The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, October 15, 1891, Image 6

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    B.Chancey, Publisher, Union, Or.
Huge Cave Discovered
Near Shasta.
Southorn California Citrus Exhibi
Will bo Continued at Chicago
Until tho Fair.
Spokano is to have a niedicnl colleg
Tho raisin crop of California will
tho finest over produced.
The verdict on tho railrond accident
ir. wlilMi Mnll Annnt Qtlinihv was killed
was that the road was not to blame. Tho
intense heat had spread tho rails.
At n nWtvnnn' tnpnftnir l. NpftdlcN
was decided to prohibit tho erection and
. future maintenance in the town limits
of Chinese laundries and opium joints.
The Oregon and Washington Railway
Company latied to wo a statement a
n!.in tin ronnlrml liv lnw. mill tho GOV
ernor lias been asked to liavo tho law
It is reported at Shasta that in run
rung a tunnel at iron .uouiiuun n mum
m..l. sinun tuna il i uer v'nri'l 1 ill tllH IxUVpll
of the enrth, lined with an exceedingly
rich body of ore.
A special committco for the purpose
of drafting an ordinance for tho planting
of trees and parking of streets has been
UpHIIllUM III llliuiuu.
rsrtwlnra nrn nf wnrlf nn thn enntrn
iiul nl tlm 1 Wnliiiu'lm Itrnnnli of
the James-street olectric and cable line
Btrect railway at benttlo.
Tim iinvnrnriinnf nrnhltoct. wlin lins
been looking at the sites selected for tho
publiu building intended for Stockton, is
not satisfied with either of them, and
will receivo moro proposals.
Circuit Judge Boipo at Salem has de
cided tho suit brought by tho Union Pa
cific uguinst the Oregon State Hoard of
Kallrond Commissioners for fixing a rate
i ..! l it. rt 1
lor gnu a ciuirges iigiunuL wiu jwunu
Onn Dnnrlinrn P!n1tfnmiil CttrilH ftxMhlt.
AIIU UV II Hivn w -" " - - - - ----------
will bo continued at Chicago until tho
world's Fair m mm. many penpiu nnve
already been drawn to tho southern part
... I m -. .1 1. At... I.. JI. t
Ol Uiat Statu uiruugu iuu iiuiuuiiuu ui
the exhibit.
It now looks as though tho shipments
of oranges and lemoiiB from Riverside
would foot np for tho season very nearly
1,600 carloads. Already about 1,425 car
loads have gone, and there is still quite
an amount to go lorwuru.
Now Mexico haa dedicated her first
public Bchoolhouse. It is located at Las
Vegas. Prlzo fightB are, however, ad
vertised with the information portrayed
in daring letters that " ladles with es
corts will bo admitted free."
Los Angeles is indignant at tho man
ner in which tho statistics for that sec
tion aro glvon In tho "Directory of Grape
Growers," just Issued by tho Board ol
viticuuurai uomisaionors. it is claimed
tho figures for Los Angoles and San Ber
nardino aro incorrect and absurdly be
low tho acreago under cultivation.
ltnllArt TCvntlft nn nrnnrtannAil vtvta.
pector, has just returned to San Diego
from tho Colorado Desert. He wae
nearly all around the Salton Soa, and
nays that the water is about holding its
wwii in npitu oi tno enormous evapora
tion. Ho does not believe thero is any
liknlllutnil nf fltn iwn ilrvimr in, Knf Hint
it will bo largely augmented during tho
i-uiiiing winter ami no a permanent body
ui waier.
A remarkable juvenile offender has
roino to ugnt in tlio i-erson ol Lewii
Case, a llfteen-vear-old Ixiv nf An
peles. Ho confessed recently to setting
fire to tho Figuoroa Hotel. Ho now ad
nitH having sot fire to tho Methodist
Church Oil Plftnnnth Htr...t u nliliioaii
laundry, a stable, a grocery store and a
mvuijuiuu iiuuhu. wiuun no ursi our-
i . i i tt .t r .
Kinriieti wnuo tno torco wore away light
ing one of his conflagrations. Ho sayi
ho set Ore to llin plmnOi 1.h.iiiioi lid
Bnnday-sciiool teacher was inconsldorato
mj nun.
