The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, November 26, 1891, Image 3

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Our Latest and Greatest Premium Offer :
I'OIIV. TMt MMunifi Ctciprniicenttni nfctMplete
hl)?nii Mterr of ti. er'it imt'Mcaii V ) ivit. uto
I H''ilriiiM, with innii'jnm Aiitvifltn of the l!fMlnn ,
C"-- el' Hi'nrr nf 4nnrli'. frmn lit dicoi-? by CoUimbui to
th" Ttitl time; cm phi- 4Mcnitloin of faraou lmltlft utij
f rrt-ii(t ttnl In Hi tntorj of 1l titttotn, ehtouolocktl ,eie.,etc
IIMlfllt IMi V. ThN irt wrk conulnt the M?m tit all
lr ti.Miim "f Hi t'liltfl Mt, fioni Washington In
II I'Hanit. wi'li triiitl( an 1 ollirr 1 11 it l TKliotii, alio II rn tidl
f .rt' f N uncoil llnnrt liakfiMrM, Mnon, William
V i n H'j4inhi I ranklhi, It'iirf Oltjr, Dtntel Wtbittr tnl
fit- mii aiaifimii, niitliofi, (men, ccneift'a, clergymen, WM
f u t' the rcifiil dij
,;!M'UI.rrur.. VmIuhI.V l.lnltn.1 nifful sugrriMfini
l F mtiiFta, irf i init f nlt ero', gnltn mit feneta, ffTlllllri,
fur im iDiplfinfiita ; livestock ralilnc. litelii'llng Mir Itfainifnt of
It arantdrttiifitla itnliiiali . ion1try ke"pliix iid hor mailt
i, rf.fnl anI pronitt)l; 1fe kftplucdttt fannliiK, tte Tba
I-raiment of tli aulOfCia la rcntlett and filiauillre. nd
tfti tfr" tde otk of gi 'at practical in to farmer andilocktun,
IIOltTKl'InTKi:. llfrelu la flrrn ttie moil uaeful Llnti
t cronti a cfnll klii'l of tegfiaMft anl fnilii, at ftatherti
from tbe experlenct of llif mou ucceaiful dorllculturliti.
AHCIHTKOTITItn. If'sni ind p!arforhoufi,cottnei,
t.arna ant othrr oiitbiIIHu(i, with valuablt augjcitioua to
tlifte liittiiJius to Iun4.
llrr.llI.I. TMf work contitni ulM anJ teatf 1 rtclra
f.r nliitMt evory InnglnaUleilltli fr breakfitt, dinner aud tea
tM 4prlmnt alone deitif worth more lliari nine lenilia of
tl.e cwtk looka aoM ; a 1 1110 i ttitiumerahl Mute, helpa mid aug
reilon to houiekeepert; delgn an4 aug geitlotn far inaktnc
tiianT bBAUtlful tliliiga for the adornmeiit of liome, In needle
witrk, etnbrol-lerr, etc. ; hlotaon florloulture, telling how to te
atifcaful with all the arluua plauia ; toilet lilnta, tellllng liow
to preaerroatid leautlf; tht cotnpleilou, baudi, teetl, italr,
etc , etc
MICIMCAL. ManyilolUra In daetora' Mtli will l atred
ntinally to eterj poaeitor of llila look llirougli Itie raluable
Inrmailon herein aontalned. It tella liow to eute, It ilmple
ret tellable hora remedtei, available In every houtehoMf every
1laie unl ailment that I curalle( thla department forming a
oomf 'eie medical baok, the valu of which lu auy home cao
hardly tt computed in doltara aridcenti.
INVENTION AN1 IHSCOVKUV. Ileraarkably ia;3r.
rating deacrlpilona of great tuventloni, including t' Sleam
I'.iigirHj, thelelegrapb, the Printing Preai, the Klcc e I.Icltt.
tli sewing Machine, the Telephone, Uio Typt Wilier the Type
Hottlug Uaehlne, the Cotton
TIIK WOIILIKH WOMinita. Oraphls deiprlptlona,
lauUfiillv llluatrated, of the Tellowatotie Tath, Yoaemlus
Yallay, Niagara 1'atla, tbs Alpa, Parta, VeuiTlui, Venice,
TUiina, the Canoua of Colorado, Mammoth Cave, Natural
brill, WaUini CJlca, the White Uouutalui, etc., etc.
