The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, December 31, 1891, Image 9

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TSlUltSDAY. DEC. 31, 1801.
No. 1 Fast Mail. West
No. 7 Pacific Kxpress. West
No. -J Fast Mall,
No. 8 Pacific Express, East.
":0fi p. in.
7:60 a. m.
11:00 ). m.
Account of a ValuaMt Group,
rom a Former LitUr.
Hie Grysul Palace group of tnitiaw,
embracing the Grand Majestic, Littlo
liny Hone, Gold llox ani rvv.ii.1 P..L
nCe., 1 .i. .
, . . . " VIUIH liliilC.
, ?r w' H'm 0WI, ' Alex Tartar
wel -known miner from Kockv liar,
Idaho, arc now undergoing the most
extensive development work of am
; ln",es "Sprtu, work being pushed
! night and dav Tl. p..,.iVi
We wuh all our readers a happy and l undoubtedly an extension of the Com
A Paragraphic Record ot Kacent Happon
lns m and Around tho city.
How Our
Christ inns.
prosperous New Year.
Mrs. Margaret Ronson has been quite
sick for several days pant.
Mrs. Viida Mulhollan, of Portland, is
visiting hor parents in Union.
Our cut being late in arriving neces
sitated putting them all on three page!".
Mm. H. 1). Drake has been verv sick
for several days past, but is now conva
lescent. Remember that Hall Pros., a.- usual,
have a full and complete .stock of school
supplies for sale.
Another car of cedar shingles just
received by Hall Rros.' Ruy them.
Thev are the cheapest. '
Miss AVinnie Tuttle, who has been
nick for some time past, is improving
and will soon be about again.
The snow and M ind storm of Friday
and Saturday was very sevore, anil
trains were blockaded for a short time.
Call and get a few copies of this issue
and send them to friends in the east and
elsewhere. The price is only 5 cents
per copy.
Grandma llaynes, who has been
quite, sick for several days past, is still
in a critical condition, and but little
hopes aro entertained ot her recovery.
Frank Bradford, of Tclocaset, called
at Tun SroPT oflice Tuesday and re
newed his subscription, ordering the
address of his paper changed to Union.
Mr. A. II. Glidewell, formerly deputy
shurill, has purchased a half interest in
the AVcstorn hotel at Elgin where ho
will now be found ready to receive the
F. M. Slocnm, foreman of the Baker
Democrat, is visiting, relatives and
friends in Union, lie will return in a
few days, with his wife, who came down
about ii week ago.
Mr. J. C. Summers has disposed of his
interest in the stove, tin ana hardware
store of Summers & Layne, to his part
ner Mr. Dave Ijayne, who will hereafter
conduct the business.
From the dispatches which were pass
ing over the wires last week, it looked
verv much ass though war was imminent
with Chili, but from present indications
all differences wilT be settled without
A New Year sermon will be preached
at the Presbyterian church next Sunday
at 1 1 a. in. "Song service will be held at
7 p.m. Let all who are fond of good
music attend. A leaflet with Isnee
Watt's hvinns Mill be used.
I i.mio ii men a tew years ago was the
(largest producer in Eastern Oregon,
' And with machinery heavy enough to
Uandlo the large volume of water, the
I tiem co"ll now be made a bullion
J producer of no small consideration.
The Oity Again Visited by Another
onuouve uontiagratlon.
Ust Saturday night about 10 o'clock a
lire broke out m the store of I. Harris, a
merchant tailor of U Grande, consum
ing it and five other frame buildings,
tiie total loss is estimated at ."W,000.
The losers are, M. S. Bhvk, 20,0u0; in
lT t!r,'ml; ,A' C' Huntington,
.,000; David Ileidcnnch, $1,500. The
tiro is supjiosvd to be the work of an in
cendiary. The wind was blowing verv
strong at the time and it wn imiiosible
to save anvthing.
Visits the Chamber of Ggmmsrea and
Royally Entertained by Oity
Owing to the large ad. of Staver &
Walker, which came in after a greater
portion of our holiday edition had gone
io press, we are compeuca to prim, an
extra small sheet in order to give the
required space for other matter.
Miss Sallie Mitchell, sister to Mrs.
