The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, October 08, 1891, Image 4

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Kitttteil at the uottofiicr at Union, Orcyun, an
utanM-eln ii'iiV mutter.
B. Chanoey, Editor and Proprietor
ha its ok HUnenuiTioN.
One cupv, uio ywir $1 .0
One copy, tlx months 1 00
One cojy, three nmiitlis 76
ImntiiM;) tilth in Adtttnce.
If hi clitliirr mihurriptinnit ure not jmitt till
end of year, '" will he ohttrgal.
It ales of mlvorllsinj; made I.'iiowh oil ni
plication. )-Corresponilciico from nil jmrts of
the country solicited.
THURSDAY, OCT. 3, 1891.
iivi:itsii'ini iwiimino.
There has been norne controversy in
iegard to the comparative merits of
special funning and diveiHiliutl farming,
with u general opinion that Hpeciul
farming wuh the most profitable. Un
doubtedly it is so in manyciiBos, where
tho farmer him a special liking for pome
one branch of bin btiainefcs, and an
adaption to it, and is in a locality or
upon a noil peculiarly fitted for it. Ho
gives his whole attention and energy
to it, and liking it well enough to
strive to do the best thing in the best
manner, lie could scarcely help achiev
ing success.
Yet every successful one has had a
host of imitators, who have failed to
attain any thing beyond mediocrity,
and financially have not obtained good
results. Thoy either are not adapted
to special farming, or have not fcund
the right specialty yet, and a speciality
in farming as in anything else requires
patience, pcrserverance and courago
to stick to it despito discouraging fail
tires, and to wait until by many errors
the right methods have boon found.
Again, there must be behind all this a
capital to carry him through the un
favorable scabons, and tho losses' that
seem to come at eonio time in any
kind of business.
Probably a largo share of tho farm
ers aro succeeding bettor under tho old
eystom of diversified fanning, with
dairying, orcharding and a varioly of
fiold crops, by which if one branch
shall not produco a profit in any year,
Homo olhor will have an exceptionally
good soason, that will insure a moder
ate profit upon tho whole.
Upon many farms there might be a
much greater diversity of interests
than there now is, with a reasonable
chance for better financial results.
The numerous manufacturing villages
of Massachusetts and Rhode Island
and the sufumer hotels and boarding
houses create a demand for many
farm and garden products which might
bo, but arc not, supplied by tho farm
ers in their own vicinity, and inako
necessary an appeal to tho markets of
tho lurgor cities, which in their turn
are supplied by farms and gardens in
localities where laud is more costly and
labor more expensive than it would bo
within a fow miles of tho place whoro
tho same was to be consumed.
Why should tho express teams and
trains out of lioston be loaded daily
Willi fruit and vegetables, moat and
poultry and eggs, for tho county towns
of Now Ilampshiro Or of contral Mass
achusetts, or the resorts along tho sea
shore, whoro land is idle and laborers
seeking for work in all those soetious.
It certainly should not ho so, but it
certainly is so, as an examination will
show. Can tho farmors there grow no
other crops than corn and potatoes,
and no fruit but apples? Have they
no ono who can take care of hens and
ducks, raiso chickens, gather up oggs?
Is it not as easy to keep a few shcop,
and have lamb!) and mutton to veil, as
it is to keop swine and sell pork? Aro
there no flowers in tho fiold or tho
forest which would furnish honoy for
a fow swarms of bees? Aro there not
boys, and girls too, who could find
time to attend to the specialties, and
who would, if given a share of tho
products, tako an interest in their
work that would attach them more
strongly to the old home and to tho
healthy farm life?
Increase tho sizo of tho family gar
den apd grow n greater variety of
crops of such sort as tho local markets
have to scud away to procure. Oct a
fow Bhoep to run with tho cows in tho
pasture. It is an old saying that a
pasture will better feed ono cow and
six sheep than it will the cow alone,
and if this is not exactly true the first
year, tho hcop will m entioh tho land
and keep out tho foul weeds that the
toil will soon be much better and the
grass more abundant. If accustomed
(o run together tho cows will protect
tho sheop from dogs, and tho sale of
wool nd lambs will prove n wolcomo
Addition to tho income of tho farm.
Uuild Hit addition to the jioiillryjioiibo
nml keop a few more fowls, Uivo
tlKHU flood food and good onto, ami
kiMtp h tiiut account of oxpendittiies
Mid U), A Kood lien will pay moro
money over her keeping than a poor
cow, and chickens and eggs are cash
commodities in almost nny village, ns
current as national hank notes, or
easily converted into thorn.
