ALL KINDS OF The Soour has I 111 IS Commercial Printing li ii 1 I Double fiie Circulation IKiSK IT KKA.-oV miK KATK1-. :S V !! IN THE l'H NT 0 Horp Will tlio I'ress tlit 1 -topla's Klulits Mulntiiln. VOL VIII. UNION, OttEHOX, TUUKS1AY, DKCKIH BIIU IT, 1 SJ) NO. J5. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. .1. W. HHBt.TOX. " J, r. C.VHROI.!.. S HELTON Jt CAHROL L, Attorneys at Law, rxiox, om:gon. SpoHnl nttentin-.i (riven to'atl busiiitsn entrim tt to us. Ofllfre two cikrs Miuth of bank. 11. EAKIN. Attorney at L iw, I'NION, ORKlJON. fnunpt itttviitiou mil to all bunlnesa entrus tel to m. Officii two doors south of hnrriwarc store of Summors & I.ajrac. I. N. CROMWELL M. IX, Physician and Surgeon, rxjos, oiu:;ox. All callM promptly intended to tiny or night. Ollice with 15. lJnkin. Ileiilenco on A ttnet, fourth bonne west of Wright's store. E. BROOKS, M.' D., Physician and Surgeon, ISLAND CITY, OUKOOX Prompt uttciitiou givun to all professional calls, day or night. T. McNAUGHTON, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, Kl.tltS, OREGON. AH calls promptly attended to, day or night. W. H. - IS WIN, jr. D.. Physician and Surgeon, COVi:, OltKGON. All culls attended to, day or night. MRS. A. M. PELHAM, M. D. MomoQpathic Physician, Disecsso. of rhildreti a Specialty. (Mice at the llm resilience, North fiilon. City Meat Market, fXION, OltEtiOX. BENSON BROS. Proprietors. Beef, Pork, Veal, Mutton, Hams Lard, Etc,, Kept eoiistantly on hand. Cornucopia Saloon, I'NION, OllKOOX. WILLIAM WILSON, Proprietor. Finest of - ines. Liquors and Ci gars Kept in Stock. &F Liquor for medicinal ptirpoVH a i-pc-eially. (iood billiard table. Drop In and be feociuble. LUMBER for SALE - at the High Valley Saw Mill. All kinds of lumber constantly on hand or furnished on short notice. Prices cheap as the cheapest. Patronage - Solicited. I .r-;?0-tf M. WILKINSON A SON. L. J. Boctiii:, Propr. Opposite the Court House, Union, Oregon. Having again asmtrowl consul of thU popular nise, I cordially invito the public to ijtvo mo house, a call. Tables Furnished with the Best the Market Affords. Kirt-olas Uslgitm. Kverythlng ulcely and uotly lltted nf. Meals, O Cei.ts. Cents. None but wh'io ciolis employed. l-lfi-tl. Can now cure hiiusi-H of tin- deplora bio results of Harly Abuse and rerfoctly ReBtore ids Vigor anil .Vitality by our Home Treaiment. The Remarkable Cures of IwpeWrutfc- ..f IlSiiiiiiSJ '"! ! Prlvato Complalnu gtHniping out lutioUfry . vry wlni. Tri'nticM air: Question Litit. .1 pliyHu-ian'f gift to humanity, will b Sont Tro t.. thoe nillictad. Addri'i. with i.tan' 1'IONKKK IN'HTITL'IK, W.'i K-urn-y St liiKjin 2 ft-7-yL sut- Fin. '". 'al. ASCENSION i-s SGH00L1 A Uwrllu- u' t On 'i' 1 Hatou uiiul) . 'iuui, TM Id H WloTJi. M.iUHi.. I. I' K ' ' mi l Vi.ii ! 1U II II Humm, I'riwifn' , Mil- illi ,i 1 I. 1 1 The nrxl s' - ."ii i : -"i- i.liillcl In, I ll (fUT-riil leftu. ol 4wImUU Hi-pi) i Mw. 1101 CITY HOTEL iirl Here m Cornel ! Thev do sav he o tri-ie the finest .stock mid i -i-llinu cheaper than any Imiiv in town. You should jtist see ' CHR1STM S and NEW YEAR CARDS. Everything you want and enough lor all. Candies, Nuts, Tobacco O. F. BELL, Conveyancer, Abstracter and Searcher of Rec ords. Notari Public. I'nlnn, t'nion Comity, Oregon. rfir-Olllee, for the present) at residence in North Union. ll-'JC-tf. R. H. BROWN, Dealer In- mi nrn on TOILET ARTICLES, PERFUMERY. PAINTS. OILS, GLASS, PUTTY, Etc. A complete and varied Htock of wall paper al ways on hand. flF4 full supply of school books constantly on hand. DRIVER & MARTIN, M Bladsiiii AND WAGON WORK. Care amlattention paid to Shoeing Trotting Horses, In terfering and Contracted Feet a Specialty. 