'V S POLK COUNTY ITEM IZER. POLK COUNTY ISSCJSB EVKOV »ATUaDAT, ' «K*1 niK n r . Ml « •O R G E E . G O O D . ^ S u b s c rip tio n Devoted to the Best Interests of Polk County in Particular and to Mix M onth«......................................... I 25 1 T h ree M o n th * ................................... 75 n b c r ............................................................... 10 HE; A «qaoro h H a le si iea One Year................. ......... $2 50 <>;k of 91 for first,» TION M l’ST DK PA ID IN ADVANCE. VOL. V III. th e Paoiflo Coast in General. Local notices 10 a Office o s M * R osenblatt • store, o p « DALLAS, OREGON. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 23. 1883. i t lYTHU'ATK PtOrOSIllM. “ Curse you r said he, giving her It was quite by accident, too, distinctly that she wore a seal skin could not conjecture, but it was a savage jerk, and then, almost in a W ITH W HICH M AJOB MAX QREATLY PUZ­ that I strolled around to Tim’s sack, and when she was ready to clear that Tim was in the worst it o , a m a t r i m o n i a l a d v k i - lodgings on Sunday morning. ZLED B IS W IF E . go, Tim and I accompanied her to kind of trouble, and that it was al­ twinkling, he produced a pair of TISF.MKNT. “ Mr. Burlin is out, sir,” said the the carriage. He helped her in. most impossible for his friends to handcuffs and snapped them on her “ Did it everoccurtoyou, ray dear, spruce door maid ; “ gone to church, and, as we turned to go back, a help him. In fact I did not even wrists.^ Grasping her shoulder that a person going overland would ■r. Si* (lone i t !” with his wounded hand, from which dare to look at him the next morn­ gentleman standing near stepped I believe, sir.” po what, Tim ?” inquired I. have to rnnil two letters a day from the blood was trickling, he fiercely ing when he eaine in, and he worked up and said : “ Whew I thought I, “ this is Jvertised for a wife.” the trniu in order to buve one letter “ Mr. Burlin, I believe. Was on in silence until about the middle exclaimed: Chapman's doings, for to my [old friend Timothy liurlin Miss n day return to San Francisco?" asked “ Will you go now, quietly, or t i . _ « j __ rr:_ D....i:-. t ------- of the forenoon. Then the office Major Mux tbe other evening, after ip his hat as he made this Ll I vail* IV no i* n. H q O a . i i ; i m i . iaii aau >< o w that !ady your wife ?” “ Ah, llunstor is that you I" said boy brought in two cards. I saw be dragged ?” the cloth was removed from the table jous declaration, and then been to church within six years." “ Oh, I’ll go,” she said suddenly Tim start with surprise as he read and his wife was pouring his glass of I called again twice during the Tim. “ Yes, that is Mrs. Burlin," -—»•«I calmly sat down to his desk, op­ mild again. “ Good-bye, Tim, dear posite mine, in one of the cozy day, and found Tim gone to the and a smile of satisfaction crossed the names, and said, “ Show them 1 1 m.' I hope we shnfl meet again two-thirds benedictine and one-third ■ curacoa, which ibe Major contended k;> Private offices of the Stiomboli In- Park in the afternoon, and to. St. his face as he held out his hand to in.”An old gentleman, of highly m a better world. Don’t forgot to was the only civilized drink with ’'•'1 U surance (Company. He wore a res­ Pius's fashionable sanctuary in the the gentleman, whom we loth rec­ respectable appearance, entered go to church regularly." which to prepare fur tbe after din­ ognized as the junior member of olute Sir, ns if he had made up his evening. The detective hurried her away ner cigar. with a pleasant-faced, modestly at­ the great fur house of Dunster & Monday morning Tim wore a E tc ., mindeto defy criticism, but 1 did Mrs. Max passed tho Major his before she could say more, and Tim tired young lady. Son. highly satisfied appearance. not svnple to exclaim : and I have never seen her since, hav­ cordial nnd waited a moment before “ Is this Mr. Berlin ?’’ * ' A fine-looking woman," remark­ “ Prospects bright ?’’ said I. fool “ Why, no; it seeuiH to mo A. J. UrurwJ “ Vo haven’t made sucl Tim nodded, and the old gentle­ ing avoided the Now England state replying: “ Couldn’t be brighter. Morris, ed lie, “ you will allow me to say that if a person traveling east mailed of yoo * s •if.” prison, in which she is serving out man, handing him a marked copy so. I was much struck with her rcn<>.