The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, December 03, 1891, Image 6

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    D. CHAHOEY, Publisher, Union, Or.
Th.6 Chi 110 SUSfar-D88l
. r. . M v,. t . mJo.
A Roseburg Man Objects to a Marriage
Ceremony Proceeding, and
is Bounced.
Parties have been violating tho No-
vada fish laws bv catching trout in tho
Tho infiuest on tho body of Constable
John Tcctor, killed by James Reed at
Tiuckeo. finds the killing was done in
a i,iHr floht iMtwnnn Los Aneolea
and the city water company has boon
Iin nnnoPBnnrv r chtJI
n - . T
to water sources.
. ,... .i
j:r.:.i.r..,tnn n,i Bi. win nr.
An ureiron wuiiiun unn iimcjiivii
uirirnuDiun ihhuiuhwj .....
hibit it at tho World's Fair. It is re
ported to work splendidly.
Annio Campbell has been indicted at
noise City for passing counterfeit money.
Rlie is believed to bo one of a gang op
erating in tho Northwestern Mutes,
Southern California promises to have
during tho next low months tho greatest
planting of orange and lemon orcharde
ever known in tho southern part of the
Tin oro that rivals tho Tomoscal prod
net has been found in abundance sixty
five miles oast of San Diego in tho La
cuna Mountains. Nino locations have
been made.
. A Tucson iurvhas found Georgo Roed,
who killed James Farrell at Nogalcs one
ear aco. guilty of manslaughter. Heed
is 00 years old, and his ago called
tjympnthy from tho jury.
President John A. Kemp of tho de
funct West Coast Insurance Company at
Tacoma has skipped from town, and ex
jierts aro at work on tho Iwoks to see if
there were any irregularities.
Tho Ohino sugar-leet factory is shut
down now until it can bo ascertained
from Washington whether it will bo per
mitted to hold Us syrups over until next
season boloro tnoy are run through ma'
ohinery and reduced.
Tho inquest on tho bodies of tho men
killed in the Anaconda mine in Montana
resulted in finding that the cago was
overloaded and tho ehaft was in good
condition. The jury rendered a verdict
exonerating tnu company irom all butuic
A. Mallory, D. V. Diamond, R. II
Pryko and H. A. Lusty havo Wen iiv
uietod by tho United State Brand jun
at Portland for conspiracy to defraud tin
government by fraudulently locating
parties on government land. They have
operated extensively in Seattle and other
ewes oi Washington.
Tho saw mills of Fresno county, Cal.,
located in tho Sierra Nevada Mountains
irom tho head waters of King's river to
tho head waters of tho San Joaquin and
its tributaries have nil closed down for
the season, winter weather having sot in
at that altitude. The output for the
neason is alwut 00,00O,O0J feet, valued at
$1,000,000. '
A. J. Glave, who has returned from an
expedition into Alaska, reports that ho
located tho source of tho Alaska river
about eleven miles northeast of Mount
St. Ellas, and found that tho whole of
tho country east of Scwatka's field of
exploration is available for pack horses.
Ho himsolf took and brought back four
horeoa in perfect condition. Ho will ask
tho government for an appropriation to
open up trails.
Tho Synod of the Presbyterian Church
at Modesto, Cal., is trying Rev. 11. C.
GUlinghnm, who is accused of vulgar
language, unchristian and unmiuistorial
conduct, visiting a place of amusement
in Snn Francisco where liquors aro dis
pensed, willful falsehood in claiming to
m a graduate of Princeton College and
the groat wealth of his father, fraudu
lently obtaining a license to nronrli
false swearing, slandering brethren and
claiming that his divorced wife was dead
The trial of tho threo Yuma Indians
wuo murdered their medicine man north
of the reservation last year, which took
placu in the United States District Court
at Los Angeles, was crhaps ono of tho
quickest trials ending in a conviction on
record. From tho time of commencing
uj impanoi uie jury until tno rendition
of the verdict and discharge but three
and one-half hours were consumed
Theao Indians will roceivo a death son
fence, but it is possible tho President
will be petitioned to change tho sentence
to imprisonment.
