The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, November 26, 1891, Image 8

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    t .waft hi w aw u iftfflflitHlfclWK
THURSDAY. NOV. 2(5. 1891.
Writlcn for Tub Scout.
I'm standing In the forest deep
Where the shade Is lnrk ntil drear,
Where tlio on lets pit by day nnd deep
Tlll.tlic mill iloth disappear.
Above my IicikI the cedar tree,
With their leaves forever green,
Thrust out their llnibi to the gentle brcoc
Ami the llrx thrust their limbs bcttteou.
I turn my gur.o toward the sky,
Hut I see not the nzurc blue;
The boughs forbid my peering eye
To picric their darkness through.
Underneath In thin shaded it
The fern and the tall brakes grow;
In silent rest the old logs rot
That stood an tree long ago.
The vine mnple doublet and bends
Into shapes unique to behold,
Btarts up, tuniK sideways, then semis
An ulbow to rest In the mould.
Tlieu again It arises anew,
Its limbs the brlslitett of green,
I think, at Hh beauty I view,
I'll the crookedest shrub ever seen.
I now leave this darkened retreat
And go whsre the sunbcimiH shine;
And here, at I walk, are my fict
Kutnuglcd with dewberry vine.
1 past from one scene to another,
'.Mnng trees whose tops reueli the sky
And seem to vie with each other
In breathing the zephyrs on high.
-11. C. Umkuv.
Wiuiwood, Wath.
Oregon Muit Act.
The appended editorial from the
Orcgonian shows that Portland is be
coming active in that which the out
side portion of the state have been wait
ing to see manifest by the metropolis
a move toward a representation of the
state at the world's fair. An attempt
to raise funds throughout the state
without first having an assurance of
what Portland would do was useless.
This has been a stumbling block in the
way of the solicitors sent out by the
Btatc board of trade. Now it seems
that Portland will guarantco $!.r,000
oi tlio if 100,000 to hu raised, ho it id
stated by those having the matter in
hand, and there will he very little dif
ficulty in Oregon getting to thu front.
The following from the Orcgouiun
strikes thu heart's chord of every true
citizen of the state:
Oregon must be represented at the
world's fair. This is tin imperative
duty. Neglect of thu duty would dis
honor tlio btate. There hits been a
great deal of preliminary talk. The
time has now come for action. Post
ponement has reached its limit; if any
thing is to be done, there must be no
further delay.
"Oregon need not erect a building
at Chicago, since she can pluce her ex
hibits in different departments of the
general exposition. If, however, it is
deemed advisable to erect a building,
a structure uniciuo in iuelf and distinct
ly representative of the state should be
constructed. The materials should bo
those of our own state. Tlio building
need not be a costly one, but should be
so designed as to nntko a display of
our grunt timber and the beamy and
variety of our finishing woods. A
building would be desirable us head
quarters for tlio people of our state,
but it is not indispensable. Itmiht
be thought well, however, to devote a
few thousand dollars to such a struct
ure. Hut tlio main thing is to make
an exhibit of the products and re
sources of thu state. To this end
money must be subscribed. Much of
this money must be had at Portland;
Portland must take the lead in thu
undertaking. Help undoubtedly can
bo hud from the state at large, but
Portland must be foremost. It is pro
posed that during the coming wcuk
the eil'ort shall ho pushed here. A
meeting of Portland's most substantial
and responsible citizens is suggested
as the most ell'ective way of making a
"It is easy to say that the legisla
ture of the state ought to have made
provision for all this, but the legisla
ture did not do so, and it is useless to
talk about that now. Later wu shall
make an appeal to the legislature, and
it cannot be doubted that it will re
spond. Hut tlio money must be raised
now for the introductory work. It
can bo raised only by generous subscrip
tions from private citizens, Thu whole
btate will help, but Portland must
take thu lead. Procrastination is at !
an end. Our statu cannot, must not,
stiller thu disgrace of non-appearance
on this gieatest of occasions, when all
hr sister states will be lepresented
uud the whole world will be a witness.
