Polk County itemizer. (Dallas, Or.) 1879-1927, February 18, 1882, Image 1

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Devoted to the Best Interests o f Polk County in Particular and to the Pacific Coast in General.
IX T D K N O M T A h K .
H 4U O B L
E X T E R T .il \MK.XT.
A M O M OX THE r i m
The entertainment given ou Friday even­
A* B r i e f R e J * l* d « r .
L ewisville , Feb. 7, 1882.
ing, tho 10th, by the Literary Societies of
EniTon I temizer : Having hereto­
tho La Creole Academy was successful in
E iutob I temizku : I did not intend fore beeu somewhut interested in tbe
The grand masquerade ball, announced
meut to take place under the auspices of the
Ou Monday last Ray Kimes, Tommy every particular.
provoking a newspaper controversy fruit business, and entertaining a
Dallas Trombone Band, came off Tuesday Garduer and Marion Neally, all residents
Tho music, under the direction of Miss
when I wrote a abort reply to “ A. desire for its continued and redou­
evening at th* Baud Hull. By nine o'clock of the Little Lackiamute section, went to
the floor was tilled with dancers, forty- the uiouutuius up that stream hunting.— Jennie Rowell, was appropriate and en­ O. Y .,” but permit me to occupy
bled prosperity, a few remarks on
f Salem, seven masted persons being in attend­
pay lust. ance. At 10 o ’clock the musks were re­ wus steadily falling, rendering travel very was the solo, “ Lost in the Deep, Deep aome further apace in your columns. the subject may not be on. jf place.
slow aud laborious. They had been chas­
I am not an adept in tbe field of Experience has shown that the de­
Jin «on- moved and the dance proceeded, many of ing some deer till late in the ufternoou, Sea, ’ ’ sung by the young lady herself, high­
r a week the large throng of spectators joining the when Kimes concluded to abandou the ly appreciated.
controversy, and do not hope to mand for green fruit has not been
dancers. The committee to award the
prizes, consisting of L. M. Hull. T. F. chase and go home, which he did, leaving , Tho first exercise was a declamation, treat this subject iu to enptivuting a sufficient to market the quantity
jlsrco, wns
Smith and J. II. Townsseml, gave the the others still pursuing the game.— j
torn, who first prize to Mrs. Mattie fiurford and Gardner finally killed a deer in a canyon ! “ Battle of Bunker Ilill,” by Master Ar­ manner as “ A. O. Y .” assumes, but raised. Consequently, thousands of
thur L Veazie. The young orator seemed
believing dancing to be an evil, l bushels have retted in the orchards
the gentlemun’s prize to F. A. Brown.— beyond Mt. Brown, and by this time, it .
|_been quite About sixty numbers were sold, and a being very lati, they concluded to try and perfectly nt ease and very familiar with bis
is uow very large crowd of spectators being in make their way out to the settlement. It piece. His teachers say that he excels in can only state the fact plainly, every year. The first plan to save
attendance, the Band realized quite a nppears that Neally had become complete- j his studies and is faithful in his society. hoping to be righted if I am wrong, this surplus fruit and reap some ben­
was in handsome sum, after paying all expenses. ly exhausted and when they started for We predict for him a bright future.
and enlightened if I am ignorant.
efit from it that attracted attention
l busi ness. Following are the names of maskers and home could not make headway at all, fall­
•kra toi
“ Which Will Have ¿1 n,” an amusing
Our fiieud snys “ Young Fogy was designed by Mr. At Jen, who in­
the characters assumed, with the excep­ ing down every few steps. Gardner as­
sisted him for some distance by allowing
pial ftcon- tion of four or five, who unmasked too Neally to take hold of his clothing, but he dialogue, was next produced in a pleasing seoius to imply nothing but libertiu- vented the Alden dryer. The de­
»«u w
manner. We learn* that this was the first
I'ton, Sun
isiu , as da-^-lhe writer of tbe ‘ Dance sign was a good one. The machine
soon became so tired that be could not
lines day.
effort of the young performers, Miss Ella
Death.’ " I never saw but one produced a better article of dried
eeived a
ion then took him ou his back and almost Hallock, Miss Rosa Sites and Mr. G. H.
copy of the “ Dnnoe of Death,” and fruit t an any thon known iu mar­
lis now in Popcorn G irl........ ......... Mrs. F. A. Brown carried him for about three-quarters of a Robbins. They certainly did well.
....... Mrs. Martha Burns
1 home ere
The next two performers, wo believe,
Bunch of Keys . . ...........Miss Inn Nankin mile, but this was too much for the have never beforo appeared before a Dallas did not rend that; moreover, am ig­ ket, nud active business men per­
Maid of the Inn .. . . . . Miss Hettie Itowell strength of Gardner, and fearing that they audience.
