1 OU Mr 1 r i s a : s > o x . s c o t i w i , SAT bit U A) f DALLAS, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER », ■n*i tnnuB naie«« f Rtri’t l, one d« 1885 STATE AND TERRITORIAL. T E E mOFEHSIONAL CARDS, ETC. « »taira. IT E M S I » (CorTnilw Gazette.) i aii its hideous reality, and hang the Through the different paper» a| mon*tr.iu» picture'up in every J . R . S IT E S , (VI. D., The ruilroa.l has reached Pendle­ [ini « has remove All the colleges anil universities' The carcful observer of current great deal is Vicing said about the household in the land ! Citizens ot' (Asblnnd Tiiliugs.) Farmers' Storage Co.’s Ili.bmi »a« in this State include in their course. events must kee that the sentiment The Repoblican press of the | qualities afld probabilities of candi- Oregon, shall such base and villain- j ton. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Forest fires are at work in TV nsh- led nn ui. dotes for L nited States Senator, „.j, crime a, this stain the fair es- StAte, with t'ie exception of the of study the Latin and Greek Ian- in favor of prohibitive legislation DALLAS, OREGON. While we have no war of words to c„tcheon of our State? Shall the iiigtou Couutv. U Miller has Oregonian ami the Statesman, bas ¡.piages. A vast amount of time is growing in this country. There expressed a decided «reference fo r, wage in the matter, an«d no prefer- slanderer unsheaih tlie lecherous | The State University will open its les informs us and money is wasted in acquiring, has been, for a long time, waving ex-Senator Mitchell. Judge Boise entes for any particular candidate, instinct of his pen and attack the next session on the 11th iust. m c e ON UILI. STRUCT, IN RKAK OP tlynp. I O lira* »• • . «."¡est I George R. Graves died at hi * home at best, a scant knowledge of what of temperance banners, and march- is the Statesman’s cannidate ; he is *hat a person is selected who character of a worthy citizen, a man g Groves' teat in Salem on ¡he 5th inst. of con­ is, compared with other things, of I mg of temperance armies, and said to lie part owner of that j«iur- ‘1° ^qual justice to all parts of whasu public service as. much ex- J. N. SMITH, M. D., Id.'V unii hruk ay aurt sumption. - but »mall practical benefit. It is a gathering ot Uioperance hosts, nal. Scott, the editor of the Ore- ] the State, in canvassing the piob- ceei|s the foul defainers as the tow- The Wasco Sun nnnonnees that able candidates whv not weigh the PHYSICIAN AND SUrtG£Ci; hates . . . - - ___ ering n oak ___ exceeds ______ the groveling fine thing to obtain a good educa- Hut the banners an«' the armies gonian, as every one knows, , ____ P, Hall, ami DALLAS. OREGON. Mitchell with a deadly and eternal qua.¡ties of other than four or five? nettles at its roots ! Shall a citizen W. Lair H ill is cot a candidate for uoa, but .vh»t is a goed «ducat,ion and the hosts only wave and march Tista, left tini I k again ready t<) halo. M iU.¡loll, however, is the Why can not some of those papers ,,f Oregon, who»« only crime is a the U. S. Set. ate. F F IC E O N M IL L S T R E E T , N O R T H O F core I O ltot.se H 1 The East Oregonian has a new is verv indefinitely and inade-'and ""«her and go homo. Whisky best po!it ica! worker in Oregon, who are so anxious about the mat- |»u«iable ambition to serve his State, r George Chanib quately apprehend««!, either hy the hold» its own. The temperance or- and has secured the support of a Ver, make mention of the name of ^ upon, on his unict ami unob- wlitor. Mr. J. P. Wager. His salu­ DR. W . C A PPS, tatory is a sensible one. it. Has in t people or the educators. An edu- gamzattans win fewer from the go.nl majority of the Republican W . D. Hare,of \\ ashington county, trusive return to his home, hy n A Salem boy 15 years old has been BpneKS. If he can make the or the name of W. p. Lord, o f the’ 1 pack of baying hell-hounds, thirst- cation, all will admit, is simply' ranks of drunkenness than wine members. H O M Œ O P A T H 1 S T , committed to the Insane Asylum. • aoarf was pi caucus rule al«solute, he will have present supreme bench ? either of mg for his blood, because he’s in '1 He is said to bo a victim to the opi­ , . . _L ! . L ___ _____ I l - — ___a__ 1 rPI . . “ . an equipment for the r " ! » o r t o f ! win» from the paths of sobriety, (Late of ('incitinati, Oh!