(TEMIZER. m S poxqk C a m . — One enp of sugar. (AT. SEPT. S3, 1889. oue cup of floor, two spoonfuls baking powder stirred into the flour. ■ « ■ • s o r t i ITEMM. B u s t'« Case.— Whites of six eggs W bv i* i A baby tv b — , like wheat?— Be- beat to a stiff froth, two and one-half _____ itis Aral cradled, than threshed, cups butter, one-half Cup milk, two •ad finally becomes tbs flower of the cups flour, oue teaspoonful cream of tarter, one-half tcaspoonful soda, family. flavor with rose ••If Joses undertakes to pull my J esse P cddixu .— Two and one-half u r i/ 1 Mid a l*ud spoi’CD yonog mail, "h e ’ll jnst hare hi* hands fo il.” cups flour, one cup molasses, one $300,000.0© V and aimlessly out Those who beard him looked at bis cup sweet or sour milk, one teasfioon- C A PITA L, Paid up in U. S. Gold Coin, ful cloves, one of cinnamon, one of _______ ¡Wandered poor, half ears and smiled. al< ratus, one-half cup chopped pork, 642,*41.00 COIN ASSETS, December 31, ISSO, ph : ‘ 'lit summ* i “ A fellow must sow his wild oats, steam one-half cup raisins if you i like; ; s you know,” excla med the adoles­ mon.M ile had no partícula 340,641.00 three hoars. Income for ISSO, : : : cent John. “ Yea.” replied Annie, M oth P itchkh may be removed Gents’ Furnishing •‘ but one shouldn't begin bo soon 1,635,202.84 Losses, paid since organization, : after cradling.” — Boston Transcript. from the face by tlio following rern- i SeientuU now ali admit tbit »».it die- •egttiil to his movements. edy: Into a pint bottle o f rum put tmures are caute.i ditunUnd Kviatyt or Neighbor’s pretty daughter. “ How O I . A S N W V l î l - i c morning ho had para* one tablespoonful of flour ofsulphu.’. Liter, and that \j thru great organ* art Reinsurance Reserve, f much is this a yard?” Diaper's sou . .. *|||(lJ l u v e t . h i s hat tritimi ■ this to the patches once a day, 1 kept in a jerfeit a nut. turn, health unit he j (desperate “ spoons” on her): “ Only 200 , 000.00 thVrm.it ir.-t it suns SAFE k ip Losses Paid hi Oregon, i s f i . one kiss.” “ I f it’s so cheap I will S K Y A S P L IV E K CURE three weeks. take three yards, and grandma will I . moAa from a S iiu i»« Tropical Leaf T beatmest or S oft C okxs . —A small pay you.” This leading and p o p u lar com pany offers superior piece of sal ammoniac dissolved in two o f i: m u v v i i r . This Dryer is the latest improvement in Fruit Dryers, having been “ You are as full of airs as a tablespoocfnls of spirits of wine, and And w a P O S IT IV E Remedy for tlie follow- advantages to those desiring reliable indem nity against Lumps, Lamp Stock], patented in August, 1881. It has the largest capacity of any Fruit Dryer music-box,” U what a young man in^’ Trouble«: the same quantity of water. Satur­ urroipulcd him, front and i said to a girl who refused to let him loss and dam age by fire, being solid in assets, conserva­ sold at the price, and is the most easily and economically operated of any ate a piece of sponge or woolen rag, T l l l l * Pi m h a « taken their shouts a; see her home. “ That may be, was Pain in the Back; Severe Head-' CIGARS AND and place it between the toes, chang­ a v v i » ,.||J,a,i 0 0 . 