«M Ü * m v ¡■W* •H I • w s r iTEMIZER. -i. ' «i w j ITEMIZE ------------ 1 PA*. PENDENTE, I I )O D . TnwW«nt u>) 1 . VOL rotu r. PROBATE. Estate of John Holman, decuased— Sale real property confirmed. Estate of Solomon Tetberow, deceased - f J . L. H jilo, it Final account tiled and act for heuriug April 3d. B oU F w cin et, lundo us F.stute o f James F. Logan, deceased Ordered that citation issue to Executor to of D ili# , made us a appear and make final settlement. luClHJ • Estate of G. W. Cavitt, deceased— Final th. of In .ltr eudence, bna settlement and administration closed. Estate of John Jack.sou, deceased—An­ rek on a visit. to Portland, nual account filed and approved. Guardianship of J. A. Craven heirs. l in btwineafl. Annual account filed and approved. Jt*t# librarian , ha* been Guardianship of 8. J. Gardner heirs. ™ i week, visit• i e friend«. Final settlement as to C. L. Gardner. J pleasant call tlii« week Estate of G. \V. Teller, deceased— In­ ,_ f. Tedrow, o f Lnckintunte. ventory filed amounting to . $7,002.91. well-known fanner of the Set off to widow, $226.25. Also .ordered t^paid Dallas a visit this week, j that citation issue to Marion T eller re­ rgan, of Ballston. was in town quiring her to apoear and answer as to Also Ii> »day and mad# ns a pleasant j secretion of certain property. ordered that Administrator have authority to sell personal property. nowl«dff* tfc* raec.pt of o Estate of John Holman, deceased—Final 11 from J. H. Moran, uf Mon- account tiled and set for heaving April 3d. Guardianship of Mary Whiteaker— J. H^.ant cam# np from Portland on W. Kirkland appointed Guardian, D. F. tnd will remain until after the Whiteaker, A. Nelson and George Rogers appointed appraisers Bond, $4,000. Estate o f Fred Williams, deceased—Fi ’•ray ha« told his c e le b r a te d ->r»e. Inauguration, to C. T. ual account filed and set for hearing April 3d. I|y,;i49 been of u very practical turn, ‘as he ap­ 3.003 76 13.011 44 24,o:iO 15 6.007 53 *6.007,538 propriated the eutire product of the place 24.44# 26 2,231 43 4,462 00 17.651 l>7 4,462,1*94 to hi« sole use and benefit, and for the t3.903 20 #.951 60 7«.4#7 02 55,al’-> 82 13,903,205 13.245 61 2,408 27 1,204 13 0,633 11 la-t two years the owner has not received F o lk ................................................... 2,403,270 68 * 82 108 03 M 10 423 33 ^ 01,333 a cent fioni his farm. Thinking that it 10,1711 05 2.041 62 1,470 bl 11,76# 50 2 941.626 was still "n o t being managed righ t," he » . 22 « 80 838 80 6,710 40 1,677 60 1,677.600 17,71« «0 1,«10 #0 3.221 20 3.221,«10 12.884 80 .......................................... concluded to sell, and he yesterday in­ Waaco 13,W 4 70 2,535 40 1.267 70 2,536,40Ü Washington......................................... 10 . 1*1 , formed us that he had disposed of the YonifiUV. 10,120 C» 1.738 10 -»........... .............................. $.47« 3d 13^06 $•: 3.476,362 f .rai, which he asac##« is really one of the $20.628 00 $325,008 75 $50« 25# 00 $237,024 62 finest in Polk county, for $14 per acre, Total............................................. : . . . r5s,!58,i;s thus realizing the sum of $4,620. The property ha traded for tho farm has been P B O F IT » OP PBOHEt l T n C A T T O IN E T H . B I » Y t f d I T I l IT E M ». biiuging in a constant income to its owner and is easily worth $10,090 to-day. T he following statement embraces the Draw your own moral. Ob, what weather. returns made to the Secretary of State by Mr. Bottler, the man referred to in the Our town has a telephone. the various Prosecuting Attorney« of Or­ above, which we find in the Portland Mr. Messenger, of Amity, talks ef build­ egon oi the fees and emoluments of their Standard, is capable of singing a very ing a large wheat house here next sum­ respective offices for tho term of «ix months, ending December 31, 1881, and pretty song where he 13 not known, bnt mer. We hail the enterprise with jo j’ and as Mr. M. has b id experience iu the of the moneys paid out by them during his word is at a decided discount where business wi have no doubt he will succeed. the »ume period for the expense» of their he.is acquainted, if we are to judge from Mr. A. P. Wolverton, who bus been iu office: the way he progressed during his short Portland attending tho Business College residence here. Ilis wif. did own a place there, came home a few days ago and has District Name of A tfy , near Dullus, hut no out* hero ever before sine« been confined to tho house with measles. lie is quarantined, so that there heard that it was one of the finest fauna is little danger of the disease spreading. i I Ö____________________ in Polk couuty; but, ou the contrary, \V*s Lave somebody hero now who is First*... iTh^i. B. Hun! % 475 V • t 90 0014 SM5 01 when it was sold by Mrs. Bottler every stealing not only chickens, but oats, etc. Second .. J.W . H.milito* 975 00! ............ 