Both deserve great praise, norant of tho author’s course, and do ceived its utility, nud beholding tlie
iter of the Drummer G ir l.. . . . . . Miss Effle E. Good would both perish in the snow, he placed
Ies, fell Deaf Woman........ . . . . Mrs. W. P. Wright Neally along side a tree aud sturted for which was shown by the perfect stilluess not know that it materially affects vast amount of fruit going to waste
and died Stars...................... . . Miss Nannie Farley help. It was one o ’clock in the morning that reigned while they wefe on the stage.
by the time he reached a dwelling and The first, Miss Lottie Palwehn, in her the question under consideration. every season, which they supposed
Queen of the Hunt .. .Miss Laura Hagood
[•gent at this American F la g ... . ......... Mrs. B. A. Grant when assistance reached Neally he was essay, “ Sowing and Heaping,’ ’ displays a Dancing does not always lead to lib­ could be got at a reasonable price,
|«e several Dallas Band......... . . . Miss Jennie Rowell past all earthly help. His remains were taste for poetry and the sentimental, a ertinism by any means, nor does tip­ and anxious to build up a new in­
muy Hughes Good Luck............. ........Miss Ora Palmer brought to the residence of his brother-in- talent which is not uncommon in yonng
law, Robert Ford, of Luckiamnte, aud Dr. people of her age, and which is not to be pling always lead to drunkenness. dustry. which would afford employ­
lV (Jjjgjj I, ghtulafl to ««a b sen ce from Peasant.................. ..M iss Belle Woodruff
J. N. Smith called, but nothing could bo despised. The other, Miss Emma Mat­
Dinah .................... ,. Mrs. Mattie Burford don*:. The Doctor informs us that he thew's, came on the stage a little too soon. Both frequently lead to the results ment for thousands of laboring men
Sciub Woman........ ....... Mrs. J. C. Shultz was not frozen, but died from exhaustion. Very few heard the first words of her pretty indicated. The New York Journal
», Wo
during the rainy season, and prompt­
Baby....................... .............Pansy Wright
H.i sv«
Young Neally was aged 21 years and recitation, “ The Lost Steamship.”
Miss Jennie M. Brown was raised in this vicinity, where he has low' me this suggestion: Never begin to of F.ducation, which is certainly not ed with tbe hope that fruit growers
*-“ ■ llr‘t«t. x.^snd
many relatives. His funeral took place deliver your piece, be it what it may, until an orthodox publication, asserts that would lend them their aid, iu what
you have the attention of your audience. “ The Chief of Police of New ) ork
Alpine Blunter............... ......... Ben Harris on Thursday.
fi . J
was worthless to them, iu tbe found­
nan, • «tardy grouper of Domino.......................... ............. Ellis Hall
As we suspected, the best of the wine
ssde a* »««II tbla week. He Rip Van Winkle.......... ........H. W. Lyons
was reserved to the last of the feast. We City says that thiee-fourths of tho ing of a new enterprise, they re­
from th* effects of a woe.ml Iu lia n ........................... ......... J. C. Shultz
do not wish to be understood ns putting abandoned girls in this city were solved to try ou experiment. Con­
Surprise parties are still the rage.
chopping recently, mid «inn W nth .......................... ........D. N. Burns
the Drama above the literary productions.
Mrs. Josie Byrd, of Salem, is here, vie- We believe it should be the student’s ruined by dancing.” The Chief of sequently thousands of dollars were
B U R N S h <*r,org*‘ hlm“ u as to chop Black Domino.............. ............D. J. Riley
highest ambition to arrange and express Police certainly had opportunity for expended by those entorprising meu,
Wild Man...................... ....... James Harris iting friends and relatives.
I«t F. A.Stiles’ Song and Dance Mnn . ............. A. Myers
Mrs. Cnttron has gone to Salem to see his own thoughts to an audience in a clear knowing, and allowing that the pro­
nnd in a short time our valley was
and forcible manner. Let us have more
ver offered in this ma ket. Chinaman...................... .........San. Shultz her mother, who is very sick.
o doe» not u«e one of them Sailor............................ ......... Will Wright
Mrs. C. T. Waller, from Perrvdale, re­ of tbe literary and less of the mimicry of portion may be somewhat larger than dotted almost throughout its whole
(«rule into otflee nest June, Jockey............................ ......... F. A. Stiles turned home the first of the week.
was reasonable to suppose, tho nurn- extent with Alden fruit dryerr; but
must say, however, that the Drama,
‘to I I I y harness, whip«, spur», etc , Blue Domino................. ........J. F. Groves
Miss Emma Waller can always be found “ Bread on the .Waters,” as played the ' ber would still be large enough to what was their success? No sooner
at her stand, ready to furnish you with other eveuing. richly deserved, as it re­ ‘ form a startling commentary ou tbe
»m an: U e n n . J. W. nml A. Laplander...................... . . . . Frank Rowell the best of goods in her line of busiuess.
! was a dryer set up in a community
ceived, the closest attention and most I results of dancing.
,, ■ ,,
ruth Salem, knee within the Don Juan....................... ........T. B. Rowell
Tom Rush and Grunt Wolverton re­ hearty applause of tho large audience
Ever since the days of Herod. than every fruit-grower beenme ex­
•uiiiii oil eel, !«,» granted a patent fm a nn.in Irishman....................... . . Robert Hubbard
turned the first of the week from Port­ piescnt.
! when the graceful dancing of a cited, and instead of selling their
Ve understand that this is a Clown............. ........... ......... U. S. Grant
One pleasant feature of the evening | woman caused him to behead John
Blue Domino................. ........T. J. Graves land, where they have beeu attending
ntlon, and wish Hi'
whole crops nt a reduced price, they
Commercial College.
was the absence of the hoodlum element
~ it snoeeas in th« manufacture
! the Baptist, the tendency of dancing
Uncle Sam..................... . . . Charles Farley
Our little burg is lively and seems to be VH the front part of the hull, where they
were then to have nn extraordinary
. ,vn
ieir maehin«.
