The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, December 24, 1891, Image 6

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    THURSDAY, DEC. 24, 1801.
Decamber 21, 1801
Lots of snow for thu lime of yenr,
but not very cold.
In V'.in I'llltilllT liULtOf alOWlV. .lO
u v ' - C O
is not well by ii whole lot.
The lienllh of Mm Park is better
tlmn it was some time ago.
The Turk is nic- nnd cleun. It is
as while as the winter's snow.
Abe bus changed cooks again. Mrs.
15. Shaw is doing tho cooking now.
C. Yun takes his exercise every day.
If he don't do one thing ho does two.
Abe Van if still getting in logs.
TJiey have some two hundred logs in
at thi writing.
I !ec Sammy Vunorder if hauling
lumber. He inut be going to take
her in under hi t wing wm of Uium:
Win. Martin started ftir Grande
Hondo valley this morning. He was
taking some womon oft', but I suppose
one of thorn was his wifo.
The stagu driver has a limo setting
and growling, and growling and set
ting. I think it will bu a fine outfit
wlion. thov htart on dock of a ouytue,
with a hundred pounds of mail, and
tho snow so duel) von can't see tho
1 Tho school is progressing linuly, in
deed. They uio going to biro tho
teacher another month. If you go
into the school houso you don't catch
thu teacher sotting down witli the
Uiblo in one hand and his four-year-old
club in tho other. Ho lias given
gonoral satisfaction.
I am very glad that. I raised a wail
from tho clergy by publishing tho
quail story. I am not much of a
mathematician or I would not have
L'ot such a shot as 1 did, but as it in
I have a slight headache, ptobably
caused by tho hard hit honi Truth
lover. I will fay right heio that I am
a truth seeker and am open for con
viction. Now I will leavo it for (ho
people to decide who missed the mark
lho ftutlicicst. Truthlovcr says the
fiiblo does not say that tho quails weto
piled up in a solid mass two cubits
high. (Funny.) "And thoio went
forth a wind from the Lord and
brought quails from the tea and let
tlieni fall by the camp, as it wero a
day's journey (not about, but a day's
journey) round about tho camp, and
as it wore two cubits high upon tho
faco of tho earth." Mr. Webster, why
do you tell such BtiilT? for you say
upon means resting or being on tho
top or surface, as "Ho had his coat
upon his back," but Truthlovcr says
ilying in thu air. Oh! how thin his
talk! Ho says those of us who liavo
scon quails and othor birds driven
across a lako or plain by tho wind and
striko against buildings or trees and
fall to tho ground, etc. I mistrust
him, for the quails I used to bco in tho
east could lly faster than any wind
Truthlovcr over felt. They aro power
ful flyers and by tho help of tho wind
(which nover goes fastor than 80 miles
an hour) would go very fast. And
agrfin ho says only tho men gathered
th3 quails, Now hero, Mr. Webster,
what do you want to humbug thu poo
plo so for? on say tho word people
moans tho body of porsons who com
pose a community, town, city or na
tion. Truthlovcr has it that it means
men only. Now I can read some and
can understand something of what I
read, but I have not that kind of rub
ber that I can stretch, liko Truthlovcr
has. Why did ho not clear up what
tho Bible says about God getting mad,
and making himself out a liar? for ho
said that thu Iraelites should eat for a
whole month, until it camo out of their
nostrils. (Numbers 11: 20.) And
whilo tho flesh was yet between their
teeth, before any hud been swallowed
ho stopped it ami huckarood tho peo
plo around with a very great plague.
Clear that up. Truthlovcr has tried to
varnish tho quails over very nice, but
to take thu story as it reads, without
thu Reverend's explanation, anyone
who thinks would doubt it. llobayf,
Is it wise for a man who never read
tho lliblo in thu hiuguago in which it
was written, etc., to criticise tho Hiblu,
a book that has done more gocd than
ull thu other Nooks ever written put
together? I think a man, if he is a
believer in anything, ought to criticise
it, ami if it will not hoar thu luU it Is
not worthy of man's credulity. There
mis a man totting ami lintoiiliig to the
quail Mory ami w)iun done he Mtttl.
