s a o D o v o to d to tlio B o o t In te r e s ts o f -------- V O L- . U ........ ----------- - — D A .L L A .3 , r .w r iv t y jo » Cm CLSl -------------------------.......................... P o lk -, i- C o u n ty in ____________ P a r tic u la r a n d to t in , ' iix __ ,^ r . ^ _ . ' V III. tuusi-.ivtT.tL •ne r; —— O U E O -O N , van KDL.1 IClDSkStV* S A T U R D A Y . u . u -' t , l ..................... ¡B R T 7 A R Y P a c ific C o a s t in ■ - f - m ~ '' G e n e r a l. . - ~ m ;,f.- iTVq. fil i.. ■’ i^ r l, ' “ w w i v j .“ ? . ? *? t D -J . e NO - .»•> il b : i i .5 mj ». p .it u jf iiv . m o 14- . ! H «m i. On Sunday, Fubim ry 19th, lfitll, at the C harily makes no m istake, Umt • A youn g lady who was the retuo- »A few evenings ago two bflftrdlesf» youths. E m to ^ In-.u*Ba: l ’ rtsuiuii!^ ones T h e Aliatili an 4U getting ¡kotier in i... . In the examinations held at the close : residence of .John M. Scott, near Dallas, from the neighborhood of Dixie, hitched sho kan bo charged with. j ient o f at tout ion from tw o vit » blisRp rvudes the sf»ul with all especial your columns, I must ask one more ligation. II, of Bollatoli, Battilo us u cali ern Hist r y —W. W. Brooks, J. T. Mat­ Yes, Zettic is gone, but ’tls ell fur the language to be with somo other fellJw’« reply, aiul then if “ Youau' F o g y ” a*}-. G ood breeding iz the only thing aiiui.iar feelin g o f fncndslnp fo r ¡af .m iü arlvspoken - f M t best. sister.) ;Later two mischievious boys on both, « a i in a quandary as which t o H e irt ,,ot ,¡ r'a llW t , .‘Coin, Enq., of . > ■ thews and Bertha Beach, 9C; Zoology— It. wisliua to continue tho war, lot him that kan make a pho « 1 1>■, v as - A n h u r Vouzie. 97; Preparatory V . 8. j A n J to b u iy our idol, it almost break, our mantel, and morn in virgin purity lagan which to make an assertion, tho gist rare. Every one who duz the best “ You tei! mo that you Jove mo. to rise from out her ilowuy bed.” Then hearts, his color lighter, and bta i aia wuek, the guest of Mrs. History—Chester Ellis, 94; Prop. Spell- o f nn argumsnt should full to the they k< u iz a hero. IIo w do 1 know- that you are sincere. ing— Edward Crystal, 97; Prep. Meut&l ! But she left a bright h >pe, the thought it the sweet go >d bye was said, and our longer. H is avoirdupois is i N ow what would you do to » ' young heroes mndo their oxit, but hading ground. L ik e -g o o d seed sown on G ravity iz becom ing to a phool at allow pounds, and his ears tnatttt [ »weot, Hall full down on Saturday Arithmetic -Frank Hyde, 93; Prep. Writ- i , . ... . . .. * ... i Ihat if we p i qvo faithful, in hoaveu we ll that wanton necessity would compel them rocky ground it cannot b rin g forth times, but only to a wize man on your love? bile going to the jail, and hurt ten tip to tip, about. 18 iuebes- Arithmetic, Arthur Veazie, S3. F irst; lucct> to travel ab mt 1 miles on foid, and the "A n y th in g ,” replied tha ardent statu occasions. not burrow in the ground, : Grade— Popular Science— Otho Williams, O! Wo loved hersa w; Î, there is nothing road being adverse to bos toed shoes and much fruit. Those abandoned girls lover, who had a spine o f romance iu u tD|Hi* was on the s tin ts vtstcr- | summer ulsters, they returned to tho under a bunch o f prairie gross. | Very menuy seek know ledge, not SU re ve, 100; on earth. era ina'ined to abandonment ere * » Ll|I hoit>g confinedio tho hou.su lor | 9>; Spelling— Lincoln I hou . but found th.it the inmates had ra so mu h fur the truth uz for the his disposition, "a n yth in g, l would is very seldom found at home, ! j Grammar— Clarence Yeiuie, 93; aleutal Cun still this desire fur Zettie at our week, t j d au ei houses— a wrtunus O | jezki.ladiuu g o t<> the world's end for you ; I ! tired. Th *y finally «nei%5*;dvjj iu itrous- tfi. v J{ hearth. there iz in it. office hours b eing between au», nn, who U*os fitter P tils' mi , »Arithmetic— Otho Williams, 9 '; ' 'ritf.cn But we've lui.l her away, I ing the okl :',litle;am, who tT>lined his g irl has no such Inclfnr.'ions. T h e would endure anything fur J "u ; I in the grave and sunri- e. l i e i* to be fo Cupn'ng iz. a’ weak imitaabun o f 'void 1 .lie fo r you it necessary." T|> d this wsck, Wo jo . 