During tho marriage ceremony at Rose
burg, Or., which was to unlUs Charles
Allnkler and Lottie Citizen, when the
minister asked if any ono had any rea
son wny tno ceremony should not pro-
cml, a young dry-goods clerk named
Mannta stopcd forward, Having ho hud
serious objections. Ho said how-anted
to see and speak with tho girl privately.
Ho was put out of tho house, and a pis
tol was found in his pocket. He said he
iiad always wanted to marry tho girl,
lait had never gathered courage to toll
her of his toolings.
It it n singular fact that, while from
twenty to thirty licenses for tho Bale of
oleomargarine havo Uon issued by In
tornal Revenue Collector Woidler to
Waihington parties during the past few
months, not a license has been issued
for the sale of it in Oregon during the
rame period of time. Tills Is accounted
for by the stringency of tho Oregon laws
and comparative laxity oi ti Washing'
ton lawn regulating the iiiauufacturonml
ala of adulterated article of food.
The Oregon law requires all adulterated
MitlrlcM of food to I mi so laUdod that the
iHH(Hinr shall know w hat lie Is buying.
Tfela rnqulrtiiuwit apidlwi to retail qum
UUm f wwll km wiiwtwiU imckutHM. Ill
WM&tHgtati m Wi'Jt UlndlHg in rjulrl,
Japan Has Just Opened a New College
Which Is Called the Harris
School of Science.
There are 487 schools
in Irkutsk. Si-
beria. Tho population
nearly 000,000.
of Siberia is
Hereafter no tdrl can graduate from
the public schools in Boston until she
shall have successfully passed an exami
nation In cookery.
Prof. Harper of tho now Chicago Uni-
vcrBity has found difficulty in securing a
faculty abroad, owing to tlio operation
of the alien contract labor law.
A now college has been onened in Jn
pan, called the Harris School of Science.
It was onened with elaborate ceremony,
An American (Mr. Harris) contributed
tho money.
Helicons instruction is an important
part of tho elementary schools of 1'rus
sia. It is compulsory in both public
and private schools and a part of the
qunUications of the teacher.
Dr. John Plente, the amateur telescope
maker, is now finishing a 30'.-inch ml
ver-on-glass mirror for Alleghany Col
lege, which, when mounted, will give
that institution the largest reflecting tel
escope in tins country.
President Dwight of Yale, while not
favoring tho admission of women to
study in tho classes with men, docs wish
R'o had a woman's annex, and the only
objection lie nuns to us establishment is
that the un versity has not the money
w im
The older buildings of Harvard Col-
I t ji it f l i r
lege nave i imiowing uates: .viasea.
CllUSOttH llall. 17U: JlOlden. 1 l,H I UOl
lis, 1763; .Harvard, 1760; Stoughton,
jau-t: university, 101. me corner-
i ... . ,1:1 ... ,0,0
?ne oro . " 18 ." m ..1.t".
IxjokB boinir moved into the library in
tho vacation of 1814. There were 41,000
volumes at that time.
All the children in school in Prussia,
numberum 4.000.000. on a certain day
were examined and tho color of their
eyes and hair carefully registered. It
was found that 42.07 per cent, had blue
eyes and 24.31 per cent. brovn, while no
less than T& cent, had blonde nair,
per cent, brown and only 1.21 per eent,
black hair. Only 0.5." per cent, again
are of brunette complexion.
Mrs. Palmer Highly Approves an Idea
Originated by Mrs. Price of
North Carolina.
Paraguay has decided to participate in
tho exposition. Barbadocs, French Gui
ana, Coylon and Uorea liavo also joined
tho list.
Tho State of Idaho has applied for 10,-
000 Bouare feet of space in the mines
and mining building for a display of
Tho Acrlcultural Society of France
has decided to oiler a mi m bar of premi
ums for tho bestrronch horses shown
at tho fair.
Tho District of Columbia haH decided
to ask Congress for an appropriation of
sou.uuu to enamo it to inaao u creuuauio
exhibit at tho lair.
Wisconsin's buildinc at tho exposition
win no hux Hi leot. three stories tiiu-li and
If 1 1 nv . . .
of the Queen Anno stylo of architecture.
its cost is estimated at ?21),000.
mi i i . . ... . , . . . I
Tho upholsterers of Philadelphia have
applied for 50,000 square feet of space
in the manufactures building for n col
lective exhibit from their several estab
Tho btlildinus of the World' Cnlum.
bian hx posit on accord nir to Section II
oi mo act ot congress providing for the
fair aro to bo dedicated October 12, 1802;
tho exposition is to bo onon to visitors
not later than May 1, 1803.
