The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, October 15, 1891, Image 2

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The Mlscrlra of Prolonged Imprisonment
In a Siberian Uungron Tlie Growing
3'car of Insanity -I.04 of Kelt-Control.
Sturvy Sulnlde.
You ennnot I magi no tho misery of pro
longed conflncment in a cnscmito of tbo
fortress under what are known on dungeon
conditions (kartsernoi polozlienle). My caso-
rnato was sometimes cold, generally damn,
and always gloomy. Day after day, week
after week, and month after month, I lay
there In soliuiilo, hearing no sound savo that
of the high pitched, melancholy bells of tho
fortress cathedral, which slowly chimed the
quarter hours, and which always seemed to
mo to half articulate tho words, "Tee zdals
scedesh eo seedeo tec." (Hero thou Host Ho
here still). I had absolutely nothing to do
except to pace my cell from corner to corner
and think. For a long titno I used to talk to
myself In a whisper; to rcjnt softly every
thing in tho shape of llteraturo that I could
remember, and to comioso 8eochus, which,
tinder certain imagined conditions, I would
deliver; but I finally ceased to havo energy
enough to do even this, and used to sit for
hours in u sort of tupor, in which, so far as
I can now remember, I was not conscious of
thinking at all.
JUeioro tno end of tno iirst year 1 grow so
weak mentally and physically that I began
to forget words. I knew what ideas I de
sired to express, but somo of tho words that
I needed hod gono from mo, and it was with
xbo greatest Ullllculty that I could recover
them. It seemed sometimes as if my own
language were a strango ono to mo, or one
"which, from long disuse, I had forgotten.
I greatly feared insanity, and my appro
tension was increased by the fact that two
or throe of my comrades in cells on tho same
corridor were either In.wno or subject to hal
'lucinatlons; and I was often roused at night
-and thrown into a violent chill of nervous
excitement by their hysterical wocping, their
cries to tho guard to como and tako away
;omobody, or something, which they ira
agined thoy saw, or their groans nnd en
treaties when, in cases of violent delirium,
thoy were strapped to their IknIs by tho
, gendarmes. My inability to so what was
'happening in the cells from which theso
groans, cries and sounds of violcnco camo
gave full play, of course, to my imagina
tion, and thus increased my nervous excite
ment, until I was on tho verge of hysteric
Bevorul times, when I feared thnt I was
losing all tolf control, I summoned tho fort
ress surgeon, or tho "fcldsher," who mcroly
gave mo a doHO of bromide of potassium and
told mo that I must not oxcito myself so;
that nothing serious had happoued; that two
'or three of the prisoners wero sick and deliri
ous; but that thoro was nothing to be
. alarmed about. As tho fort reas contained no
hospital, insiino and delirious patients wero
'trcaUsl iu their cells, and woro rarely ro
.movod to an asylum unless thoy wore niani
'festly incurable, or the caro of them became
''burdensome. Tho Direct of tho eternal still
lucsx, solitude, and luck of occuiuttion on tho
mil! was greatly heightened by tho want of
projier cxerciso and nourishment for tho
hody. "Accused" prisoners awaiting trial
in tho Trubutskol bastion wero allowed to
havo money in tho hands of tho "siuatritel,"
or warden, and could direct its expenditure
tor white bread, vegetables, tea, sugar, etc.,
to make up tho deficiencies of tho prison ra
tion; but wo, tho "condemned," had to livo
upon black ryo bread, soup which it was
often impassible to cat on account of tho
spoiled condition of tho moat from which it
luul been utado, and a small quantity of
"kasha," or U-irloy, boiled with a littlo fat
and served without seasoning, and sometimes
only half cooked.
'Such food, iu connection with tho damp,
"heavy nir of tho casemate and tho lack of
proper oxorcUe, cnused ilerangenient of tho
dlgcstivo organs, and tlui was soon followed
by moro or less pronounced symptoms of
curvy. Madame Lok leva, who was iu tho
penal servitude section with mo, suffered
from scurvy to such an extent that hor teeth
bocumu looso and her gums greatly swollen,
and sho could not tmutlcate tho prison bread
without first soaking it iu warm water.