4 > 0 deposited in Oregon for the further security of fore it goes to the fruit. This is a very important feature. Those dryers nd with poor N at, like th ammoniac. Oct a piece about the Pains in the Lower Part of the D A L L A N , O lt K a o X . ordered his pigtail to be cut off, sav­ Policy Holders in Oregon, Washington and Idaho. is, whit* does glory amount size of a walnut, moisten the warts will be built only on orders, and orders should be sent in early, in order to Body; Palpitation of the ing in explanation, “ Too muchee S cpebvisobs of O beoox B kavch — C. H. Lewis, of Allen A Lewis; J. and rub the sal ammoniac well on hero f o none to witness? Heart; Jaundice; Grav­ • yank.” U) «Vick i. »«» «ml ouri. [,1,-te, n,tl «„ I t») ho move 1 onwar McOaken, of MeCrakeu ii Co.; P. Wassermau, of Wasserman & Co.;| I insure their being filled. them every night and morning, and The dryer can be seen at Mr. Paul Hiltebrand’s on Luckiamute, or at el; Painful Urina­ Papa: “ That j icture shows the in about a fortnight they will proba­ Bankers, Ladd A Tilton. uncertain way nc S t r i c t l y f o r C a u l U story of Prometheus, and the Tulture bly disappear. I f not, do not despair, Itoliert McLaughlin’s, IV miles north of Bueua Vista. W e guarantee sat tion; Malairial 't the edge o f the vi reek GEO. L. STORY, Munager Oregon Branch that fed on his liver. Every day the but continue the process till they are ! isfaction to any one who will purchase a dryer. Orders can be sent to the I am enabled U offer auperior i ml uc« nient* until his stalws Fever; Fever and Ague; trading public. vulture devoured it, and every night gone. D. B. B U SH , Special Agent. undersigned nt Independence, Polk County, Oregon. I indulge in no toom jut against the sky— it grew for him to eat again.” Hym- A od all the diseases caused by the Kidney«, n>y*- H. J. F E R G U S O N , Agent, Independence. N ekvdse .— T he worst toothache or lo n g in body thou; CAHH PAID FOR COUNTRY PKODlCfra# ! boasting, but am willing for all to see and examine for themselves. pathetic child: “ Poor old vulture! neuralgia coming from the teeth, Liver or Urinary Organ« being out of order. U. II. IIItO O IiM , S o lic ito r. 1; then he passed I ndependence , Oregon, January 2G, 1882. E . C How sick he must have been of liver It ifi a S A F E and C E R T A IN cure foi all P »eru em b er the •la ce, an d Rav» M on ey b y Ä \ may be speedily ended by the appli­ Female dificuitie«, such a« or side to whero your eupplii-* at the •very day!’’ vta cation of a amall bit o f clean cotton a forfeit v.hic’.i i ntere A certain Bishop in the House of saturated in a strong solution of am­ L E U C O R R H O E A ; I N F L A M A T IO N OF D. W. PRENTICE & CO. T H E W O M B ; F A L L I N G OF T H E New Cash Grocery Stir ______ >s away. I t was h Lords rose to speak, and announced monia to the defective tooth. Some­ W O M B ; U L C E R A T IO N T H E Agents for the Celebrated ndJBmdv. but N a t fan< that be should divide what he had to times the sufferer is prompted to W OM B. H. J. BUTLEj™ •rntionally liked l say into twelve parts, when the Duke momentary, nervous laughter by the Pacific Coast Agents for the I t will control and regulate Menstruation, j D«LW Or«,,*». K .r«.s.r »■ iwi. rom | uman voices and hu of Wharton interrupted him, and application, but the pain has disap­ E M P O R I U M ! Celebrated : and i« an excellent and «afe remedy for fei nil*« ! begged he might be indulged a few peared. --------O_______ ___ I during pregnancy. U A T L A O , a il A ' aw ay by hi minutes, as he bad a story to tell N A T . H O L M A L i k f :ih the buds, the A R elish fob B ueakfast .