All along this has been felt, but the i
duty has been postponed us not yet
supremely urgent. Hut now it is j
supremely urgent. Oregon must be
represented at Chicago, and action I
must be taken now. In a day or two j
further announcements will he made."
Agents Wanted ;
Our agents male Sloo tnf:UUa mouth selling
our goods on their merlin. Wo it ant count) uud
general agent., mid will tale buck nil goods mi
sold If a county agent falls tocjear IIUI mid ex i
pen.c Hfter u thirty tla)' trial, or u general
agent Icm Hum We will wild largo Illus
trated cIrculHi niul letter v It It h special oiler to !
nil territory applied for, on receipt of time'
our cent slamp. Apply at mice aud get In on
tlirUxim. Address,
ItKKMiii JUM'ranniiKu i .,
4.) IllUUtrgfa. I'M
fut tfonty iu Thy I'tirio "
Our lii'ly nnuler will U-'liH'jih nit i
ffctul in (Iu inlwitiM'iiH lit "I 1 i !"(
iMCS Tluvtfil ('. islib li o'i i mi inir
llilOlul i,igv.
A Daus-rouj Counterfeit.
The secret service division of the
treasury department has information
of the existence of a most dangerous $'20
counterfeit gold certificate It if a pho
tographic counterfeit, check letter A H.
K. iJrinv register, James (HlUlllun
treasurer, act of July 12. ISSii, depart
ment seriey A 87U,lMf. Apart from the
counterfeit containing the figure -'0 on
the face, and the iortrait of (Jarlicld,
there is little of the gray of the photo
graph lilyjut it. The teal is small and
scalloped, having a reddish tinge, ap
parently applied with a brush. The
number is very pronounced and heavier
than in the genuine. The surface on
the note is one-half of an inch shorter
and one-eighth of an inch narrower
than the genuine. It has two parallel
silk threads running through it. The
tint on the hack of the note is liiiht
brown, while in the genuine notes it is
orange. This counterfeit ih determined
by the character of its tint rather than
by the lines in the engraving, as it is a
photograph of genuine work.
Tlio Examiner.
Everrlncc the establishment of the first paper on
the bay of San I'ranclsco, which wc Isclleve wa
the "Alia," removed from Monterey In 1813; the
Inhabitants of the Coast generally have been Inter
ested in the news from San I'rancisco. The "Alia,"
like ninny other ploneeri of '49, has succumbed to
the Inevitable and gone over to the great majority,
ami, like other pioneers, has been succeeded by
younger generations. The "Examiner" hat
taken perhaps the most prominent place In the
newspaper field of late years, and Its Weekly
edition Is very generally taken by those who
want an interesting and reliable paper published
at "The ''Bay." Kveryone is latnlllar with
the Premium Offers made by Mr. Hearst, the
"Kzamlner's" enterprising publisher, and it li
only necessary to say that this year the aggregate
value of the premiums of which there are 5,000
Is $135,000, which are distributed among all the
subscribers to the paper. In addiUon to these pre
miums, which range in value from CO cents to
$7,500, every subscriber receive one of the tour
great premium pictures, which will be mailed to
him In tube direct from the " Examiner " office
as soon aa the subscription i s received:
" The Retreat from Moscow," U MtlKonler.
" Tie Soman Chariot Bate," br A. Winer.
liach oV these pictures is 21x28 Inches, and they
are elegantly reproduced in fac simile, showing
every tint and color of the great original, either
one of which could not be purchased for $100,000.
" Women and Children First." b7 C. Napier Heif
"Christ Leafing the Pratorlnm'bF Qnstaye Dore
Each of these pictures Is reproduced in photo-
f;ravure, site 21x28, and eminently fitted for fram
ng, and will adorn the walls of the most refined
The subscription price of the " Weekly Exami
ner" is $I.50,and subscriptions may be sent either
direct to W. K. Hearst. Publisher, San Francisco,
through the Ixxat Agent of the ''Kxamlucr" or
Ue Postmaster.
The Kxamincr and S-roUTwill both bo sent to
any addles 011 leeelpt of 12.75 null In ad niice.