TKAVKI.A. Deierlptlona, profuiely lllaitraled, of the life,
manner, ouitoma, peculiar formi, rltei aud cerruioulea of the
From ihanhoTe brief aummarr of Us contents some Idea nfithat a remarkably Interestlnp, InatrucllTe and
TMuahln work tha Mammoth t'VCI.op.f dia Is may be naloed, yet hut a fractional part of the tuples treated In
this (treat work have beon mined. It Is a vast storehouse or useful and entertaining knowMdRe unqueitlnn
ably of the) best and most valuable works ever published In any land or lAnguspe. Knlminn should bp with,
oat P It Is a work to be consulted every day with rejrard to the vrion perplexlnr n"i"" that constantly
ano i,i writing and conrenstlou, by the farmer and honseife la their Ually Uutlei and pursuits, and for con
inuous reading no work li more eutertaluiuc or luiiruotlTe.
Grand Premium Offer to Subscribers to the Scout,
HyH)ecinl airiiifjeinpnt with tlio publisher of t.hi; Mammoth Cyri.oiMimA we ar
ciinblcd to iiihUo our sub-rriliHr-and ri'Mlfr- itie CoIImwimk i-xtrnorillnar ollVr: W
vill .witd the Mammoth Cvci.ophhia, complrlr in four volumes, (i-s uhurc described
all pitthi')!' prrpoirl, also 'I'm: Onuoov Scurr for oxk vkah, iijwh receipt of only
sta.a.'i, which is Inr To cents mnrr Hunt our rtuutar subscription price, no thttt you
practically act this liirie aud valuable work lor the tnjliny sum of 75 cents. This is
a fjreai otter, a woinlei fill ImrKiu, anil it i a plfaxuio t. us t In- "'nalili'd to afford our
readers so leiuarkaiilo an opportunity. Through this extniordlnary oiler we hope to
largely tncrea-'e our rirrulal ion. 1'leaso tell all your friends hat ihe can t;et the
Mammoth t. yi i.op.hma in four, with a year's Mih'cription to our paiHr, for
only tf.5J5. IVtf-it iati faction is K'laruuU'ed tt all who take advantngcof thin great
premium oOVr. 'I hose who e sitb-ciiptio is have not et expired who renew now wlU
receive the Mammoth t'Yfi.oi'.riHA a.t. mice, an- their ub-eiiitious w II bo extende
one year from date of e.xptiaii n. The Mammoth Ctl'I.oimidia will also 1m Riv
free to any one HiidiiiK u a elii o' t)ir-e .it-arl Hulierber t our paper, ncco
pnnied with 1 ") in rash. Address 'ill le.ttets:
The Oregon Scout, Union, Or.
W81S t
i-wiH . rsx. 'stress . i.-r xym;ir
pretniiini to our nuW'iii.erH is handsomely printed from tiilnely new platen, wi li new type,
'lite twe.vo v.iluincw eont.iiti the following wnrld-fmiiona woik, each otiu of which m pub
bshed emnotde, uuc'iagtl, a'iti absoiuttiy untibridgeU ;
The ii hove are without question the moot fauioua no vela that were over writ, n, I'.ir a
miarterof u century tney have beon eolebratod in every uook and comer of the civilized
world. Vet there are thoim&ud of homes in America not ?et supplied with a a. 1 1 f'JhrU ni,
the. iiniial high eortt of the ImmiUh pruventing people in mcxlerato circtiiimtaucea lr in u, -v ihk
this luxury. Uut now, owing to tlio use of modern improved printing, Miling and K'tielimi;
maishitiery, the extremely low price of white, paper, and the great competition in t'n- Ixxik
trade, wo are enabled to odor to our niibucribern and readers a set of Dickens' works at
pnoe which all cm afTird to pay. Every home iu the laud may now bo supplied with a sal
! the great allth t's works.
Oflp Great Offer to Subscribers to the SCOUT,
J1V will semi tlu Kntikk .sut ok Uu ki:ns Woiikh, in twki.vk voi.itmes, as ulow
dserxbel, nil poslaue prcpaul by ourselves, ilsi Tim Oiikoon Hcut for onk ykaii,
upon receipt oj 18.H, which w udy &) ceta more than the regular subscription
price of tills pnjier. Oar rwulurs, theri-fore, prayncally et a set of Dickens' work
In twelve volumes for only .V) cmiI. litis is tn grandest premium ever offered. Up
t this time a set of Dickens' works ha- u-uali) been 10 or more. Tell all your
friends that the) ran j;ei a set of Dickens' nmmi in vntuiutvi, with a year
ubHcrlptlon to TliK Ohw.on Shjut for only B.o, Kubtcrihenow and get this ureal
preiuiittii. If your uIh riotioii tins not hi exiiired, it will make no ililiuitiii'c, for
will Ikj mteiidid one yrar (nun dmc ot rxpira.i u. We will also nlvu a set uf Dluketu,
as alve. free an l int.iimid. Ui sti) -oe s. unum us a club of two yrarly subvritcrs,
acoiutiilod wiUi 3.ihi (a tah. 4dres
A Great and Wonderful Work,
2,176 Pages
620 Beantifnl Illustrations !
Tur Mammoth CTr?.or,nu htm been pnb
ll'hftl t meet the wants ol ih names for a
utt.wat c-'inpoinlluiu ot fcnowledce rractlcal,
uefti h jcntflcaml General The nrk Is putv
lifted con t let- In tour large and handnoraa
r uuie ant ttinff a total ot 2. 176 paiea, od
lrrniur r i uttratedwiMifiaibfiutlliirrncraT.
