The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, November 26, 1891, Image 5

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    THURSDAY. NOV. 2G, 1891.
1 Fast Mail, West 7:Vip. m.
Ko. 7 Pacific Express. '.Vest 7:.m a. m.
No. 2 Fust Mnll, East ll Xi a. in.
No. 8 Pacific Express. East. 11:00 p. in.
A Paragraphic Record of Recent Happen
lngn In and Around the City.
Kenieinbor the firemen's ball tonight.
For fine job printing call at Tin: Scorr
Good apples taken on subscription at
this office.
An excellent dinner will be served at
the Centennial hotel today.
Geo. Shinn, of Ikikcr City, made a
flying visit to Union Monday.
.samuel Combs, of Elgin, sent in this
week and subscribed for Tin: Scout.
It will pay you to call on 15rown for
anything in the school look line. 'Jin
.See the fine display of school lxwks
and supplies in Hall Bros.' windows.
Those desiring extra copies of our New
Year's edition will please speak in time.
School Ixwks, slates, tablets, pencils,
penholders, copy looks, etc., at the drug
store. D-iM-Um
Quite a number of our people are
having water pipes placed in their
houses. . j
Every family is in need of a good cook
book. You can get it free of charge at
Fine Webster's dictionaries given
away at Levy's store. Call and see how
it is done.
The Scout will soon be supplied with
power with which to run our largo
cylinder press.
Seventy-five head of horses to trade
for cattle, grain or land. M. H. Phy,
Union, Oregon. ll-19-lm
A nice line of ladies' cloaks are ex
pected to arrive at Mrs. Itinehart's mil
linery store this week. 1 1-26
Little EfTie Driver, of this city, re
ceived a severe bruise on her arm last
week, caused by a fall.
The Giroux Amalgamator case from
Baker county consumed a great deal of
time at this term of court.
Messrs. Kelsay & Squires, of the Un
ion Billiard Hall, are enjoying a good
trade, which they justly deserve.
Miss Mina Coflinberry, who has been
on a visit to Kansas for the past several
months, returned home Saturday.
Next June Oregon will elect nine
district judges, one supreme judge, two
congressmen, and a new legislature.
Mr. and Mrs. "Walls, of Spokane Falls,
Wash., were in Union last week visit
ing their daughter, Mrs. S. M. Driver.
We are in receipt of a copy of tho
constitution and by-laws of tho Liberal
Medical Society of the state of Oregon.
All the latest styles and novelties in
the millinery lino just arrived at Mrs.
Iliuehart's millinerv store, from New
York. " 11-20
Wo acknowledge a pleasant call from
Joseph Hartley, of Eagle valley, on
Friday last. Mr. Hattley was caught
on the jurv.
The city election to come off in Pen
dleton soon will not be conducted under
the Australian ballot system, but under
the old system .of voting.
The many friends of L. J. Boothe will
be pleased to learn that he is slowly
improving in health and will probably
1)0 around again in a few days.
A firo broke out in the basement of
of the Central hotel at Baker City last
Sunday morning, but the flames were
subdued before much damago was done.
R. H. Brown is selling school books at
Portland prices and is giving away a set
of handsome picture cards with each
book sold. Call early and get choicest
cards. 10-l-2m
Do you want to securo a life siio por
trait of yourself or any of your family?
If so it will pay you to call at Lovy's
htoro where you can get them free of
Messrs. Sholton & Phy, proprietors of
tho Union electric light plant, havo
purchased a 40-horeo power engino with
which to run their dynamos. It is ex
pected to arrivo soon, when it will bo
placed in position.
Orin L. Patterson and E. C. Allen, of
the Long Creek Eagle, and D. I. Asbury,
of the Canyon City News, wero called to
account in tho recent term of court
in Grant county, each on a charge o
libel. However, tho indictments wero
dismissed on motion of tho district
The Jones Brothers returned a few
kiys ago from their summers' outing
having been gone nearly tix months.