Scurvy, oven In nu incipient form, Intensl
iled, of course, tho mental depression duo
primarily to other causes and made it almost
insupHrtablo. I never seriously meditated
suicide it always seemed to mo a cowardly
thing to escaH sulTerlng by taking ono's own
Jifo but I diil speculate upon the iKwslblllty
of suicide, and wondered how I could kill
myself iu a casemate where thoro was abso
lutely nothing that could I hi used as uu 1m
plomont of (lf-ilwtructiou.
Onco I went so far us to see if I could hang
myself from the Mimll cylindrical hot air
pipe which projected two or tlnvo Inches into
my coll from tho faro of tho brick oven. I
did not really Intend to take my life, but I
felt a morbid curiosity to know whether or
Jiot I could do it in that way. As soon as I
throw my weight on tho plie, It pulled Out
tho moHonry, making, as it fell to tho lloor, a
noUo which uttractul tho attention of tho
guard iu tho corridor. I was forthwith re
moved to auothci cell, and I never again
tried n similar exvriineiit. They say that
jxxir Goldenberg Mieivoded in committing
suicido in tho fortress, but I cannot imagine
liow ho uccomplishetl iu I became satisfied
Unit I could not kill myself in my casemate
in any other way than by biting into an
artery or dashing my head against tho wall,
and I ultimately became so w eak that I doubt
very much whether I could have fractured
my skull by tho latter method. Georgo Ken
jisu iu Tho Century.
A Solution Which Minulit He Adopted at
Onco A .Mnnltotm Herd.
Tlicrc is no question in Taxidermist
Richardson's opinion that tho buffalo in
now well nigh extinct on the plains,
Thero are a few In Yellowstone park pro'
tected by the government, but they nro
likelv to bo killed at anytime. In Texns
a herd of nlxntt tliirtj is owned by ono
-ranchman; several other hinall bunches
may Ikj found, but the days when they
rambled at large over tho country havo
been numbered. Unless some means of
protecting them ia adopted within ten
years the American bison must become
an extinct Bjiocicw. In Central park Di
rector Conklin litis several gtiecitiictis of
buffalo, but tho cow is growing old nnd
nuothnr ono has not leeii secured. The
buffalo will not breed in captivity unless,
like other domestic animals, it has abun
dant room for feeding nnd exercise. In
Central park the animals are confined in
narrow stalls because the space at tho
disposal of tho manager is so cramped.
There is a practical solution of tho buf
falo question, Mr. Richardson thinks,
which, if adopted at once, may prevent
tho extinction of tho animal. Tho buf
faloes aro easily domesticated, and if ac
customed from birth to domestic sur
roundings, they become quite as easy to
control as ordinary domestic cattle. In
tho northwest, whero tho winters aro
long and tho thermometer sinks below
zero at tho slightest provocation, buffalo
sulwist without nny discomfort, while tho
winters there are generally fatal to
domestic cattlo unless housed and looked
after with the greatest care.
"In Manitoba, " said Mr. Richardson,
"thero is a herd of about fifty buffaloes
owned by S. L. Bedson. Ernest E.
Thompson, who is assisting mo in the
museum, lias written an interesting ac
count of them in u recent pamphlet on
the "Mammals of Manitoba.' A portion
of this herd are half breeds, crossed with
common cattle, another portion aro three
quarters bred, and tho rest aro puro
blood. It may bo a question whether
tho puro breed will continue itself, but it
certainly could lxs maintained if looked
after. This herd has developed from
five buffalo calves, brought by somo In
dinns from Winniiieg in 1878. It re
quires no caro lieyond what is necessary
to keep tho different animals from wan
dering or being stolen or shot. Tho buf
fnloes nro as hardy as in their wild state.
Mr. lliompson saw them iato m Janu
ary last year, when thoy wero nblo to dig
down in tho snow and iind grass enough
to keep them fnt. Duriuir n blizzard
they would lio down in a group, with
their backs to tho wind, nnd let tho snow
drift over them. Tho snow and their
woolly coats kept them jwrfectly com
fortable. In January, 1881, ono of tho
cows calved in tho open prairio, whero
tho thermometer registered 118 (legs, bo
low zero, and both cow and calf survived
and did not appear to stiller.