1 . ,.. ; trousers a id appo.uv d at the door, when Arithmetic—Lee Crider and Otho W il­ there to rest, in < the day on ( j our now benighted heroes explained ths “ P olice Gazuitu" in a p ip e r that v i .loin, and is liable at ennv time •) of ft call, liam.;, S >; Geography— N. S. Butler, b’-i. And v.c bow in submission Such ardent protestations brought he feeds on the tender «boots o f tha to God, who j e.ituaiiOil, in l meekly suggested that Tetaud t‘ at J. D . L ■ h i I t Second Grade— Reading— Eva Smith and knows best, the blushes to her checks and a j they be ul!u\yt.d to occupy the back porch 4 , mosquito or »nffe gras«. H e is n o t ct for fine dwelling hoiibe to Buty iz a dangerous g ifi, the vanity u m l of 1 i : ij .)M. ic ,. i to lior lieurt, Clarenco^Youzie, 100 ; Spelling— Clarence until d ylight dawned, aud Sol iu regal mifficicnt it is to ren 1 o f such vices a* ■ a tolocions uffimal. « , a 6a-aD;fer ter, of Corvallis. i Rjdendnr crowned Kola hills with golden in valuable paper publications, with­ it inspires, and the base Hatten- it riio t h „ aXut V .‘uzie, 103; Gi ammai Clarence Vt-azie, that ciMiunilT no one , miwht ho ] Bll to «..j.powe from ao ¿x- W |Y\i Johnson ha 1 th| misfortune to J.l '* Ï.4 .1. «A R P lLil». ! ¡.cams, but th * tiuo old man, being of a out seeing them pictured out and r ‘ tracts its ponsosaor», are oertuiu’ v M illie Holman, 93; Mental Arithmetic — .ELHOKIAL O , H | Y (iter into hie hand at t!u* .i. ‘ V“ W !;vu bY » • « « fu,1,U>' . } * ! amiunriou o f wb.it ¡.ur: orU to be hU ! sympathetic nature, kindly invited them oot to l o envied. hrhich hr!v-, onee Veazle, 93; Geography— Clarence A ll ov nature's works arc a part • v t r ^ t > m ilo ulia an an- | Texas H are,” in Gov. Hubert*’ book, '•.here there had onefl been a lire. to gloat over and bo contaminated ov a perfeke! m ov a plan. lufte ill for some time. Wo uu- Vcazie, 100. Third Grade— Heading- She ! ‘d ,'' Finally our gay cavaliers returned from .. ,, .. , i Tbo jaek-rabl-it bus revcral enemies, i . . hat glio ia getting bt tier, Iüuatrior.R dead! life’s race is rifn, T h e publishers 1 makes no t. th ir southern crusade, tied tho h n'-ion, by such seotics. kes, creates no vacan-1 Meantiiue the other proposeil and : ttmouR ,bem tlio c-owbo.v, w ho abootl McCoy Grant, 100; Spelling— W illio P. Culled, by an assassin’s hand; ainingto^ l . Koftager, 1 or » »;y . uud wishing to return thanks for favors reap a yellow harvest ut tho expense C' :M> aa,l " j she quostiooed him iu a like .es at nothing. . him with bis rille, the covoto nni| lege, lifts accepted a p'.\siio:i in Holman, 93; Writing Lottie BitvS, Mu­ All earthly labor here is done, • :v».d, entered tho house, where th:?y tier to tho tirât. And horror felt, throughout the land. M ore than ■ Ideas r.i-u what wins, but i f a IT «- ¡41 department of too Corvui.ls li. ie Richmond, R-tl:i llampbell, Jasper , . . . . . . . ,, | tbo d o « , who try to run him ilow u. fo.u.d our h *ro0s trying to aliuie their I o f virtuous inclination. host into conversation on the future state ; that, I have my doubts about two- j b.’.iiif. u--t but one, he iz very opt to 7 , l‘“ > , * lfc‘ ‘ ■'0,1 1 and tho governor o f Texas s l io v e » !- Dimick, Willio P. Holman and Frank mourns. A gloomy p« 11 o: Or gon boys, but fiu.’.ing lie was asleep thirds of th.) reports b ein g correct, r/.ii tlmt one int;i tho pro uml, and 7 hat 1 w o“ ‘ d u,) to ti!)° " r l‘‘J |,,T® luded to, who libels him in his book, * Hammond, wbf» has barn run- I folti:uff, 100; Language Lessons— Willie r all tho world; i l his chair, they concluded to escort u ’ atnhft City Spirit, h.... . utR in hearts of ail, i. k-: him self alon;; with it. , -v on- >'oa m" rr-v you H^all j H e has two wavs o f protecting him-* as it Is a sensational paper. P . Holman, ICO; Mental Arithmetic— t Zvca to th© door, wli . ■ Holt baited w °unty(} James S. Denison, il.. imiio ; d it-:\ is tl.u’y told. F.ver since lh i days o f H erod W illie P. Holman, 100; Arithmetic— Mc­ II„;,;.in oss baa no ahhling ..Uoo, j ^ ^ 8, " i f ’'' " ,l hfs enemies. One w ar and ; ;tvi vent to his pent *•> feelings, by . ay anyplace very long. ‘ like ou are a liv a is ib e ow ner of i* , 0 sqirnl. when he suspects da n g ei, We file Î But ’tls ¡.o decreed, ¡lying, “ that herc.ittor, ho would either dancing has boon in the liastern' but often iz very near at baud, — 'ollius conuuonced his career as Coy Gran!, lot); Geography, Edgar Col­ a lino seal skin sac-quo and that your . anJ fo l(, ,ljg e#rs nlon„ 8;Jes The now uro bowed with pain; coo.* on the stage, or wait until the stage countries just us rife U3 then. Tha the old womans spektakles. A fte r by killing the Ila-.o .d cnv, lins, McCoy Grant und Willie P . Hol- Thv life w;ia u. ught to till the gr-ed, of his atfc ctions were on tho decline, and lovo that H erod bore his tlnu^htor, bunting for them hi and lo, she bats or bounets aie alvvavs iu fash­ do ner this he ofteu escapes obser. m .n, 100. Fourth Grade— Reading— KSSIONAlCt»^1^ pounds. Shn was a And a hope of u fell revenge to gain. ion and I will be a faithful, lovin g T!lti agon l? his espoaed, ho would then stay at home. M oral— which bis l ife, Trlio hatoil John tha ---- - J i d made excellent beef. found them at last safe ou hor noze. It il• h Williams, 97; Spelling---Ralph Thy past career was honored life, Whun out on a dear (dear) hunt, go pre­ husband to you. | „ . . I ..... of , -.