"Thut mull I mjilien i It wa liiaiiiu
the Ull'lo mount." Jluwi. thai for a
JUblu IwliliVur Who VU htipllHid into
l0 oliliruh? Who i the dupe? 11 uw
Wi IM H'liut BwmI thw lliblu liny
4illl Jt (Mlltlil (i) lu put (o
j death, by drowning, hanging, burning
j at tho stake, dragging behind carts,
j whipping nnd otherwise, n groat many
j person?, and all, or nearly all, of them
were women. They were witches and
had to be killed, and all because the
Dible .-ayb "Thou shall not suffer a
witcli to live." It has caused tho great
rebellion of lho United States; it has
earned the polygamy of Amorca; it
has caused more bloodshed than any
thing else; it ca umm! the rack, thumb
fcrows anil wheel of torture; it caused
tho Uluo Lnws of Connecticut, where
they used to boro the tonguo of any
one who got too smart for the known
ones; it has caused ibe heathen to be
drunkards, a great many of them : it
has caused women to be kept from the
pulpit, the stump, tho physician's va
cation, and in fact kept more or le-s
in bondage; it teaches the horrible
custom of cannibalism ; it has caused
children to be punished unreasonably
and if tho Bible advice had been cat
ried out they would have been stoned
to death ; but man bad more feeling
than God and would not do the
book said. It holds for intemperance,
for murder and for war. It (auctions
human sacrifices. Let me recall
half-forgolton scene. In a quiet Now
Kugluud village livo a pair whom
nature mount for good, kind citizens.
Hut they become infatuated with thu
Bible. They beliovu it to be infulli
hie. Dav after dav they pore over its
pages. They dwell with especial in
terest upon the story of Abraham and
Isaac, until at last they' become im
pressed with tho bolief that they, too,
are called upon to oiler up their child.
The fatal hour arrives. Nerved for
tho cruel deed they approach tho bed
side of their child, a sweet-faced, curly
haired girl of four. How placidly the
rests! Folded upon her breast aro
dimpled hands white as the driven
snow; curtained in slumber arc oyes
as mild as the summer sky. How
beautiful! how pure! We would rik
our lives losavo that pietty thing from
harm. How dear, then, must she be
to that mother! Sh is their idol.
But that idol is about lo be sacrificed
upon tin altar of superstition. There
they stand the mother with a lamp
in her hand, tho father with a knifo
1 hoy gnzo for a moment upon their
sleeping victim. Then tho father lifts
his arm and plunges tho knifo into thu
heart of his child! A quiver the
bluo eyes opon and cast a reproachful
look upon tho parents. Thu little lips
exclaim, O papal and tho sacrifice is
made, ion ay they were insane,
Aye, but what made them insane?
And what, more than any other cause,
is filling our asylums with these tin
fortunato people? The vain attempt
to reconcile with reason tho irrecon
enable teachings of tho Bible. Como
again, Mr. Trulhlovor, and convert an
honest seuker after truth. If 1 am in
tho wrong, and auyono gets mc to seo
that I am wrong, I will turn to the
other side and do tho best I can.
1 lrtuo of nn execution nnil order of enle
inula nut of mi1 .under the hchI of the Honor
able Circuit Court of the Stute of Oregon for t'n
ion County, tested the llt.i dny of Derembor,
1MI1, to me directed and delivered, upon n Judg
ment mid order of rule of heretofore nttnclietl
proirty, entered on the 2ltli dio of November,
1W1. wherein J. I,. (.'uvIiichh Is plnintll!' mid II.