''It seems to mo that this is an import
ant question for tho farmers of tho north
west, nnd tho national government ought
to take measures for tho encouragement
of tho raising of buffalo stock. An ordi
nary cowhido is worth $2, but it is uso
less as n robe, while nu nverago builulo
hide is wortli if 10 and, as n robe, is al
most indispensablo in tho northern cli
mate. Tho butriilo sheds its woolly hair
onco n year. This wool is etisily gath
ered, and it works up well into a course
yarn. Ono animal will yield ten to
twelvo pounds of raw wool. At one
time thero wero fnctories for tho manu
facture of buffalo wool, but thoy havo
disappeared with tho buffalo. Tho wool
of tho hybrid nniinnl becomes darker nnd
finer, nnd tho buffalo hump disappears in
tho mixed breed. Tho uniinnl itself bo
conies more docile, though retaining its
hardihood, nnd is a better milker than
the puro buffalo. This cross breeding
nfTords a wide opportunity for stock
raisers." Now York Tribune.
Going Down to the IJottnm of the Sen.
Tho Hiring I) rem Invented by n Native
of SwIlxerUnd .Signaling White Undo
Tho Mont Decorated 31 an.
It would bo dilllcult to say who ia tho
most decorated man of Europe. Each of
tho three eiuiiorors and tho royal sover
eigns of Etiro)o nverago fifty grand
crosses, with their respective appendages.
Aside from tho sovereigns and princes, I
should think tho most decorated man
must Ikj either Count Andmssy, tho
former chancellor of Austria, or tho sta
tion master of , a well known water
ing place. Tho latter receives an aver
ago of three, minor crosses annually, de
pending mainly on tho number of
sovereigns and princes visiting tho placo;
station masters, physicians, polieo com
missioners and others aro in many in
stances remunerated for their services
with crosses, very much as tho gato
keeper of tho enstlo of Chillon receives it
shilling from every visiting Englishman.
Ernst von Hesso Wnrtegg in Tho Century.
"I first bognn diving in 1BG3," said Capt.
Antnony iv imams, ino famous English diver.
"1 was n wrecker then, and was raising
sunken ship oil' tho coast of Cornwall. I had
working for mo a diver who seemed a very
lazy, careless sort of a fellow. 1 was paying
him by tho day, and onco, after being under
water for a long time, ho came up and re
ported very littlo progress in his work. I was
angry and expressed myself strongly, lio
retorted with: "Try it yourself if you can
oo nny tetter.'
" 'AH right,' said I, Mot mo have your div-
ing dress and I will try it myself.' Ho
thought I was only joking, but I wasn't. Ho
doffed the dress, I put it on and down I went.
I discharged him when I came up and have
been doing my own diving ever since.
"Did you over see a diving dress? No?
Then I will put mino on nnd givoyou an idea
of one," nnd tho captain retired to his state
room, whence ho presently emerged in full
Hiving costume, except tho heavy cast iron
helmet, which several of tho comiMiny raised
irom tno deck nnd placed upon him, thus
making his outfit complete. Tho dress is
really two dresses, ono within tho other, each
I of India rubber. Tho stocklucs. tmnts and
snirt are an made together as ono garment,
which tho diver enters at tho neck, feet first.
Tho hands aro left bare, tho wristbands of
tho rubber shirt sleeves tightly compressing
tho wrists. There is a copiwr breast plate,
bearing upon its outer convex surfaco small
screws, which aro adjusted through holes in
tho neck of tho shirt", which by means of
nuts fastened upon the screws, is hold so
lirmly In place as to render tho entiro dress.
from tho nock downward, absolutely air and
water tight. Fitting with equal closeness
to this breast plate is tho helmet mentioned
above, it completely encloses tho head, and
is supplied with threo glasses ono in front
nnd one at each sido to enablo tho diver to
look in any direction. A pair of very thick
leather shoes, nmdo to lace up tho front, and
supplied with heavy leaden solos, complotos
"Xou soo," said tho captain, when his
helmet had boon removed, nfter everybody
had had ample tlmo to criticiso his appear
ance in it, "it takes about fifteen minutes to
put thoso togs on, and when the diver is
rigged in them all but tho helmet thero nro
placed across uis shoulders ropes sustaining
two leaden weight, one hanging at his back,
tho other at his breast. He then goes down a
ladder inte the wuter up to his armpits, and
then the holmo is placed on him, tho glass in
front is screwed in place, and when every
thing is mado ready ho is made owaro of tho
lact by a blow on tho top of tho helmot Ho
then goes down by means of n ropo previously
lowered, hand under hand, to tho bottom of
tho sea. Sometimes, in very strong curronts
it is necessary to muko tho weights extraor
dinarily heavy in order to hold tho diver
down, notwithstanding tho fact that tho
dress alono weiglis nearly 200 pounds, and
yet I do not feel tho weight of it down
among tho fishes nny moro than I do that of
an ordinary suit of clothes out of tho water.