A horrible murder has been un
earthed, committed at tho eastern corner
oi han l.ulu Obispo county, Cal. On
Juno 7 last Martin Heines disappeared,
leaving no trace behind him. Within
the last few days his blanket and clothes
wero loumi sunic in a well, tilled up with
stones and framnontH of Iwnea and Hosh.
showing that ho had Ihoh hacked to
nieces with an ax, which was found
burled in a hog wallow near tho shanty
of John Silvia Gulnrte, a pro-emptor, for
whom tho man worked. A Coroner's
jury found Heines was murdered by Gn
larto. Tho evidence tends to show that
luilarto had killtMl Heines by shooting
him in tho back, and that ho then
rhonpod him up and fed tho pieces to
HIB llOgH.
The Const Labor Convention, iustheld
at San Francisco, has adopted resolu
tions favoring one or mom competing
railroads Into that State j instructing its
Executive Committee to keep the gen
eral labor presH of tho Kiist well advised
as to tho true stato of tho labor market
on this Coast; favoring high taxation
upon nil land held for speculation, and
recommending tho government ownor
uhlp of railroads and telegraph lines. A
resolution indorsing tho Iwycott on tho
Dunsmiilr Wellington Coal Company
was passed, asking all subordinate coun
cils mid unions to take activo stops in
tho matter. Armstrong presented a res
olution warmly sustaining the striking
miners of Washington In their flght.and
calling upon organised labor to render
them financial and moral support, which
whs adopted t also a resolution Indorsing
the fight of the printers ugslnvt tho Los
Angeles 7Vm; also Indorsing the lwy
titt of the Welnhard brewery, of Port
land and railing oh ull of the Northern
tuilomj to push It, After deciding that
the HMit amuiul mon should Ui held
Ih Wattle the eoHYtwtlon ndlouriwd for
-4N4H VMTf
Oermnnr Ik Kxpurtlni; Tnchr tu Africa
and Vnylmf TIihiii IIIkIi Hularle.
Tho echool population of Kansas
Tiiero are about 400 music teachers in
Michigan University is to add women
professors and lecturers to its faculty.
Harvard is 255 years old, and has grad
uated 17,000 students. A littlo more
than half of them aro living.
Tho ensuing erm at Oxford will, it is
said, see a larger number of American
students thero than over before.
Germany is exporting teachers to Af
rica and paying t.iem $1,000 annually a
high Balary for German teachers.
Yale's freshman class this year shows
an enormous increase over that of last.
It promises to bo nearly 200 greater.
Tho number of students in German
universities during tho past summer was
27,(525, of whom tho evanga'ical ptudents
of theology were 4,273 more bv far than
in any other single lino of study.
Deacon Prico of Manchester, Mass..
has had a longer experience ub a school
teacher than any man on record in this
country. Ho Is 83 years old, and in his
time has taught moro than 1,700 pupils.
A " school for domestics," the first of
its kind, is to bo opened in St. Peters
burg. The object will be to teach poor
women all kinds of household work,
cookery, mending and sowing linen; also
dress and shirt making.
Eugene Davenport, professor of agri
culture in the Michigan Agricultural
College, has been appointed professor of
the college which is to bo established in
Brazil. Ho is to receive $11,000 a year,
with a houso and living expenses.
Tho students of the Kaiipas State Uni
versity havp organized a German eating
club. " The object of tho society is not
to cultivato an appotito for sauerkraut
and blood pudding, but to perfect the
Teutonic pronunciation of its members.
Dr. W. It. Harper, President of tho
now Chicago University and for some
years Principal of Oha'utauqua College
of Liberal Arts, has been appointed
Principal of tho entire Chautauqua sys
tem. Bishop Vincent retains his posi
tion as Chancellor.
Ollicial reports of the great manufact1
uring centers of Russia show that 21,810
persons are employed in the various fac
tories, and of this numler only II. 8 per
cont. aro able to read and write, 03.2 per
cent. leing illiterate. One-third ol tho
educated laborers aro foreigners.
Tho Russian Ministry of Education
propofoi to make primary education
compulsory in such villagcs'us are pro
vided with public schools, l-ree circu
lating libraries will be established in all
such village schools under the manage
mont and supervision of tho clergy.
