1 1 , . ^ . , 4 l W> a s * i l i ® < » 1 ptomj . POLK COUNTY ITEMIZES. farlnt.a Devoted to tho Best Interests o f P olk Connty in Particular and to the Pacific Coast in General. • peritosi NO- 20- DALLAS, OREGON. SATURDAY. APRIL 8, 1882. CiTlieBDlMRV t:\UlHAUfi. ciuus acquisitions, and Hetty heard her gems with Orion’s, of the wager, and shamed Mr. liow- torprising burglars, mau iuto taking it, before they part­ moment were n o t1 T he P o!k Coeuljr Democratic Conven­ tion met at tho Court House ou Saturday. ed and went their opposite ways, ed to obtain a view of i April 1st, at 10 o 'clo ck a . m . aud whs mare merrily than was their Sunday nitiee, and they went th ctilled to order by 1. I. Dempsey, Chair­ wont. house that night, and tbe man o f the County Committee. Not so Mr. Templuton. Aa toon went through their finger« t On motion, Ben Childers was appoint­ ae his wife banged tho door behind day. ed temporary Secretary. her the toie off her bonnet sn j Ou m otion of T. G. Richm ond a com ­ Aloe for Mrs. Temploton! mittee of three was appointed ou Creden­ threw herself on tbe tofa, end ealled would have beeu idle for her to 1 tials. Chair appointed M. L. Pipes, Ira for Jane to bring the ammonia, and another convulsion. Her bush S. Townsend and T . G. Richmond. her husband to drop the shadee, and bad not another bond for an On motion, lio u . N. L. Butler was in­ Maria to tako tho children where she pair of stones. Aud so tho vited to address tho Convention, and could not hoar them, for her head of tbo Oracchi could sot havo [ made some well-timed remarks. The Committee ou Credentials made the was splitting with bain, ae any one’s a more magnanimous port than following report: would be, treated as the was. And did. T o tho Honorable Democratic Conven­ she would not go.up stairs to bed, “ O, what do I care for jow olar tion for Polk Couuty, Oregon: We, your end .Mr. Templeton's Sunday romp she cried, when Hotly ran over to Committee on Credentials, would respect­ with the children was abrogated, survey with her big pittyiug eyes— fully submit the follow ing roport of per­ son* entitled to sents in this Convention: 1 and hi« diunsr waa made an act of eyes much moro beautiful thao tho' Kouver Precinct— W. E. Dalton, Z . T. silent and lolitarv penance; and if sparkle in hor ears— tbe scene of Colo. lie told hi« wife ho wai gving to ruin, where the burglars had loft Buena Vista—James Alexander, James afternoon service, and did go over their matches, und eaten their ceken Prather, David Johuson, John O. David­ to his cousin Hetty's, she, at leas«, and cold coffee—“ what do I car* son. P. W . Ilaley, A. J . Hall, R. P . Hall. Dixie— I. I. Dempsey, 8”. T . Burch, J. had no right to blame him. for jewels? They might have taken McDaniel, Wm. Tntom, A. Nelson, Cass But woe for Ur. Templuton whan the children. O, Hetty, how thank­ Kififf*. 1m came home that evening! Mrs. ful I am that they didn't take tha Lnckiamute— J. Harris, J. B. Price, by Templeton lmd been roinuvod to har children I” \ B. P. Tarter, proxy, Isaac Stunts, by J. own room, which rec-ksd with steam “ As if." said Hetty M. S taots^proxy, B. P . Tarter, J . M. of camphor and alcohol; she lav biisliuud afterward, “ any Stunts, R. J. Grant, W . H. R obertson, H. Simpson, N. Tarter. there in her white night-gown, with under hearun would want those Bethel— S. S. Giuible, P . C. Sears, J. her black hair streaming ovor ths horrid Templuton children,the worst E. Fenton, H. Alexander. pillow, whh her great black eye» imps ever born of hysterics and tem­ Jackson— Heury Byerley, Wm. Come- rolled up and fixed on a remote per 1 Now If it had been our children j gys, John Campbell, I. B. Gentry, Alex. point of tho ceiling, and with Ilia Louis!” Patterson, by Charles Saling, proxy. Salt Lake— Ira S. Townsend, D . W. foam standing on her lips—ghastly, “ I think you bnd belter tell heri Hears, by Ira S. Townsend, proxy, Jntnc-s stiff, and immovable. It made no though, that your diamonds are i East, J. DeBerry, J. P. Holmes, Thom ns odds to Mr. kiimplelon—I mean only Alaska crystals,” said Louia. Miller, Clarence Waller. Tempi.ton—that he had seen har so •M’reUy bits of glass, but only Bridgeport— J. W . Wayraire, F. Way- ailing on fifty times before; iu fact, always genuine glass, that Undo Robert« miro, D. M. Guthrie, S. R. W illiams. rtieks of Eoln— John Vernon, W. D. Jeffries, by when she wanted sumelhing she sent for mischief.” A. B. Gihsou, proxy, Wm. Jones, A. B. could not have. Cold terror struck “ Well, I don't know but I will. Id house Gibson, II. Sterling, H. M. Brunk. to