POLK POI NTY ITKMIZKli. is«'#?*«è’-'S —— for Amt, sad M * A square la twahn A Mltocwl dtaw Devoted to the Best Interests of Polk County in Particular and to the Pacific Coast in General. bada«« advertí • IO M U | »k H h r^ l r U i u l HUI « n i t , D A L L A S , O R E G O N . S A T U R D A Y . A P R IL 8. 1883. N O - 20- » cious acquisitions; and Hetty heard her gems with Orion’s, a of the wager, and shamed Mr. Bow­ terprisiug ourglara, < Leonard E. Spencer, of North CIVIL. Following are the nominations made by I f tliere wna ono person in lbs wnrM man into taking it, bofore they part­ moment were not * ■burgling,” | P olk Comity Democratic Couveu- Feuteu, Broom couuty, N. Y ., while C. Kennedy vh . E. C ox ct nl.— Judg­ the Democratic State Convention at Port­ ^ ut tho Court House ou Saturday, ment for plaiuliff for $83.95. out hunting.squirrels iu compnny more than another that Mrs. Temple­ ed aud went their opposite ways, od to obtain a view of thoir i at 10 o ’clock a . m . aud whs land on the 6th inst.: For Congress, W. IN PROBATE. w ith a friend ou the 8tU of October ton gazed At with eyes of curious re­ more merrily than was their Bungay nitiee, and they want throii| j order by I. I. Dt-mpuey, Chair- D. Fenton, of Yamhill; Governor, Joseph lust, met with a singular and wliat gard. it was her hu*l>aud'a cousin, wont. house that night, and the tlii Estato of W. B. Prather, doceaaed— J. __ ! the County Committee. N ot so Mr. Templeton. As soou want through their finger* tbo l ¡m otion, bon Childcru was nppeint- M. Prather appointed administrator, with 8. Smith, ol Multnomah; Secretary ol h „ 8 prov0tl to be a fatal accident. Mru. M orn«; and if »ha had one am- bond fixed at $1,000. Htnte. J. K. Woathurford, of Linn; Tross , Tll0 young mau, hia companion, hitiou eclipsing auother, it wr.s to as his wife banged tho Joor behind day. orury Secretary. Estate of M. W. Neally, dooeasod— In ­ nrer, Hyman Abraham, of Douglas; 8«»- di*cbargOii Li» gun aud it exploded, eclipse Mr». Morris in every direc­ her she toio off her bonnet and io tio u of T. G. Richmond a com* Alaa for Mrs. Temploton I Ordered that personal | of three was appointed ou Credeu- ventory fiiod. periutondent of Public Instruction, W. L. the tube find the cylinder entered tion. I f Mrs Morris set up a wail- throw horsalf on the sofa, and tailed would bavobeeu idle tor her te 1 property bo sold. Chair appointed M. L . Pipes, Ira Estate of 8. Tethcrow, deceased. Filial Worthington, of Wasco; State Priuter, Bpenccr’a skull near hie temple. busket, Mrs. Templeton compassed for Jauo to bring the ammonia, and another convulsion. Her arnaoud aud T . G. Richmond, I f Mrs. Morris her husband to drop the shad«*, and had not another bond for imotion, Uou. N. L. butler was in­ settlement and Administrators discharged j Wilbur F. Cornell, of Marion; Supreme Prs. Burr, of Binghamton, and a hao^in^ rabiuot. to address the Convention, aud from further liability. Judge, E. D. Shattuck, of Multnomah. Groen, of Chenango Fork», some­ had a new ivy-box, Mrs. l ’smpletoo Maria to taku the children where ihe pair of atonea. And ao tha In the mattsr of tho guardianship of A. i acme well-timed remarks. W . II. Holmes, of Marion, is tho nominee what cular^ed the external wound, would bare nothing isss thsu a could not hoar them, fur her head of tha Gracchi could not have ]_ > Committee ou Credentials made the I). Davidson, H. Durford. guardian— Or­ window garden. A studio vase ou was splitting with bain, as any ana's a more magnanimous part (boa dered that gunrdiun be discharged from for Prosecuting Attorney in this Distriut. and were able to insert tho index ing report: And did. finger its whole length into the Mrs. Morris’ piazza caused Mrs. would bo, treatad as she was. I Honorable Democratic Conran- all liability on filing with tho clerk the re­ " O , what do I car« for j. w . !. (” im p ATI i:\4i:. cavity o f the cranium, but were un­ Templeton’s premises to break out I she would not go. up stairs to bed, 1 Polk Couuty, Oregon: We, your ceipt of his w>rd. Estate of Fred Williams, deceased— O r­ uitteo on Credentials, would respect- able to tiud tho fragment of the gun, with urns until they looked like a I and Mr. Templeton'e Sunday romp eha cried, when Hotly ran ever to 1 submit the following report of per- dered that fiuul settlement be continued Darling! I nm wailing thee; although quite a quantity of bruin stone cutter’s yard. I f Mrs. Morris | with ILe children was abrogated, survey with her big pittying eyaa—- ‘V lemitlud to seats in this Convention: until June 4th, 1882. Waiting till the setting suU matter exuded. They pronounced S0" 0 a high tea, Mrs. Templeton and his diuner was toads an act of eyes much moro beautiful than the. Estate of John Holman, deceased— Final er Precinct— W. E. Dalton, Z. T. Dips brbiud the forest tree, him in a very critical condition, but, bad a dinner parly out of hand, if j silent and solitary penance; and if sparkle iu hor ears— tbe seen« o f settlement continued uutil October 