Kuril subscriber ulll also lime his choice of the
iiIkivc pictures unit a chance in the K.Miininer's
grand draw lug. ('all 11 1 'I'm: Sroi'T ntlice 11 ml
De-ervlng FraUe.
Wu iIcIm' (o say to our citizens, that for ciirn
past we have lieen selling Dr. King's New Ills-
covery for Consumption, Dr. King's New Life
rille, Dlieklen'M Arnica Salve mid Klectrlc lilt-
tern, and have never Jiandlcd iciuedlcH that hell
iik well, or that have shell such universal satis
faction. We do not hesitate to guarantee them
every time, mid vicstuuil icudy to refund the
purchase pi Ice If satisfactory icstilts do not
follow ihcir use. Thc-o lcmcdlcs liuc won
their ixipiiliirlty vilely on their merit!'. It. II.
llrowu, druggM, 1'nlnii, Oregon.
0. I BELL,
Conveyancer, Abstracter and Searcher of Rec
ords. Notary Public.
I'nlon, l 11 ton County, Oregon.
fkfOltlrv, (for the piCM'tit) ut residence In
North Villon, U-'.Vtf.
A Rare Chance to Make Money.
Heroes of Unknown Seas
and Savage Lands.
A record of the (In I lands, and de-
crlplIouN of the lliNt 1 l by Kiiropeana
to the wild niccN of the v ,. thrlllliiK uiirra
tlx en of oyi:eK,dlMMeru .nlvcnturcN, Imtlles,
darlu and MillerliiKK of ihu heroic charaelerh,
bold e.vplorers mid dauiitloMt iitrlt. i'Metra
biruc luiuc" and over iw ciiKniviugN of uitMir
luihhcil ln'iiiitv, ineluilliu: double-puKC plntcx In
oil eolois, llliift riitiii- celebrated events in tho
world bUlorj.
n imcncy l worth at from f.1 tciJUln day;
don't delay uud thU chance to make a
lurco amount of money in a short time. K.
perlemv In not nccvMir : we leach you riiv,
uinl ourkpeelal plun liiMire .iieeesk. Noctinl
tut ivmuIhmI; we will allow llility days credit
011 all onlerN It dcMrcd. Illustrated cliculars
nod etm liberal terniK nialKil frw on appllcu
tloil or to kis'llle the iikciicv tiiiuusllatelv, K'lid
fl for luenth' eoiiiplele eauiihlui; oiitllt and
stale choice of teirltor: or mail us a prn
iK'ettiK rent ou by miiiiu other house, and send
11a 2t rchlN Hi Ktampto pay ihisIiikc, and we
will semi you our new hiimboiiic prosKH'lun
Sl'liClAL TliRMS
tit uhe you better
terms than any other house. Send for them and
U conxluceil. AnraiiKeiiieuts can be made so
that your onlcrs will ho delivered toy mi freeof
all exiense, 11 -
We jul) the frelubt.
We hlinUll 1kc free.
We uu fur haiillllsT to the drjHit.
We allow ait clrii dlseouni for cash.
We kIvo a copy in the bet bludliiK fnvwltli
even 20 orders.
sPl('l l f''fy oueof onrtiKentii ban the
Ol Ikslll4 ailvniitaK'e. In addition to the
liberal commissions, of our craud Premium
oiler of a live tilp to uud irom ('IiIciiko diiiini;
the World's I'alr. 'Act at once. Address
r.M'irif I'tuti.isiiiNd co.
Aliluswoilli llloel., t'01 II11111I, (treg.iil,
To Whom it May i .im mix
Notlcv is herehv k'vcii that ui the .mill day of
Uololwr, IMU. T. J. 1 handler, an insolvent
dutttor iMldldlUK near Klalu. I iilon imiiuIv
Oruami, did eoile iliv.1 01 asslaninenl I 1
W W lille, uudwr aud b virtue of the pit
tlaiww til Hu- statute 01 OrtaMi puitlilina r
lis AMiauiwut tr l lie U in-n 1 of all im in 11.
