r rrlfaT&rlflTlrr YlTlTrlTIT. rITlTlTlrTlTai ALL KINDS OF TD The Scout has Double the Circulation Commercial Printing I fiL fit Ml inWS AT UKASO:AriI.E KATE.". l DONE AT REASON A RLE RATES. OP ANY rAPEK IN THE COUNTY. J Here Will tho Press tho People's RlRHtn Mnlntnln. VOL VIII. UNION, OllEGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER , 1891 . NO. 24. mtmt. mum PROFESSIONAL CARDS. J. TV. SHELTON. J. M. CARROLL. SHELTON & CARROLL, Attorneys at Law, I'NIOS", OK KG ON. Special attention kIvcii to nil business entrus ted to us. Olllce two doors south of bank. R. EAKIN, Attorney at L i w? UNION, ORKCiOX. I'rompt attention paid to all business entrus ted to me. Olllce two doors south of hardware store of Hummers & Lnyne. I. N. CROMWELL M. D., Physician and Surgeon, UNION, ORKCiOX. All ciiIIh promptly attended to day or night. Office with It. Kakln. Residence on A street, fourth house west of Wright's store. E. BROOKS, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, ISLAXD CITY, ORKCiOX I'rompt attention given to nil professional calls, day or night. T. McNAUGHTON, M. 1)., Physician and Surgeon, KM UN, ORKCiOX. All calls promptly attended to, day or night. W. II. EWIN, M. D Pliysician and Surgeon, COVK, ORRGOX. All calls attended to, day or night. MRS. A. M. PELHAM, M. D. Hoiuoepaihic Physician, DUeeses of Children a Specialty. Ollice at the Ulm residence, North Union. City Meat Market, UNION, ORKCiOX. BENSON BROS. Proprietors. Beef, Pork, Veal, Mutton, Hams Lard, Etc,, Kept constantly on hand. Cornucopia Saloon, UNION, OKKGON. WILLIAM WILSON, PROPRIETOR. Finest of 'vines, Liquors and Ci gars Kept in Stock. t Liquors for medicinal purposes n spe cialty. Good billiard table. Drop In and be sociable, LUMBER for SALE at the High Valley Saw -Mill. Ail kinds of lumber constantly on baud or furnished on short notice, l'riees cheap as the cheapest. Patronage - Solicited. 5-:l0-tf W.M. WILKINSON J: SON. L. J. Boothk, Propr. Opposite tho Court House, Union, Oregon. Having ugalu assumed control of this popular house, 1 cordially invite the public to give me a rail. HON CITY HOTEL Tables Furnished with the Best the Market, Affords. First-class Lodgiug. Kverything nicely and neatly fitted up. ' Meals, O Cercs. Beds, Cents. Nono but whlto cooks employed. HC-tf. A WEAK MAIM Can now euro himself of tlio deplora blo results of Early Abuse nnd Perfe ctly Restore his Vigor and Vitality foy 0ur Home Treatment. The Remarkable Cures of hopeless cases of Nervous Debility and Private Complaints are stamping out quackery everywhere. Treaties and Question List, a physician's gift to humanity, will he Sent Free to those afflicted. Address with stamp PIONEER INSTITUTE, 105 Kearney St. Room 2 5-7-yl. San FraneUco, Cal. ASCENSION :-: SCHOOL! . A Hoarding uud Iu hclioo! for oirl. t'ovu, Union Count) , oregou Tile ItT. Rev II. Wihtah Mourns, 1. I . Rector and VUltor Mim II II. llottM K, I'rluolixit Mm. Aiitiiuu IteoMsv. AsUtut. The next Sowlon of Uilt Scltool OjKsn September 16, iKjji. gtfior Itinui i) wltuu i) HtKVCk. V ti. ml t$L Here I e Cone! Thev do say ho carries tho finest stock and is selling cheaper than any house in town. You should just sec STMAS and NEW YEAR CARDS. Everything you want and enough for all. CHRISTM Candies, Jfnts, Tobacco O. F. BELL, Conveyancer, Abstracter and Searcher of Rec ords. Notary Public. Union, Union County, Oregon. tfWOftlce, (for the present) at residence in North Union. U-2C-tf. R. H. BROWN, -Pealer in- Drugs anuMeflicmes TOILET ARTICLES, PERFUMERY, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, PUTTY, Etc. A complete anil varied stock of will paper al ways on .hand. A full supply of school books constantly Oil 11111)11. DRIVER & MARTIN, rinn'l TUnnWi 111 AND WAGON WORK. Care and utteution paid to Shoeing Trotting Horses, In terfering and Contracted Feet a Specialty. JV Plow work, laying of Cylinder Teeth, Jlalaucing, etc., given special care. Shop Main St., Union, Oregon. 5-7-tf. ft Cove Drug Store JASPER G. STEVENS, Propr. DEALKIt IN PURE DRUGS Patent Medicines, Perfumery, Paints and Oils. Prescriptions Carefully Prepared, ALSO DKAI.F.rt IN SPORTING GOODS, Consisting or 4 Rifles, Shotguns, Pistols and Cartridges. Imported and Domestic Cigars, School Books, lite. OPENED - ANEW! TI1K KLKHORX Livery and Feed Stable. (Xear the Court Home.) Hulick & Wright, Proprietors. flood Teams. Uugglcs and Hacks for the ac comodation of customers. CHARGES REASONABLE. A share of the public patronage solicited. t;-ttf. Do You Want to SAVE PROM 25 TO 50 CENTS On Every Dollar You Spend? If so, wrlto for our Illustrated Catalogue, containinc illustrations and prices of every thing manufactured in the United States, at manufacturers' prices. 