The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, November 12, 1891, Image 1

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1 Commercial Printing
The Scout has
pbyji ts
Double the Circulation
ot vn y c mi: i ti
More Will tho Hreaa tlio People's KIrIus Mninttiln.
vol virr.
.1. M. C1HROL..
Attorneys at Law,
Special uttentlou wivuu to all buiues eutrut
ted to us.
Office two doors south of bntik.
Attorney at Liw,
Prompt uttcutiou paid to ull buidnesa entnis
tel to niu.
Olllee two door south of hardware tore of
Summer fc Layne.
Physician and Surgeon,
All calls promptly attended to clny or night.
(JUlee with 15. Kakln. IteMdence on A street,
fourth house west of Wright's store.
E. BROOKS, M. 1).,
Physician and Surgeon,
Trompt nttentlon given to nil professional
callc, day or night.
Physician and Surgeon,
All calls promptly attended to, day or night.
W. II. EWIN, M. U.,
Physician and Surgeon,
AH calls attended to, day or night.
ILomoepailiic Physician,
Diseeses of Children a Specialty.
Ollice at the I'lm residence, North I'nlnn.
City Meat Market,
Beef, Pork, Veal, Mutton, Hams
Lard, lite,,
Kept constantly on hand.
Cornucopia Saloon,
Finest of vines, Liquors and Ci
gars Kept in Stock.
FLliii 'r-i for medicinal pnro.-c.s n spe
cialty. (iood billiard t.ible. Drop in ami be sociable.
nt the High Valley
Saw Mill.
All kinds of lumber constantly on hand or
furnished on short notice. Trices cheap as the
JPatronage Solicited.
L. J. Booth k, Propr.
OpiKJsItc tlie Court House, Union, Oregon.
Having again assumed control of this popular
house, I cordially invite the public to give mu
a call.
Tables Furnished with the Best
the Market Affords.
First-class Lodging. Everything nicely and
neatly lltted up.
Meals, Cei.cs.
Beds, ' ' Cents.
None but liiti-c"ok- ".iip!oed.
1 lti-tf.
Can now euro himst li of the deplora
ble results of Earjy Abuse and Perfectly
Restore his Visor and Vitality by our
Home Treatment. The Romarkablo CureB
of hopeless cases of Nervous Debility and
Private Complaints rtre stamping out
quackery everywhere. Treaties and
Question List, a physician's gift to
humanity, will be Bent Free to those
afllicted. Address with stamp
105 Kearney St. Boom 2
5-7-yl. San Francisco, Cal.
(V A Hoarding and Day School for (iirU, Cove,
Union County, Orogou.
Tub ItT. ItKV II. WlsTAIt Momus, I). I)., Itwtor
and Visitor
Mim II. II. IIocock, rrlncl)Hil
lln. Ahtiiuu KouNGVi AMltUiit.
The next Session of this School Opens
September 16, iHgi.
Vnr-I'or lrnu of miaUMfcM MpHr )
llowek, cv It-mi.
AirouD WANTKP-J'artltw ilMlrtnu tu
V V pay their iinlttbwdin to this ijupr
III WOOd, Vttll now (ll) HQ. 7-17-lf
A Magnificent and Impos
ing Structure.
School Opened Monday with a Fair At
tendanceThe TMChera CourM
of Study.
It is with pride wo are able this
week to present our readers with a
out of iho new and magnificent school
building erected in this city during
tho summer, and which has just been
The building as it now stands cost
in the neighborhood of $20,000, but in
point of beauty anil convenience it is
far ahead of many buildings costing
nearly twice the amount, which speaks
well for the architect.
Tho old building was a two story
brick, 13x55, and was erected in 1S78
at a cost of about $7,000. For the
past two or three years the building
has been greatly crowded and it was
necessary to rent outside buildings in
which to accommodate the large num
ber of pupils, so it was thought best to
build an addition to tho old building.
After several meetings of the voters
of the district, it was finally decided to
bond the distiict in a sum sufliciont to
build a good and substantial addition.
Bids wore invited for doing the work,
to be accompanied by plans and speci
fications. There were .three bids re
ceived, and after duo consideration tho
board accepted the bid of Dion
Keefc, of Walla Walla, for the con
struction of the building, 'l.'ixGi, and
for the addition of another story over
tho whole, and for cementing tho out
side of tho entire building, the con
tract price being $11,205. The plans
and specifications of the building were
drawn by J. T. Jones, a competent
engineer of Walla Walla, and the con
struction of the building was superin
tended by A. I. .lones, his brother.
