s iE M IZ E R sco ut u n i. Calico ball oil tlio 11th. Tickets, S f l5 ‘ FEU. 11. lHf-2. Prof. Garrigus, our weather scientist, 1 T E A K E ’l i , j predicts bilious weather. Ordera for job work received at this I and Afowtrt. I Headers. I ofli^u- | The spire of the now Presbyterian church ia being ¡'sintod. Mr If. J. Butler of Dallas was iti town I this week. Tickets for tho Calico Ball on the 11th to .fd'r m U e v U c u i fl-80- [Written for tho I tkmizek .J Tin* O ld S o n g * . Sing to mo the good old fashioned Tender songs we used to sing; Sweet, familiar and impassioned Taro’ tho long years lingering. Good old tunes that bear repeating, Music filled with smiles and tears, »Sw'cet-toned echoes from the* fleeting Footfalls of the fading years. Never Circe songs were swrttsr By the sirens softly sung, I shall never hear completer Til! the golden harps are strung. Bright the eyes that saw the glory. A petition for and a remonstrance j Kind the hearts that felt the glow, | against n:i ordinance to close business , # Sweet the lips that told the story McAllistentoa houses on »Sunday aro in circulation. Of that old time, “ long ago.” I Tabernacle oil Mr. T. W. Belt went, this week, to his Waft me, oh! ye music-waters, Jinl day of the farm in Benton county, on business ap­ To that dim and distant clime, lay. For l love the sons and laughters pertaining thereto. laud tho women Of that faded oldeo time. .Tub printing done at I temizer office in youths of the “ Down upon tho Swanee river” good style. Orders taken at Indepen­ ether and were Dreaming once again I roam, dence or Dallas. straightway See the silver moonbeams quiver A fresh lot of groceries just received at By the dear “ Old Cabin Hoj&e.” eat contention [ and there waa Belt & Son’s; also a brand now stock of And again, with my Lore*a, * ’ round about, gent’s furnishing goods. “ Watch the dying of the day” Flear the lips now dumb forever, that in the Shiloh’s catarrh remedy—a positive Singing “ Darling Nellie Gray.” the chiefs of cure for catarrh, diphtheria and canker |N and tho Mo­ mouth. For sale by L. W. Robertson. led that a great Why will you cough when Shiloh’s Cure ► children of the will give immediate relief. Brice 10 cents, of the week 50 cents, and $1. For sale by L. W. Robertson. fc time was come Mr. li. Linwille, late of Buona Vista, ¡ that tho feast i« now in the employment, as clerk, of | out that there Mr. Adolph Wolf, of this place. Mr. |nd vexation < f . of feast they Liuwillo is a valuable addition to our • town, and is heartily welcomed. o f the Tribes Are you made miserable by indigestion, Jowls and wild ( constipation, dizziness, le ss of appetite, hankered after ¡yellow skin I Shiloh’s Vitalizer is a posi­ ^wluch is brought tive cure. For salq by L. W. Robertson. Mr. Frank Williams of C&rriboo Brit* lid ft ir tour pieces fcates who traffic ; i»h Columbia, brother of our townsman Wayne Williams, arrived in town this ho v/180 men and veek. lie will remain in tho valley a short time visiting relative and friend. iing wroth, H e C lo e i I ndipendixct , Feb. 1, 1882. One of the i.oticeable features of Editor Itemizer: the intn’ccurae of men, in tho im­ I have noticod several times of late, in pure orJer of tho speech that ob­ the I temizer , where parties in different tains with a lar^o number of peo­ parts of the county have been “ hiking in’* ple; mmy of whom are otherwise! a fox by the aid of several dogs. Now. faultless. What Mr. Editor. I will have to “ see that’ ’ and comp* fitively go those fellows a “ few better,” and there is in profanity to attract any that with ono dog we have caught five class of men, to say nothing of the j foxes and thirty-eight coons on a strip of thou fitful and educated, passes ali | land, s:iy one mile and a-half long by one ui understanding. Yet, wheth­ half mile wide, within a short time. Four of the foxes