lnft T.,' uaml. of dollar hae been expended
t i ake 1 1 i the tnnt compete, valuable and
uef.j w -ikfoi iheuiaMeiicierpubiilieiI It li
a w irk t rveryluKly man, nomnti and hlld,
In eTerjr ttCMipation or walk In life. The nub
Ktmee and fiarttcdl uM'iiy nf inrenty ordinary
Tt. iiwr a 0 comprised tn he lour, aud o
rp i tin wirk itli ktKiwledce of eTery
kind, C 1 it vrllli nclut hint a and helpful
nucftehtnm, that we fully heliere that in eTery
lioui" to v 1 i- h It fhall find It wit it will poor
rom t- 1m regarded anworlh lift weluhMu (told.
For want of ieowecan only brleflv eummar
tz a Mini) pnrMon of thecoutentict this great
work, it fut lows ;
' Ctitnei Jrnnp, the pi'Pfl of InJti, Afrlet, Usliguetri
Paleattnf 1 'eland. Porneo. Itiirtnali, the Sandwich linda.
h)rrla, Kaflrarta, Tartarr, Cashmete and TutiU, the Aratir
Turae, Mexleana, Houtli Atuerlana, American Indlab, Xg)p
liana, Slameie, AbveMnlani, Norwegian!, H anlardt, fiwjia,
Italian. reeka, ttiiianaf flbenana, Aflistii, I'erilaiia,
Moilema, Atitraliana, tlLlgatlana, Mclllana, eio , etc.
MANtirACTriti:. In d great ..rk la al detcrlbed
and Illustrated the aria and proeeaieaof printing, attrrotyptng,
bookbinding, wood engraving, lilbogra hv,photgrrhv, callec
printing, plauo making, atcli making, taper making, the
matiufactute of allk, Irou, ateel, glan, china, perfumery, (cap,
leather, atarcli, wall paper, turpenlltie pottai card, (oitag
ttmpi, envelopei, pena, pencila, need In, and inanj othet
thlnga, all of tthlch will b found jecullariy Intereftlog aud
TOItKHlN lltOlr;Tff. Interfiling dntpUon, llhia
trated, of the cultuto and preparation for matketof tea, coffee,
chocolate, cotloH, llai, hemp, augar. ttc. nutmeg, clover,
ginger, cinnamon, allaplee. pepper, cocoanuti, pineapple, ban
anaa, prune, date, raliiui, fig, elite, lndl-rubber, jtutta
perclta, oork, camphor, cattor oil, tapioca, etc., elc r
NATlIltA I IIIRTOKV Intereillng and Inatrnetlvt
dncrlpilon, accompanied br Hlutratlona, of nnmeroui beaati.
Mrdi. (latiea andfnMcta, nlih tnuch cutlou iulwmttlon regard
lug their life aud hablta.
IAU Tni ifiMMOTii Crcicr Jtnii 1 ato a complete taw
book, tolling every man hot be may be hit onn lawyer, and
containing full anl cenclie explanation of tbe general la
and the lawa of the aeveralNtatea upon all matter which are
aubjectto litigation, wliU numeroua form oriegal documcuti.
MININn. Pearrlptiont and IUutratloni of the mining ol
gold, allver, diamond, coal, tail, copt er, lead, iluc, tlu aud
VNIH:U or THE RH . Herein aredeerlbed anl
llluitrate 1 the many wonderful aud beautiful tht tit; fouud at the
botten Wtheooeau, the plant, flower, ihell. flihet, eto., Ilka
wlee pearl diving, coral fliMng, etc., etc
liglienaTaat amount of uaeful and intereatlng Information,
Come of which I tli population of American cltle, area and
nopul-jtlon Ot tbecontlneuti.of theState and Terrltoriea, and
oft'ie principal countrlea of the world, length of the principal
.If -r .,?.-a:lieaHr' ote for ilitr yeara, Pteii lcnllal ataHitici,
nte.', aaC depth of ieai, lake and ocean, height of mountalui.