Hassan Bon AH of Morocco is seokinir
a concession to make a Morocco 6xhibit
at tho exposition. Ho says ho will spend
$50,000 in showing the people, manners,
customs, amnsenients, etc., of his coun
try and in bringing to Ohicaim n trihn nf
Tho number of intending exhibitors
... i. i , , , ...
who uavo appuou mr spuco at tho expo
sition reached 1,023 on October 24. This
is a much larger number than tho Con
tenulal had at a eorremimnlini'lv mirlv
date. Tho number does not include any
foreign applications, all of which aro
made to their respective national com
Seventy-four cases of rollcs of the In
dians and mound builders havo been re
ceived by the department of ethnology
of the exposition from Chilllcotho, O.
ihey contain a great variety of prehis
toric implements and uteiiBils, snoli as
axes, arrow neaus, pipes, bowls, jars
etc. inev wore exhumed bv a nartv
acting under tho direction of Chief
rut num.
Ample restaurant accommodations aro
to te provided nt tho exposition grounds
Tho locations for restaurantaThviB fardo
cided upon are four in the-&i&nea and
mining building, sixteen in tho manu
facturea building and aix on the esplan
ado in front, four In the electricity build
Ing and two in tho women's Imlldlnv.
Somo are on the ground lloor and some
in tno gaiiertes.
Mrs. Charles Prlco of Salisbury, N. 0.
Third Vice-President of the lWrd n
Ijwly Managers of tho World's Fair, has
just received a letter from .Mrs. Potter
Palmer hlghtly approving an idea, origi
nated by Mrs. Price, of employing for
guides at the fair a number of Southern
women, who will thus bo given an on
portunity of paying their expenses dur
ing the exposition and perhaps earning
ii immiMjiuo num.
ThomaB A. Edison, thn famous oWtrl.
clan, has applied for 35.000 feet of space.
or about one-seventh of nil tho electric
ity building contains. " I havo it from
Mr. Edison himself." said Chief John P.
Barrett, "that his display at the fair Is
to lio tho greatest achievement of his
life. In talking of his annllcatlnn for
apace .nr. r.iiisou admitted that ho was
i vi . . i . . i . . .
Hsiung for a largo section of tlio build
ing; Mint every inch will bo put to good
purpose.' ho added. ' I shall not u hi.
n foot of the area assigned to me, but
will present a series of tho most inter
esting electrical inventions over nro.
dueed. I happen to know," Prof, flar-
rott added, "that Mr, Edion is doing
iihi at no saya, lie Is making an almost
nnumcrable list of novel ami Morcinm.
lar exhibits. Other electricians ur tnt
Idle, We are I ready crowded for pca
in our building, and if the demand con.
limn an it ut Ihuii, 1 don't kuowlmw
win uosowmwutw nil tliolilWUrg,"
the Coal Miners
Indiana Strike
A Now Haven Tobacco Dealer Says the
Sale of Cigarottes to Yale
Boys is Falling Oft"
The uniform export bill of lading is to
go Into ellect ueccmber l.
Over 52,700 Immigrants arrived in
this country during September.
The Haron Hirsch trustees havo pur
chased 0,000 acres at Woodbine, N. J
Day and night shuts ol men are now
worked on all tho exposition building,
The remains of Jefferson Davis are to
bo placed in Hollywood cemetery, Rich
mond, va.
The Baltimore American says: Balti
more has not had a bank failure for fifty-
seven years.
Heavy losses are being sustained by
stockmen in Texas, owing to tho the se
vere drought,
About fifty of the released Tennessee
convicts havo been captured in Kentucky
and returned.
Arrangements nro being made to lay a
cable from Nassau to Jupiter Inlet on
the coast of Florida.
Out of respect to State laws the Fed
eral government will not sell customs
liquors by auction in Maine.
Pennsylvania's loss by the dishonesty
of Banlsley & Co. was (W5,072 instead
of $1,300 378, ns first reported.
Tho earnings of tho Denver and Rio
Grande for October are 847,000, a de
crease of $24,180 from last year.
