The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, October 08, 1891, Image 8

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    THURSDAY, OCT. 8. 1891.
of One of
Startling Deathbed Confession
a Gang of Murderers.
A Sun Francisco dispatch of Oct.
1st say: Tim mvstcry Hurroiinding
the finding of i ho hoilics of twonty
OhincMt! in Snake river, Idaho, in 1887
Iiur been Milved. Tlio bodies all bore
gunalmt wutiiiil.1, nlimving they Inul
been inutilc'rud. 'I'he CliiucMt consul
instituted un investigation, but was
tlion tumid.- lo find who committed
tho crimes. Consul Hen now makes
tlio following t-i ttiiiciii :
"I, Hugh MoMillun, iio-v of Walla
Walla, Vrfl.t Inn formerly of Itnna
ha, Wallowa cnuiily, Or., make tho
following statement, to tho end that
justice may be done the intereflcd
parties. I niiik'- ihi.s sialoiMimt from a
statement tmub' me by my con, Rob
ert, ajjed 10, just prior to hi, death,
and by im- then reduced to writing.
In tin latter part of April, 1887, my
Mm ami llritfo Evan, ,1. T. Caufield,
Max Larue, Frank Vaughn, Hiram
Maynard and Carl Hujherf wore stop
ping in a cattle camp, four miles from
Snako river. .My noii and Evanc, Can
field, Laiiii' and Vaughn went to a
Chinese eainp on Snake river. Can
field and Larue went above camp, and
Evatiw and Vaughn remained below.
The whiil.' paily was armed with re
peating rillcM and revolver. There
were thirteen ChiniMj in the camp,
and they wine II rod on by tho parly
above the camp. Tho unarmed Chi
nono retreated, when they were lircd
upon by iho.-c below the camp.
Twelve Chinese were instantly killed,
and one oilier caught afterwards and
his brains beaten out. The party got
that evening ifoaOO in gold dust. Tho
next day eight more Chinese camo to
tho camp in a boat. They wore lired
on and all killed, and their bodies,
with the others, tin own into tho river.
The party then took the boat and
went to another Chinese camp, about
four mile.- distant, where thirteen
Chinese wero working on tho river bar.
These u'eiv all .-hot and killed, and the
bodies thrown into the river. Tho
camp was robbed, and $00,000 in gold
secured. .My sou was present only
tho I i it-1 day, but was acquainted with
tho facts. a they weto talked over by
the parties in his presence. Tho cir
cumstances liuro detailed occurred ou
house when the sunatc bill came up
for passage, in reference to an amend
ment pioposcd by Mr. Diluent. This
was opposed by several members. Mr.
Fcig said that if tho bill as it came
from tht!8onato was all right, then 'he
ameudment was all wrong. The
amendment compelling tho printing
of the word "Ammonia" on the label
only affected the Royal Baking Pow
der, and no wonder thoy kit tho sen
ate bill was a blow at them.
Crop-Weather Bulletin, Mo. 30.
The observer of i lie Oregon Weather
Bureau, of Portland, Oregon, has is
sued tho bulletin for the week ending
Saturday, Oct. .'5, 181)1, tho same be
ing based upon reports received from
1-17 correspondents, which is as follows:
Weather. The weather has been
cool and cloudy, and general nuns
have fallen. Frosts occurred in vari
ous portions ou Sept. 27th and 28tli.
Snow fell ou Mary's Peak, Benton
county, on the 2'Jth, the first of the
season. The temperature averaged
.') degrees a day bolow the normal.
Over one-half of an inch of rain fell
during tho week.
Crops. The frost nipped a. few to
mato and other vines, but did no seri
ous damage. Some oats and wheal '
that were not threshed, were slightly '
damaged by tho rains. Plowing on :
stubble land was commenced and con-1
sidcrable summer fallowed wheat has !
boon .-own. Potatoes are being dug '
Justhow kooiI a tlifuff It Is. Ifjyonhiive over
trieit It, you nro one of its staunch friend, be
cause the wonderful thliitrnbont it In, taut when
once Riven a trliil, Dr. KIiijc'h Sew Msr-overy
ever after holds u (dure Iti the iinuw. Tf you
hnvc never used it nnd shonld tie affllcte-l with
ncmiKii, colli or nny Thront, I.imjr or client
trouble, score u bottle at once ami fftvc it u fair
trial. It Is Kimniutueil every time, or inone re
funded. Trial bottle- free nt Ill-own' drajr
store, Union, Oregon.
The Esaraliii-r.
nsiitAY Nnxicn.