his soul lest he should lose his Hut I think I'll lend thorn to ber to i appenr- Douglas— James Morris, W . H. Kuy­ torment; all ber virtues swsllod into wear to ehureh on Raster first, for I kendall, Z. Hinshnw, W. R . Ellis, by John f Eastern Veitch, proxy. clusions, that the cylinder and tho ally, his own peculiar friends among the hosts of heaven, all hsr /cults TiO waat Clara Bowman to win her Hinshaw appointed viewers, and T . L. Oh, my darling; e®m® at last; Monmouth— Joseph Crnveu, W. J . Mul- Butler, surveyor, to meet on Monday, dtory on tube of the gun was still in the tho rest, and finally hit cousin Hetty were wiped out ae with a apoage. ear-rings— they’ll be the only genuine And sweet L uua smiles on me; Fabout two koy, T . O. Waller, J . W. Leonard, W. I\ April 24th. And she wound, being found imbedded in was reached, and her habits, her He was down on his knees beaido diamonds among us all. Ireland, J. P. Dions, Max JTnley. • Zephyrs whisper moments past, In the matter of the E. C. Keyt private mauners, and ber dross were made her in a moment. “ Oh, iny darling! brought him money enough for Mr. the brain- substance inside of tbe Independence— W . W . Wilburns, J. L. I called to change iu county road— Report of viewers But I think of naught but the®. membranes and on tbe floor of the tbe text on which to hang anathema my Juliet! u y level spoak to ms! Bowman to afford her whatever ahe' [•ailing for Williams, P. T . Johnson, L. W. Robert­ and surveyor presented ami acccptod. Bathed in Luna’ s mellow light, wants; and I beard her lay thd rniddlo fossa of tho skull, nearest the maranathn of worldlinese, affectation, Tell mo you know mat" he cried. Crowley son, H. M. Lines, Johuson Davidsqn, M. “ Hun for the doctor, Jane. wagor with him myself that Mrs. bad taste, low moral souse,irreligion, Merwin, R. Nicholson, Thomas Bobunan, Bird of Love, Oh, warble now; anterior portion. Dr. Houghton n : v i i t s : sim . Ben Chil lers, M. L. Pipes, J. M. Law­ W elcome to my “ (¿neon of Night,” f the hotel, rence, J. T. F ord. hnd tho cylinder and tube, which nro and last of all, extravagance— his Where is Dr. Harvey? Why bavsu’t Templeton would wear » pair o f Master Grant Walling has returned from As I ’fore her throno do bow . and other connected iu ono piece, and also the dear little harmless Cousin Hetty, you had him hore already? Get him solitaires to ehuroh on Raster.” — Dallas— D. N. Burns, J. D. Smith, by Portland. Uivo me that brandy. Harper’s Bazar. than any February, 13, 1877. A. O. Y. brain, in Lis possession, blow a whose red curls lighted such a flunk, at one«. E. T. Miller, proxy, E. T . Miller, T. 0 . We are In need of a hotel here, ss there iwjs » « ttwi * is ; Richmond, N. L. Butler, J. G. Browi , is a good deal of travel and no accom ­ human being could live four months child like countenance, and whose Heat times soap-stones. Where are n r m u iT ic ir s f u i' best B i t ' Bouton Emhroe, John Groves, J. W. F.i HnfclUe. and fourteen days with a piece of two diamonds, ho h .d been guilty the hot-wst»r bags? ’ Aud he was modations. [ Guatemala t jiarf M onroe Miller, by Jbhn Groves, Frank W ilson, who has been employed iron woigbiug about three-quarters of thinking, during the “ Te Deum,” bathing bar lips sad tabl ing aed ‘’ nort.of the Crosby Clar* Mr. G. Sliurtleff, of Bethel, has oome j Ageuts fo r i p r o x y . T. G. R ichmond , iu the saw mills ou the Lackinmute for j just niatebod the limpid sparkle of kissing ber forehead, and adjuring ion Irtib Far«*. Vindicator, w m in back f.om Portland, and gave us a call I ra S. T ownsend , some time, and who had lately been at . of an ounce in his brain is a mystery the clear dew-drop« of her grey eyes. ber to givs xuy sign of life. But it on Saturday evening of last week. Austin last ,.*>• Us wss dressed M. L . T ires , I Arbor, is _____ work for Harris A Riley, committed aui- ' to us.—Ex. But Mr. Tcmploton bad- far too much waa not till tht doctor's step was up so fins shat % t '■* difSsultv fl> Mr. DeLnslimutt gave our village a visit oide at Albauy on Friday last. lie came Committea. o f general ■ B i r i v i a n m s u . experience to eay anything of tbe heard that Mrs. Templeton voWa- (««ognisinc -kin. o r produce O b motion, report of eommittoe was of short duration. W e should be pleased to Dallas ono week ago last Saturday for '' «fby. Bill, to have him call again when he is not in the doctor when Mr. M artin’ s boy was i ¿Avantage of adopted. One day a Michigan constable sort. “ James Morris could net pey ««fad tho least indication, and than where did ▼«wgntnli^ * -»«fa- On motion, the Convention proceeded such a hurry. abet, and remaining overnight got drunk, who had long beeu trying to collect his debts if be were sold out to-day, ’ ber breast began to heave, har hand« M and that «tar«-nip. t ' jy> to the election o f permanent officort. L. T he farmers are getting along very well a habit to which ho was accustomed. He sot of “ And look at hie to trambla, har long suppla body, asked. “ Usds a raise, i a claim of against n sharp citizen, said bis wife. •-«'> •** servico- W. Robertson was elected Chairman, Ben with their spring work, and if the gentle went from town to Joha T eal’ s on M on­ wife's dross!