alkigg stick. “ Yes, I’m on busi- oft about a hundred dollars, and “ And the King said, to o ,’ Whoso­ lin iO K O Iü I T E M 'S . whiffle-trees and any of the small eyes, seemed lost in reverie. In a MORRISON’Sess fdi the King, the King of all then on Sunday night they got into ever shall offend one of these little round here, the birds, the trees, the railroad station, broke open ones it is better for him that a mill­ Pugilistic: A gentlemen talking tools ou the farm that are more or few minutes a certain part of the ma­ chinery began to squeak. The en­ lie flov> ; !s and the bumble-bees. the safe, and made off with about stone were hanged about bis neck the other day Po a bright little five- less exposed.” gineer oiled it and went about bis S T A B L > sor,t m''. lm did. I’arson said three hundred more. That’s the j and lie were cast into the. sen.’ | j ear-old boy «ho lives up the street In nine cases out of ten when an o t'other Sunday. He said the biggest of their hauls, though they ! T! King doesn't wish any harm to somewhere, asked him; ‘ Do you animal issick, the digestion is wrong. business. In another few minutes the squeaking was again heard, and ever fight at home?” “ Oh yes,” said come to his little ones, in any w ay ; have entered several other places.” Cing sont out His messengers to do Charcoal is the most efficient and the boy. “ Well, who whips?” “ Oh, rapid corrective. Tne hired man the engineer rushed over, oil-can in The conversation» was continued ; — yon remember that i” Dallas, Oregon1' 3 wftk He sent out twelve on hand, to give the offending spindle mamma whips.” “ Ye.s’in,” replied Nat absently. came in with the intelligence that another lubricating. Again be rush­ mi once (. an' they wasn’t to take on this topic for a few minutes and “ She’s a dear good girl,” said a ‘ Well, then,” continued Mrs. i one of the finest cows was very sick, then dropped. Neither of the men j io money in their purse, nor nothin’ ed to his post, and again the spindle St Louis young man in reference to y bought the s '0 1at- 1 !’ k ' ss 1- u sent me, 'cause I thought it worth while to investi­ Tracey, driving the concluding nail a Chicago fair one; “ I assure you and a kind neighbor proposed the began squeaking louder than ever. usual drugs and poisons. The owner I««» in the New st.bjilffii’t evt no money an’ haint had gate the cause of the noise, and j into her argument, “ if any bad dY ; father, she is all soul.” “ Yes,” re­ being ill and unable to examine the “ Jupiter!” he yelled, “ the darned »tilled thereto two Fin , v . > . , ». *" ,» thing is bewitched.” More oil was they pursued their work for a sh o rt; wicke men should come here to­ are prepared to furn*lDtinill»itO Oilt £1:1 fifty. plied his stern parent, the old prej­ He strode onward, murmuring time and were then called over to night, and try to hurt me or these 1 udice against the Garden City em­ cow, concluded that the trouble administered, but the engineer began came from over eating, and ordered us thoughts as he went, until after the other side of the mill. Ju st as little ones that belong to the Ring, bittering bis words “ I saw her foot- a teaspoonful of pulverized charcoal to smell a rat. Pretty soon tbe spindle squeaked agnin, and, slip­ i a t L o w R n ; time Lc came upon a public road they disappeared a face peered over you would help us, wouldn’t you ?" | ! print in the sand by the lake side. to be given in water. It was mixed, ping up behind McCabe, the en­ She wait;' i anxiously for the re­ You nro right; she is all soul.” «I m H i '” «erre the public. ind h J | a used to consider it. He lianous-looking men came into view dered aimlessly around the room, son, a lad of 14, in the act of attempt­ few hours the animal was in the pas­ it didn’t. T]Jould l i t read, but as bis eyes were and seeing they were unobserved, and then back to her. Finally he ing to extract the cork from a whisky ture quietly grazing. Another in­ ST A B LE A bottle. “ What are you doing there?” stance of equal success occurred with Careful investigation has establish­ _ _Sjcinl lij on the printed characters sprang quickly to the ground and said quietly : “ The King sent me. I’ll obey ho asked indignantly. “ Father,” a young heifer which had become ed tbe certainty that a 1,000-pound of a cow-bell was heard hastened into the forest. l in e s returned the boy, placidly, “ I cannot badly bloated by eating green apples steer needs eighteen pounds of good “ Close shave that, as bein’ as we .orders." road, and presently- a cow tell a lie; I'm trying to solve the after a bard wind. The bloat was so hay per day merely for his support. How far lie understood she did was hid there all last night and all tame { j to view, followed by the and •Irish question.’ ’’—Brooklyn Eagle. severe that the sides were as hard as If be improves nny he must have dun t, aurdy figure and round freck- day till now,” said one as lie pushed not know, and all her efforts could The motto for the week on a little a barrel. The old remedy, sak-ratus, more. A steer, therefore, which at­ draw out no more definite reply, through the underbrush. ibinet M a l i 1 '1 ^r' 9 lYuiimy Brock. Tommy was tried for correcting the acidity. tained to that weight, but haH no “ Y e s; I thought as once them and with that she was obliged to be girl's Sunday school card was, “ Get But the attempts at putting it down appetite for any more food, or power was Miirishing a large stick and thee behind me, Satin.” There were content. As the evening grew late rut * fine lot of E^hnutag at the cow in his effort* mill chaps was a coinin’ to look,” gooseberries in the garden, but she alwnyB raised coughing», and it did of assimilation if be does eat more, o k c® her in a proper homeward responded the other. “ Good for she provided her guest with a sleep­ was forbidden to pluck them. Pluck little” good. Half a teaspoonful of is unprofitable to the owner. He is es and Cask^'r,!c^'fn' -^3 l'° came up he ex- ’em as they didn’t, an took us for ing place in an adjoining room, by them she did. “ Why didn't you,” fresh powdered charcoal was given. daily consuming valuable food with rats; ’cause the p'licc be on the look throwing a few quilts on the floor asked her mother, “ when you were In six hours all the appearance of no increase. If a steer will demand ■laimeip “ H<|i'>, N at! What are you out now an’ we don’t want, to use — for Nat would sleep nowhere else tempted to touch them, say, ‘Get the bloat had gone, and the heifer and assimilate six pounds more per ALSO- _____ day, then one-fourth of his food goes no shootin’ irons an’ make tilings — and then she lay down without thee behind me Satin?’ ” “ I did,” was well. .loin’ l i r e ?” to the profit of the owner. And so “I'liwon business for the King,” too hot. We must move out lively undressing, on a bed beside her she said earnestly, “ and he got be­ The now electric locomotive and on in proportion to the nmouut ha from ’ere, Bill.” J children. But it was a long time hind me, and pushed nae into the replie*N at with dignity. railroad patented by Edison is at­ profitably consumes and converts in­ “ Not till we get that ere pen- \ before sleep visited her troubled bush.” “ On business for— who ?’’ asked tracting considerable attention in the to meat, fat, muscle, etc., the more “ I feel I am going, going.” said sion,” answered Bill significantly. \ spirit. ! ommf in surprise. east, and if it realizes half of the an­ profitable is Buch stock. And this As for Nat no thought of worry the sick mau as the doctor felt his ticipations of its projecters, will is what stockmen mean when they * “ For the King. He sont me,’1 “ That lay-out were as good as ynid 1 s t again. “ That's his orders pitched at us, an’ it’d be a pity not or anxiety for the future was on pulse, and his wife hung over the create a revolution in locomotion. call certain stock good feeders. footboard of the bed eagerly watch­ Or^liere.p take it,” pointing to the to take it. ’Sides, the gov’ment his mind, and lie “ slept the sleep ing tba physician’s face. The pa­ In an interview with a Star reporter And this is one of the que tions of the just,” and his dreams were in New York, recently, Mr. Edison breeders and feeders must look to. owes me a pension for all the time '.¿card “ What is it, Tommy ?” tient raised his eyes, and catching and Why that’s only an ad- I ’ve lost in jails and prisons, an’ peaceful. But after a time those a glimpse of her expression, contin­ explained the workings of bis exper­ T t rtiiA .ent," answered Tommy, his this ’eres a good chance to get it. dreams liecatne disturbed and dis­ ued in*a clef rer nnd stronger voice: imental roads at Menlo Park, New • A poor boy was attending school " /l'' ' 1 11 1 rt» o||. ning wider in astonishment. I knows where the crib is, ’cause cordant— a voice seemed to be call­ “ Yes, I feel that I am going—going Jersey. In the course of the inter­ one day with a large patch on one of view Mr Edison said that his later _ - It sav . '(lo to Tracev’s Half-Way wo stopped there last week for ing to him from his King, and pres­ —to get well.” Then she left the experiments were designed to demon­ tbe knees of his trousers. One of ently lie awakened with a start. room suddenly arid wept such tears strate to Henry Y’illard the possibil­ his schoolmates made fun of him somethin’ to cat, don’t you mind ? DROWN, H o .m y ir a S , junre Meal.’ " ’ I know’ll it ! I know'd it!" This feller that owns it was there i “ N at! help! Nat, the King as only a woman can who encounters ity of opening for cultivation the im­ for this nnd called him “ Old Patch.” “ Why don’t you fight him?” cried d—Nat exultingly. “ The at the time. There is noW ly b u t! wants you I came in smothered the crowning disappointment of her mense tracts of arable land ou the one of tho boys. " I ’d give it to him life. aid to take no money nor a woman an’ two little uns, an’ tones from the other room, line of the Northern Pacific railroad, I if lie called me so.” lVrrydale, Oregon, August 4,1882. Judge Tarbell tells the following which cannot be done, with economy, In nn fln instant he sprang lightly to rat, nn’ He’d take keer of they’re easily fixed, an’ there ain’t! I® S treet, Dalla«. Oregon. 