The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, October 08, 1891, Image 2

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Kecnlnir II i Aiiiiciiriiiiren Wnrnlni.
AEl,,.t IWorSoclal America G'"n lnzjin, cninphor or other drying "b-
stniicd. These nro simply nasty. Their uc
1( Ju 1850 Kroiioinj A OlrJ't Kilucutlon. tlon is the same as of lard or butter smeared
The Mclilrnp Itciimcliolil liinu. thickly over the faco of tho user. The rest
Host finely organized women aro bo sus
ceptible to tho quality of tho moral ntnios
phcre that their very personality alters with
their conditions. Tlioy are eloquent In ono
. jprcsence and dumb in another, quite irre
.I T in i "
their likings or d . silking. In
at syrnpatliy, of interest and nt -
spective of
the warmth of
lproval, even in the comfortable medium of a
decent civility, they (lower out Into variety
emi a gracious ngreeableness. In tho chill of
isdilTerence or a tolerant silence, their men
tal )owers shrink Into torpor; they havo
nothing to nay. and if, from a senso of loy
alty to tho domestic idea, they try to make
talk, they are tacitly informed that they suc
ceed in lielng tiresome.
No unequal strugglo Is moro courageous or
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ay, so airy, sjieaking his Infinite deal of
nothing, is converted Into tho silent boor of
lw meridian. Tho tenderer nnd moro con
tclcntious the woman, tho more ready is she
to excuse, but tho mora sho suffers. When
2rntiano comes homo at night with heavy
lcp and heavier countenance, bidding her n
cant good evening, sitting silent throuirh
linner, and, by way of jxist-prandlal enter-
TaJnment, falling asleep in his chair, burvini?
himself in the magazines or spreading out
hit business papers and working nt them
with a conscious "Seo how I am ready to
Slave myself to death for you I" in every lllrt
i xne ikmi, snu says to iierseir (and to tho
world, where ho needs defense) that ho is
worn out with work end anxiety, that ho is
taorlcd in tho pious task of providing for
er riituro and the children's, in caso ho
hould fall u martyr Ui his domestic dovo-
ttion, nnd Mint she must not mind his moroso
fcrcsR, which Is simply nervous exhaustion for
vbifh ho is not responsible.
But she is not deceived. Hho knows that
lie owes her something more and higher than
the "heaping up dust from year to year."
She knows that tho eve.ngs and 8undnys
nd tho hollilays ought to belong to them
together, to lie used in tho building up of tho
home, which is so much more than tho house.
8ho knows that no matter how hard ho may
'have worked, and how much ho may havo
'worried, he has met pleasant oxorieneo8,
teen pleasant faces, had some vnriety of fool
'ing in every day's round to rellovo its monot
ny, and leave him fresher than any twilight
Ibour finds her The dlllerenco is that ho
makes of his weariness a fortress, Intrenched
tichlnd which he inny eoinfortably and safely
xlcty nil conjugal and social claims, whilosho
turns her fntiguo Jntif n means of graco, re
proves herself for self Indulgence in longing
to yield to it, and goes out o do tho social
duty that cannot lie Mi Irked, or Hits rending
or working in tho room with her oppressor,
infinitely lonely in either case..
?t is right that a man should secure a com
petence for wife and child, who without him
might eat tho bitter bread of poverty. Hut
af ho clients their present of all that makes
St worth having, for tho snko of n future that
nay Jiover conio, he is guilty of a folly that
4s cruelty. They aro leieudout on him for
their dally joy ns milch as for their daily
liread. To supply the ono, he has no right to
lretend to himself that ho may stint tho
oilier. Tho police reports of wife beatings
uid wife torment lugs are too horrible to bo
-ead. Hut that brutality, born of thought-
Srssuess and selfishness, which deprives tho
wlfoof tho moral ovygen tliat Is her right,
"which keeps her in the devitalized air of In
dHTorcneo, Is a greater wrong, liocauso tho
"victim Is moro sensitive and tho tyrant mora
iillghtened. llarK'r's Bazar.
