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About Polk County itemizer. (Dallas, Or.) 1879-1927 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 28, 1882)
1 ti ..Tr L i t . A -L . A H ■H" M T V IT E M IZ E ». THE POLK COUNTY ITEM IZER. IT U t l ' U U . » D ip u itm , E . GOOD. j 11 for fl A S'iiâM llt Davo ted to the Best Interests of Polk County in Particu lar and to the Pacific Coast in General. OC] PAID IN ADVANCE. rB K T C U . V O L - D A L L A S , V I I I . NthNOtrU ITKtH. ij;r r in iih hi k o l i . NO- 10. OREGON. SATURDAY. JA N U A R Y 2 8 , 1 8 8 2 . b in d o# «DAKCISC.** n ere. tar's Mor« W m . G R A N T . S lap ! biU»g! hero we aro again, asid we ! T h e ft 1)0v e is A IiauiO A pp lied to E mtob I t e m iz e s : Hating read the Bonx— In M onmouth, Jan u ary 21at, to the wife of Mr. J . H» lteed, a sou. find the ofvient city of C incinnati, nee 1 a § 0 cietV f o r YOUnff p e o p le . The article on “ Dancing,“ in your issue i y evolving. Who n » would « « m *»*»« • ^ ■ Quite h stir if being made h e re in the E o U , i si l o o f ily not » 1 demauit fo r potatoes. Those “ s j u l s ” believe in th e Spencer or Darwin theory object of which is tbe training of of Jauuary H th, and being one of J are worth hauliug into towu now, nn I if of evolution, when One can rco its devel children and youth in tbe principles “ those very orthodox” people who ent ip is tup the euvirouuieui environm ent oi of XiOiar Eola? >meui i , .. . . . » . j your farm er readers have any sur »las opm Wheat.!«» gradnatty changing its base to 1 aUf^ pl'flCtlC© o f v ir tu e Rltn te m p e r - denounce tho modern dance, I beg tubers they can Ünd ready sale for au un . limited quantity. th at of tyilein, per tbe steam er Bon an za— p.nce. I t is th e {great m is s io n o f t b e leave to say a few words on tbe ta m e j M aster .Arthur Haley, the m r l e a r r e r , going to be changed to “ B o n -aii-E -ab !" I o • t t :» .v bad tbo m isfortune to step ou a p i s j > of T U M I , . '. . .. . oat, w .th aat i t . s io e v « i l l StK -w ly to u n it s tb e y o u th o f o u r subject, but from a different stand glass the other day and cut his foot. fill tbe mac * ; so be It. j c o u n tr y in ft s o le tn u p le d g e to a b - point than that occupied by “ A .O .Y .” One of the P rofessor iu m e College, Auotbtr hop yard is in a state of pro* 1!« K K IK I. The writer ef iresaid would oon- stain from the use of all intoxicating while lecturing the class in philosophy, grcHsioo, uuder the control of Mr. bout six inch es deep. | said th at it any part oi a m achine should Beardsfhy» who has purchased, I believe, liquors nnd from tobacco and from tey tbe impression that the ancient i l l i f slowly improving. be brokeu and replaced with a new piece, the cli»m of the R iggs’ adjoiniug the all profanity. ! or scriptural aud modern dances are it would still be tbe same m achine, and town, and still we’ll hop along. Wish | Luckiiunute, made us a In this Society tbe youth are the same. He is certainly mistaken illustrated his idea by refering to his some one would hop on aud build a cu s pocket knife aud said: “ Now, if I should tom grist m ill; also a saw mill. taught the nature of intoxicating here, for there is a wide difference i a p ain ter of Oregon lose one of the blades of my knife and T h f Doty warehouse will uudergo a per “ In the earlier p eri-; [# u t, leaving many credi- should get Mr. K ------to pnt iu another fect change, to tit it b etter for the future drinks; how Alcohol is produced; between them. blade, it would still bo tbe sume k n ife ." needs of the present com pany. Good its uses- and effects. - They' are 4>d it (the dance) is found combined ! r hotel ? D allas needs A student then asked t i e question: thing it that piece of read close by could 4 l.irjjQ um fo u r cap italists should "T h e n if yon should lose the oth er blade also “ ch an g e" to run down tbe river. taught all about the evils of using ' with tome eong or refrain, more es- n u u r u aud get a new ono, would it still bo the Woo dn’t need big rocks there to break tobacco, and the wickedness of pro- pecially in those impulsive outbursts j (•sm ith, wife and daugh- same k u ife ? " T o which the professor thtutage down. f iuity. They nro taught to bo true of popular feeling which cannot find | gavo an affirm ative »msver. Again, the what about tbe store, did you sav? I ’ll D allo* and W alla t 1« liuw i ludga M cArthur and student asked: “ Well, then, if you lose tell yon. T here is n ot n store-keeper iu and pure; in sh o k the aim to sufficient vent in voice or in gesture j the handle and get a new on»», will it then Folk Connty th at can get away with Wos. instruct the vout i in wisdom's ways singly.” be the same k u ife ? " “ Y e s ," said the man selling goods cheap. Why go to Salem Anciently tbe sexes danced tr p t\ r . j bed on Monday from ! of letters. T he student, bent on learning, am* pay ferriage aud livery b ills and twice aud help them to walk therein. [ was called by illu e** asked, “ if somebody should find the blades ns much for goods as you will at Eolu? Hut some will say, this is tbe work atoly, ami if they did so uow dancing I ■ly. He reports his and the hundió hud put them together, Center your patronage on one worthy of of the Church ami Sunday school. would be a forgotten art within a i V. what knife would that b e ? " T he P ro fes it. and build up a trade at your own doors. I admit that this is or ought to be »till PAID POIcJ purchased the right sor took the mutter uuder advisement. Tho tirao was, aud can be again, if " y e ” their work, hut are those instrumeu- K , s V „ / i ^ l . ¡ L % r i t p of the1 few kind of washing siirronuding settlers will but put your niherthu jiUeaJ accomplishing this work? Those who give loose rein fevel cju triv a n c e and ' M rs. Cook, from Amity, is visiting her shoulders to the wheel, when we will have talkies PpUsa at Ui« * ; work. sister, M rs. Wm. P ercival. two solid warehouse»», run by solid men. if not, then let some other agenev to their passions are to bo found in Rev. S. M. Hubbard aud wife wore in Action of the D allas 1 l i lia t 's what the farm ers want, so they take the hold. There are in Eug‘- fu, 1 ,orc8 at the modern ball and f C ash now actively re- town last wc?ek. Two excellent discourse fry cheap goods and no humbug, and b et land not less than 50,000 1 often are most active in getting them I iip , ” which will be were delivered by him ; both wore attend s' chances to get higher prices for wheat connected with tho Bunds of Hopo, uuder way. Take sex from the by large and attentive audiences. Ifu tu r e . ’than any other point arouud. I s n ’t that About half past six o'clock