The material and workmanship
througlumt is first-class. The first
two stories are of brick, with 14 foot
ceilings, while the third story is of
Mansard design built of of wood, with
12 foot ceiling, the exterior boing cov
ered with steel shingles. Tho roof of
the building is covered with tin, there
being but little wood exposed, making
tho building almost lire proof.
At present only ssven recitation
rooms aio completed ready for use,
and while as yet only ilvo teachers
liavo been employed, it is thought one
or two more will bo required before
tho end of tho present term of school.
Besides tho recitation rooms there is a
private room for the principal. All
the rooms are provided with tho latest
improved furniture. Tho third floor
of tho building remains uncompleted
at present, but if necessary three or
four more largo recitation rooms can
soon be added. So it will bo seen that
ample preparations have been made
for several years to come, as tho build
ing is capablo of accommodating
about 500 pupils.
The building was completed and
accepted on Saturday last, and on
Monday morning schpol opened with
a fair attendance. Tho term of school
is to bo eight months, but owing to
tho late dato at which it is started it
will probably close at tho end of six
months, as a great many of the larger
pupils will have to quit beforo that
On enquiry wo havo gloanod tho
following information relative to tho
professional careor of our teachers,
which will bo of interest to tho friends
and patrons of tho school :
Pkof. C. 15. Leathkiiman.
Prof. Leatherman, principal of tho
school, is a native of Illinois. He be
gan teaching seven years ago in his
native state where he continued in the
school work in Iroquois county until
about two years ago when ho deter
mined to try his fortuno in tho West.
After visiting tho Sound country, Port
laud and other places in Washington
and Oregon, ho located at Walla Wal
la where ho engaged in teaching. On
closing a vary successful term of
school, ho was appointed deputy
county school Hunt, by Hupt. J. II.
(Johr, of Walla Walla, and spent sev
eral week in vuiting tho dillbnmt
school of Walla Walla county
Mr UalbiTiiiun was principal of
tho Athena school Umatilla county,
this state, last year. The Athena
Press in commenting on Mr. Leather
man's election at Union said :
, "We are informed that Prof. C. 15.
Leathcrman has been elected princi
pal of the Union school, Union county
Mr. Ivcathennan was principal of
Athena school during the past year,
and is an energetic, enthusiastic and
able instructor. During his residence
here ho has made many friends both
with his pupils and tho patrons of the
school who i egret to see him leave
thecounty. Mr. Leatherman isa mem
ber of the county Hoard of Examiners,
and assisted Superintendent .larvis in
the institute at Milton. Ho is an
earnest worker in the educational
field and with his departuro Umatilla
county will lose one of her ablest
teachers. The best wishes of thn
Press and a host of friends will go
with him to his new field of labor."
Under Mr. Leatherman's supervision
the ensuing year wo entertain great
hopes of having a successful school.
Mns. It. E. Wn.Kr.ov.
Mrs, Wilklow is a native of Indiana,
and a teacher of wido and varied ex
perience. About eight years ago she
visited tho Pacific coast, and during
her stay in tho West taught a success
ful term of school in this city. After
closing her school horc, sho returned
to South Bend, Indiana, her nativo
city, where she has been engaged as
one of tho instructors in tho High
School of that city ever since. Sho
returned to Union last summer and
tho directors hero wero fortunate in
being ablo to seouro her services this
year. Airs. Wilklow with Her breadth
and depth of information, will bo a
strong auxiliary in making tho Union
school one of tho vory best in Eastorn
Oregon. Sho will havo charge of tho
sixth and soventh grades.
Miss Compton is a native of Michi
gan and has been a successful teacher
in the schools of that stalo for tho past
Bix years'. About ono year ago Miss
Compton determined to visit tho
great northwest and as a result came
to Oregon. Sho was much pleased
i 1 1 -- 1 .
fflp1- "" - - rt tnSg. " '.7 Ml u
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sgw HJjjM
iliiii 1 1 sir
with Oregon's climate and tho gonial
ity of hor people and henco concluded
to remain here. Sho took charge of a
school in Eaglo valley last year where
sho taught a successful term of seven
months. On completing her school,
she camo to Union where sho ban lived
ever since. Miss Compton attended
the fullj term of tho Union County
Teachers' Instituto held hero last sum
tnor, and was ono of tho brightest,
most industrious and onorgotic teach'
ors in attendance.