Obtain a few hives of bees, They
find their own food, and a little atten
tion daily will bo all that they require,
and in each one of those hives will be
from 20,000 to 50,000 busy workers,
gathering honey for their owner from
the flowers of the field and the forest.
With the modern hives the labor of
taking care of the bees is small, and
the art is easily learned, and within
the limits of the strength of boy or
girl, with perhaps a little assistance
from older persons at swarming time.
A good swarm in a good location can
easily make twenty-five pounds of
honey in a season, beside what is
needed for their own maintenance and
ono beekeeper has reported taking 500
pounds from four hives. Somebody
makes money in growing these things,
and why should not the farmer who
has land enough and whoso family
need work and need tho pay for their
labor. Albany Democrat.
Hero is the curiency plank of tho
Massachusetts democrats' platform:
Wo believe in honest money, the
gold and silver coinage of tho constitu
tion, and in a currency convertible
into such coinage without loss. This
declaration, expressing the uniform
historic policy of the national demo
emtio party, contained in its platfotms
of 1J and Jean, we unreservedly
We believe that all dollars coined by
the United States should bo of equal
intrinsic value, and Mint all paper
currency issued by the government
should bo redeemablo in either gold or
silver coin, at tho option of the holder,
and not at tho discretion of the secre
tary of the treasury.
Tin's is good doctrine and good dem
ocratic doctrine. Not gold alone.
Not silver alono. Not. paper backed
by government promises. Hut honest
money made of gold and silver, or of
paper based on gold and silvor and
convertible into them. Tho gold
equal to the eilver in intrinsic ymIuo;
tho silver equal to the gold in intrinsic
value, and tho paper only a dovico for
convenience of use, hut representing
dollar for dollar coin available for itH
redemption on demand. A currency
not varying in Volume according to
tho caprico of legislatures, at one timo
appreciating in purchasing power be
cause artificially contracted, and again
cheap to tho point of worthlessness
because wantonly inflated, but steadily
expanding as the needs of business
dictate because the mints are open for
its free coinage Here wo havo au
ideal money, oppressing noithor ono
class nor tho other, safe from the con
trol of speculators, available over in
tho hour of distrust and uncertainty
honest money, tho money of our fath
ers. St. Tatil (ilobo.
Semi-Annual State merit and Report:
of County Officers.
Of tin- iimount of money ntul tvurriint rerelvcd for inxvn, mid money piilu t'i i .
liy thenherlllof Union county, Oregon, for the nix month enlfii'."ni II" "
w m m it u
ber, A. I). 1MU.
. !.t.
III Cola nml Currency..
In County Wnrnintx. . .
Totnl Itcretyed.
iKiu ' iiv amounts r.w'n.'
During the ni'iiith" of-
j April Mny June" j .Inly " ; ' v$7 ricp.'
I,".H.X) I f2,700.0O 4..T0iM
. mnr.).!'. I
During the month, of.
1034.96 .
To County Trennurer. .
Totnl Trcnuurer
I April Miiy June
10,NX).UO I
TiTTy j
m.Tw.m i k,uuo. i u,70).on Vflo.oo i aSSuXfl Sh.pb
County of Union. i H" j
1, J. T. Nolle, tdierlll'of wild cotinty, do herebv cartHr that I
the forecolntf utiitemeut Ik correct nml true. !
WltnecH my hiinil thin :!rd lny of October, A. I), lsul. J. T. BOLLES.
snena or I ulon county, Oregon.
Of the county treiiHiirer of Union county. Oregon, for the nix- month ending on the Jth dny of
September, A. D. lh'Jl.of money received nnd pnM out, fmm whom rrrnired and from what j
pource, iiiiu ou juu iii-i-ouiji uuii uiu:
I tien'l VxmA
Shaft Hardware, Cutlery, Farmers' Steel Goods,
Pumps, Saws, Wedges, Sledges, etc,
Agent for Charter Oak Stoves.
A FdlliEpppfld TIM. SHOP is run in Connection with our Store.
BJ-We make a Specialty of this Line-
Call and see us.
KUMMHKS ,fe LAYNE. ont door eoutn of Jaxcox'a btore, Union, Or.
AinoiilitH Itecelvcil.
July 7
AUK. r.
