I _ PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ETC. tro sound I " V jt a i QffFelotes that I T ^ ' v c r i i’* some time i J. R. 8IT K 8, M . D., A.—-At tho school J « uvtL^seU 3 n the cow- ¡ A*JTT the S The" -'f U'ion was that ball or some empty PHYSICIAN AND SURCEON Q.— What 1» y * ¿1 W ” „as driving in . . ouggy aud fell DALLAS, UHKÜON. A .—A gathering writ ^ His horse, in crossing the 8 Y K 5 P T O K ia o r A sips sow fur the heathen ah!* ¿Oilall' track, Btopped and w ! 0 r r ¡ C K ON SULL STREET, IN REA» OE HYDE'S they know. -Teaught by the train. The buggy Hof#-if Drug Store. tjjrown down a deep declivity, l O M O fA B p C t its . B o w e l s c o « t —o. E n in in Q.— What places have noon at the t h e H o a d , w it h a d u l l e e c x t lc n in th a tame time? but «be driver, rol’ ed up in his buf­ b a c k p a r t , P a m u n d o r th o H liou ld er J. N. S M IT H , M . D., l a d e ,fu ll n e s s a ft e r ttTiirsg, w*’ h a d ls in - A .—Factories . 'u n d hourding falo robo, was caught by the cow­ b o lin a tio n t o e x e r t io n c f b o d y c r m in d , houses. catcher. The shock did not awaken I r r it a b ilit y o f t e m p e r , D o .v npirlte, w ith PHYSICIAN AND SURCEON, lin g o f h a v in g n e g l e c t e d t o m e d u ty . Q.—Where do we find the hottest him. On went the train. The sleep­ a W ftte e a r in e s s , D ie z iu e ia , F lu t t e r in g at th e DALLAS. OiÆOON. D o ts b e fo r e t h e e y e s . Y e l l o w a k in , part of the earth? er’s hat blew off during bis strange J eart, e a d a c h o g e n e r a lly o v e r th e r ig h t ey e. VFFICEON MILL STREET, NORTH OFCOl'RT A.—In the same hous. with our ride, ho le mined in dream-land un­ e stlessn oss, w it h f it f u l d r e a m s , h ig h ly mother-in-law. til the train pulled up at tho station. c o l o r e d U rin o , a n d C O N S T IP A T IO N . (¿■--When ’ aro the nights the It was night, and the man, when D R . W . H . R U B E IX , longest? T U T T ’ S P I L L S a r o onpet la lly a d a p t e d to awakened, was puzzled to know s u c h ca s e s , o n o (lo s e e f fe c t s s u c h a c i.u u g e •p E N T I 8 T , A .— When you cannot sleep wli&ie be came from or where be was o f f e e li n g us t o a s t o n is h t h o s u ffe r e r . They In c r v t u u t h e A p p e t it e , and can*«» tho Q — Is thero a plain in'your neigh­ going, and looked as if ho had some DALLAS, OKLGON. body to T a lc « o n Flea»«, thus tin* system is n o a r ls lie d . and by their 'k 'ottle Ai l l c n on the borhood? doubts if he was the same man. D ig e s t iv e O rga n a. Q t t e h i r ftiosils A.— W c should think not by ths l l w o r k d o n e r * f i r s t - c l a s s s t y l e . duced. Price 25 ceuw. a.» y iu r r n y 1*0, ix. Y . north o( J. D. Lee'. Whit. Brlek A Office one door ‘ ‘ Boy, have you seen a young lady ray ours is borrowed. • Q.— What disadvantage in having walking up and down hero as if N. L. BUTLER. JOHN J. DALT. waiting for some one?” queried a a bar at the entrance o f a harbor? O b a y H a ir or W nistt rrs chanpred to a Qi.o*sr A.— It would take away trndo from dapper young man of a boy on B lack bv a single application o f this D yk . It Im­ D A L Y Sc B U T L E R , parts a uatural color, acts 1 nstantanemuJy. Sola the saloons in port. Broadway yesterday. By Druggists, or sent by express on receipt of it. A tto r n e y * -fit- L n w , O F F IC E , 35 H I ’ K B A Y S T ., N E W Y O R H . Q.