Keeping Up Appcai-uni-eii.
Some hyserisy there i:iay 1h In keeping
appearances. Tho Inst sacrifices may lie
made to keep up the pj tlor with u show of
oll doing, while tho kitchen maybe a pig
pen. A tasteful, rather expensive, clouk r
jjown may hide unclean and tattered cloth
ing lioueuth. An impi-ovidon family man
ges to maintain a cnrrrigo with some show
Jueforu the community, while tho debts of tho
Jamlly would mora than eat up its ikissch--sions
If some wuy were not devised to evade
rtlw shoriU'. (Irooers and other merchants
turo laid under contribution to help maintain
'-lainlllcs beyond their actual means. Tho
uiiui who piles up firewood will tako pains to
iduco tho sticks with tho sawed edges out
"ward, that tho front surface of tho pllo may
pnear well. And mi it gos throughout life.
This may all lie, in groat or small
legreo; but, after all, It menus something
deeper, l'coplo do not lovo to tie hypocrites,
uui9s wo except tho few Uriah Heeiw. Thero
fa no nmusemeut in deceiving anybody but
yourself for the snko of deceit alone. Ho-'
UMthnll this are more ultimate actuating mo
tives. llcpcctuhilit.Y is aimed at, Uvuuso it
4s n good thing; well doing is ussuiihhI 1k
tuso it is ili'slnible. The handsomest gnr
tnent is placisl in sight because lieauty is ono
of tho grant additions to modern life. "As
sume u virtue If you havo it not," said Ham
J ex. Bo, in our age, when well doing is not
ttulversal, wheu elegance and U-auty nnd
luxury nra not common to all, their owner
ship is pivtended; and they will continue to
1m assumed until thntilay wheu woMmll all
jglvo up tho pursuit of Ideals, orlw honestly
tatisiled with our elfurts to attain them.
lood Housekeeping.
I'riiny WUilom unit I'liunit t'oolUlinets,
Kcouomy only ivases to lw admirable when
it goes too far and verges on stinginess, and
then it is very apt to defeat its own desires.
The boarding houso l;eeor who doltvj out
two towels and two napkins u week m.muU
mora than tho economizes. Tho linen loses
mora by tho luuil scrubbing it must sustain
to bo made clean than U saved in laundry
"work by the reduction of tho mimbcr of
Common miiso is tho measure, by which
oouomy uuut lo conduetd. The guarding
against tiunoccMiry wear mid tear, thomoud
ingof tiny holes and worn places as toon as
they are perceptible, the stitch in tlmo that
Bttvos nine, tho changing uUmt of rugs that
tiwymaywivir evenly, the making over of
old clothes, tho skillful dhqiotdttou of rem
ianU, tho watching forstu'h little leaks as
tJw throwing uway of soup block or tho neg
Jeet la sift tho ivslicti all this attention to up
ivtratit trlvialltti-fl only Imvoiik inlsplacil
heu it withdraws tho mind from higher ob
toU, and bind it down to a mecluiulcul
KroBitd thut lavea room for nothing but
ywUy doUlk. louomy imu.tnpour in uot
vwhtiui nervo forvu and brain tiwuo for iu
depittU cuuto us veil us in tho avoidance of
jiwUrhU extra vngaiiee,ChiUUi)o Terhuue
Jlorrkk la llurptr' Iktuir,
Wurnlnir ArhiiuI i'uvo l'inilr
Um do fttoe pow iters tluit aro not March or
vi Mwtlni mhI mjoiuI, um no faou jkiw.