locomotion ur.nimal and Telocity of bodle,( tielght of monti
inente, towesv am" atrueturei, dlatancea from Waihlngton, alio
from Now YtI., to Important pointi,ehronologicilbiury of die
corcry anC progreii, popular aobrlqneta of American State,
clllo, etc., common grammatical mora, rule for spelling, pro
nunciation tV-uae of capital, Wall street phrae, corwuerc
nf Ote 7orld, curloua fact in natural hllorj, longevity ol
animal, crlglu of the name of Plate, htidef countrlea.of great
worki, popular fahlei, familiar quotation, of genlua and ol
plants, dying worda of Turnout persona, fate or the Apoitiea,
statlitlesof lha globe, leadiog governmaDU cf the worl, etc
!n Twelve Lai'ge VoSumes,
Which we Offer -witli a Year's Subscription
to this Paper for a Trifle More than
Our Itegular Subscription Price.
Wifhinrr to larucly ineieiice the eiiciil'iiinu nf tliit
paper diiiuiR the next xix ninntlm. we Imvo iiiimIc
urniiitzcnieiitH with a New y-.rU pnlili'.liiji hinise
win t el iv we aie rtinMed 1 1 ciftir lis a preiuiuii) to tint
BllbHCIliieix H S' if ll" Work of liailei Dii li
em, in Thi'Iip I.uf mill Ma nil inmr
ViilmiieM, witli n vchi'm Htiliveiipiinii to tliii
piiper. ii"l' n trifle ii'iore lli.u our remil 11 n I
neii'tioii pliee. Ournt'-Ht iitTei n. mili-ci iIhti
eelipNiH liny oer le iclnlun- iiuuli . ( ti.nlir
DielifiiH Wiis the pn .ilest noi hi wlio evei
lived. No uiiilior l.efiite 01 ninue Inn lime hag
Vdli the fame that hn achiiiM'd, and Iiih wnrkr
nie ioii i inn iiiipiitnr to-dav than I'uiitis
liif hletuiie. 'i'licy aliouud in wit, humor,
patlii H, iniiHUrly deliiieatioii nl elmi-neier
vivid dibOiiiti(iiiM nt plHceH and uicideiiid,
thrilhim and Hl.illfuily wrought iiIhih. lltcu
book in iliteiitl lliierentiliR. N IinliieMi iiulil
be without a eet of tht no Bteal aid leiuatk
ablo woiks. Not to have rend them h to be
far behind the apo in which we live. The
aet of JJlcKeiif wniku which we utter an a
JUilge StouliV .iui.etiu I'tni.
Rather an interestiti; contest is in
progress at tho Santa Fc Laud office, en
titled the United States against O. P.
Perry, and involving the latter's entry
of 100 acres, which includes Monument
rock, and is said to cover tho Brecnden
mine, upon which .1 M. Breeden has
been tit work for the jKist sis years. It
is the old conflict between agricultural
and mineral lauds. Judge Sloan on tho
witness statu! said lie originally located
the Breeden mine in 1SS2, anil afterward
it was located by Breeden in ISSo, who
has since worked it almost continuously
Attorney Seward wanted to know if tho
judge rode his "old roan pony" when he
first discovered the mine, and was an
swered in the ufHrmutive.
The case will be on for Severn! days
yet and is being warmly contested on
both sides. Reference to the "old roan
pony" is of local interest becauso of tho
"magnetic influence" as frequently in
times past claimed by Judge Sloan for
this humble- repiv.-eiitative of the equine
family , now supposed to be dead.
It is related that this pony was n veri
table magnet for the discovery of gold,
silver, lead or copper deposits; in
is said that whenever, in going along
tiny street, road or mountain path, hu
crossed ground beneath which was pay
mineral, his hair would immediately
stand erect, quite on end. "like the quills
of the fretful porcupine," and that his
rider, Judge Sloan, would receivo a
shock which warned him of tho pres
ence, of mineral wealth beneath that
ground, and this, it ii said, is the secret
of tho judge's numerous mineral loca
tions all over northern New Mexico.
Santa Fe (N. M.) Special.
Curious Instinct ot the Home.
It is not an uncommon thing in the
Ai-gentino pampas I have on two occa
sions witnessed it myself for a riding
horse to come home or to the gate of its
owner's to die I am speaking of
riding horses that aro never doctored nor
treated mercifully, that look on their
masters as an enemy rather than a
friend: horses that live out in the open,
and have to be hunted to the corral orin
closure, or roughly captured with a las
so tis they run. when their services aro
1 retain a very vivid recollection of
the first occasion of witnessing an action
of this kind in a horse, although 1 was
only it boy at the lime. On going out
one summer evening 1 saw one of tho
horses of the establishment standing un
saddled and unbridled, leaning his head
over the gate. Going to tho spot, 1
stroked his nose, and then, turning to an
old native who happened to bo near,
asked him what could bo the meaning
of such a thing
"1 think he is going to die," ho an
swered, "horses often come to tho houso
to die." And next morning tho poor
beast was found lying dead not twenty
yards from the gate, although he had not
appeared ill when 1 stroked his nose on
the previous evening, but when 1 saw
him lying there dead ami remembered
the old native's words it seemed to mo
tis marvelous ami inexplicable that a
horse should act in that way as if some
wild creature a rhea, a fawn or dilo
chotes had conto to exhale his last
breath tit the gules ot his enemy and
constant persecutor man. Longmau's
An Ifuliapiiy 1'aiiiily.