«.) (this week and an easy and apeedy victory ; but. which are excellent mat-irial. The | thSir way, and the people of the um Imbit. AS LOCATED IN * DALLAS, AND n o w OFFEH u life. Now, if it should beaccu-iSo all over the land people are as already indicated by the .States­ names of others might be men- State not rise in righteous angel 1 Office. pwLlic. oific* H I hm profiMtrional mtviotm t«. the Church. Hon. T. G . Hendricks, Hon. S. B. ut rciiitlene**, <>np bl»x k wi st of H. aj t ratelv settled what is the work of 11 „.k e g to the law, hoping that it man, his opponents intend to keep tibne.l also, who would do houor to«lU1(1 iuir| t|ieir devilish malignity Pipe» hn« D all « m , Oregon, Mur *h 'ill, ltM l Tliurciighly IUuponsihle and Eakin, J r., and Prof. Johnson,Presi­ the State, sent to Washington ,ack in their teeth ? S’death ! The dent of the State University, are Utorney Ho life, it ought to bo an easy matter may be invoked to stay the tide out from under caucus rule. W liy nut canvass the whole fie«d « g j mes atv pregnant with >wift, making arrangements to establish a uiinty of Poll to adapt the means to the exact that is sweeping away the willing J. H . T O W N S E N D , (Sun«!t.y Welcome.) There is no use quarre g about ftVenging justice. ii cM t lumIt in Eugene City. SAFE FROM FIRE 1 1 end. In spite of a deal of gushing 1 victims of sti ong drink. While the ______ ATTORNE Y-AT-LAW, j It was a choice gathering of three or four persons with so much nre reunty ui N. L. BUTLER. JOHN J. DALI, --------- ! but is generally credited with being n P. CONNI WAY. Agent. A sob o f Judge Ben Hayden, last titudo at least, the business of life sentiment, which makes prohibition watch and ward over the solemn I n. P. Boiso (Argonaut.) portals. Dave Thompson, Adily — for a Republican —exceptionally week, met with an accident resulting D A L Y ¿c B U T L E R , is to make a living. Henc«, the , & possibility. heard arguii Every poor man should defend honi'st. Mr. Mitcliell is accused ov in contusion o f the brain. It is not Gibb-, Sammy Morelaml, the woultl- A t t o r n e y « - « t - I «u w , . Connor, ai knowledge and the mental training Hut a law is nr t going toenforc» Se-Si-nator Newbury, Geo. Durham. this law (Sunday law) because it is die Oregonian of being the robber know i just how it occurred, but is (■.«ILL PROMPTLY VTTENI1 TO M l. I.K0AI. I got. his !e'{ which a boy receives at college itself. Public sentiment must sup- ! II. Ypsilanti Thompson and W. for him and I im children one of the of the property of orphan children. siipposeil to have been from a fa ll; «r l/ buidnoNt entruoted to thain. uttk-o m Miil I |m to which ho | Str*M«t, «»ppoMitc Court II ouho , liahu*. ought to bo such as may help him j port it t*> make it effective, arid La r H II, with John Catlin as a barriers that the law raises for de­ Of this we know nothing, and don't from a horse. He is recovering. DU\LKR IN fense and protection against the take the Oregonian’s testimony as Independent: Prof. M. «f. Mc­ ! made lively in accomplishing that purpose, j that public sentiment in this State sort of lay figure, in solemn con- clave assembled to consider the ed- I gree«l and tyranny of capital. lake being very weighty, but it is very Mahon, the new Professor o f the E . J. D A W N E . Not a moment ought to be wasted will not do. The temperance itorial conduct of that delectable from the laboring man the day of probably true. He is also accused Tualatin Academy, has arrived. Hc- B. F. Nicb ATTO RNEY-AT-LAW on other „. > -«. Everything lie i workers must possess their-souls in journal, the only newspaper, the i rest which the law gives him, and of being an attorney for the N. P. isa tall, voting and g«n»d looking man, ountv, who about 30 years o f age. He bears a and N o t a r y Public. learns ought ?