4m tUt contain load, duo, bluuuth, hicmIu
v mumry, Of tUu nvtuMvui "turn ttmkn,
"beauty mnftka," "complexion balmi,"
"medicated pastes," blooms of youth, beauty
or loveliness, "Lola Montcz secrets," not ono
Is good In any rcsiect, Tlio very best Is
without value. From this they range down
to the depths of injurious and ghoulish ac
tion. Tuu best consist of an oil, fat or gly
cerine, with some erfuino nnd
a trine of
I are dangerous as well as disgusting,
contain the same ingredients as tho
face jiowders denounced and are even
moro tieriif clous in their notion. Lead
rolie, lead paralysis, mercurial ulcers, arsenic
sores, bolls, carbuncles, abscesses, pu
gin,,,!,, salivation, sudden baldness bud e
, ,noro w.rjUsl)ls can bo trawl to their
boils, carbuncles, abscesses, putrid
and will invariably accompany that uso as
long as the human liody remains as it is to
day. Of tho rougo preparations, thosomadofrom
cochineal and madder are harmless. All
others aro bad, very bad, and horrible. Tho
"eau do vinaigre,' "rouge vinalgre," "cam
phor wine," "red cit)er wash," "capsicum
elixir" and tho like, which depend for their
eiFect upon Irritating tho nervo corpusoles,
aro unoi,jlH:tiollui to the physlclau and
! chemist. The new preparations, which aro
boiutioiK of anillno and other coal tnr co ore.
are poisonous and should bo prohibited by
law. American Analyst.
Horlul Aincrlcii tn 1850.
Tho furniture, of city houses esjiecially,
often costly enougli, was almost without ex
ceptlon dreadful. Tho carjK'ts, of enormous
patterns and discordant colore and tho fur
nituro of excessively varnished rosewood, or
some liko material, and always in "sets,"
were things to shudder nt. Tho costumes of
the women were in keeping witli tho bouses,
Not only did the ladies wear long trousers of
somo white material, that came so low that it
was imisjsslblo for tho wearers to walk with
out getting them in dust or mire, but tho
smallest girl child was rigged out iu tho
KamopreiKJsterous garments, it being thought
fully immoral for a tot of 0 to expose her
Tho ladlos' lioots, made usually of cloth,
wero, laced ut tho side, and came
not quite to tlio jinklo bono; while the ono
button gloves left tho wrist ontirely bare,
Tho nearer tho female forehead reached to
tho back of tho head tho lovelier, many oven
shaving the central iwrtion to enhance their
"beauty." Any hnlr that was golden or
yollow was thought almost a deformity,
and a girl with sunny tresses wus looked
upouns hideous, was taunted asn "red head,"
and generally used a lead comb or some wash
to mnko her golden tresses conform as nearly
as possible to tlio prevailing standard.
All women plastered their hair iu a hard,
fiat mass tight to the skull, with bnndolluo or
somo other mucilaginous substance, as low
down as tho ears, and then had it twisted in
stlir, wire liko spirals, or pulTed out liko
blinders. Boston llcrald.
NlKliteap4 Injurious.
Nightcaps as an article of dross, oxcept in
antlquntcd farces and amateur theatricals,
have gone out of fashion. Their universal
uso by our forofathere and foremothers may,
perhaps, lie safely attributed to tho fact that
In tho good old times sleeping apartments
wero uncommonly draughty. Ill fitting win
dow sashes,' large chimneys and autedlluvinn
doors let in so much air that thero was very
good reason for protecting tho head from tho
consequences of too much ventilation. Now
adays the headgear appropriate for nignt uso
has becomo obsolute, so that it will cause no
painful shock when tho public are informed
by the voice of medical authority that tho
uso of nightcaps Is actually injurious. "A
man," wo aro told, "might as well sleep iu
his boots as In a cap." Wo aro not aware
that even If a person did commit tho former
enormity any dreadful ellects on his health
would Infallibly follow, whatever might bo
tho results to his U.hI linen. Htlll, medical
science Is pretty safe In running u tilt against
nightcaps, for tho simple reason that it is
hardly anybody's Interest to defend them.
Loudon News.
A dill's IMiiealioii.