' I J iUnier rounty, Oregon, about the lint of
I May, lsDl. fourteen hesil of hrsi. nil hrtrtert
I ou right stifle hh follows:
One kwiv mare 1ki
the aliove brand hml
liver since the establishment of tlieirst.iicron
the bay ol San I'rnnclsco, which we believe was
the "Attn," removed from Monterey in 1W9; the
inhabitants ofthc Coast generally have been inter
rstcd in the news from Han I'ranclsco. The "Alta,"
like many otlier pioneers of 10, has succumbed to
the inevitable nnd gone over to the great majority,
nnd, like other pioneers, lias been succeeded by
younger generations. The "I'.xaminer" has
Liken perhaps the most prominent place in the
newspaper field oi late years, nnd its Weekly
edition is very generally taken by those who
want nil interesting nnd reliable paper published
nt "The Hay." Uvcryone is iamilinr with
the Premium OfTeri made by Mr. Hearst, the
"ttxamlncr's" enterprising publisher, and it is
only necessary to say that this year the aggregate
value ofthe premiums of which therenrer,000
is J1"',(XX, which are distributed among all the
subscribers to the paper. In addition to these pre
miums, which range In value from fiO cents to
i','S3, every subscriber receives one of the lour
great premium pictures, which will be mailed to
him in n tube direct from the " I'.xaminer" oltice
as soon as the subscription is received:
" Tiic Retreat from Moscow," lir Meissonler.
" Re Roman Chariot Race," 1)7 A. Wagner.
Kncli of these pictures is 21x28 inches, and they
are c. uilly reproduced in fac simile, showing
c ;ry lt..t and color of the great originals, either
one 01 which could not be purcnaseu lor f 100,000.
" Wcnca and Children First," 07 C. Napier Heaz
"Girlst Lca7lng the Prstorlnm," 07 Gnstave Dore
Knch of tlice pictures is reproduced in photo
gravure, si.e 2IX2.S, and eminently fitted for fram
ing, mid will ndorn the walls of the most refined
'1 he subscription price of the " Weekly Ernml-
mid the yield is very laree. A m, les :.:""-. !;jVyjcZ?
One sorrel mare hUo brnwkil II underneath
the nbovp brand, j
mare nl-n branded 1 1 underneath
a eow bell on when last
One brown mure aluo brmided n on left
i shoulder.
All the above dowrlbed aninmls were taken '
i from Wnliowii viiltoy last fall. Anyone friviuK
Information f their whercubout. between Her- .
ney and Wallowa valleys, will be tlbetmllr re- j
; wnrded. Address: li. .1. RINKHAKf,
10-1-ml. . Stimmerville, Oregon, j
Baer 1.. mtir on laud John llaker u'j V4
Ser M. ul4 su 4. n'a sw' Hc:liTlS
Balfour onthrie A i'o, mt on land B s
llnllv -c' 4 St r T 2 1 R K
BliriterH Mar, uitg on hind ('has MeClure
lots 5. . t, s, 9, 10. II. 12 A; 1.1 WrV 11
(ihaplinV i.d'n to Iji Uraude
Bloch A ft i, mtK ou land A Thomtwon
nwW nw; See 25, nc' iie4, el mJ4 See
a. e liej4. ne4 se4 ttee T If R l K
C(Wii B I mK on loud c htrwec Eatou
tract M f oKfrans' 2nd ail'n to Iraiiiie
Kdmiston J K, mtK rti Inml J R Fowle nW
ne4, mv4 ve4, sel sw4 8eriT58
Ui?)E . 7 ...... ....
Fetin V n, taf.' on land U J Slater w fee
SITas i:7K
Oavkinl K it. mtK on hiwil f lain fJiillonpe
e4 lot i block ft Alleuto u ami lm
ftfttvpttipntH ... ..... ...
Iluut Gilbert, mtjt on laud W H &H A (Jal-
... A . . n LI 1 .1 L-l..
loway ioi.s ju, it a un- a r.iKtu
m S2
V.l 9i i
1 liolraaiioo, mtK n land KV Balrfock
; aoWj St-e 7. nw new cr is, wi
i See s T s s K 42 K,
In the CI mi It Cinm of the Btate of Oregon, for
I'nloii fuility.
iv. s. .ncroinux, m. 'niumami, a. rtireei,)
.. weuney aiiu.jornt 3iei omas, ruiiniiiTX
ijiiirn Knirall, May Whellndy and the nn
kno n heirs at law of J. SI. Kordiec, de
coiiKetl. lK fcuibints.
To in Fnirnll. Muv Shellndv and to thi ticlni
at law of .1. II. I'orifleo. tleeensetl, whose iiuuies j
arc unknown, ami to all other unknown tier- '
miiik having or claiming au interest in the
and pears ate ooing picked. The
grass is growing nicely, and afford
good pasturage. Urapo picking and
wine making will begin next week in
the ,-oiithern counties.
Weather. Cool teinperaturo and
frosty nights have prevailed. General
rains fell ou the 28th and 20th of Sep
tenibor, with snow in Union, Wallowa,
linker and interior counties.
Crops. Tho rains delayed threshing
for a day or two. Tho frosts nipped
tender vegetation. Threshing is about
over. Tho smaller amounts of wheat
and oats will be liuislied within tho
no.v.1 ten days. The grass has been
revived by tho rains and pasturage
is becoming better. Fruit is being i
picked and storod for winter use. The
wheat is moving easily and rapidly
towmd tide water, in largo quantities.)
UAltVKST ovi:it.