2, 1882. And his daily course is run. In the matter of the guardianship of contraty to their expectation, his Mrs. Morria had a luncheon, Mrs. ( he told his wifo he was going to ruin, where the burglars bod loft na Vista—James Alexander, James ier, David Johnson, John O. David- L . D. McClures a minor— R. K. Boothby Waitiug till sweet Luna smiles general condition improved con­ Templeton had a ball, or wliat an- afternoon service, and did go over their matches, and eaten their cake« P. W. Haley, A. J. Hall, R. P. Hall, appointed guardian. siderably, bo tint about the Ia9t of swered for one in tho limited round | to his cousiu Hetty’s, she, at loaa< and cold coffee—“ what do I cam On all nature iu repose, Estate o l James F. Logan, deceased— lie—^1. I. Dempsey, fcf. T. Burch, J. fur jewels? They might have taken October he was able to be about of pleasure* of their place of abode; bed no right to blauie him. And she in her turn beguiles aniel, Win. Tatum, A. Nelson, Cass Final settlement fret for hearing May G, But vruo for Ur. Temploton when the children. O, Hetty, how thrnk- and risited a friend some distance and if Mrs. Morris indulged horself 1882. The wooing zephyr as it blows. [a. Mr». ful I am that they didn't take th* Estate of G. W. Teller, deceased— Order­ from hia residence, but from ex­ with a new silk. Mrs. Templeton al­ Ira came homo that evening! tu c k inmute— J. Harris, J. B. Pries, by Roaring on its wings from mo ¡P . Tarter, proxy, Isaac Stsnts, by J. ed that citatiou issue requiring Marion citement nnd over-exortion brought ways counted her flounces, and Temploton had been removed to bar child real” Thoughts aud wishes as I wait; “ As if,” said Hetty to her [ Ktunts,%proxy, B. P . Tarter, J. M. Teller to appear in this Court May G, 1882. on some bud symptoms. Dr. B .'L . j » < £ • her own phylacteries broader. own room, which reeked with «team lasts, R. J. Grant, W. H. Robertson, II. COMMISSIONERS. As I listen— watch for thee; Houghton, of this village, was called ^ hen one day, then, Mrs. Morns of camphor anil elcohol; ehe lav husband afterward, “ any bur Simpson, N. Tarter. Coroner’ s inquest in case of M. W. Oh, my darling, why so late? the lirst of November, and was able J »P p o ro d at church -th e usual place there in her white night-gown, with under heaven would want thoae ^ B e th e l— 8. 8. Giuible, P . C. Sears, J. Neally- Fees allowed aggregating $30.50 Knowent thou not that as I lovo thee, to give him some relief, and from ln Larleon for ladies to her black linir etreaming ovor the horrid Temploton children,the worst E. Fenton, H. Alexander. Trauscript from Justice brow n’ s Court that time his general condition seem-! exhibit toilets— with a pretty httlo pillow, vlih her great black oyoe imps ever horn o f hysterics and tem­ Patience is of nil most tried FJackson — Henry byerley, Win. Come- in cases of State of Oregon vs. John How­ fgjH, John Campbell, I. B. Gentry, Alex. ard—Fees allowed aggregating $49.30 ed to improve until nearly the day of l,olr diamonds spinklmg in her rolled up and fixed on a remote per! Now If it had been our children* When one waits ’ncath trysting treo iPatterson, by Charles Ruling, proxy. Transcript form Justice Lawrence’s his death, h elm in g nble to do some ears, you can imagin« the state of point of tho ceiling, oiut with tho Louie 1” For the loved one to one’s aide. * Salt Lake— Ira R. Townsend, D. W. Court in cases of State vs. Oliver Smith “ I think you had belter tell h «r( work, even working on the 20th of disgust nnd wrstli iu which Mrs, foam standing on htr lip «—ghastly, another! by Ira S. Townsend, proxy, Jnuns and Ed. Bedwcll— Fees allowed aggregat­ Hush, be still, unquiet heart; It mails no though, that your diamouda are February, his dentil occurring the Templeton walked home, and the «tiff, and immovable. East, J. DeBerry, J. P. Holmes, Thomas ing JfclG.30. Soon thy darling will bo here. M iller. Clarence Waller, following day. Being anxious to very disagreeable time that Mr. Tem­ odds to Mr. Simpleton —I mean only Alaska crystals,” said Louis. Bills and accounts against the county, Soou the time thou ne’er will part; ft; Bridgeport— J. W. Way mi re, F. Way- ftPGr<'g ,' liug $3G3 80, presented and allow­ i know tho real condition of his brain, pleton bad of it as he walked beside Tempi.ton— that he bed seen her ao “ I’retiy bita of glass, but only Oh, cast away all doubt and fear. m i ro, I). M. Guthrie, S. R. Williams. ed. Dr. Houghton was permitted, her, endeavoring to look like the hap­ fifty time« before; ia fact, alw»ye genuine glass, that Undo Robert* f Eola—John Vernon, W. D. Jeffrie.., by Hark! she conics— expected lovo— N oting place iu Douglas Precinct chang­ through the kindness of his frieuds, piest domestic mail in CurleoD. The wbon cho wan led aomolhing elio sent for mischief." A. B. Gibsou, proxy, Wui. Jones, A. b. ed from Stone’s school houao to Yocum’ s “ Well, I don't know but I will. Music in her footstep’s tread; to hold the autopsy, assisted by Dr. sermon