sterlliiK is defendant, for the um of $167. II with
interest At the rate of 8 jjt cent ier milium
from April 27, lifll; for thexuin of W.t.'j with
intervRt Ht the rate of 10 per cent ier milium
front May It, 1S.-.S; for the cum of $000 attor
ney fee: ana for the furtner i,um of fittlM with
in;oreel at the rate of 10 per cent ler milium
from the lltti day or October, 1M: and the
further aunt of ki.Ou attorneys lee. uud tue
mini of lf).: for costs aim dhburbeme jt,
i .1 ic-ti juotriiieut wm enrolled uinl toeke'.e-i in
1. 1 !. 1.'.. .utiec of aald court on the srth duv oi
!'c ( 1 1 i.'l. ordering tue wdoi.. t ic follow
in.' -h r cri .i iiertuuinl property a:).! real tutate.
i .!t I imhii County, !) on, u ';: One
i,i i lu;. i.ii. branded & on Lm r I'jiildef; one
lirowi'ijou Im? colt; one bio..'i bueklutf colt; '
ami im) fct'i iuur ur.' n.ii ! i. mi leu anuutder
out-buy mure i.iitmii-d ou left 4."iim
a- ear-old uliioi brawled x ou left
anil tho loiumjuff ueaerlbod laiitl
the rlitht, title and interest lit mux to the sV.'
Get You a Home,
wautuiniuna -taMKt:jgitrimriM f a i i i m w wnnw hipbimhihii
' 1 - ' "i V IT" r- r nininii i i i n iupiiumiiiwh I
"The Hunt Line'
On. tlie Coast of Oregon.
4 The Sportsman's Paradise. The Gate City
i' to the trtvif : -r" i iy n
tauMis&s:; oi loos ana Lurry,
8, ip. 3 8. H an K. W.'M.t and all that portion o: J
tue A W'i oi rec. 33, Tn. 2 8, B 8 E.
. U. that
liv"iitu of the main ehaoAel of the (Jromtu
Uoade river, about DO term: the NWW ', 4,
U;K. W. M and the NWW 6, TW
H W K. S . M. and the WJ qrT ot Hce S,Tp.
it S. it as i V,'. M. Xow, tuefefore. uwlur iud bv
virtue (". H.u'ii tzecuttoa nuil orler lf kU is
uiorcMiid, 1 ttil. rcil at unblic miction at iikuu
ity, in the -vonuty of Union ntnrtnajn, mi
'i'nitfftduy tho Jyi day of January, ISUSt, at a
o'cIock i . I.i. of f.ud uay, till luu rijilit, titk and
iatetCHt of, in uud to pcisonul iirfjH'. i) t.iui
tlostiaid tK'K'iiiliuit I'imcii mo 24th pit) of .No
vember, IKIl. oi hiM niuee iHrtuirL-u; aud
tnat I v. ill noli t4 public, uaetiou ut the .urt
ijotmo dox.r in t fiiou, Uulou Comtty, Oregon, on
WoilneMiiij- tho 27th day of .lumuiry, lwi, at i
o'ciock p. to. of Sidd day, ull ttic vlgxA, title and
itite-ini oi', m uud to nam nerelnbefore descrtbed
real mtnto tout the aaid livleii.iaut bud on t lie
saidlMtu day of .i. Buiir;r, laal, or hub aince
Tho Mot PromWnsr Locality no tlw Oregon Coast Splendid Harlor
haus'tiWe Titnbr V-ikt Coal Fields Gold. Silvt r, Iron nnd
0'ipper Min f Agricultural nnd Honicul
tural L,tud.
i ii m ml Suta.
SjjSSX' Scenery and 1 own shown by Photo graphs
tewM, ccata, disDitraemeuta and aecrutn costs. J or
I'uuri to me in baud ta L'. s. I
Terms 1:2 ulti
sold coin.
Datwl l;iU 21t day of December, 1S91.
sheriff of 1,'niou Couuty, Oregon.
aiIUItIt'K".S HA.LK.
Subscribe for Tun Scout.
In the County Court, for the County of Union,
State of Oregon.
In the Mutter of thu Ktute of)
Jitmeu W. .NIcholKon. CITATION.