Harvest is practically over. The!
thr'Ufjh the Local Agent ofthc "Hxamincr" oi
th.: Postmaster.
TJio Kxamlner and Scot-rwlll boiii he initio
any iiddrei-s mi lecelpt of Jf2,7." cash In mli ntice.
Knch Kiiliseiiber 111 ul.i Imve liis ehnice ol the
above pictures inula chance In tho K.nmiuer'a
Krand drmvliig. full at Tin: Scout olllee and
i oroiierty herein described: i
rN Till: XASinol'TlIKSTATlOflKOREdON":
1 You are hereby required to wp-eur and an- ,
! per the complaint Hletl atraiunt yon in the
above entitled suit on or before the 1st day of ,
the next regular term of the eirenit eourt of the '
state of oreiron. for fnlon rounty, after ix i
I weeks co'imicte luiblieatioii of tliii .uniiaouh, '
I to-wil. inn.; before the liitli ilav of November ,
A. I. is'.n. iiefendniits will take uotl-e that if I
they fall to uiHMir and miMvur or plead within :
said time, the Plaintiffs will apply for wnut I
thercif. to the eourt for tho relluf ileinnnilnrl in
j the complaint, to-wit: For an order for the Mile I
i in ixirtition of It fl, ltloek 1, in the citv of l'n
I ion, County of Union, Statu of (ireifou, nnd for a !
luirimon hiiioiik inu owners of the proceeds
thereof after jm iitfr the costs awl tlisbursemeutH
of this suit and for freneral relief.
Thin summons i publisheti in THE Oiibhon
Scoi't, u weekly newspaper published at L'nion.
Oregon, by order of lion. .Ins. A. Fw, .Indirect
the Sixth .ludieirtl District of the State of Ore-
ou, uiaile and dated at chamber at Pendleton,
Oregon, ept. l. A. 1). 1W1.
')'. II. fUAWFOBU,
Attorney for I'laiutiti's.
Will Va-ltf th, l:lMd rrcnlatutht
Llttr snd KHnfa nnd Ut(or th
Httlthntiil ljorftrYoulh. Ilvsriortto,
Jjick of btwnalh ntnf I'treJ
W Fmlliienhsolnttljt'arcd.Iloass,
Vijjft, n'lWt.irce. JCniivunstlitiiuiad
'wiid HUpiillas llmln 1'onrur.
niirorinK ii. in cornpiainti
I A tTii li 'A, S-TJ nn uliarlotl- inaxwill And
bHy ti t.-,J In DJl, llAPTCK'S IKOIC
TONIU n .ifu unit aneoily c r. Qtvi aolcur. IimI.
thjcomplnxlou. l'riuun'. attarajilr. nt couuiurfeit
Idii ouljr aitU to tho popul irttynf i)ih orialnnl
do uoiniiiwriniont net ti.a uaiuiatij Rii'i iii mi.
the Oiegon side of the Hnako river in largest and most successful crops of!
Wallowa county, near tho northeast nil kinds, save hops, ever experienced '
corner of the state,
IIuoii MoMu.i-an.
"W. M. CbAitKi:, witness.
"Dated at Walla Walla, August III,
Tho Chinese consul general in this
city will at onco communicate these
facts to his own government, and it is
probable stops will bo taken to punish
tho murderers.
Ouri) Conutlpulton, l.lrrr Oouiplaiut and Sick a
l!eailnch6. Sunipla Until anil liroma IlnoklJ
mntUdon trot""itft In i0Ntai;n.
Or. HARTCrt MEDICIKg CO., ELLoula, Ha.
Baking Powitor Bill PaBsod by tho Min
nesota .Sonnto.
Tho rocont newspaper discussion of
tho dangerous (unlities of ammonia
comes from the alarming iuereaso of
its use in baking powders. People
who absorb it in small quantities from
day to day stiller from slow ammonia
poisoning. Takou internally in sulli
oiont quantities it eats away tho coat
ings of tho stomach ami intestines and
causes death. Hlow ammonia poison
ing produces various forms of stomach
Not one woman in ton thousand
would uso an ammonia baking powder
if nho know it. Such powders not
only undermine tho health, but Am
monia imparts a sallow and blotched
Pollowing is the bill recently passed
by tho Minnesota senate. It's tho
danger signal which tho law throws
out for tho protection of tho people :
Bcctiou 1. Any porson who shall
knowingly sell or procure tho salo, or
olFor for sale, of any paokngo or can of
Baking Powder, containing any Am
monia in it, not distinctly, legibly and
durably branded, stumped or marked
in a conspicuous placo with tho words
In tho English language, "Thio Baking
Powder ContuinB Ammonia," iu letters
of great pica, or nny loiters equivalent
thereto in length, shall bo guilty of a
misdemeanor, and punished by a fiuu
not less than $20 nor more than $50;
ehall be confined in tho County Jail
not loss than ten or more than twenty
days, or by both lino nnd imprison
ment, nt tho discretion of tho court.