AVm. Hutchinson of North Union, called
at our oflice Monday and subscribed for
The Scout to bo sent to her father in
Illinois. Miss Mitchell arrived in this
city a. few months ago and is greatly
pleased with the country.
It was our intention to give a cut of
James Hendershott's residence in the
Cove, but tho picture did not arrive in
time to send oil" for reproduction. AVe
are sorry that this should happen. Mr.
Hendcrshott has one of the finest resi
dences and prettiest laid out yard in
Union county.
I,. 15. Rinehart received his horses yes
terday, recently purchased in the east,
of wh'ich mention was made last week.
The train conveying them was delayed
two or three davs, and nothing could be
heard of the wfiorealxmts of the stock,
ahich caused considerable uneasiness
f'ori the part of Mr. Kinehart.
The wind of Monday night was the
severest ever known in the city, and
did considerable damage. The tin
roof, together with the decking on tho
Odd Follows' hall, was completely torn
oil'. The ornaments on the lront of AVli
son's building Mere slightly damaged.
Other small dnmugcri are reported out
of no consequence, AVorkmen are busy
repairing the roof on the Odd Fellows'
Ithas been currently reported on our
streets the past few' davs that Evan
Carver had' been granted a new trial,
but on investigation we find there is no
truth in the report- The doomed man
appears to be in good spirits and thinks
he will be grunted a new trial, at which
he hope to come clear, but from all
indications there is but little hopes, and
it is very likulv that he will be hanged
on the til st of 'January.
Work is progressing on the new elec-
ri- liL'ht nower house. The foundation
Or tho omrino and dvnamos have been
laid and workmen are now busy encas
ing the boiler with brick. Tho lights
will by turned on again this Meek, when
it is expected we will have a hotter ser
vice. Messrs. Shelton & Phy aro doing
evcrvtliini' in their nower to lulVO thlllUS
running at the earliest possible moment,
having had men at work during tho
everest storms of Jast M eek.
AVe worn ulimi-n n Him iitiino vestor-
hiy. which bus hist been nlaeed in Mr.
I. M. I'ltv's residence, a present to his
laughters'. It is u Smith k Barnes in-
trumont, and cost $500. It was pur
hased thmmrli P. f AVildov it Co.. of
h - - j
IN alia Wa a. Tho instrument was
"tended as a Christinas present but did
J'ut arrive in time. However, it wa
lito a surprise to tho girls Mho knew
HuiiU'g about it until it arrived, .air.
hytfas bis lmnii flunk- filrniRUcd with
W the conveniences anil luxuries of life.
Monthly School Rport.
Tli? f?llowin8 ' the monthly report of
the Union school for the mouth ending
December 25th, 1891 :
Jta. i.kathehman's room.
timber of bovs enmllRiK -J1 nnmiu...
of girls enrolled, 14; totl enrollment,
35; average daily attendance, 81.5.
Khoda Kiggs, Addie Hutchinson,
Katie AVright, I.illie Deering. Hannah
Keeves, Samuel Sanders, Ed AVright,
Eddie Miller, William Phy, Guv Ostrnn
lor, John Kceves, AVillie Miller, John
Number of Iwys enrolled, lit; number
of girls enrolled, 12; total number en
rolled, 28 ; average daily attendance, 26.
Robert AA'orsham, Iva Hutchinson,
Maude Chirk, Barbara AA'elch, Clara
Chne, Hattie Ficklin, Muggie Dobbins.
Number of boys enrolled, 21 ; number
of girls enrolled, 21: total enrollment,
15; average daily attendance, 40.
Alta CbamlK-rs, AVillie Hulick, Gussv
Levy, AVillie Davis, Walter Swaekham
mer, Martha Cook, Maggie Phy, Mollie
Phy, Edna Uemillard, Marguarite Miller,
Lillie Dotson.
Number of bovs enrolletl, 2(i; nunibe
ol girls enrolled, 27; total enrollment
5,1 ; average daily attendance, 47.
Rosa 1'icklin, Maggie Slater, Edm
Levy, Elmer A right, Pearl Smith, Edith
llutcliinson, Maggie licklin, Homer
Dickson, Gertie Mitchell, Lizzie Conarty
Floyd Tuttle, Robert Ritch, Mamie Mor
ton, Cora Cates. Zoe Kemillard. Kattie
Galloway, A ilhe kennedy.