—Maria, bow many that had bean etflly resting on its new feature ia Texas jsurneliaaa.’' finest lot Childors, Secretary, and Cats Riggs, As­ showers of spring hold off they will be dap and being boisterously drunk wns re­ went to n worthy burgher aud 6aid: head end heals only, began to sway times must I tell you to kesp those sistant Secretary. “ See hero, J ouor , I ’ve got a plan quested to sleep in the barn, the body of done in two week*. “ What is it?" "W all, you m s , I m I lino of his On motion a committee of five, consist­ las. Our Hcbool commenced on last M on­ the dead boy being in Mr. Teal's house. to collect $40 of that sharper Per­ children inside the curhsteno?—his and subside, her feat to twitch, and wssk Major Penn, tbe revivalist, ing of I. I. Dempsev. Ira S. Townsend, presently those feet were beating a This incensed Iffm and he returned to wife’s dress just one glitter of satin Tho kins. All I want is a littlo help ¡¡••ived an ns- N. L . Butler, M. L. Fipes sud W. J. Mnl- day and i* getting along nicely. ■tartod a revival up in our country, glu*" wave, ! key, was appointed on Order of Business. scholars seem to bo well pleased with the town, where it is eaid he tried to kill him­ from you, nn/l if you’ll grant it I and jet. And I declare it was impos­ tattoo ou the footboard, and tbe lips and erory body got religion. I got self, but it is hardly probable that ho took selection tbe Directors made. at bedrock | sible for mo to fix my evos on tbo parted in shrieks and the shrieks soma myself. 1 wusu’t asked to do On motion, Convention adjourned until the laudanum he purchased hore. He won’t forget the favor.” áne goods 1 o ’ clock R. M. The voters’ pledge see.ns to be a terror “ I'm willing— what’s your plan?” lecturn for the way iu which she turned to sobs, aud tho doctor was it, but I took u y hat and went around was locked up here und having paid his aro. kept those diamonds twinkling bo- pouring chloral botwoon tho teeth, among the mourners and scooped Convention called to order at 1 o'clock. to our Republican friends, as we liavo fine next morning left for Roscburg, but replied Jones. hore a voters’ pledge with one Republican ¡yon lúdicro The Committee on Order of Business st Albany got ou a drunk and ended his Why, I want you to bet him $20 fore me, with ber head on the per­ and tho sobs sank away into sleep in seventy dollars in five minutes. to three Democrats. Make good tho as­ Ttiro fitavor j submittod tho following report: lif« by poison. Wilson has been about petual dauco. A pretty place for and the hysterics were over. ¡Tire set as j Major Penn wanted We, your Committee on Order of Busi­ sertion that the Republican party is the here for several years, but bo far as wo that he doesn't weigh 120 pounds. diamonds—church I I know a woman “ What could have excited yon eo, •f the money andt open pub- \ ness, respectfully submit tho following temperance party. know hud no relations in this part of the If you’ ll do that I can fix the rest.” my dearest, and thrown you into such who wore them to her father s funeral; [lit od. Wo are informed that Mr. L . Abrams country. report: “ Oh, I ’ll do anything to help you trouble explaining Ho wa3 about 35 yoars of ago. I should a terrible convulsion?” Mr. Temple­ take. I never «»id |as horo yes- I First—The nomination of three Repre­ is about to soil tho Liuooln M ills. L in ­ out,” said Jones, and the two walk­ I suppose she would. coln seems to he deserted. Rev. W . D. 3 » f W CiOIM’ l . « n i about sentatives. ed around to the grocery where Per­ think, at any rato, she could have ton was saying next morning. money for the church. I have a Nichols has movod to bis farm near lenco. Ho j Second— Comity Judge. J. D. Leo has already received u controlled her inclinations nnd (“ Hysterica" was a forbidden word. right, I roukon, to lake up a collec­ Dayton, Yamhill county, and Mrs. Witten largo quantity of