Section 2. Tho snlo or offer for salo
of tho substunco mentioned in tho fore
going section iu packages not titatnud,
marked, branded or labeled as therein
required, slpill bo priinu-fucio ovidenco
of knowledge of tho character of eaid
Kubstauco on tho part of tho person so
selling or ollering for salo, and his
cm ploy a r.
Kcction II. -This act shall bo in force
on nnd aftor its putMge.
TfQTB. An incident occurred in tho
in tho state have been gathered, j
Yields have been largo and all prod-1
nuts of good quality. Tho people are
tc bo congratulated on tho success of !
tho season's labors, l'ro.-perity and
good times exist in every portion of
tho state, Stock wintered well and
tho inereaso of sheep was large and
wool clip enormous. Climatic condi
tions favored tho growth, development, 1
yield and harvest of hay, cereals and
fruit. The water has been quite plen
tiful for tho minor. Hvorybody ap
pears to havo been favored, and happi
ness reigns. Theso weekly bullotins
have given, from the commencement
of growth in tho spring to now tho
finishing of harvest, the weekly con
ditions and prospects. They will now
bo discontinued until the next grow
ing season. Tho monthly bullotins
will continue as usual.
11. S. PAG UK,
Observer, U. S. Weather Bureau.
Wonderful Ouildron.
The twins of Uiconu, rivals of the
famous Siamese pair, are expected to
arrive in this city on Tuesday next, says
the Now York Beoorder. They are
known as tho Tocci brothers, and wero
Iwrn in Lacona, Italy, on July 4, 1875.
They have one body, one pair of legs,
four arniH and two heads. One head is
of fair complexion, resembling tho
mother, and speaks Italian and French.
Tho other head is of dark complexion,
like the father, and speaks (ionium and
English. The twins are iu charge of
Frank Ullher, who exhibited tho late
Lucia Zarete, tho .Mexican midget. Tho
Tocci brothers usually eat with loth
mouths, although one can provide nour
ishment enough for tho entire organism,
Delinquent Counties,
Tho state of Oregon is ulxiut to Ihvoiiio
plainttlV in a suit, in which llaker county
will lie defendant. Tho state seeks pay
ment of taxes duo from Maker county for
the Hovora! years since and including
1878, Baker county owes $12,2 IG. This
law accrued from year to year, each re
mittance to the state treasurer being a
little le.s thun the amount duo. Malheur
coutny owes $kV); Tillamook, $r00 and
Umatilla r.!id Union small sums. Marion
is charged with $800. Tho sums are in
dispute, and have liecu ho for years.
The Mew Discovery.
You huvo heard your (rlemU and ueiRhbom
tulVlUK about It You inu ourel( bo ouo of
tla' muny vr ho know from unnal t'Xxrlvuec
For Sale.
I.MKM in Cove, conslxtlnn of 1C0 aerei. All
under fence, small orchard, nine room
house, tmiall bam, out hnlldlh.'s and one wood
Marking cMiiblihhment run b water power.
Inquire ofs.ll. Itnrrouk'hs, Core, Or. 'J-17-wii.
Livery and Feed Stable.
(Ni ar tlio f'ditrt Utilise.)
Hulick & Wright, Proprietors.
Good Teams, liugU' and Hacks
for the accomodation i cubtomoit-.
'Bus to and from the depot to con
nect with trains. il-tf.
tuo of an execution IhhiunI out of the Hon
oiable Circuit Court ol the Slate of O rem in, for
I'nloa county, hcariux date the i"ith day of Sep
tember, lS'Jl, to me dlrcetiil and dollvereil uihiu
a judgment entortil therein ou the Istli day of
May, lS'.U, which judumeut was unrolled and
docketed in the elerk n olllco of said court in
Kiiid county ou the '-".'th day of May, IsUI, where
in llasclio .V: Co. are lilaiiitiU'H and .lumen is
deleudaut for the Mim of One liuinlrel ami Ten
Dollarx wltli iutere.t thereon niueo June tl, lssti
at 10 iier cent. Kr auiiuin. and the further Mini
of Thirty DoUam attorney foe, 1 have levied tii
ou the following iK-mtIUvI real estate httiintixl
In I'nlou rounty, Oickoii, to- it: The NWC. of
.M:4See. 1, Ti. s S, It. i: i:. W. M. and b virtue
of Mild execution and levy, 1 w ill coll at imbllc
miction at tho eourt lmute door in I'nloii. cntou
eountv. State of Oregon, on Saturday, the 7th
day of Novemlier, lsid, at l.:W o'cIock n. 111. of
Mlid day. all the riplit , title aud lntertMt of, iu
and to the above deserllvd pretnlsec that the
Kuid defeiidaut Jaiiiex Uo luul therein ou the
'.".Hh day of May. ls'.il, or hni t-liu'o nouirel, to
Mitlsfy mild luilKUieut, luteret, )tii and acorn
liiK eotN. 'lermx ot Mile, eaih to 1110 iu hand iu
I', t. ciilil eolu.