3SP Plow work, Laying of Cylinder Teeth, Dalauclug, etc., given special care. Shop Main St., Tnion, Oregon. .V7-tf. Tie Cove Drni Store JASPKK G. STKVENS, Propr. DKAI.KIt IN Patent Medicines, Perfumery, Paints and Oils. I'resciiptionn Cnrefully rroparod. ALSO DBA1.KU IN SPORTING GOODS, Consisting of Kifles, Shotguns, Pistols and Cartridges. Imported and Domestic Cigars. School Books, Etc. OPENED - ANEW! TDK I LKHoIiN Livery and Feed Stable. (Near the ( ourt 1 1 oil 65 jHulick -& "WnghtrpMietors. i tinod Tnm, Haggles hu1 HijdKfjfor the uc- oomoiwuon 01 euHiomurv. C II ARGES R EASONjvR LE. A ahara of the public patrouugo fcoHoiliil. Do You Want to SAVE l'KUM 25 I (J 50 LEl 1 b j j On Every Dollar You Spend? j . . , . 11 , W I lV ' Witt -vivwvn, 1 containing lllu.trailon. mid pnw of very-1 llilliir ninliufiict'llcil III tliO 1 uiuhj .-tan , M lu:itiu(aiturii l iff. lOftQQ illn.tiu ti 1 -, all line-, ri'pic ntfil. (at., n, in i.i.mrd If4 f hi. upplnali"! Adilrrsn. lIH'.VI.u liKM-HAl 1'1'JM V " IT- W. 4 SH yI 1 ' I- I For Sale. 1 'lit I'll lliltll .', M 1 tioll.t .11114 M I IH, U ..!!.. . . ...I lull 1 1. I. - I' 1 TV BdiGinos ji im on k'i Stop lis! Jf? and Cigars and all staple goods Constantly in Stock. RTASiniiGTOH. News or the Week From Our Kogular Cor respondent at tha Capital. Americans have moer ways, in ninny ie?peot, nnd it is not to ho wondered at that foreigneis, who judu largely from outward appearances, should fail to comprehend our real character. For instance, the United States supreme court tliis week heiud the arguments in the thice cases brought against the constitutionality of the McKinley tariff law, cases in which it is possible for a- decision of the court to turn the commercial and industiial world, us far as .they are represented in this country, upside down and per.-onally affect in out) way or the other, peihups one thiid of our population, and the fact excited no pubiie interest, ami at no time dining thofuveral days that the arguments were being mtulo by some of the ablest constitutional lawyers of the country was there fifty people in the court room, if members of the bar were not counted. That is one plnuo of Amer ican character. Now for another. In the District of Columbia's criminal court a man is being tried for having shot his wife and another man, and so gieatis the public interest that the judge has found it necessary to station ollicers tit the court room door to keep out the crowds. It would be presumption on the part of your correspondent to say how the supreme court will decide tho tariff cases, but it is apparent from tho questions asked by tho justices of the lawyers, while the argument was being made, that the validity of tho law will be sustained. Ex-Kepicscntativo Davidson's con test of Senator Call's seat will bo an interesting case. Senator Call has the certificate of election signed by tho presiding officers of tho two houses of the Florida legislature, and Air. Davidson has the governor's certificate. The case will turn upon tho right of a majority of tho legislature, which does not include a quorum of both houses, to meet and elect a senator. Tho precedents appear to bo in Call's favor, and a number of senators, including Yorhecs and Turpin, of Indiana, havo expressed themselves as believing that ho will bo confirmed in his seat. Mr Davidson says ho is confident the seat will bo given to him when the facts aro fully ptescnled. There is a general fooling of relief that the excitement attendant upon the hot and vicious fight for tho speak ership of the House of Represenlativeh will close tomorrow, when tho demo cratic caucus will end tho suspenso of tho candidates and their friends. Tho fight hits boon so conducted that much bitter feeling has been engendered that will bo likely to crop out to tho embarrassment of tho victor all during the long scesion of congress that will convono on Monday next. It is only natural that tho man who win will reward those who holpod with the most desirable committee chairmanships, and that will, of course, leave a good many gentlemen