•« %,avo a commercial patience until the people are with Oregonian. Gibbs presented his ! capital will steal the day for itself, It. R.. and subject to tln ir bidding. lure, is visiting good presence and is liked at first CIAL ATTENTION (¡IVES To COL value. .When he pnys a thousand , t mm. There are yet too many manuscript of the Batch estate 1 Mr henever now the necessity of a For our part we don’t want any of sight. S PE loctiug ai'tl Itxuiinjf money. Always p-ejwred j j to loa n from ¿i«)0t«* on pergonal < r rwvl «« dollars in gold coin for an educa-' men, who. not drinking at all, will, question ; Hill bis effusions anent .peculiar-employment domandsseven these railway attorneys sent to the Mttnan return« Christian Herald: Mrs. Ella C tnte security. Otllce in UrUwt»H'g building, op;«mite the approaching Wasco county days of service, it is compelled to .Semite, but if wu must have a ras- )i t :w«. His ti« n, it ought to lie such ns will ini • oil that very account, resent any | election ; ami Moreland his instruc- seven «lavs of wages. Break down cal. we bail better have the smart* Granger, o f Cincinnati, Ohio, will Auent for tho Eads A Ad»mn' celebrated t tl»«> I mhi U, .Salem UlW"’, ho is jircps mediately yield him a per cent, on interference with what they bt* I tions as ad interim of the great j the law. and seven days will become est one in the tnarkeb While he is take charge o f tho primary depart­ woven wive mattresses. All kinds of ment uf Christian College, v on mouth, l to all. See D R . I . T . M A S O N , the rule of service and payment, doing so much for his company, he the com ing year. Sue is a lady of his investment. Latin and Gunk their natural riglu to do *o. daily. Mattresses Made to Order ! Understand tb The rest of the company were and the cay of rest will be deduct- may do a little for the people. Mr. culture and much experience in the won’t d j It. place, had Has constantly on hand a largo and . D E n m s T , The Democrats of California present to supply the quantum of ed and charged to the man who for Hill doubtless takes large fees from art o f teaching, ft is very fortunato We «ire n, t xey-.ng that the study well selected stock of nm a wagon, have declared against, arul the Re­ spleen anil envy requisite for the conscience or physical health de- rail way companies too, or will if he to secure her services. DALLAS, OREGON. » th« first of 1 of thete langui g « is of no be. «.fit. occasion. Thc shadow of ¡Scott’s niands it. The . ‘ Sunday law is be has a chance, ami besides h «> is, or (Late of Eugene City and Sheriuan.) Th«« verdict of tho coroners jury in publicans in favor of sh t Sunday S Z P I ^ I lK r Q - B E D S , |ter received T.iey certainly afford exceller , Artiriclal Teeth tinort« «1 on rubber, very boot quality, ] ! greatness hung like a sable cloud j ing assaulted by the liquor interest, pretends to lie, in favor of a high the Fetch case accuses G. W. Smilli lu-.’ of that State. There are two at lowest rates. Satisfaction guaranteed or money j at ho was vei over the meeting, ami the ignoble and It alone. 1 his institution, old protective tariff, ami wo are opposed of tho murder. He has t een re­ %% inflow Shade«», mental discipline, but no better refunded. Office two duoni east of J rj *. K. AiilUri ] clauses to th A seventh commandment. purpose upon which they were licnt, as humanity, older than Christian- to that. drug store. |nlo in Mon ported at Uosehnrg and nt Yaquioa Picture Frame», than ' that afforde«! by branches f D allas , dune 23,1882. return to \\ Hnv, but investigation prove» him to It is commanded to do r.o manner the traducing of private character ity, written by Moses, under the SSrsrkelN, K lc. practical importance. As for the lio at neither (dace. The belief :s that verton Appr.u! [«egishituro n oi’ wo.k on the Sabbath day, ami for th" fm;h««rniice of political job- inspiration of God, upon thc tablet E. U. SKIPWORTH, ..riJ-Orders will be promptly filled, and subject matt«.«r in the text-books of he has been hiding out in tho moun­ « do not deny that bery, found fit counterpart in the of stone; renewed by Christ, ac- \Y permanen' Mr. Mitcli- just as clearly and emphatically a m i all work w i l l bu dono iu a workman- A T T O R N E Y --A T — L A W, tains. waiting an opportunity to per­ the ancient languages, the student r»h [onday, tho like manner. that "six days shnlt thou labor.’ visages gathered in tliat closely cepted by civilization, adopted and ell is our choice, but we desire to petrate the murder. — AND— nmy obtain a knowledge of that at guarded inside room. It was bad inwrought into the web and woof see a fair contest, believe in bowing rill not begi \ c it Door to ( in ^ e t t A Wcrwln. If it be within the province of the business,ami the Welcome—jesting of our lives as nn American insti- to the will of the majorit.. W-« io Information is wanted of the where­ Notary FiiblK**, much less cist and labor. If it he abouts o f J. M. Reed, n salo >n keep­ State to enforce the observance of aside— would say, gentlemen (?) be- tution, sanctioned by custom, pro- not aim that Mr. Mitel-. i is the . C. Hetzlc necessary to know that “ all Gan er of Jefferson, who left that place Albany, : : Oregon, '„he one, why not the other ? As ware of vour nefarious scheming, tected by law, ari l guarded by the “ only man in Oregon," hi: we do about the loth of March last. He iy, Septem is divided into three part««, " it 's Will Practice in all the O o u r u in thc State. every man who has not an inherited The finger of intelligent scorn will divine instinct of self-preservation claim that 1m has served Oregon is about fifty years of age,quite fleshy, n services And Steam Fitting. All buMneas intrusted to him promptly attend* not need d first to master Cicsai .- ry meeting fortune, a comparatively small vet point to your door, and the low is to lie broken down and destroyed faithfully and well, and baring bis with a rndily, dark complexion, iron ed to. vemacular. We can tirul out titc.t level to which you are fast tending by aliens and criminals, that sot* ■ future «ervic-s, in the event of his grey tnsstache ami hair; will weigh DK ONLY E*rtST-CLAS8 FLCM DINO FSTAB- OtHce in O ’T o o l o s T’lock, T3road-AlMnstreft ening. class, must cither work, or beg, or — the gutter era, as it were in poli- may swill lager and drunkards!election, on his past record, we con- about 200 pounds and is tire feet 8 T luriiujcnt «utn vi Portland, where you will And the Trojan war “ sent ir nr.y valiant ltilcy, \vh< st «il, ami as the latter two are ti-s, will yet be exhibited to public drink whisky in saloons on Sun-j aider him pre-eminent in point of or 9 inches high. His wife lives nt soul» to Hades," or that Achilles ticridan Iasi FORCE & LIFT PUMPS, BATH TUBS, Oso. W. Bst-r. M. L. Tim. against public policy, there seems view, with you and some of your day. Was ever such impudence ?j ability and influence to any man Jefferson. sulked in his tent, without lean.lug ionio in thi Albany Democrat: Up to the Shower Baths, Sinks, BELT A PIPES, more reason for making it criminal “ intimate« ” in ¡railing and despic­ Did insolence ever tower to so i now available in Oregon. painful, hi anything at rî I about norists an«l daring a height ? ! ---------- time of going to press yesterday .Stationary TVash tu h», all kinds of Iron, Lead and able roles. co rest on week days than to work id he will h ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ______ i --------- (Mrs. Dun!way, in New Northwest.) reduplications. 103,000 bushels of wheat had b e e i l Stone Pipes, Brass Goods ami Fitting«, Rubber Hose , . ,i i .« i and Packing, Zinc, Sheet Lead, e tc .,« on Sundays. But wouldn’t the Adams, ( n r u m Mvr.ns. (Sslem tHatuman.) (StiinJird.) We had the honor of meeting stored in all the warehouses in the« Audrey, There is a wide fiehl of practical Inilenendence, Or. SaU-in, Oregon. city, the receipts during the lust week hie Sociot) worki iginen of San Francisco If, as it is claimed by the friends The Oregonian »ays there are hut; Senator Sigjin in the parlor, to H alf . m . A.igust 11 , 1832 . knowledge ' \ in j open for the in­ At Tungent about A hold a Bi arouse themselves mightily at such of Hon.J.H.Mitchell, that thepopu- three or four of the Multnomah whom wo have been indebted for Itfinif large. Will practice in all the Cocvt* of hs stitution t ¡it shall first (it itself to 30,000 bushels had been stored; 80 tern her 10 I State. a provision ? It would spoil many | lar voice of the people was for his 1 «lelegation in Mitchell's favor. | luly appreciated courtesies during cents is being pui«l at the mills, but .Inly 15 1881 ly impart it. The present college cur­ nta A l he annum 'eleciion, why the necessity for so During the campaign the Standard our visit. He is well satisfied with B G A R D i N G H O U S E , a restful hour of the average sand- shipments have been made to Port­ riculum is behind the times, ami its niiuh unseemly effort to force his asserted that the ticket was put up the governmental appropriation n aivther place v luttu. The voting tramp would «.