BANK ROBBERY. A Bold Piece of Work in Broad Daylight. ROBBERS ESCAPE WITH $3450. run Particulars of the Affair from the Wallowa Chieftain Extra of October 8th. Today one of tlio most daring bank robberies ever committed took place in Enterprise. Three men did tlio work, and the Wallowa National 13ank is loser by their deed of the neat little miin of ?.uro. Following is the story of the robbery a? told by W. It. Holmes, enshior of the bank: "I had just returned from dinner about one o'clock, and had entered the inaiilo door to the bunk office. Whon I nMiphitd the cashior'a window a man entered the front door, stepped up, and asked if there wan a deiosit in thy bank for Smith. I replied no. He again linked if a deposit hud not been feont from .Portland for Smith, and again L told him no. Ho s-fliil, 'are you euro,' and 1 told him yes. With out further conversation the man pro duced a revolver and, with an oath, ordered mo to hand out tlio money. 1 began to back oh", pausing behind the glass window oftlio office and out. of raimo of tbo robber's gun. About this time a second man jumped upon the metal wicket iri front of tlio counter and pointud a revolver at me, donmnd ing that I stand whore I was. A moment later he jumped into my oflico and was immediately followed by tho first man named. Both men thon placed their revolver!, against mo and demanded that 1 open tho vault. 1 told ilium that 1 couldn't unlock the vault, as the time lock was on, and at that one of them replied, 'If you don't you'll diu right here.' After forcing mu to unlock the vault, they made me hand out two sacks of silver and one sack of gold, all containing .f.'tlnO. Tho cash in tho paying tray was over looked by them, as it was covered with note holders, etc., and I also saved all tho currency by protesting that there was none in tho bank. Tliey thus left quite a sum in the bank they might have taken. When tho sacks of coin wore handed out, some of tho silver dropped on tho floor of the vault, but they made mo pick most of it up and give it to them. As soon as they got the money, hot Ji the nun marched me around through tho hank oUico and to the hidowalk, and when they gained their homes hi'gun tiring their revol vers in tlio air. v ....... ... i-MimiK au tins time a tiiiru man had remained on his horse in the street, holding the horses of the other two robbers, and although a number of nion hoard my calls for help they wore promptly 'htdd up' by this thin nittn when thoy canto up. The rob burHloliborately mounted their horses after gaining tho street, and after firing their revolvers in the air, lode south one block, then east one block to Levy's store, and then took tlio county road south toward the motiu tains. Tho robbers were detained in tho bank by mo several miuutas, but nl though my alarm was heard, very few realized tlio tioublu until it was too late." The nuws of the robbery spread wild-ilie, and as soon as possible tho robbers were followed by men on horro h.uik, Ihu thoy eteaped safely to tho mountains and when lntt teen were in tho timber near 1). W. Otto's place, about four utilus nuuth of lhttorpriso, K. M. Downey, one of tho pursuing party, was within 200 yards of the throe men when they reached tho timber. Ho tried to shoot at them, but ln gun failed to work, and Hob lost his golden opportunity until the thieves were out of reueh. Jt is, of course, tho wildest specula tion to predict what route tho