Dated at I'ltiou, this the Jnd day ot Oct., IsDlj
J. 'f. 110I.I.lfe!,
Slierlll'of I'nloii County, Orosou.
lly W. it. I'mikii, leiuty. iO-s-wft.
In the Justices Court for Sorth Powder pre
cinct, County of Union, State of Oroaou.
(iorhain .V: Itothchildl
1'hiintillH, llofore .I110. Kdwanls J. I'.
vh. y civil action to recover
Jocoph C. Ilarrihon tuoiiey.
Defendant. J
To the above named Defendant, Joseph C.
In the name of the State of Oregon you aie
hereby reiiiilreil to appear before the under
Kliiiied, a JiiHticc of the Peaee for the precinct
aforoMiId, on the 10th day of November A. I),
ism, tit the hour of 1 o'clock p. ui. of wild day,
at the olllee of Mich .luntine iu said precinct,
and answer tho complaint tlleU atralust von in
the above entitled action, that being the fifth
day after the expiration of the time prescribed
fo- the laiblication of this numinous. And if
jou fall to no allow er, for want thereof the
I'liiiiitlfl'will take judgment iifiiinst you for the
sum of Sixty-seven and "AVlno Dollars and costs
of this action. John Kdwamik,
Justice of the Peace.
Thix Miinnions 1h ordered lobe published bv
.Inhii lidwards, a Justice of the Peace for North
Powder precinct, i'nloii county, Oreaoii, on the
Jl-i day of September A. 1). IWH. direetinic the
piibllealion thereof to be made in The Hkkuon
ni c, 1. w eekly newspaper published at Pulou,
I iiion county, Orexoii, once a week for the
period of six weeks. John Kuwahds.
(i-iM-wi'i Dtst'ce of the Peace.
Hiiicaft'-s s t.v.
1Y ViltVl'li (IP A Vt'AliKAXT lrtr.PF.Il OPT
1) of the Comity court of the itateo( OrOKOn,
fur the countj of I'nloii. to me dire'ted. com
maiiilim: me to levy on the uootla and chattels
01 tne iiei,niiieiil taxiMiyers liuuicil tu the delln
ttieiu tu x roll for said county for the year 1W0,
theieto atiacheil, and If none bv found, then uj
011 the real property as set forth aud described
iu the wi' i ilolimaiont tax' roll, or so much there
of a shall satisfy the amount "f taxea chur((ed
therefor, ftKVther witli costs ami expenses, 1
have duly levied, (IiiivIiik Ijsosi unable to tind
any ijikkIs ,, eluittcls bel.iiiKin- to the deltu-
ouents nereiiiatter named,) upon the rollowliu;
lekcrils:-l pieces or parcels of real estate, as wet
forth iu said tax list, lyintr and beiUK in Dillon
county. State of Irexoa, deHcribed and aiwenaeil
as lollotvs:
IlurroiiKhs S It, o2 se14 V wli of nes ,t;
se' , sw 4 Se- i'1 T rt IJ 4U K $ li 'A"
lllouui Prank, lot - block C Hayden's ail'n
to Cove, Pnion County, Oreou a rjO
Coad J C, lots I.'!, 1 1 .V lSbloek tin Chaplin's
ad'n to I.a (iriinde .. . titti
( otirtney A W, lot 3 block i Kgni, Pnion
count , (irejiou. l as
dwW; imU uU ttec 7 T H e R M B
undivided Interent Iu thatiwrtlon
lrlnir In t'liloii etmntv
Irwiu ( M, mtt ou land fnrnh C Clark )4
block 12 Arnold .t limy' ad'11 to La
Urimdc .
Jarvia Conklin MTCo, mtit on land Ed
win Mills sU nwk' See 8 T K W K 40 E . .
Jarvlo Conklin SI T Co, mtjtnn land Reu
lwu Keed lot 1 and oej ne1. ne1' el4
See 5 T rt R 441 K
Kellofrir Iuneh A Wilcox, tutu on land V.
It Hrammun lot K block 26 North Pow
der Iximbard M, nitc oul land W K Hanks
lots u Jit tr block 110 Chaplin's ad'n to
1m (irande
Lombard C H. mtt; ou land IT A Webb
eU, ne'4 seVi Sec 27 T 1 t K .B li . .
Lord nt, rati; on land (1 W KalliMin s
Hec 22 T 1 X P. . E . . .
I'Wls HH. nitp ou ltMl;.Ilio MeCauley
Sec 1 T I P ltiE
Mercantile Trust Co, mtg on laud I'M
Coffin w4 swV Hec 13, M se'4. cU nw
K at se)i rteo 14, neW ne" Hoc 28 T 4 8
R a) E
Mercantile Trust Co, mtK ou land K K B
David swj4 tixrV, nwji eX hw,'4
Sec 12T7SK41 k.... .....
Miller C 1', mtK ou land Jno II Telford lots
1, 2, 3, A, 7, K block 2 Chaplin' ad'11 to
Lu (Irande.-
Xorthertt CountieH InvT Co Ui, mtK 011
land 1 nas an uouou nu oeM, swy,
ffi Sec 28 T i 8 R 35 E . .