were taken in a rim of from er it bo the Merchants’ Exchange. | two to four hours, tho fifth one never let the S:ock Board, a political meet­ up for eight hours, but had to weaken at ing, a fete, it is almost impossible lust. Cause why; there was a dog after to bd present for five minutes with­ him that understands his business. So out h aring some profane expres­ you see, Mr. Editor it will not do to lit the impression get abroad through you: sion. Many persons, indeed, so in- reliable paper that it takes a pr.ck oi terlar l their conversation with blas­ Scientist* note nil n lm'.i that most die- hounds and a club of (V/olf) men to catch phemous epithets that nearly every enusei urc caused by disordered Kidneys or a fox, when c*ne 'dog trees them every second word they utter is an oath, Liver, and that if these great organs are kept in a Jer*ert coiutit on, health will be seini-occ&sionally within hearing of town. and y e » as harmless does tho prac­ the result, fV A R N E R ’S SA FE K I D - O ld B vmmur . tice ap ear to them from the force N E Y A N D L IV E R CURE 1» made from a Simp!© Tropical Leaf S k a t in g P a r t y . of ha ¿it, that they are seemingly i Messrs. Smith & Parmenter the gentle­ manly proprietors of the skating rink which has been open open hero foi tin past two or three weeks, invited about o dozen couplo of our young folks to a skat While I listen to your music ing party at the rink on last Wednesday Tis another voice that sings evening. None were admitted excepting And for me some unseen fingers those lmvinir invitations, .and it is needles? Touch the ever-nilent strings. to say that none of tho3o who were favor­ Then sing for me the old, old fashioned ed with an invitation failed 6o be present. Tender, loving s mgs of yore A most enjoyable time was had, and For lips that sang them once, impassioned. j Messrs. Smith & Parmenter have the King for me—ah ! never more ! thanks of the young people present for M. L. P. i their kindness in affording them an o»> I ndependence , O r ., Feb. 8, 1882. portunity of enjoying an evening ot pleas­ ant exercise and amusement. THE OLSit SETTLES. And the “ Auld Lang Syne” is ringing Days I never can forget, And a gentle voice is singing: “ Tak’ a cup o’ kindness jet.” all the while sublimely innocent of Joing anything objectionable. Per­ haps the worst feature of the in­ dulgence is that not a few would-be gentle icn of refinement are so con­ firmed in the habit, that they un- wittlnl/perpetrate it in the presence of ladiis. The example thus fur­ nished to the young is a fruitful source of moral wrecklessness, for there is no question that profanity blunts the fine feelings and engen­ ders perniciously coarse sentiments, Wi.iie it is at all times disgusting to die refined and abominable to the good.—Alta. JOHNSOI SALOON In depsaiis««, Tb« B at i« «applied « bu t ai Win««, Lt\r The Washington grand jury are invest­ oyster supper. Tho Invincibles and U and wijd beasts, ud 1 So, rolling my grub in my hlaqjtets, , , , . . . ; B o lla i CAllB0Ni;LE3;HCROFl'L.\; WHITE gating the straw bond star route cases. contended that the discrimination bwei . i . ino ; sai . t khkum - im W v for the llesh of the Guards were the names given to tho divis­ I left ail my took on the ground; -is that I Dodge’s box factory at Jersey City was •>v an.l ' 1NU Uï »IEHCUIIY UÌIA.NY I started ono morning to shank it, unto each ions respectively, the former under the against him hail been merely l v anU OTilKlt Dltt'O, ¡!, ; . thjrefor«, U t it be burned Sunday. Loss considerable. leadership of Miss Ella Butler, with Mr. For a country they called Puget .Sound. ioilä I It i. cei-tniu in every case. wot.” '■ / Tho House sub-committee on Ter rito­ solely on account of the re 'o l0Us Johnnie Vokcs .as second in command, '¡»dn, m i m b d feue!] at his words, Arriving fiat broke in mid winter, For 1 ncont innire; Impotence; ries favors the admission of Washington tenets of the Mormon chinch, arid and tho latter with Miss McAllister as »inds Of nee M l upon the multitude, even I found it enveloped in fog; Pains in the Loins, and a3 a State. chieftain. that such discrimination is directly And covered all over with timber, , . iw o m w i « a S fh g in .