The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, October 15, 1891, Image 4

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    Entered nt tho l'oftonirc nt riiion, Oretrou, ns
SSecowl-eliiMi MhH Matter.
jiATBs of uncnnnoK:
oue copy, otio your. ?1
One copy, Ax month. jw
One txpy, tlireo month
Iliy rhanr Milivrliitlon nre not paid Ml
nml of vcnr. fc.S.tK) vlll U clnirRwl.
ltntc of Advertising nml Job 1'rlntlHK mode
known on uppurniirm.
Corriwonrtenoc from h11 parts of the conulry
The Oregon State School Journal
hns been moved from Jtoscburg to
Monmouth where it is now published
in a much neater and better form. It
is a valuable little journal and should
bo read by every teacher in the state
THURSDAY. OCT. If), 1891
A. Word to Our Patrons.
liver kluco tin? iwtnltllshmimt of Tiik Pcotrr wo
hnvo fcoen very lenient with our sitbi-criborH,
rolyliiK on tlioin to pay when most i-oiivenloiit
to UiomMsttw, nml wo nre pleancd to ciiy 11 mu
Jorltyof them hnve rcsponilel vury roRtilnrly
every year, lly this inciins wc hnvo beelieii
Hblwl to eurry on our busllioss without nny
pnrllculnr trouble, but there nre n nutiilx.'r who
pclilom, If over, respond to the numerous chIIh
which hnve been innde through thoHocollimiiH
for the neoeswiry "stair'-monoy which is
very cfbcMIuI In eonductlnit the nuwopupcr, its
well us tiny oilier leglllninU) bimltieita-ii fuel
if hich some m-ein to oret.
Tub fccoi'T Is not n chnrltnble Institution mid
only nts of Its patrons whnt is honestly duo It
uikui subseilptlon mid ndvertlslin; iiceounts,
nnd this wo inufct hnve. To thoise who huvo re
; nionded resulnrly we nre Rreutly obliged ; but
why should olhcrh eiiiilly nble to pay lug
behind? You hnve lecelved the pnper reKiihirly
Irom yenr to yeur nnd wc trust you hne lwen
jileiikeil with It weekly visits. Wo now mil
upon you to romuncrnto us for time mid money
expumlod In thus fitrnlshluK you with the pn
per mid mint you will respond without further
notice and trouble on our purl. If you are re
colvluK the paper mid nre not rntlillod thut It Is
worth f l.fto n jenr to you, pleiwo Inform m of
th nut nml mo will atop ncmllltK It. Wo huvo
endeavored to publish u paper worthy of the
Mllt1tft lutprindiili nllfl linVf. ftlflllaliafl It til Villi
at a very low prltt-. a now only rpraalnn for j
youtohow yiur iippreclatlon of our efTorts by
rtlKH(ltllK it mice.
Wo will jiUwthc limit for whleli thews ne
coutit niuut bo settled nt Novemlier 1st, and nil
pwrthM who nre ow Iiir us on Hlvertliii, or oue
f&ti'H subecrlptloii, must settle by that dntv.
U the BWXiUliU ro not puld they will be placed
In the hands of mi attorney for- Immediate col
lection. Thnnkliii; our patrons fur past faors, nrt
olicllliiK h (iutliiUHiice of the same, wu reinnln
Vours Most Itonuctfiilly,
Tiik Examiner hits advices from
Honolulu to the effect that Queen
Liliuokalani has been taken ill with
fiorioua fainting spoils, and her phy
feioian, Dr. Trosscau, lias pronounced
her trouble organic disease ot tho
heart, for which ho can suggest no
remedy. Death it is stated, may
occur at unv moment.
At a meeting of the county alliance
held at Milton, Umatilla county, a few
days ago, a resolution was passed de
during ngainst an alliance third party
It was resolved that the alliance is not
a party or partisan. It is a fraternal
not a political organization, whose
nurnoso is to advance tho best inter
ests of tho farmers. The election of
good, honest men to positions of trust
and responsibility is favored. Beyond
this the alliance does not go. On thus
lines the allianco is capable of doing
an untold amount of good.
Tho roport thut a strong section of
tho Grand Army is preparing a move
ment to reform the pension laws and
purify tho pension rolls is ono that wo
may heartily wish to see confirmed.