To ('iirrtuNIeIiolHou,ndniiulhtriitrl'of the ubove
etitllliHl oiitiile, tireuuui;:
la tho iiiuno of thoMiito of Orocou, You tire
hereby cited uud required to iiniK'iir in the
Couuty Court of thcStnUt of Oregon, fur thu
Comity of t'uton, nl the (,'ourl ltooin thereof, tit
l'lllOll. Ill Oil, 4'lllllltV tlf lTlltllll. Illl t-Vlil'IV tll.
i'd day tif Jmitttiry, isw ut 1 o'clock, in the' after
noon 01 linn mi) , iiieu min mere to xmm entire,
If tiuv you Itioe, why the )ctltloii of A. J.
NIchoiKiu (.liould not be untitled, and whv von
hlioiild not lie removal from your trust uh ml
lultiliitriitrlx of Mild e- 'te, nnd your letters of
iiduiluUtratiou revt
h itiiCMt. tho 4. SiKOKtts, Judge
of thoCoi. .irt of thu Stale of
. 1 Orecon, fo, . . county of Cuton,
IhhAl.! with theSoiu.iilldt;oiirtalllxed
' I thin l!Uh day of lioceiulk'r, IS'Jl.
li JI-wti TeitNKii OuvKit, clerk.
I virtue of 1111 execution uud order of halo
issued out of uud under tho tcul of the Honor
able Circuit Court of tbu ritatoof OroKou for
1 111011 couuty, tcMctt tnu ibtn day ot iHrciiibcr,
lVJI.'iilid to 1110 directed and delhered. iiihiii u
Judtfiiicnt and onlor of mlo of heretofore at
iiiciieu pro iieny, euioreu 011 too 1.111 nay 01 .mi-
eiulier, InJI. lierelu John Klrclilioller ia plain
tilt and J, , lluult It deieudaut for the bum of
UI.M, with tuiuret at thu rate ot Hi per cent
lriinnuin Irotu the 17th dav of November. ls'.U.
aud tho further Mint of fctt attorney fee, togeth
er wltti 71.'ju for coktti uud dibtiricmcuu,
which JudKlueut wan enrollist and tlm'lvted in
thucli'rk'iotttceof hald court 011 the'Jth day of
iH-cvuiiier, uuu ui-crivuiK inv ouiuoi 1110
followlus described ioroiial uronort) and real
estate, limit: Ouo cieua.(slorod mure uud
till, no brand . ouo lmv male bruuiktl II It 011
loll hln, ou cow. no brand, uuu calf branded ii
on loll hip. four lu;, no mark: one hIiikIo
uukk) uuu imruo, una uiviui n loan 01 nay,
more or K, aud thu foltowtiii: iIomtIIk! lauds.
to n It All Hie rlsht, title anil interest of thu
ilofoudaiu in and to the sAVl of Soc. 0, Tp, 1
ltloi;. . j. Noti, tiiereiiuo, under and by
vlruiB 01 suld e-evutloii and order of sale an
uforuMiid, 1 will Mrli at public unction at the
lartu 01 Jool Wwor, 011 Indian envk, In the
fwttut) of I'uiou ufoiuMttd. 011 liuMla thu Mil
it) 01 Jauuat), l2, at i o clock p 111. ol Mild
US, all the riiilil, lit. and iuioiimi ul, lu and to
Min H-rsuuai prttia-ri) out Hie sani iimmhhihi
IuhI uu lite iltd da) ul Sinvmlwr, lnM, or tia
j.t Tiriuo 01 ii writ 01 execution uuu ornur of
fate lu.iucd out of and under the t-eul of the
ilonoriible Circuit Court of the Statu of Oregon
for L'nloii County, tented thu Ilth day of Decem
ber. Ib'Jl, nnd to mu directed and dullvured. 1111011
11 judgment nnd order of sale of horetoloro itt
taelieil property, euteied ou the 10th day of No
vember, l.sul, whoieiu K. 8. DunnliiKtim is
idiilntlu and K. M. liartiueaH. J. Hoimei' mid
.lohu liartmes!, are defendants, lor the sum of
foOl.lW, with interoHt ut the rule of 10 per cunt
per annum from the :ith day 01 April, 1W0, and
the further Mini of J7.".U0 attorneys fee, ami
fl-I.Hl lor cosla ii;iddisbureiiientK, w inch Judg
llieut was tiliolled n.Kt docKeted mine clerk x
ollleouf Kiiiil court 011 tho Utti day of December,
iraii, uuu ueeieeintrine niio oi tlie loliowliiR ile
scriued real estate. Nituutcd in I'uioii Cnnntv.