robbers will take to effect their escape. All known now is that in tho mountains thoy nro comparatively ufo from iinv number of putsuers, anil it is exceed ingly doubtful if they tiro over cap tured. Mr. Downey states that when lie Itut saw them thoy had separated, one going vot and tho other two keeping straight up the mountain. It is perfectly mfu to presume Hint they have it eump, with plenty of provis ion, at bomu convenient pluco, and that tho lobbny uud their ubt'tuent Mpe luil luHtn carefully planned, Tim men Jmvo bwn In (he uvy tur mvr iUy, one of (hem Imving tam lu Knlprfw mom or tor iU Ht hrw tJy, PolUwIwu (i 4t ftffcUl lift 1a41J f Wj UUU Ljllll LUMli MaJubl llllU 'r TF wPr JTfl flV f gf 140 pounds, dark hair, brown mous tache, about 40 years old. One man, dark complexion, heavy moustache, brown hair, weight about 180 pounds. One man, brown hair, small blue eyes, sandy burnsido whiskers, scar on chin or lower lip, wearing blue overall? and a now pair of heavy grained leath er boots. The first two men had not shaved for a week or more. All were on gray or roan horses, one branded AF on tho shoulder. Mr. Holmes has offered u reward of $500 for tho capture of the robbers, and it is presumed this amount will bo increased when the bank directors meet. Several parties arc now out in search of the robbers. Taken all in all, tho robbery was decidedly of the James boys order, and caught the pcoplo unprepared. Had two or three guns been handy to Main street near the bank building, it would havo been nearly impossible for tho thieves to havo escaped. COVE CULLINOS. CoVK, October H 18P1. Mr. Andorson had his hand severely clutched between the rolls of the mill, yet broke no bones. Tho Christian Endeavor Society an ticipate giving an entertainment" Fri day night for tho benefit of purchas ing seats for tho Morrison church. Wm. Uooth was the happy recipient of an 11 pound boy, born to his wife one day last week. Threshing continues, but down to one machine. Tho tannery is turning out a largo quantity of leather. Don't forgot, tho county alliance meeting Friday, Oct. lfith. All are requested to attend for the purpose of transuding some important business. Why don't the people insist on those broken bridges on the different roads being repaired? It is very nec essary. Miss Amy Daiighot ty came home i from La Grande, recently, whore she is I attending school, on account of hick nes.", but has recovered and returned to school. Tom Tolly's baling crew beat the record, baling 7(5 A tons in ft J- days ut 1 inblor's. Heat that if you can. Mr. Jack Vincont, of Portland, ar rived today. This finishes tho Vin cent group now living, two brothers and two sisters. Thoy have not been together before for over 40 years. Large bands of horses and cattle aro being driven out of tho mountains. Tlio grazing is poor, yet tho stock are in splendid condition. riie patties who visited Portland returned Monday. Thoy report' an enjoyable time. Itov. A. Itnoticy held services at tho Ascension church, Episcopal, last Sun day, and will eoiilinuo as pastor, hold ing services every Sunday at 1ft min utes before 11 a. in. Win. Wontworth and wifo of IJaunur, Idaho, arrived Saturday. Thoy expeot to remain I! or 4 weeks aniPitll wish thoin an enjoyable visit. H. L. Onchran and Mick Holoy of Cornucopia wore down this week "lay ing in a supply of fruit and provision for the winter. Work on the now church is progress ing nicoly. 