— One- I A * a Blood Purifier it is uneoualed, for it j which he could only introduce at iie illwers. Here in the fourth pound fresh cheese cut in j cure« the organ« that make the blood. For drunken fellow ^ that moment A urun.eu gl- t it in „ fryfc g pan_ BO ILS; CARBUNCLES; SCROFULA; W H ITE (SacccMur lu Holaiuu ltroi.), |ild gftgaries ».), lild |:u;arifes of his lea S W E L L IN G ; SA LT RHEUM ; POISON­ was passing St. Paula at u r M and V it . ]aTge cup J Jxeet ING BY MERCURY OR ANY all l a y . Here no ono heard the clock slowly chtmiug _ milk, ;n. and ---- »„.„ft. ------ O TH E R DRUG, one fourth tablespoonful ______ r is e l i IIS t ) " I ' eatneas, d ----------- O ---------- twelve. He counted the strokes, and of dry ipustard, a pinch of salt and It ¡ b certain in every case. I » I O N K E I t iod bis bein;; a noted when it had finished looked toward Every department now complete with reliable, iirst- pepper and a piece of butter the size F o r Incontinence; Impotence; \ ifted orator or musician, the clock and said, “ I shay, why of a butternut; stir the mixture all P a in e in tlle Loin,., and class, fine, medium and low-priced ______ ________ anc4ii(feizfed him to be couldn’t you give us all that at the time. Roll three Boston crackers a ll S im ila r Diseases. once.” There was an end of the very fine, sprinkle it gradually, then S A I a o t yN , t always bad FURNITURE, UPHOLSTERY AND REDDING. bishop’s story. lirust IIIpon bun ; be a I t b a «afe, sure and quick Cure. turn at once into a warm dish; to be rdinafv man in bis o\v AS OBUCISU CBiniSIL. It is the only known remedy that h& cured j Acknowledged by all Musical Authorities to lie the sent to the table immediately. T O TH E INTERIOR TRADE i BEST PIANO now manufactured. Prices as low and AND*— inn K ! bo was not now B R I G H T S D IS E A S E . C bystals of C h lo ute of P otash We offer Chamber Suits, Sideboards, Library Cases, Parlor Frames, Chairs, etc., at prices thut defy competi­ * _ { t tk. . i uh t «1 i teruie a Ad,JrMa s ea«v as consistent with thorough workman- A story of a rep^fer who, in order A . » pro..! of the purity »w l worth at thu | „hl m tbis occasion a tion. Oar Walnut Good* are all fr»m the LEADING MANUFACTORIES <»f the East. Our A«h Goods »r* to have an accounted an execution cost verv little. Great Natural Remedy, read the following ken possession o f made here, and arc of the very best material throughout. this list is of greater importance. A 'V . P R E N T I C E „ the condemned man an hour earlier allowed to dissolve slowly and run Dallas, Oi of Chemiwtry in the University of M ain Street, nisineas ho did no than the time set, has been going down the throat, is one of the best Professor Koche«ter, N. Y ., knowing the |w>i*ularitv anti nt he bad durivi the rounds lately in one form and of remedies for sore throat, and would m erit W a h n e h ’ s S a f e K id n e y a n d L iv e r lions sermons ho another. The Dramatic Times vouch­ prevent diphtheria. A tablespoon­ C ure , after a thorough Chemical Analyni*, aving purchased this well fhtablÍBhu;eiit, we proixihfi t«> conducta es for the truth of the incident and ful dissolved in a teacup of water ha« furnished the following statement: ,Til!a"o church am claas Blu|te. Always in readiueoa, U nivkrhiiy ok R ochester , gives what it declares to be the true makes a good wash for sores and which bo attor Chemical