975 00 1.075 00! 10® 00{ 975 00 ouo remarked that $4,800 was a good Soul*: persons have an idea who ho is and Third __ W. O Piper. Fourth.. John F. Caplep 6,111 00 3,16» » I f.BW ii he will be watched closely iu future, and price for it. The place was farmed one Fifth . . . I*. W. Bailey.. ! 91.3 50 150 «Ol 7«3 w there is an end to all things. year by Mr. Bottler, but ha spent the most 311 1 A LEN TI* K. Quite extensive improvements are in j of his time during tho summer in cursing contemplation here next summer and we She i« not near to greet me with her bean- and raving around and of course accom ­ anticipate lively time». Our store is doiug teoufl eyes, plished nothing, on far a« his tenant is a splendid business, and, iu fact, every­ And breath the purest lova from out thG concerned, arbitrators settled their dif­ thing is looking up hero now silent gaze; A good harness maker would do well ferences, and it is the general impression here. W ho will come? A lso a wagon She is not uoar to chide with meek sur­ that if Bottler had acted half right there maker. prise would have been no trouble, and it would F u r m lfi* L a n d a . Mr. E. A. Shirley has sold lus farm 1. Thj James Harris' f tnu of (MiOajres, It mi’er ewt bo hard to make any one here believe that near this place and will go back to the My ardent outburst and my loving praise. of Dal I la . May ho divide! i 'i t jt w i faniw. making ho was worsted by Mr. Stingley. We pre­ Palouse countrj in the -pring. We ate Ah, no! yet breathe I «till her name, the railroad tat* dividine line. The nortu half con- 27C a „Tea, 260 in cultivation; g>v.l house ani sume that tho Bottler fam i'y are glad that worry to lose so goo 1 a neighbor, but That sacred name; my heart doth speak tains bam, good orchard of apple*, peara. plums, et-.:.; all hope the g -utlemau who is to take his under fence, plenty of water for *to.*k an i «f-»xl well they are rid of tho farm, and we know place will bo equally as good. We under­ at will at house. South naif conUiu* 390 aerea, all under that tho people of this vicinity are well stand he is from Goldendale, W. T. That answer» soul; heait thrills it o ’er fence. 140 acres in cultivation, nearly all suejeptible of cultivation. Tho above to ’. mj soU in parts as de- pleased to have a civil and reliable gen­ We saw the smiling faee of our old nguin scribed, or in whole, as may n i t mirohasir. Terms, tleman iu the place of one who was always friend Jasper Wilkins, who used to at­ And memory weaves a spell t h a t doth en- $40 per a?ra for tlie north part, $20 per a m for the south part, if sold single; ■i¿5 per a.-, e if sold alto- in trouble and who was responsible for tend college here in years gone by, on our tr.iiiHe rue still. A. O. Y. gethrr. One-half down, balance on time, secured ’ey streets a few days ago. \Vu always wel­ mortgage on premises. nothing. E o l a , February 10, 1882. come our old friends among us. B. D eLA Sl I’ L U H IE K H © ran t & D e L a sh m u ft, ikm REAL ESTATE AGENTS, Mill Street, Dallas, Polk County, Oregon. B R A N C H I ■ H A .Q r B 3 I N C I E 2 B i . ^ p . . s w ..... w - BELT & PIPES, Independence, Polk County, Oregon CHAS. LAFO LLETT, Sheridan, Yam hill Co., Oregon. J IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE VERY CHEAP. Also, Flouring Mills, Saw Mills, Etc., Etc. At rates that d e fy competition. ALL KINDS OF PERSONAL PROPERTY SOLO. n o n a t a s f o llo w in g lis t o r E ta r c a lx u a . 23. 512 »ere.«, 4 mile* »oathwent <»f Mfnmouth, all 45. An excellent stock and grain farm of 706 aeree,«ff under fence an 1 subdivide l into sizable field«, 40 the Little Lucuiaxuute, 8 miles Muutliwest of f>aiuu^ &'rej in cultivation, 300 acres susccptiblo of cultiva under feme, 230 acres In cultivation aud nearly th« ti ou, good houjoand bain, plenty of water ami timber, entire tract uuaceptible of heinycultivated, two dwe 3 - : 1 3 miles from railroad station. Price, «6,000. one* in'; hoiLSKs, t barns and out buddings, 2 nrehanla, tiiird dowo; balance ou time to suit purchaser. witn small fruits, in a good neighbor ho« «1, on cotuttf 27. 314 acros, 3 miles east of Chambers’ mill, on line roatl. convenient to scT.i.:.! and meetings, l mile %% between Polk ai d Jentoa counties, neatly all uuder blacksmith shop, ] l miles from auwmill; would nuhs t j fence, 60 aerss in cultivation, 200 acres oi«en land, two geod farms. Pri- e. *7,000; » 3,000 down; I tho entire tract well set in ^raw, comfortable house, oa t.me to suit purchaser. , she Is, etc., 4 acres in orchard, plenty of timber, a : 41. 403 acres, H miles southwest of Dallas, bet»« flrst-rata stock ranch with e »od out lan^c. Price, tlio balance of M. Scott’s farm; good kouee aas i #3,150; *$l,&00 down; balance iu two e7»»; 4i>. 122 acres In Mili Crwek bottom. 