— What is a strait? ‘ •Yes, sir.” Dr. TCTTH BAKCAL of VilnnMr i-iforoiali.. j .nd \ A.—-Five cards following in order ! “ Ah! bow long ago.” L m IM) IU m I^U w UI bo nolloa MUCK um ap^licoU<«./ W ILL PROMPTLY ATTEND TO ALL LEGAL buHinese entrusted to tiiein. Office on Mill of denomination. (Hoyle.) “ About ten minutes ago.” Street, opposite Court House, Dallas. Q.— Whore do v a l i d the largest | “ Too bad, by Jove! I guess I ’ve 23. J. D A W N E , and fiercest animals? ] migsed it.” A.— At the meuagerie. “ Aud it’s mighty lucky for you,” A T T O R N E Y -A T -L A W Q.— Where do we fiud the great- remarked the lad, “ for the old man est D u m b e r of insects? with her had a rawhide tucked up and Notary Public. A.—Out of town on a hot night. under his sleeve, and the girl kept PECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO COL Q.— Into what races aro we di­ saying: Father, give him about S lecting and loaning money. Alwayn ,.rej ared to loan from 4100 to 82,600 personal or real ea fourteen extra cuts for my sake.” vided? tatc security. Office in Griawold'a building, opposite "Yes, you bet you’ve missed it.” A.— The Horse race, tho Boat race the hank, Salem Ore*-«»". and the human race. J. H . T O W N S E N D . Q.— How are the inhabitants of a F r o m “ T h e T im «**/’ civilized country generally employed? Editor of the Times: I bnvo been ATTO RNEY-AT-LAW , A.— The men in working and the watching tho correspondence in your paper for the past few weeks with much women in shopping. DALLAS, OREGON. interest. Having been in the practice of Q.— What is mining?. FFICE ON MILL STREET, OPPOSITE THE mediciue for many years, I have learned A.— Finding out how much you to havo no confidence in tho many pro­ O Court House. Collections made a specialty. have been cheated. prietary medicines which aro on the E. R. S K IP W O R T H , Q .— Namo some substanoos uow market, nnd it was through the excellent recommendation given by Dr. Bates, and manufactured for food? A T T O R N E Y — A T —L A W , A.--Oleomargarine nnd boarding­ the knowledge I had of his veracity and ability ns a physician that ever led me to — AND— house hash. .lay aside my 'long existing prejudice, to Scientists now all admit that most dis- Q.— What is commerce? Notary Public, try the only wonderful remedy, named A.— Soiling your noighbor goods “ Kendall’s Spavin Cure” which I fiud so eauses are caused by disordered Kidneys or Liver , ami that i f these great organs are Albany, ; : : Oregon, many of your readers have found to be for three times their value. kept in a oerfert condition , health will be Q.— IVhat do merchants do with so valuable, Bheumatism has afflicted the result. W A R N E R 'S S A F E K I D ­ Will practice in all the Court.!■ in the State. for years, and with all the skill I All business intrusted to him promptly attend­ products of the surrounding country? mo have professed to have in treating others N E Y A N D L I V E R C U R E ed to. A.-—Gather them together and I found myself unable to do anything to Office in O’Toole’s Block, Brood-Albin street. Is made from a Simple Tropical Leaf form a “ corner” in the market. cure myself entirely. After suffering for M M Q.