íi. „i. i_______ Baptist, knew, is excuse enough for ! the color wli eh harmonizes w ill* R filT-fi Sheppard, who is v/<11 known Williums, 99; Penmanship—Isaac Ford, pared with tamping equipage, for the I f you w ill sit down and wait, But a memory dear will lust. you go to the | Mia,! who has been in thu Walla W hen lle ro d had given youn,; man, at least one hulf o f the ___ , But wouldn't If , ! the brown of ¿he withered grass. troubles and trials of this life run life ut the Joed. Thy spirit now is free from strife, Rfinnie Riggs and John Ford, 100; Men­ world s cr. for me or die fo r me, T h e other pllin> tlmt lie use8 bwh mtry for several y- :u s. was in midnight hours, and are often death to life his word, ho, us a king, never went Rood thiiiRs of life w ill at some time A halo blight illuminates the past. week. Time has dealt gently tal Arithmetic—-Ralph Williams, 100; and love. buck on it. Ilis w ife know thin, eddy around neai yon, w h ile the or any o f that sort o f lung you ; aiscovered and pursued, is to em it«, So sleeps the just, beneath tho sod, Arithmetic— Ralph Williams, 109; Geog­ kuouf the esked, as she toyed with re m o te n »« hetwoei: him self and hia •J.D. Allen has purchased a snt of hence the crime. Thanks for refer- more you chase them tho more they his coat buttons. Tlu* nations blooming dower; DALLAS, OffiPt*** ° f bullas, is now employed raphy— Ralph William«, 92. Fifth Grade bln« .smith tools, and very respectfully iug to that portion of scripture which j pursuer. Iu g ivin g his w hole ntten- w ill break into a run. in the store of E. L. Ilc.uing- — Reading— Clark Groves, 93; Spelling — Snatched from earth, and sent to God solicits tiio patronage of the public. “ I dou't want to g o to tho world's i lion to (his matter, when necessary, In an unexpected hour. j» S S , Iliii, Garfield County. W. T. lit r a fte r liis smiling face will be seen 1 hud entirely forgotten, and which en d ,” ho replied, “ I ’ve g ot a nieo, L ima Connawny and Mary Collins, 97; ■ he is a stupendous success, and ear- ,re- ‘ ^ 'h a d , considerable expi.iience in h a s t y •.■ratinpiT. behind tho Anvil? Wo hear hi is reading hears me out that the scriptures do Then let tho people rise as one, good paying business in Boston, V»'.¡ting--Laura Connawuy, Mary Collins ------- —a lt e r e . | uest to a fault. W h eii distnrlied np tin Village Blacksmith vs. tho “ Oak not forbid dancing— but only the ex­ Dei troy the a isassin’s power; -.'-'-btiïvi.ïa N oth in g is more unjust than to and as for dyin g for you, I w ould a Giove Literary Society.” N. SMITH, j'rxzcr is out of business, and do- und Chirk Groves, 103; Mental Arithme­ And see that justice, stern is done, ! he unlimliers h i: lon g legs, unfurls cess. Tho safeguard is morality, ju d ge o f a man by .too short an ac­ great deal rather live for you " — 'vhoare indebted to him to come tic— Mary Collins, 100. Sixth Grade— Oh, haste the avenging hour. We learn that tho farm of Altx. Allen which can and should be taught in in " b a n d goes o ff with a bound, " f t U l," said Kb-.y >: ¡IAN HID md settle at once. All aro-Mrs Reading - Ncttio Ilo lm a i, 9ri. was v,sited by a storm, a few evenings all schools, under severe discipline quaintance and too slight inspection; - i l l v s t> p » t>f& ettlcd, and trouble wiil be avoid. .1 j asf, which upset u wagon, piled harness if necessary. Our youth have been for it often happens that iu the loose seal skin saeqifT*, 'f-5M o«nbte bou- Of twcnty-Leveu stud iuts examined iu , - • i ■ DALLAS, 0BE;ig this notice. and thoughtless aud dissipated th re uets, etc.. I'ushed befnic lmr mind, E n H N b * - up in tho road, and cut small capers too j hack to * ..nUvi Cm.lV *N mill 8TSEK;ixidwelI, who lives near town. tho Academic Department, those receiv­ n -mi ro ix to in• ntion. Indeed, “ truth is endowed with the b eiief that this is ii a great secret radical worth, which “ I guess you ca.i wpeeh to i-a.” | j u;i l|ieejlk :::u as he ih o M g h t 1 renewed his subscription Ibis ing the highest general average arc Ber­ Dr. W. II. Itnbtll, this week received a s:ranger than fiction.” Boys, such capers a free country, hc-nco the wrong im ­ may shootout by properculitivation: Tlio rpacticul wooer is tho man fur he would, | i , 1 t Uu doaves fe y ¡6 last fall lost 110 ncirs • ! tha Beach and Emma Matthews, in h 97. ■-rtft.