New Fresh Goods, com - kins was known to hang out. Afte^ and we | Third— Sheriff. has moved to Dallas. Wo saw John prising latest styles of Dress Goods and a littlo talk, the constable keeping waited till noxt Sabbath—diamonds Mrs. Templeton would have had an­ tion for myeelf.” “ Weil, that is p it up. j Fourth— Clerk. But it's high other attack at ths sound of it.) “ It rather a new feature in T« xm jour­ Wailing the other day. 11c looked so notions, Ready Made Clothing, Boots and iu tho shade, Jones began bluffing, on Palm-Sunday! Fifth—Treasurer. [known to our must havo beau the best of the lonely that we think that ho will go to timo of day, I must say,” warming 8ixth— A*H©aaor. Klioes, etc. More to arrive. Call early and when ho stated his fiendish de­ ^ has opened I nalism.” “ You, I am an enterpri­ Delia» too, ero long. and secure your choice. The White Brick, sire to hot $20 that Perkins wouldn’t up with her husband's silonce, church; it was ovorpowering. Thur- sing journalist. The rival editor up ds iu the I Seventh— Commissioners. E igbth—School Superintendent. We are glad that the Democrats of this as usual, will lead the trade. L ook for tip tho beam at 120 pounds his “ when I am without a siuglo dia­ low has nsTor learned to regulate • has a full in Crosby oounty bae turned croon Ninth -—Surveyor. pr. cinct Lad the backbone to come out on big ad. next week. tho ladies, greenbacks were covered before a mond to my name, and thoro is that furnaco.” with onvy. lie says I have soted Tenth— Coroner. the temperance question. It is to bo hoped [dress-making. “ Tho heat,’’ sighed Mr. Tomple- contrary to the ethiee of jonrnalieui, mule could kick throe timCH. As Jamos Morris' wife—James Morris Eleventh— Delegates to State Conven­ that our Republican friends will nominate Last o f (Sic ScaMon. $0,0(10 borrowod ton, faintly, “ and the glisten of tlioso whatever that may bo, end he in tion. M. L. P ip e s , to-day only temporanec men; men The Band will give the last ball of th« the money was put up the constatilo who owes you Fortlaud I. I. D kmtsky , diamonds. They kept dancing so going to bring the matter up be­ that are temperance men from principle, season ou Friday evening, April 14th. (dipped qut for a garnishee, and was money----- ” giving a full I ra S. T ownsend , ami not on account of tbe com ing eloetim i. Calico is expected to bo tho prevailing back in time to Bervo it on the It was very wer.k iu Mr. Temple­ before mveyes with thoir bright spots foro tha Texas Press Association at ¿.general mer- W. J. M ülxey , It will be looked to hereafter that none costume, although everybody is expected ton to interfere; but one can not bo that they dazzled the brain. O, I ’m its next meeting. Let us go out to Ilarger stuck N. L . B u t l e r , but tetotallor8 will be eloctod to any office to com e, whether prepared with a calico stakeholder. Perkins weighed 148 jr fine lot of “ I under­ afraid I was vory cross yestorday, a saloon and squander sumo of the pounds, and the $40 iu the hands of always on ous’s guard. Committee. of trust. dross and corresponding ncck-tie or not. i, etc., can stand Juliet, my lovo,” said ho, Jurius. I didn't know what I was offertory.” — Texas Siftings. Ou motion, the roport o f tho committee the stakeholder eventually paid a A good social time is expected. Ad­ prices, as was amended by making the selection of O, I nover want to soe auj BALI.NTOS n«:MN. mission, ¿1,50. claim against him, but it has never “ that Hetty’s Uncle Huberts souther saying. delegates to tho State Convention the first diamonds again.” those o#i rings.” A two-foot rulo waa given to a yet been made plain to Jones how Fates to tho in order, and was adopted. Warehouse boys busy shipping wheat. “ You shall have a pair of your “ Uncle Hoberta, indeed! I should in a Clyde boat-yard to n from Dal- W. J. Mulkoy and J. G. Brown were Sc W A L L E R , he ever made anything out of it. It like to see Uncle Huberts for once, own beforo I am a week older," cx laborer Mr. Isaac Ball lias bow» ill for a few M o G R E W mensuro an iron plnte. Thu laborer, \rd, J. J. Coy, appointed tellers. lias always seemed to him that he days, lie has about rocovercd his usual H allock, M. The Convention then proceeded to elect health. not being well up in the use of tbe was $20 out, and fifteen long years if ho is not a mythical porsouago al­ claimed the fseblo husband. Perrydale, Oregon. Tbpbell, Milt. delegates to the State Convention and together,” oried his wife, with tho "O , mr, no, uol I should bo so rule, after spending a considerable ho lias