-, ami they all Similar Diseases. Dispatches from Paris and Cavio are opposed to the spirit and letter cl The contest ended two weeks ago, the Thick *s hair on the back of a deg. > £ T ^ a y f e b r . - . - period thev more reassuring concerning the Egyptian It is a safe, snro and quick Cure. =*l m - p r n ^ i ta d the wise men and Invincibles carrying off the prize. Upon tire constitution. He \Wr elected As I looked on the prospect so gloomy, It is the only k'lown remedy that has cured question. the surrender of tho Guards the Invinci­ The tears trickled over my face; ÜCS and : msrT8U? " « * that it could be Tho Tribune denounces the efifert to to the Forty-seventh congress by BRIGHT’S DISEASE. bles generously offered to share tho ex­ M E D IU M For I felt that my travels hod brought me As a «roof of thepmity and worth of this make a State out of New Mexico as a dis­ an overwhelming majority, and is Great Natural Remedy, road the following Is in thaï || To the edge of the jumping off place. > h « f e f e * § M d fallen on them pense of the supper, and on tho sugges- legally entitled to represent his reputable job. tioi -f the winning party it was decided j *“'■ ¡sad < i)lw sp«k«, atafedeb again lifted CHEMICAL ANALYSIS: The Porto has conferred the grand cor­ constituents. by a large majority to have a - general bas ( I took up a claim in the forest, mice, saying: “ If :i. And s&t myself down to hard toil; A. S. LATTIMORE, Ph. D., L. L. D., don of the imperial order of Osmanilic e who hanketwlll for tho previous 1 ket supper instead of the oysters. Mon-1 For two years I chopped and I niggered— Last evening a West End hus­ Professor of Chemistry in the University of upon Count Von Moltko. • fusesi® and dsspissth the flesh of fowls day evening the supper was spread in But- Rochester, N. Y., knowing the popularity and But 1 never got down to the soil. Sir William Palliner, inventor of Pal- band and wife agreed to sit down merit of W aknvh ’ u S ave K idney and L ivrk liionrst k i beasts 1st th*m anso and follow ! Itfl' s Opera House, and after remarks C uke , after a thorough Chemical Analysis, I tried to get out of the country, liser’s projectiles, and a scientist of note, and have a quiet chat. | hy Prof. Campbell and llev. Anthony j Each has furnished the fallowing statement: But poverty forced me to stay; ird m in it died at London on Monday. Simpson the hungry Templars with jiu-1 U nivbrsiit or R ochester , agreed that people are blind to murmuring a- ! Until I became an old settler, there we Chemical Laboratory, to. Lieut. Harboi-ard Master Sehhdto, of I thc;r own fuuUs, so they made an Then nothing could drive me away. ay thtro were ] inerous invited guests fell to, and in a : 10 Tribe«, F. ociijestbr , N. Y., Jah. 8., 1880. the navy, left for Europe on tho search _______ some short time, lo! that supper was no more wot. or POHTLAND. t not w______ , And now that I’m used to the climate, Mr. II. H. Warner has pla»eed in my pos­ SOUTH agreement that each should be e arese. d unto the worts o f Jonndub and Tho ludcpencnce Silver Cornet Bund, at for Do Long's party. I think that if man ever found session the formula of the medicine manufac­ The extension of the Missouri, Kanaas equally frank, and in a friend! tured and sol i hy him under the general des- d shook thn dust from off their j ¡» ‘ erval*, during the evening performed A spot to live easy and happy, K idney and L iv ­ and Texas Railroad to Chicago is among wav, tell the other his or her faults^ ignat.ion of W akneu ' s That Eden is on Puget Sound. 