Auk. 5
auk. i:i
May 7
Sept. II
Jlny !i
April 17
June Hi
July '.i-'JO
July 'St
Auk. ill
To nniount on hmid from lust report
To iimoiintM received from Hherlir
To iimouutH received from liquor license
To amount of trial fee received from Turner Oliver
To iimount received from linker countv, !; cost of bridge .
To iimoiiiit Itee'd of N. SelKHinover on appropriation Bet'd
To amount Statu ehool fund recelviil
Krom J. W. Kuowk'H .1. P., line of Adam Ilehr
Krom C. I., lllakexlee, J. 1'., line of Win, Mc.Mahon
Krom II. K. IlurlelKh, J. I'., line of (i. Mulleiibure
" " " " " John Vuks
Krom J. . Knowlex, J. 1'., line of Admit Itehr
Krom C. I,, llhikeslee, J. 1'., Ilnu of W. K. llowker
Krom J. W. Kuowlex, J. 1., fine of Allen ami Joo (in-i-Mr..
Krom II. K. IlurlelKh, J. I'., line of Simon (lent
Krom J. V. Knowlcx, J. 1'., line of K. ('. CnindHll
Total. . . . . . . . '
sit taw
2.100 00
m on
1 KT7 AO
AmountN I'nlil Out
179 m S0
A Prospector Accidentally Shot.
LiiHt Monday owning word was ro
coivi'd that a proHjiei'tor lutd boon uliot
and diingonnisly wonniUil at a initio up
llurricano crook uliout eight inilon houIIi
wost o( town. Tho facts in tho caw. aro
as. follows: About two weeks ago Hen
ry Prior and a companion arrived hero
from the Wanhington mines, and they
immediately began prospecting in tho
mountains south-west of Joseph. On
Monday about noon Prior visited tho
"Huiiner Hoy" ledfo whore W. C. Allen
and Kd. Clements were at work. Ho
took u pick and got down in tho prospect
hole for tho purposo of examining the
ledge. "While ho was thus engaged his
revolver, which had been carelessly
thrust in tho waist-band of his punts,
fell to the ground and was discharged,
the ball striking Prior just liolow tho
heart and ranging upward. The un
fortunate man uttered tho words, "Oh
Iml I'm shot!" and fell forward.
(Moments at onco started for medical
assistance, and Allen and Tonoy Olson,
who was working near by on another
lodge, rendered what aid thoy could to
tho dying man. Prior did not live moro
than throe minutes after tho accident,
and all of Monday night Allen and
Olson kept faithful watch besido tho
boly, midst a blinding storm and se
verely cold weather. On Tuesday, after
Prior's companion had nrrived, the body
was taken alnmt thirty yards down tho
mountain and there given tho best
burial that was possible under tho cir
cumstances. Tho property of the dead
man, consisting of two horses, blankets,
a gun, etc., was turned over to Sheriir
Humphreys. Nothing can lo learned
of Prior's former home or his relatives,
as his companion or partner claims to
know nothing of him except his name.
Sl.oritniuinphroys, however, taking for
hit guide the data found in tho dead
man's iKissesniuu, is writing to various
lo!nts with tho hope of eliciting bonui
information in regard lo him, Prior
was a 11m' appearing man, prolwthly
iilxmt 10 years of ago, ami is said to
have Ihwii an oxpurlonctsl prosjHVtor.
The accident was u very unfortiinato
allUIr and is much regretted by thobo
with him at (ho timo, although it wan
minted by tho victim's owi carelenniicss.
-Wallowa Ohictuln.
lly amount paid out on county uarrantN
lly amount paid out ou eehool Hiiperluteiident'H vmrfftllt.
lly balance general fund ou hand ,
lly balance heboid fund ou hand.
lly amount paid out on estrnv fund
lly amount pah! State of OrcKtm (In full)
lly amount paid out ou road warrant
lly balance road fund on hand
'443 51 05,
IT M88 Ki
8 100 00
toI '"'inn I st rLr Vie' W3JP 71fW
(Kl'i !K) 1
.- 00 KBi.. .-fas, j&BSw
lo m &
." m . -iv -li
121 SR." SO AStSs
Latest Styles.
All Kinds
178 m S3j
21 273 fll
2 fi SM
m 8f.r sti
County of I'nloii.l
I. K. ('. llraiiiard, do hereby certify that thu foregolnjr in 8
true and correct xtatenieut of the amount received, paid out and remiilnliiif on JiHnd, In the cotiutv
treasury of Mild county for the nix montliK cndliiK ou the :X)th dav of .epteiulier. A. D, 1891.