'TNOTHEitr suicide. ' A Man I'ouutl DoaU nt Huutlnrton With n rtutot Under His Homl. A Huntington, (U)mtcli of Oft, SmiyH: Alxuit noon today Home mrtlon who wortMlrlvinj; cuttlo into town fornliip-nu-nt foil ml 11 niun lying uVml at tho foot of tlirt hill Huuth of town. Tito uu thorilioH wore iiniiiwliutoly notitiwl, who tologniphwl thi" coroner ami had tho Ixnly roino. I plaowl 011 ioo, ttM do coiniioHition 1 . ..Iroatly ooininoiicod. Tho man wum l....n as I'harloy, and has U'on at work for .lamas Toltt in tho livory stahlo until within tho last wool;. Deputy Shoritriiannon was ono of tho llrt on tho soono ami ho found a as-oal-iU'r Kiiitth Woshou ptctot undor tho homl of tin doad man, and furthur in-vobtij-ation hhovol that ho had com. mittwl Mtioido hy sh(K)ting himsolf tlmnijrh tho right oyo. A letter was found 011 liin person addrosswl to his mothor, who is in Salt liko City, rim lottor was dated in Oakland, Cal., .Mav 27, 1801 which proves that ho has con- templatod tho act for coino time. A ixst script was addisl In June; all to the eil'ect that life was not worth living. In the letter he signs himself "Ad.". Ah the coroner has not yet arrived it is imiHishlhle to learn the full imiwt of his lust moscago t relutivos. AjeuU Wanted Our sjciu. iiuilo iiou iot:U0a niniitli kutllne our BiHidn un their murlu. We uaiit count) ami ) ami . un 1 . u' ural lllUk. . geiu ral ajiniu, aud lll take liack all nool old II a imii 11 1) agrul falUtu dear IUX) ami ante adrr a Ihlrlv d' UUI, or a gruc ak'till Ivm than ll't). Weulllund lr Iralol lu ular aud UHcr Mlib a mhh'UI uticr lu ' tun iMilinry i1In ror. 011 H-cdpt ol thrit olietruliu.i Applf t ouc and y' u ou hxx)w AdJriii, IUM MffiUtilUliU I'd., ii rnubmgL, j", ihw m mu 1U V4P UAMlUl ttiuMllliia it A Eafa investment. In one which U guaranteed to tirin? satlsfac lory result!), or la cafe of failure o return of pur chase price. On thin safe plan you can buy from our advertised drupelet a bottle of Dr. k'lnxss Sew Discovery for Consumption. It is Ruarnntewl to brine relief in every case, when used fornuyatrecttoucfThroat, Lungs or Chest, such a Consumption, Inlliimmntloii of Lungs, Dronchltts, Arthmi:, Whooping Cough, ('roup, etc., etc. It I pleasant uud agreeable to tuste, perfectly safe, unci run always be i!eenflel up on. Trial bottle free at llrov.n's drug store. Tho Examiner. Sver ilnce the cxtabllsbmentof the first paperoa the bay of San Francisco, which we believe wai the "Alta," removed from Monterey in ISM; the Inhabitants of the Coast generally have been inter. csted in the news from San Francisco. The "Alia," like many other pioneers of '43, has succumbed to the inevitable and gone over to the great majonty, and, like other pioneers, lias been succeeded by younger generations. . The "Examiner" has taken perhaps the most prominent place in the newspaper field of late years, and its Weekly edition is very generally taken by those who want an Interesting and reliable paper published at "The Bay." l'.veryone is familiar with the Premium Offers made by Mr. Hearst, the "Examiner's" enterprising publisher, and it is only necessary to Bay that this year the aggregate value of the premiums of which there are 5,000 is $18r.,0CO, which are distributed among all the subscribers lo the paper. In addition to these pre miums, which range in value from CO cents to f7,H)0, every subscriber receives enc of the lour great premium pictures, which will be