Don Juan....................... ......... A. O. Yates in a flourishing condition. The merchants
I Muggiti ind E'T Itstasman of Satnrilsy hwt Pink Domino................ . . . O. G. Shurtleff here are ever reudy aud anxious to wait evening, occupying the best seats, and, by hedged about with refinement and price for it. Before that, farmers
Ben. Hayden
w,,,‘ •’/ l'*n, : iftefBOOt
tlieir shrill whistling and stamping of feet,
Spanish Nobleman....... ..........G. L. Kelty
■...J t .- iíiu
bitten by a
at the resi- Ilans.............................. ......... F. A. Brown upon customers, aud it would be to your greatly annoying those of a quieter turn. | shorn of its more condemnable ac­ would gather their choice apples and
companiments, still its spirit und store them away until late in the
. Clark in E«sk8ak-n,. The Darkey.......................... ........... C. G. Coad interest to call and examine their goods
Incidentally, we hear that tho receipts
before going elsewhere.
tendency will remain the same. The wiuter or spring, nnd then you would
'eot in hi« wriat, the dog's
A very enjoyable time was had, by a
fetters will he broken, and mnnv
ocl Tea:i)JS’ 'g on« Of t h e veins, which
■MLL.S T O > I T E M « .
crowd ol young folks, nt the residence ot
'"ood to flow frasly.
into valuable books, which shall become will attribute their first step toward see them tugging through the mud
Mr. Lncua last Monday evening. The
[ from our »rrciAii correspondevt .]
, ,.
oro people can now see where
with a cart-load of apples to town,
ruin to the dance.
party was given in honor of Bert., it be­
• ■ - ■'"’1 liatnke by indorsine li .««hi ns
Mrs. Siding is visiting friends in Mc­ ing his seventeenth birthday. Bert., may Academy. Could we not, as citizens of
Referring to “ selection” as a sufiv where they were glud to get twenty
Dallas, interested as wo are iu building
• ■
’ -out • bait to «IIfellows ..f his Minnville.
you realize many returns of such happy
»»nnt:,bng town h«« been infested
up the interests of this school, contribute cieut safeguard agoiust such “ vile or tweuty-fivo cents a bushel for
What with the falling and melting snow birthdays.
one or more valuable books to increase compounds as whisky, gambling and
to «neh an extent that the and ram fall, the ground is somewhat
On last Tuesday evening about 4 o ’clock, the library ? If the librarian will publish libertinism,” our friend says: “ Per­ them, and take their pay in goods nt
cltireos of that place have irriguous.
meu, women and children, and also a cer­ the list of books on hand, he may count
any price the merchant deniaudod.
E THE NEÏÏ #£ «arerai by threatening to
The wife of Prof. Sibbetts has been tain yonug lady (we will not mention any me in for one at least. “ Who ’ll be the haps that is where the shoe fits— But now they had struck it rich;
_ n d whip them.
‘selection,’ which means ‘ personal
quite ill for some time. We are glad to names), were seen gazing steadfastly in the next?”
A micus Ac ad Kin.
- evening last alitile .'a ««ht. r state that she is convalescing.
exclusion.’ I have known those that they would have that prico in cash
direction of Dallas. And what for, do
, who lire. on C . I> . Kinhree's
were too ungainly to npoenr on the for every bushel of fruit they raised,
pebble into bar n<> t i l >« m 1
Buchanan’* lloor, condemn dancing.” “ A. O. ail'd sell it right iu tlieir orchards.
serted. Some of our citizens attended j bearing a certain young man# to hia
J. R. SITES, wars »nable to get it out. the ball nt Dallas, some went to a country home (?) of course.
bachelorhood was the result of a fool­ Y .” is slightly mistaken. I may be But tlieir crafty, miserly natures
X. and Z.
* sy she waa, brought to town
ish misunderstanding.
While a
^ Q jpisM iiid. Connaway and J. N. Smith, dance above Sheridan, and some were vis
ill-featured aud “ ungainly” and were not long to be gratified. Those
ZE.V4 IT E M ».
successful young lawyer in Lancas­ awkward, and yet I lmve been iu- dryers were tho first invented nnd
f 0 1Uin 1 1 /tlijitering chloroform, removed iting.
rhioh was about half an inch
vited to attend dunces. The insinu­ expensive in operation; consequently
DALLAS, lunrtsr of anineh in thickness. tures (comic valentines) it is amusing to
Mrs. John Crooks is recovering from ful but somewhat domineering girl.
tlieir owners declined to pay the
ation was unworthy “ A. O. Y .”
_ rriral of the I n u i o : « at the notion how the smile expands on the face her recent illness.
Some legal business sent him to a
Why not apply this principle of price demanded and tho fruit con­
St. Valentino treated all the young folks neigh boring county', where he remain­
■if EON mill STiir.t* o/flcea ta this county last of the recipient until it breaks into a
“ selection” to other questionable in tinued wasting in the orchards, to
' .
s caused by the Salem mail uenrty guffaw. We all wish to convey well, ns they got lots of them.
ed for several days.