— How are the commercial years the difficulty became located iu my OF RAKE VALUE, C. A. J01I towns connected with tho towns of hip and nothing that I could do seemed And is a POSITIVE Remedy for the follow­ W. TRUITT. to effect it until 1 began to use ‘ ‘ Kendall’ s ing Troubles: tho interior? T R U IT T & J O H N S , Spavin Cure,” which has cured me com ­ A .— By “ drummer ., pletely. In all my experience as a physi­ Pain in the Back; Severe Head­ A tto r n e y s -a t - L avv, Q .—What Is fishing? cian I have never been able to make any aches; Dizziness; Bloating; A.— Sitting in a boat all day for compound which penetra.es so thorough­ DALLAS, OREGON. Inflamed Eyes; A Tired nothing, and having to lie all the ly and works 3o odOii ably in removing FFICE ON .MILL STREW, NORTH OF COI R opening about whnLyou caught, aud old standing ailraen s, and at the same Feeling; Might O House tin e hardly produce any irritation of tho augl-tf what got aivny.— Detroit Free Press. skin. It has done such wonders with me Sweats; -------- -4p**--------- - G eo . W. B elt , M. L. P ip e s , that I have the utmost confidence in its Independence. Dallas. efficacy, and can recommend it with the Pains in the Lower Part of the i*Ko:i! 3 rno\ is ka .\ sis . N u n. TORPID LIVER. a liil o f bino, with age; * brownish hile, written page. T he letters with never a pause .»or dot, In a schoolboy’» hand are cast; Tho linos and thi‘ curl I may hold to-day, But the love o f tho boy is past. childish dreams, dug mist, on the silken curl L ’ rlv kissed. It faded awaj Died out li! And I look w Thr.t one** One night in the summer— so long ago— We played by tho parlor d oor; And the moonlight fell, like a silver veil Spreading its?lf on the floor;* And tho children ran on Ihegravclcd walk, At play in their noisy glee; But the maddest,the merriest fun,just then, Was nothing to Johu and me. F or he was a stately boy of twelve, And I was uot quite eleven— We thought as we sat by the parlor door We had found the gate to lioaven. That night when I lay on my snowy bed Like many a foolish girl, I kissed and held to my iittlo heart This letter and silken curl. I slept, and dreamed of the 'im o when I Should wake to a fairy life; And sleeping blushed when I thought that John ' Had called mo his little wife. I have lovod slnco then with a wom an’s heart . • Ilayo known all a womau’s bliss, But never a dream of the after life Was ever so sweet o~ th is. T ho years we nt b with their ^jilyer feet, Aud often I laughed with -M f* At the vows we made by tbo*n*y*>r door, When the xuoou and otaiaJO ^ed on. A h!boyish vows are brokeiva.ijjf \*%r, K And "a girl’s first drramttvill^nTl; But I dearly loved his beautiful w ife* W hile he was my bust aud’ s friend. W hen last T wont to my c^ildlkood’ s home, Far ove r ho bout ding wave, friend, l o r the violets grow I missed Am! bloss omed o\ er his grave. To-duv as I opened Ami loo d on lb Aiid rend of tho lov W hen X as a litt the old bine box, s soft brown carl, John felt for me e girl, There ear to my k art a throb of pain, moist with tears, And uiv F or the riiii dish lo vo and tho dear, dead fri«. ni , Aud the Umg lost buried years. — Texas Siftings. "JVJi » M> IM KITING. 