Number of boys enrolletl, 29 ; number
ol girls enrolled, 20; total enrollment
55; average daily attendance, 43.1....
Myrtle Clark, Melvin Graham. Lulu
AVood, Laura Martin, Hettie Phy, Kos-
coe lsenson, Aiuo Jonnson, Hoy Hall,
Irene Blacker.Cecil Irwin, Floyd Smith,
Ada Robins, Edward Mitchell, George
m i. - ;.. n.., .i ... T-.i.: .
viurK, uussie jiiuciimson, ium iUiicii
ell, Bennie llaynes, Ethel Vandervanter,
Birdie Ritch, Tonunio Kitch.
School Entertainment.
On Jat Thnrsdar the wider betug !
formed that Christinas came on the 25th of
December this year, and recalling ttie fact
that ho bad only one tiny to determine on a
trip brought to bear all his faruldo w to
where ho should spend hU vacation. He
iirr-t considered all the advsntatfes ami dis
advantages of ItakerCity. which we belicvo
is a water station on the O. 1 N. 11. K.
in Baker county; he then thought of n
town named La Oraude. which lie had
heard of, but taking d-iwn the map of Ore
gon failed to find such a place; then Port
land ciimo to mind, hut when he brenme
awnre of the fact that Portland was a great
distance off, and that walking was not good,
Portland was soon dismissed from his
mind; ho then concluded to take n wook
looking at the .reties at lhe nourishing
town of North Powder. Accordingly he
made a start and, as ho whh on foot, bv tho
North Powder lot him vifit thi gardi n. na
ho will ho amply rrpald. We were now
joined by thecity oouncll the marshal liad
not yet Joined us and driven to tne Cham
ber of Commerce, where we liMcned to the
wifdnm and eloquence of some of the able
jolona of the city, and judging from tho
secretary's report tlie conmierclal interest
of the city has been well looked after the
past year. Next we were taken to the ball,
givoti by Messrs. Smith, KeUay. lteverldg
and the good Ixird only knows whom else,
There we discovered an old Ohio friend in
tho person of J. M. Oilkinson. who, agisted
by Mr, Craig, wat acting as lloor mana
ger. e were kindly Invited to ioln in the
hop, and would have liked very much to
nave accepted the invitation but on mak
mg an enori to tiake the fantastic toe we
discovered we wore not "in It," and soon
recalled the fact that a few iihrhts previous
wo had been to the Baptist church and that
the samp evening we had held a chair
down in the M. K. chun:h. and at once
knew the cause of the strong actions on tho
part of our feet. However, the dance was
a complete success,
Seeing it was no go, so far as the hop was
oonoertieil. we retired for tho night ami all
alone, tint when we awoke some time near
two o clock there were no less than six per
sons in Led with us, including the mayor
and inoft of the city council. And whilst
we very greatly appreciate favors, yet we
hope Hint on future occasions they will not
bcooine.o attaelm.l to us as to occupy our
bod. winch we had paid for in ndvniiue.
individual w hustled ofT by tho chtof of
polk and we were informed that it was
one Corporal Mickey Free, and we think
'mis properly named as he was making
lumself very free with us. After purchas
ing a cob pipe and a par'of tobacco, and
bidding good lire to our friends, we took
onr departure for Wolt creek, that fairest
nnd bet ot all lands,
south I'ownsn, xOt$s.
William Warden is as happy a a smv
llower when tht-re is a lfino ah hands.
Robert Shaw and Ah thotnpMin, of Clo
ver creek, were guest" of North Powder
friends during tlie.past fow days.
Carrol Parker has roturnoo from Idaho.
b. S. Kelsav and Mr. Smith, from over
the river, enjoy a dance more than most
young men.
The genial Joe White is a regular ru-dlcr
at a Christmas tree.
Little Capt. White is very proud of his
Christmas present, a brand new suit of
clothes, the gift sf Herniail Rotholdld.
Mr. Korsoy Is minting considerable kick,
owing 10 the fact that hU woodpile is going
down very fast. J. ('. will take notice
Loo .oinax's best girl made him a verv
line present.
Thu order at the Christmas tree was fair
ly good, and all things considered the arts Ir
was n success.