It was invented in Switzerland by a nativo
of that country named Bauer, who spent a
small competency in having it patented and
in trying to bring it into uso, but he died a
disappointed, heart broken pauper, leaving
others to reap tho benefit of his invention."
"Can you breathe as freely in your diving
dress as you can out of itf
"Yes, indeed. When ten or twelvo fath
oms under water my breathing is ns wholly
dovoid of offort as it is when I am walklnir
about on' dry lnnd You know that by
means of an air pump, worked by two men,
tho divor is supplied with nir. Through a
hoso this air passes into tho back of his hel
met, and near its placo of entrance is a
spring vnlvo for its cscuc. This valvo can
bo controlled by tho divor, but ho usually
sets it beforo going into tho water, aud sel
dom disturbs it afterward. Tho pressuro of
tho air being greater than that of tho water,
a surplus or tho former readily escartes.
When this vnlvo is not sufficient, tho diver
can opeu iu his breastplate n similar spring
vnlvo, intended only for such nn omorgeucy.
He can also regulate tho amount of air
pumped to him by signnls upon tho nir hoso
to tho men engaged iu pumping. Ono pull
ujkmi tho hoso means moro nir; two pulls,
less air, aid two pulls and ,a shako, "I want
to como up." Thoso signnls on the air hoso
nro generally used by all divers, but each
ono of us has his own private codo of signals
on tho life line, which is always fastened to
tho diver's wnist, and by means of which ho
is drawn up out of water. Theso sienals
each diver writes down very carefully nnd
gives to tho man in chnrgoof tho life lino.
liy means of theso wo can bend up for tools.
material, etc When n lengthy communica
tion is to Imj mado wo send up for a sluto and
write all wo want to say. It is just as easy
to read and write under wntor as out of it.
Ono can sec very plainly, nil objects be
ing greatly magnified." UeoiTrey VVilliston
Christine in Chicago Journal.
Pointed Paragraph nmt Anecdotes About
Member of the liar.
When a certain judge, well known in Roch-
sster, was a young lawyer, the court appoint
ed him counselor for n certain prisoner, re
questing him to give the best advice ho could
under tho circumstances. He then retired to
an adjoining room for consultation, return
ing nlone shortly afterward.
"Whero is ymir clientf asked the judge,
"He has gone," quietly replied the young
"Gone! Why, what do you mean, sirT
"Why, your honor told mo to give him th
best advice I could, nnd as ho confessed his
guilt, I opened tho window and advised him
to jump for his life. The prisoner took my
advice and is about two miles from hero by
this time or I'm very much mistaken." Bos-
tou Budget.
Professor You are awnro that in certain
cases the mother can Iw guurdlnu of her
children, provided sho is of age. Now, can a
grandmother also be guardian
Student Yes, sir.
Professor Under what conditions?
Student Provided she Is of age. Pari?
An attorney expressing a conflicting opin
ion in a mutter under discussion before Judge
Walton was met with this:
"You should remember the remark of
Jpdgo .Goodenow to Judge Goddard: 'You
may be right and I may txj wrong; but my
opinion is worth more than yours, because
my opinion decides this case aud yours doe
not, " Jledalia Times.
A ItnniHiice that Didn't I'nn Out.
Her father was a millionaire, whoso life
had been devoted to caudle making. He was
practical naturally, hut all the poetry of the
family wus found in her. She was beloved
by another millionaire's sou, and when he
proxsed to her sho declared that he must do
something for her.
"Dearest, what can 1 do!"
"Become a ixxir artist."
"I couldn't bo any other kind of an artist."