'TCI tb ; ^ wen* ° u l fr o * thence to hence. |c*i31t o selections. Alter supper tho young es Cl uK. 1 havo mveiii.jate l his processes of the probabilities of the coming summer. s0 that th e v co u ld h elp each oth er manufacture, v/hicli ar' conducted with ex­ ........ .hey that jtmmmu for the flush of '¿ample paired off, on the principle of No fcngor the slave of ambition, treme cure and ucordjmj to t’ .e beit msthorls. Gen. Abel Buford, of Kentucky, a » o il |,j0 co rrcct th ose fau lts and a p p ro a ch I have also taken from » I iboratory namplfis I laugh at the world and its shams. Ve US u d wild beasts stayed behind i„ “ natural selection," and the rest of oven- known sporting man, has retired from tho j ___ _______ r, ____ ^, . , , As I think of my pleasant condition, of all the mateiials uaed in t .g preparation of e , , ernade, ■ III I. i «1- feast and > 2 waa spent in pleasant social inter- | perfection. It was their duty to this medicine, and upon critical exatainatSon onnounded by acres of clams. turf and joined a Louisville Church. »inullS - - and « were «■nU. feerry. hi 'course. I i n f them, as u*cll*a« She medicine into which The trouble between tho rival govern­ help each other to attain that stata. theV ! Quite a party of those who preferred enter, to bo entirely freo from poisonous goods aaJ they that wenl-'.from tho Taber- ments at Jalisco, Mexico, has been quiet­ or So they began, and in less than ten , delotcrious subsiance». B u o n a V is ta S iem s oysters, repaired to the restaurant of Mr. # A . L /k T T n i O K E . AND urneyed into the h< 1. < i A .1 ly terminated hy the abdication of Ries- A. Assal and took their’ ll in fries and minutes the neighbors began to take i Ti.i i Remedy which 1 n l ine such wonders, ina Win. Hall is improving and beautifying tiesta, ono of the governors, imam« is asm ii . put uo in t:ie L A KG ! >T SIZED BOTTLES stews. A number of these, after sup­ his property here by putting a new picket: Charles McLane, Greenback member of an interest in the transaction, and of any medicine upon the market, and is sold ____ they had dome to the house, per, joined the party in the Opera House per stood round and cheered to see the by Druggists and all dealers at ^ O I ’ T10 ou* raee* Ibem and fell up and added their quota to the festivities of fence around it. There are other places ; 11,o Massachusetts legislature, was sen- I Kill e. For Diabetes enquire fm* W arner ’ s dab** neck and Wept. And they the occasion. So ended the memorable hero that would help the looks Of a picket tonced to imprisonment for tlneo mouths husband come flying down the j S aji : D iabaitu Ct r’t It. is a nositivo remedy, ili. H . W t K \ s : f t A ( O .s at Boston last Saturday for being a com- front stops, hatless, and bis coat i sre with Jo&iulah seeing that i contest, and in spite of some little asper- feuco consiUeiable. R o c h e s t e r , N, Y . Occasionolly strangers drop in on us mon drunkard. SiPflfl W be B M B K I I * ; and they rent lities | during the progress, the out-come torn, bis hair disheveled, and he j mysteriously ; «nd yet it makes us feel as 1 The Secretary of tho Interior has mod- j making desperate efforts to keep ! ® ® B H p l lcrc wa* muc*1 1 Was pleasant and entirely successful. R z i l r o a .1 V in ic T a b l e . there around about, The writer was unfortunate in having though we had always known them. We ] ified the luling of Secretary Schnrz hy out of reach of a pair of tongs in Following is the time tabic of the W. O. R. rhen Adam had w ept ho ran into to leave early in the evening. An “ in­ see them shaking hands with everybody I which any useful timber heretofore ex- his wife’s hand. It always works R., at this place. (old ‘‘.N'ATloy.C^ spake in to his helpmeet, fant scion” of his family “ couldn’t stand tlicy meet, as though they had once been | eluded can now he planted uudertlie tim- just that way.