Tho pension laws aro notoriously fa
vorable to fraud, and tho weal: points
in tlio law huvo been increased by tho
rulings of tho Tanners and Kaums of
tho pension ollleo till it is an eas-y
matter for unscrupulous persons to
secure tho bounty that tho govern
ment should reservo for honorable and
needy veterans.
Tlu fact that the pension rolls nro
"stuffed" is well known to every one
familiar with pension matters. Tho
statement of tho fact does not depend
Jill fllfl rmitminu flf llm mttiointi uvuffim
Tho New York Tribune could not bo
suspected of any unfriendliness to tho
'veterans, and that stalwart journal lias
called attention forcibly to the fuel
. lhul. f lirvtlritmilsi nf fi-!iiw1ii1iuil timiBimiu
wero being paid. It is estimated by
aonio that from one-quarter lo one
third of tho names on tho loll belong
to men. who could not rightfully claim
ono dollar from tho government ovon
niftier tho present generous inwu.
The Grand Army would do iuelf
honor by attempting to loform the
laws and rulings that iimlto fraud oa,
and still more by agisting to purify
tho 10IU. Tho Grand Army has
menus of getting information in regard
t tho standing and actual condition
Mid situatioi. of tho potmionecM Unit no
Dther body pousewes.
Hut if tho Grand Aimy mon do not
take up tho work it should not be loft
undone. It is ono of tho 11 rat subjects
that should engage the attention of
tho next congiess. Millions of dollars
aro leing paid out annually for dis
ability and dopondonco to men who
nro in gootl circumstances or perfectly
able to support themselves. If tho
fraud is much less m extent than is
represented it is largo enough to make
a big hole in tho government finances.
If it is only 10 per cent, instead of the
quarter rciiorttid, it means over JflJl,
000,000 a year enough to build tho
now navy.
No right-thinking portion has any
desire to deprive any nuody or de
serving vctvran of tho relief duo him.
Those who aro dependent or disabled,
who cannot support thumeolvo and
have no means, should bo oared for by
tho government for whiuh tlioy fought.
Hut tho dlsublod men who aro earning
largo ruluriea in rcfcponolblo positions
nnd the dependent pensioners who
have an income ten or twenty timus
b largo us they draw from tho govern
ment should bo cut off tho rolls with
tlwi men who have (-ecurod pensions
by fraudulent proofa of service in tho
Tho iHiuiioit appropriation would
lWu Uoomo of a burden to tho
ppl, Kxuminer.
Tiik Now York Sun of Oct. 12th
says : Tho following dispatch was re
ccived from Washington last night at
too late an hour to make tho neces
eary inmnries to get a confirmation :
"Tho government of tho United
States has just concluded a conveu
tion witli Goiintiny, through tho
Gorman minister, bv which all our
crops will bo admitted into tho Gor
man ompiro freo of duty m considoi
ation of tho freo admission into tho
United Stales of German beet sugar
after January 1, which under the
recent law would then stop. This
year tho crop of all tho German states,
o.veopt Prussia, is very poor, and tho
ryo crop is a failure thtoughout Ger
many. The present rale of duly on
wneat imported into uernmnv is
81 1-15 conts per bushel of forty
Letter From "Lsad Pencil.
(This commuuleutlnn was intended for publi
cation hiil week, but wni uimvoldiibly crowded
out. Kd.)
I'KioN, Oreiton, October 0, 1801,
EniToit Oitiioo.v .Scout :
A person might easily bo led to be
lieve that my stump of a lead poncil
had stirred up a whole menagerie of
animals by the howls coming from the
Chronicle olh'co hist week, when in
fuel it is only the braying of ono small
jack. Tho editor of that sheet, who
has labored so hard to shapo "tho
cotirso of the allianco of this county to
suit his- own peculiar views, and has
grown ko desperate because lie could
not succeed in doing so, admits that I
chastised him in my article in Tin:
Scout of tho 21th nil. with "Goodall"
intent ions. Well now if ho considers
himself whipped he should not blame
mo. 1 only toltl tho truth in every
word 1 wrote. He claims to huvo dis
covered my idontity ami displays a
small portion of his innate contompti-
blo moAun08H in his baso shire and
insinuations, lie claims to bo prone
to speaking right out in meeting,
Ono thing is certain: ho is the cham
pion mud (dinger. No one will dis
pute his ability to dish up more filth
and slime with his pen than any rival.