Tho designs for the now fractional cur
rency of the country have been approved
by tho secretary oi the treasury,
A tobacco dealer in Now Haven, whoso
trade in tho main m with ale bovs.
says that tho sale of cigarettes is falling
Stops have been taken by the Cham
ber of Commerce in St. Paul to start an
immigration movement in that city and
Heirs of George W. Morse of Louisiana
will suo tho government for $4,500,000
for infringing his breech-loading rillo
A column of masonrv in Kansas marks
tho exact geographical center of the
United States, evidently without count
ing Alaska.
The success of tho Brooklyn bridge
has suggested to capitalists to form a
company with a capital ot !fZ4,uuu,uuu
for the purpose of building two more
bridgfis across the Last river.
The new Hebrew Orphan Asylum in
Brooklyn cost about $1213,000. It is to
be five stories high and to havo a front
ago of 130 foot. It will accommodate
several hundred orphans.
Tho retired commander of the Seven
teenth Infantry. General Mizner. has
''' .i.iiuih , uiiiiuitu .iiiaiiui. into
been placed in a private asylum under
treatment for softening of tlio brain.
Tho annual report of the Board of
General Appraisers of New York recom
mends that the right of appeal be vested
in uie secretary ot tho Treasury only.
Iwo men havo been arrested bv United
nllp..,.-! ft,0i.i t ,i, ' .
The Chicago Citv Council has granted
a right oi wav to tho Chicago K ova tod
Terminal Railway Company. This is
tho nuich-diecuBsed lino moiected bv
Goneral Torrence.
This season no less 414 horses havo
made records of a milo in tho teons, to
say nothing of the records t hut have
been made in the tens by Sunol. Nancy
naiiKS, raio Alto, Allerton, Nol6on and
The Farmers' Alliance in Kentucky
has opened a storo in Louisville and
taken options on thirty-live others
throughout the Stato, with tho avowed
intention of revolutionizing tho farm
supply business.
Tho now Board of Directors of the
Denver and Rio Grande road has elected
Georgo Coppell Chairman of tho board;
Edward T. Jeffrey, President and Gen
oral Manager; J G. Glhulv, Treasurer,
and W. Wagner, Secretary."
The allotment of land in severalty
among Arapahoe and Chevonne Indiana
on tho Milk River reservation is going
stoadily forward, and bv next spring it
is expected the remainder of their reser
vation will be opened to settlement.
Ono of the big Florida hotels has tho
gToat orchestrion which was exhibited
at thu Paris exhibition. Telephones are
piareu in oocn room, and are connectod
with tho orchestrion so that each guest
may near the music whon ho wishes.
A New York jury has awarded Thomas
fortune, the colored oditor of tho New
lork Age, $825 damages in an notion
brought ngainst tho nranrietor of
bixth-nvonuo hotel for being assaulted
and refused a drink because of his color.
. W. Ixin g. a memler of the North
Carolina House of Representatives, and
a number of othor largo planters in tho
Roanoke bottoms nro completing ar
rangements to bring to thoir plantations
some wo of tho expatriated Ruf-Btan-
Jewish farmers.
Not for vears has tho sunnlv nf drink
uig wniur neen so low at ow York, nor
has tho danger of genuine water famine
boon greater than at the present. Com
missioner Gilroy says unless there is
rain the water will fast only fifteen or
twenty daya more.
The Chornkees since JiiiK'i Rnxin'a
leclidon that thev do not own tho Strin
aro now ready to renew tho negotiations,
which were broken off last venr. for the
sale of tho laud to the government.
Chief Maves, It is said, favors the dispo
sition of the outlet.
Tho minor of hltiimtnniw ivtul In In.
liana have decidid to ntnka for advance
of ft cent per tn. Tho blnckcoal miu
en have already struck f-ir 10 rents' mi.
yanro, 1 Jih niKtratora rofue to pay tho
ncrcHio. AH thu minor In tho Htato of
r .hum are now out. ami a lonu md
dtupwftt) UttU U looktKl tor,
Vdcai Wimin, Has
' Electing Funds
Duchess' Fad
Mrs. C 'S. i -
Geniu fn
Louis KoPirh is now in his POth year.
Bishop Phillips Itrooks speaks '312
words a minutH
Lawyer MrOnrdv. who won tho cipe
for the. Tllden heirs, receives $400,1 '00
for his fee.