Udell .Ins, nitfr ou laud A T Merwin sej i
neW, Hec 22, wV nJ See 2(1, neW nek
ge'27T8rt R42E . . .
Piwlmore John, mt on lflnd Ln Urando
. Land Co eU nwJ t 20 acrea oil' 11 end
ofeJi fcwK Hec fiTSSlt ."Weexcept
lue: commoueinK at nw corner block
156 Chaplin's ad'n to l,a (iraudu thenee
11 830 ft. e :.l ft. s 320 ft, w 330 ft
Porry W ts, l.itjt ou hind Myers llros aeM
mxi, ne4 se'4 it lot I Sec 31, mvU
sv"ci. ueji, se.. A-lota 1, 2, 8 & See !T
T 1 8 U .Vi E A hv& nek A lots 1,2 A 3
.Sec 1T2S 11 3fi K
Perkins (ieo , mtu: ou laud Asa V Chase
vw4 ni4, nw-,' nw)4 Sec 32T7HR
10 1:
I'erry Mary, mtK on land D Painter
w)4 itcj Sec :w T 7 8 it fi E
Jtnmsey 0 . nitx on land II W W'eavor
lot 1 & ndi ixvcii Sec 10 T 2 S R 37 E. . .
ltamsey O X, intg on land Jno M Hale
nwliSec 10T2S ItiSlE
itamsey O X, mtK ou land US Xeill ej
w4 See 4, neM nwU, nwk nej. fieo u
T 3 1- It 30 E ...... . .... ..
Spriuirer Pettis. mtK on land of Ambrose
Clark ne4 See 2 T 2 8 U 35 E .
St John A X. in Ik 011 hind Edwd Ebeu lots
17 A 1H block 123 Chnpliu's ad'n to La
(iraude .
Hiioditrass W J, mte on laud I V Kaulk
I 10
1 50
12 Si
in a.
7 ii
S. 05
7 10
12 00
0 00
1 2T
4 Do j
T3ie Hunt Line"
cj nw' w' ne' i Hec I T 3 s ft 36 E .
-J'- ...........
, miK ou latm j w KiteainK
1 (1.)
IU !
8 10
m ta
12 Itt
10 ;i7
10 00
11 00
Rfi S3
4 10
3 00
20 20
5 fiO
3 20
1 10
S ,7)
I 25
ll. 10
11 50
In Connection with tlio
Forms the
Quickest and liest Route
Between Eastern Oregon and Washington
and Piitfct Sound points, as well as
the Popular ami Direct
I.ltio to all
TliroiiKli to Clilca!;o via tills I.lno.
Passenger Trains of this Company are run
itiK regularly between
Making clnf connection at Jlunt's.lunc
tinn witlf Northern Pacific train for Taco
tiia, Seattle, Victoria H. C, Kllensburg,
North Yukiiau. Pasco, Spratiue, Cheney,
Davenport, tjpokatic Falls, Hutte, Helena.
St. Paul. Miiineapolis,
Passenger Train, tanking nbovo connec
tion leaves Pcnrilcfnn daily, at 7:40 p. m.
('handler V D. w-i nw'ij A nw'4 mw'.i See
10 T 1 X It 40 E .
Cokkiiu Emnm L, liojf.' of nwj... A VU of
lie1-. Sec 13, T 8S ll 37 E
Clark A. ne'4 !eo 2 T 1 S It Sf E
DwiKhtPW, block'.) and lots 5 A 6 block
11 CoKKan's nd'u to La (irande
Dearborn (ieorce, coiamonoluK at a point
00 ft n of nw comer of block 1 of tho
town of West Pnion, 1'iilon Co, Oku,
thenee a lixi ft, e 100 ft, s wo ft. thence
w 100 ft, to place of bceinuluK, also
commeneiiiK at a jxilnt M It 11 of nw
corner of block 1 tow 11 ol West t'nlon,
tlieiav 11 llli ft, thenee w tui ft. thenee
silk) ft, thenw emit tu Ivuiunlmi:
Elliott (' II. lots It', A 17 block 1 haplin's
ad'n to Iji (irande
Ellis W W. nw-4 hv-4 !-ee .il l' i. S 1! HII K
(Jroth JaiHil), ui., nw'4, e'4 in. '4 ,V s ,
110I4 Sw :SI T 1 N K 40 1: Nirah II, lots 2 A3 I 'lock 151 ( Imp
lln's ad'n to La (iraude
(irande Itoude Water lift: Co, 17 acres mil
of the ne' 4 of ue Set 13 T 4 S It :t'i 1
Iloleomb c P, lot 20 block cbaplm "
ad'n to La (iraude
Hodge Dm Is A. Co, out lot Ail. It Chap
lin's ad'n to Ui liramlr
Joliusou Thomas, swi4 (v-e 22 T i. S It 40 V.
JlcCrarv Kobt. estate, lots 10 20 block
1U2 Chupliu's ad'n 10 La (ii.uiili . .