- from h . i t V.Mlie, li re ia New arc strong “ sauce,” and liable to turn an pression o f liborty an l tho deprav­ that the spark o f Heaven, though thu times. ev.*u temper sour, so b«f careful that you ity. -/V« J0Mn ectniug too soon, but s; ; I.e parts unknown - are*- L ib erty does not mean liberty Of thirty-eight examined in the Grammar j Mexi troia which wo taho I ha follow d *n’ l make more than you can dispose of, dimmed and obstructed, ia yet not t with a greater loss than that to do evil, but liberty fo do right. A C hicago man talks: “ \Yc are fast things, fro n ail iee-ooiit i .v . mivlug Ilio li L;host j i'ig: extinguished, lint miri, by the breath with out lecoming a d in « iu tho market, )R N E Y 'j! ccus(‘s to bike tbs county paper. Deport!! noto m aturiug in the L in k , Imp L e t the laws bo exercised as they aro “ I am surprised to hear ti it you did o f coun .e! aud exhortation,bs kindle I told that doctors rev e r take medici: e W h ir hat tli • Bal Mam ¡ue. nt Dallas, m m a aske11. a Ftdkftounty l*oy, who general average are Cluivne l VcftZiOAlid nothing to equal the jack rabbit. j n Wasco county; is visiting h's W illie P. Uclman, each 93. Of niuvii .n not -t\ et any Eiters from m i since Iasi WHS & gr md su eoe :3, an :i the i Eolaito was i written, and tho effect w ill toon In- into a f'anio. T o it..a ;ino th .t of their own or an yon e else's recom­ M i v. for after the ch lera b I'Oiv ■ out on m il W VIco airi to Iio ll >or through the j seen on society. Commence at Ihe IVE prompt in nd friend s in ’this- mending. 1 was rem inded of this a An unfounded rumor gets nroun.) every o :u ivlio is not com pletely ex -mho d in the Primary Departir.‘, i:t, i il.c 5 h of Jiiue, thu barra«: ks VO V 0 V icu- pivttv lively, but could not keep up less eiaruiUd Uhnisfoitune, laatf fail, while 1 1.!- ii alia jeme t cf Mr . Gr.'u.t and | root o f the tree to stop its growth «o l ;ood is irrevo: ihly abamloiiod is to few mouths ago. I went into the 1. •tc uuitHow |ve pne Qf i i , a ,M . • Collins received th atei!, til ■ infected compilili (•8 goi ng in d:f- « othe r uu .ubera of tho bnutl. So should i t ! -and im prove its culture. Thou, by with him tor two bh.eks. W hen an iitHe-e o f one of C hicago’s must celo- ■eipiios tiiat all are capable o f the : directions, while î iio til liu ll; •ly. a! wa rs bis hearing in the ii.jui-jil cur , tv) St rangel's at at 1) all. We note j judicious pruning, w ill it ho nightly, ordinary cur dog tries to expedito a orated physicians to obtain a pre­ i I was v. iih, march •hi do mile .t'. R R E N H a affected, “ 8 be?ringin 111 ■ .one degree o f exetllcnef. I t is, uol is 1 a sai no ,Det of 1! xir m:iiia0 .vi II graded, bat pr»- 1 j *rs to those i ‘ ■.•election’ ' jack-rabl.it route liu Makes a humili­ would never do for mtb and c.uup ?d in the | who should demand more attention than j iad -.d, to exact from all that per- scription for a cold und hoarseness. ly confined to all the | ) R N E Y « l n Bros, will h i i l i e only g iv e * whisky or gam bling. A ll rulers won’t We lust h great man, W h ile he was w iiiiu g it out he cas­ ating failure of it. ill :e is acquaintance. Hail lo , ¡Vc.ion which none can ever attain. 1 "dice, run a back to Indf j io- , Huir le, as 111 thè city j ypl“ V V ami Bunsi coke.. While Tho work both ways. I am g lid tlio ually mentioned that, having liecu tucrubl.it k gentle exercise. DALLAS, OfigMuth, on Saturday of mc'ii w , And vinca the purest virtue i i cou- lipi'orm•ter h N »od at 12 / a . in­ . cftv'b pui ¡1 when tho year .s , siieiv-vi-si bt numb« r with ahoost day, a severe cold had resulted, and nttenin m ig, tucking occasionally to g i'O - Í 1 a -'J i , . l i i . t l v ü M l i r. I-Ii ! i ' v l i fi /«•’. i t l . l I. >■,.! *; al. E ufi y in ifift m vrair. g Q. It is folfmfihh'f j “ g orilt rs at their niahitB. tTiiff 'htl Tjzrontrrtrr—ra crtateil evil, or tom lcocy Id c\ ff," ok that aTT g n e m n s v -n r -w n , M r. J. E. T ille r i« visiting friends near mo, but scorn.-* to l>o thu uiouior you have only to turn luose- a grey - or pi s*««il in it would re.; at c r v only clat fiiiioa the , the “ Banco o f H eath " bus it. -h it mev fur a time b eclo u d ed 1 Mi- atimiay last, tbont noon, th near onr burg. 9G dg., w ill h in tUü e\.'cui li­Í lt tongue o f the drug f U - I ventured iu ^ « ‘ »» k a of a jack rabbi T . house ou the Grant phice, .i * t ¡ikes it possible for Ì Our niturod* fire ranking it lively for “ lib eit ni in,” and so t-.mdemn Ihe ; a!jj «»crwli-.