3LKNW00I). flo w liille e know of each other, t hero awhile, nnd then part; As uFe i' How little wo know of the sorrows, The p : or tho oy of each heart! Onr hand oudiy c asp at tho greeting; W c join tl ori agn n ero wo go, ifr o v of ertch other, Yet how 1It , m u y of Lifo hero below. „ Ta 'this CY IDA How ¡itti, Of th e r Or L • ■ With III 01 tin ll Of tin > Oh. jniw How ML e l.iHfV ot c.ich other— in•* we t ou the way, ini heart has struggled omptor which leads it astray; ingm, rt len'ings. and failings \ry o n e . Un ".fling for right! • w ns we pass them, ht ni 1 in tuo fight. ch other, 1 ngtling throng! urrieflly past ns; '*•1 laughter, and How JUt .Is deeply bidden • vous and bright! each other. How iitlla^o aid ¡u to How little we know of c¡ oh other, In this Tonrnoy of ÎA1 * here below! W e » O ft for a while, mu I then sever, Yot clasp trembling hi ,uds ere wo go! the Kiver, > Land Bat ih. rting or heartache shall Wber no There, th i shall know ono anothor, athor’ s dear children get f Kendall's Spavin Cure and Body; Palpitation of the B E L T & P IP E S , Heart; Jaundice; Grav­ ATTORNEYS - AT-LAW, el; Painful Urina­ Independence and Dallas. tion; Maiairial W ill practice in all the Courts of the State. Fever; Fever and Ague; h o m e m u t u a l b ti FIRE INSURANCE COMP CAPITAL, Paid up in U. S. Hold Coin, COIN ASSETS, December 31 , 18 S 0 , Incoine l’or ISSO, , • • : Losses, pii id since organization, Reinsurance Reserve, : Losses Paid In Oregon, : : ; : : $300,000.00 Fir*t-ci* 042.841.00 340.641.00 G R O ß 1,035,202.84 N O jj 174.989.00 0 e ,,ts’ Pum^ 200,0004)0 This leading and popular com pany offers superior advantages to those desiring reliable indem nity against loss and damage by fire, being solid in assets, conserva­ tive in management, moderate in rates and prom pt and liberal in the adjustment and p aym ent o f losses. 8 5 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 depositcil in Orogon for Ibe further socuiity o f j f Tolicy Hoblers in Oregon, Washington and Idaho. i S f p f b v i s o r s o f O b e o o n B r a n c h — V. H. I.owis, of Allen & Lewis; MoCraken, of McCraken & Co.; 1’ . Wasserman, of Wasserman & Co.; Bankers, Ladd & Tilton. GEO. L. STORY, Manager Oregon Branch S t. u fi l u l i ,,; My irtock in nuw and a D. D. BUSH, Special Agent. mv 2 - H. J. FERGUSON, Agent, In d ep en d en ce. Strictly | I am enabloJ to offer ■ trading public. 1 I t. I I . B U O O K N . .S o l i c i t o r . CASH PAID r o i j CHAMPION F I T DRYER, Remember tho pfeci J your supplies at U m ^ Nov Cask D allas , fliegen. No« MANUFACTURED BY D. N. BERNS. BURNS &| At Independence, Polk County, Ogn. L IV E R Y I Main Street,I SOLE RIGHT FOR PGLK â BENTON COUNTIES. a v i n g uf . centi | Ituggios and Car north end of town, and Ruggititi and Teams, w«l I ubile with H Good TenmjJ This Dryer is tho latest improvement in Fruit Dryers, having been Our stables aro flrst-cln tont ami obliging patented in August, 1881. It has tho largest capacity of any Fruit Dryer ways ready I sold at the price, and is the most easily aud economically operated of any on the market. The fruit trays aro raised by an elovotor, operatod by a G IV E THE NEW lever at the bottom, and can bo put in or taken out without loss of tho heated air, and without exposing tho fruit to a cold draft. It has also a H . Mj feature not possessed by any other dryer, to-wit: It. has reflectors at tho Tt will control and regulate Menst.viiatinn. street between 3d and 4th. and is an excellent and safe remedy for females bottom that throw the fresh air on to tho furnace, thus heating the air be­ Diseases of women a specialty. Undertaka during pregnancy July 15 1881 l y fore it goes to the fruit. This is a very important feature. 