Tolstoi'f lean and cadaverous look at
tracted much attention while he wni in
Paris recent l .
Baron Arthur Roth-child, a n 'ili"v
of the head of tho gn-at linancia. n iiiso,
is serving his twelve mnitlis in tlio
French army as a private soldior.
OjIoiioI L L. Denning of New York
enjoys the honor of being the child of
parents wedded bv the poet, William
Cullen Brvant, when the latter was a
Justice of tho Peace in a Lon Island
Cardinal Lavigerio was onco a beau
sabreur, Cardinal Howard formerly held
a commission in thu Life Guards, and
tho Cardinal Archbishop of Perth was
in his youth the smartest of Austrian
II. P. Cheatham of North Carolina,
the only colored member of the next
Congress, is a collego graduate, ami is
said to be the best educated negro, with
a single exception, that has yet sat in
the House.
Mr. Gladstone iB almost the only mem
ber of tho House of Commons who sits
uncovered in Parliament. Thus his face
is more readily scanned by visitors, who
look at Britain's legislators at a distance
through a grating.
Senator Hale's family is moving into
his now mansion in Washington at Six
teenth and K streets. It is hardly hab
itable, and tho approaches are incom
plete, out worK is Deing vigorously
pushed to completion.
Alnhonso Daudet is growing very fee
ble, and is now almost blind. His intel
ligent wilo is tup constant companion.
and to her he is dictating a novel by the
title oi " La. Uoulou, ' which in all prob
ability will be his Inst.
Dr. Dumesnil is tho name of a physi
cian of St. Louis, who declares that he
has discovered peculiar microscopical
insects in cigarettes. Now and then by
the naked vision a peculiar form can be
observed pulling on one.
General C. W. Field of Washington
denies that he recently made a speech in
Richmond in tavor ot untuning the Uon
federate flag at the Chicago Fair. The
General was not at the meeting, and
docs not sympathize with the sentiments
of the speech.
Jonnv hind Uoldechnndt's memory
will hn kent alive amonir other wava bv
a muicnl scholarship, to establish which
a large number of eminent artists have
agreed to take part in a concert, which
will le given in London early in the
coming spring.
Colonel George W. Hooker of Vrmnnt
declares that General Proctor, the Green
Mountain statesman, who was in Presi
dent Harrison's Cabinet, possesses more
of tlio nualitit'B and characteristics of
Abraham Lincoln than any other puolic
man of this generation.
The Grand Duchess Serg'iis. who is re
ported to bo one of the best dressed
women in Russia, gots but few of her
wvnp from Paris, alio learned scientific
dressmaking in London, and with the
assitftnc of a couple of clever women
of her bed chnmlier makes nearlvallthe
dress-OS intended for homo ne. Onlv
her gala costumes come from the artistes
of Puns.
Chicago has a woman. Mrs. Carse. who
hnR a genius for collecting funds. To
i v t. . i . i
Part of her succes-j seems to consist in
so timing ner cans as to catch the per
sons she solicits from just after they
havo comfortably dined or lunched.
Mrs. Carse, it is Ptated. raised the greater
part of $1,000.1)00 for tho Temneranco
lempio now building in Uhicago.
Full Text of the President's Thanks
giving Proclamation Puyallup
Indian Reservation.
It was expected that the vexed ques
tions regnrding tho Puyallup Indian
reservation at Tacoma would be settled
by tho commission which was sent out
there by an act of the last Congress, but
it seems mat this commission has not
done what they were expected to do,
nun iiiu inif&uijii i mane is as iar irom
settlement as before. The Indians have
bargained away ponio of thoir most val
uablo lands. Their lands nro needed
for tho development ofTncoma as a citv.
aim tney aro useless to the Indians, ex
cept for what they can get for thorn.
Tho matter of the'individual and tribal
rights of tho Indians was sumosed to be
determined by tho commission, also the
nguis oi ine men who navo bargained
with tho Indians for thoir lands, but
tho commi-sion's report, now with the
fcecretary, is far from satisfactory, and
will bo little or no help in aiding him to
uiaKO a recommendation to Congress.
The Puyallup matter will have to be
fought all over again this winter.