refused to walk on the same Some of our citizens passed a verv 1 C . Hughes, nominate candidates for tho various I don’t deserve them. time, returned. “ Now, Miok,” oak- side of the street with that constable. air of expecting Mr. Templeton to ashamed. pl.insnut lime Mouduy evening at friend ^Nat. Holman, oifices, with the following result: produce the alleged Uncle Hoberta I—I couldn’t think of it. Indeed, ud tlie jdater, "what aizo is tbe Paris McCain’ s. —Detroit Free Press. Delegates to State Convention— Ira S. Believing in all things what was which immediately. “ Únelo Hobevtsl Un­ indeed, I wouldn't havo you, Jariua, plate?” "W e ll,” replied Mick, with Friends from abroad within our domain established in j Townsend, I. I. Dempsey, N. L. Butler, Tliero is a young editor wander­ cle Roberts I It is always Uncle darling; I should feol just ns if l lmd a grin of satisfaction, “ it’s tbe length »work is we’l J. E. Fenton, T. G. Richm ond, L. W. this week were I. S. Townsend nnd J. II. is and what is to be, we conscientiously And y«n ‘ understnnd,’ begged for them.” But when Mr. of your rulo ond two thumbs ovor, längs out and j Robertson, W. W . Williams, JamosTatom Downing. Perrydale; and Messrs. Shultz claim to sell the best goods at the lowest ing on tbe face of tho earth who Roberts. and Guthrie, Dallas. and James Morrison. in his line prices (fo r cash, or tho first cut on time) formerly published a paper at Storm forsooth! Why didn’t I under­ Templeton returned from the city with this piece of brick, and the Representatives— N. L . Butler, J. E. Tho Brass Baud Boys hnvo changed of nny store in the country, Portland not Lake, Iowa. He left there the day stand? Why were tho earrings con­ that night,as preity a pair of solitairos rill be sccur- breadth of my bund and iny arm their time of meeting to W ednesday and excepted. Just received, new and frosli riate iu *tho i F«;uton and W. D . Jeffriop. For all I know ear-rings as ho could buy with tl iugur. from here to there, bar a fin; *■ a urdny evenings; they also practice stock, and daily receiving the freshest and after the issue of his last paper, nnd cealed from me? “ at him with ! County Judge— I. F. M. Butler. Sheriff—J. W. Kirkland. •very Saturday at 3 o ’clock in tho after­ latest out. Now, friends, think for a m o­ is supposed to be crossing tho Ktnte you gave thorn to her yourself. Per­ bond he sold glittered ia % velvet — Punch. tho jingle of noon. Clerk— G. N. Townsend. Vtheir sleep can ment, and answer why (if you can) one on foot to get away from an infuriatod haps you are this Uncle Roberts who case marked with hor iinmo. Treasurer— E .T . Millor. i of customers It seems thero is always brought to the front at As ho oponed tho assn and held it T he delegatcselected from this precinct can work cheaper in tho city than wo in femulo populace. A sxocu rM K vr. Assessor— W. J. Mulkey. \tion given to Humbug! They cannot; wns a concert given by young laities overt pot piece of extravagance. beforo hor, Mrs. Templeton shudder­ to attend the Democratic Convention were tho country. Commissioners—Joseph Craven and II. H. Byerly. I . B. Gentry, John Campbell, neither do thej ; the p roof of which we 0 f t i,e (.jt_ nIJfi f]10 im lla n t y o u n g F o r mv p a rt, I w ish I h a d o v en ; Refer to any Tbe Nntiotial Sui>;iral Institute ot In . ed, nnd turned hor glance away from ! work of this Byerley. Wm. CnmoorvH ami ! Alox AI oy Patterson, Paltf»r«on. .f AI . ! \ ever over Bland stand ready ruadv to practically nrnctlcuHv demon­ demon- i v i .. __ : ...... i ___ .1 ; i *i. ..... . * * J . . v e tv W m. Comogya j. M ilinnnpoiis, witli branches at I'liilsdulpbia, editor wrote it up in splendid shape. the beautiful whito sparkle, nnd said husband, not to speak of an Undo School Superintendent— P . C. Soars. M c G bew & W aller . Hears wan Chairman of on rp reciu ct moot­ strate. O a., ami San Franciaoo, which The same day he had visited u herd Roborts, who would not sco mo trod­ tbevloukod at her with two great Atlanta. Surveyor— S. T . Burch. ing. has a national reputation, will permanent» Coroner— Dr. J. M. Conuaway. of short-born cattle, owned by a 1 eyes of reproach, and she ought not den under foot by any little minx PILES! PILES! PILES! ly oatalihah a liranoh at l ’urllaud, Oregon- Wo derived a very pleasant time last were 13 days T he following persons were chosen as Sunday from a visit by thoee two genial farmer in the vicinity, and ho wrote who chooses to toss hor bead abovo I to havo them, and they w«ro as Two of the skilled sorgvnna of this m ail- #a.n „sw? « « i