Thoy rojiort having hud a most enjoya
ble time, and uro much improved in
huulth. Thov will remain hum this
wintorund try It again noxt mininur
Uiforo Bottling 'low ii to twidy biulmuni.
Till! Knot t acknowledge rwoijit of an
Invitation to uttuml uml purliilpatu in
mi ullluuuu dinner to I' Klvi'ii ut Dun
Iuiii Wrlnlit' hull Muy, by ilio Jlltf
rnuk ultluntiu. Wo ii'tfrul our Inability
to l iiditil, lliuiK I it" l""hl but
lliut u niii)ii(uout ruMl Mill Ia nurwol
It mU om mouth Vttlwf I" Uutl
m It
School looks at the drug store. 2m
The liest job printing can 1h? procured
at this office.
Dr. North is permanently located at
Union, Oregon. 11-KMf
Mrs. Thomas Brashier, of l& Grande,
is visiting in the city.
E. L. Eckley, of the ai Grande Gaz
ette, was in the city Tuesday.
The Jones Bros, have reopened their
photograph gallery in this city.
Mrs. Mary Biggers, of La Grande, was
visiting friends in Union this week.
Jo. Van, of the Park, is (uitc sick at
the resilience of Major South in this
Rubber lwots and overshoes, for the
winter trade, at C. Vincent's loot and
shoe store.
A. J. Goodbrod, -of the Centennial
hotel, lias been quite sick for several
days past.
For school looks and supplies call on
Geo. Baird, one door north of the Cen
tennial hotel.
Geo. Corpe and Mr. Har.-in, of Big
creek, made our OtHee a pleasant call
Tuesday evening.
Remember that Hall Bros., as usual,
have a full and complete stock of school
supplies for sale.
R. II. Brown, the druggist, lias just
received a large stock of school supplies
for the fall trade. 9-24-2m
Frank Cleaves, well known to theatre
goers of this city, is with the Chicago
Comedy Company.
A signal service station has been
established in this city, at the telegraph
office of J. W. Shcltoii.
A large consignment of the latest
styles of wall paper just received at R.
H. Brown's drug store.
A church social will be given at Judge
Sanders' home Friday night. Come all
uid have a good time.
For cook stoves, heating stoves, or
or anything in the tin or hardware line,
call on Summers & Laync.
The attention of our readers is called
to the professional card of Mr. 0. 1.
Bell which appears in this issue.
Mrs. Laura Stafford returned from
Tacoma a few days ago and is now at the
home of her parents near La Grande.
Don't get a set of teeth that will rattle
around in the mouth. Go and get a
perfect fitting set at Dr. North's dental
parlor, Union, Oregon. 11-19-tf
There is a scarcity of eggs in the mar
ket. Tho price here is quoted at rfO
cents per dozen. There is surely money
in eggs at this price.
Don't forget to see those new silk
mufilers, mousquotaire gloves, and
hoods, all the latest, at Mrs. Rinehart's
inillineav store. ' 11-20
Jack Pluinmer, of North Powder, was
in tno city Saturday, lie caneo. uuu
subscribed for Tun Scout to be sent to
M. W. Page, Macon, Florida.
Bo sure and call at Dr. North's dental
parlor, Union, Oregon, where you can
get a full set of teetli for six dollars.
Call and see for yourself. 10-1-tf
St. Louis was visited by a .f2,000,000
firc on Tuesday of last week, destroying
and damaging a number of well known
mercantile establishments. Several fire
men also lost tneir lives.
The Scout has purchased a new cylin
der press and a large supply of new
type and has made a general overhaul
ing in its office, showing signs of metro
politan airs. Elgin Recorder.
Deputy Sheriff J. F. Johnson, of Uma
tilla county, was in the city yesterday
in search of a colored man who escaped
from the jailor's charge at Pendleton a
few days ago, charged with selling liquor
to Indians.
Lew Bowman, of Big creek, met with
a painful accident last Sunday while
driving horses. It seems that the horse
stumbled and fell, throwing Mr. Bow
man underneath and bruising him up
pretty badly.