I think n girl's education begins in tho
cradle. Who can say how early sho discerns
what sho has no sicech to utter sees, for in
stance, whether tho ieoplo around her nro
self controlled, patient and sweet, or tho sad
reverse! 1 wonder how many months old a
girl must bo lioforo sho would know whether
or not hho was treated capriciously whether
sho was refused a thing when mninina was in
ono humor and granted tho same thing wheu
mamma was in another humor. And do you
think your little maid of 3 or 1 fails to
notice what aro your chief Interests in life,
whether you aro most eager about your
clothes or your books or your housekeeping!
Does she not perceive whether tho poor rela
tion who comes to visit you is welcomed as
warmly us is Mrs. Crtesus, who drives to
your door with her well appointed carriagel
In short, though tho little damsel has no
iwwer to reason, sho has keen eyes to see, nnd
your own attitude toward life mid life's
demands will lie educating her, whether you
ara uwara of it or not, oven from her cradle.
IouIm Chandler Muulton iu Chicago
l'rom Shoulder to ICtliow.
"I wonder," writes a fashlonnblo milliner,
"whether tho confirmed wearer of tho con
ventional sleeveless ball dress ever reflects on
tho fact that arms which look white early in
the evening get crimson with oxereisoi From
the shoulder to tho elbow is a most treacher
ous part of a woman's arm. With heat it
sometimes turns as crimson as her checks. It
is not lieautlful then, particularly when fiho
Is dressed In white. This only hupjHMis with
plump beauties; with a Mender woman that
part of tho arm Is generally much too thin.
I am sura wo must Ik) a decaying nice, for
except in rare eases dross is now a means of
hiding defects rather than of setting off
beauty." London World.
'Woman iu an Imiplnje.
When a woman asserts that sho does ox-
actly ns much as a man, and does it just as
well, that Is her side of tho case, Terhaja
tho employer, who knows just what tho man
does, and what tho woman docs, would bo of
a different opinion. The trouble teems to bo
in this, that a woman will do just what Mio
is oxoctod to do, iu tho regular routlno of
her employment, ami do It well, but thut eIio
U not willing to W called on for extra serv
ices outsldo of her regular employment,
whereas a man ex(ccU to do us ho is told, I
whether it agrees with his preconceived
notions of what hU duties wero to lw or uot.
San Francisco Chronicle,
drain 8oup Without Mt'nt.
Hero is a grain soup without meat that is
recommended. Fry in cluiillod dripping, or
iu butter, somo carrots, turnip and onions,
which nro cut in small dice, taking euro uot
to burn them. To two heaping tablospooufuls
of tho butter or dripping and each kind of
vegetable allow a fccaut quart of boiling
water, a heaping tablcsjioouful of rloo and a
bunch of sweet herbs, lloll nil tho ingradl
cow together for an hour aud a Half, then
udd Ntlt and Kpier to Ute, skim off twt fat,
mi l tU4 Urviid tut iu dtai aud wrvn. This
may ixs made with vermicelli fcutcad of rice.
"Invalid's Own Book."
Heclpe for .Snnn.
This is an excellent recipe for ginger snaps,
tho "snappishness" being produced by boil
ing the molasses nnd then allowing it to cooL
i anaps uoii ono iniu hi moiasses, anu wien
it nas cooiea to aixnit milk warm beat into
it one egg and one teacup of butter and lard,
mixed and melted, and two tablcspoonfuls of
ginger, Work in lloor enough to make it
roll easily, with one tcastioonful of soda dis
solved In a sjMKiiiful of warm water. Roll
very thin nnd bako quickly. Remove from
pan carefully. When cold they will snap.
Cor. Atlanta Constitution.
Now that tho gardening season Is ap
proaching, you will do well to remember
that an old can with a small liolo punched in
the IkiUoiii and sunk in the earth beside your
pet plant, if filled dally with water and
weekly with liquid manure, will help it to a
wonderful nnd delightful growth.