When ho re­ dulgences, and so "reform ” them? the disadvantage of its growers, to
------ —«««ly taking the aack of papers the idea that w'e feel ns glad as though we
turned one evening ho found his
J. N. SMITliatead of leaving at Derry. had a splinter run into our flesh.
To drinking, for instauce. Where I the dis&Jcnutnge of tho deceived
plete success, and everybody enjoyed
Miss Henderson closed her term of themselves.
office filled with importunate clients, live those who nre willing to pay stockholders of the dryers, to tho
ig to our readern to have the
and tired and hungry ns he was, he $‘2.50, more or lees, nre the ones disadvantage «of laboring men in
VSIAIAH iiiid. *ndB« we ere alwaya very school here a week ago last Friday. Be­
^ lu m n nw wt41 It in |lme it iH 0XIIR|H,r. ing a first-class teacher, she of course
T he I temizes did not get here until
attended to their business.
“ selected” to attend ihe dances, aud want of employment, and to tbe dis­
DALLAS, 01 We trust we ahull huve to
hurryingto the home of tho angel of these are quite frequent.
prefer to have it come on Saturday.
advantage of tho country in general.
Mr. Adam Brown has gone back to Wis­ his dreams lie found it closed and
I havo yet to learn what are the It has beeu said, “ grab all, and lose
paper« hare this week bee/« District the coming Summer. The patrons
«tail* of t^ f «opposed murder of that school are lucky in securing her consin. He failed to buy a place. He dark. Next morning he repeated good effects of dancing; but the all;” s o il was with the implacable
wanted G40 acres. We are sorry to lose the visit, and although he saw Miss
i 1* A.» tliiwa, who was found last No­ services.
longer I note its influence the more fruit growers, aud as quickly us it
Our merchant returned from Salem last Mr. B.
te river at the north end of
------ at a window, ho was told by a
had sprung up it sank back into
All ought to g t and hear Col. Long lec­ servant that she was not at home. firmly am I convinced that it results
a JlN E Y 'fl» liaimcd that Carrie Iirad- week. He hud been there for some time
gloom and darkness, aud the indus­
of a house of ill-fame, mur-
jt Qjj^cr arrest in Sau unjust for your correspondent from Zeua early candle light. Ho will lecture here Ho walked away and never approach­ dertaking to correct the evils and try was lost to the world, with noth­
ed the house again. > either could
FILL GIVE PSOMrrI!iwral peraons have been to have people believe that Alex, is of a at 11 a . m to-morrow, and at Oak Grove
vices which hover al>out this amuse­ ing to tell of its fate except the huge
Wa should be to-morrow evening. The Colonel is a fine he subdue pride enough to make or ment, in order to keep the pure from drying structures that still remained
hiuinsu enfujteJ a-COHO p licit? in the affair. The “ roving” disposition.
c left .n t it rouitHa»
pn the evidence of two pleased to huve him explain from what he speaker. Go and hear him.
seek an explanatian.
The young
becoming contaminated, would it mute witnesses of tho past.
„„ a
-0*«0 ** Bradley’ s den. whose d iws his inference.
We went over to Salem on Wednesday, lady shortly after died, and Mr.
But this state of affairs was not
W A R R E N I« dieeredited by some. An in- Friend Jimmy thinks that—
aud saw Polk County represented by Buchanan never attempted to win not be better to substitute for so long to exist. The ingenious and
questionable a pastime, something
. . • w Will SOOB bo had. when the There is not going to be in this wide h ir knights in the Circuit Court and by
another woman.
I T O R N E lS doubt be developed.
which shall tenfl to elevate aud make enterprising Plummerset his ingenu­
tiie moral element at the Alliance. We
world a hapnier life
ity to work aud produced n dryer
DALLAS, 01 — ----- — ------------
bv her fairest daughters at »he Alliance. M c G R E W
his wife,
&. W A L L E R ,
“ A. O. Y ." nlso remarks that more simple in operation and struc-'
Frk >. or hill STH\y l ..t , abont noon, anvs the
“ Dancing is just ns legitimately cre­ turo. diminished in price and cost of
ments of glee
i ..,«i n i n « ___, Entarpria« of tin- ,,.n m it., n
P o r r y d u ie , O r e g o n .
ated as nn vother act or action, good, operation, which once moro attract­
XT ho XT 11 » He?
sing aocldent occurred nt High* And pinch the cat’ s ta— (narrative) when
bad or indifferent.” Not being inueh ed attention.
The Portland Standard of Sunday last \
she jumps on his knee.
■ butler .
in named Grtodataff wm un-
By this time fruit growers had be­
of a theologian, I shall not attempt
Last Sunday evening a certain gentle­ says: Last night at the Elite Theater one !
ndha poaaeaaor of two daughters
come reconciled to the idea that
O A l i l « ¿ I 'd 10 years respectively, who man was much surprised to see our friend of the motor« was stationed in a private |
Believing in all things what was which
I laving auv more sense J. L,—who appeared in a great hurry aud box and began “ guying” the performers,
“ hells” and temptation.