was criticised, the minister could not have. Cold terror «truck Gibsou, II. Sterling, H. M. Brunk. school house. Hush! bo still, elated heart. Carr, of Chenango Forks. The made out a time-server, the parish to hi« eoul lent be should lo t« hie Rut I think I ’ll lend thorn to her k> p Douglas— James Morris, W. H. Kuy­ In the matter of the A. Yocum county autopsy confirmed the previous con- denounced collectively end person- torment; «11 bar virluea swelled into wear to eliurah on Uuster first, far I kendall, Z. Ilinshaw, W. R. Ellis, by John road—T . R. Blair, J. L. Guitry ami Ziiu Doubting from tby depths hath fled. Veiteh, proxy. elusions, that the evlinder and tho «»? • Ins own peculiar frteuds among the boste of heaven, »11 her faults do want Clara Bowman to win her Hinshaw appointed viewers, and T . L. Oh, my darling; cBnie at last; Monmouth—Joseph Craveu, W. J. Mul- Butler, surveyor, to meet on Monday, tube of the gun wits still in t h e the rest, and finally his eou.un Hslty w»ro wiped out ee with « «pongs. aar-ringa— they’ll t>e tbe only geunino key, T . O. Waller, J. W. Leonard, VT. P. April 24th. And sweet L uua smiles n me; And sh< wound, being found imbedded in ! wa* reached, aud her habits, bar He was down on hi« knsM beside diamouda among us ell. Ireland, J. P . Dims, Max ILiley. Zephyrs whisper moments past, In the matter of tho E. C. Keyt private the brain, substance inwde of the ] manners, and her dross wore made bor in • moment. “ Oh, my darling! brought him money enough for Mr. Iudvpendencc— W . W. Willinma, J. L. change iu eounty road— Report of viewers But I think of naught but thee. membranes and on the lloor of the the text on which, to hang anathema my Juliet! u y level spook to me! Bowman to afford her whatever ah« Williams, P. T . Johnson, L . W. Robert­ and surveyor presented and acccptod. Bnthed in Luna’s mellow light, wants; aud I heard her lay th* son, H. M. Lines, Johnson Davidson, M. middle fossa of tho skull, nearest the ! maranatbn of worldlings, affectation, Tell me you know m «!" he «ried. Merwin, R. Niebolson, Thomas Bobauan, ‘ linn for the doctor, Jauo. wager with him myself that Mrs. Bird of Love, Oh, warblo now; anterior portion. Dr. Houghton ; bad tl8lp. lowIuorBl««nse.irreligion, Kt:*A ITKMM. Ben Chil lers. M. L . Pipes, J. M. Law­ Welcome to my “ Queen of Night,” lmd tho cylinder and tulie, which aro and last of all, extravagnne-o—his Where is Dr. Iiarver? Why haven't Templeton would wear a pair o f rence, J. T. Ford. Master Grant Walling lias returnoil from As I ’fore her throne do how. connected iu ono pioce, and also llie dear little harmless Cousin Hetty, you had him her« a!r««dv? R et him solitaires to eliurah on Vaster.M-~ Dallas— D. N. burns, J. D. Smith, by Portland. Giro me that brandy. Harper’s Bazar. February, 13, 1877. A. O. Y. E .T . Miller, proxy, E. T. Miller, T . G. brain, in his possession. Jtlow r. whose red curls lighted such a frank, ut once. We are In need of a hotel here, as there g ” ? v y - rJJ." f . " T ".■JL Richmond, N. L. butler, J. G. llrowi , is a good deal of travel and no aocom- human being could live four months child like countenance, and whose Heat thoee Soap-stones. Where era zorasAUSTic am i««* And ho wa* bouton Embroe. John Groves, J. W. Eu- modationa. C»uiiHllIe.1 Nnlrlde. and fourteen days with a piece of two diamonds, lie had b»eu guilty the hut-wster bags? ’ gar, Monroo Miller, by John Groves, bathiug her lips »a-J fabhuig » i d of thinking, during the “ Te Deurn,” Frank Wilson, who has been employed iron woighing aliout three-quarters Mr. G. Shurtleff, of Bethel, has oome 'f.M <3nort,of tbs Croaby Clar* proxy, T. G. R ichmond , lu the saw mills ou the Luckiamnto for • just matched the limpid sparkls of kissing her forehead, aad adjuring ion back from Portland, and gave us A call f ’ :. — Vindseatar, waa In I ra S. T ownsend , some time, and who had lately been at of an ounce in his brain ia a mystery the clear dew-drops of her grey eyea. bar to give any sign ef life. But il on Saturday evoniug of laat week. M. L. P i p i s , Aujtib last * ’ is was dress—1 work for Harris Sc ltiley, committed aui- to us.— Ex. But Mr. Temploton bad. far too much was not till the desioi’a »U p was up so fins that Mr. PeLnahmutt gave our village a visit oide at Albany on Friday last. lie CAiae Committee. difiauUv ft» s u m s a ism T iB L i. experience to say anything of the hsard that Mrs. Tem plate« voa««. iseogniaing -him. On motion, report of committoe waa of short duration. We should bo pleased to Dallas ono w«ek ago last Saturday for >fky. Will, to have him call again when he Is not in the doctor when Mr. Martin's boy was adopted. sefed the least indisation, and than sort. "Jatasa Morria could net pay One day a Michigan eonstabls vhsra ci d vow gat a lt.. i r * * »to­ O b motion, the Convention proceeded ■nch a hurry. abet, and remaining overnight got druuk, who had long been trying to collect his debts if ha were sold out to-day, ’ her breast began to heave, her hand« ss and that «tavs-pipi