'T h ere dryers As a B1 lood Purifier it is tmenu&led, for it will bo built only on orders, and ordors should be sent in early, ini • jlpr to cures the organs that make the blood. For BOILS; CAHBUiCCLEF; SCROFULA;W HITE l l . W PRENTICE & CO« | insure their being filled. ‘ SW ELLIN G; HALT HHEUM; j IM1SON- ■ ■ Tho dryer can bo seen at Mr. Paul Ililtebrand’s on Luckiamute, or at | has on ^ ING BY * MERC UK Y O il AMY Agents for the Celebrated OTH ER DRUG, Robert McLaughlin’s, H miles north of Buena Vista. M'o guarantee sat- j It is certain in every case. isfaction to any ono who will purchase a dryer. Orders can be sent to the Borough Cast For Incontinence; Impotence; undersigned nt Independence, Polk County, Oregon. I indulge in no -ii. P ain s in the Loins, and boasting, hut am willing for all to see and examine for themselves. all Sim ilar Diseases. P i c t u r e s . I ndependencf ., Oregon, January !19, 1882. C 'O It is a safe, sure and quick Cure. P ie t e r , It is the only known remedy that has cured B R IG H T ’S D IS E A S E . As a proof o f the purity and worth of this Great Natural Rem edy, read the following P L U S Y IB 1 I\IG ¿ G Â S N ow is th e T im e ! Allí A n d S te a m F itt in g . C HEMI CA L A N A L Y S I S : FORCE & LIFT PUMPS, BATHTUBS, BARBER SHOP! McTAMMANY (METTES Cabinet Work ^SS* 8 owintf machia paired. Store under I tek enee, Ur. F. A.) WAGON AND It East Siilo ol Itali IO ALL OF MY Oil- lie in ircneiwl, I »ta to do all kinds of wogoei’ workmanlike manner ni prices. I have on hand*; T REPAIRING M« atisfaction Giun^ D allas , January 2, IS? PORTER, SLB 117 HalterySi Manufacturers and 1» CUD A COOPER BEOS. m T H K 8 R g o o d s ARI rip ami ure the I fererl. Call in at Vsn* and examine these go«** STABLE. mm y BEST h U L U l- $66 S t i m i a Cu., IVntami, >Ume. I U U 0 | , f|j* And all tbe diseases caused by the Kidneys, J. E. D avidson , M . D T. J. L ee , M. D Liver or Urinary Organa being out of order. O A V I D S O Y A LEE, It is a SAFE and CERTAIN cure for all Female dificulties, such an P H Y S IC IA N S A N D SURGEONS, LEUCOItRHOEA; INFLA M ATION OF Independence, Or. TH E WOMB; F A LLIN G OF THE WOMB; ULCERATION THE Office, one door south o f Reiss' hard­ WOMB. ware ctore. Residence on Monmouth D.W. PRENTICE & CO., L t.2 b u m p s, CIGARS m j l Hon farther and roach down is, *11 quantity, at wholesale C . L . P IE R G E , this medicine, and upon critical examinatk K. C. WESTS NERVE AND BRAIN TREAT lower for yon than any other upon I find them, as well as the medicine into which price. N o matter what you want, 1 7 m ent, a speciiic for Hysteria, Dizziness, Convul­ earth. You cannot walk into A initi- they enter, to be entirely free from poisonous sions, Nervous Headache, Mental Depression, Loss of send for our Catalogue,/rrr— con­ or deleterious subsaanqcs. Memory, Spcrmatorhoea, lmpotency, Involuntary nighi.where sho cannot see you; emissions, premature old age, caused by over-oxcrtii S- A . L A T T IM O R E . tains over 1,9 00 illustrations. you cannot enter n prison whose self-abuse or over-indulgence, which h leads leads to to misc misery, Independence, Oregon. W e carry in stock the largest This Remedy