CroKou, to-wit: Nli ot Ml., Sec. :w, N;4 in
N l4, .K4 of SW).4 sec. l'J, N r.H Sec. U, except
10 acms in HE tonior, SKki ace. VI, 'i p. ;i S, K ;t,
1.. w. m also Siij, Kt4 ot N'4 and HUof
SEVt !cv. l.'i mill yii and oi S'.i Sec. lo, iW K. W. ii. Now. iherefuiu. iiin!r
and 0) virtue of said, execution mid order of
tulca aforesaid, I will koll at public miction at
the court hmihe door in Union, I'nioa Count v,
Oregon, on Monday tlie'ilh lav of January,
1W2, ut 2 o'clock p. 111. of smil day, all lho riKlit,
title uud iuteiest 01, in uud to auid iiruiinsen
that the wild defendants or either or uny of
them liiul ou the tilth day of November, lSUl,or '
iiuvu aiiiee Hciiuuuu inureiu, or gumeieni tnere
of to satisfy said judgment, rntea'at, costs, di.--bumeiueutM
uud uceruluK i'osU,
Terms of aalv: Cnsh to mo in hmid lu V, a.
sold coin.
Dated ut Cnion this 2ind iluy of December,
lS'Jl. J. T. JIOM.KS,
HuerilV of rnion County, OruKon.
InsidO Lots Olllv $26. Rnd UO. for a fi-W (lnvs mori. ?.Iruit nnnniiiMit
; biiaines-.s men in Oregon tire investing. Don'i nevletrt this opiiortunitv to Got
j you v Flonio by tho Hea.
! A. . JIAOKETT, lUaiiii'or,
Btuulon Land Co., Union Oregon.
Y e 'p TT 1' V
j A 6 J- 1 J- Jv;
- iPimti pitv. nnrnnm
! - rT- - - - - 1 ll - '
r?l ET25 K M H PS
St 11 fawni mm fa Wtm fa rti m d n a M
roytfi'j yM ii tJ li.jn zi j rv vxozsz.b ?t 3 ! u u u it l,i rf ve i u i- i
la Connoctlon with the
Forma the
Quickest and Best Route
Between Eastern Orejrou and Vmhin j u
Paget found points, as well nslln' i
nlaraitd Direct Line to nl!
FREE SECOND "flLAHS Sl.EKl'i:!:-,'
Throuirli to fii. i'- rin i!;
PasHeiiBtr i'raiaaof thin Cor.ipi-'
regularly botwwii
' WALL4, WASH., iiikI
' 4f.
Maklug close ciaCion m ;i :
w ith Northern l'acifwMMior I . ,
Victoria B. v., EIWtobwSrjJorM' V
co, Sprairue, Chenw iMwMBior, -,
Butte, Helens, St. fataUHB'ti.: '
1 i&
Passenger Trains i;iakjL
leave Pendleton drdly at 7:
1 llbov
I p. in.
Through TicketsoKb'to all Points East
at the Lowest Rates.
Gen'l Kr't iind l'nss'gr Airent,
Wnlln Wiillu, Wash.
President mid Geu'l Malinger.