La1»>ratory, Successor to Riggs & M iller, ulcers. Its healing power is wonder - version The reporter was Kenward R ochester , N. Y ., Jah. 8., 1880. ms punctuality t G O O 1 > T E .V M Pbilp. then engaged on the Brook- ‘ u'- Mr. H . H . W a rn e r has placed in m y |>o»- •s, ami although lyn Eagle. He was sent to ‘ ‘ do’ S T E R L I N G OR GA N S. In the days goue by, a Detroit ses-ion the form ula o f the medicine manufac- AT L O W RATES. tut little of the p the banging of a man at Plainfield, sheriff, who had made a close shave tu ied and ««»Id b y him under the general des­ The above cut represents style 50, which we will sell ignation o f W a r n e r * S a f e K id n e y a n d L i v ­ •o sentences bat for ¿190. $25 cash, *10 per month, with interest ui*»n N. J., and found the elocution was c f being elected, had the ill luck to er C uke . I have investigated his proce«Mes o f deferred payment*, fine per cent, per month. Good us on bis sluggi stool and book included. Address Hot to take place till midday, which lose a prisoner from the jail. The manufacture, which are conducted w ith ex­ P a r t ic u la r A l t e n l t o u P a i d lo T tt , ---- AND DEALER IN----- airut Slack. “ % on business ior would not give him time to get back fellow made good his escape into trem e care and acc4»rding to the befit methods. D. W . P R E N T I C E < fc C O „ I have also taken from his laboratory samples N A T. H O L M i t n m it o r e d , r e a c h i n g ut to Brooklyn to do it . justice. He - the country, but tire sheriff overhaul- .„ »f all the m aterials used in the urepar&tion o f G ive a * call. Portla n d , O regon. Drugs, Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, ------------------------troogliand and wrencl went to the sheriff iff snd told him that cj Him about eight miles out and this i1 ineilicine, an 1 upon critical evaminAtion find them, as w ell as the medicine into w’hich D. N. BURNS. j. c. NORiiW;r} l.]L g injT brancli froi the failure to huu ng the man at 10, as ! j rove Him under a barn. -The prison- th tl ey enter, to he en tirely free from poisonous announced, would knock him out of er W!ls captured and yet he was not. n;l sit odilv convortin* S t a t io n e r y , B la n k B o o k w ,C a n d ie s , C u t le r y , deleterious «ubsaances. N- A . L A T T I M O R E . VC at lea t, and asked him to put the j f he could not get out, the sheriff • alking stick. “ Yes, l \V. S. ELKINS, *“ could not get in, and threats had no ceremony at 11 o'clock, so that he iy ' iSHDl F. M. COLLINS, BURNS & M O R R IS O N V - f the King the FINE T O B A C C O S AND CIGARS, could get tho 11:30 train back. To effect on him. In this emergency put up in the L A K O K S T S I Z K I ) B O T T L E S roun d here, the »»was of any medicine u;x>n the market, an«l is «old — " Main Hired, Oallns OrrgfHi, Mr. Pliilp’s surprise the sheriff was the officer called out: by Druggist« and all dealers at H1.SS5 |»«r he flJiYt rs and the b P a in ts , C o lo r s , V a r n is h e s , B r u s h e s , very indignant, but he finally prom­ bottle. For Diabetes enquire for W ahne » ’» 1« prc*|ure in their purse M ill Street, opposito Court House, Dallas, Polk C o ., Ogn. came for. They hail a drink togeth­ ns well hang up. The opposition will H ig h e s t Cash P r ic e paid fo r F a t S lo c k , a cat. <5 ness H e sent A VINO RECEN TLY BO U O irr T H F . er. Tho unfortunato man found bold it up in