«lection ? If he were the idol of bv Mr. Mitchell’s friends, in hi> for Coos Bay improvements for the land for 77 J. i: w. roof xr . ntfr. J. W. Cra J. X. COOPKH. Corner Main and Cak 3*i-eet«, wares are not in den and. It re­ Mr. J«>s. Hndilleston, o f Mohawk, roll up as solidly against it, as he the people of Southern and Eastern special interest, and the Oregonian current year, an«! will vote for Mr. 5 to the e entsblisht quires drumming to lid the seats of one day last week, says the Eugene OREGON. now does against a law to prohibit | Oregon, why did they not send his at the time k.icw this to l>e the Mitchell for United States Senator, Guavil, let the water out o f his fish DALLAS, tnd Brmy of the the class-rooms. There are free I Koldicrs will ^»e him guzzling lieer on Sunday. And friends to the Legislature instead of fact. If they are not for Mr. Mitch-« firstly, because he has no hope of pou«l an«l examined his carp. He I am prepared to famish scholarships in the State University Democrats ? and why should the ell solidly, ids friends, who con ¡securing a Democrat, ami s-cindly, found the old ones ho transplanted lottai-, the law would go under, for the old and in the Agricultural College for Marion County members, who hold trolled the convention, made a ter- because he thinks Mr. M. will work about two years ago, weighed about B O A R D A N D LO D G IN G •Ir# J. Janies, ha youths in every county. Instead I1^ « changed, and vox populi, their seats in the Legislature, not rible bad job of it. But we think harder for the best interests of Or- 12 pounds, while those one year old *3 oRMr. Z. F. 1 Al Reasonable Raten. i by the support of the friends of this is one of the Oregonian’s suo- «.‘gon than any other living man. turned tho beam at two pounds; and of then» nein;; a rush am! a scram- -------- ! ftW6h (lato of J. ASHÏUUGH, Prop. vir. Mitchell, but in spite of their por D a l l a «, Oregon, May 5, 1892. hie and competition for these places, Thc ser at )rial question is a very Sjnator» Slater and Grover at that yeav's spawn. He cooke«l one of the , opposition, be so earnestly solicited take in due time. pinchi nes r year obis, ami found it to he u first they go a-begging, and 1 he apjmint- common to;)ic of conversation on to abandon friemls and turn their --------- i business, in our humble judgment class fish, being almost boneless. . ments to them a c Kcarocly kn >wn | >jtir streets. There is some strong lacks upon the people ivlu) honored L IV E L Y F E E L & S ALE (Renton Lsartor.) he’d better steal away and die. [tV: DeLnshi While the machine of Messrs. E . ; It is possible that he (Mitchell)1 We’re sure of one thing: he’ll vote or noticed. We «lo not believe thU anti-Mitchell aentinient. On the them with, their suffrages, to sup­ ao J I John A. ' Skipton ami J. C. W alker, says the state of affairs argues e. want of in- other banJ> he ¡8 „ .tmnglv ad. ,'o- port a machine that was worked t«j may lie elected by just such means all right on Woman Suffrage ; but Benton Leader, was threshing on f.:r 82,2 ■ its full capacity to compass their as these, but the Democrat who iso, for that matter, will anv mar. D nirv Davis’ farm near Corvallis, in ft^hn’s plat terest in higher education, but eatu(1 The ot!wr candidaU s arc CONI POUN D O X Y C E N ; would vote for him should be buried who stands a ghost of a chance« to IN D E P E N D E E -.E , OREGON «lefi-a*. last week, some unprincipled wretch pi^rnnt n:t I V * * T*KATMENT BY I1CHALA-' rather that the colleges do not fur­ discussed, but in that mild sort of so deep in nolitical oblivion, tliat be elected, for the choice will ctil- placed pieces of iron in several tion far UoMaaapdoa, A t»«»» farm, m it P M p W ttU , D v i m m I » , r o t a r r k , -------- ■ nish the kiml of instruction wanteil. way that be tokens si '.all faith in resurrection in this world, or the minate on brains this year, and sheaves of grain in the field. T b .y | (Oregon Triban«.) I lfM U e k « , B t f i l f i y , B h r a a u e Jy from t H i n , N f a r a l r ! » and all C h r o n i c next, would be impossible. Why, brains are notafr’ iil of c«oual rights. a n i N c r r o n a D i s o r d rs . Prepared by The folding of the energetic young their chances. The genera! opinion ITS3T CLASS TVSITC77S. .'V lie latter u were passed into Iho machine, break­ Tho Standard in sickly lauda­ DK 8 . S TARKEY k PALEN, PMladelphls, Pa. Package contain* all direction«, and id ing a numbei of teeth out of the v m l a t l o w e r P f i o M i L n n I m v e r i ,' ( ■’ I t e : e ‘ « T r i man, whom one would snopcs:.