last Tuesday enough? and it is safe to say that over half dance, and nothing is lef*. as , Oregon, No«« Ttlnnd, who was nt- But happily, our frieua condemns eve, some of the youths of our lively little We have P ro f. LaV ere staying with ns the members are childr.u. narged with burning excess in (landing. He would reform This Society is in no sense antago bard, was honorably burg, hauded together end gave M aster until the roa Is get good enough fo r him to W illie DawbOii a nice litils surprise. It take his mammoth panoram ic views around the Terpsichorean nrt. Ho would [nation at Salem . j was h is th irteen th birth-day. T hey re to delight th e people of th is valley. l ie nistic to the church; on the contrary, free it from its objectionable accom Guy have formed port plenty of cake, candy and “ fu i . " its purnoses, aims and nctusl results, baa 30«) scenes, many of tko Centennial [th e boot and shoe Mr. Jo lin t y Gilliam and P ro f. Ira are supplementary to chuieh work, paniments, which he claims, do not belong to tbe (lance. His task is key are both exccl- Sm ith , from D allas, were iu towu over buildings and works of art. He is also a splendid violinist— such a rave thing and while I would not abate oite sure to give satis- Sunday. Herculean and should have been ainougst the would be players of th is val jo t or one iota of Church or Sabbath At rates that defy competition. P ro f. D . W . P rin ce, an elecUwioimt, ley. To trip tho ligh t fan tastic to his begun a year or two ago. Should perrydale, who has gave nu interesting reading to a lar»t soul-stirrin ,f strum s would be a source of school work, but still I would urge lie live to be as old as was Me visit to E astern audience, in the Old College hull, las*. g reatest pi a >'.uv, but th at we c a n ’t d> upon all tbe importance of engaging thuselah and have the strength of n |ton T errito ry , was ■ W ednesday evening. here, because social intercou rse docs not in temp ranee work outside of tho Samson for his task, there will still trip proved a very | M r. Henry Tatom has gone to Portland exist in oi r surrounding com m unity, and Church. to attend B u siness College. From ap "Ja n o in g is g ich a k in ." He will usher The meets ! " u a w° P” . . Ban 1 of __ Hope . 1 . a . w att h c r t rkfflf° iir t in .l ï n t t 1 ,**?' In « i n r r o * u 0" t n ? - i ,ttftev a t a ñ ,r í r ho n Klatcly purchased a pearances P olk will, before m any yea»*, forth with ti e music of tb e birds and gen which tfaiu Street,I is not tilled b v A n y church, or hits shuffloü off thin terrestrial split re. paying fifty cents be the business county of the State. Dancing is nouiewhat like driuk- tle, genial Spring, to evolve a pleasure other temperance organization. All Quit« a num ber of young folks met it that noue will regret. us that ho has ing; indeed, they ure twins, and go W. 512 anre*. 4 miles southwest of Monmouth, *11 ■ 'a r m i n g L a n d s . 45. An eaeellent riock and grain farm of TO» a ww, m r (fere more plentiful F ro f. S ta n ley 's last Tuesday eve, aid William Jo n e s h is a fine horse crippled can uuite in this Bund. Adults pay arm in arm. Tippling often, aud 1. Tho J t m u n»rri«' f;irm of feCOaerot, 11 miles **"-1 Under fence aud subdivided into *itab!e field*, 40 the Little Luckuunute. 8 tulle« «euthwwt «4 f-ades. organized a L iterary and Singing Sociable. aero* iu cultivation, 3o0 acres kU*-cptibl« of cultlva VINO RRCDH in th e shoulder. Uow? is tho question. an admission fee of fifty conts. under fence, 239 acre* in cultivation aud «rly tH«- of ljftllvu. May I m j divided into two farm«, mftkiutr good bou*f and bain, plenty of water and timber, entire tract *u*ccptib.e ___being liuÿKio» atul C of I cultivated, two owed- The almost always, leads to excess in the railroad t:ie dividing lino. Tho north half con tiou. i grand masquerade They elected W. E . Richardson, Preii- Appears to have liis shoulder out. Any Children are admitted fteo. end of town, a d ent; E . H. R ichard son, Secretary ; vnd <Uie will confer a boon by giving au opiu- drinking; so moderate dancing has a tain* 270 bcroi, tdO in cultivation; ^. hk ! hoa,e and S mile* from railroad station. Price, 3d,000. oue- ing h»u«es. 2 1 arns and out budding«, 9 nrehersb. D allas Trom bone money is applied to the purchase of J8 and Team«, «« I with «mall fruit«, in a neighborhood, «a count? barn, food orchard of apple«, poar*. plum*, otc.: till third down; balance on time to suit purchaser. appointed a comm ittee to draw up a Con iou. with I bn Tuesday evening, 27. 314 acres, 3 mllos east of Chambers’ mill, on line rood, convenient to school and inentlngs, 1 mil« to books, papers, and whatever is tendency toward excessive aud im uudor fence, plenty oi water for st ick and k »- h 1 well between stitution aud By-Law s. T h is is the ri|bt Polk and Ronton counties, ncaily all uuder blacksm ith «bop, U miles from sawmill; would otako at hou*t. South li.'.lf contains 3V0 acre s all uudor By the way, talking about evolution moderate dancing. Heuce parlor will be a large step und every success possible attend makes one think that the theory m ust be needed fur the successful manage fence, HO a re* in cultivation, nearly all susceptible fsuce, 50 acre* In cultivation, *2U0 acres open laud, two g KXl farms Price. 17.000; «X.00U down; holasoo cultivation. Tbo above to bo sol 1 in parts a* de- the eutire tract well set in grass, comfortable house, on tkm« to suit ftmebaser. you. X . and L et all C h ris dancing is dangerous, if the public of od Team« right, judging from the “ ci-l«isti»il" race, ment of the Band. ecril>ed, or in whole, a* suit purchaser. Tonus, sheds, etc., 4 acres In orchard, plenty of tim ber, a pek purchased 381 id. 400 acre », 1} rail«« southwest of Dallas, b «fa* promiscuous ball is feared. Tippling tians and all temperance people i»0 »«or a-iro for th i north part, $20 per aero f«r the first-rate stock ranch with good out rang*. Price, as they arc ho far evolved th at the tail is balajice uf J . M. Scott's farm, good boas« and S l i v e r 'H u e . tone City for $ 2 ,400. \ aud parlor dancing both sow to the south part, if sold sin<ltj; $25 per acre if sold a lto 31,150; $1,500 down; balance in two equal annual the sheds; go.*I orchard; sll under go«.d n«w (sure; M oil the wrong end. IIow about it, when take hold nnd help in this grand Abies are (int-ö pred by Stin it is on | A. S tin it, who has been prospecting in gether. One-half down, balance on time, secured by payment*, with luterwst. sen-« in cultivation; nearly *11 * u **n tib l« of cultiva wind and reap the whirlwind. it is cut off ? tent and oblig m ortfafe on premises. reform. Any one wishing informa good bargain, ! the m ountains near Dallas, otf and on, 23. An excellent farm of 270 acre», ad j lining Inde- tion. aud l" now one of the »wst st*K*k farm« in PoiX P aten t m edicines still come to tho fron t, Place all the restrictions name 1 2. 