The University of Zurich is considered
one of tho best places in Europe for a
woman to study medicine, and lias many
American atuJonts. It has tho usual
four faculties, viz. : law, medicine, the
ology and philosophy, that of medicine
being tho best equipped. Zurich nlso
offers fine opportunities for the study of
modern languages.
The Great Powers Will Act Jointly 1b
1'rotcctliuf Uliltix-tt At IkmIiiiim.
It is reported the administration is
considering tho advisability of making
an ovorturo for tho acquisition ol tho
island of St. Thomas as a naval and
commercial station.
Mrs. Blaine is constantly in receipt of
letters urging her to uso her influenco
with tho Secretary of Stato to induce
him to correspond with lx)rd Salisbury
on Mrs. Maybrlek's case.
Many rumors are in circulation in the
neighborhood of tho State Department
on tho subject of Hawaiian annexation.
it ib behoved that In tho near futuro tho
question will becomo the most engross
ing one before tho American people.
Thero aro those who think they can fore
see trouble tiotweon tho United States
and Great Britain, in which the cluster
of islands in tho Pacific ruled over by
Queen' Lilinokalani will prominently
An ordor has been Issued bv tho Com
missioner of tho general land otllco for
tho survey of tho Fort Hall military res
ervation at Pocatello, Idaho, upon the
request ol Jjnator Dubois, who is in
Washington. Tho survey Is preparatory
to the allotment of tho lands in sever
alty to tho IndiaiiH on tho Umatilla res
ervation at Pocitello, which have here
tofore been in tho way of the develop
ment of that town. It is said tho Union
Pacille Railroad Com nan v Is conslderlm?
the problem of building 'shops at Poca-
A week auo Secretary Tracv remarked :
" If tho American missions and Ainori-
can citizens in China aro to rely upon
gunlKiats Instead of tho Chinese govern
ment, our licet in those waters must lie
very largely increased." While tlioro is
no formal alliance, yet tho United States
government has reached an understand
ing with tho governments of lireat Brit
ain, Franco and Germany, by tho terms
of which, in tho u vent of thealluroof the
Chinese government to afford adequate
guurameo lor protection oi tho lives and
property of citizens of thceo nations,
that duty will Ihi undertaken by tho gov
ernments of Great Britain. Francu and
Germany, actimr jointly. In caso of a
riot or other disturbances the voagolo nf
any ol the four nations will atlord a ref
use to tho citizens of the other nut mm
uud will undertake to protect their con
sulates and other interests.
Treasurer Nelwker has issued a nlrcn.
lr, intended particularly for the Pacific
Coast nection of tho country, giving in-
lurmiiuou as to now portoiiH can obtain
fractional eilver coin from tho San Fran-
oiceo subtreasury and tho United States
mint at mat place. The circular savs
the fractional stiver win (halves, mnir.
ters and dimes) will be fiirninlied In
sums of $200 or more bv express, free of
charge, or bv registered mail in minis nr
multiples of 50, registration free, for
drafts collectable at San Francisco or for
tno deposit oi currency or sold coin made
I a. tl... 12.... I - , T.t.i-
ii urn cii riuiiviitcuimiiircaHurv, uratts
u payment must Ihi drawn to tin nnlnr
of tho Assistant Treasurer of tho United
estates. Nu irancUco, uud should be
mailed directly to that olllcer. New
liiartors ami dimes in amoimiH nf tLMn
or more, if desired, can ln forwarded
from tho mint of the United States at
Han Francisco, and drafts in payment
theiefor should bo drawn hi favor of the
Superintendent of the mint and mulled
directly to that olllcor, Silver coin will
not Ihi shipped from Han Francisco to lo
cal ties nearer to (lie nhtreacuries at
Clilcuto, New Orleuii. mid kit, Louis,
Dog Census to be Taken
in New York.
Oklahoma Territory Yearns for Stale-
hood Missouri Corn Sells
for $20 Por Aore.
Tho supply of natural gas at Pittsburg
is becoming exhausted.
Jay Gould is said to be after tho Ben
ver and Rio Grande road.
Sixty-two convicts aro awaiting death
'n various United States prisons.
Corn in tho field is selling as high as
$20 an ncre In l'latto county, Mo.
The Btory that tho Atchison has con
trol of tho ltio urande is denied.
Oklahoma yearns to be invested with
the dignities and attributes of Statehood.