out in tho cold who bolievo themselves enti tled to prominent committees. The charge made by tho Mills men that ox-Roproaentativo Cochran, Solio-itor-Goneral of the Missouri Paoiflc frjeml 0f candidate Ilmoh, wag Milt jt(,J0 ,y Oonhl to work against MilU, i imlignnnlJy denied by Mr. Hatch ruid Mr. Corlirwi, but it is still - liiklt04l Ujion. Many dtmocraU who, h tting their .cal Ur one or tho idln r i,i the cuiididat' t t the bettor '. tin ir dii r linn, .iir inak.iir,' all knt ol ihulp t; .1 i 1 1 1 ! Iliii "v in 11U, will be aorry lt)i ntUi-u lliui lbtJ, UmI not K pt tluir to'iunei. biiUhl. hffn-Uiy 'iati will mi Monduy I, l! 11.111 III U M H' I, ucl OCtll It Ir alii 1 1. mil bIui! 1 1 i v t I. i t 11 noiniii.tti ,i 1 1 inluini , A' I. Hit iiit.ii Grant will Mtt an iu0rtftur' nl war II . pitmlHK 'I that l'i.l'Hl llalllaoll for we m on our -TO LAY IN OF!: f-lTPLY OF- will send a hit; batch of important nominations to tho enate next week, and that among them will bo a score - tary of war and an attorney-general, if Attorney-General .Miller is to go on " ii.,. iti.ttiii, ..I ....... .......... 1 ........ 1 .... iiiv i'i.;iii.ii ui bill 1IL-1 UllUlllli V;illlll IIS many believe. Considerable surprise was caused here by the announcement that tho farmers alliance candidate for congress, in tho election to be held on the !Hh inst. to fill the vacancy in the Eighth Virginia Congressional district mado by the death of the late Kepre&onta tive Lee, had withdrawn, as arrange ments had been made by Representa tive Jerry Sitnpion and other alliance men in congress to take an active part in the campaign. It is stated that the withdrawal was caused by the nomina tion of a lepubliean candidate, tho alliance managers having eountod upon tho support of tho republicans. There has been a number of alarming rumors in circulation this week about tho condition of Secretary Foster, who has hton confined to his residonc for some days, but his friends say that theio is no cause for alarm. Ho will go tooth for a couple of weeks for recuperation before returning to the tieasury department. .1. 11. C. EA.CLE VALLEY ITEMS. Kaoi.i: Vai.i.kv, December 11, 1K91. Plenty of hay in tho valley for sale, cheap. Buyers would do well to conic to Eagle valley. All of our neighbors who shipped horses east this fall have icturned. They report prions very low. Miss Nada Ilolcomb and Miss Lee, who have been teaching school in Pino valley, will return homo tomorrow. The weather is fine and tho health of our people is good. Wo have had ono little snow, hut it is all gone now. Messrs. Nobles it Dewlcy are stall feeding a lot of mutton sheep. Mr. Childs is also feeding a few mutton and stock sheep. The schools of Eagle valley will bo kept running till spring, with tho ex ception of ono, which will close soon. All are giving good satisfaction. Mr. Arthur Parker is teaching ono of the most successful terms ever taught in tho valley. Stall feeding is in full force now, both sheep and cattle. G. W. Moody is feeding a number of lino steers. Win. Gover is feeding a nice lot. Lam bert Case is feeding ISO head and 11. P. SwL'lier 200, all of which aro ready for market at any time. G. W. Moody's lino house and the losidcnco of Chandlor Bro. havo been finished. I1' rank P. Lee's hotiso is not yet completed. Cleaver is building a new store house. Orla Moody is build ing an addition to his saloon. Robert Gibson has his now blacksmith shop done and is ready for work. I will proparo an article for Till! Scout next woek in regard to tho La Grande Mcliainer who want to tako wator out of Eagle creel; for irrigating purposes. Thoy want to tako JO,O0U inches when there is not that much in tho creolc from tho lirat of July till bprin. 