120 acies, food timber land. Term*, $320; cash endence, under feuco and subdivided iut» Helds, two county. The price U now r««iuc«d for « short timo ways ready til I t r a l on the land. tion in regard to starting Bands of fo r several years, lately discovered touio undred and forty acres e p m prairie, largo orchard, from ^10 per acre U» 38. This, beyond all doubt, 1« positively curing every ill. W ouldn't it down. by our friend upon gambling, and ore near Eugene City which is clui:n*d to [ J f opening a silver can address Mrs. E. M containing choice variety of fruit, Is wed watered, one of the best bargain« in Oregon, « lie better to reduce the num ber of cu ra Hope S. :i20 acres, 7 railos northwest of Dallas, unim I suppose he would teach the youth proved, 80 acres of open Und. nearly all susceptible of t/ii. ty acres thick with flr and oak timber. Prion, quality »f the farm and the location. f was in town this be very rich in silver. A party of g-htie- tive powers? T here might be more “ s e ll" Vaudervert, §iiperintendent of Juve E T H E NEW one-hslf down; hr.iance ou. time to suit pur 47. xn acres In Cooper Hollow, N I I d the S K I all tho tricks at cards, und have them cultivation, one-half mile from school house, two M,55o; [11. He is sanguine men from this place uceompanied b n to iu them . Yours evolvingly, chaser. Ü. nils work, Salem, Oregon. There j snd the 4 K l of the !f K 1 uf b 98, In T * 9. M • W ; r.nd one-half miles from Elk Horn mill. In J lic h . Wo hope so. the supposed silver mine, where M ilt. become experts in the art of gaining? 20. 012 acres D miles west of Le w isville, under fence 4 5 acres under fence: 20 acras in cultivation; <>n eoiiia • food neighborhood, lays on )*oth hide» of Salt creek, will he one organized at Amity on ■any silver m ines to Thom pson and some men whm 1 f * to «ubdivided into sUxble fijldn, 2oo acre* In cuitl- t» roa.,1 loading from Bridgeport to Monntoulli; gw»4 i n ;> h . I expect “ A. O. Y .” will call mo titie food A warrantee deed will be ¡riven Terms, and Suuday the 2'.)th, at 3 p. uiA All vation, comfortable house and burn, with eheds and living water; plen'.y of good oak Umber. Tonus. work, while the party returned to Dallas, *1,000 down. an old fogy, nud perhaps something $1,900; out building.-», good orchard, four hundred acres 9703, casli In hftml. | FROM OI It grCCiALCOKKIterONDEXT.l where they are anxiously awaiting devel i. 80 acres, 2 mile* southwest of Monmouth, three- who tako an interest in the moral >id, of P o rtla n d , has sub- »f cultivation, 1 mi?o to school hou^e. 43. t«0 acre*. PJ mile* south of Dalles, with I _____ I am sin- fourths of it smcuptiblo of cultivation, plenty of oak susceptible E ditor I t e m iz s r : Item s scuioo this welfare of the rising generation ure worse, but no matter. plenty of oak and fir tm hor. Price, |lo,:i»»; one-half of cattle: good house ami »jam. with other ent-bttiUU 000 shares of the Salem and opments. S tin it is au enthusiast rn tbe timber, 40 acres open land. I * per acre. down, remainder on 5 ye rs t me w-lth interest. c.-rely sorry for anv people who can- lugs, and a good orchard. Terms, *J,0od, eesh. 'silrqad stock, which is one subject of m ines, and says he wfhts to week. cordially invited to attend. 5. 195 aoie«, X miles north west oi I>alla*,no Improve, Mr. C. Lewis is visiting friend s here. 30. 50dacrw*, !i m ileseuntliw est»f Monmouth,under ‘lot utilize theso winter evenings in mcntsr-fdenty of oak timber and water. Price, S *7 >; *0. 122 aores In Mill Creek bottn:n, 6 miles frsea _______ u ntissu ed . T he wily W illiam find a silver mine because J*;dri\ the M b s . S. A. McKuxs, fence, g»<M.l dwalling house and barn, orchard, ninety 1 Sheridan, 1§ miles from F.lkhorn Postofflce, 2 r a il« author of a treatise ou silver fiiniug, F . K. Hultb.ud will soon remove back small payment down, oalance on time to suit pur - ' k, Hallow up th at en terprise it he is u y other wnv than by dancing. I chaser a** im s iu cultivation and most of the eutire tract su m * f rom RuelPs mill, 1 mile frow school house, on catinty Amity, Or., January 23, 18S2. says: “ W herever, in any part of the to his la m i. of cultivation, one uiilo to school house, road; ail under fence; 112 acre« l* cultivation; 1* ’oseiy watched. niu not a pessimist. I do m.t be «. 119 acres, in West Chohalera, Yamhill county. 4 ccptible world, silver m ines have been funked, M r. Hiram Plum m er ami wife wore church and K. K siailou, i mile to Hyorley’s flouring acre* of timber, house, ham and a thrifty young o r ays has on luukfef« D . W . p rin ce, nu elocutionist. they »arc worked now, unless c**«ed by hero recently, the guests of Wm. Btump. BE T ililL ht.lO O L K.\ T E I TAIN Jf BXT. lieve life should be joyless. I like miles oast of »Vapato .Station, house, ourn, «mull mill. Price, 39,f»oo; onu-half down; balance on time . chard; church house In immediate vicinity. Torms, orchard an l 40 acre* improved. Price, $1,000; #500 to suit purchaser an sntertninm t ut here on Monday war, invasion by Indian , etc. 'Ae know 93,150; 91,000 down. D. Ruble has suspended work on his [ Follow ing is the programme of exercise* to sea happy, jovial, good nntured down: balance on time to suit purchaser. i 31. lbO acre*, 4 miles southwest of Dalla*. all under i 5«. 100 acres, 8 miles S W of Dallas; all level bo4- of no silver m ines in the world tkut have mill »mil gon« to milking rails. rmmh Casa“8, * hilh *•“ *re#,,y 0,*j,> V 0 ‘l l,v , 7. 50 acres open prairie, 4 niilei southwest of Mon fence and subdivided into sizable fields, IS acres In t»m people, young or old, but I believe land in cultivation; well watered; all under good i uuyu v/ao« presen t. He is a young man of for the school entertainm ent to take place mouth, under fence, near county road aud school cultivation, 125 acre* *u*ocptib>e of cultivati»», house fc»' «; Hr»t quality of wheat or grass laud; title j g'ven o u t." In support of lb.s position, J . B . T eal contem plates m aking a pond ¡tie rood, theie are tunny better ways iu which ho«ise; inc m anuers, and will in time be he cite s tbo mines tof Mexico, the old y >od farin'»? End. Price, il,8 0 0 ; out bull and bum, »lenty of at B ?th el on tlsa evening of Saturday, Mil tlrolwr. Hriv«, «I.M 0; | Tv ink SSW down: I m I juk . in nú. and two for the purpose of raising carp. down; bvlinco on time to eult purchaser. these siime country folk cun spend uuo-tliird down; balance on time to suit purchaser. _AI*r'of h is profession. years, with mortgage on prsinije*. Spanish m ines, opened before U ifnboldt’s M iss E lla Warren h».1 the m isfortune February 4, 1882: »}. ?o4 acres one mile went of Dallas, ISO ««res in cul 82. 