Tho New Emdand tobacco crop is bi
ger and better this year than ever before.
Tho Methodist Michigan Conference
has voted to admit women as lay dele'
A census of New York dogs will be
taken, as Mayor Grant wants every ono
A littlo over $14,000,000 of A per
cent. bondB remain to bo extended or
'Hie State National Bank at Boston
hns had $18,180 returned to its conscl
ence money.
Thiily sod growers from different parts
of tho country liavo put in bids lor doc-
orating the World's lair.
A Baltimore grand jury has declared
that tho prevalence of gambling there is
duo to negligent city oinciais.
Chicago traffic oflicinls are grumbling
. I 1--.ll. l .1 1 . .
OecaUSO lllO uum oi uie wirai un:c
from Kansas and Nebraska is going to
St. Louis.
Secretary Tracy awarded tho contract
for building torpedo loat No. 2 to tho
Iowa Iron Works ol lJuouque, la., the
lowest bidder, at $111,000.
Texas has a fat man's association, the
initiation fee of which is n cent a pound.
Men who weigh less than 225 pounds
aro ineligible to momberahip.
Tho death of a large number of Indians
in Oklahoma as tho result of eating wa
termelons emphasizes the great dissimi
larity between the red man and tho
United States 2 por cent, bonds are
quoted at 00 Ui and British 3 per cont.
rnnsnls at onlv 05. We certainly have a
right to boast of the splendid credit of
our government.
The opening of tho Monterey and Gulf
railroad to Tampieo, Mexico, hns pro
duced wonderful activity in trade, flit
exports at Tampieo, it is predicted, will
exceed tnose oi ver jruE vy jimury
It is probable that, as soon as a new
system of inspecting cattlo has been
thoroughly tested, American cattlo will
bo nllowed to enter British ports free
ironi tne ton days' quarantine now lin
Commissioner Owen vof Washington,
D. C, has directed that fifteen Russian
Hebrews, who entered tho United States
at Suspension Bridge, N. Y., be returned
to Canada. Thoy were in an utterly des
titute condition.
Tho arrest of Manuel Seona, attache
of tho Spanish legation, for overdriving
a horse at Capo May is likely to cause
serious trouoioas it is claimed there was
no cause of action, and the Spanish Min
ister has takon up tho case.
A small oblong steol box passed through
the Chicago Customs-houso a while ngo.
It didn't iook like much of a box, but It
contained $150,000 worth of diamonds
nnd rubies for nn Illinois wntcli com
pany, and the duty was a small fortune.
In tho treaty witli tho Sac and Fox
Indians tho words "open to white set
tlomont" occur. These words are apt
to cause some trouble. The Indians say
thoy will insist on their stipulations null
will not permit negroes to take land in
their country.
Chinamen aro makinjr reat efforts to
enter tho country at Richford, Vt., and
tho ciiBtoms ollioials aro on tho alert.
Quite a colony has been at Sutton, Quo
bee, for two weeks, awaiting a favorable
opportunity to smuggle thomcslves into
tho United States.
Tho .luifrtcaii Agriculturist declares
that tho half ban not been told about
tho European shor.tago in breadstuffB,
which not evon a loiintiful crop this
year would have relieved. The conti
nental powers, especially Russia, have
suppressed the facts.
Tho wealthiest Insane avluni in Anier-
lea is said to bo the She'ppard Asylum
in Baltimore. It was endowed in 1857
with $500,000. Siuco that time the trus
tees, usinir tho Interest alone, huvo ex
pended $880,000 in buildings and land,
and still have a capital of $600,000.
A special to tho Now York Evening
Post from Washington says : Now York
may get another Cabinet portfolio out of
tho present shifting of things prepara
tory to tho great campaign. It has de
velojied that Piatt and Hlscock have
agreed 10 join their forces to put Belsden
in, and it is believed just now thut the
scheme will succeed, llolsdon, if ap
pointed, will probably bo given tho War
Irving M. Scott of the Union Works,
San Francisco, was at tho Navy Depart
ment tho other day, arranging matters
connected with work now being done bv
his firm for the government. He stated
that tho coost-defenso vessel Monterey
was so near completion that it would
prolwhlylH) ready for the contractor's
trial In October and thus ht available for
tho ollicial trial early in the "winter and
undoubtedly bo commissioned in the
Governor Buchanan of Tennessee
wirod Governor Brown of Kentucky
that he had reliable information tht
Kentucky miners wore preparing to re
lease convicts In tho mines at Bricevllle.