John Regan has among iiis collection
of animals two most remarkable speci
mens, viz. ii cat and a dog. Tho latter
is a .small fox terrier, and some six
months ago gave bit lb to a litter of pups
which are now well grown. Puss somo
five days ago gave birth to three kittens.
All went well the first day, but on the
second Nellie, the dog, seemed to take
an unaccountable fancy to the kittens
and very calmly took possession of them,
driving puss away
Nellie watches over the kittens with
jealous care, and snaps aud snarls at
their mother wheianer she approaches.
The dog is taken aa from tho kittens
in tho evening to give pii&s a chance to
become acquainted with iier offspring.
Nellie keeps up a constant howling dur
ing the night, and when released in tho
moruing is with the kittens in an in
stant, and puss is obliged to vacate tho
cherished post of wet nurse and betake
herself to a chair, which she occupies all
day with the air of a policeman olT duty.
San Francisco A!ta.
()nr mill Over iilli II U I'aracliute.
The most thrilling balloon ascension
over given in southern Illinois was that
given at Ditqtioin by Professor Ned
Hathaway Ten thousand people wit
nessed the start, which was made in tho
face of ii strong wind Fully 2,500 feet
high did tho balloon go before the nervy
professor cut loose, and down ho came
tit a mile a mtnuto gait, the parachute
not working at all. The lad turned over
three times. Gaming a frenh hold, he
btraighteiied out TiOO feet from tho
ground, whiult he struck with terrible
force. livery one thought him deud.
He was taken to tbe Tingley House with
only a severe shaking up. Cor. St. Louis
It is reported that tlio observers at
Mount Hamilton have lately kept a sharp
eye turned ujwti the shadow of one of
the moons of Jupiter. This shadow
teemed double, indicating that the tiny
moon which cast it is also double. Since
tho first hint of tho discovery many ob
servations have been made through tho
Lick glass, nil tending to confirm the
original impression, to wit' That this
particular satellite of tho greatest of
planets is double a dot of a moon re
volving around the main moon
During tlio six months from May to
December lust 1U.OO0 tOruigu immigrant
entered London with an intention to re
main, and out of 4.000 arriving during
tho course of lust year by the hue plying
iHitween Hamburg and Tilbury bO per
cent, ware entirely, lUstitiite.
The spats aro now worn to match the
wuisluoiit by Hie bwusgaruat men- A
btilf colored ia ami wtiititOPUt U jutf
about the tnupptMt thing tbe owuuu hm
yet divulged.
Tltey Surprlno The rnglMimiMt hy th Rap
idity or Their Work.
Opposite to this house is a boarding
thirteen feet high by over one hundred
feet long, and in a few minutes 1 was to
see a feat in bill posting such as seems
hardly credible, now that 1 sit calmly
down to write of it. A wagon having
driven up, five men got out of it: one I
recognized tis Mart Ready, Barnmn's
boss poster, two were Americans in their
neat duck overalls, and two were Hug
lish bill stickers whoso appearance 1
would rather not describe. In two min
utes sifter their arrival the duck over
nllcd men bad out their tin cans full of
paste and their eight foot long poles with
brushes at the end. and were hard at it
covering tho hoarding with paste from
top to liottoni, from end to end. The
Knglifihtiieii stood by with something
like sneers on their faces, as who should
say: "Well, there ain't much in that;
wo can cover a boarding with paste,
too." Another minute passed and Ready
began handing out some carefully folded
posters. The (Englishmen's faces relaxed
a little, as who should say: "What aro
they goin' to do now?" and they lcgan
to whisper together.
The two Americans seized one of tho
folded posters, gave it a shake, ran the
brush end of the long poles under It,
raised it, gave a sweep and another
sweep, and there on the boarding was a
sixteen sheet poster, containing a fac
simile of an open letter from P. T. Bar
nuin, headed ".My Greatest Venture."