-imed; for most minds etim i« Vi* ft-eli 112. Ne ar ly ‘ ull d bv „ „,.B. iioulu| lia will “ le t iljJ L dC B U I , w a s discovt*reft ! o bo oa fir*:, more in a given virtuous. 1 think you v ere ut the ; JVU ^[ia slaves o f external cucutn- to enquire w hat he had takes fo r tin; p * to d ra sufiferin;!; from dy . siterv, f ho ducks and geese. n(,e exfitions of ft lot of voun;: m* r, ' ' word.« “ mt mai:IV Veil, th it | astonish a prepaid half-ruts m ess«»o. I ’.s'i\s :;ent foram i, rotti rued to this School District, No. 1. allot:l there, or f.M wantonne*'« stalk undertakes t ■ hold them, roll KOMPTLY iTm?' without JUtub ihini.fL'• hi t / Th a system is 1 )Nv ml o-ted by nearly all prescripticm for d r ib 9 v m never I f hu ia a rabbit that has never bail us—in thv civil 1 iues in Mian Mr. Michael Sic life and wife of Silverton the floor like a demon o f the down any torrent o f custom in new entrusted to wit caught from a defective ! le. the best schools, both public aud private, o disc barge•i!. Y» hilo w a t ing are visiting friends near Zeun. used, uud 1 fotind lo.if sugai «m i any experience with a greyhou nd “ dancing hell*?" 1 trow not. Nor s i t e C o T t U o t g tnt© Central » ' 1 1 1 1 1 ¡t in our conn try. which they happened to be caught, the and cleared nway •ho lera I! v. A. Shv.paon will proach here to­ need it ho when such m anagers as or bend to any importunity that lie-art' lemons oxccllcnt.” before, hu will start o ff nt aa easy rnNNnWJ! »Q Portland on V» 1 tin* s-ltiv. It but the ban.teks, tìluruei1 to ri The citizens ot Dallas are cordially in­ >n>m«nded that primary meetings , pace, but a» he turns around to wink two fr esh cases (jccurreil and morrow, at 11 o ’clock. A ll invited. W illiam G rant fin d company have hard again.t them .— Samuel J o h n ­ T h e Patull i (U tT S p in i o f the 18th vited to visit our school nn.l see our sys­ 11AM lun on March25th null county 1 onvon- If any body wishes good s od oats, or th v went ont again, leaving v o behind. derisively at v,hut be suppose* t<> bo son. inst. suys: T h e injunclion prohibit- i l n l l MnU t|je 29th. By the nppMrtioumi ni tem aiul management, aud judge for them­ On'itiy rstnru tn M im M ir I found gt-ver- feed oats, they can g t the same of Mr. the authority. an ordinary v tllo w d og, he realize!* I leave Messrs. Pip es and Duni- iu » the Comniissioners froiu in oetin j SI RR.-ßESWIN 'I NZV/.«. \V. B. Earnest, near our city. 8. A. H a n d l e , Principal. al 1:-ttrrs, oil of which I answered, but on selves. m r i i s ntrer* win be Polk *01 County ,lpi‘ way to continue their duet alone. DALLAS, ® , nveIliioii. will have in Poineroy vvnsnr:;uod l«s t Tuosdey that there is u force iu nature hither­ th :5th of Jnly. the very day my :- coming here on Saturday evenivi j instead j i * i i o v 8 *fll 4 °* lh e m n n le r of G e n . < .¡id v, numVer of ilucka ur.d geese. movement*, ami presents the op tical takes un interest in his case? W h o I Tlinntna wl foiv the day appointed. I cl »n’t wonder v. Tliomn», ut which tide lie lure- a HASt.nivi v.siv:* tliat wo bave no county scat, «un Mr. r.i-owu, merchant, tx-Shcriff AVi’ - ftt the letters whit-h I wrote from M ia u l Of MuaJiiv. ■* ....... rcqtiCiiU tho agenciez for t’.io circa- delusion of a streak o f jack-rnboit • DALLAS, OB veil with hi* life. ,, i , ■% thatthe Cominftsiouers can uieol ; liums, and others, all eitizaua of Ualias, M ir not reaching yon, for a great many , On M h • 1 ; i v evening wp were over *it ; mite und a half long. n, !h.l." Tl. -t-e vv-H ■ 33 *:gi,.-r* k u m ! There hnvj boon heromo.-i ns w ell ¡ luta m «if n ew « to suppress fu g a and UT! I «TRIE! n named Gralmm, who was 1. hr; ; dvoi fed iuTucsilay. vvheru thuy nloase. letters were burnt by the quarantine old- j IN MILL STR 1 to tb# Penitentiary by an off..,, j Several sleds m ule tlu-ir appear in ’ * on ] lüro .. on d ie m'a, au'l o f theve w i‘ hhol-1 j b : m i ' i U ? L u t vv.icn n oors, but my id le rs from Bombay should j 1 , 0 . 1 ;;«, l>:it it was n-*t w ; i:/ ■ !. W * lie- | ----Jackson county, on AVedncsd.iy : our atreeta Monday. H a l uomerry juiii- have reached cither you or Claude. Af- j li.vi “ i.u it will 1 >' ia t'i : h - ir fatar--; or, ^ fr3 Annio W' b m a ccrlninlv one. ilvspcptio, silver-Hue.1 member of n e » . A T » CICLI«. £ • J« DAWl from lb© window of tlio watcr-i los- hug of sleijjii bells, the :.;h. «- ! f roin B »«ton.* n u l for sovt-n | from the beaten path o f correntuem, | Mr. Chia, aa'.im- is mailing nrror.gc- li vouwiuit t’.ie b«*t«ad ebeopext y-.U!'