r ’* Z J to the election of permanent oflicore. L. The farmers are getting along very well a habit to which ho was accustomed. He to tremble, her long supple body, “ And look at his W. Robertson was elected Chairman. Ben with their spring work, and if the gentle went fro«a town to John Teal's on Mon­ a claim of $4U against n sharp citizen, said hia wife. asked. “ M edea raise, l e t ' o Childore, Secretary, and Cass Riggs, As­ showers of spring hold off they will be dap aud being boisterously drunk was re­ went to a worthy burgher aud said: wife's dross 1— Maria, how many that had I m « d atlTly resting on its new faatore in T « x m j«uraslisas.” sistant Secretary. "S e e horo, Jouos, I ’ve got a pi ilon times must I tell you to koop those head and heals only, began to away “ W h a t i s i t f “ Yfall, you « • «, last done in two weeks. quested to sleep in the barn, the body of On motion a committee of five, coueie!- liiplaped ^ Our School commenced on last Mon­ the dead boy being iu Mr. Teal’ s house. to collect $40 of that sharper Pi 'or- children inside the curbstono?—his and subside, her foot to twitch, and weak Major P«nn, tba revivalist, ing of I. I. Dempsey, Ira R. Townsend, day ami is getting along nicely. The This incensed UBin and be returned to kius. A ll I want ia a little help wife’s dress just one glitter of satin presently those foot wera boating a startod a revival up iu our country, 1 I * has just reoeived N. L . Diitlor, M. L . Pipes and W. J. Mnl- ■ookery, dish*«, glassware. key, was appointed on Order of business. scholars seem to bo well pleased with the town, where it is said lie tried to kill him­ from you, anil if you'll grant it I and jet. And I declare it was impos­ tattoo ou the footboard, and tbe lips aud evory body got religion. I gut self, but it is hardly probable that ho took ■election the Directors made. ■ r . i u W . to M - il at bedrock sible for mo to fix my evos on tho parted in ahiiek» and the shriek* some mysolf. I wusn’t usked to do On motion, Convention udjourned uutil lie won’t forget the favor.” h im ^ r «K . examine good« 1 o ’ clock r. m . The voters’ pledge seems to be a terror the laudanum he purchased here. turned to sobs, aud the doctor was lecttirn for the way iu whieh she “ I'm willing— what’s your plan?” was locked up here and having paid his it, but I took my list and went around our Republican friends, as we have kept those diamonds twinkling bo­ pouring chloral botwoon tlio teeth, among the mourner* and »cooped § * ‘ t an ybody moko yea ball. TO Convention nailed to order at 1 o ’clock. to fine next morning left for Ruscburg, but replied Jones. , . , , The Committee on Order of busiuena hori> a Tolers' IiUJcs with one lUpoMic*n to three Dstoocrsla. Msko good tho as- ' •> Albsuv got on » drunk and ended h i. Why, I want you to bet him $20 fore me, with her head on the per­ aud tbo sobs sank away into sleep in seventy dollars in fiv* minutes ■ not m food ' snbmittod the following report: A pretty plsco for and the hysterics were over. aortion that Ihe Remildican portr i. the !*f* bJ , W ll" OQ, •*“ * br D about that he doesn’t weigh 120 pounds. petual dance. _ i them parts, Ma]or Penn wanted We, your Committee on Order of Busi­ ,______ _ __ ___ , „ 1 1 • here for several yearn, hut bo far ai wo “ What could have excited yon so, *f the money and I f you 11 do that I can fix the rest." I diamonds— church I I know a woman ndy will do it ness, respectfully submit tho following temperance pnrty. know had no relatione in this part of the _aud so work sugntoa. r. p... t : “ Oh, I ’ll do anything to help you who wore them to Iter father s funeral; my dearest, and thrown you into such trouble explaining Wo are informed lliut Mr. L . Abrams country. Ho was about U5 yoars of ago. & -isn, o( Sslom, was horo j « - Cir»t Th nomination of throe Repre- ie ntiout to ho 11 tho Liuaoln M ill*. L in ­ I should a trrrible convulsion?” Mr. Tomple- take. I never aaii’ X)ut,” said Jones, and the two walk I suppose she would. coln seems to he deserted. Iter. W. 1). Sew Coed*. I with oar eitisena about sentatives. ed around to the grocery where Per­ think, at any rato, she could havo ton wa* saying next morning. money for the church. I have « Nichols has movod to his farm near ' ’ ■ ine to Independence. Ho j Herond--Coniity Judge. J. D. Leo has already received a controlled her inclinations and ( “ Hysterica" waa a forbidden word. right, I roukou, to take up a collec­ Dayton. Yamhill county, »ml Mrs. Witten largo quantity of New Fresh Goode, com­ kins was known to hang out. Afle^ Third— Sheriff. • ,v ala in a chort lin o, aad we has moved to Dallns. We saw John i prising Ut, st styles of Dress Goods und a littlo talk, the constable keeping waited till noxt Sabbath—diamond» Mrs. Templeton would havo had an­ tion lor myself.” Fourth— Clerk. “ W ell, that lit i tba K m will ho pat vp. But it’s high other attack at the sound of it.) “ It rather a new feature in Texas jour­ Welling thu other day. lie looked so Fifth—Treasurer. notions, Ready