'TV 1M HHP JHUWf. .11 III. ni-llt, .Mill, il
tittd iwrwtual, In 1'ii't
III. lu'lU'lil
tmltliw of tH mII I
Iimiii liulilllia rUiii"
1 IihimIU 1 . " I" li'H'i
iiilllrl l, .itrul llu.
h Im nun blr-l , 1 '
lull l'i I ' I 'I'll 1 .11 I
I1 M f hi HI'I I'M "'
IhiikI il n
,11 . 1 II..' l.l I
ill' '("I Hl' III '
I'd ml I
ii'. I'tliiu
U 11 . 1 1 i alMliut
A. n nounce rn ent,
in rniin pitv jnncPMi
M. & M. Co.
Have on the way and now
The Company ill .hereafter
"-This department will be'ttnder
I ho facilities having been increased by the addition of a line assortment, of
now type and 11 large invoice of tlio finest papers and material, is. now better
prepared to execute
hort notice. 011 at once if you want anything in the way of
on s
Letter Heads,
Hill Heads,
Shipping Tags,
I.egnl Blanks,
CMr"Satisfacti(jn Guaranteed in Every
Attended to. Address:
The CllJlSaO
Un. Hold
AT DO 6,
m m m m m m m
tt -p; '
fV UHLMlt!
arriving, several car loads
carry a full and complete Mock of
the management of Mr. Kllpatrick.
THE M. & M. Co.
Business Cards,
Society Cards,
Visiting Cards.
Wedding Cards,
Hall Programs,
Instance. Orders by Mail Promptly
Union, Oregon.
For Sale!
The undersigned
lias for sale a choice
lot of Cotswold bucks.
Cove, Oregon.
LACKT1IUKAD CO.. Olaaeo. Conn., j
S4 !. IW
Voin, lor the Ut peclmens of J
in nnm umiivo inauunu uu i
funcy WOIK, 10 Ml IUUO only iiumi mi
10 all ruidtrUt 0 tte IMUaI t&ittt. I
X-rT,T T TTg-r-T-I-T 5
600 Yard.
gold : Premiums K
Atk your limltt for flrciilani Ktvtnir full M ... ,M M
information. If not tj I- lout of lum.'M lllalrlrd II
till MIT HIM. AV. M IVwkrl W
4lufeory prooh vt pur iluw M K
Ullty furiil.lil, M v. , . v. 7 s
luck l lllifUl) co . iiiuo.Cw.n. XZXXXXS
l tue of an execution Issued out of the Hon
orable Circuit Court ol the stale 01 urecou ior
Union countv, lK-arim; date the ittth day of Octo
ber isoi, to inu directed and delivered Uloli n
Judgement entered therein on the 2ltli day of
Vebruarv, ISfil, which judgment was eurolled
and dnctcted In the clerk's otlicc of said court iu
said countv, on theSlth day of February, 1S01,
wherein Shiver A: Walker arc plalntllln and C.
W. I.add is defendent for the sum of one hun
dred and Jlftcen and CJ-100 dollars with in
terest thereon nt the ratc'of 10 lier cent. ier nu
llum, from the Slth day of February lNl,andthe
further Fiim of twenty-one aud U7-110 dollars
cost, and nlso the costs of and uponthl writ.
Therefore, su indent personal projierty not IjcIiik
found, 1 have levied UK)ii the followlne de
scribed real estate, cltuatcil In Clilnn countv,
c', I' .. .v T . . ..L. 1.
iireeou,iou: 01 !r.'4 ;it. .u, t. ... . ,
:w K. W. M. mid bv virtue of paid execution and
lew, I will sell at public miction at the court
house door, in I'nlon. Cnfou county, btate of
Oregon, 011 Saturday the "th day of December,
1MI1, at '2 o'clock jt. m. of said day, all the right,
title and Interest of in mid to, the above de
scribed promises that the said defendent, ('. W.
badd had therein ou the 'Jlth day of February,
ls'.ll, or ban since acquired, to satisfy said judge
ment, Interest, cosls and accruini; co-ts. Terms
of sale, cash to me in hand In I". S. goldcoin.
Dated nt I'nlon, this the itrd day of Nov.. ls'.ll.