120 acres of open f>rslrie, one third of s mile their evenings pleasantly, and be tivation, private letter from P ortlan d we are tim e; the South American m illet still as to cut her foot quite severely one day 51. 345 acres, 8o acre« in cultivation, 15# aeree larjje orcharJ, comfortable house, well s<>utnwest of bouver's btation, on county road, under M u sic ...............................................S trin g Band under iiin c, comforiaolc bouM\lMiu m m ! | iu S M j, •lures, ned th at M rs. Susan W h itb y was productive as they were three teu tu n cs last w eek. watered, on county road. Pri«o, W.OfiO; 41,200 down; fence, ('»lufortablc h»u*e snd ham. rich, productive also ■undo bettei and happier than by smoke house and out buiolings, p5oc*r*w wet«*» Opening A d d ress........................E E . Fenton bahtnoe iu installment* of 3503 a yew, wit!» Interest. ed a few days aince to Win. W ith- ago; mines in Hungary, worked ’Adore the soil, plenty of g<>od water. Pritw, ifd.doo. If you have any wild hordes th at you > ■umll orchard; 4 iiulo* from flour m 'i. u s dancing. The muscles of these peo- 9. 220 acres. 1 mile southwest of Delias, 90 acre* in P ic tS If nn arch itect and builder, lately C hristian era ; the silver m int* of F re i want rode with spurs, call ou Jo h n Me. | Music, v o ca l.............................By the School S3. 80 acres, 4 miles north of Dallas, 65 imre* in culti Joining lend, on c»u. tjr rmul, 1 -*»11« from Ur^.-.e jdo —to which "A . O. Y .” refers— S e le ct Reading ........................Mary Morgftu cultivation, well watered, comfortable house and vation, good farm building-«, orchard, water, etc,, on Koude Post Office and store, 1J ml!c - to vfeeol h o ih a In d ia n s, but at present of Spokane burg, opened iu the eleventh cefllury, et<* M r. Fran k B u tler's son. who has beeu I R e c ita tio n ....................................Kfiie Emmett small orchard, plenty of oak timber, on county county mad. Price, 92,560. 2U0 acres ausc-jptil le «if cultivati&n mrihtt for ran generally be exercised enough barn, W . T ., where they will reside. road. Price, 32.390; ¿1.0J0 down: balance on time. — nearly all uow worked with unab ited C infilled to his room io for r nome aonie time nine with wuu ¡ ]¿SSJly ...................................... H ittie e Frazer 34. 4«)acre», 7 miloswest of Lewisville,• mile* north st<xk range, plettfy of <«ek, ash, fir. *ld«r ^ 1 1 n*pt*' Fraser 8eeurc a healthy development at mi 10. An Improved farm of 203 acres, Smile* east of Dal of King's Valley, 10 acres plowed, j**od cabin, 4 acre* timber. Term*, if8,!50; t l ,000 d1. v . Nnthiug st^vs b etter i .fi.miiuntory rheum atism , is rapidly ini- j Alii» Coad th is week purchased of M r?, productiveness. The Old S e x to n " . .. . E las, 150 aor*« in cultivation, wall watered, good I*»use, uiuicr font e, 3.«») rails on proini»i«s, hall a-re pota time, with mortgage ou premises. thoir labor. ics G rant, fifty-six acres of the G ran t than a silver m ine, and notfody s tiy s p "Ving. . . M aster Sim on 1Hm,oS H ir i D eci malion barn and orchard, county road on each end. Price, toes, railroad land, 1st payment mad«. Price; 9100, 52. 79 v-rsfe; fi| miles west •( IM near «on M essrs H arris & Riley cannot run tlicir ¡ jgt with i\ supposed silver mine better than , . 4 . n r A^ | i°0 claim , ju s t east of town, together Let thesa evenings be spent in 30,552; ono-lulfd »wn; balance In tw > annual payments. cash. . Emma B a i my n««l, small hvtMC (comfortable!, geod barn, »» aeree t . k its i I full ........ ite f for i \ want w , t /if .* b i l l e t W O K .tfc* house, barn, etc. T he price S liu it. _ m .ill ill to full capacity of livvj logs. Music. tr, a » susceptible at 11. co a^res. IV mi'oa eonth of Independence, 10 .. S.ritig Baud cultivating the mind, aud in social 35. 210 acres. 6 miles southwest of la>wl*vlUe, 4 mile« ¡ “ ",” 7* T ' ' * * T’.l.” * ".' Terms, 91,050; eaeh _ . . 9 * * $ 2 .400, IBri S,iin sccnrcil a bar- W. C. G arrcu Inis moved into the house acr'is one» Un 1«, bilan -e timber an I brush, on W.l- north »I King * Valley, on Pedne, under (eneo, di»«derf J « converse, r.nd I will not ask to name lanrette river, good land for gardening. Term * ¥7J5 l * u j H im l o r It. LOAF." in hand i ÏRAMX— ..Scw in" iiimiia , . It i , o n . of tbe most desirablo recently vacated by B u tler D eLashm iitt, A correspondent, last week, speaking of down. the bookH they shall read, nor select cavh .»»wn. j susceptibleiol'cultivation, fin d dwelling, i bams anu f,s i$0 M rti 0 miUm W9%t of U w lsxilU , 18 M ree .. M rs. Fenton Mrs. A s h to n ... red. ■ in tbe connty. thus leaving no vacant houses iu Sodom. 12. 318acr-js. 8 mile« «..nth of Dallas. 6 0 acre« umler other out hulldlug««; «i-lmol house close by. goo.1 or un#ler f#MCti ootufortabU house and burn, sr».ke some in fractio n s of law, louqn fault with .. Anna Grave the music they shall enjoy. L et the fen-'o. A M r. M artin, recently from P en n sy l Lily Ashton g -».I orchard, tw j hundred ncr*« su-ceptihie of i chard, plenty «»f timber and g»o-l water, liesoti county |H,U#C| tfranarv,- orchard of apple«, te a rs mum« T t ,« i b » T . lately be Aril tbe nAiue of our the M arshal for not being arfnud at 11 or Itore under In* Coont/ a „rki M M. Kill., men- vania, but at preseu t rehiding at Oswego, P atty Jo n e s . .. roa»l. Price, 34, Ik), 91,risi down; belaut-e on time to prunes. O m ino, etc , 11 miles to saw mlfl, J mile t i .............. V ,e.» money they would spend in dancing cnlttv.xtt'in, plenty «»f «‘it« * »’id ouk and flr tim ber, 1*2 o ’clock at night to prevent disturbance has taken a claim near the old Splawu M u k A?hton .. Or. on o..unty road. Prie-*, 8>.oo-s; one-third down; bai- suit the purchasor. school hotihc, 8 miles from flou ing m ill, well watered. 1 in aonneetion with the D em ocratic on the streets. When Willi;/»» G ran t was ......... H,ini Hnwle*1 > b° appropriated judioioualy in the s'<ce on tiina to suit purchaser. i 33. 100 acro*, on Mill Creek, 31 miles south of Sheri - U acres in oats, 80 erre* nice level land, ?ood out Caleb H an son . . " t a fio n fo r Secretary of State. We solicited to run for Marshal he was prom mill. Mi'lt. D*m» purchase of books, papers, music, 13 3fl0 acres, lOinllessouth *»f Dallas, 30 acre* under { dan,all under fence ami dividedlnt«» fields, 96 scree In range. Torma, 9L0C0 ; 9700 dusm. We were, to day, favored with a view of i D ick B u s t le ... I *0t authorized to state that he is fence, 40 or 50 acres rulli vat'.on, go«»! dwelling house ! cudivatb.n 11m ™ . ---------- ------------ ----- - . ^ ^ iruc#, VI eg O iacril in ruiWYMi.'in, rw si ununin^ ui'iisg , - .......... .. ... 