If that is any credit to him ho is wel
come to it. As to whether lie is cor
rect as lo who 1 urn makes no bort of
ihfferenco to tho people generally, or
110 to the correctness of my statements,
but as to my caudidaoy for any office
r position, in consideration of tho in
terest I feel in tho success of the alli
ance, 1 wish to dispose of that matter
for all titno if possible. And I now
declare most positively that 1 am not,
and will not bo at any time in the
future, a candidate or aspirant for any
ollloo or position whatever, nor will I
ncoopt any ollloo or position if ten
dered nio. And 1 now call upon all of
my friends ovorywhero, and 1 hope 1
have n host of thorn, to romoinbor litis
statement, and it 1 should over bocomo
so insano as to ask for an ollloo or
allow my name to bo used for an otuco
or official position, to join with my
ononmw and prevent it and no doubt
tho Qhroniolo man will bo a good
friond on this lay out. Now 1 certain
ly think that is stiilloieut to dispoe of
that matter, and 1 do this in the inter
est of tho suucoc of our otder, hut in
doing it 1 make no personal snoriflo,
for I hnvo onturlainod no political boo
in my bonnet. It was unnoceasnry to
Buy us mnoh o.copt for tho notorious
fact that when tho diseased tbmiu, if
ho has any, of 12. S. McComas con
ceives tin idea, no matter how idiotic
it appears to suuo pursons, he fights it
out on that lino nil summer, nnd all
winter too. Ho is seldom without a
dirty tight on somo onu, and ho loads
his paper with tilth to tho exclusion of
local and other news thut 1 think
would e of vastly moro interest to his
fow readers, but then I know that I preventing tho passage of n few bills ,
am not capable of conducting a news- 1 of the character of many that arc pre-,
papor. But being guided by tho light scntcd, he deserves the everlasting
of past ovents in this county, if I were gratitude of his constituents. One ot ,
an aspirant for any position I would ' the groat curses of this whole country
much prefor not to hnvo Mac's open ; is too much legislation of the kind,
support at least. Ho matlc the fight ! hoth shite and national, nnd if my in- j
of his life on the Hon. Jns. II. Slater ! formation is not very much at fault it
. will require tho combined efforts of i
j several Hercules in legislative lor; to i
secure tlio enactment ol nnv legisla
tion really in tho interest of the people,
nnd I opine that an honest, conseicn- j
tious member of tho.Orogon legislature
for some time in the past felt almighty
lonely, but maybe I don't know.
But, Mr. Editor, I huvo devotrd !
altogether too much of your valuable I
space ami my time to so very small
and insignificant a subject, and if
yourself and your readers will pardon
mo this time 1 will not so offend again.
And just a few words now to my
brother farmers and I am done. I
never expect the alliance or other
organization to be of any groat benefit
to me individually. I conclude that
my fortune is about complete, such as
it is. I cannot expect to take an act
ive part on the stage of life but for a
short time, but I shall leave sons and
daughters who I expect will depend
uiion agriculture for a living, and be
ing fully advised of the great depict
ion in that industry, wrought by ui.-
just legislation, trade discrimination
and combination of aggregated capi
tal. I tremble for tho future welfaro of
my childicn and my country,'for I
fully realize that without speedy and
very great reformation the farmers of
this groat and glorious country of
ours, on which Nature litis showered
her very richest blessings, who should
of right be the happiest and most in'
dependent people on earth, will bo
speedily reduced to a state of servitudo
and misery. But methinks I see tho
light breaking on the horizon. 1 see
the star of hope. I hear a great mul
titude of voices demanding relinf, just
laws and equal rights. I see a mighty
army marching up from the fields into
the folds of the alliance, seeking edu
cation as to their rights and duties as
freo and indenenent American citizens
and it gives mo great hope for the
future of our common country. And
I am desirous of performing my shaie
in working out this great reform, for I
consider it the duty of every good
citizen to strive to leave to tho coming
generation the best possible inherit
ance in just laws and education, so I
subscribo myself
Lkad Punch..
when ho was u candidate for congress,
"but Slater wont to congress all right
enough, and then lo tho U. S. senate,
and I have frequently heard it re
marked that if Mac. hud remained in
tho newspapor bueinesa nnd kept up
his tight Slater would have been presi
dent ore this.