6 miles frees fence, good dwelling house and barn, orchard, ninety Sheri an U mile« from F.lkhorn Poriu.'liec, t mileu were absent. Dr. C. E. Worthington was small payment down, oalaucc ou time t > su t pur­ , ■ acres in cudivatioi» an I m >a of the entire troi t HIV from l.u fi's mill, 1 mile from «<.*hool hou»e, on uouuty chaser elected m ed!’ al examiner. The member­ i ceptiblc of cultivation, ouu mile to school bouse, road; *.!! un..*/ icu :e; 114 acre« in cu'tivatlen; 1 # ship in this Lvidge is not largo, bnt i« | 6 . 119 acres, in West Chohalam, Yamhill county. 4 i church ami H. it station, 1 mile to Ryvrley'e flouring acre3 of timber; l!ou*o, barn a a j a thrifty young or* cist of W apiti tt-.t' ni, house, ham. small : mill. Price, 43,5.>o; unu-’ualf down; iu'.ancc ou time Chard; ci:u c b'uac :n iiu ..ett« 4 to vicinity. Terms« co.opw > d o f suustaiiti.il citizen«, and if j miles orchard and 40 a-rrè.« improved. Price, $1,609; $300 | to suit purchaser «3,150; dl*000 lowu. the residents of Pcrrydale and vicinity ! down; balance on time tu su t purchaser. j 31. 100 acres, 4 miles southwest of Dallas, all undor 59. 109 aero 1 , S miles S W of Dallas; all Isvol hot- consult their own interest« it will not be ! 7. »0 acres open prairie, 4 miles southwest nf Mon fence au 1 subdivided into sizable fields, 18 ajres i« t*m land i.i v'..It; at..... w«U watered; all under gosSt m«iuth, under fence, near county road and " ! cultivation, 125 acres susesptib1« of culti vat i«.n, house fc.».-e; first quality nf wheat or gra** land; title good, long until tho membership is doubled. house; good farming land. Price, $1,899; one-half i »nd barn, plenty of water and timber. Price, $1,2U0; Te.inj, S 3 , 2 (R i ; df»wn; balance in one and two down; balance on time tu suit purchaser. j one-third down; balance ou time to suit purchaser. | yea: *, with mortgage on premise». THU K IY I'O IIIIT K . 8 . 194 acre« one mile w en of Dellas, lit) acre« in cul- j a!>. 120 acre« of open prairie, one third of sm ile j 51. 346 acres. Bo acre« in euiti\ation. 150 acre* tivation, large orchard, comfort.»h.c homo, noil j «outhwest of Souver’s Station, on county rood, under ! under fence, comfoitable hcu«e,.born nnd grunovyt I know him by tho corner of bis mouth, watered, on county road. Pri jo , $0,009; $ 1,200 doivn; ; fence, comfortable hou.io and barn, rich, productive ! also umoke house and out buildings, plenty of water, With this he sueers, while that emits a balance iu in.«tillmentj of i?.i03 a year, with interest. j aoil, plenty of good water. Price, 83, 600 . ».mall orchard; 4 inilcw from flour ni.ll, sew* mil ou ad­ smile; 9. 120 acres, 1 mile southwest <;f Drik«, 9.1 a-roa In j 31 . 8o 4 tn,ie, „„ n li <»f Italian, 66 acre« in culti* joining; lun !, on county rood, 1 tuile from (¿read One blows the north wind and the other cultivation, wall watered, e »;nf »rtahl 9 house aud | vation, good farm buildings, orchard, water, etc., ou ’ Monde Poet Ofti'-c and »tore, 1 j miles to school Inner, barn, small orchard, plenty of oak timber, on county county road. Price, 82,550. 200 a eras susceptible of cultivation, good outlet for south, , S(. 7 ln.|w w, 1t « miU, „.,rth stock range, plenty of oak, ash, flr, alder and maplw The hot and cold disputing a l l the " » I >**’ • «•**>: » I .W # d .W . b . t e j . m tlm ,. 10. An improved farm of 203 acres, 2 miles cast of Dai- j 0f King’d V u U j . v , lu acre* plowed, good ca!)in, i ».•res 1 timber. Terms, *3,150; 91,000 dowu; balance mm while. Us, 159 acr«« in cultivation, wall watero l. good house, under fence, 3,009 rails ou premises, half acre pots* 1 time, with mortgage ou promise*. I know him by the vagrance of bis eyes. barn and orchard, caunty rood on each end. Price, toes, railroad land, 1st payment ma le. Price, *130, | 52. 73 acres, ¿1 miles want at Dallas, near ooantjr r»ad, small houue (comfortable), good ham, 3 « aerew T his way and that they look with double 18,552; one-half down; balance in two annual payments. I cash. 11. (V) acres. 1J miioi south of Independence. 10 j g;,. 240 acres, 6 m'.Jeesouthwest of Lewisville, 4 miles un or fence, 20 acre-i in cultivation, all «csceptible st aim, acres open lands, ha’au .e timber and brush. o:i \Y 1 I north of King's Valley, on Podco, under fence, divided c’/.itivation, good well of water. Tenns, $1,050; sosb A Jauus dimity of winking lies. lam rite river, good land for gardening. Terms ?7»55 j into sizable Held«, 70 acres iu cultivation, 40 acre« j iu hatr .1 Deceiving others and himself the same. cash down. ! susceptible id cultivation, good dwelling, 2 baj nsaud | 5.1. 160 acres. 6 rail-« west of Lewisville, 13 a eras I know him by the shadow of himself, 12. 