"I mean you must pretend to be a poor
artist. Pa does not know you. You must
come and make love to mo and I will fall in
love with you. Pa will object und make a
row. Wo will elopo and get married, and
when it is all over we'll tell him, and it will
bo delightful."
So ho becaino a poor artist and took a poor
studio, aud daubed on canvas and pretended
to paint pictures. And there was another
millionaire's daughter who began to come to
his studio and sit for her picture.
Ho forgot all about tho romantic maiden,
and when the romantic maiden camo one
night in peasant costume, as a sweot surprise,
to run away with him, she found thnt ho was
married to the other girl aud had gone off
on his honeymoon.
Sho thinks that romances nro all moon
shine, now, and that nothing happens in real
life as it happens in books. Sho is right.
Denver Tribune.
French nnd Irish Wit.
When Judge Rombauer was on tho bench
ho ono day made a ruling against a young at
torney, whoso superfluity of diplomas was
only equaled by his scant knowledge of law,
Much disgusted, tho lawyer said:
"I don't know whero your honor goes to
nnd such law as that."
When ruffled Judge Rombauer speaks with
a strong Bohemian accent, uud lie replied iu
very emphatic language:
"I am not surprised, Mr. , znt you know
not whero I go to find zo law, for I find it in
zo books."
The second incident was that wheroin a
udgo had overruled n motion of Counselor
Garvey, ono of tho best known lawyers of tho
St. Louis bar. Tho counselor is usually most
respectful to tho court, but he lost his temper
this time, uud declared in his broad though
rich aud cultured broguo:
'Your honor, I hope for your honors honor
that it will nover be noised abroad to your
honor's hurt that this honorable court ever
mado n ruling so dishonorable to his own
honor." St. Louis Republic.
Gently Expressed. Walter, please take this
cheese uwuy again. It is too uneasy for me.
Centrally loeHted: American & European Plan:
flrst-chiss; reasonable rates. C. W, Uoby, prop.
want the very best oods that you know
will grow, at cash prices, write us.
!LC p. i pnsRON x. ron. Warehouse
203 ' . " ' 170
2d Street Portland, Oregon. Front St.
Which opened on the 17th of September,
is proving a grand success in every respect.
There are more nnd better exhibits than
ever before, the display of fruits nnd grains
With I.OCAI APPLICATIONS, ns they cannot
reach the scat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood
or constitutional disease, and lu order to cure It
you have to take Internal remedies. Hall's Ca
tarrh Cure is taken Internally, Hiid nets directly
on the blood and mucous surface?. Hall's Ca
ll was pre-.
mm In thin
leading feature. A number of special at-, pmintry for years, and is n regular prescription.
Ilered during the monin. n i composed oi ii
Doing particularly line. '1 tie music u ir- ,h"Curo i ,, quack (medicine. It was pi
nishcdTjy tho celebrated Mexican band is a tnA by one of the best physicians In t
tractions will be ollereil ilnnnL'
consisting of war dances and the celebrated
L'liost dance bv lTmntilla Indians, a grand
electrical exhibit, prize drills for the Na
tional Guard, farmers, bench show and for
the various sections of the Northwest.
Among the notable exhibits the follow
ing are especially worthy of mention:
The exhlhlts of Stayer cfc Walker arc, as imud.
the most cxtonMve ai well as the fluent and most
(ittrnethe In the exroMtlnn. Their machinery
display comprises beautifully finished models of
the many kinds of farm machinery und Imple
ments sold by them, and which are In general
use throughout the Northwest. A lnrtie part of
their machinery dlilay this year Ib devoted to
the various styles of engines which they handle,
Stavcr ik Walker being the headquarters in the
Northwest for heavy machinery of all kinds. A
most unique feature of their exhibits Is one of
the world-famous Ptudebaker wagons, which
thev have suspended in the air, and which bears
the suspestlve sign "The Wudcbaker Wapou nn
Top." The vehicle exhibit of Stavcr & Walker
Is one of the most attractive and interesting feat
ures of the entire exposition, their booth belm:
beautifully decorated with bunting In rich colors
ami made resplendent by the dazzling rays of
the electric lights. Their display of vehicles Is
the finest ever seen iu the Northwest, prominent
among which stands the elegant New Haven
Carriage Co.'s top buggy, which Staver & alker
will give away on the last day of the exposition,
Uckclijor the drawing being red
Have nn. honest display of their various lines
of goods, JUst the same as will be found In
their store and warehouses, foot of Yamhill
street. They carry a largo stock of wagons, bug
gies and road carts, the celebrated Pkandla rid
ing nnd walking plows, gangs and harrows, the
Freeman feed and ensilage cutter and carriers,
Van llnmt bmad-ciist seeders and drills, horse
power feed grinders, fanning mills, disc harrows,
etc. Mr. J. I.. Koskctt, the manager of the Port-
laud house, understands the business and me
wants of the people thoroughly, and is prepared
to give satisfaction to both farmers aud retail
I). M. 0DORNE t CO.