WltnenH my hand thN nth day of October, A. I), lh'.ii. " K. ('. BKAtJfAHD,
County Tresgurer.
Of the county clerk of I'nlon county. Statu of OreKon, kIiowIiik the of claims allowed bv
the county court of Niild county, for what allow cl, amoiiut of warrautn orHMi, ami amonut o'f
warranty outHtaudliiK and unpaid, from the lut day of April, 1WH to the ;Wlh dav of September,
Ib'Jl, both InclllHive: '
I Amf. oToutMtiituiliiK Wilt-
Just Received, Direct from the East, a Large Invoice of LADIES' and
MISSES' CALFSKIN SHOES, the Rest Ever brought to this Market.
Also a Fine Assortment of
My Prices will suit the times. Drop in and see me
O. VINCENT. Main Street, Union, Or.
On what account
KondK nnd hriilKcx. ......
DUtrlct attorney
Coroiicr'n Imiuext
lunnne account
Kxamlliatlou of teacher.
Stock IliHpcctor
Attorney feen
Klectlnu account.
f fi IS) (Hi
, 1 Ki !
Ki to
S7 (H)
, .HI OU
t )
Juxtlcuof the Peace ; 1 las t!
rubiio property l sus 21
II. H. StraiiKc
1'iunier ncceuut 1 ii
j. n. nulla mmi
Stationery and printliiK 1 a) I lit
K.xpciiHO account 171 !U
J. T. IIoIIcm :i -loi sr.
Turner Oliver I (V IK
I. N. Sander OH) 00
InillKcntFoldleiK ft I 'J.i
Circuit court 1 fifll fa
.1. S. Klllott :U7 ix)
County cominlKslonern l.r0 iH)
II. C. llriitnard :lVi ,")T
Total Anil. claiuiN allowed and drawn. $ii 712 sii
l'liiieiuiil t, iid
ramp iiuimiu. inieresi.
OutnlniiilliiK unpaid county varratiTi
ou the Wth day of SeptClnlJeI, 1881 . . .7C Hfti 2
KstlmnttHl Interest accrued thoruou. ... V 031 14
OutxtaudluK coutiiiKaut wnrmuto 468 95
OuttdandiuK roml vuiriint 000 00
Total amount of unpaid countv vvnr
rantH nnd tnterast ISO sg
County of Union.!
I. Turner Oliver, countv elurk flf the countv of Union. Ktatc
of OrcKon, do hereby certify that the forcKoliiKlHii true and correct "ntntemeut of the amount of
clalniM allowed by tliu county court of wild county, for the nix months ending ou the 80th day of
September, lS'.U, on what account the miuic were allowed, and the amount of Warrsutu drawn, anil
the amount of warrantx outxtiindliiK and unpaid a'l thu miiiio iippoarg upon tho records of my oltlce
and In my otllclal ctiHtody.
t itiieKH my iiauii and tne heal of tne county court ot Mint county, inw oiutwyoi uctooer. a.
I). 1S91. TUBNEJt OUVKlt,
ci:ai County clerk.
Dealer in
Variety t Fini
Of the lluaiicial condition of the county of t'nion, in the State of OroRon, on the 1st day of Octo
ber, A. I), ism.
Hall Bros., Union, Or.
llnvu Jut;recctved;n lnrKcIsupplof
School Uooks,
Copy Books,
Slates, Tablets,
Inks, Erasers,
And In fact everythliiK lined In thu public
school of thin county. Mi
W-t'iill early nnd nuiVo your Select ioiu, or
seuitlu your order. 10-1-tf.
To warrautH drawn on tho county
treasurer, and outidaudiiiK anil un
paid $70 M'hl id
To estimated iimount of Interest ac
crued thereon !l ail l'l
To contliiKcnt warrantx outstanding HW sii
To umouut duo school fund . . 'J Ml
To amount due road fund :uh 00
lo road wiirnintN onlstaiidliiK 000 no
Total liabilities
..fv.1 h77 !'."
Kemui rcert.
Tobacco, Cigars ant 111 Kinds of Fruit,
Candies, Nute, Novels Fishing Tackle, etc.
BARBER SHOP In Connection.
4-30-tf. Fiit door north Centennial hotil, Union, Or.