1 think they will havo it dry ditch in the summer and full when they need it worst. Will give you a full history in my noxt. IC. 70LF CREEK NEWS. Hurt ill lr, , l'ii (iilkii"i ! lit "Par.iiliM' John M loal. Mr. and Mm, K.iy a hi, Hurl. .lo-.c O'llry.iiit i rh i i i : : ( liilkl" 'II ant vuitiuu their till ulh ruin fr in li.t. ii'tuiii' it i . Humpli-r valley. M i l O'liryaui lit I a xuvor roUp..', lull I. liuW imiii.lli'M out It. V W.ll'i M.l" I lUllK lll Illl.l I - lii ...ii bli i' I i I Vi . I II U IJmlwin la huailjr tugup) Ill 'c ipplllg ill Nollll Pi'Wdfl way 1c 1. BilK his stoek of Y ASKS, JAPANESE GOODS, PLUSH GOODS, DOLLS. T . x One Door North Centennial Hotel. Milton Hughs has returned from a business trip to IJaker City. 1 S. C. Mann delivered a rtno lot of hogH t0 P)akor oity imrtieS) FHday. I , , 1 rrotraeti'd meetmg has commenced i ci at the North Powder Baptist church. Tho genuine Jim Wilson, of North Powder river, was with friends here re cently. Messrs. Henry Hatier and Jimmy Wicks havo taken a contraat for haul ing lumber at the Ballingal mill in Baker cotintyr John O'Briant, A. E. Carnes and Nick Nice, directors of District No. '-0, turned out and completely banked up tho school house, a work that was much needed. On Wednesday evening tho Uth, Lord Chief Justice Edwards of tho North Powder Circuit, which is tho first judicial circuit of tho United States, was seen to slowly and solemly wend his way to the North Powder hotel, the eauso was a mystery to the citizens, and all waited with anxiety and suspense to ascertain the decree of tho court. When at 7 o'clock tho solemn decision was announced that the court had made. One, William Heunsuckor ami Mrs. Renfro, man and wife. His honor performed tho arduous task with all tho dignity of a chase or marshall and for ought wo know did just as good ami lasting job. MEDICAL SPRINGS ITEMS. Mkdic.w. Bi'itiKOM, December 13, lsul. Everybody having u hog-killing time. Justus Wright is tho only man who can find time to visit his neighbors. Mrs. Mary Baker, of San Francisco, is visiting her mother, Mrs. J. B. Sams. There will bo a Christmas tree and dancing party at J. 15. Dolby's hall on Christmas eve. William Barnes is putting tho linhh iug touches on Dunham Wright's now building. He is an expert with the brush. Doolan Miles is preparing to move to his Powder river farm. If Doolan will make as good a farmer as ho is miner, he will surely succeed. Lyman Wright starts for Missouri in tho morning to attend tho bedside of his father.who is quite feeblo, and with out a change for the hotter cannot last long. W. N. Boyles, is justrccovcring from a very severe attack of a throat disease. There woro tome twelve days and nights that he could not lie down without smothering. Tho many friends of J. S. Vando vantur will bo pleased to, learn that ho is recovering from tho stroke of paraly sis which ho rocoivad while acting as juror at the last term of court at Un ion. Wo are uncoaaarily oompellod to cab On Dick Duncan for further inventions. Tho carts on certain tedious of tho mail route havo boon left off, and is now being carried in lion on horseback. What aro you going to do now Dick? Come to the front. John Parker and brother, of Har ney county, aro huro oh a visit, mid will probably loinain during tlio winter. Ho has a small vial of gold duut which he took from his placer claim, which ho located in that suction. I tell you there arc no tlitu on John. Co. W .Wright Uju&t completing uWr l,.,rn ...i iiia farm on Uw Pow.l. i. i lie way that alfalfa and red clover grow on Ilia ranch, ma lew years lie will need more lurti mmh, m i. ill ii.!'-on oveiiuueiit i 1 " i.u k .1. Wir Ii him i ii A id ' II 111 . 'ot.ii, Iji . . ... miiumui. tun 0411 m uuaineta. lie ha quauut) ul hay which,. it tin- liw piin t a llluj,', ho I It I ll L b) l I) i at tie Hint It i d.HK t '" He oi i" hi i. '!' .1 In lt l pi I' ' f V. Duinwii U liauHUtf lUiliU'i ainl'iun with out. utlo r m.ui Ui t .iMi'tJ gi Ulii)! nut lluibi l loi ,i I. .ii ii to Lij ' by lb. in fill! Sill j built on his tract of land on Lnwr ; Powder. He lias completed a s.g -i bru.