318 acres, 8 miles south of Dallas, CO acres under I other out buildings; school house close by; good or- ; under fence, comfortable house and bam, rmeE* fence g md orsliard, two ’ n un lred acres mn-eptibla of ' «’ hard, plenty of tunhor and good water, lie« on county j house, granary, orchard of apploe, pears, plrune« That ever walks beside him, lookiug cultivation, plentv of water and oak and flr timber, I load. Price, *4,200; 91,209 down; balance on time to prune<. Centuno, etc., mile* to saw mill, ) uiila tw back, on c<*unty road. Price. 8 !.ooo; oac-t’aird down; bal- ; suit the purchaser. school house, 8 mile« from Non ing mill, well watered, As skulking thief with his ill-gotten pelf. a*ice on time to suit purchaser. | 3fl. 1«0 acres, ou Mill Creek, i\ mi'«» south of 8 heri • ; C acre» in oaU, 30 acres nice level land, good m W ho fears the law is ever on his track; 13. 360 acres, 10miles x.vith >f D ilia«, 80 acres under I dan, all under fence and divided into ticlds, 65 acres in range. Term«, $¡,600 ; $700 down. Two selves he has unlike as that aud this, fence, 49 or 50 acresin( ultlv.it:on,g >»ldwelllngb ui-e | cuitivation, 40 aciev woih I cosily cleared, and nearly j I 54 lfio acre«, four miiee northwoet of Bbfrida», m ghel, granary, y >ung orchard, is well watered, an ex- 1 ah susceptible of cultivation, comfortable house, sheds, Each kissing each, both listing what they callout stock n n ;c . P ic.», $ ’,5SJ; one-lialf down; ; et.-, school house within 1J miles, church right there, 1 acre* in cultivation, good house, kirn aud oat bullet kiss. — Solon N. Snapp. balance on time to suit purchaser. j 0 >^>d mill site, lies on county r.»aJ, 2 mile» from Elk ings, tine orchard and springs, burry pitUA, grap*>.. om P. O..J hilif, from Elli'llori. Mill.. |.rlre, »f.lou; ; r*;l ll.iul*r »rul Hr »ooj, i « - i I t >11 m i.!.r l u c * . w 14 216acres, 3 m'Iejr*ut‘iweit'tfDallas,40acres!m- . , - . . . ■ ' ’ ' and one half tulle to kchoo! houoe. Teruae. $S. 1««4 7 % .V n ..'1 t ... ,, ^11 ,,,. i-r ’ 91,100 down; ’ balance on tune to *u:t purchaser, proved, 130 acres susceptible »f cu.tivation, ail under 1 j one-bnif down. fence house ani barn, plenty <»f timber and w-tar, 37. 485 acre», 1} miles northwest of Hnuver'e Station, r.l. 3“0 acre* 2 miles south of Litchfield** alara, X orchard. Price, $3,159; one-half down; balance in ! ou county rood, *50 acres in cultivation, lie* iu boa;» two equal annual pavmenu, with intere t. I Creek Bottom, a large and wed (luiadhtl Imu.-j. 2 i miles from P»>jt Oftlco, haw mlil, school bouse aud 1 eonnty mail, 3j acres under good fence, 5« oereu mi 1 ». J » « r . ^ U » l i « n » n '. . r f In ....... ■•;.«. »";! o Ul. nulWInr,.... r»> I .nr ;h.nj m,U ash and alder, creek bottom and good sloek imago, ...mice variety of fruit, al»') snull fi u ta In abundi 40a.ro» <»f good w.u timber; cultivation, so a.r. 3 * open land, oui 1 , plenty piemjr «»1 »v*. . . i Tern»«, «2,009; (¿00 down; balance on time, ta wife wood-yard landing on river, soil exccllciit, well | b,.> \ water for bouso ami »tocU purposes. 1 ’ rice, . adapted .1 » n, ...1 to • . growing »r.wlnir vegetables. L-A.rnf illlKU Price, I'ripA $ »- t,20J; . ‘»IJ »• ona I '• » »no half down; kalancu on t.n»e to suit pur- : purchaser. chaser. T o w n P r o p e r ly . half down; balance ou t;m« to unit purchaser. 480 acre*, 4} miles south of Dailus ann, in Marion CVv, of 3s. Belioving in «11 things what was which Monmontn, Ifl.) aero* iu cultivation, 8 or 10 ay res a 40 »ere*open Ian-;, amall hou«e, good «rohanl Is well meadow, all under goo-i fence;one fair dw e ling bouse, ; famonter'« t’l-vis, one acre of I*n t, a dwelling bra— is and what it to be, we conscientiously watered, plenty of flr, oaV, as!i and maple timber, and barn ir. Perrydale. Terms, «1,590; one-half maA. and one old; good barn, and ono old; sheds, and good Lot 1, Block 7, in l.a Croolo Mmnsstoad, 1 .areas' claim to sell the best goods at the lowest school Uoure rig.it there, lies ou county road Price, granary; large orchard, for variety and quality will $1,293; «*99 tb»wn; baianC* on time t*• suit purchaser. W|l<| orcha„ , , in tho county, conabitin; o I Addition to the Town of Liallas. Terms, $69, oath be irchard price« (for cash, or tho first ent on time) 17. 80 acre*, 3 mile* west of Monmouth and 5 m les I apple», pears, pium* an 1 peaches; ano small fruit, i baud. of any store in the country, Portland not j south of Dalla», 15 acre* improved, 10 acres iu oats. ' consisting of grapes, currant* ami gooseberries; *280 \ 1 town lot, in the town of M mmowth, l Wr—« w4el» balance in meadow, 5 1 miles from school no use, p.crc* In g.»od pasture, M acre* of the pasture susccjrii- excepted. Just received, new and fresh | plenty of tim‘>er and wat^r, crop foca t bo glad it is DALUitcr appearance than heretofore. ' From c o u n ty ................................... $ 21 00 • each and Lawrence in the sum of $5.000. passed, amt wo expect the teachers are 2 ok j i m a n d that the reason our From individuals .......................... 