Then followed a twelve sheet poster
portrait of Bariiittn, a forty-eight sheet
depicting the show tents tis they travel
in America, a twenty-four sheet picture
of Jumbo, a forty-eight sheet representa
tion of the gallery of human freaks of
nature, a thirty-six sheet portrait of the
fair Indian snake charmer from tho
Bowery, New York, a forty-eight sheet
picture of tho menagerie, a thirty-six
sheet portrait of the Mexican rider, a
forty-eight sheet representation of tho
elephants performing, a twenty-four
sheet picture of the clownsanda twenty
four sheet portrait of MissCIara O'Brien,
tho Roman knife thrower.
All along the tops and the bottoms of
tho pictures "streamers" were pasted.
Tho most remarkable fact, however, was
that every one of these huge posters was
slung up into position whole they had
been pasted together befoto starting.
The 100 by 1!1 feet was coveted in exactly
fourteen minutes aud thirty seconds!
There! That is something like bill stick
ing. You ought to have seen tho faces
of those linglishiiien. They were a study
for Dickens. Of course a crowd gath
ered, and, as the omnibuses stop at tho
Cedars, you may guess there were some
quaint remarks from the drivers aud
conductors. Pull Mall Gazette.
Almost as Good it .11 an us Her Itnilliei.
There is living at a point on East bay,
near Pensacohi. a remarkable family of
four bovs at.d one young woman. The
I boys consider their sister to be ono of
themselves, she being in nearly every ro
spect as handy as a boy should be, and
sharing the labot s of her brothers. They
can draw the lines of a ship, hew tho
I timbers, build and launch her, and then
I sail her around tho world. The sclioon
i or Axel, a line little vessel which they
have built, is at present somewhere- on
the gulf under command of Capt. O.,
ono of the brothers, who is a most expert
The other brothers and sister aro now
engaged in building another and a larger
vessel, which is well under way, and
which, when completed and launched,
will bo one of the stanchest crafts sailing
tho Mexic sea. The draughtsman who
furnished the lines upon which she is
being constructed is one of tho brothers,
the carpenters who are building her aro
the draughtsman and his brothers and
sister, and the master who will sail her
will bo one of the boys, who will take
tho remainderof the family for the crow.
For miles and miles in all directions from
the homo the hoys have scoured the for
ests looking for natural crooks to bo
used as timbers, a great many of which
they have found and used its such. Tho
work has so lar progressed that the stem
will bo put in in a few days, when plank
ing will bo in order. The vessel will be
fashioned after the most approved pat
tern, and she will measure, when finish
ed, 80 feet over all, have a beam of 21
feet, and has now a keel of 71 feet in
length. She u ill be rigged us a schoon
er. Savannah News.
dnpmor l?co.
Emperor Ego is tlio nickname Will
iam II has won for himself here, writes
a Paris correspondent, "1, me, my,
mine," being pronouns that crop up con
stantly in his speech and letters. His
telegrams to Prince Bismarck, published
us soon as they arrive, are models of
the egotisticti I style. There's nothing
pleases him more than to find himself
repeated in print. The first Emperor
William iiad served up to him in his old
age, along with his breakfast every
morning, two papers, of which special
editions were cooked up exclusively for
him. He was not aware of this. No
journal was ever u cause of sharper cab
inent bickerings than this one. Each
minister wanted the lion's share of
space, thus to influence the august read
er. Bismarck eventually managed this
special issue himself. The copy which
met with his apptoval was known as
"pap for tho emperor," who, long before
his death, hud fallen farther into second
childhood than any one suspected.
Mote to ft.itti Ilia ItiitlJilnes.
The next legislature of Wyoming' will
pass a law making the killing of a buf
falo a misdemeanor. An act to this ef
fect is not required to protect tho buf.
faloes as game, for the hunter would
hunt the mountains and plains for wild
btiiraloo in vnln It Is Intended to Im
ply lo the mtm who lie In wait and shoot
down the buirulou that hupeii to stray
olf the itorvuuoii in Uio Yellowstone
park, whureu fvw rvlie of Hie bygone
ruoo are pronenud. The dead buff uio
bring Iu sluyer $800 and (lie tempta
tion lo L them Is u itrong one for Uio
hunter, -Exuiuii(;e.
A I'len for Cltj I'liijKiuuiiiU.
City children are undoubtedly happy
in their play, but 1 cannot watch them
without sadness and a regret that tho
fuller pleasures of a country life will
never lie theirs at tho time they aro best
itted to enjoy them. The earnest plead
ing for a leaf or blossom from the flower
laden tourist as, returning from his out
ing, ho passes up tho street; the eager
band of merry children in pursuit of a
wandering butterily fairylike visitor
from a strange land tell of a formless
longing for the unknown freedom of the
woods and fields. What can wo do to
add to the joys of a youth which is nil
too brier' As you enter your high school,
, these boys and girls enter on the serious
duties of life Then follows tho strug
gle for existence, and a severe ono it
usually is.