which has done such wonders, decay ami death. One box will cure recent cases. ° bars will keep her out; you can Each box contains one m onth's treatment; one dollar put up in the L A R G E S T S IZ E D B U TTLES variety o f goods in the U. S. a box, or six boxes for five dollars; sent by mail pre­ never mount a scafroM too high for of any medicine upon the market, and is sold paid on receipt o f price. We guarantee six boxes to by Druggists and all dealers at & l . £ 5 per her to reach that sho may kiss nnd any case. With each order received by us for MONTGOMERY WARD & CO cure bottle. For Diabetes enquire for W a rn er ’ s B E C A U S E lie has them on hand and is six lK>xes, accompanied with five dollars, we will send I W ors von in evidence of her donthless S a fe D iabatkh C u re . It is a positive remedy. the purchaser our written guarantee to return the making more and ia going to 227 & 229 Wabash Ave., love. 'When tho world shall de­ si. ii . w a u n i : k a < o .. money if the treatment docs not effect a cure. Guar­ antees issued only bv CHICAGO, ILL. R o c h e s t e r , JY. Y . spise and forsake you, when it leaves WOODARD, CLARKE & CO., you by tlin wnysino to die unnoticed, Wholesale and Retail Druggists, Portland, Oregon. | commenced using it on the horse, in accordance with Administratrix' Notice. Orders by mail at regular prices. ap8-ly tho dear old mother will Rather you the directions, and he informed us this week that it S E L L T K E M 1 effected such a complete cure that an ex|»ert horse- in her fool do arms and carry you •VOTICE IS IIKKEBT GIVEN TO WHOM IT MAY i I man, who examined the animal recently, could find As a rule tho county press is tha concern that at the November Term, A. D., 1882, home and tell of all your virtues un­ j no trace of the spavin or the place where it had been J. E. COOPER. of the County Court of Polk County, Oregon, Mrs K. W. OOOP&R. located.- Mr. Schermerhom has since secured a copy til you almo-it forget that your soul true moliler of public opinion. It i of Pacific Const Agents for the Ellen Wilcox was appointed Administratrix of Kendall's Treatise on the Horse and his Diseases, the Estate of John E. Wilcox, deceased. All persons by tho thousand . „ - - which ho prlues verv highly, and would l>e loth to is disfigured by vices. I«ovo her is not hnmpored Main St., opp. Court House, Dallas. having claims against said Estate are hereby notified Celebrated condition» and contin«rcn- 11 another >* 4 ri 2 %Ith ,Uan^ p *™*». provided he could not obtain tenderly anil cheer her declining and ono to present them, duly verified, to said Administratrix, . . . , .. - ” copy. So much for advertising reliable arti at her residence, at McCoy, within six months, cies theat muz?Jo tho pens of city cie*. years \vierao*»*i knowing themselro« indebted t«* mid dailies. News is n good thing to From Col, L, T . Foster. Estate will make payment thereof to said Administra­ •---------<#-♦<--------- trix. ELLEN WILCOX, Administratrix (Late of Salem.) have, but it is not Ihe only desirable j y n x i m i , , , Ohio, May 10 , »sen. D aly & B utler , Attorneys for Estate. "M i 1 r," began a small hoy, as feature of n public journal. Tho K!7I, *U; * ££■ u?ntf h- 1 » Tir>' M c C oy , Oregon, November 15, 1882. lie enh rod a Woodward avenue gro- GOOD CLEAN SHAVE T O BE city papers nre valuable