4« acres ea*il> cleared, and iw nrlj V ; ised that if he would accept the nom ina John Fletcher) etc., nnd in a few years tbe comma- ^ Mhe-I granary, y .ung _____ orchard, _■__— is ** well wet*red. * ■ » — — - ex- — , aii . . 1 11.1 — of - / cultivation, . . j ... comfortable -i.» 1.1.. i..,..... 1.. ' E).. an all — susceptible hou«e, uw.i sheda. ov io«? acre«, rour nuiee n o n n w se o. Pneiiuau, rs • -»• “dale, b a t we will say that if he should tion an effort would be imwto to have the the mammoth tusk of a boar recently pur- 1 Harry H inson iu «-ulti»stion. good house, barn and ru t bull* cell*'nt Sto k range. Price, 9-5 0 0 ; one half down; , etc, soliool house within 1} miles, church right tUers, | ...........Zibe Denny | nity will have been noted morn for chased by Fran k B u tler. Be careful, | Tom C h u b b *.. > will be no «¡My m atter to beat kirn. Board of T ru stees give him compensation fine otvhard and springe, berry paWh, 1 on time to suit purohxser. ; good unll site, iio* on county r»a<4, 2 mile* from h it j initier and flr wood, nearly all ut ' : itsincreased intelligence nndcultnre, balaiiise Charley, aud don ’t let any of them h u r t ! U. I0 ^ . C n , ; Q IUS H-rn M.lh , I U » » . ■ and one-half mil« to v.hool noun*. Tenne, 9t,l##| Law rence, » m arried man of P ort- adequate to the duties. Wt heard one, at M u sic.................. „ I than if half a ceutury of dnneing ■ini««*!. tibls of »f cu'.tivstluti. biU* nc* tune In tu it puridiaser. , cMie-haif down. irove«l, 130 acr*« acres -uoc*i susceptible cultivation, all under •l *luQ AUUn HIIU % 1 o p *d a sh ort tim e since w ith Miss least, of the present Board a ssert that he yon. . . IJeiirv l ortv'uucl , , , , * 37. 485 a jres, 1| miles northwest of Konverie fetation, 1 Wc understand th at the Stoddard & j Se le ct Readiug cnee, h»u*e and barn, plenty »f timber and water, . , . j S lo an , o f th at place, and the couple would introduce an ordinance fixing the «1. 320 acres t miles south of Litchfield's »tore, t ..................Bv the L i t t l e Folks b “ *» . , . , orchard. Prlev, 33,150; one-half «lown; baJe»ce Iu on county nnul, 350 acres in cultivation, lies in Hoap G raves grub puller is m eeting with ila tte ;- ; F a r c e . .. Creek Dot tom, a large m il well llnislied house, 2 miles from Post Office, saw mill. erho«>l horns and E"',t 8"1« Md* » .T r ie d I t A etone on tbe lilth, *n- salary of the M arshal at from $200 to two equal annual imytnonts, with Interest. “ A. O . l . intimate* in Ins c I or - Oration, T he S t a g e " ...........G . O. G r a te s i b-xnii, sheds, and out buiidiugi. a good orchard with •ountr road. 35 a«*re* under good fence. 50 acres «*f 4 onoe to 8 en Frnnciei o . lie u i . $300 per annum and defining b is duties, ing success, whore it has beeu tried. We j D uet........................... By tbe Ju b ile e Singer» ! in " paragraph, that dancing had its 15. 190 acre«,2} miles north of Bunns VlsU ,25 seres in t-holcc variety of fruit, also «mail fru.ts In abundance, . n h an.I elder, creek, bottom and «O«) « « A n u * . , cultivation, 40 acres epen lsml, plcuty of xo * k ! timlier; •rly • tooeher in the Bishop Sco tt but no such move has ever been made. have never seeu oue of thorn, but from ; D *clfl.nation . . . . Price. ! Term*. house air and I stock purposes. Prie«. Terms, 92,000; r.,000; 9500 |500 down; belane« os liase, la Oeor.j« Htovnii I origin in the invisible world, and w oodyarJ lanJini; «>n river, *«>11 excellent, well plenty of " water for bouse 8l_*,7oo; « i>n«-half • ’ 3 a u . op my o u « « , Sch o o l, and has probably gone Our town is ordinarily n ry quiet, but what we have been told they are a grand , down; ‘ baiane« on tim e to suit pur- j purchaser. adapt««! to growing vegetables. Price, $1,200; one- X m y ...................... lie in general, I * • „ n npi M_ Buecegi. ...U llie 11 that it came from God. I f dancing half down; balance on time to suit purchaser. dinner. T ew « P r tp tr if, there are tim es when drunken men will o all kind« of »»non. Your correspondent recently witnessed T a b le a u ................... Si. 4->0 acres, 41 miles south of Dallas and 41 west ! . i M ,. t m l t11|lim iB j , « , ^ 1 *^»1« ___ __ ^ 16. 120 acres, 31 miles oast of 8tsyt»n, in Marlon Co., k manlike inaiineHH^m Howe, . ex-County T reasu rer, create disturbance, aud if our people ex some pretty good rifling doue by G. W. R e c ita tio n ............. . . .. Ln»*y Bel originated elsewhere than in the Of .Monmouth, IO? m-rm in cultivation, 8 or 10 acre, in p * Ì Ì - Ì of some evil miuded man 40 sere*op.*n laiul, small hon«o, g.»o«l orchard, Is well .novi.,« «II uti.lvrv.MMl fin, «.ulto fair ilwtUlug h o u » . 1 VH- 1 hav‘‘ " " 'l30ll,Veek r e c e iv e d s h tt< r from tin* upper pect a person, ju st because he is Marshal, Scott. T h e mure made it pretty lively i <M »sing A ddress.. . M. C . Fen tun heart T7 m ÌT »Ì l Ì Ò ^ Ì T h L ' i i r \ 1 I watered, plenty of flr, oak, ash and maple timber, ut......... '.Ut: g'MMj burri, «u.l otte old; «hml., lit i ip-ut | " * rn' " ' «rrydulo. Turni.,fll.nOO, onu tmU H d t. n ^ j f th e eounty{jf edtlreused to him and with a salary of $50 per year, to stay up ! for bun for awhile, but ho came off v i«-j M 181C ...................... .. String Baud llOSQ b a s e r passions (lOinaD(l©<l , ^foo-il h'iu-e rl^ht there, lies on connty road Price, «i .«oo- a n sT T down; f - I.- haisttMin« i l'ran* r.Y; largo orchard, for variety and qualitv will D d 1. Dtoek 7. in La Creoli Homestead, Levens* on tii.Miti»'«u;innw»ii«sw time eP to eu.t suit purehaser. pi] o C a s o n w i n i ng inonee fo r the connty. W ere all night to keep these fellows quiet, we I tortous in the end. Any ono wishing 3400 dot» il. balance baiarne on tim j eomjmre witn any orchard In the county, wmsicélngo . Ad«liUun to the Tuwn of Dallas. Term«, 900, cash la more consideration titan his mural 91,290, >; 3400 apprehend th at they will be disappointed, j m u m r i r i i K M ! 17. 80 acres, 3 miles west of Monmouth and 5 m!'.«* -v d iv id a e l who sen t it a subscriber to poars, pinijn aud pcachej; also small fruit, hand, wild horses rode might do worse than and iutellsctnal nature, then it came «outh of Dallas, 15 acres improved, 10 acres iu t il» , appi-is, consisting of graja-s, currants »nd gotixebcrrles; 28«) * n a i d i m o u i M M i m , hsw ou ld have known that T he proper way would he to increase the ; ea 1 on him. I appear before you on thin occasion to from evil spirits let. In the town of Monmouth, 1 hones wftfc I can think of no balance in meadow, 1 \ miles from school house, acre* in gotxl pttat»re, 50 acres of til l pasture suscepti five 1 town :r A ln llN G C r y s t e l b e e b e e n T reasu rer for nl- pay of the officer to a reasonable sum and rooms, good water. Price. 