^ ) R N E Y d U twenty five mih?s nu lour. Siu- would, but I was delay» d, first by qu vran- i P o r i V “ I'-l?> O r e ™ o a . fuIUv.‘ piip. r i » th" Unilcd tjliito*. *ub*vTi''e iV :‘1,'.r’ ’ ' .'f. ' r i » ! vW r.ia c h iiip a n ie t hua on libi voy«- scm - iiing for pleasur.-i new, with a .o relate, he was not badly hurt and I mi nts to g.» ou a visit to Montana this tine at Snez; then at Liverjvool [ was 12 ‘ fui- '• l'be Vuiuis Fulka C'irete," un ei^hl- ; vm d Notary Pon picked up and a.;;un on l:ts i - ¡jj.rir.g. Charley, dis ish ausg’ spielt; hours late m catch th«» L *n ion «team r, i \ I ‘v7.,,:.'i 1.g-'’ jf7' We I'nppos- l tli.It il* nroinvl tlio wot 1(1, without ne. i- I Im uJied tboosau.l ib.liur, iu hi* iìluati-Mted papn, pabli*bednt C Ir Ve­ 1V He took desperate chances to v: ■ yo I 1 ci t r y u vroe* over the river. w.» i’ I • isc us an u count of that neck tic ■ dent. Cut in 1 ; ''1 tht • : ;> cugfmn-| pockot, atu.cn from the great uu- and wli n I did start in tho “ R *livia” it j lali 1, O.; outy 3jc-rnts » yenr, limi yen gi-t 'I l l ' i'.ill-ton Hrasa Band (lia-onrse i»p r i.o »»«t . 1 a tcrribla stoim cd tlio b.mks ¡ wr. jhu*3, hi>* proud wifo, or widow, 1 p Bcliifving in all thiugs wliftt w.is which a pi ttimi uf iwu pietnres, onc ol w bit-b i* ll.usf* Bi'lcctinua of music c . . . ■ilentlv. ...... * j. , . t»roved a fmitics:-* and very nearly d r |1i2l0,,i& 2 ,Fridsyf the lCIth inst., John. M. v. tllch tle-y received n couple of w.e'.s ;.jo . ' trous attempt. Enclosed I send ©«couple j Ero. L-iiis orzinizvl a loirs of Goo«! j 0 f Hiwfoiin.i!,tii>L Tlio capii.in wri:¡ I his Bjiimlle sbauked, and narrow : ¡a anJ what is Ro be, Lvo (^Gnscieiitioufcly »o,ith moro tbuu «he prive of the p*pvr fo r bv which you can sec the j iiem Own-"" P*°n, of Lan© county, died at th. -■ di: count on ilio boys learning to play of tracs rjiut. T .-iu p lars :.t O ak lir o v e S. ti»»l If i » m 1, on knock 'd down and his shoulder w:; hentÔJ «cion, or b i» pole-faced nudi daini to sci! thè best gaids ut tho lo west i y The p:ip»r i* pili,lisi»'ti by un olii ---- --- -----—nco of his sistei'i Mrs. Stevens, near right aioli-; almost any thing t ' It conica : buri, ting wo got. The night of the 3.) ! Sunday evening, wRh 31 charter woll-piiddod daughter enters into ni ! r l'iiblu Cloveliimi llnu and yuu nr* thu full o f tho mixta. Th priees (for cuh U, or th.* first cut od lime) j of November v..’ . tl.o night w.- lost our hi '.jib • rs. It starts with ns g > I pror- brolo t: V I I H r * « * * . Wasco County, of ] * i : - t . t along. .lire itti»! f.nrly dnilt * iib If yon Krncl noxious to the iioetr.l» of and one o f tho crew wer .. i pnsture* 1 r >■ mu u am* — ........... « — j boats, b ei our deck lr*us< s, batches, s.:y- * *• complication of kindred c ir.ol 'i; . . ni iiny stare iu the; country, l*%iriUud not iht-m tbe niu-jca na,l nddresMSof lOcbild- tho goni al phiz, o? : lit/lils and Bmoko stack snia-bed or car­ 1 j-e- } ■; as anv lovlg^ could ask for, and it Wo v.ere glad to li V b d .p .n l tho r; ioti* muto 'd e c :ent e n t poverty, mstuutly toe andino p ^ — -.•gewas tliirty-r.ine years. II h b «18. -- ¡ will succeed in doing a good and noble rm uudvr 13 yeur» of ni;« they wiH semi cxccpted. Just reoeivel, n-'tv un.l irosi« our old friend Mr. I nf-.liury, of Amity, ried away, th * fires put ont a -d tho cn- ^ Q p Iu kn in good health for i '-’t v a t ) fri jhtent'd that In c.uild ttot j t iiChienc* is set to work; courts, ; VGlk. yuu n fine pivtnr« of Premilont UsrfieUt Should be i „n l police officer., and the I *‘ ock. an l dsi^reevivtug the fre»b**t nu}’ naît your - T a s Y o c xo F olk » C irclk -------- ----------- — i can work cheaper in tho oity than we in a.i Htfnn as Bore o s v. :i ns c muting • his breath quite frightened that as soon as wo got bac.; to rendered helpless it) this way,instead refts CtoveUud, C. ' his present appointmonts aro all filled Rr.A1 « •sr.lh. ' tho country. Humbug! They csnrnt; v Friday and Saturday, causing the ! Cork they r' turned home, afraid to trust frec-ly S; ........... . o f >iolGinaf to u ndo»» la m e n t*« n* j II- is going to give a lecture at PortlanJ . ^ were at McCoy on M ’ tc arature ol oar climato to l>a deci-lsd- i another attempt.” ■\n iio -e o u n try m in took an o ld ! >" "her *..» ..Un ity Court of thiSu»'^ Kelly b< lug tl.e owner and j is to bo in Y/ibfoot don’ t ¡unoant to time como to Salines, California, where ,i treat Lo those that will have tl»e pleas- on deck nnd called the uwn nronud and sat it upon a fence round the _ ____ Coiiote. ^ tjie VjJjjjc|p Wo had pr«-" ' ■ '-I «ovil it la ivlmdim * lo tinrt wu» tlixt- L i, -r. :.a .l" is living, and from ¡ are of attending, as b:i¡is»^tlavnt .p .a k .r her. “ Boys, our lives nro in dan­ yard of a man who kept ahul l dog. j ralv„ .w l Amnl> much. i» b v-i.il «lui (,«ro. So v-iwiaciiiu» un» , , , ,. , u n ». _a and i» at bouicwita hisxnbj.ct. :tcr ol n« the residence of Isa.