179 35 The A.Ii Leads were released on furnishing too, as it is a time of hard labor for both. ¡*j. correspondent is quiet is Recording deeds and m ortgage».. 551 50 the required bonds and the others re- Ou emerging Prom the church door last -------- is busy nt soru-thing e ls e . Miscellaneous county bu sin e ss.. 316 35 . malidtd to jail. Sunday we met our old friends Jitu and .elieve he contemplates matri- , From all other sources.................. 116 50 Charlie. Glad to «ec you, boy«, but sorry Died !u a Tice. Tin* Salem Statesman of Saturday last that *• business’ ’ called yon away so soon. Total finolninents e a rn e d ... .$1,643 45 O R N ijr natron?, o f this pine#, hold A farewell party was given Mr. Moss 474 00 says: Y sterdav morning, between 9 and j?|hat drew the knitting mn- Salary of d e p u ty ........................ j 10 o ’clock, ns Mr. G . O. Higgins and his and family last Monday night at Mr. DALU'Kjjijjft drawing of th* Farmer Total net earninga.................. .$1,069 4J brother-in-law. Mr. M irk Stuart, were en­ Stanley’ s. Mr. Moss has been engaged M cGREW Sc W A LLE R . give r»mn, published by Casey it gaged in trimming some fir trees on the to preach ut Goldeudale. X. aud Z. line« enw'poxfl and. Mifertflr. | form er’ s farm, near Leslie school-house in tm ^ finrdy, form erly road master 1 iia n t ; Ciooii F oil oit»:G03T. | on the Leabo Ferry road, M»\ Stuart said _ f.ow gauge, left on Tuesday for CIRCUIT COURT. that he would climb a tree, that was about iRRlJvhere he will be employed on The Portland Standard makes the n p N r n o f t h * 0 . A C . It. R. His From c o u n t y ......................................... . $ 40!) $0 twenty feet from wh**ro Mr. Higgins was following sensible and truthful remarks From individuals ...................... . . 812 23 at work, find cut off the higher branches. w K n h ln here fo r the present. He had not been up the tree more than about Oregon’ s Illustrated Paper, which COUNTY COURT. DAU 1 ' 0<'*!’ ’ N o - 3 5 - A - ° - 1 1 fiVe minutes when Mr. H. heard a kind on day evening of each week. Fiom c o u n ty ................................ 72 00 of a coughing sound and hastened to the we cheerfully endorse aud wHl only add I on JliU 'O s p e r c n « c o n d i t io n , and those From individu als........................ ’. 102 CO ; free to sec what was the matter. lie asked that it is published at Portland, Oregon, rt Hou*^ heap and reliable life insurance MISCELLANEOUS. Mr. Stuart what was the matter and re­ at $2.00 per year: k into the aystem on which " With the January number of tho West 7T 00 ceiving no answer climbed up tlie tiee, From State o f O r e g o n ............ TLEB. !ft*ion i« c o n d u c t e d . nder obligations to Mr. Clar- Miscellaneous county business. .. 122 07 and found his brother-in law lying across Shore begins its eighth volume, and man* 1 a limb and lifting up his head found that it a its by the superiority c f its ligthograplis A.LY »director, fo r 6 copy of the first Total emoluments e a rn e d ... . $1.690 66 : life was extinct. Bv the assistance of hi« that it lias steadily kept abreast with the . 'rt of the United States Geo- > rilf\'% y. It contains much valua- Expenses for deputies, e t c ........ . 1,007 22 son lie removed the body to the ground. improvements aud spirit of the times. Every possible known restorative was The last number of the magazine is de­ PR0MPTLV tion concerning mineral sta­ Total net earnings......................$ 583 33 used to endeavor to resuscitate the voted pirtorially almost exclusively to in«« «¿ring geology, etc., and also a It is supposed Salem, and contains the best work of the KwiuCotf^gr the geographical divisions The record shows that the net earnings dead, but without avail. A flne dwelling house, l*am and out buildings, — 4 Th«« benefit i neither do t h # j; the p roof of which wo 1 J9. 109 acres, 4 miiee north of M-miuouth, on county j '.veil adapted to stock-raising, and plenty of outrange. ---- State« G eologi< \1 S u r v e y . of these officers for the half year ending that he came to his death by the heart ' kind ever issued in Oregon. r»ad, ad under foncj, ani subdivided Into *-.zal);a ' Term*, ^40», half down, balance on time. j 15 acre* of land, adjoining the town of Dailas, jotin f i ilis-ase, to which his family have been of a reliable periodica! of this kind to the I ever atand ready to practically demon- j fieri*, g./».| i.uU-Ci an 1 bs.n, tw> goni well* wifi VI. CO” excitement there has been in June 30, 1881, were 40. Ut ocras 4 ini!