The fine display of agricultural implements
made at the fair by the 1). M. Osborne Company
Is being widely commented upou as being one of
the most comprehensive nnd utilitarian ever be
fore exhibited. This firm was established In 1Ni7
at Auburn, N. Y., and has had a most successful
career. The fame of their products have spreail
to tho most distant civilized countries of the
world, nnd the consequence of this renown, with
its subsequent stupendous transactions, entailed
upon them tho net cssity of establishing branch
houses In Chicago, Philadelphia, 8t. Louis, Pal
las, -Salt Ijike City, Portland, San Francisco nnd
in Australia. South America and tho European
countries. Iu their exhibit this year they have
confined themselves chlelly to their own manu
factured specialties, nesting on a platform is
their world-renowned No. 11 harvester und
binder, the Osborne No. 1 mower and the Os
borne No. n reaer. The Osborne Company have
been awarded man v medals and diplomas for the
excellence of theso implements. '1 heir Portland
house l- located at blMecnth and V streets. Send
for Illustrated catalogue.
This is a tmlv wonderful machine of Oregon
Invention and Oregon manufacture, and has met
with an unparalleled success during the short
time it has been la'foro the public. It Is manu
factured by William E. Wood, the Inventor.
at 'iiti Front street, Portland, Oregon, and
sold by the .Mitchell it Lewis Company. It has
the distinction of having received the only gold
medal ever awarded by the Oregon State Hoard
of Agriculture. With a view to overcome the
objections and to make a mill that would meet
tne universal waul, unit would give to the farm
er, stock raiser, warehouseman, and all others
using or handling chopped feed, a mill that
would chop any kind of graiu, with littlo power,
without heating the product, economical in the
way of repairs, simple and strong iu construc
tion and easy to handle, the Inventor, patentee
and manufacturer of the Oregon Giant Grain
Mill spent much time investiirutinir the muiiv
faults and few merits of the best mills on the
market, and tho result of his labors came before
tho nubile In tho shatK) of the combined Oreirnn
uiaiu uriim .Mia. u win cnop an Kimis ot grain,
wet or dry, and will do double the amount of
work with tho same power that any burr mill
will do. It is sure death to with oats, and is
so arranged as to grind or chop at will. Write
to either of the above parties for further Information.
As It always does wherever exhibited, attracts
tho attention of every one. It is a truly wonder
ful machine, aud has always been awarded first
prizes over all competitors. It will hatch ostrich,
turkey, goose, duck, hen, silk worm and all other
kinds of eggs, and is in use in nearly every civ
ilized country lu tho world. Send for illustrated
catalogue describing Incubators and brooders,
how and what to feed, etc., to Pctaluma Incu
bator Co., Pctaluma, Cal.
the best tonics known, com
bined with the best blood purifiers acting di
rectly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect com
bination of the two Ingredients is what produces
such wonderful results In curing catarrh. Send
for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO.,
Proprietors, Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists; price, "." cents.
Fresh-Air Hoy Mister, do you have to buy
cheiriug gum for nil those cows?
Hoarseness. All suffering from Irrita
tion of the Throat and Hoarsened will be
agreeably surprised at the immediate relief
atl'orded by the use of "Brown's Bronchial
Troches." Sold only in boxes.
The t'sual Way. Madge Does Annn play the
piano? Millicetit Well, she labors nt it; one
can hardly call It " playing," you know.
TryGkrmea for breakfast.