Tenn. Governor Brown said he would
do all ho could to prevent a raid of that
character, but called Governor Buchan
an' attention to the fact that IContuck
Unu doing unlawful acts in Tennesee
are liable to punUhmcut iindw the law?
ol that mate,
Ei-Qneen Natalie Hue Iter Hnsband ror
a Large sum oi -none j.
Bret Harte is getting on finely. His
English publishers paid him last year
The Klntr of Sweden Is a trreat swim
mer, and had an ambition in his youth
to emulate the deeds of the Berserkers.
A bust of James Russell Lowell is
gradually erowine into artistic complete
ness under the deft fingers of the young
sculptor, I'artridge.
Mrs. Wanamaker Is said to keep up a
rectilar correspondence with the 150
young girls who make up her Sunday
school class in Philadelphia.
Rosina Vokes is back in New York
onco moro fresh from her country place in
Devonshire. She has brought with her
several new plays and loads of new
Ex-Queen Natalie, who was expelled
from Servla, has begun suit In Paris
against her husband, ex-King Milan, for
3,000,000 francs, part ot ner personal
Ladv Aberdeen is takinc a creat in
terest in tho World's Fair. She wishes
to hnve an exhibit of Irish industries
established at the fair with a view of
fostering them.
Jnines Whitcomb Riley seems to have
made a most agreeable impression wher
ever he went in London. He was the
especial proteire of the aristocratic Sav
age Club, whose members feted him for
Frank R. Stockton is accused of in
venting a still more flattering phrase
than "lady help." In his last story
there is a nursery maid who is a Vassar
graduate, and whom he callB a " blooded
Francis Darwin, a son of the apostle
of evolution, is making a name for him
Eelf in the cienee of biology. Ho wae
recently elected President ot the biolog
ical section of the Congress of Demog-
raphy in London.
The voung Duke of Portland is a horse
owner "and a betting man, having at
times lost as much as $100,000
in a dav. He has linmenso estates in
Scotlnnd, and is one of the largest laud
holders in the British Kingdom.
When the wealthy have hearts to do
good they should lie applauded for it.
Mrs. Leland Stanford has given property
valued at $100,000 for the benefit of the
Society for the Relief of Orphan and
Destitute Children at Albany, JN. i .
Th Czar, who is now tho iniest ol
King Christian at Schloss Fredonsborg,
ha presented Prince George of Greece
with n eold medal in recognition of the
Prince's bravery in - protecting the Ozar
owitz when .imrderously attacked in
Marion Harland is a large woman ol
matronly appearance, somewhat above
medium height. She has a brown com
plexion, black hair that is beginning to
turn grav and a bro id forehead. She
began to" write stories when she was a
child of 0.
Captain O'Shea, ex-husband of Kitty,
lo rnnnrted to contemplate wedlock aain.
The young lady to whom ho is said to bf
engaged is a daughter of nn English
'pquiro, who at one time occupied a
rathor prominent position in the world
of politics.
Tho physicians in attendance upon
Cardinnl Manning have ordered him to
cea-o work, and it is announced that the
Pope will shortly appoint a coadjutor.
Cardinnl Manning is now about 83 vears
ol age. ilia episcopal jubilee was cele
brated Juno 8, 1800.
M. Zola is anxious, it is said, to have
dono with novel-writing that he may de
vote his time nnd energies to the task ol
regenerating the stago. Ho is particu
larly anxious to " snow Ibsen and the
Ibsonites how n realistic play really
ought to bo written."
The Crown Prince of Prassia. like tho
Prince of Wales, hns a duchy at his dis
posal. and it brings him in a clear in
come of 200,000 marks annually. As
tins income will accumulate during tne
Prince's minority, he will have a large
fortune when he comes ot age.
Princo Georco of Wiles will under his
now commission as cunmander bo ap
pointed to tho Anson, one of the most
powerful ironclads in the tirittsn navy.
And then Halifax will know him no
more. Tho Admiralty doesn't send ships
like tho Anson to foreign stations.