«« e»-»t of iHll.vr, »II under frn -c; orchard, excellent water at house and living on orem- ! State is almost incalculable, and we ven- I pumps, a.i excuiient orchard, aNod bou**j and barn ; rood orchard; all in ciU.voiion. j uca. Price, il.s.K); ouc-ba'f down; baiaLee ia see 101AU pant vns caused or. County C lerk ................................. $1,110 80 1 subject. McGnzw A W a l l « * . venidtil t • »;.iuol; is on* of t >« bait farmi .n tho and all line whoat land; goni well of v/atar: on ceuuty | J«*r. ! tare the assertion that the W eft Shore, j s tra t# . lulAH ^ stb y a deer running through S heriff.............................................. 1,070 5G county. Pri" 3 , «14 par acre; one-half down; balance No; (¿nitty. a -1 A lita. ——A h I n - fr-nn Dal la* to laac h é — ce; lialf-mlla since its first number, b is attracted more l* I H oms # ar.d ) per n i«, one-tbirJ < PALU-gilmad bridge, and running «w« : u. j' i «•«#, muk been employed by II. J. Ellis for some i cy in the Pacific Northwest. Form the htsi« of many of the Agae near M .-0 »v dtation, all un-lcr foneo, ‘4 ) acre* m cuiti to suit purena—r. Eastern i I E * A ITE M S. » Academy lot, made its w«y to tor land Boor wnio LoW% j time, was last week arrested nnd taken to people, seeing the haudsome and substan­ remedie« in the market, nnd are the resort j ration, 39) a:rc* sjsccptit»!« of e iltiration, well 41. 833 a?r I •'iAT Ri,i;!i*th of town without receiving frr.OM OUR SPKCIAl. COR R KR POP DEBT. 1 ! Portland by O. A. Brown. Deputy United tial buildings of our country, public and j of Physician« and people who know no watorc I, good hou*o, barn and orchard, on county i und sr fence ami »uljdiridod i > t " enw The re«idents of town were rood, convenient to church an i c I dw I, excellent 2 good barn» and o th r Beautiful rain dr^ps have come again. State« Marshal, charged with giving liq­ private, as illustrated by Mr. Samuel«, butter medicine to employ, for this distress- i wheat laud. Pries, <20 per acre; ouo naif down; bal­ ! hotUti, ted and «otae of them tried to lent orchard of choice fruit ••■H I in cultivation: lie.* on r»ui The Ballston merchant, A. Patterson, uor to Indians. At tlip time he stoutly very naturally form the idea that a young ing complaint. The effects of either of j ance on time to suit purchaser. denied having done anything of tho «or;, < community that support» so much archi- these drug« are destructive to the system, | H. 67i acres in Big LuckiauiuU BHtvio, on the A. 1 gauge ranriMvi, is one oi ino non swok iotibi : u tne i be.*..», 2 room* * seouis to bo on a roviug expedition a^ain. 174 county; plenty of oak aud flr timber; 300 aero« more . w-th water, staMc, orchard oi pimus, me*i ttn and on Tuesday of this week had his trial j teetnral beauty must be rich and flourish­ producing h e a d a c h e , iutestinal d i s o r d e r s , ' I C'baiol»enain donation, Aftr acres in cultivation, ratal . . from | easily elearwl, i ---- ■ that 1* susceptible of *•-«— • * bol- * I $1,000, fe450 dow«. We are always glad to have our friend call acre* timber, oak, flr, maple, ash, etr., . l . j miles belnr — tilled, before Judge Deady and was dismissed. vertigo, dizziness, riugiug in the ears, and ing. and a good place in which to lit3. —■— ‘ 8 tVb»n, ‘ % ‘ house and baro, rich an­ nu prmluctive, ; ance good graxiiif lauri. Term*. $7,300; fel,600 down, >rne,vMfc(pton, who has resided iu in. Call often. Alex. Parker's House, barn and woodsbo«l In Tharp’s iddifel«« t# The charge was made by a fellow r.umed Nast’s caricatures are «n il to carry wore depression of the constitutional health. on county road, Price, $1,775. j balance on lime t j suit purchaser, with internst ’ or almost two years, and who j Independence, sooth aid# #>f stnugb. h»u»o 14x$$, 8 A Mr. Pearson made us a pleasant call 42. p'h u:ren, «m iles north of Dal)»», lim ile sweet of i ells, one lix ’s. fhc other 14x1«. 1 j »tori«* hig%, 9 22. la:raa,&l m io*southwe.itof DalUs;fairhi ie; PAL^lploycd Ijy the Pacific Bridge ou Tuesday. Air. P. is cauvaaing the i Stewart, who lives with the Indians, and weight than the longest editorials, for the A tkr ’ s A ouk C urb is a vegetable discovery, m 1 Pcrrvdalo; 2J inilos < -utlieo.it of àiabéton, county go>l born, rh ioici boirse and wooil-*lial; 4 acf« j i oi rns below, 3 p-.rehee, 2 1 :i:ge rooms alx#ve, sS**r# .-firing the most of that time, couuty tor the Oregon Videt»e, an anti­ who had just been released from jail, after points are seen at a glance nnd «trike ! containing neither quinine, arseuic, nor cultivation, «•> a r^i opo i land, roa-iv tor the pi 1 ! roai.’, * mile from s h^-l house, fine new dwelling, ; roMin. guol wfcll. Lo-od situation, noith <»f Casey*« serving his sentence on a similar charge. home to everybody, an t so it is with » ■ any deleterious ingredient, and is an mde from county rowi, g-x»4 ma I tram county roau ONXlb' ir.orcirg was thrown from a :id j gout« ¿istjik I Lam, arn, granary and other <»ui bniidin-», 145 » . rivi reridew ‘5 an ! c*»t *d flo-Ccr’s. Pr.oe, #700, *300 «Uw m m onopoly paper. Sabscribe fur it. Th# trouble between Stewart and Brown infnlible and rapid euro for every form I in cultivation, 80 acre* wmatsor fallow, i# acres rtre- to the proni, see. Turni j , el,is », each ui hand. mettiti vat ! paper that presents, in first-class style, j 1 balance on rime, with luteroet. ^_____ "jib b lm ’* ferry, on the Sandy, cliard with all kind* of fruit. Mr. Patrick, of M ichigan, has bought grew out of the killing of some sheep- | the picture« of O egon's advancement and \ of Fever and Ague. Its offects are per­ 23. 