mailed lo him lu a tube direct from the " Examiner" olace as soon as the subscription Is rcccivc3: " Tie Retreat from Moscow," 07 Melssoiler. "Tie Man Chariot Eace," by A. Wagner. Each of these pictures is 21x28 inches, and they are elegantly reproduced In fac simile, showing every tint and color of the great originals, either one ol which could not be purchased for "Women and CMlflren First," by C. Napier Hemy "Christ LeaTing the PrstorlnH," by Gnstave Dore ICnch of these pictures U reproduced in photo- ftravure, sie 'lx'JS, and eminently fitted for from ng, and will adorn the wall! of the most refined home. . The subscription price of the "Weekly Exami ner" is Jl.lU.and subscriptions may be sent either direct to W. K. Hearst. Publisher, San 1'rancisco, through the Local Agent of the "Examiner" or the Postmaster. The Examiner hii'1 Hcout will both be sent to any mldrcH on rceipt of i"5 cnxh in ndvuuce. Kaeh Hnbncrl!,er ill also hnvo hi ch'dre of the Hbove pictured i.ud 11 rhnntts In the Kxuminer's grand drawing. Call nt Tirx Si out office and huIjuptIIhj. A Yfortdor Tfforkor. . Mr. Trunk llull'niiiu, it young man of lturling- tou, Ohio, Ktaten Hint hv Inirl been under the euro of two proniliiout phyMriatix, and uk1 thulr treatment until ho wiik not nblu to get around. Thoy ptoiiouuccd hN disc to lw Con sumption uud liK'tiruhlL'. I If u n persuaded to try Dr. King's New liNeovcry for CouMumptlon, Couglm uud Colds mid Ht tlmt time was not uhlo to walk urroNB the htruet without resting. Ho found, before he had used half 11 dollar hottlt, thii he wiik much Ixittor; he continued to we it uud today enjoyu good health. If you havo any Throat, I.ung or Chest Trouble try It. We guar antee mttisfiictiim. Trial bottlcn free at llrown's drughtoie, ijilon, Oregon. Electric Blttor3. This remedy is becoming so well known and ho popular as to need no special jiieiittou. All who have used Electric IMtterN slug tho Mime Ming of praise A purer medicine does not oxUt and It is guaranteed to do all that is claimed. Electric Hitlers will cure all dlsuice f Ihe Elv er and Klduoys, will remove I'liuples, Hulls, Salt lthuuiu and other aHectlonx caiueil by Im pure blood.--Will drive Malaria from the sybtcin and piuciit us well as euro all Malarial fovora. For cure of lleaduche, Cointtlpation and Indiges tion try Electric Hitters Entire Mitisfactloit guaranteed, or money refunded. I'rlce .7) cents uud tl.() ier bottle at lirown's drug btoic. The Plrat stop.( I'erhap you are ruu down, eau't eat,, can't sleep, can't thtuv, onu't do anything to your willfdOtlou, nnd yon wonder what nils you. You should heed this wurulu, you are taking the tint atep into Nervoua I'Nwtrnlliiii. You need a Xervc Tonic and lu Electric lllitem you Will find the exact remedy for restoring your nervous system to !U normal, healthy rnudition. Burprlnlng rcatilts follow the mo of this great Nervo Tonle and Alternative. Your appetite re turuH, good dlgoHttou Ih restored, anl the Elver 11111I klilnes ri'nimo healthy action. Try a bot tle. I'rico 0 cents, at llrow n'o drug store. The 1hsI job pr'mting can lw ptuH'ttred at this oflico. Hall Bros,, Union, Or. Have Jusl,rwvIHtJi large suppl.v.of School Hooks, Copy lioolcs, Slatts.s, Tablets, InkH, Enisors, And In fact eer thing ucd In the public school of this iMiiuts ffli '(fCiill early and make our Iseleclloiis, or scud 111 j our orders. 10-l-tf. Union and C i iiuiiophi , C , ( a V r" I t 'v I ' I N I S-l (I P I I IIP H Jilly L I v I 1 I V . 