The pupils in hor department under
hor guidance will Miruly make grout
improvement this year. Kho will
touch tho fourth and llflh grades.
Miss Eva Lkatjikiimah.
Miss Leathermau is a sister of Prof.
Lentherman and h also a native of Ill
inois. She has had two year's experi
ence in public school work in her
native- county. She camo to Ore
gon last August and was in rogular
attendance at tho Teachers' Instituto
at Milton, Umatilla county. Sho
came to Union about two months ago
with her brother.
Miss L -utherman comet highly roc
comtnrnded as a teacher, and will no
doubt sustain her reputation during
her school work in Union this year.
She will have charge of tho second
and thitd grades.
Miss Uosh E. Wiiiti:.
Miss White came to Oregon last
November from Wisconsn, her native
state. For six years Miss White has
been engaged in tho work of education
and the fact that sho has been almost
constantly employed in tho schools
near her native birth place, would
prove her successful in her chosen
field of labor. She will havo char ;o of
the primary grades. Whilo tbero arc
very few teachers that aro naturally
adapted to this lino of school work,
wo boliovo tho Board mado a wise
choice in the selection of Miss Whito
for this position.
New Couksk ok Study Aooi'tkd.
Everything points toward a most
successful term of school this year.
The school board has adopted a new
courso of study for tho school. This
courso was proparcd by Prof. Leather
man at the request of the school board
It is logical in theory and systematical
in arrangement and shows careful pre
paration. It provides for the division
of tho school into nino grades and in
addition to tho regular common school
studios, it includes Physiology, Algo
bra, Book-keoping, English Literature,
General History, Composition, Physi
cal Geography, Civil Government, and
Physics. Tho pupil on completing tho
courso will bo presented with a suit
able Diploma of graduation, signed by
tho Principal, Board of Directors and
County School Superintendent.
A Nightmare. '
Have you ever been visited by that
frisky and uncomfortable animal, called
u nightmare? Have you ever had it
climb ujwn tho l)cd whilo you wore
asleep and go through a lively perform
ance which would make a fortuno for the
proprietor of a circus? You newer can
tell just when this nocturnal steed will
make Us appearance, but you aro abso
lutely Hitfo from it if yon happen to Ik)
roKwiiig on ono of S, C, Miller's new
lcdHtoadH, which are itiiHiirpusHcd in
quality ami price.
It. II. Hrowu Is hulling school hookx at
Portland prints and is giving away a set
of liiindsoino picture cards with each
loxik sold. Call early ami get choicest
Chtks. Abornolhy, Murder
or or Win. Duncan.
Tiit Otat Worked Up by a Diteotlvt
Who Loses ills Lire A Lare
Reward Offered.
The Fairhaveu Herald of November
Ith contains a lengthy account of the
arrest of a man supposed to bo Charles
Abernothy who murdered Win. Duncan
at Pierre, S. 1)., in 1SSS). Our citizens
aro well acquainted with tho circum
stances, as Mr. Duncan was a brother
to Chas. and Fred Duncan, of linker
City, also to Mrs. Dunham Wright, of
.Medical Springs, and Mrs. Gcer and
Mrs. Murphy of tho Cove. Tho Her-
aid gives tho following account of tho
afTair :
"A scusational sequel to tho
killing of W. L. F. Souter in tho Blue
Canyon disaster last Sunday, trans
pired yesterday in tho arrest of a man
supposed to bo Charles Abernathy,
wanted for tho murder of a man named
Duncan, near Pierre, S. I)., in 188!).
Souter, when ho met his untimely
death, was not a regular employe of tho
Bluo Canyon mine but was only work
ing Micro as a detective to work up a
case against Abernethy.
Abornolhy arrived in this city about
three weeks ago. Souter lived in Da
kota when tho crimo for which Aber
nothy is wanted was committed, and
recognized him as soon as ho saw him
in this city. Ho immediately pro
ceeded to make his acquaintance and
insinuate himself into his confidence.
Abernethy was looking for work. Sou
ter told him that ho also wanted em
ployment and proposed that they
together go to tho Bluo Canyon mine.