Made Clothing, limits and iu tho shade, Jones began bluffing, on Palm-Sunday! Kwdn, well known to our lonely thnt wo think tfirst ho will go to Khoes, etc. More to arrive. Call early and when he stated hiti fieudish de­ timo of day, I must say,” warming must Laro li.su the best of tbe Sixth-Assessor. nalism.” “ Yog, I am an enterpri­ D-llas too, ere long. Seventh— Commissioners. aud secureyonr choice. The White Brick, sire to hot $20 that Perkins wouldn’t up with her busband’B silence, church; it was overpowering. Tbur- sing journalist. The rival editor up ' 1 oi I S iu rr y goods in th- KigL lb —School Superintendent. as usual, will lead the trade. Look lor We are glad that the Democrats of this 'J She hat a lull tip tho beam at 120 pounds bis “ when I am without a siuglo dia­ low baa nevor learned to regulate in Croaby oounty has turned green Ninth—Surveyor. precinct had lbs backbone to come out on big ad. next week. ladi greenbacks wore covered before a mond to my name, nnd there i* that furnace.” Tenth— Coroner. with onvy. lie saya I have aot—l the temperance question. It is to he hoped ini: “ Tho heat,” aighed Mr. Temple­ contrary to the ethies of journalism, Eleventh— Dolegutos to State Conven­ that our Republican friends will nominate mule could kick throe times. As James Morris’ wife— James Morria , m ( tiMI L hh I o f 1'ic £rn*on. tion. M. L . P ipk s , who owes you fu.OOO borrowed ton, faintly, “ and the glisten of tlioao to-day only temperance men; men Tho Band will give tho laat ball of th* the money was put up the constoblo whatever that inay bo, end be ie ; >»u returned from Portland I. I. D kmtskt , diamonds. They kept dancing ao going to bring the matter up be- that are temperance men from principle, season on Friday evening, April 14tb. slipped nut for a garnishee, and was money-----" - and is now receiving a full I ra S. T ownsend , nnd riot on account of the coming eloctiou . Calico ia expected to be tho prevailing It was very vrer.k in Mr. Templo­ before mvoyes with thoir bright spots foro the Texas Pre*s Association at ytbing in tho general mei buck in time to servo it on the W. J M ulkky , It will lie looked to hereafter that none costume, althcftigh everybody in expect oil Ha now haa a larger stock stakeholder. Perkins weighed 148 ton to interfere; but ono can not be that they dazzled tho brain. O, I ’m its next meeting. Let ua go out to N. L. bUTLEli, but tfttotallurs will be eloetod to any office to come, whether prepared with a calico lot of always on one’s guard. “ I under­ afraid I was very cross yesterday, a saloon aud squander somo of tl»« Committee. of trust. dross and corresponding ncck-tie or not. pounds, nnd the $40 iu the hand* of I didn't know wlint I waa effertory." — Texas Siftings. Ou motion, the report of tho committee A good social time is expected. Ad­ ihe stakeholder eventually puid a stand Juliet, my lovo,” said ho, Janus. Was amended by making the selection of BAM.STO* n u n . O, I novor want to sae auy mission, $1,50. claim against him, but it bn* never “ that Hetty’s Uncle Roberts souther saying. a lc - j delegates to tho Slate Convention the first diamonds again A two-foot rulo was given to • yet been made plain to Jones bow those osi rings.” rn^ "'i. « Hat of to the ■ in order, and was adopted, Warehouse boys busy shipping wheat. “ Uncle Roberta, indood! I should " l'o u shall have a pair of yonr laborer in a Clydo bout-yard to be ever made anything out of it. It jfrom Dal- W. J. M alloy and J. G. Brown were M c G R S W &L W A L L E R , Mr. Isaac Ball has been ill for a few L tht ^ W ? has always seemed to him that he like to see Uncle Roborts for once, own before I am a week older," ox- measuro an iron plate. Tbo latiorer, . J. J.Coy, appointed tellers. days, lie has about recovered his usual Hallock, M. The Convention then proceeded to elect health. not being well up in the ubb of tbe was $20 out, and fifteen long years if he is not a mythical personage al­ claimed ths feeble husband. Perrydale, Oregon. Campbell, M ilt. \ delegates to the Slate Convention and ,D A fc «V “ O, n«r, no, uol I should bo ao rule, after spending a couaidernbla ho has refused to walk ou tho snme together," cried his wife, with tho Romo of our citizens passed a verv ¡0. Hughes, nominate candidates for tho various I don’t deserve them. time, returned. "N o w , Mick,” nak­ pl-msaut time Monday evening at friend sitle of the street with that constablo. air of oxpccting Mr. Templeton to ashamed. ; Hoi man, J offices, wi h the following result: P a rii McCain’s. produce tbe alleged Uncle Roberts I —-I couldn’t think of il. Indeed, ed tlie plater, “ what sizo ie tha — Detroit Free PresB. Delegates to State Convention— Ira S. Believing in all things what was which immediately. “ Uncle Roberts! Un­ indeed, I wouldn’t havo you, Jarius, plate?” “ W ell,” replied Mick, with Friends from abroad within our domain ■hod in Townsend, I. I. Dempsey, N. L. Butler, There is a young editor wander­ cle Roborts! It is always Uncle darling; I