J T llOM.KS,
Shcrill'of i:nlon County, Oregon
lly W It L'siiKi!, Depu.y
SIIIMtlFF'.S s.m.i:-
1 tue of an execution and order of sale issued
out of the Honorable Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon, for I'liiou county, bearing date the
Uth day of November, lh'Jl, and tome directed
and delivered, upon 11 judgment and order of
sale of heretofore attached property, entered 011
the Ulh day of October, 1891, wherein Thomas
Trill Is plantilViinil II. I). ItivOrs and Jo, (ill
uougli are defendants for the sum of Ninety
and eighty-seven ono-hundredths dollars, with
interest thereon nt the rate of eight iier cent,
per annum, from the 11th day of October, lb.91,
anil the further sum of Thlrty-slx and twenty
six one-hundredths dollars for costs and dis
bursements, which judgment was enrolled and
docketed in the clerk's olllce of said court, on
the 14th day of October. 1S91, and ordering the
sale of the following described heretofore at
tached real estate, U)-wit: All the right, title,
interest and claim that the defendants, II. I).
Klvcrs and Jos. Uiluough or either of thcin had
on the Uth duy of October. 1891, or since ac
quired in and to bots 1, '4 ami 3 iu lllock 115 in
Chaplin's addition to La Grande, Union county,
Oregon. Now, therefore, under aud by virtue
of said execution aud order of sale as aforesaid,
I will sell at public auction at the court house
door at Union, Union county, State of Oregon,
on Friday, the Uth day of December, lh91,at'J
o'clock p. 111. of said day, all the right, .title, in
terest aud claim that the said defendants II. D,
Klvcrs and Jos. GUnough or efthcr of them had
on tho Uth day of October, lB91,or since ac
quired in or to the above described real estate,
to satisfy said judgment, fees, costs, disburse
ments and interest as aforesaid and accruing
costs. Terms of sale, cash to me in hand In
gold coin of the United States.
Dated November 9th, 1891.
J. T. 110LLES,
Hherlfl'of Union County, Oregon,
lly W. It. Ushkr, Deputy. Il-12-w5.
IOST OU SjTRAYED fkom iiauton lake,
j Harney county, Oregon, about the first of
May, 1891, fourteen head of horses, all branded
on right stillc as follows:
One sorrel mare also branded 1 1 underneath
the above brand.
One gray mare also branded 11 underneath
the above brand had a cow bell 011 when last
One brown mare also branded o(t ou left
All the above described animals were taken
from Wallowa valley last fall. Any one giving
information of their whereabouts, between Hnr
nev and Wallowa vallevs, will be liberally re
warded. Address: 11. J. KINKHAKT,
10-1-ml. Suninicrville. Oregon.
I'alr of cases. The tyiw Is In fair order
and will be sold at a bargain. For further par
ticulars call ou or address this odlce.
OAT ADV l'erweek. Wanted.
Oii-JLiVlt I Good Agents to sell
our general line of merchandise. No 1'eddliug.
Above salary will lie paid to "live" agents.
For further Information address:
4-Sl-yl 178 Wist Van Hiiren St., Chicago, 111.
Kclsay & Squires, Proprietors,
Main St., opposite the Centennial hotel, I'nlon.
Just opened, wlthja
Nice, New Stock of Plain and Fancy Con
fectionery, Cigars, etc.
Nhieriil Water Drinks a
Billiards and Pool.
A quiet, orderly resort. 11-12-tl
Gus. D. Johnson, Proprietor,
One door north of llalrdt store. Union, Oregon.
Hair Cutting anil Shampooing in the La
test Style of the Art.
Live me a trial. 11 V.'-tt.
Thomson & Ptifsel nrn agents for
tho colebratcil Cyclono WimlMill, and
as tlio prices on them have Leon great
ly reduced they are now within the
reach of all. Samnlo mill to be seen
at their planer in North Union. Call
and examine it.
FortW : Property.
The Ut wuy to make money Is hy Investing
j InH'ottlaiiil city roerty and suhurliau lots.