members of the County Central Commit- A Sure Curo Found at L ast! np tho cattle also. Tho cross-eyed m o tnIr, prepare*« with every needed apparatus heavenly ns twin stars. And present Dallas friends Geo. N. Townsend and the ; Ire: Sourer P re d a c i. D. W . C ollins; No O ne N eed SuffsrI editor of I t e iu z e r . Boys, always drop in foreman of tbo office got the two arti­ ‘ My dear! my dear! just rotnombor j Iv they were glittering in her ears, for the »ii<-re«»fi*l treatment of oripplea, r . n IL o J ío n » » ' " » E- H all; Dixie. I. I. as “ yon gp bobbing around.” You know will meet all the old palieute and such neW cles mixed as follows: • ‘Thoconcert where you are; just remember tbe j and «11 tho faintness and languor onee Dempsey; Lnckiamute, It. J. Grant A hum Cure for Blind, BloediuR, Ilrh- a» may d esire troslnient this year at you r’e always welcome. I t .t l w .l T l’ in;; mid Ulcerated Biles has bum discover­ given last evening by sixteen of children,” murmured Mr Templeton, J wero gene, and she was running to the(ullowiiiK placed: Portland, St. 1 fo r the month Bethel, W . M. W alker; Jackson, II. By­ Mias Ollie Maddox, having been engag­ erley; Halt Lake, I. 8. Tow nsend; Bridge­ ed by Dr. W illiam ,(an Indian Remedy,) Storm Lake’s most beautiful and in- floundering in a little farther. j the glass and holding her head ou Hotel, April 8th, 10th and l t i h ; Albany, lily mean tem- ed to tench the sch ool in this place, began , on the 30th. port, D. *M. Guthrie; Eola, J. V ernon; the term last Monday. As she lias hereto­ called D r. W illiam 's Indian Ointment. tereatiriT young ladici was highly “ Where I am! I suppoao you j this side and on that, and admiring April l'itb anil 13th; The Dalles, Monmonth, I. F. M. Butler; Indepen­ A simfin box has cur«d ths wotst chronic m b ; Walla Wolla, April 19tli h i d - 18th. Mean appeffc ated. llie y were elegantly j don’t want nil Carleon to hoar how 1 ’ herself and turning to her liugband fore taught for ua and given entire satis No ami Seattle April 25th and'J6tb, and>«r*» and at 2 o ’clock p. dence, M. L. Dipos; Dallas, M. M. Ellis; faction, it is unnecessary to state that her cssufl of 25 or 30 years standing. ono need suffer five minutes after apply­ dressed aud sang in a ino*t charming i am outraged. You’d like to keep it for admiration, looking, with her aft'-r at Portland, Oregon, oa the first temperature Donglas, John Ridgeway. patrons are assured of satisfactory results manner, winning tho plaudits of the „ secret. You’d like to have me on- | large liquid dark eyes, hor pale face, ing this wonderful soothing medicine. two weeks of May and November of eaoli ^#t 2 o ’clock p. this quarter. LETT KB LIST . Lotions instrninents nnd electuaries do entire audience, xvbo pronounced ! duro in silence. Of course you don’t ber perfect features, her dszr.lin je e r , rominencinp Noveinlier, ISfCi. temperature 27 One of the delegates, since attending Beware of all travelinfi doctors who toSJf the 5th. Oue- Following ia a list o f lettori remaining the Dem ocratic Convention last Saturday, m ore harm than good. William s Ointment | th em th e fin est s h o r t -h o r n s in th o ] w a n t th e c h ild r e n t o h ea r their smile, all illumined ky the shining absorb* the tumor*, allays the intense country. A few of them are a rich mother tell the plain story of your , drops, ss Iraaiiliful as the mostbeeu- claim to represent any other inatitnte, for tho 31 ami 2 l/§ in the l ’ost Office At Dallaa, Oregon, appears to be a colporteur, as we notice itching, (particularly at night after get- [ this is the only .nrgical inetitste on this 1 which hail ilis- brown color, but the majority aro neglect, your outrage----- .’’ j tiful Juliet that was ever loved. eoaet with facilities and experiense fez inches fell on April 2, 1882. If not ealled for in cne him handing around a tornperanco tract. ting vrsrinjm bod,) act* an a poultice, gives ! spotted brown and whito. Sevoral | And her husband felt twice a hund­ Here Mr, Torapleton mado a low Perhaps he has becom e converted and inHtaut relief, aud is prepared ouly for l the treatment of deformities. the 18th, which month will be a«nt to th® Dead Letter joined our “ G od aud M orality” party. Pilos, itching of th® private parts, and j of the heifers were fine-bodied, tight- bow with a glittering emilo to • red times repaid for the sacrifice of i. M lli s s i.s , H . D ., sn on the 19th. Office: If so, we say bully for you, me boy. for nothing else. limbed animals, and promito to gentleman and lady jiassiug in an his little