should fee! just as if I had a grin of satisfaction, “ it’s tbe length rk »• we 1 J. E. Fenton, T. G. Richmond, L. W. j this week were I. S. Townsend and J. II. is and what is to be, we conscientiously OOt and , Robertson, W. W. Williams, James Tatom Downing. Perrydale; and Messrs. Shultz claim to sell the best goods at the lowest ing on the face of tho earth who Roberts. And yen ‘ understand,’ begged for them.” But wbon Mr. of yonr rule and two thnmbe ovor, i and Guthrie, Dallas. bis lino and James Morrison. prices (fo r cash, or tho first cut on time) formerly published a paper at Storm forsooth! Why didn’t I under­ Templeton returned from the city with this piece of brick, and tha I be aeeur- ■ Representatives— N. L . Butler, J. E. ! Tho Brass Baud Boys hnvo changed of nny storo in the country, Portlaud not Lake, Iowa. H e left there Ihe day stand? W hy were tlio earrings con­ that night,as prsity a pair of solitaires breadth of my bund and uiy arui Fenton und \V. ] ) . Jeffriep. 19 in Mho ! their time o f meeting to Wednesday and \ excepted. Just received, new and frosli after the issue of his last paper, nnd cealed from me? F or all I know ear-rings a« ho could buy with the from here to there, bar a nil Comity Judge— I. F. M. Butler. ' t% iirday evenings; thfy also practice | *tock, and daily receiving the freshest and Sheriff—J. W. Kirkland. i »very Saturday at 3 o ’clock in tho after- j Utest out. Now, friend«, think for n mo- is supposed to bo crossing tho State you gave them to her yourself. P er­ bond he sold glitterod in a velvet — Punch. Clerk— G. N. Townsend. noon. j incut, nnd answer why (if you can) one on foot to get away from an infuriatod haps you aro this Uncle Roberts who case marked with her naino. Treasurer— E .T . Miller. It seems thcro is always brought to the front at j As he uponed the case and held it The delegates elected from this precinct | can work cheaper in the city than wo in femtilo populace. A lU S IS It IM T . Assessor— NV. J. Mulkey. to attend tho Democratic Convention were ih« conntry. lfiiuibn«! They ranunt; was a concert givon by young ladies overy p’ot iiieco of exlrnvagnuce. before her, Mrs. Templeton shudder Commissioners—Joseph Craven and II. H. Byerly. T. B. Gentry, John Campbell, neitber do thoj ; thè proci of whieli no l (J[ t)10 „¡ty, aud tho gallnnt young For mv part, I wi*h I liad oven a The National Surgirnl Institute o ( In , ed, nnd turned her glance away from Byerley. NVm. Comogy. and Alox Patterson. J. M. M c G bsw Y W allsb >U editor wrotc it up in splcndid sliape. [ hnsbnnd, not to »peak of an Unelo e | tbe beautiful whito sparkle, aud tnid itiannpolis, with brnnclie» at l'hiUdulphU, School Superintendent— P . C. Soars. Rears was Chairman of otir precinct moot­ sir.u«81*1" rL '' Atlanta, G ».. anil San Frnuoiaao, which ’ l 'I > o A A > 1 M * * 1 \ A 1 ■ O l 1 II I '1 i A. 1 II l \ A V/l 1 I t ..X t ...1 .1 . . , , . . ... . 1 The same day he had visited u herd j Roborts, who would not i see mo t trod- ' they ‘ Surveyor— 8. T . Burch. looked at her with two great haa a national ropntAtion, will permanent­ ing. Coroner— Dr. J. M. Connaway. of abort-born cattle, owned by a j Jeu under foot by any little minx ores of reproach, and she ought not ly ostabliah * branch at I ’urllaud, Oregou- PILES! PILESI PILESI We derived a very pleasant time last The following persons were choson as farmer in tlm vicinity, nnd ho wrote j wlio chooses to toss her head abovo to havo them, and they were as Tsm ot tb» »killed anrqonB» of thisiuait- members o f the County Central Commit­ Sunday from a visit by those two genial A Sure Curo Found at Last! np tbe cattle also. Tho cross-eyed mo----- ” Dallas friends Geo. N. Townsend and the heavonly ns twin stars. And present­ tutu, prepared with every needed apparatus •r, 8 clear, tee: Souvtr Precinct, D. NV. Collins; editor of I tem izes . Boys, always drop in No One Need Sufforl foreman of the office got the twonrti- “ My dear! my dear! just romombor ly they were gliltering in her ears, for the »n< reaafnl treatment of cripple», ! those on Buena Vista, E. C. Hall; Dixie, I. I. as “ yon go bobbing around.” You know will meet all tbr old patients and anch new Dempsey; Lnckiamute, 11. J. Grant; A huro Cure for Blind, Bleeding, Itch­ clos mixed as follow s: “ Tbo concert | where you aro; just remember the and all the faintness and languor o n «» a. mav desire treatment thi» year at your’e always welcome. Bethel, NV. M. NVnlker; Jackson, II. By­ given last evening by sixteen of j children,” murmured Mr Templeton, wero gene, and she was running to ing nnd Ulcerated Piles lias been discover­ month the following place»: Portland, Hi. " - M issOllio Maddox, having been engag­ the glass and holding her head ou Hotel. April «th, loth and l l i h ; A r laeau tem­ erley; Salt Lake, I. 8. Towuseud; Bridge­ ed to teach the acbool in this place, began ed by Dr. W illiam,(an Indian Remedy,) Storm Lnko's most beautiful and in -! floundering in a little farther, fjf.r a ivm -8 utile 