\. Mr Morris,” said he in a severe couldn’t bo brighter. I can never a long sentence. The newspapers, a letter each day by a westward- tone,« tiiis is a serious business, I kj too thankful for having inserted appearance the other day, when she of a New York paper of July Bth, in mentioning tho arrest, luckily bound train a letter would arrive bought that sack at our store, though ' inquired : bore each day.” and « " ill thank you to be civil— that advertisement" “ Is that n notice of your mar­ misspelled Tim’s name, and, though Mrs. Mux answered cautiously, This last remark appeared to me I didn’t then know who she was.1’ if posfible—read tliat: it was a nine days' wonder among for while she knew that tbe Major riage to Miss Catharine Chapman, “ What do you say ?” cried Tim, to involve a reflection on my former ^ u s h j Wi|h tlieso words ho handed me n his friends.it soon blew over, and pretended to deplore the fact that of Montreal ?” copy cf his favorite newspaper, the views of the case. However, I sharply. he learned to speak of it quite she was illogical, lie really derived Tim nodded again. Dunster repeated his remark, and NeliM'YI'fk Daily Trumpet, and overlooked it, and asked : much comfort from his superior com­ I “ Pray excuse the question, sir, calmly. '• Did Queen Catherine come up added : to the^following modest “ She was certain!v an amazing prehension, nnd was somewhat ad­ but did* she have a letter from the 'll Y IT.iTilCf.l “ Didn’t she tell you she bought to the inai k ?” iind. r the matrimonial head: not Rev. Dr. Raymond, of that city ?” woman, remarked iim one dav; dicted to studying out intricate pro­ “ I will thank von, Mr. Morris,” it of us ?’ R E SPEC TA B LE AND GOOD- vc Monet by “ and I am satisfied that she led a positions with which to puzzle tho Another silent nod. Tim lookel bewildered. king young lady, who cun be snt- said Tim,*" to speak respectfully, if (tli houest devotiou and a m oderate possible, of the prospective Mrs. | “ Well, sir, this young lady is perfectly upright life from the time “ There must be sonic mistake,” “ You think so, do you?” queried nmy address, inclosing photo- Miss Catharine Chapman, of Mon­ 1 met her until the time she stole the Major, as though about to be P ry St (il* said he. Burlin. She is all that any honest urleigh, Box 22, T rum pet office. gr»] the money with which to buy the treal, and such a letter, with several “ Impossible!" cried Dunster, “ I limn could desire in a wife.” convinced by her, while in tiuth he II, what do you think of i t ” BUTLER “ Rich, beautiful, seusihle and can swear to the sack, and I can others, was stolen from her whilst sack. She told rne it was one she only wanted hur to commit herself [ impatiently, after I had con- ■. i-M saidh swear to the woman. They are she was staying at a hotel in this laid lent the spring before to a pious.” tempi ted it some minutes without She’s beautiful and sensible, both too handsome to be easily for- city last May, just, before starting friend, who hail retained it all tho "Why, yes,” .Mrs. M bs continued, | l M A S'speak on a three years' European tour as summer and fall; and I never and leligious too, as a woniHn : gotten.” _____ “ I ink,” rejoined I, very delib- should be, but she’s not rich, and I Tim began to look horrified as my daughter’s companion. Unfor- thought of doubting her till Dun­ seen circumstances changed our ster said, that day, that she bought j well as bewildered. nan Uro*.), irately, ‘ that it will do no harm, am glad that she isn’t.” jrovnpd you get no answers.” “ Well, who is she, anyway ? “ I will see yon again about this,” plans, and we returned last week. it of him. The fu.i exposure of her get here tbe noxt day; if vou mailed I “Pshaw !” l.e exclaimed, “ what Where did she rain down ?” j suid he abruptly, darting up the A friend of hers, who had observed hypocrisy and wickedness followed in exasperating fellow you a re ! Tim frowned, but replied : this notice with surprise, called our after that with crushing quickness." letters, being mailed twenty-four | IÜ I t steps and hurrying to his room. Rut, no"’, honestly, don’t you think “ She came from Montreal. Her Dunster and I exchanged some attention to it, and I have judged hours apart, would of course, con-1 a » » n u n irm . hat islj retty well worded to repel parents died when she was very j expressions of surprise at this in­ it best to let you know the facts I tiuue to arrive here a day apart. Cl A T YdvenUi ers and attract the sort of young, and she lived with an uncle j explicable conduct, and I followed have just stated." The real leader in all domestic life They couldn’t grow further apart on girlltlmt. makes a good wife? until last March, when he was Tim into the office. He was strid­ Tim stared at him so fixedly, is the mother. She can mako her the road, could they, Major?” Honest devotion,’ eh, and’ inoder- guilty of some outrageous conduct, ing up and down with such a stern that the old gentleman, after a home just as full of rest and charm Mrs. Max wound up this sequence __ te inepme.’ Won’t that fetch the which led her to leave his house and troubled expression, that I hes­ pause, said uneasily: aud novelty as sbo pleaseH, if she is of feminine logic with a triumphant iglit iin d ? ” “ I trust, sir, that you are not of­ willing to devote care aud attention accent, und felt sure she had posed and come to New York. She had itated about speaking to him. At , _ “ I don’t believe," quoth I, “ that a little money, and she has been last he stopped, shut the lid of his fended ?” to its management. Most mothers tho Major, for he did not reply until M » L ,C ,h c so« of a girl that makes a good looking for employment i*yer since, desk, and began pulling on his j Tim continued to stare without have such a tenderness for tbeir chil­ after lighting « cigar. Then he said rife eler reads such an ailvertise- as teacher or housekeeper. Do you overcoat. speaking, and, as the old gentleman dren that they feel it n sort of virtue slowly, “ you post a letter the first to do a great deal for them physic­ day out:” DslUs, o.-fg'iant.ar. 1 if die should, by accident, know that she actuullv asked me if “ I shall not be back to-day, Mor- . turned towards me, I hastened to ally, “ Yes.” so they nro apt to yield to the don’t believe she would stop to I couldn’t get her a situation in ris,” said he, in a cold, hard tone. say : “ That letter arrives here the day continued temptation of overwork. “ We are sure you have acted It is just on this rock that so many after you leave?” “ Tim, old friend,” cried I, “ I do some school.” mis WEI.I. ! a matter of opinion, «o to conduct Hint “ 1 h A t “ Of course, you said you would.” not know wliat the trouble is, but with the best of motives, but my women Vrock half the beauty aed “ Certainly. One day gone, one iid he. > linking his head “ I don’t friend is in too much trouble to sweetness of their lives. Many a letter received.” if I can help you, command me.” “ Of course I did not.” she shouldn’t.” He shook, his head and replied: realize your kindness just now.” “ Exactly. Well, the next day—a hitter word an-1 sharply spoken re- “ What did you say, then ?” “ Anyhow, she wont she’ll die “ You can’t help me, unless you “ I sincerely regret,” said he, , Pro°f h&s been the direct result of too little curacoa, straight, please—the “ Weil. T—I proposed that we 1 old maid, first.” ATES. should bo married on my next can prove that Dunster is mistaken.’’ “ that anything unpleasant should long continued toil in the kitchen or next day you post another letter from “ Never mind,” said Tim, cheer- birthday.” Faying this, he wrung my hand have occurred. If Miss Chapman over the sewing inaekiue. Of course, the train, and—” that arrives here a day nfterj illy, ‘» o il’ll see.” What! the 22d of June land and darted away. After specu- or I can be of any use, pray address children need food and clothes, but the “ Aud first, of course, making two days I P a id Tr!Ortaijnly, if any man of sense this is the 4th. Less than three lating a few minute* on Tim’s ex- me at once—Arthur Donaldson, much more they need the loving, pa­ irli. tient spirit which their mother will out and two letters received, and so mid he excused from such a reck- weeks. Tim Burlin, you are be­ tiaordinary agitation, I turned to No 2(i Madison avenue, (AT. DOLMAN not be able to give them if she allows on to New York. Kb, Major?” experiment, Timothy Burlin witched ” rny work, which was all the heav- I thanked Mr. Donaldson and herself to become nervous and irri­ If Mrs, Max had not been examin­ i r mo i'iJaht; lo r tho unceasing devotion ier for his absence, and kept meab-1 bowed him and his companion out, table from undue bodily exertion. But she would not consent." ing a new pattern of lace she had in business, which had raised him sorbed till the clock struck five. I Tim’s gaze being rigidly fixed on Then she has got more sense There is really time for a great her sleeves she might bnve noticed thirty-one to an honorable and than you.” was just finishing when a ‘young them until they disappeared. many cheerful and pleasant things the satisfied smile the Major had ns IPBIO'liJ'G J uoimx - it ion, had left him little “ Come, Tim,” said I, “ bear up. which are cut short, if mothers could he leaned back in his chair and said: “ Shu said we must n^t think of man suddenly appeared at the door J h n lo u n o iguro