But it “ half a loaf was better than no
t f o m c j s , i|h™ “
^ « D u r i n g the nb- i was steppiug higher than a blind horse— Rattling repartee eusned, when the end J is aud what is to be, we conscientiously seems to me his logic would lend to bread,” and offered inducements to
MLL PltOllfTLT I -» P«lI atoM flM girls were play- coining up to him. J. L. wanted to know man grew sanguinary in tho neck and i claim to sell the best goods at the lowest
those desirous of reviving the for­
■ - ■ I , . &re in the «pen fi i - j,!.»... mi 1 whether he had a pair of scales that made a rush for tho joker; the door was [ prices (for cash, or the first cut ou time) the conclusion that God, and He
alone, ¡»responsible for every “ good, saken industry, and the result was
t, opp mt«.* Court !!!!>• «ppliad « burning stick to would weigh two thousand pounds that he broken down, and amid tho cries of “ mnr- [
of any store in the country, Portlaud not
bad or indifferent” act or action! thousands of dollars have been
I ¡Vi
0* ‘ ha ytrnnger one "just oould borrow. Upon inquiring what he der” aud pistol shooting a rag man was .
J. M. CO ivii O xha flaasaaqtrickiy sprv,..l ou r wished to’ weigb, was answered as follows: thrown upon the stage and the curtain excepted. Just received, new and fresh God does not tempt men,
but brought into the country, by this
t/OtniAW Al'il » f«w Biostea she wss burnt “ B y ----- , we got a big boy baby over to went down. Before, however, the dummy ! stock, and daily receiving tbe freshest and “ every man is tempted when lie is means, that otherwise would lmve
I d iO in il Mii»ond recognition.
The poor our bouse to-day, and b y ----- , I want to
latest out. Now, friends, think for a mo­ drawn away of his own lust and en­ been lost. But even yet there is not
,.jd tha flaBoafrom her burning weigh him. I think, b y ----- , he’ ll weigh ipose editor of a Williamette valley paper :
had run half way out of tbe theater and ment, and answer why (if you can) one ticed. Then lust bringeth forth sin, half the fruit that is raised utilized.
DALLAS, 0»tod tha tortures she suffered nearly two thousand pounds.”
was trying to climb up one of the pillars can work cheaper in the city than we in and sin, when it is finished, death.” Why is it? It is simply a mystery
<T „„nsi«:.' external and ini. m, ,1 « ,
Answer to the item in locals in last
8 h . lingered until Monday week’s I tkmizer in regard to us: Yes, have when he was brought to a realization of ! the country. Humbug! They cannot;
Ho nlso asks whether a band of for fruit growers to solve. An acre
position. He said he “ wasn’ t a durn- [
----------------------- BOB Booth Mpknately came to been very busy at a variety of things, and
neither do the} ; the proof of which we Good Templars, haring a social ball of good orchard will yield thirty
The girlo have always been items have been scarce indeed. Nothing
dollars’ worth of fruit annually, at
¿•rmlotfl* and it bus never beeu of moment has occurred, excepting the hut he did not want to be detained as a | ever staud ready to practically demon­ will encourage whisky drinking and i five cents n bushel, yet many of our
M c G rew <fc W a l l e d .
gambling any more than “ kissing
TR U ITT A T^indiocftot to leave them in the l purchase ®f our warehouse by Messrs. witness in such an expensive town.”
The N«U HacrrAHiil Aflnlr or the Kiad Ever
, is bere
Calve* In Bnllnat.
M a r lo n X e a lly R e r o u te » E i h a u t t r d , w h ile
II ti it I lu x . m id
D ie « lie fo r e A »»1» In u re
■ e * e b e » H im .
« ( t v
Messinger & Ladd, of Amity, for $6,000.
“ S u r v iv a l o f t h e Fittest.**
| Taking the very few sent in this week as a
Darwin’s theory of the “ survival of the
1 c iterion by which to judgf, it cannot help fittest” is simoly that the weakly die while
Band this week b it be plainly perceptible to the most
Bphia for a hand- casual reader that separate particulars are the robust and hardy thrive and live. How
ricE or mill irr.ff
[ tho cost of which will [ hardly comeatable. In reference to the true this is of all seed growth, and how
~\ of fn 11 equipment ; m itrimouial hint, we are completely non­ necessary to sow only that which is suited
|| drum major, and plussed, might «ay dumbfounded, us we by nature to live and develop. D. M. Fer­
ry & Co, the great Seed growers and Seed
. »a handsomest in tli♦» tat<*.
c innot begin to fathom the meaning.*
P T O R N E I ,;»i«rtUiB has the finest set of in- \ Presume we shall have to defer an expla- dealers of Detroit, Mich, supply only the
and purest, raising their own seeds
•in Oregon, and when the new i nation until we stand vis-a-vis, when the j
by the most approved methods and with
a n d N otary t a r e , wtumake a more credit- j “ game” cau be given us orally.
the greatest care, and bringing to their
iranoe th M avrr. H..11.is n;a>
business the invaluable aid of 23 years’
md of bar Band, snd we kuo«
U L M IL IT IA A O F ( O M M L F A ) X .
experience in culture. Their latest Seed
ara flHOiul to the people
Annual, for 1882, is a real help to the gar-
iccuritv Oflkeh^ berolity in htstowing upon them
At a regular meeting of Dabas Trom­ deuer, and should be in the hands of all
1 enabled them to
bone Rand, the following resolution was who desire to purchase pure and true
Seeds. It is sent free to all who apply
Resolved, That in the untimely death for it.