Use EnamcllDO Stove Polish; no dust, no smolL
Ladv or gentlemnn wanted to represent associ
ation of portrait painters. Permanent position.
For particulars address Leonardo Association,
101 West 'Jlst, New l ork C
: City.
Both tho method and results wfien
Syrup of Figs ia taken; it is pleasant
ind refreshing to the taste, aud acta
jently yet promptly on the Kidneyu,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses the Bys
"em clTectually, dispels colds, head
tchs and fevers nnd cures habitual
sonstipation permanently. For ualo
n 50c aud 81 bottles by all druggists.
Morrison Street, Portland, Or.
II OX 808.
Special attention to Disenses of AVotnen.
Mineral, Aipuicatea una electric vapor
Hatha. 520 18th Street. Oakland. Pnl.
Too Fast
become listless, fretful, without ener
gy, thin and weak. But you can for
tify them and build them up, by the
use of
Oi Lime and Soda.
They will take it readily, for it is al
most as palatable as milk. And it
should be remembered that AS A PRE
UNEQUALLED. Avoid substitutions offernl.
Holo Agent for
Pacific Coast,
1170 Market st,
room 20, 8. P.,
Dr. H.Snnche,
soln owner, 801
10th St., N. W.
Wash., I). C.
Pocket Klcc-
. . cure ""' disease quickly, cheaply,
naturally, while asleep, without sensations, doctors
jlruRs. electricity or trouhle. Kntlrely new force
mood maKiietlred; absorb oxygen from ulr- each
disease self-curlnB. Price, HO; trial, M cents.
rrnnvr I.Tl.f.uT I
Tlit PurUUni' OtT-liaml Nuunor.
In placo of their old llowory language,
l'nrisiniu linvo of Into yonrs cuiopUxl nn off
hand maimer (running to tho ostrvnio us It
to often tho casus), n manner which they aro
kTiid enough to call UnglUh or American.
Still, there aro hound which niut uuvor bo
overtitcppod, and u certain degrco of formal
ity U nhvnyn domaudisl in tho Intercourse
lietwecn tho Mixes heforo tho oriel, what
ever thoy may Ikj behind tho social scoiio. X
Frenclinuui nhviiyx how when greeting
lady, even whon ho thnke hands with her.
JIU bow may or mny not bo perfection; his
"fchttko linnd" is nlmot always awkward.
To stylo it a "hnko" at nil is straining a
point. Tho hand is tnken and us quickly lot
go again us if It wero of leo and thero woro
considerable four of melting it. For coma
ymn it has boon tho vogue for tho lady of
the bouse to offer her liaud to all comers
vu quite young men whom this piece of
-tKtudoscimslon sometimes cmbArrasses ex
Aranwly, they having their thumbs neatly
saaMOtioed between tho folds of their gibus.
Having joined hands with their haiteta,
Uwre k an end of it; tho other ladies of
iMr acquaintance who hupjM-n to bo-iu the
rmm do not pst nor expect moro thou the
tow simple. Paris Cor, Argonaut.
XhMteen thousand more Irlhmo left
hoUto toad lost year than ia the year
The II 1 ell Muu'g Courhmnn.
A rich man who boats his dog is no
moro important in Jlr, Horgh'a oyes than
tho poor man who torments his neighbor's
pot. Tho coueliumn of a millionaire is
tlio prisoner. His employer lias becoino
bondsman for him, ami his attorney Is
nro&ent to boo that justice is dealt out to
mm. And thnt is jiibt what is done
just thnt nnd nothing moro or less. IIo
was arrested for tiMiig nn infamous bit,
tlui Bides of which contained sharp tacks
which pressed cruelly into tho eidr of
tho horso'a face, uillictiiur auch nain that
ho reared nnd danced. This gavo him
tho npiKxiranco of great spirit. Mr.
IJcrgh hrlelly states tho case, to tho court.
Tho bit is produced. Half an hour of
argument is heurd nnd tho prisoner, in
ppitoof ols nmster'a wealth and nocial
jxxiitlon, is lined $25. Ucnjamih Nor
throp. llvfunu In Our Penal Syntein.