10,000 illustra tions, all lines represented. Catalogue mailed free on application. Address, CHICAGO GKNKKAL SUPPLY CO., 178 West Van Huron St., Chicago, III. t-SS-vl For Sale. I.MHM IH l llll1, ('..IJ.MlUg "I MI lU'll't All under (titiH', (until milliard, n'm nam, IllillH', SIMKll Luril. "Ill titllUltllM Mild HHf Ml Hi I, lug rtuklUbiit.Mt luu it) Hmw nm,r lii'iulrv "I I) lir "gl. iAi',iir i: i 111 UDll DfMblll Mi Slip Us! $ For m are on m HOLIDAY GOODS! and Cigars and all staple goods Constantly in Stock. WASHINGTON. Our Weekly Letter From the National Capital. THE CALDRON BEGINNING TO BOIL Herman J. Shultels Makes Some Observa tions on Board an Immigrant Steamship. Washington. Xovemvcr .. l.sgi. Editor Orkgox Scout: Tlio National political caldron, which hns been cold for several months, is now beginning to bubble and in a few days more it will begin to boil in such a lively manner as to keep the eyes of the entire country focusscd upon Washington for a year to come. Fuel will bo furnished by the republi cans, the democrats and tho alliance men. The democrats arc starting oft' with the speakership light, which daily grows warmor and warmer, the result of which will determine whether the democratic chances for next year are to be hurt or helped. A new and unexpected complication has been sprung this week by tho declaration of Tammany Hall for Crisp. It is difficult to say at this time whether Mr. Crisp will be injured or benefitted by this support. A month ago almost any well-informed man would have said that it would kill his chances ; but in politics as in other things "nothing succeeds like success," and tho great majority by which tho democrats carried New York state in a campaign in which Tammany Hall was made the principal issue, has given that organi zation greater political prestige than it ever had before. Its leaders are shrewd ; they know that tho vote of Nov York is absolutely necessary to democratic success next year, and they claim to control that vote. Whatever its final result, Tammany's support has given Crisp a temporary boom. After congress meets and tho speaker of the house is elected, things in Wash ington will begin to grow extremely interesting. While there isn't much probability of any important legisla tion being enacted, owing to the senate's being republican and the houso democratic, it is upon the floors of the respective chambers that tho preliminary moves of the presidential campaign will be made, by making known the intention of both parties, while the alliance men in both bodies may bo relied upon to give both democrats and republican an oppor tunity to vote for or against all of tho measures adopted by that organization. The wisdom of giving the labor organizations representation unon tho itho commission sent to Europe by tho treasury departmenet, to investigate immigration, under an act of the last congress, has been fully demonstrated by tho verbal report of Mr. Herman J. Bchultcis, who was appointed as the representative of the federation of labor. Mr. Schulteis came over in the steerago of a European steamer in disguise, as an "assisted" immigrant, and ho dis covered that aboard of ono vessel there wore more than a hundred of tho same class, and that tho most shocking immoralities were practiced in tho steerage and participated in by mem bers of the crew of the ship. Ho also discovered that there is a lot of crook edness on the part of our own officials n this immigration business. These ditcoverits havo made Mr. Bchultcis a target for tho abuse of tho steamship pcoplo and tho ring which is in collusion with them to laud undesirable immi grants in this country, but Becrutary Foster promised him this week when ho. was hero that he would see that ho had ample opportunity to provo all ho charged, and (lint ho would, if lie iiiccoedud, ttnnd by liim to tlio urul. Mr Hrhiilleu cuiin-hoio from Wjuuon tin uiitio yearn ago, ami ho lui lung boon -TO LAY IN OUR SUPPLY OF- prominent in labor circles. He is a member of the National committee named by the convention, which organized the people's party at Cincin nati. Secretary Rusk does somo plain talking in his annual report about tho placing of hides on the free list by the McKinley tariff law. He says: "The large quantities of hides which arc being shipped to the United States from foreign countries, and aro admit ted free of duty, havo caused a great depreciation in tho prices realized for hides of domestic production. This has had a marked tendency toward keeping down the prico of cattle, and has, consequently, added to tho bur dons of