Three Russian omen, graduates of medi
fill", havo established a hospital for diseases
of women at ICoschun, Persia. Their exiieri
mcnt has proved completely successful. They
are rejwrtcd to have Ijcen consulted by 1,500
patients iu the last ten mouths.
If you would keep your faco and hands
unwriuklcd, uso tepid water; very hot or
cold water is injurious. Also avoid burying
the face in a soft pillow nt night, which
always produces wrinkles around tho eyes.
Basements should novcr bo constructed
without uu nir space between tho lloor and
tho earth. If the lloor is laid directly on tho
ground it Is sura to bo damp. Hub cellars
for tliis reason alone are very desirable.
Tyio rubbing is one of the best paying in
dustries for women. Tlio work consists of
nibbing tlio type after it is cast and to tho
loiut of polishing, which is done by men.
The sun bath is the latest lieautifler, and Is
recommended us tho best meuus of attaining
the Irishman's "middle extreme," wherein a
woman is neither too fat nor too lean.
A slice of raw onion well rubbed over tho
roots of the hair upon going to bed is ono of
the very best things for any unwholesome
condition of It.
Women desiring to enter tho London Socl
ety of Lady Drossmakcrs havo to furnish tes
timeuials of their "social (K)ition" as well as
of character.
Tho air of a sick chamber should always
bo kept so fresh that thero will be no j)ercep
tiblo difference uM)ii coming into it from tho
outer :r.
It rests with our own henits whether tho
four walls of a cottage shall not eushriuo as
much of bliss ns tho gorgeous precincts of u
Rubbing tho scalp for ten minutes every
day with tho tips of tlio fingers is both a
preventive and remedy of baldness.
Put meat into a hot oven to ronsc. If tho
meat and oven get hot together tho meat will
bo tough and thu gravy gray.
There is ono instrument that no clever wo
man ever learned to play on, and thut is a
tecoiul fiddle. Unele Ksck.
To reniovo blnck grease stains from cloth
ing use cold water and soap. Hot wuter sets
the stain.
Some of the women of Paris have formed a
league for the suppression of impure litera
ture. Don't allow ashes to bo put in a wooden
box or barrel. Always havo nu iron ash can.
Divorces would lw unknown if thero was
as much courting after marriage as before.
An old man iu lovo is as helpless as a blind
Sift Hour just lieforo you wish to uso it.
Sim Saw the Point.
"That lady," said u Woodward avenuo
merchant, pointing to a woman who had
traded about $1U' worth iu ten minutes and
was going out, "used to bo ono of my worst
callers. She'd como in almost daily, bother
four or llvo clerks for two hours, and go out
without buying a cent's worth."
"How did you cure herl '
"Well, I spoke to her in nu off hand way
one day, and sho llrcd up aud said that as
long as I kept clerks It was my business to
lio liothcrcd. Next day 1 selected ten of tho
girl clerks, posted 'em us to what to say, and
they rung her door bell ut intervals of an
hour all day mid Inquired if sho wanted a
nurse girl. She didn't, and told them so
pleasantly ejiough until tho tenth ono came.
Then sho said:
" 'I'd liko to know why on earth all you
girls come hero bothering mo wheu I don't
want to hirer
" 'Because, ma'am, so long ns you keep
servants it Is your business to bo bothored!1
was tho prompt reply.
"I think sho reasoned out tho analogy, for
sho now sits down and buys what she wants
aud overy clerk likes to wait on her." De
troit Free Press.
A I'n tty Olrl' Kje.
iMthough nonsense may lw common in
ultra fashionable circles, it is nevertheless
often unique. At a recent reception ono fair
maiden reiuulntsl persUtently seated while
tho other girls walked about u great deal and
btruck pretty jhiscs while in conversation
with tho gentlemen, SomelxHly uskwl why
this attractive creature remained iu hor
"Because sho doesn't feel Uko standing,"
was tho reply.
"Oh, then sho is lame."