The newjdimes stamped at the New
Orleans mint are so imperfect that
many persona havo liecn arrestod on
suspicion that they wero trying to pass
apuriouH coin. The rough rim on the
edgo causes tho trouble.
Tho editor of tho Oakesdale, Wash.,
Sun announces his marriage in one
issue of his paper and in the next
chronicles the birth of a daughter.
They also raise 100 bushels of wheat to
tho acre in that country. Ex.
A Michigan editor gives this timely
warning: "One man discontinued tho
Sun on Monday and promptly on next
day his horse ran away with him, giving
him a narrow escapo from death. Other
jieoplo Hhould govern themselves accord-
The fine display of photograpliH made
hv Jones Bros, on tho corner of Main
and C streets attracts much attention.
Tho picturos wero all mudo during their
recent travels and are excellent ccl
mens of art. It will pay anyone to visit
tho gallery uml upend an hour looking
ut thoir luteal tyl(M of work.
James 1'iirrU, ut one time u rualdunt
of thU city, wan brought ovnr from
Huhiin on Tiwwltty by Hlmrlll' Holhw
w liu Just Mirvwl u oini yuur'n Uwn In
tin imiillMiillury of thU lut for furry
in liukiir lUdiniv. uml in hwrw now to
iluiii to mii Imllrlimmt Hi tin fount)
i hurtfilitf I. no wilh lln mhim oiiwim
j I vi M4 well' M in Mr ( iiiily unr
Suddenly Disappears at
La Grande.
Wm. Ashmead, a young farmer living
near Island City, went to Im Grande on
Tuesday of last week to do some trading.
He put his hor.-e up in the McClure
stable, saying he would return for it in
the evening. He made some purchases
at .ome of the stores and paid bills to
the amount of $200 or $300. after which
he returned to the stable and tied some
bundles on the luck of his saddle, pre
paratory to starting home, but before
departing invited the hostler at the
stable to repair to a saloon anil take a
drink. The hostler accepted, and the
two men went to a saloon. After taking
it drink the hostler returned to the
stable. Ashmead left the saloon but
never called for his horse, and up to the
present time nothing has been seen or
hoard of him. It is the opinion of a
majority of the citizens of La Grande
that ho skipped out, but others think
that he was foully dealt with, as it was
thought that he had nlwut $!00 on his
person. An attachment was served on
omo of his property a short time ago
ind it may lie that he has left the coun
try. At any rate the allair is slirouded
in nivsterv and nas tne appearance- in
mother Skiff case.
Mining Notes
Geo. Lindgrccn came down from Cor
nucopia yesterday. He informs us that
io and his partners, Fred Stem and
Chas. Delta, have just placed a Hunt-
ngton mill on their property, the Nor
way mine, but owing to tho early fall of
snow they will be unable to put it in
running order this winter. They will
resume work in the early spring. They
uive a good ledge with a live foot vein
of free milling ore.
The Davis quartz mill at Cornucopin
tas been shut down for the winter on
account of the deep snow, but will lxi
started up again in the spring.
The O. G. M. Co;, of Cornucoiia, are
still running their chlorinator, success
fully treating ore.
While the mining camp of Cornucopia
s quite dull at present, everyone con
nected with tho mines has great hopes
of the future prosperity of the camp.
Several small deals are under way which
promise to be of great benefit to all
There is about twenty inches of snow
at Cornucopia at present.
Another rich strike is reported in the
vicinity of Sanger, near the Lily White
mine. The ore is said to be tho richest
ever exhibited from anv mine in Union
A. Howard was down from Telocaset
Tuesday. He is interested m some of
the mines in that section and reports
great hopes of the future prosperity and
permanency of the camp.
Mr. H. 0. Deirks, of Milwaukee, Wis
cousin, who is interested m tne leio
caset mines, is in the city and gives a
very favorable report concerning their
development and feels confident that
his property is very valuable. A few
davs ago Mr. Luther Wagner, a gentle
man of prominence in tho mining world
as an expert, visited these mines and
he, nlso, reported favorably on them
Mr. Dierks and associates will continue
development of the mines all winter and
it is very probable a mill will bo in
operation on them in the near future.