A rumor was recently current in Lon
don that the eldest daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Kendall was to go on the
etaee, but it is denied. Ellen Terry's
daughter, however, will undertake some
work in tho Lyceum Company during a
provincial tour thia fall. In some Quar
ters it is doubted if she will continue in
tho profession moro thnn a few weeks..
Tnnontt, the Murderer, Sulil to he With
the Turtle .Mountain IudlnnK.
Taroott.tho alleged murderer of million-
niro Snell of Chicago, :b said to bo with
the Turtle Mountain Indians and to be
anxious to return to Chicago.
Louis Ortiir. who Bhot nnd, it is re
ported, mortally wounded Police Officer
Lush at Reno, New, was taken from the
jail by a mob of fifty men and hanged.
An investigation of the accounts of
Colonel Anthony, Boston agent of Chubbs
k Sons, general agents for the Marine
Insurance company ol IxhmIoii, lias re
vealed a shortage of nearly $10,000.
Tho officers In pursuit of tho Pacific
train robbers have overtakon them sev
enty-five miles west of Mushogeo, I. T.
After a short fight, in which one of the
Boltons was wounded, their capture was
Jack Thompson, a wood engraver of
Desplaines, 111., shot and fatally wounded
Aaron .Mi nick, ono of the village Trus
tees, and also shot Officer Robert Cain.
Thompson is a hard character. Ho did
the shooting while resisting arrest.
Joseph Schoide, a New York tinware
manufacturer, is under arrest, charged
by Charles Brouse, who keeps a notion
store, with obtaining $75,000 from his
firm for goods he had not furnished bv
duplicating his bills and making fraudu
lent charges. Scheido denies this.
Tho well-known colored jockey, Stoval,
shot and probably fatally injured Alex
ander Robinson, a clerk in the Sheriff's
otllco, at Philadelphia. The parties were
on the ferry boat from Gloucester to that
city about midnight, Stoval being in
company with two white women. Rob
inson made a remark, which the women
reontHl,and Stoval, drawing a revolver,
fired a bullet into Robltwou's l!t breast.
Btovsl wan arretted,
Egypt's Cotton Crop the
Largest Known.
German Government Will Repeal the
Restrictive Passport Deoree
in Alsace-Lorraine.
Bartholdi's statuo of Gambotta has
been finished.
The Kurds are murdering the Christ
ians in Armenia.
Egypt's cotton crop for this year is the
largest ever known.
The next British Trades Union Con
gress will sit at Glasgow.
Many telegraph lines are now being
extended into tho heart of Africa.
Next month 374 estates of the Russian
nobility will be sold under foreclosure.
The London Times calls on Canada to
check public corruption, whatever the
Berlin is the only city in Germany
that has an excess of 1,000,000 popula
tion. Tho British steamer Ambassador from
Odessa has been stranded off Salcombe,
Tho Russian government is discharg
ing all Germans from government em
ployment. Alexander Jacques, the French faster,
has succeeded in living fifty-two days
without food.
Thare are fully 1,000,000 more sheep
in Great Britain just now than there
were a year ago.
A serious outbreak of smallpox is re
ported in various districts within the
borough of Leeds.
England establishes her swav over
Manipur by choosing a five-year-old R,v
jah with a British officer to administer
The German government intends to
repeal the restrictive passport decree in
Alsace-Lorraine and abolish the regula
tions altogether.
The County Council of Plymouth.
England, has decided to erect a memorial
tablet on the Barbican pier to commetiv
jrate the departure of the Mayflower.
The Russian 400 do not approve of
uirting, and nave therefore established
tho rule that no man must waltz around
the room more than once with his part
It is generally believed in Europe that
the uzar's government is endeavoring to
Direct a compromise with England with
the view of keeping her out of the drei
buud. There is a rush of religions mission
aries to Africa from Germany, the Cath
olics leading. Ninety per cent, of those
sent cu: die no in the eliects ot the cii
The committee formed to bring about
the release of Mrs. Mavbrick from nripon
has retained Sir Chnrles Russell and Sir
Horace Davev to test tho legality of Mrs.
Maybrick's detention in prison.
Prince Bismarck through his high for
ester, Westphal, has sued a tenant living
on his estate for money nnd labor due
under the feudal custom. The case has
attracted considerable attention.