30th. port*, D. *M. Guthrie; Eola, J. Vernon; the term last Monday. As she has hereto­ called D r. W illiam’s Indian Ointment. tereating young ladies was highly | “ Where I am! April 12th nnd 13tb; The Dallas, I suppose you | this side and on that, snd admiring J OF T^J Mean Monmouth, I. F. M. Butler; Indepen­ fore taught for us nnd given entire satis­ A single box has cured the wof-st chronic appreciated, llie y were elegantly i don't want all Carleon to hear how I j horself and turning to her liugband 17th; Walla Walla, April 19th ÍStDl««’. • No ifcloek p. dence, M. L . Pipes; Dallas, M. M. Ellis; faction, it is unnecessary to state that her casus of 25 or 30 years standing. and Honttle April 2Mh and'Jfitb, an ono need suffer fivo minutes after apply- dressed aud sang iu a moat charming nm outraged. You'd like to keep i t ; for admiration, looking, with her after at Portland, Oregon, on the first era ture Donglas, John Ridgeway. patrons are assured of satisfactory results j ? ... , . , ... m iLJ ~ manner, winning tho plaudits of the a secret. You’d liko to Lave me on- ' largo liqaid dark eyes, bor pale face, J, . . J ,n2 this wonderful soothing medicine tfclock p. two wreka of May and Noremb-r of each LETTER I.IHT. is quar er. j j Ojjou(| instruments nnd electuaries do entire audience, who pronounced j j uro in silence. Of courco you don’t ] her perfect features, her dazzling year, romni.ncinp Novomlrer, ISS'J. •ture 27 On« ol the dnlegatea. nine« »ttrnrtinfj | luore liarul thl>1, goo,). Willintn » Ointment them the finest short-horns in the want the children to hear their smile, all illumined by the shiniug ). OllH- Howare of all trarrlinp doctors who m » f Following is a list of letters remaining the Dvmorr.tic Convention laat HafartUy. | nl,Hlirl,H tho tumor., nllny» the inttn.e ! and 2 ' country. A few of them are a rich mother tell the plain story of your | drops, as ltoautiful as the mostbeau- claim to represent any other inatitnt«, far in the Post Office at Dallas, Oregon, *I>pr»r» to b. » colporteur, »• w. no ties j ¡,ehing, (p *rti.n l«riy at uiqht alter get eh bad dis- j j tiful Juliet that was evsr loved. th i« is Ihe only anr|jical inetilaU on this brown color, but a the majority aro i | neglect, your outrage----- .. , . - e- i fell on j April 2, 1882. I f not called for in one him handing around a tornperanco tract ting warinfin bod,) acta as a poultice, gives ! toast with facilities and eiperieaa* fet Here Mr, Tornpleton modo a low ' And her husband felt twic* a Wand- the treatment of deformitiM. , which month will be sent to the Dead Letter Perhaps he has become converted and in.tAut r.lief, and ie vr.pered only for , Nl^ '« > > V/<>wn all,|! " H i * , ’ ,&C-V°,r“ joined our “ God aud M orality” party. Piles, itching of the private parte, nnd | of tlio bciferti wern fine-bodied, titflit bow with n glittering srnilo to a red times repaid for the aacrifina of I tho 19th. ! ! Office: J. M. II is s l b , M. D., I f so, we aay bully for you, me boy. for nothing else. limbed animal«, and nromie;o to gentleman and lady, passing in an his little savings ia tho oaly bond « Gso. W. iltsor, M. D., Phipps, C. A. m L h *H k ’ 1 I '» " * " « . F illi« Read what tho Hon. J. If. Coffinberry ! will, **th, Bot|fr A u ftarg.ont in rha«(e National Hnrgieaf prove good property.” — Peck’« Son. opposite direction. I lie had yat bean abla to buy aad lay Puffer, W. H. M U HEWS. of ( levelaud has to say about Dr. Wif- , “ What in the world is tho matter i by fo rth « future by tbe vision of har Institute, No. 319 llneh etroet, Hsu Frnn- Parsons, John, 2 Carilh, K. r . liam’ s Indian Pile Ointment; I have tbc month i eisco. _____ Henry was walking along tho with Sirs. Templeton?” asked tho aud by tha dalighWd kisses she had fraoM ora nrsciAi. cossKsrosDirfT.] Price, Maggie used scores of Tile Cnrea, and it affords ! 15 days, Clinkenheard, Jos. street one day, when ho was accosted | Nothing of interest in tho burg to re- Plummer, NVm., 3 Clary, NVm. W. showered upon his lips and th* warm — Cnlr.rwil Z gentleman. “ She looks like a me pleasure to say that I have never j ionth 3 | cord, only that the Democratic primary Fields, Frank Riley, Sinzills found anything which gave such immedi­ by a gentleman who had lout his Arsa e CtTstsTio I’ t u a are the heal afi •mbruees of the long whit* arms. i pasted off satisfactorily, and Albert O. ate and permanent relief as Dr. William's | pocket-book. Inasmuch as Henry thunder cloud full of lightuinge." Shumaker, Joseph Handson. Christine i 12 days It was not oaoe but twenty times t il purgstites for family nse. The* nrW “ Hetty Morris’ earrings, I guose,” i Yates ia preparing an ohitnary. Stewart, W. NV. Kramer, Mary Indian Ointment. had been seen by the gentleman was the answer. H, aud 3.29 tbst Mrs. Templetou looked at th* tho product of “ She had prob­ Watford, Thomas Kittr-U, J. M. Farmers are rushing things lively, as For sale by all druggists, or mailed on j twice before that day aud because «assful chcmirsl inieatigatloD, 10 