of F. A. Compton, the Bund has lost n
F a ta l F o lly .
genial companion, a worthy member and ; A quarrel took place in a saloon at Cen­
an enthusiastic musician. That they ten­ terville, Umatilla county, on the 7th iust.,
der their heartfelt sympathy to the be- between Dan Swaggert and James Coyle,
pared lo r.tttfwl toR
{ reaved wife and child, trusting that ail which resulted iu the death of tho latter
I - al Teeth inerted
! broken links in this life may be made The parties were engaged in a game of po­
d*»ne aj well and
e front room orer H**
whole in the “ sweet bye-and-bye.”
ker. when Coyle drew his revolver and i»e-
F. A. B rowx , ! gan twisting it around with his fingers
Wif. G rant ,
through the guard. Th« weapon flew off
F. D. tñcO
F \ J .C oad .
and striking the floor was discharged. Iu
the scuffle which ensued for the possession
M a r r ie d .
if snd fired a
At the residence of the bride's parents. of the
* i February 2, 1882. by the Rev. J. A. Hol- shot which «truck CoyU just be ow tbe
lenbangh. Mr. W. E. Dalton, of Saver
Stition. and Miss Mary Irene, only daugh­
P I T T H E F R IT T E R .
ter of Isaac Staats, Esq . of Lackiamute,
Polk County, Oregon.
There are many persona indebted to
o c k s , W a tch *
this office for subscription, advertising
At Pine City, Whitman County, W .T ., and job printing, and 4nst at this time we
February 5, 1882, to the wife of Z. T. Dod­
are in need of the money due us and must
son, a daughter.
bare it. We have waited lorg enough
for what is our own, and as we must have
money we truet those who are indebted
will come and sUtle up.
r T S it a a r -.
A C T iC A L
b«cs,” which nre “ so rife amongst | fruit growers would rather lot them
of those that oppose the ] rot than take ten ccuts for them in
Conferred upon tens of thousand» of suf­
I do not uphold “ kissing ! tho orchard, which prico one en­
ferers could originate and muintuin the
gaged in the business can afford to
repntution which A yek ’» S arsaparilla bees.” If a Good Templar ball, or
enjoys. It is a compound of the best veg­ « social party not Good Templars, i pay, under favorable circumstances,
etable alteratives, with the Iodides ol encourage or countenance vice in | and while dried fruit remains nt the
Potassium and Iron, and is the most ef­ any form, let them be unspariugly | price that it has been for the last two
fectual of all remedies for scrofulous,
I yfa rs.
mercurial or blood disci ders. Uniformly condemned.
But there is still another thing to
Reference is made to the equality
successful and certain in its remedial ef­
fects, it produces rapid and complete of the sexes. I do not wish to enter be noticed in connection with the
cures of Scrofula, Horns, Boils, Humors, upon the discussion of that ques­ | fruit industry. While the Plummer
Pimples. Eruptions, bkin Diseases and tion, but prefer to leave it in the dryer is much clieuper than the Al­
and all disorders rising from imparity of
den, it still commands an exorbitant
the blood. By its invigorating effects it ] hands of Mr. Pipes and Mrs. Duni- price. His factory dryor, which has
always relieves and often cures Liver * nay.
Complaints, Female Weaknesses and Ir- j
Because society upholds dancing been sold for the sum of 8(100. could
regularities, and is a potent renewer of we are not bound to say it is right, be put up, with a profit to the build­
vitality. For purifying the blood it lias unless we fear “ personal exclusion.” ers and pnteutee, for 8200.
no equal. It tones up the system, re- <
Champion dryer, though hardly equal
»tores a ml preserves the health, snd im­
to tbe Plummer in simplicity of
parts vigor and energy. For forty years I may write or speak against it —and
it has been in extensive use, und is to-day ! every other evil —I uo not intend to operation, though equal in capacity,
the most available medicine for the suffer- ! impeach the virtue o f those who has been sold at the reduced price
iug sick, anywhere.
For sale by all cannot see as I do, nor otherwise in­ ! of $180, and we had hoped that op­
sult those with whom I differ. But position between the two pntents
I expect to speak the truth without would reduce the price of their ms-
fear or furor, resting quietly in tho 1 chines to something reasonable; but
Parties who have not paid their taxes
that it will nt last prevail, we are informed that Plummer has
will save me the trouble of calling on
recently sued the inventors of the
th—o hv'"»l!in 2 at the SherifTs office and nud error “ die amidst her worship­
I Champion dryer, Messrs. Inmgherty
Yocao F oot .
settling th • i arae. The county is in debt er».”
: and (¿mnn, of Albany, for iofring-
and must ha\e money. Please give this
i ing on his patent, and beat tbom.
y<*nr early addition.
Old Pupkins was a Iwcbelor
January 6, 1882.
Tax Collector.
! We »re unable to see bow this car:
W ho dearly loved his neighbor«.
! be, •• tbe two dryers differ ns widely,
W. C. Brown » still .n tbe field with a And thal was why. undoubtedly.
j both in principle and operation, a*
The widow let him labor;
i «(■ lot of dr^ss goods, dress trimmings,
i any two dryers now in exist .Bce.
und, fu fact, a general assortment of For every dny unto her yard,
It must have been money, and Hot
Despite bis friend's reprovin'.
merchandise at lowest living rates.