A treaty is being arranged between
Russia and Persia to secuie the exclu
sion of Persian-marked English goods,
1,000.000 roubles worth of cotton text
ures having crossed the Persian frontiers
in 18'JJ.
The Zanzibaris are intoxicated with
their victory over the Germans, and are
attacking colonists wherever missions
are established. As a consequence the
whites aro fleeing to the coast to save
their lives.
The Rome Trihuna nnnounces that
England, Italy, Germany and the United
States have decided to make a naval
demonstration in Chinese water, and
that the command of the combined fleet
will bo given to tho Duke of Genoa.
Six families living at Thann. Alsace.
have been ordered by the German au
thorities to become nnturalized or leave
the province. It is feared that this
means the inauguration of an extensive
movement to expel all families of French
A great literary sensation is expected
at London shortly in tho shnpeof a novel
by tho Duchess of Manchester, which
treats of society behind the scenes. It
is filled with incidents drawn from the
real life of royalty, and thinly-disguised
names are used.
A hundred Russian Hebrew mer
chants, with their families, who were
expelled from Russia on thort notice,
have arrived at Lemberg, Austria, ami
owing to the absence of any other ac
commodations aro being lodg'ed in the
cells of the prisons.
Numberless heads of families nt 1W
lin hnve been unable to obtain work for
months, and with those dependent limn
them live on a diet of potatoes only.
voluntary charity is invoked, and com
mittees are being formed for the hvrIiiiu
stic administration of relief.
It iB affirmed in London that Mr. GlmU
itone has becomo n violent spiritualist
He writes long letters to the iiress on
topics which show that ho is ready to
become a medium. There nre, it is also
asserted, clear signs of the dotage which
Parnell prophesied a year ago.
PnrlHes the 111,001). Tnroa
a DISORDERED STOMACH. ahibihu ironi
The Genuine UAM1U11Q TUA is put up in YELLOW WIl il'PFUS
with Facsimile Signature of JiJJIL MlKSt".
k 5INOTOH - Ammts, 8a Fsakouco.
A Btinme of the Condition of IU Dif
ferent Department!.
Business was exceptionally good foe
the week. Tho month of September will
average away above August, and it is ex
pected that there will be a like improve
ment during October. The fruit market
iB well supplied with peaches, pears, ap
ples, prunes and plums. Grapes are in
lair supply, and melons are scarce. Je
first cranberries of the season came In
this week. Nearly every variety of Ore
gon vegetables is represented in abund
ance, especially cabbage, onions, toma
toes and sweet potatoes. Corn, cucum
bers nnd green peas are about finished.
The demand for all descriptions contin
ues strong, nnd prices aro firm. Oats
are firm. Flour is Bteady, and exports
are light. Millstuffs are weak. Choice
ducks and geese nre scarce. Turkeys are
in fair supply. The chicken market is
demoralized, owing to heavy arrivals.
The grocery business the past week has
been satisfactory, and prices are firm.
Offerings are liberal, but stocks in city
warehouses are largo and there is no
pressure to buy. Shippers quote $1.45($
1.55 for Walla Walla and Valley respect
ively. London cables report cargoes very
dull and nominally 3d per quarter
cheaper. Liverpool spot and futures
were weak and lower nt the close.
Produce. Fruit, Etc
Wheat Valloy, $1.55; Walla Walla,
$1.45 per cental.
Flouu Standard, $4.90; Walla "Walla,
$4.70 per barrel.
Oats New, 8842c per bushel.
Hay $1214 per ton.
MiLLSTi'FKS Bran, $2021 ; shorts, $22
23; ground barley, $25(320; chop feed,
$2223 per ton ; feed barley, $18 per ton ;
brewing barley, $1.15 per cental.
Buttek Oregon fancy creamery, 32'.
35c; fancy dairy, 30c; fair to good, 25
27,,.6c; common, 1522)t.c; Eastern, 25
3ils cper pound.
Cheese Oregon, 1212)c; Eastern,
13c per pound.
Eoas Oregon, 2527jc; Eastern,
27 '..c per dozen.