cloudy ' NVilliaras, Ed. M. Miller, F. L. ably seen them at church to-duv. llash of hor new splendor* in th* exteoair. n u by physicians In their prne- i the fine weather ie drying np the gronnd. receipt of price, $1.00. Wallace. Marv. Mr XempleUra I What a life | mirror, took them out of bar ears and tiae, end by ell civilised nation«, prevea Watt», J. W. - ~ ' Ifodge, Davis & Co., wholesale agents, Henry's clothing was inelegant the ¡ ^ NVho *ays that “ Gentle Spring’ ’ has not I Month 46.98 j ^•utleman accused Jioiiry of tbo J. y . S M IT H , P. M. put them Laok again, tangled har hair Ib.ra the best and most effeetnal parpatlv« i come? Peach trees in bloom, and flowers Portland, Oregon. thnt vixen leads him I I K T K Y 2k C O .. P r o p V e . docked in nature’» bright array, speaks in P ill that medical science een devle*. hr« for tho ^ theft., Henry was arrested, and up- j “ I don't know « W i t that. H * is I in them ao that har busbaud laigh ■riflitce k i » * i i nova t M r u i . Cleveland, O. | J language mate that “ Spring hez com «." on being brought inte whero ¡ i remeD)j ousiy ¡n i„va with h*r.” I looeen thorn aud be «truck afraah, Hein* purely vcg.lable ao harm eaa aria* operatore for the The wooing grouse, tha gentleman repeated the charge,, „ How ^ h<# u ? .. u he did so, v.ith lira pal«-pink ««*• front their Bee. In intriasie valna and Tbo following resolutions were unani­ Tor County Clerk. cnrstlre powers no other k ills can M T. P kabce . The pheasant's drum. Henry w m sentenced to tho ntatej ‘ -|roro* cf habit, may b«. And ¡ shall of tba ear, tba eorv« e f tbs cempared with then, end « . * 1/ ps mously adopted at the Demoeraric pri- j The quail's call AllirrtO. publicly ennonne.« him- Irisan. During the five year* a beauiy, you know. And i throat, aad the exquisite oval o f tbe hnowlng their virtaea, will smpwy 1 marv meeting in Bethel Preciuet, Maroh 1 Says “ Spring hea come.” *»lf *«■» cenilidAle (or th . nominnlion for his confinement Henry was happy da Let. when needed. They keep Ibe ap |b( j, 'good-«atur*d thera’a cheek; and ah« went at laat to tha 31, 1882: Coenty CI.rk of Polk county, on Ibe IS«- The blackbirds voice com mi sai oner, not only in the thought that be was nob<5i, T ,lk# hflr‘ .. window and *hi*lded tb* pass with perfect order, aad maialafa is _ Resolved. That we favor the petition of pnblicen liekol. living no politician,, be In mellow note; Nmtract for boild- ■•Well, by F.aster you’ll m s her her hand* while looking » a t and u; action the whale msehjaevp t t Mfe, the temperance men, and favor the elee- rannot expreae himaalf ililTeronlly, Ibe innooent but also in the b e.sed re- The larks rsjniec [_ bridge aerosa the tion of men to the Legislature who will | flection that bo did not so f y fo rg e t, with t ir 0f aolitr.ir**, I ’ll wager . at tha atar*. “ I declare,” ehe eeiij lea.t aaited to the needs Of » ■ work and vote for a bill prohibiting the , only appeala to tbe good will of ble party himself either at the tiro« of "is ar- ( ln otj,ír pa¡r_ Take mo up.” “ the glistening of Orion’* belt is no apparatoe, derangements of hi bidder, the eon- Mosquitoes lay , manufacture and sale of all spirituous j principle« to aid bim to gain it. He also let a rest or during his trial as to contra- | { I shouldn’t bsv* eny u»« ’ mor* splendid then rev diamonds. prevent snd core, if Itasely In pointed tone; aud malt liquors, os a beverage, in the Re.pectfnlty, diet. Henry bad always been told for them if I won,exceptto give them : I never thought I should kav« die- or. the bast and o a f..! physio to ntleman to build • The bees e ’en warble State of Oregon. A. O. I i m . for children anil weakened eoi ¡Bgh between Mon- | never to contradict, and he never back to you; and I couldn’t afford toj morid», Jarius.” "S prin g hez come.” Resolved, That we favor the election of i E o n , March 8, 19*2. ■ t $365. The where a mild but effeetnal I ----------- - — — — I did.— Boston Transcript. j Senators and Representatives to Congress lose. Besides, I don’t bet on a cer- j Nor did she have dismonda after BLiUd by Jnly 1st. quired. Far sale hr i I who will work for a bill to the effect that i Will you suffer with Dyspepsia and ' r.itarrb cured, benlth aad arreet breath ! teinty,” said tbe careful Mr. Bowman. ! that one evening. Carleon was no all vessels loading at our porta with wheat f Liver Complaint? Shiloh e Viteliz^r is ae< «red by HLiteli'a Catarrh Komedy. | That hacking conqh cau be mi quickly 5th, 1882, to the | <>r cotton shall have all duties and taxes guaranteed to c ure you. For sale by Riggs Price M rente. Nasal injrctor free. Fur rnr—I by HhiloU's Cure. We gnaraulee it. Aud just then H »tty Morris coming j better tnan other [daoea, and while ‘ ap, they stopped to admire her pro- eiia Mood at tb* window eoiapnring I For sale by Kig^s k Miller. a son. ' ¿emitted. J. 9. ILa^iVt, Secretary. ! A Miller, Dallas. wtl. by l i i ^ i te M iller, Dallaa. m m D U H N S A T ll' KTATK TICKET# CITB-teBDlUBY CYÜIBAU1. THE DIAMOND EAR-RINGS.