We cannot give all theso children
homes in this country, we cannot give
them till even an outing there; but wo
i can give them playgrounds in the city: a
very little plot hero and thero will do.
Wo have reserved great parks and
(squares which wo permit them to look
at and sometimes to venture on. But
as playgrounds theso aro practically use
I less; they are accessible to eomparative
I ly few. A vacant building lot in tho
1 proper district is far more to tho pur
, pose. Happy is tlio boy who lives near
one! Notice the evidences of constant
use it shows, the small baseball "dia
j mond" clearly outlined, every smooth
place pitted with marble holes.
What better investment could our
cities make than to purchase small plots
like this at intervals throughout tho city,
tear down tho buildings, fill up tho cel
lars, and leave them, with no forbidding
sign, open to the children. Their little
feet would soon grade and harden tho
ground. In giving tlio nation's futuro
workers such an opixirtunity to lay tho
foundation for stronger and healthier
bodies and brighter wits the city would
reap abundant interest on tho capital in
vested. Frank M. Chapman iu St. Nich
olas. Honest Now York Shop Girls.
A gentleman who lives in Cincinnati
returned homo a day or two ago after a
fortnight's sojourn hero deeply impressed
with the honesty of the Now York shop
girl, On the day af ter his arrival in town
ho went into a largo retail shop in Four
teenth street and made somo trilling pur
chase. The next day he missed a pockot
bosk containing fifty dollars in currency.
Ho thought that he had mislaid it iu his
room at the hotel, and a diligent search
was made for it. He gave it up us lost,
and would have dismissed the matter
from his mind had not the clerk of the
hotel suggested that ho might possibly
have left the pocketboolc in somo storo.
Tho gentleman attached little impor
tance to the suggestion, but about a week
afterward he stepped into tho Fourteenth
street shop and laughingly asked one of
the floor walkers if a pocketbook coti-
, mining fifty dollars had beeu found
.there. Much to his surprise, an affirma
tive answer was given, and in ti few seo-
I mds his property was restored to him,
Ho learned that the saleswoman from
whom he had made his purchase found
tho pocketbook on tho counter after ho
had departed and promptly turned it in
at tho office.
"Are all your clerks as honest as that?"
, jikod the Cincinnati man,
"Certainly." replied tho superintend
prt of the store. "We have never yet
failed to return property lost in this storo
to claimants who could provo their right
to it."
"Well, that beats souio towns." said
tho westerner. "Hero's a 'V for tho
saleswoman." New York Times.
Those Wires on thn l!rilj-i.
Thousands of people cross tho bridge
overy day, but comparatively few of
them know much about tho wires that
aro trained across tho big structure.
They aro thero iu great numbers and of
almost ondlesss variety Their resting
place is on the girders. Through them
countless messages telephonic and tele
graphicare transmitted at all hours of
the day aud night.
Somo of them resemble ropes, but they
are not, for each contains 000 telephone
wires Of theso there aro livo, Besides
them are many other black, suakeliko
j strands, which are other means of com
munication with Brooklyn and points
beyond. Of courso, nearly everybody is
aware that tho laud ends of the Atlantic
cables of the Commercial company also
cross the bridge, but their location is
generally misunderstood They aro se
curely fastened to tho under sido of tho
promenade flooring, in plain view of
passengers on tho trains. New York
.Mucnlflcent Tubneco Crop,
Good news for smokers comes from
Havana. It is expected by the best au
thorities on the subject there that the
present tobacco crop will even surpass
that of ten yeara ago in quality aud
quautity. It promises, moreover, to
"cure" early enough to onnblo it to bo
sampled by July Tho interior harvests
of tho last nine years with tho excep
tion of 1888, which was a comparatively
good ono had all been late iu arriviug.
For instance, that of 1800, iu spite of the
most careful treatment, could not be got
to "cure" fit for smoking until last Jau
uary. The crop is roughly estimated at
u quarter of a million bales, each of 100
jiounds weight. London Telegraph.
riuniirl Hlilrl, No WuUtcout.
The washable waistcoats that como in
many well chosen designs will bo worn
with tho coats and trousers. They may
be worn with the cheviot, but not the
ilanuel shirts. If it iu so warm that the
flauuel blurt must be donned for comfort
it is too warm to add the weight of the
dressy waistcoat. Clothier and Pur
No lllili for tlio House,
The undent house at Judburg, Hi which
Mury Q,ueou of Scots resided for several
weeks during iiur visit to the Iwrdur
counties lu tint autumn of IA0U, was of
fered for ualo at IMlnburgli liutt week,
but there were no bids for Hie quaint ami
liiterustiriif dwelling, wlileli vtvt reteryed
tl,!W0,-Jiu4M Truth.