He'd lake his hoe and smilins e»y,
D allas , February 6, 1882.
tbe application of law, justice or
“ Her weeds I am removin' ”
I judgment, that rendeied the de­
Sh’ loh’ s Cough and Consumption Core And this went on from day to day.
cision, and we hope and trust that
is sold by ns on a guarantee. It cures
Hie friend s fesre were not bnuiv'oed;
[the Champion ¡uventor» will have
Consumption. For sale by Higgs k Mil­ At leal he married —then they knew
*lbc pluck and com age to carry it up
ler, Dallas.
The widow's we«-dr hu t vaiinhcd.
X o t h ln g
S h o r t oT I n m iv tu L itb lr
into higher courts and have tbe
tried and a verdict rendered accord­
ing to law and justice. If thin is
done it will greatly improve the fruit
preserving industry, «ml it will not
be long beforo our whole fruit crop
will bo utilized, which will bring a*
large amount of money into th «!
country and afford employment fori
thousand« of laboring men during!
D ixie .
the rainy season.
.« ■ • i t
M U .
com# to some agreement and optab-
E ola , February 13, 1882.
E ditor I temizer : In your last issue lish a house jointly in Portland/
I noticed a communication from on« where we can do a commission L__
“ Old Bummer,” relating to the ness and ship our flour ourselves.
catching of foxes and coons. Mr. This will require several M&a)l mill
Bummer, it seems, lias acquired the owners to go into the arrangement-
improssion that he is the owi
♦ he more rl « ,¿otter, as it - d X
very valuable dog, which
m.iketi uroi .hat oiieh atroa_yr
from reading his letter, hi a n ak. . Xhe ow n er», tnHB t «
Hosuys:“ Withonedog we have'• died ■ of diffirrem toon i
r A ,nu cum
five foxes and thirty-eight ooo"S, mission business.
idea is tbaft
within a short time.” He also snys every funner in the vicinity of 4aoh*
that the foxes were caught in u chase mill would be benefi'ed by tb'e ar­
of from two to eight hours. Now, rangement, for it »csM ‘ hrow (W
“ Old Bummer,” I am the owner of offal amongst tbe farmers at a k v
price. If this arrangement is to b*
three hound«, two old ones nnd a consummated it should be done i
pup six months old, and within the Those that have no warehouses, earf
last four months I have killed three build by next hnrvost. I tbink wq
foxes aud five coons. Neither of the can then put our mills to worlr st
full capacity and have soma, remu­
foxes were allowed to run over thirty
neration fur our labor. It is my.dx- ■
minutes beforo they were forced to perience that it is far better to lot tho'
take a tree, t< save their lives, from mill stand idle, axsept when itf-'
which they were shaken out and im­ gaged on custom work or for tbtf
mediately caught and killed by tbe local trade, than to ship float W
Portland under existing circum­
dogs, and I can safely say that there stances.
is no Oregon fox living but what
My plan to snlsr into this arrange/
they can catch or tree within thirty
ment is that we should meat sad
minutes from the time it starts. He
consult and sgres on some plan that
says that tho last one ho enught run
will suit. We will bare to arrangd
eight hours before being caught. so that the reputation of our seri
Your dog probably understands his eral mills will be protected, and
business, “ Bummer,” but as for tbe other things not necessary for ma h>
eight hours’ chase, had I the power mention at this time. We will have
to scent a trail, I feel qpite sure I
to put some man at Portland that isf
could catch one myself iu less time houest, to look after our interests.
thau that. Ait for the impression I hope all will take thia matter under
getting abroad that it took a pack of consideration and study it carefully,’
hounds nnd a club of meu to catch and see if we cannot join together'
a fox, I think “ Bummer” is a little nnd make one big mill, bo we can do’
off, as I have seen nothing of the
business together aud stop so much'
kind in your valuable paper. I cau wheat being shipped out of the
call to memory dozens of hounds in country, where the offul should W
Polk County, nuy one of wbieh can toft.
tree a fox in from ten to thirty min­
I would like to hear from all that
utes, and not half try.
think we could settle on loma plan
As fur tbe thirty-eight coons the to work together. M y Post Office’
dog killed, I would suy that I used address is Elkliorn, Polk Comity,
to have a little black fiste, no larger Oregon.
J ames M obbuoe .
than a good sized cat, that would
tree coons, or would catch aud hold
one until I could knock it in the T W O SID ES TO T H E » A S M A S E
T ie s .
head, as I suppose “ Bummer” does.
If I had a good dog like “ Bum­
A young mnn in St. Louis, whs
mer” has, would I simply notify the hid doubtless been contempts ting*
people of Polk County through the the possibility of better things with
I temize »? Fur from it. I w oull thd uew year, comas to the mourn­
send notice of it to the London ful eouclusion that it is impossible'
Daily Graphic, tho Pekin Illustrated for a man to marry on $2.000 a year,
Weekly, the New York Sun. and — and gives an itemizud ucoouut uf hi<
tho New Northwest, and proclaim to expenses for 1881, which shows than
the world that I had a canine that he speut in the last twelve menthd'
could catch a fox iu the astonishingly just $1) Co more than hit salaAy.
short length of time of eight hours, Among the items in the aocounb
and could actually kill a raccoon. 1 sre cigars and tobacoo, $180: livery*
That he did, for n fact, understand bill, $‘Jo; theaters and public auter-'
his business—something very un­ • ninments, $127; church, pew rent,-
common among wcll-traiuod dogs— $30;*“ wines, liquors and occaaioksi
and that ho could undoubtedly, i suppers to friends,” $283; two week<
without tho assistance of a pack o f : holiday traveling expense», etc ,
hounds, or a club of (wolf) men, $118. The St. Louis young asnf
“ take in” n fox. But—
dors not see where he can introduce
Aina, anvil work is seldom »sea,
any retrenchment or reform, nnd.