our agricultural population." Tho secretary recommends that the president tako advantago of tho recip rocity clause of tho MoKinloy law, which authorizes him to restoro tho old duty upon hides shipped from any country which shall not by the first of January, 18!)2, havo granted equal concessions by tho free admission of the agricultural products of tho United States, to put the duty back upon hides shipped from those countries which havo not entered into reciprocal agree ments with us. It is expected in administration circles that a reciprocity agreement with Mexico will bo officially an nounced within thirty days. Minister Ryan, who was hero the first of tho week to receive Mr. Blaine's final instructions concerning the details, is now on his way to Mexico. Mr. Wanamaker thinks tho export ment of free mail delivery in small places is a success, and will recommend in his animal report that congress appropriate money enough for its general extension. J. H. C. ELGIN NOTES. Gleaned From the Newsy Pages of the Elgin Recorder. Messrs. S. F. Singlotary and Arthur Ilallgarth will give a grand masque rade ball in Tompson's hall, in this city, on Christinas eve. "Uncle" Jo Harris has purchased the farm on tho Flat known as the Tom Rarnes ranch. It consists of 1C0 acres and was purchased for $2,1)00. A good bargain. I). Sommer is putting material on tho ground for tho construction of a new store building, which wo under stand will be used, when complete, as a hardware store. Win. Ezell returned from I'ortland Tuesday evening, whoro ho had been with a load of fat hogs. He reports a pleasant and proiitablo trip. If Elgin precinct contained a few more rustlers like Mr. E. there would always bo a market found for our surplus products. Within tho last two weeks two well known citizens of this county havo disappeared irom La Grande, or its immediate vicinity, in a very mysteri ous manner; tho first of theso is R. B. Wightman of this precinct. Mr. W. went to La Grande Saturday, tho 11th day of Nov,, and sinco that timo no trace of him can bo discovered by his friends, and unless he took it sudden notion to visit Ins family, who live back east, there is but little doubt that ho has been foully dealt with. Mr. Wightman has been it resident of this section for nearly two years and is looked upon as an upright, industrious citizen, and the manner in which ho left his business hero causes his friends to fear tho worHt. Guaranteed Cure, Wu authorize our advertised druggist to sell Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, upon this coudltlou. If you are mulcted with u rough, Cold or any I.uiik, Throat or Client Iroubtu, and will use this reme dy directed, giving It u fair trial, and rxe rlii(o mi bouuflt, you tuny return iliu Uiltlo mid huvu your money reluudud. Wu could not Hiuku lids otrw did not know that Dr. KIuk's Ndh DUisn ury oould l rullml on. It uyvurdU apxfliu. Trh.l UttiWn Irvo at It. . Ilroim's drug u,r I mi no :) mid ll.ui. Adu'rllM" in Tin; Ojiuuon Hum r. j to DEC. Ml his stock of VASES, JAPANESE GOODS, PLUS II GOODS, DOLLS, TOY One Door COVE CULLINGS. An Epitome of the Village Happenings. LEIGHTON ACADEMY REOPENED The Grain Thief Abroad lu the Land Thanksgiving Dlnnor Per sonal Mention. Covb, December 'J, 1S91 Wcathor not favorable for tho farm ers. Xellcy's place is being improved by putting in anew counter. Don't, forget to encourage tho Christ mas treo which is talked of. John Hough is delivering colory at La Grande by the wagon load. Mr. Lyman Wright, of Medical Springs, was in town recently. Hort Denton has left Island City and is going on tho Minam to winter, Mr. Jo. Harrison and wifo havo been visiting relatives in Covo tho past weok. Matt Shaw, of the Park, was down last week laying in a supply of winter apples. Tho flouring mill, tannery, cider factory and soda factory aro running full blast. A. J. Hackctt and Miss Mollio Fos tcr, of Union, attended tho Thanks giving dinner. Frank Stewart and son, of Lower Cove, are preparing to go cast with a lot of horses. Quito a number of Coveites attended the Firemen's bull at Union, and ro port an enjoyable time. Services at Ascension church next Sunday evening at 7 :30 o'clock. Sun day sshool at tho usual hour. A great many of tho farmers aro repairing their plows, preparing to go to work when the rain ceases. Miss Lillian Collison, ono of tho teachers at La Grande, spent Thanks giving with her sister, principal of the public school at this place. The dinner at tho school houso Fri day, followed by tho drawing of tho feast table, and exercises, was a very pleasant and suro success. Tho Thanksgiving dinner was a great success, and