savings ia tbe oaly bond « (iso . W . I I i r nr, X . . D ., o., Id , 4th, 5th, Gth, „ , T .... Phipps, C. A. t ifi. im i. 20th, I Bullard, Lillie Read what tho Hon. J. M. Coffinberry j I prove good property.” — Peck’s Son. opposite direction. arginai Burgeons In chaage National Her] I3tlif l'Jtb, | be had yet been able to buy aad lay Butler, A. R. Pufft»r, W. II. ROM i ie h h . of Cleveland ha* to any about Dr. Wii- j 1 r a »- “ What in the world is tho matter i by for the future by the vision of her tn.litute, No. 319 Bush street. Ban i T C arltb, K. P. Parsons, John, 2 linin’ ® Indian Pile Ointment; I have j _____ fo r tbe month , Henry waa walking along tho with Mrs. Templeton?” asked tho end by the delighted kisses sbo had alseo. [mo* ot a MraeiAt coaiaaroxMrrr.) ( ’ linkenheard, Jos. Priee, Maggie used score* of Pile Cures, nnd it affords 1 during 15 daja, Nothing of interest in tho burg to re- me pleasure to say that I havo n e v e r ; ! street one day, when ho was accosted gentleman. Plummer, Wm., 3 Clary, Wm. W. S r Calr.iwal AceerW, “ Bho looks like a | showered upon his lips and the warm 11 day«, aonth 3 ’ cord, only that the Dem ocratic primary found anything which gave such i in modi- J by a gentleman who had lost his Riley, Sinzilla Fields, Frank A rea's C u i i i i t i c P i n e are the i embraces of the long white arms. thunder cloud full of lightuings.” assed off satisfactorily, and Albert O. ate a ud permanent relief as Dr. William’ s ' pocket-book. Inasmuch as Heury Handaon, Christino Shumaker, Joseph ir e were 12 daya It was not oaoe but twenty timos all purgative« for family see. They siW “ Hotty Morris’ earrings, I guess,” atea ia preparing an obitnary. Mary Stewart, W. W. Indian Ointment. | had been seen by the gentlemnn was the answer. “ She had prob­ j that Mrs. Templeton looked at the the nrodnet of leag. Ishorioaa and ane- w fell, aud 3.29 Kramer, 1 ^-.. T Watford, Thom as Farmers are mailing things lively, as F or sale by all druggists, o r mail®! on 1 twioo before that day and because j ably seen them at church to-day. 1 flash of her new splendor* in tha caeeful chemical Investigation, and their and 10 clunJy J j I i M „ F LM Williams, Ed. M. i the fiue *eatlier is drying np th® gronnd. receipt of price, $1.011. nee l*y physicians In their prae- 1 Henry’s clothing was inelegant, the! Poor Mr. Ternpleton! What a life | mirror, took them out of her ears and exien.lT« Wallace, Marr. lioe, end t*y all civilised nations, prnvse Ilodge, Davis Co., wholesale Agents, W ho says that “ Gsntle S pring” has not th« month 4C.38 | W ,U ‘ - W* | gentleman accused Honry of tho . D. SM ITH , T . M. them the beet and most effectsal p«rsalive ; put them hack again, tangled har heir I come? Peach trees m bloom, and flowers Portland, Oregon. that vixen leads him!” theft. Henry was arrested, and up- j fil >'.M( Y M l CO., P r o p V a , ‘ «locked in nature's bright array, speaks in in them so that hsr husband might Pill that medical setenoe can dcvtwZ, iperatur# for tho “ I don’t know aliont that. II# is IT M U T IO M I M m » . Cleveland, O. on being brought into Court, whero | tremendously in love with her.” j language mute that “ Spring her. com®.” | loosen them aud be struck afimh, Being purely vrgetatde ao harm m b aried from their ate. 1= iuiriM ie vafaa and parature for the I the gentleman repeated the charge, | “ How can he he?” The wooing grouse, ' as he did so, with tbe pole-pink sea* enrative powers no other Pills cad he T be following resolutions wor® unani­ f o r Connty Clerk. T. P kabci . I Tbe pheanant’a drum, Henry was sentenced to the Htuto And ! shall of the ear, tbe carve ef tbe mously adopted at th® Demoerari? pri­ '•Force of habit, may b*. compared with theta, and every pe The quail’ s call AU«*rtO. Tales publicly snnonne#« him- j Prison. During the five year» of! ah# is a beauiy, you know. And | throat, and tbe exquieite oval of tba knowing their virtaes, will emplay 1 mary m*®ting in B«thel Pr®cin«t, March Says “ Spring hes com e.” »»If mw csaJidat« for th. nomination for | his confinement Henry was happy | « Lei. when she is good-natured there's cheek; and she went at last to tha when needed. They keep A e aye* 31, 1882: County CUrk of Polk county, on tlis Be- • n o j o n jw j „ ti,e thought that he w a s ... Th® blackbirds voice comroiaaiocer, window and shielded tbe pane with perfect order, aad maintain I* h Rfsolved. That w® favor th® petition of In m ellow note; p u b lic , n ticket. Bring n o p o i.t.c .,.a . b.