ni ware silly little things, but we not a happy married couple ? named. With hands upon their which arrived on the twelfth day. “ Morris, you’re incorrigible. I heard anything ?” ill o n p» before p u re !* . ¡m - %, a fou a d r y e r with a ' npi t t i U t W \V flS ---- and why vex one another ?” offered her money if she needed it, I shook my head. swords, hit friends sternly demanded how could a letter a day li&ve ar­ e r flay for 8250. Knuilat \ ! a *» ipianuitee the dryer v* “ Heaven knows we are married,” the name of one he dared place so rived?” “ Heaven grant that von never and she showed me a receipt for ‘•■i fruit. »nU h e ^ , whiU ito head is plan contemplates a vessel capable of and I did not even see the lady for two hour» in the jnetice'« private of Edward I ft made it« heel. Hit head muat lie ;t day Mr. Burlin received moving rador walor for tw.lv. hours V0™ ** '* *«**»T_ o iv k x t h a t u it d ih a u d floe, abe wa« diackarged, the lady robbed LLIARD HAUi until she walked into the parlor on declining to proaecnte. The kleptomaniac Lawrenee. . , • ___ , , ■ _ at _ U by rlrtuc of uul In KcorduM. »K b Ik . p r m .l wrapped up warm eYen in the sum- ptional little note, simply the evening of July 7th, dressed in k m . of aii n t i t i n . U g i a U t l.t A m o U i of t h . m A.i. u>d * m i . tb.«ek. * um cwtl t “ And she is not my wife ?" ley, and a few other articles. Ha sinking tb . vessel by opening certain error. s F r i d a y m o r n i n g , a n d if »nd I felt forced to admit that, if must be a typographical -. , _ £ son, Into of Perrydale. All “ Couldn't be very well, seeing reads and writes from right to left. valves, bnt to return to th . surface «tiri W. *r*_b« u*«*nM <« in. mu . it slightly absent minded appearances could be trusted. Tim Bmler must be a misprint for Bur- AND CIGAR& 11. C ite . All p.nr«M k . v l a , c h in a tfuT of business that dav ! had found a wife to be proud of. { lin. Yes, that must have been her first husband is alive and she Heeats hardly anything for breakfast, involves mori complex operations. aai<| r» U U » f t lim '» » iMJtUUrf »nrf r*»|tilr«d t » p r tw tii pereons owing tho firm will »n i firniifi my duly vtrlftsd a * raqulrad by tew, wif* * about as much for dinner, but after An electric light, which is to be sup- . ih tu* re« «tuno, U. W. LYO.V8. •ave themselvos trouble and xt it was not altogether! Mr. and Mrs. Burlin went to Ni-1 Tim’s wife, and the young tnan, has never been divorced.” ot«»filli* In «tu this «Ut«, to ** ‘ |>Uoe of btuiiKM , Hi the «Hy of AI bn n r . l ìm i " Heaven be praised P ejaculated tbe work of the day is done he sits plied, will, it is ascertained, render hui agara and Saratoga, and it was the charged to say nothing except to F o u n t y Dreg»». expense by oalling on mo aft down to a full meal swimming in oil, object* fairly distinguishable. For MOAK8 WTRN BEJK1 ¡confess that I walked up middle of August before Tiin set- Mr. Burlin, her messenger, No Tim. D*t*d th U m n d»> of Ju ly . UMS. or better yet, lioil*d in butter- His _ ÂRFIELD. renewal of air it i* not necessary that Dallas and settling at onoe. Cur," snapped the woman, rais- me, Friday evening, and tied liack into his business harness, wonder Tim looked utterly wretch- sons eat with him, but the female, of | riw to the surface', the tic r v * th nt th « T ve^ He bad the air of a prosperous ed this morning, and asked me if | ing her hands threatingly. and ac- M . M . BLLI8, w . rai.'rrr. c. *. sorts . 8tat«*. Kmhrat iPC bis bouse will wait till hit lordship means resort«! to for this purpose [iy noticed that No. 08 ddent« of hi* B } it seemed to me, arching her I it when being sn apparatus that can be sent D a l l a s . Orsgea, Illy 7, IS eenth street was a hand- Benedict, and all his friends agreed I had heard anything. And what tuallv. th* Mi/ht of hi« Urtjf I beck’at him. * " 'io.n e‘ H*. ^ e s • donk.; behind. T R U IT T * JO H N S, Miar, hit Career u H np. and which, by working a pump, rn stone edifice, and inci- that his matrimonial felicity was is this mastery about the seal skin )• PrwtMlenry, Ar