95£o. plenty »f timber and w.itcr, crop* to purchaser If Grunt D cLnshnintt Hold Fred W a ;- announce to you th at I am running of cultivation, sll sulKlivided Mito sizable field« and better name for tho modern ball e»IJ before harvest. Price. 9000; 8200 down; balance ble require liis presence on the hi reels until- atbfaction OiaWtWO y®STS. may • > « «Hvld«*!, inak.ii/ 2 splendid farm*. Terms, 3 lots in the town of Moomouth, house 22*79 fleet m ire'n Hh^rp to M r. H arris. T h e p r ic j for tho office— there, I have spoilt it Again. 3 7 ..Ou, 1 down, balance un time. than that suggested by a yottnsf man on time. 4 room* below and * above. gu«Ml water, plenty e f o Oregonian of tbe 25th, sav s: M r. the saloons were closed, which the or paid was $'2.50 per head. 18. 550 acres, fl miles north «»f Dallas, 100 seres Iu cul 100 a'fros of Government land, milce west of f'. fruit«. Price, 91>*>; <*«h In hand. Tye<w, of M iddletou, W ashington dinance requires shall be done at 11 Lust Saturday th e rem ains of M r*. Excuse me, gentlem en— I thought I was of my acquaintance who attends tivation, 40» acre* susceptible of beinif cultivated, well M. 39. Collins’, on tbw P ecJcc; fair «IwcUiug-li Mlse, stock ? houses and I t ) scree ef land, with t home and good hoii-ie, wbOfUMO down yesterday nttcr- o ’clock. T h e Boa d cf T ru stees should Mary L. Hubbard were laid f»i rest in the j running fo r Sh eriff and was m aking one every one lie can —"T h e Devil's Sun watered by living - streams, **» S’1 - - liaru and out shod, etc.; all under fence, j w l «vuà.pew, 5 «••ros iu id pleuty plenty of small fruit, an tuua<low; Soacroe level laivl, readyT'wfcfffentow; 40 or other out buildings, good water. In the south pert ef building«, large orchard and j h is p artn er Fred Old?, take immediate action in th is m atter. Hubbard cem etery, on the Little Lucki.i- | ,,f niy little speecheg uga’U. I will n*y, day school.” I t is here that evil excellent garden, with facilities for Irrlgatlnj tlnx. 1>J acres easily cleared; all rolling la t i , olle «ufi« frwn* town, e verv desirable property. W o e . 92, 100. ene- is not down with •'»•wvot tim e to suit purchaser. m u !. A nother goo.1 ch m other , #Y, r while j h „ e the floor, Ih st l purposes germinato nnd fiud con- county r<wl fr«»m Italia* tu 8h eri dan. Price, 37,0 county road; four good ta'iing*. plenty of tlmb-*^ . Batnl Ceiiest. S tory of the letter with been called from our im d-t bv t! e i . . well «dante ! to st«ick-ndefn. j pieuty of « it range A tine •!sittin g house, h art tnd m ii hofMlnge, and (ro iiin l uni! in u 'lii c li tn th in n u b - i t iu 1 » 100 u m , 4 lu ll., north at Monmouth, o . »mntr T he people of Dallas have again shown has ,„ s into l u t i i Terms, « 00, , half down, l|»b hand of death. She was a devoted fol- c » » e to th is place seven year# ago, and am " e n t a i s o n in « m e n 10 n u u r i s u , u ts rnl4> ail all-pox scab having been received 5 5 '.<•,■« «4 k*ud, adjoining th e tnwn A t e r th eir liberality and enterprise, having «•rcfiarl. rsceücnt waw< at turneo and living on t 40 tit sera«milo. «ta < D. 'IAe; mi « lower of (.'iirist and was prepared to »lie. i not sorry fo r it. I first went to growiug Itere that tho l>aso sensualist touches! iwid., r.-nt i. u . u i b»r., t»i tcowl «.IU witn 1 M 1 1 7 Ilitttory fc *** *• • V ° n l * rained the amount of $300 to defray the ^«•»* I’rivf, 8!,<W; ..¿u-'-baif flowu ,.n,l virt 11 . 111 « nnil gic i t . n i • P“'“IA « .in-linnl, ■!•> «.npl ItaiU, c.n 1 c >0s |,,uw ».nt iKra,cuW .tard; all in Jo h n Coon has returned home from iiopH aud made it pay, aud with th e ns- tne pure nml virtuous unit awasenn , v, nj,„t u.. :ho.l; i. <.u. ..i tu> I*«* r.rnu iu th. S,«t ,u n»« «tmat i»n.i . «1 '•fi .W illiam B e ech , who has had charge expenses of another band tournam ent, to «1 ot couou >*er of »«t«.:.... wat« ie section n orth from D allas, for take place in June. T he exact date we P ortlan d . H * h « s b c .n driving tlio c .s c h „Utanc, of «.. ii oiii- brother hop-growors ot passions which lead to ruin; it ieltere, ountr. fn«o, »ct p».«r., oav-uir J.—n, t.iwe. 1 „, 1 , 11 ^. 1 ,,., trom n.u.i to H»u«« arai lo tte Amity, house 15*^6. lanufocturvr« anJv- h as been removed to m ik« are unable to give at present, though for the Esmond h otel. , ,, , , , surroutided bv these influences, that I “ 20. *'”* “ “ r on the " ' line of the -------------- . 1 & I S Terms, ."•"!«* *40 *“ por *» acre, *nJ one-third «town, "V». » I ruotru. g'eid aaf^r, plum sud i*each Uc 352 acres, West Side RailrcsMl, balance on * 4 tuns ( } .o r RU L f o h i* moved in to hiv new | »!■"* h '“ « hoP one I Is a corner lot. pleasant vttnetion. fern. fo r OOlSefavorite of the new road- possibly about tbe 27lh, in hopes of unit many a “ lovely woman stoops to near SfoGvv Station, all under fcii 'e, nd cr«< iu c-uHi . t«» suit pun-li:wtcr. in lu m i, or will exchau g o f«>r laud Ighis residence hero Mr. ing wiih the M hmo AO ir E m ily in cele m ansion and settled down to actual bnsi- , of the future ind ustries of th is Slate, vation. M> acres suscsjK.bis of cultivation, wall , 4 , M S a t w , 1| mil«« west nt Lewis*Ule; H75 arres > suitable for e chicken ranch. ^ m any warm friends. brating their principal holiday, th is being ness. We extend to him our good wishes which at present is but in its infancy; folly, and fliuis too late that men w atsrej. irood boiws, barn aud orchard, <n county j ant|sr («ace nnd ant«ti>id.v1 iut • sixahlo field«; ( w l road, convenient t» entirrh an 1 »:hu«»l. excellent ! |)o«s»*. f v « m 4 barns and «Slisr mitbuékliaM; an «xusl Ifonse snd 1-4 In 9al«n»,lot No. 5,ldo«rit 54. Confi e Yot s> Foov. t Of great regret th a t he S t. Jo h n ’s day. I t W’iil he a splendid iu the future, au i also to Mr. Al. Owynn. 1 but that is not what I was going to say. betray.” wheal laud. Fries, 99» |«r acre, «ms-had down. Ud , j .nt .,r,d*anl ot r i r á * truil, is w«ll « d v « « ) 130 acre* ! addftPm to city o f Salem, corner of Divteion and Front W h at’s the m atter with our corres- ; I t is this : I have ju st opened here in I U leave. ancs on time to suit purchaser. j |a cultivation. Me* un county mad, 3 uidee to narrow I | «traits, stretta, houss hones 2 22«2S, t*8 9 , with addition, 14x21, • t e a l chance for the Order to have the grandest 21. 