33s a:re* 4 m 1*4 northeast of Dallas; all under ! * . • J*iK; E J, Piking of a guy rope and so j 4 village l<-tJ and 11 acres in Old Indepondewoe, ; loJac'e on time. fe^.ce; 275 acres ii cultivation; all Ojwn laud; no in o c , vt,t> that he dieii in less than the A. Seitarth place, and he in gt iug to | killing dogs belonging to the Indians ly wealth. The Went Shore is an enterprise ■ manent and certain, nnd no injury can gruu*; 1 liouae and t urn and »evora »mall kuil lmgs ou all susceptible of cuitivafeion; ordinary house ; Punier lot, wit'i new house tbere m. near tho camp the property, move on it as soon us the weather clerk Brown. We predict that ii Rtewurt shows that should be liberally supported by the ! result from its use. Besides being a positive which i» eligibjr situated; the 14 acres His remains were brought to and barn, goo I orchard; plr.Uv of gou drne -ice Just below ti e Fainier*’ Uaiehouoe. w>il rieh, will permit. his ugly countenance around Dallas Brown cure for Fever and Ague in all its forms, year, eroi places, spring.« running all toe year, on county 1 water. Price, #$» 0 , # as ) dowa; balance in *_ nd frem there forwarded to | well-wishers of the P.iriib* N n'thweat.” warm, sandy I r»n. ada|»tMd to the growth ef Uop# mr Intnrei ■ l is also a superior remedy for Liver road leading from Dallas to bnutu'leì i; 2j mil »“ 4 '* will show him how to tan r. dog’s hide. Mr. G. Shurtleff, of B e t l c a l l e d in (j N otl thin ri*jr on Thursday, his vegetables, under fence. Price, •: . 8 ©o; $l,ovo dosra$ 43. Five hundred and forty acres, 2J miles south of ltaiance on time to su t )iurc!iaMM'. Complaints. It is an excellent tonic and p<^t. Terras, $2 » j»cr acre, one third down, balance on A T e r r ib le l a i r . ng place yeBterdav afternoon upon ns ou Tuesday last. Mr. h. has time to suit purchaser. (n-iepon iom-e, f mr hundred and flfiy acre* under j Fire nl J n a cl Inn C'ily. A Walla Walla dispatch of February 2d preventive, as well as cure, of all \L A ^ .n«p»cea o f the Dallas Trom- been stopping with his son, F. N. Shurt­ W i ll P r A p e r t y , in • l»un I rod *• .• ! fifty acre* in cultivation, one under 2* 40) acres, 3 miles south of Indepen On Monday mo;m ine a firo broke ou t in nay«: About 10 o'clock last night a fire complaint« pecnlinr to malarious, marshy fence, 3 P) a re* in cJltivati-i.i, 275 m:rn sc i,nci l l » » o f which dfgaii z-ition he tt « i leff, of Portland, siuce I ks sad ber eafee- x e n.-Hinng M >u toe la O eole «rook, « » a -1 *»i* ; ’¡»tibie of cultivation, lias a deep, rich a ill, ' . out- aud miasmatic districts. By direct action fallow, large comfortable urn.--*, horn, sicds broke out in a farm house owned and * hotel, whi r-h was en- U Compton was a young nx-nt. Glad to see him so hale aud the re ar of B erry’ >f st .-ne. with chopper and g »'*d orchard, dry houi-j, plenty of vra. cr, ; ¡•roiuoiii? Z- kkì crops, iaiVfe house ami liarn, »>n>ke- mi t> lo 'Manufacturing floor. tirelv destroyed, tog#-thcr with J. L. W il- occupied by Julius W eisick, situated ! on th- Liver und biliary njipar'vtns. it budding«, s*lem,W^Jave« a w ifi and infant son. hearty. 12 ,ood; ; hou»«, i"tic*en-ii’«uss IniiiW-hou^e, granar y. »»renard. on count/Mai leafing to «lorva...», Pn-e. ; t>>: bu i aud '2 dwelling boose#, stimulates the system to a vigorous, about five mile» from this city. The build- | li.mis’ «dann. Hf! tth's saddle and harness plenty of nak. flr. asn and maple timber, a.td plenty : lit pure m —--------*lie aympathy r-f the whole com- ous-na.f ii iwa; ba.anje ou t* t The ladica of Lincoln have receiv ed a ri-*#. $î-». 5 a); fe 6 .org» dsww, -i Pries, 8 Î *.« *♦, olio h»‘f down, balance ou ai, mirt H/ iin I, wit'» tinie iV . «• *l«ir t.rribt* » ereuvement. ft »me a ad '2 lots, eont of be al pa.. ttMbte. next »bop. and Craig’s saloon. Bi•rry’s Inss is ing aud contents were completely destroy- j healthy condition. For Sale by all Dealer«. to suit purctia.*«!*. Puce, *12.Di Kl. insured for $«.090, ns folio»WS . «•d. Mrs. Eliza M-idler, age«l 4‘2, h»*r '< bavu, orinarvi, siirul*t «O. v a»•! Mfindny, whit h they wf.l c r fu r 41. i'K>a*.res at KraUhflcH, on th* uerrow fau?o t«l the Little Lurklam«*#, ».anoe in •li###; $6 ■ ’ do rn; b a E«f!n?