A $1000 Foot Race
Quite an intcsting sporting event will
take place in Pendleton on Thanksgiving
Day, November 20. Thursday night
$200 forfeit was deposited with h. J
Horton bv each contestant for a foot
race for $500 a side to bo run at 2 p. m.
on tno day mentioned nctwecn r. j.
.1 Ill T T
Kellev. a sprinter froaa Montana who
has been here a week or two, and C. J
Doyle of Portland. Doyle's backer is
Alfred P. Nelson, proprietor of tho Tele
phone saloon at Portland, and Kelley's
Mr.IIughey ofjthia city. E. J. Cameron,
sprinter of note, who defeated Boh
Wingard at Union and La Grando is in
the city, and will bo ready to challenge
the winner of tho contest. A courso
will probably bo selected near the depot
Tho distance is seventy-five yards. E. O.
A Million Frlendi.
A friend In need In a friend Indeed, aud not
leas than one million peoplo havo found Just
uch a frlond lu Dr. Klng'a New Discovery for
CouKUinptlou, Coughs, aud CoUIb. If you havo
never UBod thin Great Cough Medicine, ono trial
will convince you that It ha wonderful cura
tfve power In all diseases of Throat, Cheat and
Luuga. Each hottle la guaranteed to do ull that
claimed or money will he refunded. Trla
bottle free at It. II. Mown' drug atore. Largo
bottle 50c aud 11.
Boys and Olrla Aid Society
of Oregon
BoyH may Ixj had (and
girls) for ordinary service ut wages, or up
on indenture, to work .attend school und
bo brought up somowhut uh your own ',
and children may Iw hud for legal udop
lion. Addroes, K. T. IH)()I.VA
'Sunt. Oregon Hoys' und Girls' Aid bo
oiuty, Portland, Oregon.
Take It Before BreakUU.
TKu givat iitOir. mhI nvw rutfuhtlur
In mm fur mint than w mi Iw liUKUinl I'
IJv iHlflP fw Uiwr uMitaibl lUri In
lb mmiU mm iW4ih oj lUo wurMluy.ilMll iti!i
in Um livnd hihI Utk ut llm wm, (Jim (vviliiy
.iiui liwiiwl) Io lit 1 LufMi lwt
lt.41 luMlV l(Vlll W HullillJMUWU, l.fIH llm
1IIIV Ud lwlM M llm tmuiv mw '
lUlimniHBimu )"' 'Iiwmim Ml wlim
M4l4HO I'l tJilH(mH
Benson Bro-"., of tho city meat mar
ket, have received a lot of check bjoks
for the use of customers.
Gus P. Johnson, of the Union tonsori
al parlors, was taken suddenly ill on
Tuesday ami is confined to his lied.
Rev. S. M. Driver will preach in the
M. E. Church Sunday next at 11 a. m.
anil 7 p. m. All are cordially invited.
Minneapli has secured the national
onvention of the republican party, anil
lere is great joy in that portion of the
The Le Horde murder trial was taken
up Tuesday. A largo numlwrof people
from Elgin are in attendance at court to
lear the evidence.
Mrs. Isaac Hallcr, of Antelope, while
eturnim; home from a school meeting
ast Mituniay, was thrown from a cart
mil quite badly bruised.
Thanksgiving service- will be held
it the Presbyterian church this morn
ing. Kev. Anderson, oi the .M. I'..
liurch, will deliver the address.
Rev R. II. Parker, formerly of this
itv, but lute of Enterprise, Wallowa
county, has moved to Cosniopohs,
Wash., and writes to have his paper sent
to that address.
The supper for the dance tonight will
be given by the ladies of the Episcopal
liurch, and will be served in the Jones
it Brown building on the corner of Main
mil A streets.