Tho fulltextof tho President's thanks
giving proclamation is as follows: It is
a very glad incident to the marvelous
prosperity which has crowned the year
now drawing to a close that its helpful
and reassuring touch has been felt bv
all tho people. It has been n wide as
our country, and so special that every
home has felt its influence. It is too
great to bo tho work of man's power,
and too particular to be the device of
his mind. To God, the Iteuetlceut ami
allwiso, who makes tho labors of men to
Iw fruitful, redeems their losses by his
grace, and tho measure of his giving is
is as much beyond the thoughts of man
as it is beyond his deserts, the praise
and gratitude of the people of
tins favored nation are duo. Now,
therefore. L Benlamin Harrison. Presi.
dent of tno United States of America,
do hereby appoint Thursday, the "nth
day of NoveiuW, to Iw a day of thanks
giving io uiw tor tno bounties of his
provldeneo, for the peace In which wo
are permitted to enjoy them, and for
the preservation of these iiibtitntimix r
civil mid religious liberty which ho gave
our fathers the wltxtoiu to devise ami o-
tabiuii, and iu tho courage to proarv.
Among the anpronnute otMorvani-xn .if
the day are reel from toll, t lie rrtiiiiu iil
of family tie ttlwut our American nri
iildt, and tlioiitflitfiiliuw toward tho
who mimtf jack ot tliu body or ol spirit,
The Peter's Pence From
England Meager.
The Municipal Elections in England
Forecast the Triumph of the
London has 0,000 telephones.
England has 70,000 barmaids.
London has ten main railroad lines.
Switzerland has abolished national
Serious floods are reported in Valencia,
Spain ; also at Cadiz.
The potato crop in Northern Hungary
has tailed, and a tamine is leared.
Prince Bismarck oniwses the law which
reduces the army service in Germany to
two years.
Catholic prelates in Italy havo no
doubt that Pope Leo's successor will be
an Italian.
The Argentine bennte has passed a
bill repealing the tax levied upon private
bank deposits.
The Austrian police have confiscated
the report of the Brussels International
Lalwr Congress.
Ladv Dilke has decided on continuing
her trade-union campaign among the
women workers.
Thirty thousand men aro idle through
the strike of the engineers of the Wear-
side Durham. England.
The municipal elections in England
forecast a triumph for tlio Gladstonians
in tho coining Parliamentary elections.
The duty which France proposes to
put on American pork is 25 francs per
100 kilos, equal to about 2l cents per
It is daily becoming more clear that
French financial houses are saddled with
more Russian stocks than they are able
to carry.
The people of Afghanistan, groaning
under the heavy taxes their ruler im
1osps, are skipping over tho border at a
lively rate.
Rain has fallen in torrents in the prov
ince o( Malaga. The lower-lying quar
ters of Golila and Perehel have been
Earl Duffrin's appoint ment as Warden
of the Cinque Ports is viewed in England
as a bribe to cause him to adhere to the
The height of fashion in Pans is to
have evervthim Russian, the glamour of
tho French-Russian understanding em
phasizing the fad.
A bil has lK?en read the tirst time in
the Brazilian Senate, the object of wliicl
is to close the coasting trade to shi pl
under foreign Hags
uirmingnam nns beaten umdon m
the struggle for the possession of a great
water-shed in Wales as a permnnont
source ot water supply.
There are rumors at St. Petersburg
affecting the stability of ten b-nking
houses, some of which are considered
the soundest in that citv.
Inquiry is being made into the unlaw
ful extension of mininggalleriesat Lich
tenau, endangering tho safety of the
Silesian Mountain railroad.
Emin Pnsha has written a letter stat
ing that ho intends to enter the territory
of the King of Ruhanda, which has
never been visited bv Europeans
inoso Alsatians ot omcial prominence
who attended a late J?errv banquet are
being dismissed from office or forced to
resign by the Germnn government.
Tho House of Representatives of New
Zealand has passed a bill granting resi
dential suffrage to women and qualify
ing them for election to Parliament.
In a recent report of the municipal
head of Moscow it is shown that the
corruption of tho Court of Probate and
fublic Administration is very great.
The Moscow Gazette demands tho for
mation of a Ministry of Agriculture
which, it sets forth, would prevent the
conflicting policies leading to the famine.