Hero Souter took Superintendent Wat
kins into his confidence and they
wore both givon employment until
such time us tho identity of Aber
nethy should bo established. Souter
wired United States Attomoy Sterling,
of Huron, S. D,, of his discovery and
U8ked instructions. A letter contain
ing a full description of Abernethy
camo Saturday last, but had not not
reached Souter at tho timoof tho acci
dent. Attomoy Sterling was advised of
Kouter's trugio death last Sunday, and
on Monday, City Marshal Parker re
ceived a telegram, instructing him to
arrest Abernethy at once, Tho arrest
was mudo yesterday morning at tho
Bluo tluuyou camp by Shorill' Do Lor
linier, and tho prisoner is now safely
lodged in tho county jail,
John urloy and J, J). Icody, of
I this city, resided in Dakota when tho
I murder was committed, and arc t'uniil
I iar with tho circumstances. " lcr
J nelhy had been employed ns an luMlci
I in Charles Eisner's hotel in Sti;:.:i-.
(said Mr. Farley to a Herald repot n
, last evening. "In March. ISS'.l. bo
j was discharged and in a fow !.!
: landlord Kl-ner missed a tine jonu :
j horse. Soon after this Aberm tli , m
company with a man named Duncin.
; arrived in Pierre with a bunch .1.
, horses, which they old, realizing irom
J the sale $:5.(KX) in cash and a lino
I young stallion. From Pierre Abcr
! nnthy and his partner, Duncan, crossed
I the river to tho Sioux reservation. A
; few days afterward it party of Indian
J children nt play on the reservation
saw it ropo lying on the ground, one
end of which was buried. Upon tak
ing hold of it and pulling it, the arm
of a man was drawn out of the loose
earth. The terrified children reported
their find.
Assistance soon arrived and Dun
can's body was found. About two
weeks after this discovery Abernethy
showed up at Smith Bros.' ranch,
about fifteon miles north of Sturgis,
with tho young stallion which ho and
Duncan had obtained at Pierre. Hero
he sold tho stallion for much Iocs than
its value, Before ho got away from
Smith Bros.' ranch, ofllcers from
Pierre, who wore on his trail, arrived
and captured him. Two thousand
dollars was found in his possession
Ho was taken to Sturgis but the feel
ing against him there was so intense
that he was moved to Huron, where
he was lodged in jail to await trial.
Two days before the time sot for hi-'
trial ho broke jail and no clue of him
was discovered until the appearance
in this city of tho man whom Souter
recognized as Duncan's murderer."
Mr. Souter was positive that the
man arrested is Abernethy. The
question of his identity will bo settled
in a fow days upon tho arrival of a
man now on his way here from Dako
ta with a warrant for his arrest. Sou
ter had been a sheritl' in Dakota, and
in his official capacity ho made several
clover captures. Ho was a man rare
ly mistaken in tho identity of persons,
and had had considerable experience
in tho identification and apprehension
of criminals.
Tliero is a reward of $1,500 for the
apprehension of Abernothy $500 by
tho state, and $1,000 by Duncan's
Nov. 8, 1881.
Hain, snow and sunshine all mixed
Undo Jacob Collins was seen out on
tho Kidgo last Sunday.
Tho Pacific Coast Elevator Co. is
building tt largo warehouse at Alicel.
J. A. Woodell is in Portland attend
ing U. S. court U3 a grand juryman.
Chas. Copplo and E. H. Iluckman
have bought the McDowell ranch near
James McDowell has moved to the
Wallowa where ho expects to mako
his futuro home.
E. A. Johnston litis built a wagon
repair shop in connection with his
blacksmith shop.
M. 1). Cochran is having troublo
with tho State Insurance Co. We
hope thoy will como to an amicablo
settlomont, for it would bo hard on
Mr. Cochran to lose his dwelling, with
all its contents, when ho has paid tho
company to take tho risk.
Thcro has boon a largo acreage of
fall wheat sown on the Sand Itidgo
this fall, as the fall grain heretofore
has proved to yield more and of better
iiality than tho spring sown grain.
If ull the farmers would put somo
grain in in tho fall, instead of so much
in the spring, thoy would bo better efT.
You Know.
Agents Wanted
Our nucule niuko f 100 to;W0a mouth tvlllug
our uood" on their merits. Wo want couuty and
KCiieral agent, and will tako buck nil good tin
void If a county uceut full to clear f 100 and ex-
pciueii alter a thirty day'H trial, or u funeral
agent lemttliau i'0. Wo will tend largo illtu-
(rated circular and letter with u upeclul offer to
kuH territory applied for, on receipt of three
ouo runt ktampa. Apply t oucound (ret la oil
the boom. Addre,
I'j-jl riiulMirfch, r.
Do you want to secure a life size jor-
trult of yourself or tiny of your family?
If ho It will pay you to tall at levy's
storo where you can got them frett of