letters four feet high AUo for Chicken« and Wild Game. Buggies and Carriages in the New Stabil tnd of tow aiu l added In thereto two Fire _ . > IlugSi^ an n, d C arriages the New btabk&ISa HO UlonOV ST Pbilp to be a very agreeable compan­ and hundreds of men in my own party . M anufacturers of Sewing D allab , December 27, 1881. Buggi«» Team arc )»rep ar«*d two to fu rm10L.il ; in t \ north end an of d tow n, s, an w d u added thereto Firo^.i t ” ion, and said that so far as bo was will slip my name. Doyou hear mo?” j M a ch in e s and their Agents Bug7>»B and Teams, wu are prepared to fumiK>tnnV l<> e, Nat ! Wh Will not «H1BKNIL. Cheapen A Brat Force b “ not to paint or powder. Teach them —ALSO— KW t:a.L. WAitt*. ur first sentence transmitted by tele­ I*nmp In tho world for loin’ biro ?” to wear a cheerful smile. Teach them su i riLG ii« ao h übi Deep or Shfillow Well«. graph from Washington to Baltimore, P ic tu r e ». •Tinion business fc to wear thick, warm clotboa. Teach and indited by Miss Annie Ellsworth, Thousands In use In ^ them hew to make their own clothes. eplifedpat with dign P ic tu r e F r iiu c », every part o f the Uni- the daughter of tho Commissioner Tench them that a dollar is only one ted tinte». “ 0n| business for— ‘ aimUÄti:-Cr.' iMííiJ o f Patents. She took the pains to To be the BEST. We also find their R ra c k e t», 1 hundred cents. Teach them to darn Never Freezes In Win ! ominif in surprise. come to me curly in the niorniug NEW BLACK to be s FAST COLAR. I stockings and sew on buttons. Teach ter. All kind» of • “ Fol thu King. I after my appropriation had passed them to say “ No,” and mean it; or aid N it again. “ Tin both Houses to be the first to inform The only In stru m en t that children can ¡day a« w ell W H A T F O R ? " Y e s ," ami stick to it. Tench them as grown persons, only five minutes’ time required me of the good news. I then prom­ Cabinet W o rk Done to Orchcr«® take it," po l i e Sutter St , 8. F. to Team how to manage tliem. Any kind of tunes to regard the morals, and not the ised her she should indite the first con be played. Finest accompaniment for the voice W hat is it money of beaus. Teach them to In a in iru is r. They are B o ld so low that any fantilv can irfu S ew in g m achine* cleaned and sentence transmitted by telegraph Why that’ eaally procure one. Having one no family cou IJ get O O D P U M P S . H O SE , T I P E S A N D F I T T I N G S OF ALL K IN D S ALWAYS paired. wesr calico droHies, and do it like n along without. Price* of different dyltM *10. 912, f 14 T O B U Y H A R N E S S ! from Washington to Baltimore. on hand and tu rn isbid to order. P a rtie » desiring nny a rticle ill my lin e »ill ^^^^ifent," nnswere AGENT FOR THF. queen. Tench them to wesr their ami flrt. iticImlinM twenty-live feet of music, This was the first sentence transmit­ j t'e prom ptly attended to by addressing me or calling at my place ot business on State Store under I tfmixku office, Inde; J ;n w illor j „ for catalogue» an m a i ] price “ lint. Addrt own hnir, and to dress it neatly. D a v is , h o w e . PRK.VTICK « CO. P »rtI imi, ' »rt Lr‘>n. Street, betw een Com m ercial and Front, Salem. Oregon. enee. Or. , „, ted, and she indited it; and let me S T E W A R T S IN G E R , Q U E E N , «n d Teach them all the mysteries of the 1- to 1 race assure you, my dear cousin, it has C H IC A G O S IN G E R , H O U S E H O L D J O