« McCoy, I g er/ ’ Hhesaid; “ but stick totne, nnd III tho m oonlight it loo. ed m -,c vH y Tt,-, C'vTnuTic P ills »re th* b*«t ol Ib i | ..«irv-tor* ol Da. K » x « ‘* * • * » Dwsir ¡5 L . ____ It has taken a letter jn it four days to tlint placa t > li.a Uvuc in Dallar, ana wi i in.*c hem, J- *' \ |jje p]cjgjj broke down and the oern» reach Ballston from Salem, when it port, mi > j *»^ ”'»»* *•»•'■•** •"* i the f c r T t o t h e latter* to the «te r .,, j B0!llutlliu that causes the delay in j EuiTon IrKMîXB».—YVsterday evening, E iMe D ishnell. last Wednesday eveninR, captain’s orders, set sail affnin, and j woni]er what in tbo sweet bye-ana- uu barm eau mise po,i ively enrs Anlhm*. Uronchltts, Stnb- Btfing p purely . vegetable _ tuth Ann MWjcJJJIi bare been sent out, containing tho i ula;j mutte.-v. ..I the residence of b-r uncle, Jlr. Ad in twenty-one day . the ship was an- j ^ ja man was made of, and after froiu their use. In intrinsic vahtu am! tiarn Cau^h*. Coivi*, l ’ htbiavc. Qninsy. Mr. Wun. ArtliforJ, while making rails on L it o t h e ^ | | g o v e r n in g the contest. Onehnudred enrutivu jiowers tio other Fills Cfln be linar ven«»», Crodp, or nny nftì i-tioB of tb » Al'.a.nluiv his place, was attraeteli by a d')g ‘ haying” -mlents but b o p s 'll'‘ tber s.YaiJn w" 11 «‘bored nt St. fh o in a s A fte r the ; ^ ven aiflereut «tte m p U to extort a tbr ut uud I uiik *. A » ydn rslne y«mr * * - compared with them, ami every pfttaon, ______ be given every two l>snd a con- necessary repairs hml been iu i te , scrHei!U o f ng’ ony, the doj; u «ve up in knowing thtir virtu««, will employ them, I utt-i ca give this wondeHol remedy a trial W o L a v e becn requ -.ti d by M rs. at something a short distance from where b .i»« l.<-r tooar midst *fiin . , c. Foster ill, Hg, and fifty dollars will bs ndJcd for F,. W . V iin d e rv c rt, (J iiie f S uperiu- Jliss Ora Tat ner, from Silein. spent a there, and as her husband was s b " j despair . nnd went away behind the , when m.-U l. lh cy ke»p the aysleui in ! |,y , u Img <>u J. L. Hyde, Dallas, drnggiWl^ h i was at work. Not having a gnu he n.'-r spilth :iJ >»jftaition»l ban l entering for tlio tor.di-nt o f th e J u v e n ile T ein u era n ce took his n::e and went to sea and assist few days last week with her aunt, Mrs. ! quite helpless, tho brave woman fl bnrn a ltd blushed • and * felt * ' miserable. “ j)0rf«ct order, uud muintaiu in healthy j ,40(t » btainiag a trial bottle free of_i:o*i i situate in prize. Until tb % turn of six huu- W o r k o f th e I. O. O . T . , to an ­ lo » ■!» Ci !*• -/ *l| ftu*J I >r a r.^r.liir *i*e Inviti» lor f 1.UÜ HoilfOv worked the ship to l ivtrp o ol, no 1 ,IM>1 R H'.-ta more than a week bof >ro netioti tho whole mwhinety of life. Mild, the Jog. On arriving at tho spot, behold Griggs. A f ­ ho could " e t his iic ito up to tastnq Heurebing and effectual, they are especi­ D evi» .V Co., wliivtv»»!« ngvnt», Portland.. *«jd '¡her*/ jd o lls r s is given in premianis they n oun ce th a t M rc. L . L . V, lùtea iker, Wo wrere favored with quite a rhqw mado tho voyage in thirty clays' \ i 1 th ore btood a*t bay,, a line spscimei storm the first of the week. A f<-u ter this she sett led down in New o f miothpr pair o f trowrsor*. It was; ally adapted to the nat'da of the digestive ^ / ^ A h j l i a p c r n i n i r f to play in [ .ire, ora. o f In d e p e n d e n c e , an d M rs. S. . A. t i * £'aiiì»n* «litri-« «CH*rr». appur'fitua, tbranganiettfs of which ihe) noble »!leer. H ii first ’ thrmght sleighs were seen passing through town, York, nnd for seven yearn has* sup­ ,n will Be I***11«',' iy a* ae* fit to cuter together, i .i ii M cC u n c, o f A m ity , h ave been n|)- ; nw-ful embarrassing for the poor .doff' prevent and cure, if timely tukvn. The) which raise 1 quite au excitement among slip np behilul the deer «u l cat 'll Anoic boni** Curry *nd C l«r» boni**- ported her crippled husband and her Boston Post. are tb«» best aud safest physic to olufdo) ______ i J S S T ; V "1 aalectiog it» om u ui'ponr c t, cho. s- p o in ted t o o rg a n iz e B and s o f U LoFe - tha yonng folks. Kvllogit ar» Iwyond qm-MÌon tha must fu­ 4, but when aim oat the bin(1 for children and weakened compilations, Mr. Erwin, of P w tlm l, travoling agent child by working r.a a clerk in a dry ll'J h . m h w * » 1k * «•»•“ » ■ « * . « “ •' ‘ • f * ;. «.