- to seems to lie that it wil: be Mitche! tion, .and the Oregonian in sense- there are Republican members of to »ell (Yamhill Reporter.) the Legislature who would consider oy finder, and one concave. The act iiuniK, u. V is, xE»Ti.Twi. ■Aiiibno, forwarding 3 them in be eager for an opportunity to eda- or a dark horse. Congressr .in lcsn d> traction of J. H. Mitchell, is themselves disgraced in the eyes of Agent. 600 Montgomery «treet. Ban Fran­ I Acoomm«d>ti:i|l Commerctd Travehiv Ho One of those opinions is that is unaccountable, except on the pre­ cisco, CvL JUT Send for Froc ramphlet* > J S p e c ia lty . cate himself, if formulated in George is referred to as a possible just nliout enough to crente disgust their constituents, if they should Ju«lge Boise has been playing the sumption that it was done to injure n th minds of sensible people C05NT1 property in retaliation f ir some real words wonhl bo : “ I haven't time contingent. In case of a dead-lock. i w ith metropolitan journalism in cast a vote for him or sit in a trimmer for years, a ia David HORSES BOARDED REA SONA X LY . or fancied injury. Davis, and the arrant demagogue caucus controlled by Mitchell men. to »pend u. ^ V g o ; I must learn Mr. George’s chances are better Portland. 1« rom reaiiing these pa- COMMIf ! Satisfaction gnaranteee m Pinner«y Repuhlien: On Sunday for months i:i favor of R. P. Boise. grant«*«! to make & II. than any one’s else. His recent pera one would suppose that the (Orwg«m City Enterprise.) evening last as Mr. Andy Hirt was ; Juw is 18811 ooorr.i: brothers . His neivgrinations throughout the qnantiti«) Whilu we write, there lies on our endorsement by a popular election Legislature, soon to meet, was Station. Can any sane man find a single country, playing upon the sympa­ com ing from Now Y ork bar with a | merely to convene for the purpose of T. B dusk two books; one is “ Anthon’s i to point t(, him fts unob. good reason for the objection'that thies of a certain association during loml o f freight he «us stopped by a One door north of J. D. Lee's, Dallas. fcicra for n | of passing upon the claims of J. H. maskeil man «villi the remark, " I lie- is made in California and elsewhere, the past year or more, have not es­ prseut ren Ilrmer; the other is Gra' am s | j^tionable. His chances are not Mitchell to a s« at in the Senate. Htntion, against the landing of two or three caped our notice—nor have they leive von are a Pom eroy man?’’ Hirl H. F. SM8TH, Prop*rf Hand-book of Stan,laid Phonog- 1(!Mened bv thc fact that there are answered. “ Y es.” T h « man then tac Staati Chinamen from an American ship, favorably impressed us. The Judge said, “ G -d d n you, L haven notion (Pendluton Trilmae.) viewer», (Late of Salem.) raphy. 1 he cost of too volumes ; p(>!it:cian« who would bo willing to nbqard which they shipped before has fared excellently in public to fix you right here.” Hirt answer- meet nt Some time ago the Salem States­ the anti-Chinese bill went into op­ i-i about t . ; line, yet the value of ¡,-eceive his mantle, and to whom a Ion the l*i emoluments during the past decade. ed, “ All right, you can do so, as I A GOOD CLE\N SHAVE TO BE man said that the people of F.axtern [and local hdl at nil til ies. Give me a call eration. They shipped for the voy­ No one questions the ability and am unarmed.” leii contents, re.re;, ve.y, :s ns congressional election would give Vfter a few «vords Htf-r of t Oregon would have nothing to do age to be landed again at the point , efficiency with which lie has serve ! o f abuse, the man rode off, going in H. F. SMITH. •idely separated r.s tho date of an opportunity to try f«« to be 1 D a l l a s , finlv 1, 1881. All modern improvement«. Restaurantj^l with the election of a United States of departure. They have been us. Vet while tho ermine graced the direction of the forks of I)ea«l- kn«l surre t icir authorship. Them is not a the beet in the eitv. Open all day. Senator, and should keep silent on under the American ting all th ; him, we do not consider that lie man and Meadow gulch. He was na ri J. H. BRENNER. Rrop’r. ] ureuit or business in life whore a The Sunday Welcome man is gut the subject, or words to that effect. flured a I« flll.T.’S A L B U M time, which is to all intents anil j maintained its dignity as he dragged short niul heavy set, wore a s<)hli«r require«] knowl«jdgc of the latter would not of his depth on the suffrago quo«- Wo ot -asionally speak favorably of purposes the same as being o n ; it about tho circle with him in the cap ami bail a re«l hanilkerehcif lied I m p *. f . d . M c D o w e l l , bo useful. There is scarcely a tii«n. lie cannot find the proposed Mr. Mitchell, because we want to American soil. If wo do not respect role of an immodest political druin- aroun l his face. He was riding n McDauIr hay Imrse, whndi evi linrlv h id orr- l- mOLil.UMlY AND AKT, .calling in which men engage h. amendment in the pamphlet laws. and bi-cause it suits our re-ailers and i our own flag, how can we expect ¡mer. That smacks too loudly of a to mri taiu white spots on head nr.