1 : W V-i-w V XJX 1J-V 1 1 I.J ' 1 QnhikoMt and CjlttuiiiUMt Koiito (o lliu liiu Ortuik Hi 1 s S il S ! 1 II t rHE CRY OF MILLIONS OH, I'JiV EJ7CCI! OTOP IT NOW, BOOM IT Will DC TOO LATE. I hax-e teen troubled many years with disease of the kidneys and have tried many different remedies and nwt fought aid from different physicians without relief. About the 15th of April 1 was fufferitur frnm a very violent attack that alraort prostrated me In fuclia manner t .ai 1 vrat utui ".. When I Mt down it was almost impossible for me to ret up alone, or to put ou my clothes, when UnH Priwiiience sent Dr. Henley, with the OREGON KIDNEY TEA. to tny -a- hottL I immeiliately commenced usinr the tea. It had an almost :a. 11 nan an airouai vi fleet, and to the afton- ""JA I the guests at the hotel, f: M) -s,l am happy to state, X W miraculous eflcct. ishmer.t of all i r j that I was a new man. I willo- recommeud the tea to all alU.ctedj as 1 have been, G. A. TUPPER, . -oprietor Occidental Hotel, bau'.a Kosa. Cal. THE '-BLUE LIGHT" Open Day nnd Night. Meals at all Hours. Oysters, in Season. Bread, Viet, t aken. Etc, Conntautly rji hand mm Mir iwii'. n i-uuiug rnKfw to oraer. JIcKIXNEY. I'roprietor, Main Ht., Cnion, Oregon. 9-17-t; NOTICP TO CONTIIACTOKS. Hid will be received un to noon October 24. iW.for huihlliu: a school liouse ill district No. SI. rtie of buiWing, :xZI, with two cloak rooms, CxS: 1 door Mild 8 windows: ha loon frame, rustle: walls, matched ceiliiiLM over head, rustle: nlaln box onrniee: doorK. window and all frame furnished by the school board. All bids should be sealed and marked "C011- tractirs Uifls," and addressed to w, a. catks. school Clerk, Telocu'.et, Oregon SilfKltll'F'd ,'JA J.I". Jacob Newman vs. (ieo. H. Uoblcr. rlIEitEA6, on the '25th day of September, 1 1800. hv ronslderatloii of the Circuit court otineetaiooi Oregon, ror 1 111011 county, Inn suit enuutii: Augllst iviotunnan s. jiimeK Welch etal. a decree of foreclosure anil order of sale of foreclosed premises was dul rendereil, outcred of reconl and docketed in favor of Jacob Newman one of the defendants in said suit, ami against (ieo. II. llobier, aimther if sutd defeu- lants; ttierefore, notice Is hereby given that 1111 ler and by virtue of a foreclosureeecutlou and irder of sale Issued out of the suit! Honorable Ircult Court on the 1st day ot October. 1891. in the above entitled cause, wherein Jacob New man the above named judgment creditor ob tained a judgment nnd decree of foreclosure and sale against (ieo. II. llobier, the above named judgment debtor on suld 'J5th day of September for the sum of JSlO.ft? over and above a credit entered on said judgment as of that date, and Interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum, since said September U"), lfc'Ju, ami ac cruing costs and co-ts of this writ, lam com manded to sell the land situated in 1, nlou coun ty, Oregon, and described in said decree as fol lows, to-wit: Lots 'J and loin block .'Tin the town or Nortli I'owder.l nion countv, Oregon. Therefore I will sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder for cash, in I'nlted States gold coin, at the court house door in the city of Cnion, I'nion county, Orcgon.ou the 14th day of November lh'Jl, at 'J o'clock p. m. of said day, all the right title and intctest In said above described real estate that the said defendant deorgo II. llobier had ou or alter the 'J-Jud day of April lhVi, to satisfy said judgements costs ami accruing costs. Dated at I'nion this 10th day of Octolier, l&fll. J. T. liOI.EES, Sherill'of I'nion County, Oregon. lly V. It. CsiiKit, Deputy. lo-l.Vw.'). SUMMONS. lu the Justices Court for North I'owder pre cinct, County of Cnion, Statu of Oregon, (iorhant fc Hothehlld'l mulntillH, llufoie Jno. Edwards .1. 