1 have .i n t-1 received i.n iiiiinente shipinen of
lly fiinils lu lmndHof countv trenauicr
applicable to the puyiuunt ol'eoumy
warrautH and ncIkhiI fund ... . fIJ 7
lly funds lu liiindH of county treasurer
applicable to the payment of road
warranth 900 00
lly funds in hands of county Kherlff
applicable to the payment of county
warrants, (delinquent t:x) . . 10 (HO 7.'i
lly estimated unpaid current taxes ap-
r n
sssssasj m ra EPsanv mam
i U I I S J I
hi unc
ilicable to the payment ot com
It! 4.') 54
Total resources
exclusho i.i public
il 81
1 have been trotil)lel many vMrt will;
disease of the ktdiiejn nud have tried
munv dlffeteut reujedlei and have
soucU aid from ditlerent nhylcian
without relief, Alut the 15th of Apnl
I wan tufletlnt: from n ver)', vtolent
attack that almost prostrated mc iu
i.. i. I wn bento-er
When I aat .town It vraa almost tmpoj We n'
lo Ret up alone, or to nut on my clot'"?;" ' f
kind Itmideiice ent W. Henley, with the
OKnGON KUWllY ou, .u "y
hotel. 1 immediately commenced
ulnjr the tea, It had au almost
mlraculoua effect, and to the atou
Uhmeutofatlthe Kuct at the hotel,
lu a few iUy,t ntu happy to atate.
that I wat a new man. i win
recuBtmcnd the tea to -all aQUct.
1 bac been.
Proprietor Occldeutal Hotel,
bauta Kou. Cal.
Bettir Thau Uverl
CoinpriiuK overythini: of the latest style and pattern in that line, also
Carpets, Window Shades, Mats, Rugs, Mirrors, Picture Frames, Reed and Rattan Goodf,
Upholstered dockers, Easy Chairs, etc., of all descriptions.
fC'Now U tho time to get your Fumiuue, while you can be united, im
style, design and price. Constantly on hand, it toll stock of
Sn C,
- Usiion,
Open Day and Mjrht.
Meals at all Hours.
Oynteiw, iu b.sou.
llrcnd, l'le, Cake, Ktc, Couiiuutly on hiuul
and for wile. Winldliitf riike to order.
!1T tl
M KISM.V. Proprietor.
M.iiii -i . I iii..'.i. iU'Cuhii.
A Hoarding and Ihi -i-1ik1 for (.irU, Cove,
I'nlou t'oimt , UrcKoo
TlIU ItT. Hkv II. AVtHT.tii MoBRlc 0. I)., Hector
and Vinttor
Ml II. II. lIcH'iM K, l'rluciiw!
Mn. in n i it K.usy, Asitnt.
Thu next Session ot tliib School tijwns
SeptemkT 16, 1801.
ar"lor tcrtUH id adiniMloik app!. to Mix
Uncork, ("me- i-ltl-nil.
i .'1
7 V !
A Grand Opportunity!
"Uaroci of rjuknown mm and
ftav&se Land."
Thu North I'acliio Industrial 1UiwiIbu at
l-oilUmhtHplcmUrlT toOctoU'r 7, Ml
ilured ,alc via the I'nlou IVcillc
lly J. V. UUKU.
The Kriiikt miWrlpt Ion UmL oir luiro
iIiiixh! on the etMnt. ler tim elr.i l.irve ij'ia'-t.)
puiie. :1U niaitnlffiviil origin. i! I'luof Jtioiu
Ikouble pu;e colorwl platm.
tn vxU'iid our buailM-ui hit '
ntlim to lrt tit b) t'ttv'
to llM) nian! lhau au..
iloue bvlorv W e ileliver thif -
vr) dr lnv of frvihl elm i. i.'i :' -t
"tum alt ot w huh v l' "is
taCttHtt) MWillO lol llil.M' M v. k ' . .i
tttMT tli'i,-. ni hii.. .' I i -t)atri
in . in '. i,i I t i i i i , .
U4U ' v i
a union, Uregon,
-I'm ries n full lire of all kinds of
Harvesting Machinery and
Agricultural Implements,
Traction Engines and Vibrator Threshers.
fjfijr""J will sell as cheap as any dealer iu tho valley.
The Centennial
Union, Oregon.!
5 - Proprietor.
( Kecojrnized by nil as the
Leading Hotel of Eastern Oregon!
ITIXll LARGE IAMPLK KOOMS Vor tho Aeco,datIo of Commercial Trav.Ur3
Vm. E. Bowker, - Proprietor.
!: , !l ,h' " vvl all Pass-
'"s'l' 'HIS.