S E P H F I S H B U R N . kitchen, tho dining-room and tho •»piare M S alem , O regon, M a y 18, 1882. ib’.miness now before the public WHERE ? WHO FROM ? a meaning which few can understand F. A. BROWN, You «on make money faster at parlor. Teach them to cultivate the SEW IN G MACHINES. I know’ll it ! in its whole extent.” w ork for u s th an a t an y thing else, garden, and to drive a road-team or «'apital not ne4*i4*l. We wiM start f—?vrtt exui1 HET #l 2 a dav and upwards made at home by the farm wagon. Tench them to have A St. Louis preacher, never hav­ aid tfl take r ustrioiM. Men, women, boys and jfirla wan teal nothing to do with intemperate or ing tasted whisky, bought half a everyw here to w ork for u s. Now if the tim e. You Ail ENT FOa THF. to rat, no’ He’ E a * Sid* of Main Street, Dalla*. Oregon. dissolute young men. loach them gallon of it to study its effects in or- D O M E S T IC A N D G R O V E R A R A K E R can work in spare time only or giro your v/hole time to the bu«im*Ni. You can live at home and do the D n l l a s , O r e g o n , le says ‘ Go,’ a Unit the more one lives beyond his der the better to deenbo them iu the work. No other business will pay yon nearly as well S E W IN G M A C H IN E S . No one can fail to make enormous pay h\ engaging si |nd instantly 1 income, the nearer he gets to the temperance sermon he wax prepar-' (’oftly outfit and term* free. Monet mail« fTO ALL OF MY OLD FRIF.NM AND THE Manufacturer of and Dealer in living swiftly C poorbonsc. ■ _ can fiT ili and honorebb. Addrcws Tri * A Co by A. M. HILL. f.»*t, * lie in general, 1 would announce that I am ing. To avoid publicity and acci- j SAMUEL HILL Independence, Oregon. A UgUBta. ■eiae. to do all kinds of wagon and carriage wood work my gazed aftei N o. fi34 M arket Streut, dents ho locked himself in hie study workmanlike manner and at the most reascesH One of the neatest bits of tit for i'dcifed silence pricee. I have on hand % g.>od stock of thoreugWflj OFNXKAL AOENT Fon TIIK Great rfonce to make money. tat that we have heard for many a sod threw the key out of the window. TI io 4M‘ who alwa\B take advan N EW HOME. 1 emphatically day occurred on the Southern Pa­ In less than an hour ho was singing WHITE, of the good chaMes for Seasoned Lum ber. W IL S O N , BECAUSE he ha» them on hand and ii I tage making money tliet are offere4i* cific train the other morning. A *"d dancing instead of writing, | yiV'Xri r ' W EED, j generally ben-mie waalthv. while th«^« who do nt* making more and ta going to 4 . o'clock in the afternoon he . 1 < * P E i i E r! but ain’t be certain lawyer of this city, well known about ehance» in i poverty. We vrant , . . . u x R e L u E u S n S . ' , , i FLORENCE, n u iin .M n , n uu { improve ■»»»|»n»vr> s such tu n n i a n t r n i mnain t iim h h h n f w a rn «od men, wniti«n, ’ / to work for«» REPAIRING MADE A SPECIAL' «*«•••». h.>y» H..y» fim‘ ami uiri. ] his powers of repartee, bad been chnibfd out of the window and nil J j ftlQWALT SINOEH, HOME ftHUTTLE I many **»•»• i vapid steps right In their own localities. Any one can tlo the i to Salinas to try a case, lle- down the lightning rod, fell into a Satisfaction Guaranteed. Oire me a trial. work properly from the find sUrt. ' Tho i>ii*ine«a will ii, swinging 1 SEWING MACHINES. pay more than ten times ordinary wage». Extensive j to town the conductor, ons •will barrel, kissed a woman on the S E L L TPIELSÆ 1 ,lktng to bin F. A. BRO outfit fumtahe-1 free. No one who engages fail to i new swaggering set imported •treet, gut licked by two men at 0. SHAW L, 30 „C O N D STREET, make money rapidly. You can devote yonr whole D a l l a s , January Î, 1Í8I. the placard [ tin»« to the work, f*r --- only yt>ur siwre momenta. Full AOKVI rtlK THE . ----------------- different timeH, broke a window, gtolo i the Fast, was very impertinent i U needed sent tree. Addrem ind to go to ..