Fa tn I Sinush-ui
liJi (ramie.
Two Tramps While Stalling a Rids Also
Most ITttti DeUli-Vaiastigtrt
sv vntftfrrcd.
The west bound poxsuitaer train, No.
1, which passed Union alxrtit 8 o'clock
Tnesxtay evening, met with a fatal acci
dent about two miles the other able of
Ija Grande.
We are unable to learn any of the par
ticulars further than that the engine
jumped the track, probably caused
by a loose rail, and that the engineer
and fireman, also two trainjw atcaliug a
ride, were killed. The passengers were
badly shaken tip, but none injured.
Considerable time whs consumed in
clearing up the wreck, causing a delav
of other trains.
Wn fctnrtrrl mito-Sllm
' , ..... 1.. w. ...,..,.- i.-ui- vjslt 80llu ,,(, business interests of tho
u rose im weary frame. Alter a d,y and seeing a great crowd assamblml
uurt rcs ne again uie road am! j in front or tho 0 wt, wome(t our
was soon in sight of the hustling little citv
but groat was our surprise ami chagrin
whon just at the edge of town wo met our
only acquaintance, Mr. Sam Levi, with his
best girl, on his way to Union. (The ther
mometer then wonld have registered
20 degrees below j-.ero.) Whether Sam ever
thither to determine tho cause, nnd aftor
a little investigation learned that nil tho
commotion was over a two dollar pig nnd
that a great law suit was on the tapis the
writer having once been a limb of the law
gave alt encouragement possible and was
soon retained as counsel, but tho elements
The following is the programme that
will bo executed at the entertainment to
be given by the Chrestoinatliean Liter
ary Society at AVright 's hall, to-iiight,
commencing at o'clock, prompt.
Address of Welcome, President
lfoll Call, Responsive quotation.
Song, eight girls.
Recitation, Miss Edith AVright.
Ten minutes address, Supt. J. L. Car
Quartette, Miss Coinpton, Miss Leath-
ernian, -Mrs. llUlow, air. l.etliorinan
Select Reading, Miss Lillie Deering.
Recitation, Inn AVright.
Ten minutes speech, Key. Anderson
Instrumental solo, Miss Flora Spring
Recitation, Francis Wright.
Song, eight girls.
Ten minutes speech. A. 15. Eaton
Duet, Misses Edith and Francis
Select reading, Miss Addie Hutchin
Object of the Society, C. B. Leather
Tho Masquerade Ball.
The masquerade ball on Christmas
eve was a verv enjoyable affair and was
well attended bv Doth maskers nnd
spectators, although the evening was
most bitterly cold. The prize for tho
finest costume for ladv was awarded
to Mrs. Shaw of North Powder; most
original costume, lady, Miss Bettio Leo
of Telocasot. AVm. Sunires, of Union,
received tho first prize for finest costnmo
for gentleman, and Fred Davis, of this
citv, tho prize for most original costume.
The supper given by Mr. Goodbrod, of
tho Centennial hotel, was indeed a rare
treat. It was tho opinion of all that it
was the llnost ball supper over given in
Union. The tables were supplied with
everything that could bo desired, and
guests were served in tho best style.
(KO. II A lit I),
Mio opened a variety storo in this oily
M tmminor, in tho building ono door
P"rtli of tho Centennial hotel, bus
, "ill up a good trudo mid now carrier
Uenentl tnok ol variety and fancy
od, Hchool book, stationery, tobac
(U cigar-, canned good und confoc-
1 onvry, aho ul kimU of fruit In ca.
i in.
The Prisoners are Treated to a sumptuous
On Christmas day Sheriff Bollea had
a splendid dinner prepared for tho
prisoners confined in Hie county jail,
ot which they partook freely and ex
tout their thanks as follows:
U.vio.v, Oregon-, Deo. 2D, 1891.
EuiTon Okkoo.v Kcol'T : -The pris
oners confined in tho comity jail, do
siro to publicly thank Sheriff J. T.