| innooo^t b ftl„0 in\ ho blessed re- j ‘V .s L ,« . W H , action the whale machinery ef life, •ntraot for boild- bar bands while looking out aad up •earehlng end effeemal, they fir* th® tamperane® m fn, and favor th® e l a ­ frtnnot express himaolf uifferonl’ y, tb e ; a .. # - . * vtftlJ, b f J'^aatar TOO II I Th® larks rajoie® dgfi acroaa th« tion of men to th® Logialatnr® who will least said b®ing aoouest mended, aud so j be dull not BO fhr t o r j ^ pJ|jf 0f »oljuire«, I ’ll i at tbe stars. “ I declare," sbo Mid, ally adapted to tha I With tnnefnl throat. on terj. H. M .j work aud vot® for a bill prohibiting th® only appeals U tli® «ood will of bla party b n n « e lf eitlier at the time of bin ar- f t n o l b j , , Me o p . ” “ the gliatoning of Orion's belt ia no apparstse. bidder, the eon-1 M««rd. cavity of tho cranium, but were un­ Templeton's premises to break out IM P A T IK Y C K . Estate of Fred Williams, deceased— Or­ able to tied tho fragment of the gup, with urns until they looked like a dered that fiual settlement be continued Darling! I nm wailing thoe; although quite a quautity of bruin stone cutter’s vard. If Mrs. Morris until Juno 4th, 1882. Waiting till the setting sun matter exuded. They pronounced gnvo a high tea, Mrs. Templeton Estate of John Holman, deceased— Final Dips behind the forest tree, him in a very critical condition, but, had a dinner party out of hand; if settlement continued until October 2, 1882. And hi® daily course is run. contrary to their expectation, his Mrs. Morris had a luncheon, Mrs. In the matter of tbe guardianship of L . D . McCluro, a m inor— R . #R . Boothby genera! condition improved con- Templeton had a hall, or whet an­ Waiting till sweet Luua smiles appointed guardian. siderabl), so that about the last of swered for one in the limited round On all nature iu repos®, Estate o i James F. Logan, deceased— October he was able to be about of pleasure* of their place of abode; And she in her turn beguiles Final settlement set for hearing May G, and Yisiteit a friend some distance ami if Mrs. Morris indulged herself 1882. The wooing zephyr as it blows. from his residence, but from ex­ with a new silk, Mrs. Templeton al­ Estate of G. W . Teller, deceased— Order­ Roaring on its wings from mo ed that citation issue requiring Marion citement and over-exertion brought ways counted her flounces, and Teller tosppear in this Court May G, 1882. Thoughts and wishes as I wait; on some bud symptoms. Dr. B. L. made her own phrlueteries brosder. W’ hen one day, then, Mrs. Morris c o m m is s io n e r s . As I listen— watch for thee; Hougbton, of this village, was called C oroner’ s inquest in case of M. W. Oh, my darling, why so late? tbe first of November, and was able [ »PP‘ «rod at oh urch-th e usual place Neally- Fees allowed aggregating ¿33.50 to give him some relief, and from ln,t!'e i°w ‘i of Car Icon for ladies to Knoweat thou not that as I lovo thee, Transcript from Justice B row n’s Court that time his general condition seem- ‘ exhibit toilets— with a pretty littlo Patieuee is of all most tried in cases of State of Oregon vs. John How­ ed to improve until nearly the day of Pa,r ot diamonds .park ing in her W hen one waits ’nenth try sting treo ard— Fees allowed aggregating ¿49.30 his death, he lieing able to do some j can imagine the state of Transcript form Justice Lawrence’s F or the loved one to on e’ s side. Court in eases of State vs. Oliver Smith work, even working on the 20th of | ¿«g u st luul wrath in which Mrs, Hush, be still, unquiet hear* sad Ed. Bodwell— Fees allowed aggregat­ February, his (loath occurriii" tbe Templeton walked home, and t.i« ing 2£1G.30. Soon thy darling will bo hero. following day. Being; anxious to v«ry disagreeable lime that Mr. iom Bills and accounts against the county, Soou the time thou ne’er will part; know the real condition of bin brain, pleton had of it as he walked beside aggregating ¿303 80, presented and allow­ Oh, cast away all donbt and fear. Dr. Houghton was permitted, her, endenvorinj-to look like the hap­ ed. Hark! she conics— expected lovo— V oting place iu Douglas Precinct chang­ through the kindness of his frieuds, piest domestic mail in Curleon. Tho ed from Stone’s school houso to Y ocu m ’s Music in her footstep’s tread; to hold the autopsy, assisted by Dr. sermon was criticised, the minister school housv. Hush! bo still, elated henrt. Carr, of Chenango Forks. The made out a time-server, tho parish In the matter of the A. Yocum county Doubting from tby depths hath fled. autopsy confirmed the previous con­ denounced collectively and person­ road—T . R. Blair, J. L. Gnttry and Ziin M h im • ’ 1 M m i is .