Mac. chnrgos mo with chastising
him maliciously, but in thai ho is
mistaken. I am sure 1 bear him no
malice. I simply wish to correct what
I conceive to be fcomo of his errors. I
sincerely wish to sco him successful in
conducting a good, live county paper
nnd making it a success; but, if ho
will pardon mo the suggestion, I think
it will bo necessary for him to work
601110 slight reforms before ho does,
and he may as well conclude to allow
the nllianco to manage its own domes
tic affairs, for that I think it will do.
But it has been tho custom from time
immemorial with a certain class to
come forward on every occasion, in
seafcon and out of season, with advice,
suggestions and directions for tlio
poor, stupid farmer until it has become
a kind of second nntuio with them and
they refuse to believe him at all capa
ble of governing his. actions in tmy
thing without tho light of thoir great
wisdom, and tho farmer, tho good
natured soul, has encouraged them in
this practico in the past by doing
prolty much its ho was advised by
these solf-constituled apostles, which
easily accounts for his present condi
tion. But tlio indications nre that he
proposes to do more of his own think
ing in the future. Certain it is that
he will never experience the millenni
um by McComus methods. Mac.
charges me with vindicating the no
torious circular. I did nothing of the
sort. I aim pry said, anil 1 ronoat it
now, that I know nothing of the circtt-
lai except what I learned from tho
Chronicle, but that it was not author
ized by the county alliance. But tak
ing the extract as he published it, and
it is reasonable to suppoio that under
tho circumstances he published tho
most objectionable portion of it, T can
not see without reading between tho
lines, as is necessiry in reading many
of tho legislative enactments to get
their true meaning, anything very
objectionable. As I understand the
meaning of the writer, it is simply a
proposition to club tho crop of wheat
n to largo lots and endeavor to get
better prices instead of letting it go in
small lots, on old debts, at reduced
prices, as thoy have been doing here
tofore I do not understand that the
writer intended that as a proposition
to the farmers or members of tlio alli
ance to avoid tho payment of any just
obligation, nor do 1 bolievo that any
ono else thinks so, unless they wish lo
think so. I believe tho farmers of this
county fully appiecialo any favors
that' huvo been extended to them by
the morchnnt, in credit or otherwise,
and that there is a general good feel
ing between ihein. Thero aro few
farmers who have wheat to acll but
have some other property from which
their creditors could secute all chums
ngainst thorn, and that alono is suffi
cient answer lo all the rot of the
Chronicle eonceruiug this Elgin circu
lar. The Chronicle 'says the Elgin
Recorder is the alliance organ, when
he knows that it is not so. If it was,
Hro. Swinehart would bo clenrly eli
gible. Bui in tho same article ho says
Swinehart stated that tho Recorder
was nu independent journal and asked
why tho order does not throw the
doors wido open. Not yet, friends, not
yet. Bettor draw thorn to a littlo.
Mae. claims to bo even ahead of the
alliance in many of its demands, which
is all very woll while it lasts, but what
assurance have wo that he will stick
long enough to bo of uny service. I
distinctly remember that within the
year ho put ox-Governor Stanford
in nomination for tho presidency on
tho allianco tiukot on the strength of
his laud loan bill, ami if 1 mistake
not I hnvo not tho 'jMipor beforo mo
now his snb-trousury bill ulso, but of
lato ho repudiate both of theto de
mands. How toon will he try to
knock the rost out? Ho is already
championing tho ouuso of the moa
grinding, fioulloss railroad corporation
in existence, namoly, tho U. P. R. R.,
but that may bo in consideration of
his daud head transportation accom
modation. Mac. tolls us ho know a
member of tho legislature who did not !
succeed in getting n bill patted or ovon OA J V I J "y l'yi Nvvolj
favorably recommended during tho i (JlMM, ABt,ls ,0 ' Ml oVueiwVuhio oi
ontiro tosbiou. I know not who ho MercliamiUe. No pmlilling. Above salury
refers to in this, but 1 think 1 can tee
that this man might huvo been a pub-
tieif Hardware, Ciiil&ry, Farmers' Steel Goods,
Pumps, Saws, Wedges, Sledges, etc,
mi im
A FulliEpppetl TINISKOP is run in Connection vith our Store.
SWe make a Specialty of this Line.
Call and see us.
SUMMERS ,fc LAYNE. one door south of Jaxcox's store, Union. Or.
iwm$ tar I'Mmm MM Xmtffi&
! I
All Kinds
Latest Styles.