The Enmross of China has reeentlv
leen endeavoring to give an impetus to
the manufacture of silk In that country
by starting a silk-weaving department of
her own.
A new paper. The Wamhrina Peonle.
will be started in London next month.
It will bo published in the svdbv tonmie
and edited by George Smith, the king of
tho gypsies.
The Danes do not reouire the makers
of oleomargarine to Btamp the kegs in
which it is packed, but they do require
that it bo nearly white in o'rder to dis
tinguish it from butter.
Much disappointment is reported to
be felt in Vatican financial circles at the
extremely meager results of the offer
ings for Peter's pence from England, the
amount being only about 500.
It is said the Russian peasants are
enting str,nw in their bread. The French
peasants were eating grass by the road
side not long before the Revolution ol
173. History may repeat itself.
With a ready market for an enormous
wine crop and with its crops of co-eals
considerably awe the nveraire. Italv
ought during tho coming voir to enter
upon a now period of prosperity.
The German government has decided
to establish a ship-building yard on a
small scale on the shores of Lake Vic
toria Nyanza. and measures are Wing
In Von to tn lh dlwn Into tviition.
, Jh 0,"tfH! irAi,uvy(l'tty!MuP ' yarrow WRAWhtth
Produce. Fruit, Ktc.
Wheat Valley. 1.G01.G7!$; Walla
Walla, $1.521.55 per contnl.
Flouh Standard. $5.00. Walla Walla.
M.80; Graham, fl.00; Superfine, $3.00
per barrel.
Oats Now, 4245c per bushel.
Hay $UW13 per ton.
MiLLSTL'KFH Bran, $1!); snorts, 2 ;
ground Hurley, $22.50(rt2.") ; chop feed,
flS u'lO per ton ; feed barley, $20; mid
dlings, sf2;i per ton; brewing barley,
jl.Ulftr 1.15 per cental.
Bi'ttku Oregon fancy creainery, 35i
37)'ec; fancy dairy, 3iWVr;2lc; lair to
good, 2oC'i27.Hc; "common, 1522jc;
Eastern, 2531,lt!c per pound.
Oiikkse Oregon, 14ft 15o; Eastern,
14(315c per pound.
Loos Oregon,
27i..i ner dozen.
3032c; Eastern,
Poultry Old chickens. 3.504 00:
young chickens, $2.U03.50 ; ducks, $5.00
7.50; geese, $9.0010.00 per dozen;
turkeys, 14c per pound. Cabbage, nominal. 75cra
$1 percental ; cauliflower,. 25 er dozen ;
Onions, 75e(i$l per cental ; potatoes, 40o;
00c per sack: sweet potatoes, 2c per
pound ; California celery, 75c per dozen
hunches; fancy Oregon celery, 50c per
dozen bunches ; carrots, $1 per sack ;
beets, $1 per sack.
Fhuith Sicily lemons, $8.50; Califor
nia, j&.ouca'U.bu per oox ; appies, wqjnjc
per box; bananas, $3.5004.00 a bunch;
pineapples, (5o per oozen; grapes,
Muscat and black, 5J80c per crate;
pears, 75$1 per box; quinces, $1iul
1.25 ner box: cranberries, $llll per
barrel; Oregon cranberries, $0.50 per
barrel; Smyrna figs, 1722lac per
pound ; citrons, 27c per pound.
Nuts California walnuts.llOjc;
hickory, 8V.c; Brazils, 10llc; al
monds, UJ(!?18c; filberts, 1314c; pine
nuts, 1718c; pecans, 1718c; cocoa
nuts, 8c; hazel, 8c; peanuts, 8c per
Stniile Groceries.
Honey 17.18c per pound.
Salt LiveriKwl, $14.50, $15.50016.50 ;
stock, $1I12 per ton.
Kick Japan, $o.uu; island, $n.76 per
Beanh Small white, 2c; pink, 2V.c;
bayos, 2J4c; butter, 3jgc; limas, o,Hc
per pound.
CoFi'Ki: costa mca, zuMaic:
''V- Mocha. 3Uc: Java. 2oc:
per buckle's, 100-pound cases, 21 c
Suoau u, -i-Jbc; uoiuen j, 4c;
extra U, 4?c; granulated, o?-cc;
cube crushed and powdered, 0c; con-
jectioners' A,o,lj,c; maple sugar, 10
15c per pound.