Hollos, Deputy . XV. Mndgrcen and
Jailor J. J. (Jrulmiu for their uniform
kind treatment, and especially for the
present and entertainment furnitlicd
us cm Cliristmus. Hliied,
Jnwatj: op thk Coimtv Jaiu,
Vs. .Jl 1 r- f T'ifT r 1' T ri'TT." i rrf r r I T fwasTnTW r
Prof. Holmes has closed school and Is
now devoting his attention to his stock.
Rev. Brnmhlet. of Elgin, will remain with
brother Waltz for a time and assist in
protracted meetings.
Dock ltiggs is down on a visit from
"Cypress Hat."
Landlord Kaukncr furnished a splendid
supper tor tho dancers at tho ball and all
spoak high in his praise.
Miss Lillio AVurdcn entertained friends nt
supper, Friday.
Alva Holmes has cono to visit friends in
Leo Lomax and Will Parkor furnished
tho boys with sport sua day last wcok in
tho way ot a snooting match (or ton turkeys.
Quito a numbor of It. H. men aro stop
ping hero now, and putting up snow fences.
Judging from the number of presents
Herman Rothchild received, ho must have
quite a numbor of best girls.
Union Hhg within its immediate
vicinity a "health resort which will, in
tho near future, become tho Mecca to
which sufferers from all physical ail
ments will make a pilgrimage. AVe
refer to tho medical springe on Ilig
creek, owned by Dunham AVright.
These waters have medicinal qualities
which aro not to ho found elsewhere,
and healing powers which hnvo been
recognized by u large number of peo
plo who hnvo visited that place and
bathed in tho waters. A largo num
ber of cases of rheumatism have boon
permanently cured. Mr. AVright has
built n large hotel and added now bath
rooms during tho past year. A large
got to Union is not known, as no tidings
have siuco been heard of 1dm. However,
on arriving nt town we were agreeably sur
prised to ilnd an old acquaintance of by
gone years, in tho person of John Craig,
who took us in charge ami showed us the
sljjhts. The llrst placo of real interest wo
Visited was the North Powder hotel, kept
by Faukncr & Forney, whore we did ample
justice to a good supper and got slightly
stuck on tho cook. After n little rost wo
vvoro taken to tho M. K. church where we
wore told there would be a Christmas tree.
After being comfortably seated in tho host
chair, which wo suppose is usually occu
pied by some of tho diunitnrios of tho
church, wo witnessed a very creditable por
formauvo, comddHiug tho fact that but
littlo time was given tor preparation. Tho
house was beautifully decorated and tho
tree fairly woll filled with presents. We
would inako u-fpeoial note of Miss liurk'tf
recitation and tho singing of the Misses.
Parker, Chapman und Rogers und that of
Mr. Lotion. There might hnvo been niuny
more good siugarslu tho choir but as tho
tree formed an obstruction between them
and our optics wo wore unable to determine
them. Wo came away fully satisfied that
it was good for all to have boon there. AVe
did not seo Santa Claus but wore afterwards
informed that ho started on his journov
from above, but his probocis souiowhat re
sembling Jumbo, bis flight was tapped, at
least ho did not show up. We learned,
however, that after the performance was
over Joe White and Will Curuos ascended
to tho roof of tho house and by means of
(Ishhooks, lino, und block and taoklo suc
ceeded in extricating him from his danger
ous situation.
Tho next event witnessed was a guino
called billiards, between a young North
Powder dude und an unknown, possibly
from nowhere. Money was freely wagered
on both sides and one would think a great
game was on the boards. Tho writer wit
nessed tho game for two hours and at the
expiration of that time the clerk had ten
billiards and tho unknown cloven. AVe re
tired, but presume tho game is still going
After a good night's sleep and a good
breakfast we again started In to sco tho
Iguts. Mr, traig, in company with the
mayor of the town, soon had us In tow.
Tho first place wo visited was tho Zoologi
cal garden where we found Manager Jlev
crldge and Ids altunt busily engaged In
caring for the auhiiuU, Wo found Munu
ger llererldge a very accommodating ami
pbaiant gentleman, who took grout pains
in showing us everything of luurett. We
found all the animal and birds known o
thu roue, am) uisny frow far-oW lunds, and
should it wr he the reader's let to vltlt
in tho caso are such as will require several
iwo (loiuir jugs 10 pay ins ice. Wo were
now joined by S. C. Munn, president of tho
North Powder alliance, and perhaps others
whoso names we cannot recall, and at onco
proceeded to the storo of Uorham & Roth
child, where we found tho genial Herman
Rothchild with open arms ready to receive
us. A thorough inspoction of tho storo led
us to tho conclusion that there Is no better
general merchandise storo in Union county
and that these gentlemen are worthy of tho
ininionso patronage which they aro receiv
ing. A full lino of goods of tho bust quality
is kept, and prices as low us anywhere.