>to. daughter Emma Isidore Medlcr, ag**d 19, ; ) in II imbtir _r uni Bremen, $1. 00 0 i w..t, t run n f«N k « 'n nf ; town of In-ie* ! railrnn I, 5 mile* north « f Dalla», all under fence ao-f ! 25. 112 acres, in tu d bottom t in Cal f-.rni:., $1.(Î00 in Homo , V < r V,irk. aud a »an Arthur, aged C, were hu.nvd to i H H l o r iable ci v^e bv them, au d. d o n 't forget ut-xt M" r >r making a nuwilHir 1 arti. into sioalde fields, 265 ac,>wi iu cultivation, utiMtson, forty * 1 sbJivlued w. t,rty Parties who have not paid their taxes pen ieuce, u.viur feu ■ i 4 dwebu.g cottati and I f i.» a.-ro.* pa-.ture, t coiuiortabts uwellmg boas'**, i on Tl rsday evening evening, ns there will be a g.Kid at ■ riri. •o 1 $ 2.000 on fn mi ture, etc . Willi-, m s’ death. The other inmates escaped with 1 35 » m p l.p _« . Mft-Vt Ir rex h tu r n m wt #aw.y in» ro .v g tugo rail mad. Prit#, I arn* and olh ;r out bud-iings, a s » warehouse 00 ten enjoyable affair and was ance and a general good tim e. We ought loss i•» 33,000. fully insured in the Home little or no clothing. Th • fir« is supposed j will save me the trouble of calling on a.re» at i, flr an 1 011 ;i.c tini I k Iva'ance . n time to esca I a 1 'uo-l, with slot age f-»r 3( j.o-K) nut he !.1 of grain; e:a«» m-s-'W ‘ iu very p,’>lu;tiv< t, aiajrii A ^ y H ^ nav.ql with enter- to have an ct.tt rlnunm nt her* before M Unnl. Haaihurg and Bremen nnd Li»»n. to h*v* aught from a match lrop;«#d bi them by calling at the Sheriff s office and track a id good e»mvsnien;es for «hipping; W a *r#j ■.ii"«“" ,. Pnce, *5375, $l,5on (iuta; 1 >u-nm i .'all >w, youngorcherd, plenty 01 »ater, a h »I ’ « loss is ; Î. 100, insured. the mother, who, it is presumed got up to \ le * n n H w »*< •.r#n *r-#s «f 'm d , n# Craig M ^TlhiM organization. long. Let UR awake from our »lumber. fKallip settling the same. The eonnty is in debt purcuasjr. house ou tht promise#, on county r ia l. P ries ,fli,* j c r # k . 3 ibi — • r * t «4 (• a lia i, » o e K e I an 1 dwefllnf ho ■Iinoothiy. About Bethel has bad three, L in colo will have A Wi llirtms lose $2.000, insurupi»Jy of tim 1 er un imited. Price, j 14xa6 in Parker >t*’ ,r., PoU had three on Monday evening. Lot Zsua Wort • : in k Son«, general me rch' itidise. a sister ef Jnlius W iesuk. Her husband j i.f ti-tou. he.«in« in foar r «fttal • aMoaai * and two lots in Dallo«, on creek botim i; goop ■ feu : «U n d , fOO-1 a a ter, 1 .1 under gs>l plaie L. M. H ALL, lo s- ÿiOü by removal, insure •1: W. H is now in the Jo n Day country looktn'g ; y *ar early attention. I y>r gardeuinj. T «nns. f l , u m * . $;*sid-*wn. * < paymtaiU. be beard from next by all means. Price, TJP). $200 howl The house and contents ; January 6, 1882. ^r. genera! merchandise, is also dam- for a ranch Tax Collector. Mr. Pomeroy, o * r accommodating slag^ o f tliiff plac#, Tlic s I jovo comprise» only a porlion of tho lan-l* we I ist « jo r sale, and we r.ro daily r e o iv in g arreseione, i l»v removal, insured. Th** total loss were worth about $1000; no insuruuce. it v n >: R t i u n . Dtary Public by driver, is doing a good and li?t ly biiv.m i*4*, foots nu nearly $20,000. T he origin of as his coach «eem* to ba crowded with W. C. Rrown is «till iu the field with a I and can allow parties the most desirable locations in the country, lafwrmalion pertaining to lands fu rn ish *« mission hearing the fire i» unknown, but is aupponed to passenger». Mr. P is a young uiau aud Mv fine property on Mill street, Dallas, j new lot o i d r««« goods, dress trinimmgs, j have started from a defective fl.ie. bbould meet with success, as very few and, fn facet, a general a««ortn in of is offurtd for sale at a bargain for a short j aratis. Addrcsslall commnnirations to ___ ___ time. A. H h u l ti . Jfcnd sweet breath young turn would undertake tue job that I ! r r D n a ¿later** f t a f r l f . * merchandise at lowest living rates. he is successfully d oin j. D a l l a s , J a n u a r y 2 6 , 1662. SCattrrh Jleiredy. D allas , February.6, 1881. S av FßAKcrsco. July 0, 1881. ijector free. For H. II. WmxiiR & C o.. Sirs— I do not W'ill you suffer with D y»pep»:a and | F o r fis i? . Sleepless nights made miserable by that I» 11 HA think my «languì, r could h ive lived «ix Dallas, roll I bounty, Oregon. A Clydesdtl# stallion, 3 year* old, 1C m aths u »d ‘ b*» not used your Safe Kid­ terrible cough. 8 k ilo b 'i Cure is the r«m- [ Liver Complaint ? Shiloh’s V ita liz e ia ; [can b e s o q u i c k l y edy for you. For sale by Riggs k Miller. guaranteed to cure r o n . For «tic by Riggs Or.'BILT A PI#S 8 ,?indopcn(!enoe; or, C . LAFOLLXTT, Sheridan. Enquire o f ney aud Liver Care. W « g u a r n u te * it. hand« high, sorrel. t> aflat. A Miller, Pallas. O i« F i k D e L isa ^ u rr M m . N. H. P Afa-ïnn, 3> Liberty >«t. 1 e r . Perrydalo, Oregon. - G R A N T & D eLASH M U TT,