“ *4r*ll1^ ¡1 * t.1 hie manner because tho lawyer • dog, «arsed n policeman and got R E M IM O T O N A N D R O Y A L B T. J O H N — , PORTER, SL E SS IN C E R & C ward he dir* S B W IN O M A C H IN E S . tardy in producing hi» in- Tilp*judge aocked it to him — C. HU'OHCS. not the tirsl I when called for to be punched “ o*4 awfully—thirty day«—but hi» 667 M ISSION ST., 117 Battery SU, Saa Franche«, here. On pre 1 « twentieth time. Home-, church forgave him and took him bark H. P. ANDREW, »OdT FOR Tint H U C H E 8 & G UY, thfilawyer rsmurkfifl to 1 1 hi* solemn promise that be would he had pass, W I L L I A M S ' S E W IN G M A C H IN E . Manufacturers of Manufacturer* and Jobber* of the him, “ The Southern hereafter diecuu the temperance n kindlv ti BITS, SPURS, CURRY COMBS, BRUSHES, U P ROBES, « r r.» tate hf vet rea a cent of rav question from a purely theoretical and perhaps ” "G o in g to foot | atandpoint.— Hawkeye. ADOLF WOLF, i do with th« Horse Blankets and Whips o f all kinds. from now on, eM " I »nl3-3m Independence, Ogn. lent, and he » I I I Street, Dalia», Oregon. aiMwliictor “ Oh no ” i C,0,P- Wbooplnf t’oagh and Rronrhlli» In the line of Harnes«, I heve a full aseortment of Team Donl 1. . „ j ml till it bi ^ o U v v , “ inetead ‘•‘•»T “ cl UUUr> by «biloh'. , o quiet! inaleed For hU ^ « f t K D tllu ( arc Buggy Harneee, .11 made of the beet California Leathered £ had^ «.■ .M u ñ e . Physician and Surgeon , tream, r n the at the °® ce 11 por l.»». Back. Bid. or Cheat i m Shi- ATTORNEY owd COUNSELOR AT-LAW «wk M r Mom«. Please call and examine my etock before purchasing elsewhere. I am coni j H r n R m J t Mod. Work. U I -» H» a call. ■ o i OOODH ARC warrant far* to you. —{San |ofc’t Foro«» rieM.r Pric. id cent» fidenl I can p i**»« yon both in price and Quality of goods. Shop on cor­ INDEPENDENCE. ORKOON. rip and ore the beet f>M*de for | 8.1am, Oregon. I - D .......... ............... HVQB“ * olT i Lettor. For tale by fop. R. MiUer, Della». u u i , F.Kmory i, IM I. jon28i» fared. Call in at Y a * 4 * J I k Smith s, ner of Mem and Oak streets, one door north of D. X. Barn«' (table m.9«».oo SOLE RIGHT FOR POLK $ BENTON COUNTIES. QUEENSWARE, WOODEN * F " * wUh D.W. PRENTICE & C0, CREAT FURNITURE AND UPHOLSTERY F . S. C h ad b o u rn e & Co. CORNER FIRST AND YAMHILL, PORTLAND, OREGON. vr? I LIVERY, UPRIGHT, SQUARE AND GRAND, I JASPER R. MILLER, H DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY, L IV E R Y S T A B L f ^ OILS OF EVERY KIND, FOR PAINTING, LUBRICATING OR BURNINC. BUY THE BEST REAL ESTATE DEALER. H J O S . f t F IS H B U R N , D HEW BUCETE * # r H. M. LINES , 1 tin pump MCTAMHANY 0RGA1TTES MINES Now is the Time THESINCER MANUFACTURING CO.1 MARK SHELDON, 9 & II FIRST ST., BEST J. V/. EVANS, NO. 29 POST STREET, C GOLD, BOOTS It SHOES, C. L. PIERCE, FRANK A. STILES, HARNESS, SADDLES, BRIDLES, HALTERS, WAGON AND CARRIAGE MAI w cm r k. V* * t: f u f * soots us ssi ^