1'. vs. S Civil action to recover Joceph C. I Inn I son f money. I'creiKiaui. J To the above named Defeudaut, Joseph C. Harilson. In the name of the State of Oregon you are uereuy rouiilred to appear liefore the uuder aigued. a Jimtteeof the l'cace for the precinct aforesaid, on the !0th day of November A. 1). UUl, at the hour of 1 o'clock p. 111. of said duv, at the ottice of nueh Justice in said Drecinct. and answer the complaint tiled against you hi the above entitled action, that being tbo fifth day after the expiration of the time prcaarlbed tor tne puiiucnuon 01 mis summon). Ana tf yoll fail to ao answer, fur want thereof the Plaintiff will take judgment against you for the sum of Sixty-seven uud 'J.Vl0ii Dollars and costs of this action. John Enwiitn-,, Justice 01 the I "eace. This summons is ordered tube nul.!i-hcl John Edward, a Justice of the Ivaee ic Sonh I'owder precinct, I'nion countv, Oregon, on Hie 2Utdayof Seiitember A. D. si, iHrecim? ihi- ,m01icuou lliereol lo bo uimle In I in: X)lT'r. a weekly lfewauaoer iniblishc.l nt I 111 ;i. Cnion couuty, Oregon, once week to. in period of si.-; veeks. John Enwiuo-. '. '.'l wO Justice of the i SI! IS 11 1 1'l'N s.vr.n. AJtlTICE IS HEltEllY CIVEN THAT It V VIU 1 tlie of au extent Ion out of the Hon orable Circuit Court 01' the Mate of Oregon, for I'nion county, beiirliu date the -Vitii day of Sep teinlier, lsl, to nie ilireetisi mid delivered upon a Judgment entenvl ttiereiu on the lKth dav of May, lsiU. which judgment was ctmdled and docketed in the clerk's ottice of said court lu said county ou the -lull day of Ma, ls'Jl, where in llusche A Co. are plalullll's and James I.ce i defendant for the sum of One Hundred and Ten Dollars w Ith Interest thereon since June 0, lsjiO at Id percent, pur annum, and the further sum of Thirty Dollar attorney fee, I huve levied up on the following doscribed leal estate situated ill Culoii county, Oregon, to-lt: Tlio NU't. of Ni:4 Sihv 1, Tp. S s, It. M E. . M. and by virtue of said execution and levy, I will sell at public auction at the court house door In Cnion, I'nlou county. Mute of OreL-un, on Niturday, the 7th day 01 November, IS'Jl, at 1::!0 o'ehs-k p. m. of said i lay. all the rlttht, title uud interest of, in and to the above described premises that the suld defeudaut James I.ce had therein ou the -Jtli day of .May. lsui, or has since acquired, to satisfy suld judgment, interest, costs uud ticcru iiiK costs. Terms of sale, cush to me in hand iu V. sold colli. DatiMi at I'nlou, this the 'Jud ilav or Oct., 1M11 J. t. JIOI.I.KS, Sherlll of t'llion I'liunU. Oreenn. lly V. It. I'sltKit, I)eputy. 10-s-w.V 1 SUKltll'I"S SA1.1 i AJOTICE IS HEltEllY TiTvKX THAT ItY Yllt . 1 tllO llf till IIX(Hllllllll thhllivl .1111 fifth.. II. ..1. ' ornhlo Circuit Court of theMateof ouou, for j I'liloncoiilily, ts'arlUKdatothethday of Sei- j ii-iiu.-r, in iiiv iiuvemi hiui iieiu eriHl U1H1U a Judgment enteral therein 011 the ISth dv of 1 iu.. ( ,. 