A dog wbnao work's so great;
fears he must continue in a state of
Eight home only to rhnsc « fox—
■ingle misery until bis salary grown'
The cootin he killed whm thirty-eight.
larger. A Cincinnati wife, however,'
takes a different view of tho aubjeel,
and demonstrates to him that be cn<f
r K o n ic i n e x ix h a ssa s .
get married and live handsomely oir
The proclamation of Gov. St. John $1,1-10 03 per annum.
Her house-'
has mads things lively in Knnsas. bold sxpenses for the last year were
He offeis a handsome reward iu ns follows: Expenses, inclusive of
money for the conviction of persons bouse rent, gas, fire,provisions, etc.,
violating tho laws forbidding the sale $510 21; clothiug, including under­
of intoxicating liquors, or of officers wear, boots, shoes, etc., $1G0 80;-
neglecting their duty to enforce the washing, $78; amusements, $04 0*2;
laws. Tbe law is populnr in tho ag­ husband's incidentals, $210; wife’s
ricultural districts, and is well en­ incidentals, $50; life insurance, $25.
forced all over tho State, excejit iu Tbe Cincinnati woman olaiins, more­
certain cities.
It is stated, in a over, that they live well on this sum,
letter from Topeka, in the Minue- and can entertain their friemls inter*
npolis Tribuns, that “ by »inteen the bargain. So, after all, there ir
twentieths of tho imputation the matrimonial hope for unfortunate
prohibitory legislation is readily young men who have ouly $2,000 #
sequi esced in, and it is approved by year. While the Cincinnati wilb de­
even a larg« r majority of th* people clares that it will be necessary for
than that by which the measure was the young meu to dispose with th*
adopted. But the organized liqu ir ■ a m i.-
kuors and occasion^: »Lo­
interest in the United Htntes ii
iters . . mend«,” it will be obsorved
made common mnso to defeat e «• that ♦« r .troauce» a sort --■f iroaT
forcement at tbreo or four point« lation parse uimrr th» head of • u««f
with the expectation that if this on
band'» incidental»;” under which H
be accomplished the law will soon bo might bs possible to obtain a
pinctieally ndeail letterjevsry-where.” ileal of encouragement,
This is a very serious charge. ' The in,'¡denials' is not a bad wny to ex­
author of it adds:
press is.
“ In nn interview with O or. St.
• S T A B W I L D * IE T S S T U X
John I learn that ho has no doubt
of the out come of the siruggl” , but
On the train between Pluledelpbi^
which, lit says, lias now become anil Bnlimore Oscar WilJe quarreled
simply one between the will of tho j with Archibald-Forbes, Engliehgwar’
people of Kansas, as expressed, in i corr apondent, and when the trminr
well-consider taws, and a few bun- ! arrived, W'ildo refused to atop at
died rum sellers, banded together and Baltimore, und continued on to*
backed by the out side whiskey in- ! Washington W’ ilds »as announced
tereat in a campaign of taw break- \ to attend the lecture of Forbee, end
iug in four towns of tbe State. As bad accepted an invitation to attend
tho Gov. puts it, if there is a power : a special roceptiou to be give» hvsar
within tho State more powerul than ' on that night by Mrs.CbarlM UeY-
the State itself, tho sooner I be fa ct: roll. The latter, who is a prominent
is known the lietter, and be propose« society leader, had ipiited a large
to make the test.”
coin jinny to call on her gueat, and’
On Saturdnb evening a well-known nil the faahionnple people in town
revivalist preached from tbe text:; were to have been present. It was
“ Saul, Saul, nb.v peraecutest thou not until lute to the afternoon that
m e?” In the audience there was an the fact of Wilde'» rudeness became
engineer named Saul, who was ac- I known, and akheugh word was H i t
compnuied by his wife ami little girl. out to tbe tovRed guests many assem­
The reverend gentleman repeated bis bled at tk* appointed hour. Th*
text several times:
“ Saul, Saul, ; handsome residence of th* CarrollV
why persecutes! thou me ?” At Inst . w as closed and an ex plana! ton had
tho daughter of Saul, thinking that' lo lie given at the door. The affair
tbo text bad a peisoual application, 1 hascausodagreataeiiseiion in society
looked up into the face ol her father , and it has basil generally agreed Mto
and aaidr “ Don't mind him, father;1 to entertain Wilde. The latter k #
added to the feeling agaiust him a,
he’s been drinking!”
asking a certain club to pay him
Croup, Whoopiug Cough »nil Bronchitis : $3,IKM) on condition of his areap­
ioimematflly r«li«T«t1 by ftbtfoh's Cur*. ing their invitatiou to attend «fare-
ception given b; th ru.
Jfr Milltfv, Dattsii.