How Ha Kxnrclsi'il Ills Talent
on m Cht-
eiiKo Culile Car.
"Do you know 1 believo I saw tho meanest
ninn alive Inst night on n south street grip,"
said n friend of mine. "You can bet your
winter's coal Hint the mnn who uronkotl some
thing about honesty being tho best policy
don't live in the suno block with him. I
was coining in t rum a way out south when a
ninn got on nt Thirty-seventh street and
took n nut near the front part of the grip.
After he'd gone a block or two he seemed to
get nervous and said to tlie grlpninn:
" 'You'd Is'tter enll out your conductor. 1
get off nt Tuirty-'hird street.'
"The gripiiuin said, 'All right,' and Jerked
his rope. Well, Thirty-third street enme
but no conductor, ami tho honest mnn got
very much put out about not being ublo to
put up his little nickel. Hight here is where
the priae- menu man got in his work. When'
he cmigtit sight of that nickel he held out his
Iminl. The mnn w ith u conscience recog
nized tho net, tlmnked him courteously,
dmpjssl the nimble nielt In his pnw and got
oil'. The tueati tiuui rixlo on till ho heard tlio
conductor cotnuig for tlio nickel, wlieu ho
" 'Well, sorry I enn'tstny with you nlwnys
hut tln is my street. ly-hy.'
"Then with a graceful wave of his hnnd ho
slid otT tlio cur. Tlio force of what tho grip
iniiu said would bo lost iu tho necessary trans
lation. Hut 1 think if tho grip coming from
tlio upKisito direction hail scattered that mim
nil nlong the block, everybody on tho cor
would have been pleased. It wasn't that ho
hail robbed tho cuninny that mndo overy
ouo mail. It wis tho small, low down way
ho took of doing it." Chicago MniL
Duly or Kontlcmiui wimtctl to represent asso
ciation of portrait painters, l'eriuiincnt posi
tion, l'or particulars- address I-cominlo Associa
tion, 101 West Jlst, New York City.
Uo KuaraeUno Htovo Polish ; uo iltift, uo smolL
Tnv Gkrvka for breakfast.
Packed in patent canvas
pouches, which retain the natu
ral moisture of the tobacco and
insures a cool, sweet smoke to
the end. More solid comfort in
one package of " Mastiff" than
you can get out of a dozen
J. II, l'ueo Tobacco Co., Iliclimoiict, Virginia.
We have selected two or
Croup. three lines from letters
freshly received from pa
rents who have giyeu German Syrup
to their children in the emergencies
of Croup. You will credit these,
because they come from good, sub
stantial people, happy in finding
what so many families lack a med
icine containing no evil drug, which
mother can administer with con
fidence to the little ones in their
most critical hours, safe and sure
that it will carry them through.
En. L. Willits, of Mrs. Jas.W. Kirk,
Alran, Neb. I give It Daughters' College,
to my children when Hnrrodsburg, Ky. I
troubled with Croup have depended upon
and uevcr saw any it iu attacks of Croup
preparation act like with my little daugti
lt. It is simply tub ter, and find it on Mi
raculous, valuable remedy.
Fully one-half of our customers
are mothers who use lioschee's Ger
man Syrup among their children.
A medicine to be successful with the
little folks must be a treatment for
the sudden and terrible foes of child
hood, whooping cough, croup, diph
theria and the dangerous inflamma
tions of delicate throats and lungs.
$20. Odell Typewriter. $20.
Equal to an; $101) Machine,
Hnccd; clean Imprewilon: mani
folding; ix-rfoct uligunient; hard
meuil tyfo: simple; durnble. II
luntruted circular free. A groit
Holiday Klft.
N. IIAVIN, l.'l Montgomery St.,
Han KrunuUco. AkcuIh Wanted.
10 cents st double roll. Bond 2-cent ntam for
kumplc. K'lIOrTKM) & MOUUAN,
Wl Ttilnt ktreet, l'ortland. Or.
TJtir 47 la thn arknnwllfr ,
Iradlna rstnwly for kit Mil
unnatural dtflcbarg aa-t
private dlwuwaotmm. a
curtain cure lor tbe defeM
tatlng weakneaa pnenMa
to women.
I iireocrlb II and faalaair
lTHtf.imkdWinn0n. In rM-ommeDdlng It U
U.O.. A.4.omntn, i u.,uiciu,a.
noui ut iimppiii
1'KICK 91.M.
tiny liver pills
iiiully rllVcllvoi purely inelubi.
1 kUctsUtmhowiilii till border.
i rCiirefl ln
BM Urj.ulf t-T
I "it..
71 Mrrln trn, prllflt'f hv