I Terms, 10 cr rent, down aud ior cent, iiiouth
: I tiuv o aUo for snW farm, fruit, aiwl garden
J. K Mh VI 1.1 , I. MaMi,yr.
! WfUOI) WA.VTKD -I'arnoa .le.innift.i
1 (my tlltjjr lH'k'lttHliie in Hun puM'r
In ntml, wu how il" :-i7 if
,,rm TT j T
4JLJie JtlUUL JU111U
In Connection with the
Forms the ,
Quickest and Best Route
Iletweeii Kasteru Oregon and Washington and
I'uget Sound points, as well as the l'op
lthtraud Direct Mne to all
ThroiiRli to Chlcnjco via tills Line.
Passenger Trains of this Company arc running
regularly between
Making close connection at Hunt's Junction
with Northern Pacific trains for Taeonni, Seattle,
Victoria 11. C, Kllensburg, North Yakima, l'ns
co, Spraguc, Cheney, Davenport, Biiokniie Kails,
llutte, Helena, St. Paul, .MlnncaiHillH.
Passenger Trains making above connections
leave I'cndielon dally at U0 p. in.
Through Tickets Sold to all Points East
at the Lowest Rates.
Oen'l Kr't and Pass'gr Agent.
Walla Walla, Wash.
President and Gen'l Manager.
H. I.. DEACON, Ticket Agent. I'nlon, Oregon.
A Grand Opportunity!
"Heroes of Unknown Seas and
Savage Lands."
By J. W. BUEL,
The grandest subscription book ever Intro
duced on the coast. Over COO extra large quarto
pages. !iu0 magnificent original Illustrations.
Double-page colored plates.
"CvTvTTaO wanted in this county.
J.KjrX2sl. J- O As we are dctermlueil
to extend our business Into this State, we arc
going to start iu by ollerlng better inducements
to live agents thau any other house has ever
done before. We deliver the books right at your
very door free of freight charges or any other
expense, all of which we pay ourselves. Don't
take any agency for this great work from any
other house until you have sent to us for our
descriptive circulars and kxtka miiekai.tkumh
and induckmknts. We will guarantee to do
better by yon.
Vancouver, llritlsh Columbia.
(ieneral Agents for the publishers.
Union and C ruucopiu
Staoe - Line !
Quickest and Cheapest
Route to the Pine Creek
FARE. FliKKillT,
$ 1 50 X C
3 00 VAc
(J 00 2H c
nion to Park
" " Sanger
" " Corinicopiu
Obtained, and all Patent Business attended
to Promptly and for Moderate Fees.
Ourofliee is opposite the U. S. Patent
Otlicc, and we can obtain Patenis in less
time than those remote from M'asoington.
Send MODEL or DMA WING. We advise
as to patentability freeof charge: nnd we
We refer, here, to the Postmaster, the
Supt. of Money Order Div., and to officials
of the U.S. Patent Ollice. F01 circular,
advice, terms and reflerences to actual cli
ents In your own State or County, write to
C. A. SNOW & Co.,
Opposite I'alent Office. Washington. D. C.
uu-- V AGENCYior
l A tATnntllftt nf Infnm.Hnn - -1.
I 1 C. I ianui. null DU
"iu iuiuu, uireai , Trade
uaru, uoprnitDta, lent Jut..
vAUiw MUHN O. GO,,
ssul itroadwar.
new rrfc
I have been troubled many years with
dixase of the kidneys and nave tried
many different remedies and hae
sought aid from different physicians
without relief. About the ijth of April
1 wa suffering from a very violent
attack that almost prostrated me in
L. ...... T . -i c Ivnt nr.r.
When I sat dowu it was almot imposible for nn
to get up alone, or to put on my clothes, wheif
. . . . t t r 1 .. with lh
KinO 1TOV1UCIHX CUk 'l. imvj, ...... ..
hotel. I Immediately commenced
using the tea. H had an almost
miraculous effect, and to the aston
ishment of all the guests at the hotel,
in a few days,! am bappy to Uate,
that I was a new man. I will;
recommend the tea to ull afllicted
g 1 haw Uu.
0. A. Tlll'PHR.
. -viairtiOogtdctital UeUI,