It needs no argument to show that our
ponal By stem ians hid as it can be. Prob
ably one-half of thooo incarcerated could
bo mado excellent citizens without lieing
disgraced. Of tho other half a largo part,
by n courso of wise discipline, could bo
lifted out of tho ranks of vico aud crime.
At present n man onco iu etato's prison U
pretty Buro to bo Uick again soon after
Ids relcaso, nnd Ida Incarceration only
hardens him. Tho only luirdoning power
now recogniitod ns possible is that lodged
in tho hands of our governors: a power
that is generally exercised with discretion
and ends in u&i good. "Wo cannot too
soon eradicato tho idea of vlndictivencea
front our penal nytem and substitute
tlMirefortbe idea of reformation, Glob
A Trick of Counterfeiters.
A gcntloiunn now iu ono of tho city banks,
but formerly of the becrot servlco dei.mrt
melit, suid tho other day that tho publio
shouli Ik) very careful in judging counterfeit
money by ono distinct feature in tho bill
Til givo you an idea of how theso fellows
work,'' ho said. "They generally mako two
or threo plates from which different bills aro
struck off. Ono of thujplateti is likely to be
a trillo short or long. Tho publio becomes
aware of this, und bases judgment ot its
genuineness by measuring a suspicious bill
with one knowu to be good. Well, these
fellows will then spring a bill on tho town
exactly right in longth, und everything goes
on serenely. They nro u cute lot, I tell you,
and have many schemes to get rid of their
stuff. Tho fellow who does tho shoving novor
carries more than ono bill with him at a
time. As soon as ho gets rid of it ho hands
tho chango ho receives to u confederate on
tho outside and receives (mother bill When
a party is suspected of trying to shove coun
terfeit money he should never lie nrosted on
tho spot, but should be watched until he
meets his confederate on tho outside; then
you'll get the bet man ot the two, uud most
likely the prlncivil. Women uro used some
times to shove tho stuff, but they are not
reliable, and most counterfeiters steer clear
of them iu their work." Chicago News.
The l.mly Hoarder.
"Not another uiorwl," exclulmod the now
lady boarder, after eating enough for six ablo
bodied coal heavers. "Not another morsel.
Hoally, I dou'i know what will become of mo;
no appetite ill all, you know. As my last
landlady said, I ilou't eat enough to keep a
bird alive,"
The boarders said nothing, but they all lv
gau wotuloriug whether the bird (die referred
to was an ostrich or BiubadV roe, Ucttou
Ile-euited and ltoset from Corer to Corer.
lor oTeryKamtly and School.
Work of reTision occupied orer 10 years.
More than 100 editorial laborers employed.
Critical examination inTited, Get the Best.
Sold by all llooksellers. Pamphlet free.
CAUTION' is needed In purchasing a dic
tionary, as photographta reprints of an obso
lete and comparatlTely worthless edition of
Webster aro being marketed under Tarious
names and ofton by misrepresentation.
The International bears tho imprint of
O. C. MKIUUAM St CO., Publishers,
Springfield. Mass., U. 8. A.
Furniture Manufacturers.
Tho Best Sofa Bod on Earth Is tho
Made All Styles and Sixes.
Send for Catalogue.
Wtrorooms, 166 First, Through Bloc 200 Ft. to 167-169 Front Street, Portland, Or.
kww M.M with bl ribbon. xk. Jl7l,.ii iTi ' U.I OoM mtulll.
M4 br aU Lca! UracaUt.
All r,lll. In u . .. r,r' "
4.l .ump. tot pinltuLri, U.du$riS J?l17f"r;; l""!c,,' lrUlU,
ssa Buy Tour Own Goods if Your Dealer Does Not Carry Tin.
San Francisco Examlnor
If you have a claim of any deccrlption u hatover
against the t'nllxtt Males (loveniim't, u
ttUh It speedily adjudicatnt, uddus
JOHN" YVKUntCltliritN, h hc r,
IS F street. S W AVmsIiIiikIoii, ! O.
et and Ohaapost In th World.
Ctrts, SIS Up. WijHj, ,51 Bp.
M asloal Ftre Knctaes asa Kxtlofulshen. I
-s-rauoasL. tseaksea, wrtte est yriees.
fii nK.SwitC.7.w?i. Urges issd
L t VMtJT, Fnt if tori tya PUTIAbi 14