-h grubber, and from his actions I it is evident that he has accomplished all he can without a partner. I People that desire tu travel n-r til j Union and Cornucopia road tu the I southeast portion of the county hau ' unnecessarily traveled a hundred miles or more, in tne last year, lor the sim ple reason of there being no finger board at tho forks of the roads at the old Gates farm where the High valley road leaves tho Cornucopia load. Mr. Supervisor get in and do what the law requires of you, and put up a linger board, or there will bo it kick coining. County Court. In tho matter of road petitioned for by J. H. Slater ct al; motion to open up caio allowed; objections to report filed by J. L. Cavinoss; argued and taken under advisement. In the matter of settlement with A. P. Greener: roport shows four daj'H work since last report; $12.00 ordered paid. In the matter of grand jury report, report taken under advisement, and recommendations will bo considered further. In the matter of receiving jail colls; received and contract price paid, to-wit, $1,1)80, ipl.-lfiO having been ad vanced on freight, making in all !r2,'i:i0. In tho matter of liquor license for T. A. Barton ; granted when money is paid. ' In tho matter of remain aneo of court house; it appealing that there was a clerical error in tho old policy, and that it doos not run out for a year yet, ordered that tho former order to re insure bo cancelled. In tho matter of putting out lights in court house; ordered that the sher iff ho instructed to turn tho out tho light in court house when not in use. In tho matter of road from Union to dopot, potitioned for by J. I). Carroll, et al; H. L. Dougherty, M. B. Rus and L. R. Holmes appointed viowcrt and J. L. Curtis surveyor, to view and sur vey tho road ami to make a careful es timate of tho cost of grading the same, to meet on Friday tho 18th day of De comber, 1891, at Union. In the matter of cancellation of county warrant?, Nob. 1121) and 12!i0, class Y cancelled, tho same having been allowed on duplicated bills. In tho matter of settlement with sherifl ; return on delinquent tax roll approved, clerk ordered to draw war rants in sheriff's favor for costs uncol lected from parties anil to extend tho ioturns on delinquent tax lion book. In tho matter of transfer from gen oral fund to contiuuent fund ; $1000 transferred. In tho matter of private roads; it appearing to tho court that there has been no eatablished rulo heretofore for tho payment of cost of establishing tho saine, it was ordered that hereafter surveyors and viewers bills be rendered to tho county court, to bo by tiu-m credited and paid out of tho treasury, and that a bill bo then rendered to tho petitioners and that thoy bo required under their bonds to reimburse the county for the same. In the matter of petition for justice of the peace for Union ; continued for tho term. In tho mutter of voting booths un der the Australian system ; clerk or dered to advortUu for plans and pro poiula for furnishing election booths lor tho county under tho new law, atnuo to he bubmittod at tho February term of court. i In the mattor ofjUeeH road; report of ,,T,,,7 1 " 3 il-in.itffri rrkiiil iii-ilir4il iiiu I , , ,jw mnlu,r , ,,,.(, (, now UK t, pule 4 ul the puuie lor K i j,rt i-oiitiiiueu lor the teim. 1 i the uiAttur i nr" -in e .imtv ivi'tt iii I'.ttln i. iii ii"K; W'tU it ' ' iw d Hud ordered p. 'id '' lU lolloWK, t. wit: Jaim M.T. n.ilrb, ifWiOU, HiiClia.. Arnold, 1S2.M JI. l.i'lirti. u IT Ml ll' .. . .... . ii ".I WM II., 1,1. . luKjlWI""' ' r,"l' T-W.OII. In the lnulli i " -I ptlUxl I 'litl id Cow tie nit. i'.n" uat'tk biOlllU tipiiLw .t ih a ib. .i HfJWenue. might In uil.iii.iti il .Vli X J-'JilW Mild NtUull m. iioon.,1. i w. re npiwiuliHl itrbilrii' "i.. i i! ji im mj unit hi minim