'It is a line establishment!" is the
verdict of every ono who passes by Sam
Miller's furniture store. Not only that,
but he sells goods cheaper than any
house in the countv.
M. D. bl)tt, of tho Baker City
Reveille, was in the city several days
ast week, being summoned as a witness
in the Giroux Amalgamator case. We
.icknowledge a pleasant call.
Work is progressing on tho New Year
edition of Tiik Scout. It will lie ahead
of anything ever attempted in this
county. Send in your orders for extra
copies and advertising space.
Get some of those superb satin finish
photographs at Jones Bros.' gallery.
Their work is not surpassed anywhere.
Pictures taken as well or better in cloudy
weather than when it is clear.
From parties over from Ia Grande
we learn that tho Island City stage was
hold up by three men, while just enter
ing the town of Island City, Tuesday
evening. Tho robbers secured $1.75.
Mr. Sam. Haynes, of this city, while
trying to back a wagon last Saturday
met with an accicent in which one of
his hands was badly mashed, one lxino
being broken. He also received some
injuries in his side.
The tramp swindler has taken a long
breath, spit, on his hands and grasped u
linn hold upon a new swindle. Two
rogues watched the newspapers for
estray notices and ono of them goes and
looks at tho animal. Of course the
unsuspecting farmer, on application,
shows tho beast and tho fellow decides
it is not his, and then returns to his
partner and describes the animal mi
nutely to him. No. 2 then goes to the
farmer and and after proving by a thor
ough description that he is the rightful
owner of the animal, says he cannot well
take it away and oilers to sell it at a
rgain. The farmer buys and in a few
days the rightful owner comes along and
claims tho animal and the farmer is out
just that much. Exchange.
Union Is In It.
We were somewhat surprised last
week while in Union, to beo the sub
stantial improvements that aro going on
at that jilace, among which aro tho large
flouring mills and tho new school hotnfe,
which stand second to none in this sec
tion of the state. Tho enterprising
people of that little city havo just right
to bo proud of their school building,
since thoy havo put their right foot
forward to securo its construction, and
now that this is dono thoy need not fear
that a stranger will go away, after hav
ing visited their place, saying that
Union is in need of educational advan
tages. Tho board has used good judg
ment in Uh selection of teachers for tho
present torm, and no doubt a jirosperous
term will bo tho result. Elgin Recorder.
A Nightmare.
Havo you over been visited by that
frisky and uncomfortable animal, called
a nightmare? Havo you over hail it
climb ujkhi tho bed while you wero
asleep and go through a lively perform
ance, which would mako a fortune for the
proprietor of a circiiH? You never can
tell iust when this nocturnal steed will
muko its upjiearanco, but you aro alwo
lutely safe from it if you happen to Iw
roposing on ono of h. U. Miller's now
lxjdsteads, which uro unsurpassed in
quality and price.
Photograph Gallery Reopened.
Jones Bros, tho eminent photogru
phors. huvo rooiMtnod thulr gulhiry in
this city und uro now prupurml to do ull
kluiln of photogruphlc work In tho inoul
unproved ntylo uml by tlu lutimt n-
(tnkO known w Hie ri. riumrurt en
luruial uml nroiuhtly IliiUliml In druyoii
wtilcr nolor or oil. Uunin In ulomly
umitimr. It l nully Hut Imj1 tlliio ti
luku iihoiogruiilu. NrfiUMulloii uvuy
KUtirniil-l l"'l "ill f'T thulr I'll
IM'MIti llUll llf l VV '!
V f
A'ltMllfcVlllYOIiOliUM Ml "I f
Oreson on Wheels Interested Over a
Thousand Visitors Yesterday.