1.1.1, 1...1 -.,... . .Mil., ipji, iiiiivii jiiiiKiiiviit nits utmilltM ami ilis'ktled In the clerks ottlcvof said court, In ' snld count) , on the ih day of .May, IS'Jl, here , III Mitchell A U'l Co. are piiilntflU and Jsines iw istieieiuiuui tor luemna 01 one lliiudml and Mnctivu lolUr and Nlncty-oao Cents with luleresl Iherrtiu at the rate of 10 pur ivnt. ivr ",,,,u.m r,,m ''Mhda of lor '"HIkt mm ol Iwvulyoue Hollars and Sluct) m-h'II lent. ct.. I hate lotted uis.i! l ie IolUmltmdicf ilniit roalisistc. hIiuhIi.I in t'uiou CtiUllO, Ofyyuii, to Hit The NWI. uf tuioii itiunn. iirvtimi. low it The MV4 u NKKhcc I. Tut u f.. M .11.1 i.v lir .. .Tt - 1.1 ... 1 .... . ...... I ' V im uiaiui;iiTuiiiiii aiui in,) 11 III Mil kl pub lleauiiloual ihe court imu di.if iu t'uiou, t'uiou roil ul ), CUU ol Oivaoii, ou alurda). Ihu I ulou t-uiiuit, MaU ol nil-don, ou alurda), Ihu Mi df of KJiewUr. 1 u'fUi p. 14 p .Ud, all lh flht, tfilf u. lukiiitollu U.ilUi lb aUita dwrilUJ picmltw tli.t 1l Mia.UUiUul hun Mi llinvluou IE Wfuiifbl f Iim lur aaiiulM, l I. (uL la u. lu L.i .l lu -J .u J .Ju' - ' " " "" U . aX k .. n.Tl . II.. .i . 1 . ... 1 .1 rwt n I'Kivii wh tf ft nufM m irifc?W"1ftr jajTKAY NOTlCli. T OST Oil STUA YEiTkKOM "A"1"?! j Harnev county. Oregon, about the first 01 May, 1K91, fourteen head of how.nll braudeil on right stille as follows: One forrei marc also branded 1 uuderneath the above brand. .... ,...,i, One gray mare nl-o brauded 11 "lnt.ftl,.ht the above brand-had a cow l-ell 011 wheu last Sto"io brown mare also branded 0 on left shoulder. , , ..w.. All the above decribeil animals were tflKcu from Wallowa volley lflft fall. Anyone giving information of their whereabouts, betweeu Har ney and Wallowa vallcyc wtlK he Iitrall re warded. Aldres: II. J. EIMiHAKT, 10-I-ml. .Summcrvllle. Oregon. SU3IMONS. Ill the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for K. H. MrCoiuas, M. Thoinsnti, E. I'ltwcl,! A. Denuev ami joiin MCtoiini", riaiuium v. Laura Fairoll, May Shcltndy and the un known helrn at law of J. M. Kordtco, do- To Laura Kairall. May f-hollady and to the heirs at law of J. M. Fordlce. deceased, wiioenaine are unknown, und to all other unknown lnir sons having or claiming an Interext In the l.roiierty herein describeil: X THE NAME Ol' THE STATE OF OltEliON: T- I Yrm urf hnrnl.v rminlnl to unilOHr HUll an' uii-r h f-nlnl,lii(llt Hlml llffHlllSt Mill ill the above entltliil suit on or oeiore uie isnuiy in the next rpgular term of tlie elreuit eourt 01 tne Mate of Oregon, for t'uiou rounty, after six weeks complete publication of this euuimons, to-wit: 011 or before the lflth day of November A. 1). iwl. Defendants will take nottte that If they " t i';:. rand answer or plead within said time, the I'uilnttlls will apply for want thereof, to the court for the relief demanded In the complaint, to-wit : For an order for the sale in pnrtitiou of Iot .", IlliK-k 1, In the city of t'u iou, Countv of rnioii, State of Oregon, and for h partition among the owners of the proceed thereof after paying the costs and disbursements 01 mis ruii ami ror general reuci. This summons in published in The Orkho.n Scout, a weekly newspaper published at I'nion, Oregon, by order of lion. .las. A. Pee, Judge of the Sixth Judicial District of the State of Ore gon, made and dated at chambers at I'enilletou, Oregon. Sept. A. D. 1M. T. II. CKAWrORP. ttornev for I'liifiitHtV. For Sale. -riARM in Cove, consisting of 10 acres. All V under fence, small orchard, nine room house, small barn, out buildings and one wood workiug establishment run b water power. Inquire of S. li. llurruughs. Coe. Or. !)