37} acres in Bi< [,u<'kism<ite Bottom, on the A. ! gauit« railroad. Is ono of the he*t sbjck fanua in th« I room- h«low, and 2 room« ab ort, food wood shsfi. to build a town ball affair ever seen in Oregon. T he details p en d en ts; they must he trying to back- i Eola, what m ight be called, a Country R Ic G R E W 8c W A L L E R . C'.ianih*rlaiu donation, fifty »'.res in cultivation, 17J I ettuntv, plenty of onk and flr t!iu>«cr. » W *o rc j m orí ' **♦*» w»»-- at»’ »«. orchard of plum s,cherries. Term««, and dates w;ll be 'nrnished in due time, slide. D jo ‘t throw uff on us because its ' Store. I propose to do n square l unities« ^ 11$ S M fep |# storioH acre* uu nsr.iM «, .ir, .ua.t.c, a* i, etc., 1| unios fftnu ' rwily cleared, that is susceptihle of M w till» l. NU- » 1 ,0 » ; K « HK8R GOODS Atfit T b o lOWSfi Story will b# used for but rest assured of the one fact, th at this, dull tim es, but couie to the front and show and will sell groceries as cheap, if not P ,rV -r'. non-! anil liaru. rich a n j p r a J u a m . i «...a; . . . . . . . . I..M . i.r u u , S7..10O; ,1,1a» down, | . s w cheaper, th an any other store in Polk P erx-yd ale. O r e jo n . rip an«l ar« the giepfingt, th eatrical com panies, beyond all doubt, will eclipse anything your colors. . m w m i . n a » ! » I see a great m any im m igrants nre buy- j county. I eau afford to work cheaper 22. lUOaores.D! ni de* south west of Dallas; fair house; 42. l'JC a«-r««, 9 tulles north of Dallas, 2) utiles west of , M„ t \*XiO ike other 14119/14 st*»«i*w hijrb. 9 I T b o Upper part will be divided ever seen iu Oreguu before. ing land in P o lk . P olk county takes well than any oth er man in Volk county, und aroo-ltam, chicken house and wrjod-sfiat; 4 acre* In | Pcrrydals; 2j mil«« am thcast of lU ll.too, on county | In,|. ^ »'«w chw ». 2 htrvs r«w-n«« almr^ «tars "¡room s. W onder bow (sltiv a k m . - > * enwn hurl, rssdy f««r tfis plow, | j m w I. f mils fr e n e- h «ol liousc, 9u« new dwellln*. | ru<-n w0i¡ « t nation at*rtk «I Cassy's with the new-com ers because land is sold I certainly can 8e|I c tc a p e r . I have will develop enough mile from county rw»d. «pe»-l road from county roa«l ' food born. fTSnsry and ->th«r out huiMlngs, 145 acras %n,| Hosier s. Frias, 97Ug 9390 4ow > o ri< £ . large iuvo ce of boot* and »hoe», m anu so cheap. Next spring there will be a big Believing in all things what was which to th« premise*. Terms, #1,0U0, csxh in hand. ! in cultivation, *0 acres summer fallow, 15 aervs lire l*Ui*,.a <»n f me with interwjt ; town hall. factured at Astoria by Ltiueuw eber k Co. im migration to th is S t a te .’ f t i > . nnrthaaat of I>a!l is all noder *•***. under feno«, flue orchard with all kinds of fruit, j * ___J ’two little daughters. F o rties who have not paid tb eir taxes ! 4 y llb c * »n.» »» * * • - 1® Ohl IndefwwSswa^ My stock ol boot» and shoe-* are purely ol j is and what ia to be, we conscientiously f«nce 275 a r e in « ih K m S ? . all .;»-n Knd; no | P^cs, 97^ 00;93.«W0 down; balan-« «« Utes. en O M ^ hrO jfrars respectively, were will save me the trouble of calling on erubs. nil stia-eptlhls of cultivation; ordinary h-nis« C onor lot, with new H «« um ? thersoa near 0 s nsm,» , f * " * —d t a r a ta d y v s r s l te te » hqildlnf» an claim to Hell the be»t goods at th e lowest Oregon m aterial. T he hides ware grow s In Ih r lllio lr h!-ti>ri o f 3lrd lrlnc and burn c - A orchard; plenty of f o H water in sev I uronn 1, house IJ storic« high, 4 Hnnw below, g.uxf 1 tl** b sL flh ljr ■l>|rUcU. tl*o 14 a«r*s days ago at th eir in Ur g«»n. the leather tanned in Oregon, them hv culling at the Sh eriff’s office and prices (for«rash, or tho first c a t on tim e) a eral M y house i i piso««, our 1 » springs ------- Prise, $4M; down, balan.-s In »ear. ! ,*fu7 r * * J ^ * ^ s . 7 « ^ ty I m running all th« year; un Irk, when the elder s e No preparation h as perform ed such m ar with Hemlock bark grown iu O regon; and warm, sxn 4j h«m . a.Upte-1 to tlis fro a tU of he»)« or~[ in th e country, P ortlan d not road losdiiijf from Dalles t*> H w ií H j «»**, ¿# wd«« ,.#>.«• witn intsreat. '. « i r t t b l n , under f mt-e. Price, | I,8 m ; 9l.o*«a t lr > u ; ller siste r with the ax settling the sa«nc. T he connty is iu debt velous cure», or uinintnined so wide a an Oregon cotn p au j manufactured the | of a n j store ■ ta lly o n c e i s foG Terms, 325 |*or acre, on« tliird down, I«U nce un _ . . , « . . , 43. Five hun.lrrd and forty srre.-«, f l miles •oath \ balan ce on tim e to su it purchaser. 1 wrist in two. T he and must have money. P le a se give this reputation, as A yer’» Cherry P ectoral, ■nme. T h - J »re «11 w «ri»r.U d to m e; snd j « » « p te d . J u . t r»cH v «i, new * d 4 fr«»h <5 to suit pur<-baser. ! fad «penden ve, four hun.lred and fifty s res nnd. r j n a b l o oHVJ [Tss well ss could be ex- yaur early attention M ill P r n p e r lf . w hich i* recognized na tbe world'» remedy I will w arrant *tb**m to my customerH. | »took, and daily receiving tb e fresh est and 24. 400 sirres, 3 inilei south of ln<l«p«ndence, uuder tin'.-m, uns**.| snd fifty acre* In culttvati'ui, o c * L . M. HALL, fen.?'», W I arres in cultivation, 225 acre« •.im'nr*’ liun.lred and fllty acr«s open prairie, uvar.y tlir «ut e \ prospect of saving the for all dincases of th e th roat and lungs. used. < n » e D ix ie flo u r in g .Hill, on th e U C r « ^ « ersek 1 Now, th is i* no “ g a * ." Way not p atron T ax Collector. Ja n u a ry 6, 1 **3 . U s d «i«>wpllMf «*f «tiltlv4l<m, na» a deep, rfi-h «oil, latest o a t. Now, friend«, th in k fo r it mo- ____ fjilow I , larj;« _____ coisfortablc fiteMS, l« rn , s«>c*is, out mi *s es«t of lm ilaa, i run of stone, w ith e h « p i« r s o # I ts long-continued »cries of wonderful i z e home mauBlHi-tarvis, when yoa cau j D a l l a s , S ep tem », pr««|iiciii|f iffuri croi«, larj/e liou^s and harn, «mol« cures in nil clim ate» U a * made it univer buy '» better nrtie’e f*»r les* money? T o 1 m eal, and answ er vrhy ( ii you cun) c m | n<xisc, chbriMru-hne*« milk lio»i-e, granar», i«rr:.ard. sll tne ra-xlorn im provem ent« f »r mast uf a c t » rin g fl«*ur. ] B«1 H all, of Salem , hnvc I plenty of oak. flr, a*.i au»i u»a|.!c ||*oh«r, ami pl»nly fog. th «r w ith 5 acre« s f land and 2 dw «D in **s, N P E fiu n u it 4 . n. u r n . .»wn; baiutc« ou tisM t»* suit pur.-na.«;r. -half A sally known a* a sate nnd r» liable agent can work c h e a p e r in the city than we in tt to T . Pearce, F.mj., | giva yon an i»lcrt what I c«n do: I well h H i abu ndance o f fr u it. P rice. 913,60*»: fefl.i"# i l * » * ; Ui.