II. 1.. DKACON, Ticket Agent. Union, Oregon.
out of the Honorable Circuit Court of the
State of OrcKOit for the county of Union tome
directed uud delivered, bearing date thu 10th
day of December, lh'Jl, uikiii n ludtrinent uud 'or
der of sale of heretofore attached property en
tered the Uth day of Occemlier 1M)1; wherein
George llorsepool recovered judRinent airaiust
J. 1'. and Kliz.ilietli Clark for theiumof fill .o-j
with Interest thereon ut tiie rate of 10 per cent.
ltitr ittmmn frnlil On. 17th ilnv .if V.i,.....!,.. lull.
and the further sum of fr attorney fees ami
?:lt,ir for costs and disbursements which Juds;
incut was enrolled uud docketed in the Clerk's
olllce of said court, on tho 'Jth day of December,
1NM, uud decreeiiiK the siilo of the follou lnt; de
fcrlbcil real estate situated in Union countv,
Oregon, tow It: All the right title and interest
the said defendants J.l'.mul Kllznbcth Clark had
in and to the following described real estate, to
wit: Comnieuclnir eluht feet south of the smith
cast corner of block X, in Arnold A Dray's ad
dition to the town of I.u Ortiui'.e, Union countv,
Oregon, running thence, west, yio feet, thenco
south, 272 feet, thenco east. 210 feet, thenco
north 272 feet to the nltico of W'ulnnliiL'. known
as block :i lu Arnold A: Drnys udditioii to tho
town of I.u Grande, Union county. Oregon. Now,
therefore, under and by virtue 'of said execu
tion aud order of sale us aforesaid, I will sell at
inline auction at tue couri nouse door at culou
:'niou county, Oregon on the lSth duv of Janu
ary lSU2nt 2 o'clock P.M. of said day ull the
right title, interest or claim, of. in and to tlie
said heretofore attached propertv which the de
fendants J. P. and Kllzabeth Clark or cither of
them hud on tlie 1Mb day of October, ISill, or
have since acuuired thereto or sutlleleiit thereof
to satisfy said Judgment, Interest, attorney fees,
costs and accruing costs. Terms ef sale, cash to
mo In hand in U. S. gold coin.
Dated this 1 1 1 It day of December, IsM.
J. T. 1IOU.KS,
Sheriff u( Union couuty, Oregon
-VTOTICi: IS hkukiiy oivks that by yik
1 tue of iiii execution and ordes of sale is
sued out of the Honorable Circuit Court of tlie
State of Oregon for Union county, bearing date
tho 10th tlit of Decemlior. 1MH. and to mo direct
ed mid delivered upon a judgement mid or
der for sale of heretofore attached properly cn-
leroi on mu inn uay oi wciooer, is.yi ; wnoroiu
Ktemati Ijuld Is pluiullll and Don Turner and
M. Y. Harrison arc defendants, for tlie sum of
tflrj.oii. with iuteiest at the rate ofl0ier cent.
ler annum, from the Hth day of October, is'Jl,
uud the further Mint uf $18.01, for costs and dlx
bursmcuts of this action and orderimr tlie sale
of the following descrilxsl real estate, to-wit:All
ineriyiit iiueiiiiii iiucresi uuu ine iieicnumits,
Don Turner and M. W. (iarrlsoii or either of
them hud on the 11th dav ot August. ls'Jl. or af
ter acuuired lu or to the follow luu- descrllsil
real estate, ir . Lot 1, block :l, (with all of thu
Improvement thereon.) c strtt't in tho City of j
Ia li ramie, Union county, Oregon. Now, there
fore, under and by virtue of said execution and
order for sale ns aforesaid, I will sell at public
miction at tho court house door at Union. Vnloii
couuty, Oregon, ou the Kith day of Jmiuarv, '
lMU at 2 o'clock P. M. of said day all the right :
title and interest of lu and to thu said premises '
that Don Turner mid M. W. (iarrlsoii, said de- 1
fendautsor either af them had on the Uth day
of August lsiil.or after tutpilrtHl in or to the
alxivo descrilHsl real estate to satisfy said judg
meiit, attorney fees, costs, dlsbiirseiueuts .
and Interest as aforesaid anil accruing costs, .