«l feet we cannot forbear. An«l therefore PRACTICAL Y/ATCHMAKEîtâ ft Minty , Bv Iho author of “ Ifill’« Mana»l.N Bio^raphin of ^ foreigners to do so ? ¡greed tnat is hardly cominen-lable. (minted to disguise him. He which a knowledge of the former On page 172 of the sessions laws of avi (tl«l j i»tatlnjfu;»i.etl Actors, Warrior», Musician». Scientists, the man will P’'*®e P®r cord. , Statesman ... --------- i Hence we do not commend it. A nel . J e w e l e r would not be dead capita!. Yet 1880 he will find the resolution re­ lion not ask Hirt for money, but merely Inventor», Financiers, Kxplorors, Ksligionirts, lNteta’. U S. We are Willing tO make, (Allxny IVmoCrat.i ArtUts, Orators, Lawvers, Writers, 8 ute»ni«n, l’hv-i- la ► f Warren seemed to stop him out o f pure t intd, Sov«rei(ms, and -»f all persons of not« In U.r P E A L E R IV the colleges and the universities ferred to, in these words: "The ; the amende honorable, and say that I of June The Senatorial fight gets hotter wurH, i«xst and present. A bsautiful volume nt 327 Senator Mahone ha* attempt «« cussedness. »lid w m pay professors to teach the less val­ «•leetivc franchise in this State shall I if wo have done anything we should | as the time for the convening of I Clocks, Watches & Jewelry e fnndp to assess employees in the govern Mr. Henry Kernny was killed by t'stic a n d elega n t « K . — ---- Hold b/tubs«.-r.pi „.1 uable, while the other is entirely n«it hereafter be prohibited to auv ! !«*• sorry for we are glad of it, The the Legislature approaches. The n-fsTTOt « being thrown from a wagon, about A tiru ls Y« a i i I c «I. kddrsss A. L. ifanrn-U C o m m e r c i a l S t . , S n l c m , O f f n . ment printing office who are fron lli.'ense k ignored. This is only an iilustra- citiz n on account of sex.” The ! editor of the Statesman favors the name most prominently mentioned ... . . ... . . , four miles from McMinnville, suvs 721 Msrket Nticet, Man Francisco. to run f j election of Judge Boise because ; » that of J. H. Mitchell. Hiseloe-| \ irginia. Tho public printer has t,,e U„ p, on Satur.lay. the 2(iil, ti'in which the two volumes ^.w - impression of the Welcome is they are neighbor*, and the U p tion won d ba a public calamity.! informed them that as essments ulî. Saturday eveciug, the 2Gth,| Administrator’ s Notice ng t 1. rlnimf suggested. It is, unfortunate! ■ «ly, not erroneous that Governor Thayer lets him got water at his pumn. Hugo | During Me term in the Senate thaLhould only b ' paid bv them vol- Mr. Ktrnav wa« nli>ne h his wagon , , . TlrP fJ ITT 5r;int Ilf the only one that might lie I* < Used, Of Social and Business Forms. gave, cny opinion al»ut submitting ---------- into rents of Oregon were loti tight I . *, , \ * ,, and was standing up driving. A ^ «• r.11^, m -X a M. Ea< (Oreg.aU.,) of altogether, and his whole time ,,ntar.,!-v- ani1 that they would not tenni came up behind him m d lie VtmV,.. IL,' f i y , / ' ’? ) Ä «!«<*. F. , lucstlon*], Social, Common tal and Le^al, t ) H,,v We hope to see a ne« era. When this amendment to thc pwplo. The |l. Holmi Tuo«. '1 K. H i l l ContaininaPenraarixhip, Letter Wril. It is claimed by the strikers of ami attention were devoted to the ^ discharged for a refusal. As turned to lookback. W hile in this "J«e..iut 7 . « n u i A I* ptnm t «relîiiiiu'rettu ^ T’li* nor young men are t jw’illng for Governor did give an opinion in will m.Se me i«.wyll. te [ y m t , .1, p»rw)n. inn. ate., Bookkeeping, Tables«’•f Kciernrice,Etiquette. [at 8onp ( ^ ' Il ul,h ’ • tw«,.* . Mm,y m ..... * J. II. Mitchell that h» is a great servic«* of great railroad corpora- these employees have a!rea«ly been position his t« am su.ldenlr stopped. - ’ ’ * - - • - ■ ■ .VI - 7 * - . *** » !■ » - A I . En, rv|.>|«s.li« o i l - . , O n » n .