-17-w(i. OPENED - ANEW! THE IXKIIOHN Livery and Feed Stable. (Near the Court House.) & Wright, Proprietors. Hulick (iood Teams. IliiL'Slcs iimiI Hacks for the ac comodation of customers. CHARGES KEASONA BLE. A share of the public patronage solicited. o-l-tf. PATENTS Obtained, and all Patent Uusiness attended to Promptly and for Moderate Fees. Ourotliee is opposite the U. is. Patent Oflice, and we can obtain Patents in less, time than those remote from W'asoiiiKton. Send MODEL or DltAWING. We advise as to pnntentabililv free of charge; and we niako NO CHAKOE UNLESS I'ATKNT 1 SECUKED Wo refer, liere, to the Postmaster, the Supt. of Money Order Div., and X ) olHcials of the U. S. Patent Ottice. Fci circular, advice, tunas and roll'erences to actual cli ents in your own State or County, write to C. A. SNOW & Co., Opposite Patent Olliee. Washington. 1). 0. A. n no u n Have on the way and now Agricultural The Company 111 hereafter carry FARMING r-This department will bejunderthe manaKei..ent of Mr. Kllpatriek. o in te -lu'lJ' J OB .w .rf,!Ci!UilS h,lVi"y l-0eU inc1roasctl -w t no anil a laruo invoice of t in n no nnillflroil in Yn,..ln the FinsrEST wobk: on short notice. Call nt once if you want l.a. av letter Hoaila, Circulars, Knvclojies, HoceipU, Tiokots, Kill MeailH, Klii)iiiiK Thjjh, U'Kil 1Mb nka, l'oator, Contittitloii, PRICKS HKASONABLK. mlKkn (iuirHU4 Ih V,my IiuUuce. Of Jt by Mill Jroi 0.&W.T.R.R. "The Hunt Line" Iu Connection wil'i the NORTHERN PACIFIC RAIU'D Forms the Quickest and Best Route iletw een Eastern Oregon and Washington mi, 1'iiget Sound points, us well us the lo . ulur Mill Direct Line to nil POINTS MST and SOUTHEAST PULMIK SLEEPING CAKS, SUPERB DINING CARS, and FKEE SECOND CLASS SLEEPEKs ThroiiKh 10 Chicago vni this I, hie. Iascngcr Tralua of thin Coinp.iny i-r- t ir regularly between DAYTON, WAITSPUKG, WALLA WALLA, WASH., and PEN DLETON. OK.. Making close connection at Mu it with Northern I'aclfie trains for Ta.'".. Victoria II. ('.. Ellensbuiv. North Y.i!. co, Sprngue, l heuev, DhveiiiHirt. -imi!i D11 tie, Helena, St. Paul, MlnnenpulK AND ALL POINTS EAST. PawetiRer Trains making above leave I'emlleton dally at 7: p. m. 'MU Ctl IIH Through Tickets Sold to all Point Hast at the Lowest Rates. V. F. WAMSLEY, Gen'l Fr't and'gr Am m:. Walli,!u, G. V. HUNT, 1 "resident and Oeu'l Mamiaer. II. I.. DEACON. Ticket Agent, 1 nimi, dv.m.l TYPE FOR SALE. I I. -A I'OCNDS OF MINION TYPE. ' V 1 1 1 i K K l)W I'alr of cases. The tyjK' in in m, . .1 . Ut I and will lie sold -i! a bargain. 1 . '11 n.,r tleulurs call on 01 iidilross th Thomson Ss l'nrsel two arotits tor tlio colchratcd Cyclone WiiuDlill, audi :is tlio prices on tliein Jiave been rrcat- lv retlnced they are now within thcl reach of all. Sample mill to be seen at their planer in North Union. Call! and examine it. A pamphlet of Information andab. sirncioi tne iaws,5Uowing Uow to. vuDiam raienis, caveats, TraaoZ sjuotks, uopTriKnts, tent Jree. vAdlren N1UNH & CO. iiil Brondway, new rorL-. c e m e ti t. -S A ootpnis 6 iTHITl 0 arriving, soyoral ear loads Implements a full and complete stock of THE M. & M. Co. - - - - : R I NT ING y wldilion of a ,io as ssortnien' '"wtihi, IS now u!i anything in u,o way of IliiHini'sa UuuU, fiooieiy CttnU, I VUiting CArdn. til. .1.1! I nuiioinuutk t nan I'rok'rtt lly'lHM'H, im4 Hi lU Mm tm