tho church will bo sealed. Wo did not learn tho exact amount of tho proceeds. Goblo Droa. wore down from Dig creek recently. They purchased a lot of clothing of E. 1. McDaniel it Son, who sell that lino of goods tho cheap est. Tho difl'erenco botween tho weather at this placo and La Grande is a fea ture that bcicutists should record, for Monday it was quite pleasant hero, not storming at all, but rained most all day at La Grande. A short timo ago somo party or parties hauled a load of barley from Mr. Powell's granary on tho Reed ranch. It is tho genoral opinion that tho thieves are verv hard up to stoal barley ut tho present prico of tho grain. Leighton Academy was reoponed Tuosday morning with a fair attend ance. The eflbrts of tho principal and proprietor, Rov. A. Roonoy, should bo encouraged and assisted in every way possible by tho peoplo of Union coun ty. Tho tuition is only 0 per month, in advance, for day pupils, und ar rangements aro being nutdo to rccoivo boarders. All should encourage the school by u liberal patronage. Your correspondent was very cordi ally entertained ono day last week by Mr. J. M. l'hy at his now iciddoiico in Union, mid was very much pleased to woo tho modern improvements itiid convenient nrraiiKumuiiU with which ho u mirroinnltil, including ulcctiio Unlit", commit imvomoiiu, woven wlro TIMEU STORE, North Centennial Hotel. fence, etc. Ho has a largo and com modious dwelling, and wo feel assured that all his friends desire for him suc cess and pleasure, which is justly duo such a man and so nice a family. WOLF CREEK NEWS. Xoveuiber, ISM. Durt Ray has moved to Mr. Deatty'a ranch. James Gilkinson, Sr., has returned from Union. II. 0. Gorham is feeding a fine lot o( beef cattle. 1. W. Maharry will soon begin the erection of a new barn. Tho Misses Powers, of North Pow der river, aro guests at S. C. Mann's. Miss Lill Harrison, of "quartz gulch," was rounding up this vicinity tho latter part of last week. There is a young man over on North Powder river whose visits aro becom ing very regular on Wolf creek. Wolf creek's lady representatives at tho Thanksgiving ball wcro tho Misses May and Dora O'Dryant and Lucy Gorham. James Simonis took in tho shooting match at North Powder Thanksgiving, but wo think James was ono of the boys that had no troublo in bringing his turkoys home. Every person was pleased with the Thanksgiving ball given by tho North Powder vLodgo of I. O. O. F. J. M. Gilkinson and John Craig, the efficient floor managers, deserve credit for the manner in which the ball was con ducted. Wo understand that there will be a meeting at North Powdor Friday night for tho purposo of organizing a lyce um, and we do trust that it may bo a success, as there is nothing that can bo of more bonciit to any community than a good lyceum. After a few days rest of his ponder ous brain, and ample exercise of his pipe stems, tho Prodigal Son took his way toward tho rising sun where he expects to become fabulously wealthy in mining quartz, composed princi pally of succor stono and green core. Abcut a week ago Mr. Thomas O'Dryant was kicked by a horse, but not thinking that he was badly hurt did not call a doctor till Friday, when Dr. Diggors was called and found that his log was broken. Owing to Mr. O'Dryant's age, and tho nature of tho break, ho will havo to undergo a long siege before he will bo ablo to get around. Moro Anon. NORTH POWDER NUQQETS. Somo wot weather at present. W. W. makes lots of fun at a party. Mrs. James Garens visited her friends J. 11. Parker and family last week. Mrs. Goldman Venablo and baby, Lconu, aro visiting La Grande friends. B. Vundccar has a lino lot of furni ture ho ia selling cheap, fresh from. Portland. Thos. O'Dryant is suffering from u fracture of tho hip, caused by tho kick of a horse. Murry Mutt is out on Dig creek ami Lookout mountain with u "rounding up" party from Dakor. Much credit is duo Mr. Faulkner, proprietor of tho North Powder hotel, for the elegant supper ho served for tho dancers. Tho Thanksgiving ball, given under tho auspices of tho I. O. 0. F. was a grand success. Another ono is billed for Christmas night. LlHTNKlt. Take It Before Breakfast. Tliu great uppetltur, toulo uud liver regulator. In use for more than U) years lu Kugluud. lol tlvo kpvclilfl for llvvr complaint. Had taste iu the mouth oil urMug lu tliu morning, dull p1" lu the lit-ad uud hack of tho eyc, tired fiwllug, dluluuss, languor -ymptoiint of liver com plaint. Itemed) lr Henley's KnglUU lte- llnuTniilc. ilolluves roiutlpatlou, slmrpekwttitj uppulllo and touts up lue enllru syslvm (kK tliu geniiliw from your dniggut for l, ami utw according lu dlrvrtlout