Yesterday afternoon and last evening '
the elegant car from Oregon was fairlv
thronged with visitors, oven one of
whom spoke in the highest terms of
the exhibit. MKtiunotli vegetables and
fruit, a fir plank 47 inches nido and a
magnificent cabinet of minerals are
among the attractions. This afternoon
from 12 till 4 ami this evenim: from 7
till 10 will K the last chance for citizens
to visit the i nr. as it goes to Minneapolis
tomorrow momiuv and will exhibit
there Friday and Saturday. Major
Weed and his assistants, Messrs. John
son and Weider. are very cordial and have
a kind welcome for visitors. "Oregon on
Wheels" is sent out by the State Board
of Immigration, and is not a private
enterprise nor real estate loming
scheme. It is a free exhibit of the
products of that state. The car is at
the Union Depot. St. Paul Globe.
Circuit Court Proceedings
i.a i,tranne -at naiiK vs n jic
Nat Bank vs
W Proeb,tel;
Ponald aud 1
verdict for
W V Moore vs W J
nodnrass ; settled
and dismissed.
I)ii Mahaffey vs Williamson
ers; dismissed at plaintiff's costs.
Henry Rust vs Pierce Rogers
nient for $.'!00 and order of sale of at
tached property.
Stewart & Bidwell vs A N Hamilton;
Edward Sutter vs J F Smith; verdict
for plaintiff.
Snodgrass vs Zeigler Bloom & Co; de
fault and judgment for plaintiff.
John A Tucker vs Saniautha Johnson;
judgment for plaintiff and order of sale
of attached projiorty.
Chas Fresh vs Mary E Fresh; dis
missed at plaintiff's costs.
In the matter of C M Houghton as-,
signnient; FM B Perry assignee; dis
missed. W II Huffman und J E Yowell vs
Jabez Hinckley; R J Slater appointed
referee to rejiort law and facts.
Alice Moody vs Adam W Moodv; de
fault and W II Packwood to take testi
mony. Ulty McEnroe et al vs Charles McEn
roe et al; sale confirmed and order of
N F Ficklin et al vs Geo Steele et al;
State of Oregon vs Jasper Lealio; in
dicted for larceny; plea of not guilty
State of Oregon vs Dowitt C Clark;
verdict of not guilty.
State of Oregon vs John Sullivan;
plea of guilty of larceny from a store ;
sentenced to 18 months in th peniten
tiary. State of Oregon vs Frank Jennings
and Minnie Jennings; not a true bill.
State of Oregon vs II A Burns; assault
with a dangerous weajwn ; continued for
State of Oregon vs Daniel Pearson and
E W .lowett; not a true bill.
Stato of Oregon vs John York and
Emma Cassady; not a true bill.
First Nat Bank of Union vs John
aatjv " " -
Statts; default and judgment for plain-
A E Eaton vs J T Williamson etui;
judgment by default.
AJ Foster vs Rumbley, Bloom & Co;
settled and dismissed,
First Nat Bank of Union vs Alex
Thompson; dismissed at plamtiii's
First Nat Bank of Union vs C A
Dunn; guttled and dismissed.
First Nat Bank of Union vs Oliver
Shaffer; judgment for plaintiff.
Tho Giroux Amalgamator Co vs
Parker & James; verdict for plaintiff
for $500.
EW Imbler vs E B Hill; judgment
for plaintiff and onler of salo of attached
John Kirehhoffer vs JQ Walsmger;
dismissed at plaintilPH costs.
Stato of Oregon va John Ltndsey and
John Holt; plea of guilty of assault with
a dangerous weapon und sentenced to
0 months in tho penitentiary.
Stato of Oregon vs Ed Segumond;
larceny ; two yeara in tho penitentiary.
Stato of Oregon va Paul Green ; lar-
ceny; $iou lino or miy uuyn m mo
county jail.
The Best Baking Powder
Is that of Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder. It is prepared
with greater care and accuracy, from finer and more ex
pensivo materials, competent chemists tost every ingredient
nothing is left to chance. No ammonia, nlum or other
adulterant taints this purest of human food products.