McDonald V 11, Utu. .1 ,t 4 block k"i i hap-
Hu's ad'n to Iji (iraude
Mciiriiw J II, lot 7 bliK'k Ninth Powder
MeCulloUKh II, sw 'i Stv 10 T 2S li Ho E
Xlsbome W II, w of w s Sec 20 T .1 S It 38 E
Parkur Oi'tuvlous, lot 14 block 21 ofthe
town of Xorth Powder
Perry T H, swl-4 A sel4 of nel4 See 31 T 7 B
It 42 E
ltalwy J II, eVj sw l4 Sc 28 T 2 K H E
Soaser 1' S, lots 1 A 2 block iW Chapliu'it
ad'n to Im (iraude ...
St John, lots 17 A IS block 123 Chnpliu's
ad'n to Im (traixte . ..
Smith Chun, tract P Cokitmu's 2nd ad'n to
Lu (irande .
Smith W A. lot 8 block 01 ( haplin's ad. 11
to Im (iraude .
Steele Stewart, lot 1. 2, 3 A 4 block iff
Chaplin's ml'u to Ui (irande . .
Stou'iison M A, lot II uorth aide Jlalu
37 10
0 35
8S 10
Snodttrasa .).
lot 9 block 0 (irandy's nd'u to 1m
Scott R P, mtK ou land II O (iorhiun .t D
V C Kelson lot 1 it fraction of lota 2 A:
3 blm-k 20 Xorth Powder
Snuuders Ii 11, mtK. on laud Thos Irwiu
swv4 nw , .v. iota 2, it 1 see itss It
4)1 E . ... !....
SaiowZeratV M 1. olmstead, mtK 011 laud
bamautha Johuson umlM in si'
so,, nw'2 se'4', U mv nw4 nwl4
See 7 Tms II 42 E, aUo iimM 4 In
11 wU uwi4, w'i uwVi See 17, n'j
See is, se1 , aeji Bee Is, ej sw '4 Sec 7,
nwW tm t see 7 T 8 S ft -12 E. ...
Telford V L. mtK ou laud of Kersev Leep
se'-4' sw '4 See (', ei inv Sec 7 T S 8 1:
40 K ...
Werts O K, nit;, on luud Ezra Cauady nj
aeV. sw , net4 See ;l T 7 M K 40 li!
Waelty Adolph, mtK on lamKi K Troek.
wiumenciuKat nw eornur lot I block
15 Sumnierville, thence northeasterly
120 ft, north westerly U) ft, southwent
erly 120 ft.stmtlieasterly no ft to beKiu
niUB .
ami on Moiulu) , tlie 12thdayof October, Wii. nt
the hour of lo o'clock A. M. of nld day, at the
court house .li.or in said comity and' stab, I
will sell the .'.'me described 10.. 1 estate at pub
lic auction tu 1 lie highest hiddei for cash, si'b
Ject t.i ri di'i.ii.;:cn, to sntisfysnld warrant. coHs
and iieeruiue 1 ots.
.1. I. DULLES,
'herill'of Pnion ('uiint, Oregon.
lly W. 11. DMir.i:, Deputy.
Through Tickets Sold to all Points
at the Lowest Rates.
(lea'l Fr't and l'as'gr Agt.
Walla Walla. Wash.
President and Oen'l Manager.
II I.. DEACON, Tieke
it, Union, Or
Pair of cases. The typo is In fair order
and will ho sold at a barKiiiu. For further par
ticulars call on or address this office.
2 Ml I
t 00
Thomson & Pnrsel are agents for
the celebrated Cyclone WindMill, nnd
as tho prices on them have been great
ly reduced they are now within the
reach of all. Sample mill to be seen
at their planet' in North Union. Call
and examine it.
civil- V'Vietrurvfx
A pamphlet of information nnil oh.
siraci 01 ino laws.suowiiig How toA
v umaiu l aiuuis, i;aveat, Tradei
jjurso, wopyrignis. nt Jrte.,
. auoxcu MUNN &. CO.
kvSvJOi llronilwnv.
flew lorlf.
An nounce m e n t
-a V
-S A
i" 111 r....T777.. ; ,
:zW9 Wily (0
I J " , - -
siu:itiri"s sai.i:
xr0!'11'1'' I!i Hi:iti:iiY tiivp.x that hy vin-
1 tue of an e.eeutiou Issued out ofthe Hon
orable Circuit Court of the State of OroKou, for
Union county, (tearing date tho 23th day of St)
lomlsjr. lsti), to me dlrwtisl and dellverotl uisai
11 judgment eutervnl therein ou the 1Mb day of 1
.May, is'.' 1, which juuKineni was enroiiea anil 1
docketed 111 the clerk's oitlivof said mrt, tu 1
said eoanlv, on tho lIUli day ol May, l.sOl, wlierv- 1
iu Mileliull ,V LeuK Co. are pluliitfll's anil James I
Iav Is defendant for the sum of One Hundred
ami Nineteen Dollarn and Xim t) -on Ctmts w itli '
interest thervxiu ul the rate of It) per eout. per
annum, from the 1Mb day of May, lsHl. ami tor
tho further sum of ISveuly-ouo iMllars and
Xluolv seven Cents tvts, I have Wviwl upiui 1
the follow Iiik denirllOi real wlnlr, ttuUl iu
Union Kiuiitv, own, u-wU: The N'W, uf
Xi:4 Sim-. 1, tp. h S. It. 45 K, W. M. and hy ir
tue of viM eiwulhui Mild le 1 will sell l pub
lie am linn at the ooiitt hou door in t'uaai, .