Wo found tho manager, Mr. Rothchild, a
very pleasant und accommodating gentle
men whom it is a real ploasuro to moid.
Wo also had a ' knock down" to his host
girl, Suxlo. Mr, Rothchild reqttostod us
to say that IW- I lp year that ho
desired tho girls to know that ho was
"strlotly in It." From horo wo wont to tho
grocery storo of that prince of good follows
Deputy Postmaster Loinax, where wo
found him unlng an Immense trade In holi
day goods. Mr. Lomax lias a splendid as
sorted stock of goods und la soiling nt small
prolits which insures him n good trade.
We now yislted the storo of the Oregon
Lumber Co. whoro we found the geniul Mr.
uiiiuotj in unurge; moy aiso nave a goon
AVe were next taken to tho North Povvdir
mill, which be it said to tho discredit of
North Powdor and vicinity has been Idle
for a long time, No better location for a
mill could bo had anywhere, and wo now
call the attention of tho board of trado to
tho fact that tho mill Is idle.
Arriving at tho Stoddard lumber yards
we were politely shown around by tho yard
foreman, Iireck Ulz. Wo found that their
planing mill which was destroyed by fire a
short timo ago, would soon bo ready for
uso, and we feel like saying tuat tho (Stod
dard Pros, aro mudo of tho proper kind of
Wo visited many other places of Interest
and attended one session of circuit court,
but Judge Kdwurds, who is chief justice,
was lust adjourning court, and had ulready
shed his judicial gown, as we entered und
we were greatly disappointed In not hearing
bliu deliver one of hi clear-cut, logical do-
chrfous. We almost forgot to say that Ooo.
Vtnublo, Jay Gould's right bower at this
place, will hold down the pnildcnt's chair
In the Chamber of Commerce the ensuing
year. Just as ws were preparing to take
our departure from tho city we wore an.
touted by an Individual whom we took to
ho cither Horace Oreely or Rip Van Win
kip. who desired loiuukuour uoquulutaiice,
but, being ioiiieM relhsnt with irn.
Kr, we dwilHsd, wbsrviipon thu ktrHj(
Davo lleycridgo was tho recipient of soma
lino presents from San Francisco and As
toria. Tho writer was remembered with soma
presents from his eastern friends.
Dec. 28, 1801.
Look out for wedding bolls this wcok.
Know drifted and roads almost impaasa
ble. John M. Ollkison has returned from a
visit to his brother at Keating.
Misses Lucy and Jennlo Horhain are
taking ultimo lessons at North Powder.
Fred Nice und Mark (lllklson took hi the
duueu at Haines.
Rev. Ilramblet Is the guest of Mr. How
man and family.
David Leo was at La (Iraudo, Friday, on
Cr. !:o, of Indiana, is on a visit to his
brother, David Lev,
It Is Woomlng fashionable for young men
of litis vicinity To help lluir heit Khi dsd
butcher all day hi order to utd to Mo said
best Ktrl to lbs Christmas tree,
CMliKotUut et, at the )ot oWro
store, ISf-iMw
liumbor of people from ull over tho
country visit there every year, and it
is only a question of timo when this
health resort will have a world-wide
reputation and visitors from afar will
como to avail themselves of its health
restoring waters.
proprietor of tho Oity Root and Shoo
Store, has boon in business in Union
for a number of years, lie makes a
specialty of his lino of goods, und cur
ries a largo und varied assortment of
both ladies and gent's fine shoes, be
sides a largo astortmont of rubber
goods, boots und blioos for farmers and
stockmen. Dealing exclusively in
tlicte goods and buying direct from the
manufactory, enable Air. Vincent to
offer UjH)riori:iduomttiUto tli trade,
He also gurries a well whwltnl tk at
gent's funiUliIiifc khmU,
Or, North U immumiUy lot Us) t