Dr. Prico'B Cream Jinking Powder is tho embodiment of all
the excellence that it in possible to attain. It in always
uniform and reliable and retinn Its full Htrongtb until wml
It in not only more uuonomioal btiumiw of Its woiidurful
ruining power, but by rowsoi! of IN gitmlur bulk, tliw m
bohitf imi;li lrKr Hin Ui onlliiwry klwlj It will
fai'tliBr wml iio Mivr work. H mm 1!moIih. Vr Vrlm
b Hi only IwklHK Fwiiw !M iwMalN Ite wWH W
state of Oregon vs Thomas Black and
hnnes Curry; larceny in a dwelling;
Black two and one-half years and Curry
.,u' nnl mH"hM .V,M tho I'Ciu,n-
tateof Oregon vs Thomas Shcnnesay
and Richard Johnson; not a true bill.
State of Oregon vs Adam Crossmnn;
not a true bill.
R (' Mays & Co vs Mary Howard;
First Nat Bank of Union vs 11 P Lew
is; judgment for plaintiff.
Jacob ZulK-r v.- Young A Young;
judgment for plaintiff and order of sale
of attached property.
Jacob Zuber vs Oliver Shaffer; same.
Jacob Zubcr vs Joseph Spencer; dis
missed at jilaintitPs costs.
M S Bloeh vs Oliver Shaffer; same.
J L Caviness vs II Sterling ; same.
State of Oregon vs Abner Hall aud
Frank Coleman ; indictment for murder
in the first degree; plea of not guilty
entered in Imth cases.
State of Oregon vs Jasper Lealw; in
dictment for larceny; plea of guilty; to
Ik1 sentenced Friday morning.
John Larsiu indicted for selling liquor
to minois,' two indictments.
State of Oregon vs Evan Carver;
charged with murder; on trial.
Teachors' Examination.
The teachers' quarterly examination
for Union county was held in Union last
week with the following teachers in at
tendance who received certificates:
rilthT llltAPK.
C. B. Leatherinan
Rose E. White
Eva Leathefman
Heliecea E. Wilson
O. I). Carper
M. Alice Robison
J B. Messick
La Grando
ii ii
Island City
North Powder
J. M. Ban-
Mary J. Mackenzie
Nadio Holcomb
T. M. Johnson
M. C. Carter
Now Bridge
R. A. Wilkeson
Bertha E. Slater
La Grando
Eva Robinson " "
M. II. Gilkison North Powder
Ada Canady Baker City
In addition to the alwve there wero
four others who wrote, of whom two
failed and two withdrew. S. W.
Holmes, of North Powder, and S. Corpo,
of the Cove, wroto for stato diplomat!.
Mrs. Geer, of tho Covo, was recom
mended for a stato certificate.
Suit. J. L. Oaiitkk,
G. B. Swinkhaut,
. Examiners.
Heroes of Unknown 8eas
and Savage
Is tho titlo of tho long expected new
lxok by J. W. Buel. For more than
two years the liook world baa been, wait
ing for this; andlthcro is great interest
over it now that it has appeared. If
there is any limit to human interest it
is reached in this great book, in which
is gathered tho most heroic, startling,
marvelous and thrilling adventures anil
J discoveries that havo marked tho high
way over which human progress baa
marched from savagery to civilization.
It is a record of tho finding of all IiuuIh
and descriptions of tho first visits to tho
wild races of the world, following step
by step each era of the world's progress.
It is profusely illustrated with I!00 beau
tiful original illustrations and a numlier
of magnificent double-page plates in oil
This work wilf undoubtedly havo a
very largo salo. Tho well known house,
tho Pacific. Publishing Company, San
Francisco and Portlund, are general
agenta for it. Thoy offer splendid in
ducements to agents. Seo their adver
tisement in another column.
Horses and Wagons for Bale.
Two span of good, heavy horeca; also
harness and two wagona for aalo. For
further partlculara upply at thia ofllce.
JOHNSON. Iu thU city, Friday Nov. 'JO, 1891,
the infant udopted aou of Mr. and Mra. J. M.
MALLOKY.-In Oil city, Sunday Nov. 22, 1831,
the Infant on of II r. aud Mra. C. K. Mallory
of lleppuer, Oregon.