-n : .m l S n n sk admission to our coll« u hal.s, we regard to another amendment, ered dra pitching him forward and Irefore he dulv nr-: nil wnu us»» jjiol uriin, itia niuniL iU|ip<)|[prs ; lawyer. Every man who has prac- * tions. His uiunv most ardent supporters mnDOd robbed oy by t.ie the congressional com- • *‘1“ # 5 » ?»*-• « I for both J a l won««.. On laryo volimi«:. P contract j *00 ItMtvy tinteli pop» r, t-n full |ra«fo | I»U»«, 1 shall know that, at las higher eii- which passed two legislatures, but •’ ■«ed at the bar with 1 ' not ‘ attempt " * to [mint out a single; mittoe. the cove ernment printer op- could regain his balance he wen, ................... vith him 1 knows do I ^nd «rst.i many other ¡lludtrRtiouaa hJtuaHtluldiraitfn«. I ¡ »tone, bui over tho wagon box and out upon i D*i*1 Xu-';>t «. is - 2 piritof the winch was not by the latter one | ris to be false. He used to win measure, ever advocated bv him only Ky »«ibwtriptlon. Aicrnl* \Amtf»,«l-| ucation has caught * of ri«*wei A IdrewM A. L. Bancroft k C*\, 7 i Market Mtvet.j the gro-ind. He struck upon his imposition. . h u. .. k .„ he Alltn age and lias left be' ind it the rub- submitted to the people. The lat- | cares some years ___I ago ua because in ,u j that has a ..„.. done .k____________-fi, the commerce of the ’ 1 j po^s f'irther nn Hon Frantri» o. shoulders and was fatally injure.1, MONEY TO LOAN! '0. alloore btsh with which it has lie. n so oug f<>r ame„dn,ent is contained in I Sheriff 8iit ~-l, Clerk Parrish, and j State a penny-worth of goixl. j ------ tnafter c Judge G. ’.Villiams. the brother receiving a paralysing shock from 1 H . J . C L A N C O N . J . O . D sO C U lY I handicapped. ( ! Judge Upton he had servants ac- Judging the future by the past, which he never recovered. He wq,1 . lurity, in — "wy. «* tow m Êfpnnâ Rnl House Joint Resolution No. 14. • •ccaord, sum» from tive to do his biibling. With a what can be expected at his hands of "Blue Jeans." ex governor of In­ carried hoinè aud a physician was- t O H > T i f f S W » D O L L A R », Clandon & DeBerry, The tariff c. mmiari.iii haa heard General Chalmen» and Mr Man- change in county officers am! a new in case of his re-election ? dians. has been adjudged insane ■utnmoned, but medicnl service | riwt : non r Congress ¡judge he lout his power. In legal« ! practice, as well as in political man-« (AlWy HmM.) man close«! his eyes ¡n death at four TRUITT & JOHNS. \m liup. tice of the Peace, which he has o'chsk on Sunday rooming. His Aofrwt 24, 1M2. tion of pottery, .«ow. that* a in Musissippi, got tired of abuaing ! ■ B L A C K S M I T H S , i ftb.l.l my agemeut, he has always had the re-1 A kennel of hell-.logs bivouac on \ « 1 » Hvuuac un " * Potteiy is no liable pee], other an I concluded to fight a source.>f unscrupulouscunning. His Mitchell’» track. TI h - v scent the hel1' for man-v B«1 desire remains were buried on Monday rERRYDALE. OGN m a date D R . W . H . R Ü R B T .T . last in the South Yamhill Baptist ¡duel. On,y tw«> fools 1 corrupt operato-*, ten years *g«>, de- man b«sfore his feet press the sod of I I me will ll kimds or job work , both in w . w j ; The new steamer. Queen of fhe burial ground, beside his wife, who baoched the practice of tho » law in 1 the State he has seiveil nr Pf A a m i Inm , d « > D « w ith N aatr.««« an d D itp a teh . lying thei T I S T , '•*’ • Pacific, to be placed on th« preceded him some months since. X > E l N been raised for Dufur, Republican, was elected Multnomah county. Tho t . k h | Th-., m . .O U . . L « ... can The Register, sneaking of the ac­ Hor** S’louinif a SperiAltj. * Jthey a Brown. In the mean- t0 the Legislature in Wasco County affair is a sample of his methods as , him'home. Gods I T a- we could Frsn.-i.co is expected DALLAS. OREGON. lank» for to arrive at cident says Mr. Kernav was intoxi­ Itive«!. an Aganu fo- leudlrif mi'a o' PV*ws and all kind* "J 1 , keep« march ing. (on Mo .«lay. * l* w>’er- I only paint such hellisa je.fidy in . Portland thi« week ■ i U W,)RK n n x r FTRSTCLASS s r v t x Farm H*chir.^n. T«ii" 1» r^Jd f«»r n cated. ! ca I C WB-r ,«M noni, ^ j. B, ------ OLANDOX « IntBLKRV I blcsar». R S i d » , ’« - • >e rtijælf TH E er-.- E c o l l e g i : E IL L H , i-co-nimm: L E U a L A r ia ,. CURRENT OPINION. Mammoth Warehouse Receive Wheat S. W. ALLEN, FURNITURE!! P L U M B IN G , G A S £M COOPER BROS. STAPLE, BARBER SH O P! H IL L ’S M A N U A L I m- COUN pDwrcB,