Poultky Old chickens. $4.005.00;
young chickens, $2.003.00; ducks, $5.00
(i$o.lHj; geese, nominal, tw.01n151u.uu per
dozen ; turkeys, 1017c per pound. Cabbage, 7oc$1.00 per
cental; cauliflower, $l1.25 per dozen ;
Onions, 80c$l percental ; beets,$1.25 per
sack; turnips, $1.00 per sack; pota
toes, 45G0c per cental; tomatoes, 40
60c per box; lettuce, 12c per dozen ;
green peas, 34c per pound ; cucumbers,
10c per dozen ; carrots, 75c per sack ; corn,
7Sc per dozen; sweet potatoes, 2210
per ousd.
Fhuits Sicily lemons, $7.008.00;
California, $4.500.00 per box ; apples,
5085c per box ; bananas, $3.504.00 a
bunch ; pineapples, $3.007.00 per dozen ;
peaches, G0(00o per box ; plums, 25G0c
per box; watermelons, $1.231.50 per
dozen; cantaloupes, $1.001.25 per
dozen, $2.00 per crate; grapes, Tokav,
$1.00 per box; muscat and black,
75c$1.00 per crate, boxes 75c; pears,
75c; Bartlett, $1.00 per box; nectar
ines, 0075c per crate; crab apples, 3c
per pound; pumpkins, $1.50 per dozen;
prunes, 2,lftc per pound; quinces, $1.25
per box; cranberries, $10 per barrel,
Nuts California walnuts,llj12i!c;
hickory, 8)c; Brazils, 10llc; al
monds, l(l18c; filberts, 13i4c; pine
nuts, 1718c; pecans, 1718c; cocoa
nuts, 8c; hazel, 8c; peanuts, 8c per
Staple Groceries.
Honey 17l...18c per pound.
Rice Japan. $5.00 ; Island, $5.75 per
Salt Liverpool, $14.00, $16.5016.00 ;
stock, $1112 per ton.
Beans Small white, 3ac; pink, 3c;
bayos, 4c; buttei, Jc; Hunts, 4c per
Coffee Costa Rica, 2021c; Rio,
23c; Mocha, 30c Java," 25e; Ar
buckle's, 100-pounu cases, 24jc per
Sua au Golden C,4Jgc; extra C, 4c;
white extra C, 4c; granulated, 5Jc;
cube crushed and powdered, Gc; con
fectioners' A, 5?4c per pound.
Svitui' Eastern, in barrels, 4755c;
half-barrels, 505Sc; in cases, 5580c
per gallon; $2.:?5(?2.50 per keg. Cali
fornia, in barrels, 30c per gallon ; $1.75
per keg.
Diued Fuuits Italian prunes, 8c;
Petite and German, 7c per pound;
raisins, $1.201.75 per box; plummer
dried pears, 89c; sun-dried and fac
tory plums, 9c; evaporated peaches,
9llc; Smyrna figs, 20c; California,
figs, 7c per pound.
Cannep Goons Table fruits, $1.6o
180, 2Js; peaches, $1.802.00; Bart
lott pears, $1.801.90; plums, $1.37
1.50; strnwberries, $2.25; cherries, $2.25
2.40; blackberries, $1.851.90; rasp
berries, $2.40; pineapples. $2.252.80;
apricots,$l.G01.70. Pie fruit: Assorted,
$1.101.20; peaches, $1.25; plums, $1.00
1.10; blackberries, $1.25 per dozen. Veg
etables: Corn, $1.251.G5; tomatoes,
$1.003.00; sugar peas, $1.10(21.15;
string beans, 90c$1.00 per dozen.
Fish: Sardines, 75c1.65; lobsters, $2.30
(3.50; oysters, $1.503.25 per dozen.
Salmon, standard No. 1, $1.2o1.50 per
case; No. 2, $2.55. Condensed milk:
Eagle brand, $8.10; Crown, $7; High
land, $0.75; Champion, $5.50; Monroe,
$0.75 per case. Meats: Corned beef,
$2.00; chipped beef, $2.15; lunch
tongue, $3.10 Ib, $Q.OO 2s; deviled ham.
$1.352.G5 per dozen.
The Meat Market.
Beef Live, 2fc; dressed, 56c.
Mutton Live, sheared, 3c; dressed.
Hoas Live, 5c; dressed, 7c.
kai 57c per pound.
101 I, . J"cl"u uum, iiiii
'"fpn, 12s14c: Biuoked bacon, 10K
(3 1110 per pound.
LaIU) Comnniinil 1(V. , s
l-'c; Oregon, 10K12.c per pound.