— Boston POst. DEPART. “ Let the ©yeter be slain.” Ami the racket” of tho band, cither because i lionored citizens of our little burg. I t ' ber culture act. Passenger trains north......................... IO A. li Miss Fannie Cavalry, of Atlanta, 111., the men servants tln-r, she he had no car for other music than liis 1 puzzled us for along time, but fortunately An immense meeting was held at Dead- Passenger .rains south......................l:40 P. M. arrive men. Adam had own, or because his musical organization «some one of our citizens made a discovery was allowed $50,000 damages last week in wood, Dakota, on the 4th inst., to dis­ ded it under the ear. was tuned to a higher style of harmonics hat ofiicc-seekers hud commenced their her suit against Dr. James A. Campfield cuss means of aidiag the completion of a Passenger trains north..................... 9:50 a . m . POBTUftlU Passenger trains south.....................1:55 P. M depredations. A meeting of our citi­ fur seduction wiie under the influence of railway to the Black Hills. [ded up the ghost, than the “ sounding prass.” 11 either in his office. zens was called to devise means to prevent rmstrom .. d< The Sultan has had an interview with The wholesale drygoods house of Evans any further encroachments. Various -ESCO....... - H a n d «S’ S lo p e . Slid they that were tho American minister, General Wallace, plans were suggested, some thought to & McDonald, of Fort Wayne, Ind., was oyster was slain,* » k to gain information in respect to agricul Tho Band of Hope, the juvenile tem import Stnall-pox might be a safeguard, attached by creditors on the 4th instant. fcnre. and he has sent to America for spec­ •ut and rejoiced ;* îc « 1 for the INDEPENDENCE, OREGON. but that was voted not sufficient. Meet­ A blanket mortgage is held on the stock ! .« admitted o n h a t lor they w ere sore perance organization, will give an enter­ imens of tho most improved agricultural -u on entent a11 ing adjourned without being able to ar­ by a relitive in California. tainment on the evening of the 28th inst., _______________ the oyster would implements. A . W in g , Proprietor. The county officers of Grant county, I at Butler’s Opera House. rlh e exercises rive at any conclusion further than to An explosion on the afternoon of the ^ . l « s : n>n ch » rl* y • 0UI, go in and bear it. Dakota, attempted to remove the county j will consist of music, songs and recita­ krepared tho feast UlSIIIP.BafcS'™** i Professor Garrigus gave ono of his seat from Big Stone to Mill Dink hut 5th of a largo tank in tho Eaât St. Louis -----KEEPS----- tions, by tho members. The object of ^»nd they did eat IIAPHT, Compie« befowii pleesant entertainments at this place last i week, when 300 of the citizens of the ! ron^er*nS works, situated north of the the entertainment is to raise money, to NO, |'cr nuttü » . y wist not— ' pay for the library of the Band. Twenty- | week to rather a small but noisy house, j former place threatened to kill the first National »took yard,, almost completely C a n n e d F r u i t g a n d V e g C t f t b lè S bai kind of a time demolished the building, killed John Css- I - d id I five cents is the admission fee. This is ; We aro of the opiuiou that had the Pro- man that attemted to move the safe.