IHiluii fount) , Stat uf Orev'ou, ihi SatunUiy, ilw
7th da of SoeMtUir. ImU, at 2 o'eloek i iu. ot
wild day, all the tlulit. title nnd lntenwt of, lu
and to the aUive doserils! iviiiUi thai the
wild ilefeiiilniit Jame Iav hail thenJn on the
2Dth day ol May, Is'JI, or hiu tlueo aeiiilrel, lo
mtlfy lil JiidKiuMit, ititort, voxt una iiaeru
ItiK eot. Twm of sale, onli to bio In hnwl lu
l". A (."old coin.
latal nt I' ul. ii tUu the 2nd ikty ot Oct , ls'.'l
J 1 1K1.1A.
Hberitl Ol I II tOli t 'uit . uregiiti.
lly W it i biuu. iwji ity
street KI11I11. Uruimu
Smltli S it. wU nwi-4?5c 17 .V m'4 seJe
IS A lie1 1 uoV-4 See 1 T 2 S it 37 E
Taylor K (, sU uel4 .t oU ee 31 T 8 X
U40E . ...
t liknowu. lots 1 to 20 block 111 Chaplin's
ad'n to m (iraude
Ciikiiou ii, lot 10 block no Chaplin' ad'n
to m (iraude.
Unknown, uU no4 Ak, ue4 Sec 23 A
nwW of nw'4 See 31 T 3 K It 36 E
Woodard Mm V, lots 8, 4. ft A 6, beiUK the
of block 2ft HaiiUNh's ad'u to Vot
Union . .
Pnkuowti, has U, 10, 11 A 12 btoek 1X7
Chaplin's ad'n to m (iraude
Wilklusuii W in ,V Sou, ne'4 See 1 T 1 S
It 40 li .. uHswk Vo 6 T 4 S R 11 E
Wilkiusou Morritt K, U ej4 See 6 T I 8 H
41 E .....
Mills Udwanl. si, swW bee a T,sSU4nK
Orecou .V Wash Ty R It tV, about IS utile.
of richt ot way uuBuUhcl from or
inmr Pulnn to Sninuuirville, Ortrou
AiuerliKiu MtK Cu. MtC uu Und 11 SUIT-
onl Mii, w4 se4, ', wj s 1
TASK E....?.
Aiuerloau Mtit Co. on laud W 11 Stad'ord.
ttW so4, wV MA4, w , Se 4 T ft
S It 30 K
Vtiiericau MtK '" lUl Is-""' ' Weaver
wl, e. 31 T I X U 40 K
merlrau MtK Co, ou laud rnh A Alber
m sw 1. .-see I T 3 K M E
lnerii uli Nltrf I o, 011 1m U.I 1 K insaii
iJ uw'4. Iil4 ', M I7rah
H '.' K
American M: Co, on laud II laii!le
sw1. ne'. . 1. ', t se1
',,Kt II. UW'4 ,.UW'4
U' se'4 ve m''4 :i. '4 iv J..
fcWt. (HM I' . U !
AltUuee Trust l is uu Uu4 1 I Iluif u
M, nw'.. ', ue1.. ue4 s1. See 30 T I
N It 4U 1:
Vtherton 1 bus 1 . mtK ou Inn,! l.uf reliu
Heiuh irafts 1 iV J ij,. .ol 11 I.'
Iji 1 rmi.l.
is) 4s
42 SO
2 IS
10 05
1 B0
S 76
10 00
S M)
0 10
2 IS
11 00
41 15
3 20
an 71
10 15
4 10
12 sft
s 10
a oft
02 tft
19 S3
a ju
52 as
1 95
1 W)
10 v
jLMmij u 1 1 1 . miLmniT
Ilayo on tlio way and now arriving, several car loads
Agricultural Implements.
The Company HI hereafter carry a full and complete stock of
Hiis ilopartmont will bultnnier the manugenj'nt of Mr. Kilpatrick.
2'1D'V- THE M. & M. Co.
Tlu facilities having beon increased by tho addition of a fine assortment of
now typo and a largo invoico of tho finest papors and material, is now better
propared to oxcouto
on short notice.
J.ottor I lends,
Bill 11 wild,
Shipping Tags,
iVgul Blanks,
Gall at onco if you want anything in tho way of
Circulars, Business Cards.
hnvolopcs, Society Cards,
Bocoipts, Visiting Cards.
Tickets, Wedding Cards.
btatonionts. Ball Procram.
"Satisfaction Guaranteed in Every Instance. Orders by Mail PromniW
Union, Oregon.
Attondetl to. Address