-tin-- T h e r e is an o rga n iza tio n or tin kind A wok man, uliffhtly conv»le*cjuf*. where n mild but effectual cathartic is re­ mana opera *in«er* ut inuvlern '.imra. l a ¿go»>dn f>tore in that oity. L ately she turi, they bave beili nuiver.ally aiknowl- a t Inil:*[>cn.1pnee, on e nt A m iiy , a:»d f.,i D i . i Ivon A B.rn., picture g.ill-ry, ia i itK d»v o< ¡.judijra. pat-t the • ! has been appointed to the f*o t of recently in conver atioti with « nioui quired. For sale 1>V «11 dealers, f -il;;i'il io b* III« leader» uf tbi ir profeagion. in town ».::•!< xhibits sm o fine work. ^ ^ - “ i i S ^ T * r ?^ ; i | l L o h a n . l . c.f th - -a f:l i.ì a rìo at lLg!ilau*-l — a II ia u ii > u - friend, coiiffratnb*tin;r him upon his u* »e li a. Udiva of lurge expeiieu*« » » A Prof. StanVy r d imc 1 last w -ek from in pectreesin the N c * Turk custom totirr. B i - tlir . A«on*P^ C J IAN ANI I j r 1 'u c - 1 H I.- »- L . # B. r i i An T U 5 ‘Min *"***■ >ot- Mill I* Mrr»*- * »i»l P ork , n$. Lard. CI ,t qimUty. “ * ' fn .li Prie* H 1 «*t rea rsiity « In for CSfcW « peaei*l«r T‘. iml a w-’ek in No r'sk. nnfrtd. ! h M.-1V ve roen. a"'l i1"»».*? roa wtn* • Oregon, to I».- pres at. t > much th j l- ii h i*. tous pourr­ ir to make them welcome tors. Iu due time tbc b publi^be'l, qiviag the fcch ilav'sproc ■Stil,, In aud ending ftll probab i l i p int even on th- fc-M at tlii-s pin* • Ip * »pie, aa 1 th? Ilf <>urban 1 boys, h lib ili- antnis who have r.ot pai 1 ni" tho trouble <»f ea Hing fit the Sheriff « oí e M\ue. The « have money. 1 ntion. L ran «o an l with I d i ih ii i .e long t> Mr. <». b n k:.i..* « 1» cr. Mr. A .Ilford • d er k «im to the granai, get him by «h H. S-ilern, where he h»is been a t a ling the ; houao,— Hprpei*M Yottn^ Pon; ie. T :)'*• . i:icr; \!!i.tnc.‘ . i f « war Bent as a i l vI * ' . c from this j»l in«». # A sr.it l>r Miriti qr'f.in*t » lifo in inv­ L ♦. stmv«*.l or stolon. sr*a»r\r!»rre the limits of our little Vury. tbrei* ailo» canqinny in -S«w Y «»!; by tbo L autiffil mustaches, t hick wen* the sd- willow of a i ' an who v'** i 'ot by mi- _ - >m ltn oí I I that n u th*-.». T1|e fit» l- oviier wli he amply r warded b: i avmg the D m just revolt« 1 ill H Ter-liet to r t! g th«n), at t n cone?rum. infoitnst , «:vne, or eonr nnv. T h e p (> icy priivi lv.l tu.it the p St ofiit'ft, w*iere they c i id be ob- it was voiil if th0 na.oirv.l jsop a rtlirel tsÌPft-1 b*. the you ng geutiemeti ? to whom Di» 1-fa an«! dia l in tho Tiolarion of X and Z. th«»y bpi )Rff thereof. — the law or ;u con eq iene \v. r . Drown in» still in the fi< ehi with a | new lot (>í dr-ífts ;oo4s, dress trimmings, Z«1 AVi'». n, a I >mi«-r rn and, fn fact, rt Rouerai ftASf »rtircut of ptave, hid Ir.« to« broken »' at lu»west livinr» ra mereban row At l' rl!»ud Ì- t werk. P4II.V . Febrn »ry If. \? L recovery, and Itskinff him who W i phvsivian kh ", rejdii «1, “ I ) r . ----- brt ifflit f t » th. m ffll." " N o , n «,” li.l hi«! friend, " G o d brought you oot <.f yoar illness, not the doctor.” “ Y'.'cll," rep'.i .1 he. “ m ayboha did, but 1 mn c itain tbo doctor w ill charge mo lo r it ” Ptiotogrepli» and all kind« of pivtnr«* , ,n now «s l iken in D ill»» fur «»burl lime tily hy Mr K. Kraft. «rii»t. lulu ol Han Fransi . o, Cal. Call *t once and nee *[ieii- imetv* at hi* work. Price* rvasouabu aud , ail work guataulvod. lar.li roc Ural. A f*r*n of l-l'J acre* uf goo.1 tilTatdr lumi. 11 iy fur *al« on Ibi p-av*. Apply N vt. Ilia.Mas. That hni kln« e » i « !i emt be *o rjnlekly iuimedutely t.i D iu a ,, FiLrnary 17, l U I . or-d I'j Hblloti*» Care. W* gii*r;.ul*e it. F.,r »al* by Iti««* .k M il» r. Sleeptos» ni«li!* mad* mi«vr»ble by lb il v/i-l vos «aT r with D y ir " " .'» «n i I.ivvr Coinpl»'.iit ? Khiloh'« kiiilizvr 1» torribl* coligli. Mirili-ti'« Cnro in the real- gnnr.int"*.l *«re you. Kursatol** Bi©o* edr for you. Fur »«to l>y K rj«* ¿ Miller, Dàlia*. » « M Ito», Dall i .. particniarly goorì t iute. Tbr.y bave prob- at.Iy- tfuvvli d Liorn cxtenaivisly Ihnn any ladiva O l i lire *tn«c, and. »»»c o iia i qarnfe. bave had axcellert uppu-toniu*a ut jmlg- in« of ìLo inerii# of diffi reiit eoiyitriv^ and Unir pruduetiona. Il i, ecrloliily » very girai credit tu Califuruia and t h » ' baliuy tm ui-trupieul ( Ila.*!* o( tbv Parine, lo bare ih»rv.nroiMn.uee .-ilaven’* Yurenri- le Culligli# by far Ih* be.» thry h a ^ eyer- I iu *ny roanlry. For ani» al ¿ M iller'» drue «»ore. — r«»(>irth cure«!, bf alth si.»? sweftf 1 srcuvtMl by Bstiub'« l ’atarrh Frire cunt^. Niisnl to •do hj fi'gs» Jt M ll'rt. liìiHiW