1 “ O,” said the boy, “you don't good story on himself: B 1 W S 1 ------------ his stick no other house nigh.” I to his feet, and g>-asping by a steam railroad. If the experi­ [e says ‘ do,’ an' i ’ll obey or- A short time after his retirement ments are successful, Mr. Edison | suppose I'm ashamed of my patch, do " But there’s that other chap as he strode forward and opened the N o tice o f A ssig n m e n t. ind instantly bis tall figure ■ ■ ■ ■ I you? For part. I'm thankful fora Be Warned in Time! D FRIEN DS AND THE door. A fearful struggle met his from the liencli, he happened to said that the company intended to ; „q0(, mothor to keep 1Iie out of rving swiftly down the road, said he was a goin’ there.” f>uld L u m b e r . and local traffic ir Philadelphia, At­ October 17. 1«78, an «mtanm«nt for U m benefit of all successful in the struggle of life. \ head 11 settle liim, anyway, if he’s other the children— the villains as to provoke the inquiry hi« < reditar* has been (Italy executed by W. D. Col«, lantic City, Long Branch and other b u e ln e s s o f M cGrew & Jo h n * of 8« save th e m s e lv e s tro u b le and I the placard as a veritable ward “ on business for the King.” I strange, fierce light gleamed from palm, and said: hi« place of busiifeee. the city of Albany, U m , ” F ° r no ne a t all, my dear brother; an(j tbence to the locomotive, throw on the roof just before a gen­ County, |nd to go to Tracey’s and It did not occur to him what he ¿his eyes. Oregon. e x p e n se by c a llin g on m e a t tle rain or just after a shower, while MuSKS RTKRNRKRG, Aeelgaee. should do when he had reached i “ I belong to the King !” he t’ n un- I'm simply a candidate for the king- — . —« ► ---- -- [word he directed his steps, j D allas and s e ttlin g at o n c e . dered. ‘ How dare voii offend his dom of heaven. | Richard White Grant fainted tha the roof is wet, and in a few days Dated thie 2Wh da> of Ju ly , 1MT not the first time he had Tracey's and had been supplied little ones i" ' I His friend regarded hnn wrrow- other day when a friend, whoa« tbe moss will all loosen and tba wind St.. Saa Francisco,] M. M. E L L IS, R eceiver. iere. On previous occasions; with food. At present he was c. a . jorum. l t .i ■ t i ! fully for an instant, and then with ; grammar be was correcting, told him will blow it clean off tbs roof, leaving W. TRUITT. lie had pass, d that way h e o b e y i n g orders'—and beyond that D allas , Oregon, July 7, 188*2. At this unexpected intrusion one mof B wit than politeness, and more of a Western girl whosa companion the ahingles clean and white. Tba Jobbers of the Celeb! TR U ITT A JO H N S , f< n kindly treated by Mrs. bis thought« did not go. It was of the burglars released Ins hold of fanity tb. 0 either, said: Mk«d her at a party: "Sh all I akin moss being of a spongy nature bolds i A a a b week In your own town . . j u bet you don't carry a ainglc a i * na„a for you?” “ No, I thank th# moisture several days, which A t t o r n e y u « u t « L n w and perhaps that had some- indeed a long walk he had under- Mrs. 1 racey, and sprang with an S i K R *•'‘ risk, everything new t i l l I t I qulred. We will furnish 1 you,” she repliad, “ Ihavaone already causes tbe ahingles to decay, and o do with the alacrity of his j taken, and it was ju st at dusk when oath to meet him. But it was in township?” ▼ Many are making fortum also causes the roof to leak. Th* Doubtless the judge lost sight of gkun.” D A LLA S, O R E G O N , hent, and he hastened down he reached his destination. The vain. The great stick was whirled lima also acta as a preservative to th« in the air, and then came down with the man's profanity in admiration of j id till it brought him to a Half-way House was a lonely hos- f t m e« ox mill itreet , north of ^ covrt thingl««.—N«w York Tribune, Subscribe for T * i I m a m . a« much as men and hoys and gti ►tream. r n the lank of which telry, situated at the intersection of fearful force on the head of the vil- khia sublimely truthful candor. HE KING'S BUSINESS.’ E M tm & S R l HORRIBLE TO CONTEMPLATE! Assassins still at large, but their retreat and place sC well known to the citizens of Polk and vicinity. 3 of rendezvous The unfortunate vic­ tim, fine, large, fresh and desirable, knocked down in its prime (just w hat everybody wants), will be laid o u t in th e s t o r e o f ¡TABLE" McGrew £ Waller, For the public inspection and profit, on the first day of September next. W e w ill positively commence our Clearance Sales on the above stated date, to continue up to October first, and as all goods w ill be sold w ith­ out profit to ourselves, we have the consoling thought that the ill wind is doing our appreciative patrons a pecuniary good. Now, Mends, while it is not busi­ , ness to buy what you do not need, iust because it is cheap, it is real business to buy cheap of w hat you do need. Our stock is very large and com­ plete, and promising to keep up an assortment for your benefit, we shall expect your patronage for all that you m ay need in our line. CARRIAGE Mi M cG R E W & W A L L E R . ESSINCER & Cl m m ii WARRAXTKD HOT 1 1 g *od« for farm I k Smith s, led 1 Reader, if yon w ant« bt»dne«e «1 great nay all the time you work, ta n . n » U « T T * Co., »orttand, If