*««* and ? tots, « »«t of th* f 5»a rt House, with of w*t«r. I*rk-«, flo.fiuo; oue half down, hsianc« « 1» bal-xrce in tw o «'ptal %t»«i«iai pa* »ce»*«. to em ploy. Against ordinary colds, which « tu A. No. 1 Tup Mol« Kip Bo >t for $1 »riJ; the copntry. felrrcl I n ijiir ia iln u s I follow s: We have rx- iinm b ag! T h ey can n ot; hsru. orvhard, shru«»fiery ss«i «x ^ llen t wsUr. r r i « , uni* to snii purci*a««r. are th« foreru n n er* of more serious disor u* good a boot a» I have paid, myself. ! I 44. 4< »U a»-r#« at Hinitbfleld, on the narrow gmn « f o f deceaaed, and find The ftycrlsy talll, sHuated on the Little l.uckinmvts, ! 9l,0u0; fe.VW down; bslaii -« In on* y*«r. neither do thex ; the proof of which we D E S * -,* S a lb r . Lew in A C o .'s B o o t* aud Shoe*, ders, it acts speedily anil surely, always $7 OJ fo r in Suietn. I mean “ b iz ." You Im p tn re of the right 25. 112 a?r««, ia Ihs b'lttom art joining f>wa e f In ds- ( railio j l, b roilo- north of iMlias, all •uclsr f*nce ax t 10 miles south of I'alia*, recsutly built. 2 run of «ton* ■uMlv! led «izante A-H*. Al.', aeren in cultlvstHt , «111 lira «ated machinery f»r rowklnx a unrul<wr I arti- ever stand ready to practically demon- i pen«letj<:v, relieving suffering, and often Having life. from Philadelphia. urvl«r fence, forty .»ere* ia miMlvathKi,forty j l'tó acre« paoturc. 2 >-umf»»rtanlo dw«||i»|f tKxtses, i art to have h^eu fatty bad bettc-r call ou lue soon, before l learn cle nf flour, ».«rrother with a dwelling house and I t acres m wr sadly na* »e rewly f.w tus plow, tw«Df> The protection it afford*, by its tim ely use tbe m ystic a rt uf tho trad e: for th en , look s t r a t a . M '- G * kw k W a l l s » . H aving r e tí r t d f i F o ster Kid t»l«>reH, from New York. rliich morbid change '■urn* an«! other uot huiMinfs, also war«h«*ust on tt » acres »f lan«l. near the narrow gang« railroad. !*ri«j«, i scree a^h, flr and ms pis timtwr, soil rich, dw p, m m ly ra»lr»r»d, with Ht'ira-r« for 2H .Ü 0O bushels *»f fraiu ; si- « rm anently locob» Jo h n so n '* L.isy Eye G lasses, fnrin D e in throat and chest disorders, m ake* it an out “ for way» th at ure d irk, and trick» j • H&tM; «Mie-lMlf iJvwu; [R o in g o n for m onth* I l« r o , v«rv pr«*'iuctive, aiajiU d u- raisinf v^etah»«*. tr».:k ami pwd c« »11 ven ¡e»«**« for shipping, 30 s*rr> -• i n r it v vam r.. iuvaliiNble remedy to be kept always on that are v m u ." etc. Give me a cull aud Prise, 33J75; fi.&uo d*»w.«, »«.sue« on Utes to j*ilt sumtn r-fall.w , young o ah erd . plenty of water, «to » d purvhasor. nds of detsl wori K e lle i't death, which it tro it, Michigan. Tbs l a Creole siw HI'll, with t,089 aerss nt •«* ptirehasor. G ian t Patent £eam BcK>i*. Uc anre and baud iu every home. No person can af then judge for yourselves. h o v e on thx |w« loisc«. 0» r ’* l . l*ri< e, »13, specialty. „ J. T aken up, by I N. D avidson, living Id*:k«truth «hn> an-1 f nir lots and dwclliof the L* (.»rsnle ere«.k, X west of ♦MW. 3T.30U dow«, balance ou easy terms I ford to be without it, and those who have Asking for a *b:ire of yonr patronage, I one mile Went of Bnetia Vista, Folk { 14x2» in Parker » is ti-■», P»la S im fi» O r n »a. Office in V a n d a l circular, planer, supply <4 tinilwr •mlimitsd. [o n r yoong tow®« fia n , j see them— the beat inren tiou yet made. once used it never will. From th«ir subscribe myself, yoar hum! 1«* »ervan*, House and two lots In Ihdlas, on creek J 910,0 *>; on« half d«»wn. lisianc« la four sqaal f*-* l wut*r ail under f * -* l plank i«uc« P ortland Htndying > stairs. connty, Oregon, tb e following described 1 •.»and, I jor iptfdooin*;. Terms, fl.W O, 3*flod«c |>|.aw<91 J T I 3 \ , fa jn te te ts . knowledge of its com position nnd effect*, i rise, 939* 1 . flryMd'iwn. J . W . IloDsojf. be sidewalk in front of «•stray property, to-w it: One bay horse, physician* use thu Cherry P ecto ral exten E ola , D ee. 20, 1881. ook, containing among . The firm of Btlru« «^ Coa<l i* this day V»Y9 baud» high, star in foreh ead, bind Tbo sbove comprises o b lj a portion ot tbo l«u<» «• hare ¡ ot sal«, aud wa are daily receiving sively in th eir practice, and clergym en —♦ » ------— 10 in greenback«. He dis*olv«fl by uiutunl coBAcUt. All claim * feet white, 5 y«ara old; appraised at 8 7 b. recommend it. I t is absolutely certain in B a r k i n '« t r a i n Salve. landlord of bin find, due said firm are pax-able to D. N. B a rn *, and can show parties tbe moat desirable location» in the country. Infonuation pertaining to lands fornialtail. I. N .DtTfM OX. its remedial effects, and will nlway» care T h e B sst S ai . v « ia the world for C ats, B i t addrea*. A few <la\ s who will pay all indebtedness of tbe Jan u ary 7, 1882. w here c a re * are p ossible. F or a*l« by all B raises, «Sores. Ulcers. Balt Rheum . Fever llo a e r . a laboring uian, firm. D. N. B r a * * , urutis. AiidreseTill coniiuutiicaticDe to , d ealers. H a v e n *« f f i e r r v T s —> r « « F . Bore*, T e tte r, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, (lan d lo rd , in q u in o g for F ran * C oad . - - .. An aroointir (am h inatioo fo r th e pre Corn«, and all kiuda of Skin E ruption*. it happened, yonng ’ D allas . Janaary 11, 1*12. B ia r . n iR L ii\ . T h u Salvo is g iu ran taed to g .v e perfect servation of th e T eeth and Gnina, It is lime takiug dinner. Th- 1 fed tbe stran ger*, an 1 | Catarrh cared, health and aw?et breath My tine property on Mill street. D a lis*, satisfaction in every ease or money re far superior to any prepomation ol ita kind Dal Is« , Polk C ounty, oeatn per box. F o r in the m arket. In large b-indaome Opal •tntement, the man teennsd by ftnn oh ’* C a tirrh Remedy. is offered for »ale at a bargain fo r a » b o lt funded. I’ rice, [TILL ATTrVP »♦ 1 B i g cants. sale bv Hyd-e’s d m g -tto re. D u lls*, and put*, prie« py recipient o l hi» lo st ¡ P rice 50 c^nta. Nasal in jecto r fr*re. • F or tim e. A S hltltz . Or, BELT 4 PIPES. Independ«no >{ or, C. L A f O U I T T , Shnridsn. 1 l« rt f th« k \ r;:W . the t> H U e. * Co . r t t l n ! sals bv A- M i’. ler. D ai’aa D allas . W- 1**2 persons indebted to cription, adrertiMiug a d ju s t at th is time we aouey doe ns and most waited long enough D, and as we must have those who are indebted tu p SWIRE, G ra n t & D e L a s h m n ti, REAL ESTATE M ill S tr e e t, D a lla s , P o lk C ou n ty , ti'ietlji B E L T & P I P E S , In d ep en d en ce, Polk County, Oregon^ C H A S. L A F O L L E T T , S h e rid a n , Y am hill Co., Oregon«- n IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE VERY CHEAP. A lso , F lo u rin g M ills, S a w M ills, E tc ., Etc« IU RN S& I tfERY ALL KINDS OF PERSONAL PROPERTY SOLD. H ead, th o f o llo w in g l i s t o f B a re a ln ® i <r C I H. M . Klertaka tOny AMD } 1RTER, S l Æ î C I CUS 1 & C Dr. J. B. Ä7 W. P. l u c t i ! G RA N T & D eLA SH M U TT, A nd C o«jR a —am wr1 jysayj^!3M m e te » - '31