Terms of sale, rash to ine in hand. !
Dated this llth day of DocemU'r, lS'Jl.
J. T. 1IOI.I.K8,
.Slierllt'of Union county, Orcgou.
Tlie Company will hereafter carry n full anil complete stock of
ricultural Implements.
F"This ilcparttncnt will lie nndur the ninnagetnent of Mr. Kllpatrick.
2-W-tf. THE IVS. & M. Co.
L. J. Bocthk, I'ropr.
Ojisite the Court House, t in u u
Having again assumed control ,f tins jiopuii,.
house, I cordially invite the public i i tciii"
a cull.
Tables Furnished with the Best
the Market Affords.
First-class Lodging. lOverythlnir mc, ,. and
neatly titled up.
Meals, Q Cei.cs.
Beds, Cents.
None but while cooks employed. i lti-tf.
Centennial Hotel,
Union, Oregon.l
- Proprietor,
- IJecofrnlzed by all as tho
Leading Hotel of Eastern Oregon!
FINK I.AKOi; SAMI'LE ItOOJIS For the Accomodation of Commercial Trnvolcrs,
Union. Oregon,
-Carries a full lino of all kinds of-
Harvesting Machinery and
Agricultural Implements,
Traction Engines and Vibrator Threshers.
gjtTl will soil ns cheap ns uny dealer in tlie valley. H-iiti-tf
Wm. E. Bowker,
To Whom it May ('onckiin:
Notice U liorehv rIvoii Hint ou the. SHli day of
October, ISM. T. J. t'luiudler, litMilvenl
dohtur teldldliiK near Klxlu, Union county,
Onwon. did conuiy by desl of Hli;mnciit to
V V White, under and by virtue of the pro
vUtoiin of thv tHlulcnl Onwon providing (or
thr Mbjlitovilt for tlie Unieflt of all tho ntwllt
nrtofthc iutli:iior, nil bU pniix-rl), both mil
uud uvrMMiitt, lu iriul for the Umtrill id the irf the Mid T. J. i handler, Ami nl.
in-rwHii, lutlillUK cluliu. Huaiut iliu Mild 1 i.
'liMU'licr, or In luuu hi u iinlt'lti, mc In n
KverythltiR First Class. Terms Very Reasonable.
'Bus to and Piom the Depot Making Connexion with all Pass
senjyer Trains.
Can now cure himself of tho deplora
ble results of Early Abuse nnd Perfectly
Restore his Visor aud Vitality l,,. ,
Home Treatment. The Remarkable Cures
of hopeless cases of Nervous Debility nnd
Private Complaints rtre stamping out
quackery everywhere. Treaties nnd
Question List, a physician's gift to
humanity, will bo SentFreo 0 those
aillicted. Address with stamp
105 Kearney St. Room 2
5-7-yl. San Francisco, Cal.
Obtained, and all Patent Business attended
to Promptly and for .Moderate Fees.
Ouroilice is opposite the U. t. Patent
Olllce, and we can obtain Patents In less
time than those remote from AVasoington.
Send MODKLor DKAWINO. Ve advise
as to patltetltnbililv frep of nhnrw nnd wn
We refer, here, tn tl
bum. of Money Order Div., and t I'ollicials
otthel.S. Patent Olllce. Fi:i circular,
advice, terms and rcirereneos m m-tnnl cli-
ents in your own State or County, write to
C. A. SNOW & Co.,
Opposite Patent Oilice. Washincton. 1). 0.
S A T A I?V I'cr week. AVnntcd.
our Kcneriil line ot nierehnudUe. No I'eddllui:.
Above salary will lie paid to "live" iiKentH.
lur further iniormiitlon inldrecH
-AJ-yi i,.s iMt mi lliiren bt., fhlciiBO, III.
Scientific American
Annnnv for
I al
TNAUt mlll
tllWNfiqHiHxl tlmreiu Aud Um'l I Mill Mill ul 1 """''d l'itifii iWi .lali.i. uu.Ur n
mMir itiuiiuii wi invcuun uuiim uki iu t uirni, i " - "'"" ' , , , , , ,
W U'. A HI tic, lul.