— ■Slaving, for they «arec and seriously injured Jeroir.e Tyler ! TOBACCO, WORK 0 / ail hSidt altogether a worthy object, and should r c - ' fessor issued a few complimentary tickets ' The county seat is «till at Big Stone, I rewoMbltni» ipy. 1 so. CIÖAR3, and John Meyerhofler. Loss, JIB,000. ‘ to the Amateur Dramatic Society things I Gcneial Ignatieff, in receiving Jewish ceive the enthusiastic support of all who J«;Unisl,"*ûNS • ü of omaaenUl P» cutlery ; might have been different. Our little s o - ' delegates, said ho hoped before many would teach the rising generation tho evil A rnoilunt Ilobokon woman H a rt. effects of intemperance. We hopo to see j ciety is quite tony and justly feel hurt to j months the western frontier would be would not roll up her sleeve to be j OYSTERS, ling at 4 o’clock, the little people greeted with a full house. ; bo thus ignored. Wo learn that the ' opened to Jews. The murder of Jews SARDINES, vaccinated, but desired the doctor i lied at his father’s | The regular meetings of tho Band arc, tumbling was good, singing extraordinary near Novidvor was committed by peas- QUKENSWARK, to cut a hole in her dress. Still we > of Old Indepen held Saturday afternoons, at 3 o’clock, at and taking it as a whole, it was “ way up. ’ j ants without the smallest provocation. cheerfully r And a full stack of Fami y Gntceries, which f the Porttad * Some of our citizens tai*c of requesting , «pjle insurrection in Yemen, Arabia, is are willing to wager that she cross- ! three days, aged , the church. . , t , . 4l . he sells at bottom prises, tit and next door to winm I bswlt the Professor to give us a lecture on As-1 groUnd. A number of Arabs have dc- es a mutiny street m the same man- Drug storo. July 22 I88i ly *1 Teacher «U» by j ----------- *----------------- fis pronounced I ihoal fever. He C ou n ty C o u rt, A t t e n t i o n ! trouomy. Wo think he could get a bet- Rcr^t. j the Turkish standard. Insurgents | ner as oth ers of hor sex.— Boston K Gatly Executed T*\ AS®, A'lytud 1.1*-1 ftre jn possession of th g principal interior Globe. |s illness, a s tout i The bridge just out of town on the ter aouse next time. Cash Store I Cumtux ? The M. E. Quarterly meeting was held towns and occupy them, from which they i esr-w | member of : JVIontnotxtli road, was, we understand, | “ Mother,” remarked a Duluth! , at this place. 'condemned list summer. It i3 certainly | here on last Saturd?y and Sunday. Pre- can only be dislonged by a largo force. .mouth cemetery in a (iangerou8 condition. As soon as siding Elder Fairchild was present and ! A daughter of John Hill, living near ' g ?rl » ‘ I think Harry m u st bo going ip ifE U2'iDF.R.SICINKl) WOULD MOST xlge, in regalia, roRCj9 gej, Letter, there will be heavy preached some able sermons. Lincoln, Neb., aged 14, while playing! to piOpOSO to m e.” “ Why so m v — reBPtc,fu.dy inforin the citizenj of Buena Vi.tr or.'! vicinity that he has constantly i from the rcoi- jiau]ln„ across it. There is no way to | Lawrence, only child of James and Mag with a loaded shotgut discharged the! daughter?” queried the old lady hand a full line of . v Jthe church, v\h< le avoj j crossing it, .as it is <»n the most pub- gic Church, died on ¡Saturday, the 4lh weapon, and the entire load took effect in | laying down her spectacles, while GROCERIES <£• D R Y GOODS, Pnere held by Le\. jjc an(j ,n„st frequently traveled road inst. Again we are made to know that tha body of her little brother, aged 6, ! her face Learned like a moon on its Bhncs, Hal Hate, Gam, Hardware, Tin “ death loves a shining mark.” Lawrence I leading to Independence. In view of these from the effects of which the child soon j fourteenth night. “ Well, he asked Poet«, ware. Wooden'ware, Dianmi, filaiM-wa. © ¡sober, q.iii i. bo} , would well for the authorities was a pretty child, with bright laughing d:cd. ! me if l wasn't tired living with various notions, and would mrst rcwpeftfullv invit*» tl «* p'.iMif to call and examine i»otb ais schoolmates h r ^ jiave a now bridge built as early as pos- eyes ar.d a bantering smile on his face o o p b ! John Cchiih, J'.l.n Moshlrt and J. a. j s'ich a menagerie as you and dad. ' good* and price* before piuchatiiig elsewhere. that would coax attention. No one who disposition. He 3^ ] e Pachka were pushing a car load of c»al on ! M aifs. __________ TERMS, STRICTLY CASH. knew him wonders that the Darcnts arc IV E B Y J old town school, i a trestle»«!