for tboir hi«i>iv. it. h..i > i«r*. h..n. j..int ,n;t eery, “ ma ! mackerel last had at all t in e s . G ive me a cali ­ superior advantages in gathering l II. i T J u u ITH. it night.” F. SM felled to news—tuo country pftpera Xor tho j «y™»Mdiofciudtoww i _ wmwmmu . v netting D a l l a s , Jnly 1, 1881. "Y ea.” dvortisenu ut of Ken- 8paV in Cure in the greater weight and breadth of their | * » g o Express, and l dot eu at d u » i to try It, “ Anil, in luukio change, von »n *y 'id -j got our druggist* - hero ----- to - sand . f*»r # . They ----- - or- opinions. We can .. not well keen , - ... , .. \ «lured three lsittloa; f took them all ami thought I g a v n Lev house without tho city papers, and ................... LIVERY FEED & SÄLE- it a thoro - ......................... lllSliillff * ] ' ■ l i n i itac« rnmm* “ Ko, I iliiln’U I n’t had a ¡ . . . ami the fm ,__ M •eased to be I would bo tho voriest busks im H W Uil. I mied but quarter « :th a hole it: a montili" I he /*ro a* free fr»>m lnmp* I without tho influx of indons tlioy “ B utiuA Fays you (CiYo ber a—” in the State. He -s cn- manage to borrow or steal from their gpj ■■ so remarkable that l let “ Don’t believe it; ilon’t believe ill i . , he remaining two bottles, I rt-mmnbor, now, I l gave g.iv ber a half C0l,n,I7 exob,*n 8 M Ex. >’crv respectfully, INDEPENDENCE, OREGON L. T. P orrn dnDnr. a quarter and nickel.“ It was a Boston girl who asked: ' j Vi gavo her a gold piece ■ “ Why is it that two souls, mated in ; KENDALL’S SPAVIN CURE kero it is.” _ ___ , . . AI' “ Oder? improvements. Instaurant ON RITMAÑ rUCSH. HZST CLASS WLuOVTS, cions alive! but so I did 1 »ie impenetrable mystery of tboir chi,^ren oan P,a-V w vrell I ®e8t m the city. Open all flay. vrown peraons. Only five minutes’ time'required I P attrn ’ s M ill *, N. Y., Feb. 21, 1878. P l 'W u n P rop r. tad it lower price« than 1 i « t 8 rated heretofore J. H. BRENNER. «¿■muiabrr cow that I nativity, float by each other on the to L*rn how to manage them. Any kiud of tune« D«. H. 4. K hndalb , Dear Sir: The parti« ul.tr i.tse can be played. Y inert accompaniment for the voice i I ! HP Kendall's spavin ture wan a lolhr bill and a lot of 0<'ean currents of existence without i in ringing. l%vy «re «old *» U.w that any family can Accommndatinjt Commercial Trarclciw nalign.iut ankle spretai of sixteen months' nttudiiig. easily prm-ure one. Having one no family could *et «*. B ib, w hat’s your being iustinctivoly drawn together,, I »ko«! ( H trivi ....... ....... I }" 't in vain. Your Spavin many things. CEOnCE FAIRCoAVES, along without. Prices of different styles flO, 912. #14 > u : m ! again. »»«I f«*r the ’> you think von can cat blended and beautiful in tho assim- and #16, including twentv-five feet of music Send naturai )XMition. For a for catalogue« and price lint. Address U wn Arbor, rHk County, HORSES B O ARDED R E A SO N A B L Y . »f lcm n randy? Ah! it I ilatsJ alembic of eternal love?” j K iga li»™ a « « ' thing we ever usiti. D. w . n iN T I C K ta c a . Portland. Ortmn. Your» truly. Hnv. M. P. B u t, d to liuT houesty and | That is an oaay ono. It is because P**tor of it. PL Cmireta, Patten’s Mill*. N. Y. Satisfaction guaranteed *8* J.