I . l ttlK. N'lV. Ik. MH.
uluu oui, umnwu, ou I wwU) lu Jblti iay
I Jcuiuof) , IMH, al o p. in ul M'.d U ,
lu and mm
litfrvlubWoni HKK'rlWnl imI twtau moi U..- m.i i
Wkulaul uad un III aanl aid il ut VtitvuilMT,
IWI, i lut iu' wiUliwl iiuittu, ui tuM Ubl
ul Mild pviMul aud itl 'i.'iU) in Mdlt
kll iutLMVMi inWoal. fl Ouihii ummU
4it1wL ttit '$ i. IM
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ItMUl Ml I ""Ul) . Ik ;.U
Nurit.'i. or H.w.i',
lu !
WUUl) WAK'rnp'-rl'filUw ilHlfUlillw
I' ay i!ii)r liiifnilwIuftM lu l hi liTiur
I lu , ,.,,'U 1 1 tll I . illol: I'll, t,i i .
III. HI lill xllallt i l.i I M i III 1 1 1 1,4k 1UH Ui Ii
b'-.-li, .i.'ll.v l l.vft i,i , Ii , ii I lull I Un r wUil
nltiliJ ul.'l I.) I Him ul Mtlil
U l'llll. l 'Cli tutoli I
Ukii utaK, li ni, Uiau
Uii iMut im i iii I tain oi.l. ufAluLal H utx
Ull U'I lil I Mill Mil lit MMMIMl M4llll
,1I fWlU'l iwiila ,
'i llf Uatiua, I.UW
u.(a4i Wlirtia,
III nuw iu mi
I llil
w I iwwli pmmi Ml itiHilMMI
UU HHIKIil, ut wu wi im
MM U ! I' M M MU Oat
izvmmk vriu Tcxrxxz
- As?
The OiawiO lJiCK TllltKAl) CO., OIajso. Conn., K--a
ulltutrllulolii prmiumlMoTtiuu4Uul IHil- Hat 10, fc H
i- Un. wulj l"oii, lor tin) lt f iKiiuitim ofrj f4 (wi P.',
im i v work, to u maiiii niuv irum nm '1 t-iiu.i r.v
1. 1 w.UTVIH.ttl 1-U 1. rilltKAl). M ...
k4 S4bTa fc-
. cue txtuUiiU cllu tl,..j F
GOLD r.. m i..
coin in rromiurriSi
Miin5.arl,ln ?nd freo Handbook writo to
niiHl ,t ,coi Buoauwav. New Youir.
2w,t.,Ju. '.or ;urin patent tn America.
ihZZfulc,ai tal0n out by ui is brought before
the public by a notico ct veu Xrco ot charge In the
$ titntitit jmtxitm
?eS. i ft .i w".b,0"' Jt. Weekly, 3.0(la
uViirixM ",,J: Addroaa MUSS & CO,
mwaiirus, Shi lltxudwnr. New Vork.
IT ibnuw
s:n Canity tJ
;tUti ci
HijtA P. Hlrk
J vim Van, N ,
'JO yriiiOfSleV
WTTt TTTf..M.lB .
Aak ruur ilMihf fur . m-iiian. uii full M k.
,. r..i-uiii. if ui i- u I .ii.1 ..f him. M IMi.ifua
wriui iiii nil I' iiiii.A 1 . fi . ,
I'liuJ AiiAlufv (...Mlt .J ,li ki wt T4
ill lki,n I l. min 1.1 I kl I 11
. DR. Mlirc furiVJlVX.
! Illlawi. ULiT u....i. . ..
W Vii...' ii.. '. V"Tf. ririli
br TWu lljlllr.
if It
Uttlu4 I'll Mi i
kk ruaiiKir l"
, i;piipjr, bi
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It II UltuWH, Aumt, Uiuoii, Ut