Sviiui' eastern, m oarreis, -ixes-ioc:
half-barrels, 4447c; in cases. 55(jc80e
er'gallon : $2.25 per keg. California, in
barrels, liOe per gallon ; $1.75 per keg.
Dhikp Fai'iTS Italian prunes, lj.tfo;
Petite and German, 0lj7c per pound;
raisins, sft.-UMi.wu p?r oox; piummer
dried pears, Hfe'Jc; sun-dried and lac
tory plums, Oc; evaporated peaches,
9llc; Smyrna figs, 1722jfcc; Cali
fornia, figs, 7c per pound.
Canned Goons Table fruits. $l.lifi
1.80, 2M; peaches, $1.80(2.2.00; Bart
lett pears, $1.80 1.90; plums, $1.37
1.50; strawberries, $2.25; cherries, $2.25
2.40; blackberries, $1.85 1.1)0: rasp
berries, $2.40; pineapples, $2.252.80;
apricots,$1.6Q1.70. Pie fruit: Assorted,
$1.101.20; peaches, $1.25; plums, $lm
1.10; blackberries, $1.25(1 1.40 per dozen.
Vegetables: Corn, $1.101.75; tomatoes,
Wc$3.00; sugar peas, $1.00(31.15;
string beans, 90c$1.00 per dozen.
Fish: Sardines, 75c(31.G5; lobsters, $2.30
3.50. Condensed milk : Eagle brand,
$8.10; Crown, $7.00; Highland, $6.50;
Champion, $5.50; Monroe, $6.75 per case.
Meats : Corned beof , $1 90 ; chippy' beef,
$2.10; lunch tongue. f3.10 Is, 5 50 2a;
deviled ham, $1.252.65 per dozen.
Nails Base quotations: Iron, $3.00;
steol, $3.00; wire, $3.50 per keg.
Ihon liar, 34o per pound.
Steel 10c per pound.
Tin I. C. charcoal, 14x20, prime qual
ity, $8.008.50 per box ; for crosses, $2"
extra per lox; rooting, 14x20, prime
quality, $6.75 per box; I. C. coke plates,
14x2!), prime quality, $7.75 per box.
Lead 13UV per jwundj bar, 6)ac.
Soi.peu i;tla(216jc per pound, ac
cording to grade.
Shot $1.85 per sack.
lIoilSKKllOES $5.
Naval Stouks Oakum, $5 per bale;
rosin, $4 605.00 per 280 pounds; tar,
Stockholm, $12.00; Carolina, $7.00 per
barrel ; pitch, $6 00 per barrel ; turpen
tine, 65c per gallon in carload lots.
Ilitlt-n, 'Wool atnri Hop.
Hides Dry hides, selected prime. 8l
gflc; '-ac less for culls: green, selected.
over 55 pounds, 4c ; under 65 pounds, So ;
sheep pelts, short wool, 3050c; me
dium, U0(i80c; long, 90c$1.25; shear
lings, iu(W20o; tnllow. good to choice. 3
3.ltjC per ound.
Wool Willamette Valley. 17Gil0o:
Eastern Oregon. 10 17c ier pounds
according to conditions and shrinkage.
Hoi-s Nominal; 1215c per pound.
The Meat Market.
Bkki Live. 2c ; dressed, 5(3 0c.
.Mutton-Live, sheared, 3!ic: dressed.
7ft 8c.
Hoos Live, 6c; dressed, 7c.
Veal 57c per pound.
Smoked Meats Eastern ham, 12
13S..c; other varieties, 12,Uc; breakfast
lwcon, 1316c; smoked bacon, llL4i
11?4C per pound.
Laud Compound, 10c; pure, lllSo;
Oregon, 10s ft 12)0 per pound.
ltni; anil ItitKsMm;.
Burlaps, S-oz., 40-inch, net cash, t;
burlaps, 10l...-oz., 40-lnch, net cash, 7c;
burlaps, 12-oz., -15-inch, net c.ikIi, 7l.j-;
burlaps, 16-oz., 00-lnch, 11c; burlnpa.Ll).
07..,7t)-inch, 13c. Wheat bags Calcutta,
22x3G, spot, 9c; three-bushel oat bags,
8c. Centals second-hand wheat bags,,