* at Locust Point Maryland, S o r » N o fir r . Trie©* as km aa the lowest, anJ don't you inconsolable. They have the sympathy that there was ~ X ow fir n s . on the 5«h, »hen the trctlework gave, , w p C on n .w .y, « a . on forget it. of the entire community, in this, their the schoolroom _____ B . A. C L A R K . Nov5ns3. way ai d the men .e r e killed. • ^ ^ duly , p. Messrs. Clagget & Merwin have opened sad bereavement. bled, the morning The Irish parliamentary party re-elect- I pointed n,lmlni«trator of .the estate of ved family have nut a tine stock of hardware and farm Mr. B. S Clark has just returned from O F F I C E of the entire oom- machinery- in the store rooms formerly Portland with the best stock of goods our ed Parnell chairman and reaolred to raise Thonla, p,ir(.hi deceased, by the Hon. occupied by Elkins & Parker as a depot town lias had for years. It is a real pleas­ the entire ff'ieatinn of administration in th . County Court of Polk county, Oregon, ÏZS IB JS“' inch administrator, I heretiy for the Wood’s Twine Binder. Mr. Clag­ ure to look in upon them. Mr. C. says Ireland, particularly the suppression o f | there(<,re> jwor prie IW * r o u b le . get visited Portland this week, where he if people go away to do their trading they the tenants organization, in address in Kive notice that all persons having claims ■ .l.itinj C« aeainst the said estate shall present them, | made arrangements to secure a large stock are the lasers. He intends to keep what reply to a speech from the throne. \ Harry Lawrence, A letter addressed to Forster, contain- wjth proper vouchers, within six months k w of tho latest improved farm machinery ever is required and at such low rates Ko years ago to hi­ SES FOAKPCÎ ing a damp sslstM C«, violently explosive from the date of this notice, to me at L. for tho spring and summer trade. Messrs. that every one will be suited. All notlrfo impwvrnjtntu. L Htaoraot nt in the Pen item- when dry, reached Dublin Castle a few W. Robertson's drug store, in Independ­ Clagget & Merwin are well known here , the b u t in the city. Op*n «11 day. town, and who days after Forrter left fv>r London. Tho ence, Polk county, ( Ircjron. W M tN I. J. H. BUENNEJI. Prop'r. W a n te d . as men of integrity and good business 1 I by the Governor, W. P. CoK.XAW.lY. qualifications and we bespeak for them a ! Oak wood, sawed in two-foot length?, police are inquiring into the circum­ Portland charged Jan. 7tb, 1882. Administrator.^., delivered at office of Belt & Pipe£ on stances. liberal share of patronage. O . A. W A L L E R , B elt & fyrr.s, ed to have been vibacriptiofi to iTEjnzan. f f o t i c e «r II. Ilirsrhâerg. Attorneys for Ad-ein ist r ».tor. i Territory. P k b r I p « C 5 -T J N S M IT H , P c v Y o n r D octor»* D ill» . Any one wishing to pay any money Those indebted to Cooper Bros, will a private letter . , M m . T. F. SMITH, M. D., Drs. Davids»»n & Lee request those due me, during my absence, will pay the to »nrk , now in Portland please come forward and settle imrae- G u n s , R ifle s , He vol vers, knowing themselves indebted to the firm same to Mr. L. »V. Robertson or Mr. W. neliiis have been diately. We mean what we say. Physician and Surgeon, to make settlement immediately. Don't P. Connawsy, who will receipt for the F13H1NQ TACKLE, CUTLESV, T o r k ir u t. of $5,00) each ; I rarl H. H i E)np.nor quality. Good Sargos b. had for .mall or latgs antes«. tn/piir. at Poop** A Johnana’a ritriti cornar of C. «nd rira» i July Itati Am Williams a n i » Saloon, & Independence, Oregon, ■ (N aît door to ne« <)para Uoasa.) Customers will always Und U m salsbsatod brand C U T T E R W H IS K Y « On hand. 1Ä The choient «inn , fonare and' euriumere. Th. iaar« A teo.»— * U»»* in AMS A S L O r t t ROBERTSON,