Just Received, Direct from the East, a Large Invoice of LADIES' and
MISSES' CALFSKIN SHOES, tho Best Ever brought to this Market.
Also a Fine Assortment of
My Prices Avill suit tho times. Drop in and see me
C. VINCENT. Main Street, Union, Or.
O-jBjO. baibd.
Dealer iu
Totao; Cigars and ill Kinds of
Candies, Nuts, Novels, Fishing Tackle, etc.
BARBER SHOP In Connection.
4-30-tf. First door north Centennial hotel, Union, Or.
Tnlio it Before Broalrfast.
The Krcat appetizer, tonic itud liver regulator.
In use for more thim fo years In KukIhikI. l'osl
tlve specific for liver complaint. Hail taste In
the month on arising in the mornliii?, ilull pains
in the head ami back of the eyes, tired fcelluj;,
dlzzlnexH, languor symptoms of liver com
plaint, liemedy Dr. Henley's English Dande
lion Tonic. IlcllovoH constipation, sharpens the
appetite and tones up the entire system, (let
the genuine from your druggist for ? I, and take
according to directions.
I have just received an immense shipment of
Merjt Wins.
We desire to say to our rltiseus, that for years
wo Imvo hceu selling Dr. King's New l)looverv
for Consumption, Dr. Klug's New Life IHUs,
Uurkleu'fc Arnica Halve and Electric Bitters,
and have never handled remedies that tell as
well, or that have glveu ueh universal satisfac
tion. We do not hesiute to guarantee them ev
ery time, and we stand ready to refund the pur
chase price, if satisfactory results do uot follow
their use. These remedies have won their great
popularity purely on their medta. For sale at
Brown's drug store, Union, Oregon.
Tim May OUwYory,
You have heard your friends aud neighbors
talking about it. You may yourself be one of
the many who know front personal experience
just how good a thing it is. If you have over
tried it, yuu are oue of its staunch friends, be
cause the wonderful thing about it is, that when
once eh en trial. Dr. King's New Discovery
cer after holds a place iu the house. If you
have never used it and should be afflicted jvith
a cough, cold or an) Throat, I.uug or Chest
trouble, secure a bottle at once and give It a fair
trial. It Is guaranteed every time, or money re
funded. Trial bottles fro- at Hmwn's drug
store. I'nion, iireon
Comprising everything of the latest style and pattern in that line, also
Carpets, Vindow Shades, Mats, Rugs, Minors, Picture Frames, Reed and Rattan Goods,
Upholstered. Rockers, Easy Chairs, etc, of all descriptions.
iJ$"Nnw in tho time to got your Furniture while you can bo suited, in
vie, design and price. Constantly on hand, a tull stock of
1 Sua ua iEj ? M
Unions Oregon,
-Carries it full lice of all kinds of-
Harvesting Machinery and
Agricultural Implements,
Traction Engines and Vibrator Threshers.
3S?"I will sell as cheap ah any dealer in the valloy.
The Centennial Hotel,
Union, Oregon. 'j
An J. GGODBROD, - Proprietor,
Keoognlzed by all as the -
Will rn-"(J U. DWi roeuUtcth ui tMii), nnd th
lllikHIrtaib liMpcrtls.
want o appmi. inmc9iiaa.
of Strrarn au.i TlrJ
1 d r g abw Ui t 1 rcu rU .
nil sum 'or Hr'n lNiwor.
TON 10 a Ml and ivvwlr em On acinr, hal
thrcomplr iton. Kraiuint attnii.Ufttcouairfett
f D onli add to tho rovalaHlr of lha oriciaal
liar Complaint and Mtffl
la ixkt ana tsraam xooi p
I InocoBla iu loatata. I
Leading Hotel of Eastern Oregon!
I'lXU I.AIlfil! SAMl'Mi IIOOMS l'or the AccoiiiiHlntlou or Commercial Traveler .
!9H LI1EI d M ML
Mo benefactor. If ho succeeded iu
Moruhaiulire. No peddling.
Hill bo naiil to ''llvt" uuenib.
For timber Information, mlilrtw .
175 Vit Van lliinnSl..
4-23.J J Chltfngu. 111.
m. E. Bowker. - Pronrmtnr.
firerythlng pjrt Claw. Terms Very lteaaonable.
'Bus to and luom the Depot Making Connection with all Pass-
senger Trains.