“ * mutrnd > new lot of itrv»u, „ „ -h M Ara , butler i»i forty-fire cent« a pound, « « » " > kept in n country More, w W h lie will null, l „ k iw in «. now twtor. th . public July 15 1W1 1 COOPER BROTHERS. j and a good Foalskin sacquo costa as Tou cmn m .k . monev burter .t KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE S T E R L I N G O R G A N S . ! work tor ua than >t any thin, rlw Press say» the high as five hundred * dollars. *1 he | j**ure j„ it»«fleet*, miw in it*action, as it «i«vs not The above cut represent i Style 50, which we will sell Cash or P rodu ce. ' •HUI not n w U W. „ f l u n for #190 #25 .-ash, #10 per month, with interest upon I you. #12 a day ano upwarus ma.lt* at home h* th* I 4 I. experience a b,,***\y*t h >• p»*»mting to ,^h opwuU. mule >t h on » by the i a grizzly bear is to neceaeAriee of • life j must t q p f l !’• -M. COLLINS, . 1 . . 1 , every n,u. ms, w „>>. a s a t s s s a a - a a . — — — from vonr hand fall in price before two souls M a la » t r c c t . B a l l » , » r e x o n . in the i m assimilated -»H i««, w «1«- a •»<•'«»«.. «n .1 i mv -i »11 ty slips around rendilv rrsiiuy blend Dienu m . i S ummih UwjuSia. S> m 1 . »,».,..».. ... t,r »n rti,.u». D. W . P R E N T IC E & c o . ; wtwk_ “ . « !*., ' s »tber ^ K S M 5 you e m«.r| s 3 v „ s.‘f t: Alembic, AQd io forth. J UmnttM » a J for way p«ir|v>w for whkh a liniment h u .n ro, . m W, M f t t e l w 0 re.t \ to a tree, I . prcpareil to mpply Fresh ' Fortlnnii, Oregon. chance to make m >ncy i if usarvi n>r n.»i¡ ir i^as». It t« i» is now no known to he the No one can fail to make enormous par by engaging at 1 _ | f l I | i Th»re mildlv, a,„j j bett lintmentf jt u »n ever used, who always take adv«., | .hoae eggs to • rage of the good chance« f,.r _„iu,t y«* ««ma in "* eH i-u. Beef, Pork, Mutton, Voul, An attorney, on being c a l l e a I O ! t u ,d u w ™ -. lo. llb X r . le .1 Clmtlnr. i which we nmntty u n i m r - !•*>•’ - ‘ y** p 'iHre proof á P. i r rirtUM. So i-me.lv J T. F. SMITH, M. D„ account for having actetl I uupro- I "uiwnre auch -huiré, reinialií wh".'1" "<» , •Ter w et witk wie1 tarh iiu.puliita.1 « c r u . to our ‘l »,rto E rT l J I * l . - , « k « | ! feeoionally in taking leas than tho M null u muí iwtaut*. , ter tee » » «Mit «»t m OWW* l » J»u r .w u u.w -1 te OulKtfrow : — n ,h i T nun. «• ’ wuck Hams. Lard. Chickens. Etc., .«o rnk. tr.r v lh .n t m w. C p ital ma rw I wirk ¿op erlr f ™ A*y one can d„ U m initial feaa from hia oliert, pleaded > r' Z f ' . wuîTi, P hysician an d Surgeon, that ha had taken all tho man had. prv-e by proprietors, j T _ on rwelpt T, - . - of _____- „ the iwopneti^_ -a n y are nmfc.ng fortunes. IAdW« maks outfit furnished fwll v . ’ » bota quality, at the lowcat powMIJe p r ie ». 11. J. K IN DALL à CO., Knee burgh ndls. Vt. hoys and girts make great pay. make l a o n e ? * « ^ S to Ho was thereupon honorably I tn? I in l k p e n d e x c f , o b k g o x . » « , mwk. write te, «Meutern t a W ^ ’J ? ^ - H,* h” ‘ r ” h Pri" for Eat Stock. SOLS BY ALL DRUGGISTS. jwtSSlT ¡ E h * y tal Ul. c tarn. T Â 5 S Î -Â ^ I» needed sent free. I M m ! Also 1,., ______ . „ £ - „ingz* * -- y&t * fgr - QUEENSWARE, Also for Chickens and Wild Game. D allas , lh* -ember 27, 1881. V | M y honM dcnco is fot I », sonable off* fused. Í. D ax . u k , Scplí® Dr. J. BJ D E lf Having retar»^ permanently loc**' j| kinds of detal I a gpeeialty. I Office in \ ftnuij*3 up itairs. w . p- i A U C T l! And ( ob «C m r iL l. ATTFYI> Il inri vt th» b I