"No, no. Sho has upward eyes,"
"And what ara they P
"Why, sho has discovered that her oyea
aro exceedingly handsome when wide open
uud looked down Into, but when the oliserver
is on a lovol with them they aro not half so
charming. It seems to Ih a peculiarity of
her orbs. So she sits down all tho while
when on exhibition, so that tho follows as
they stand lieforo her in conversation must
gate down into her face, and in so doing en
counter her eye ut their best." Now York
The Oljeetlon i:nlly Obvlutril.
A gentleman of fastidious habits was
lunching at his restaurant the other day,
hen a stranger cumo iu uud sat down at tho
same table.
While eating the Mint meal ho ordered, tho
stranger looked uero&s ut his well drassed
vis-a-vis aud remarked:
"I eo you have had celery; will youobligo
mo with ten ceuu to jwy for somo celery, slrf
'I don't kuow why I should juiy for celery
for you, tr," answered the seiitlemau haught
ily i "you aro a jn-rfcct stranger to ma"
"Allow nw to luiroduco myself ."cheerfully
rrlouded tho other, presenting a card,
"Now, sir, shall I older tho cwlory, or will
io Hot iu weirvu rrao itw i
A Curious I'eople, but Not In the Least
Incrnloun, So an Kxplorer Say Seven
Timaynn Villages The Descent of prop
erty In the Female Line.
Cosmos Mcndelcff has returned from Ari
zona to Washington. MendeJelT, as his nnmo
indicates, is n Russian, nnd ho is an intelli
gent and exert explorer on the staff of Ma j.
John W. Powell, chie fof the bureau of eth
nology. For six years ho and his older
brother, Victor, havo lieen engaged in the
survey of tho antique ruins of Chnco nnd the
inhabited pueblos of Zuni and the seven vil
lages of Tusaynn, and together they mapped
the queer habitations of thoso mysterious
(teople, nnd havo uiuuo for the National mu
seum models of the largest nnd most interest
ing pueblos. Victor still lingers in Arizona
to finish njiortionof the work, but will arrivo
hero in about a fortnight. MondelefT has
made somo !J00 photographs nnd n large
number of free hand sketches of tho strange
residences of this remnant of a race.
' "I don't know that there is much that is
really now," said MendelelT. "It was for
merly, Indeed recently, thought that the
pueblos wero very ancient thu snmo in which
this half civilized race lived tit the timo of the
Spanish conquest but o now know better.
Tlio inhabited villages which exist today aro
nil modern. It was formerly supposed that
the Tusayan Indians never changed their
place of abode, but held to tho sumo site from
generation to generation. It is now known
that they havo been in tho habit of abandon
I ing their old houses und building now. In
early days the villages .were mostly in the
lowlands, and they wero gradually crowded
up or climbed up to tho practically inacces
sible mesas sharp elifFs, easily defensible,
Tho reasons for an abandonment of villages
and tho building of others are many, some
times military, but often rooted iu some
j "Tho builders of theso pueblos had very
' meager architectural attainments. Their
houses are poor piles of stone and mud. Their
ingenuity was puerile. The element of skill
is almost wholly lacking. These curious
ruins nro simply an evidence of tho existence
of a rnco with unlimited timo nt their dis
posal and unlimited material ut hand. Every
where is shown a lamentable lack of con
structive ability. They did not kuow how
I to make a bquaru room, or how to rear ono
I wall at right angles, or how to build a wall
plumb to another, or how to make a circle or
oven u straight line."
Mr. Mendeleir has comprehensivo photo
graphs of tho seven 1 usayan villages. Each
village consists of fifteen or twenty houses
and each houso of several residences. Tho
j house is a series of terraces, receding as they
rise. Tho first story is about seven feet high,
and is approuched from without only by a
ladder, which leads to a hole in tho roof. In
I war times tho luddor is always pulled up.
' From tho rear of this story rises tho second
story, seven feet higher, mounted also by a
ladder, and other ludders lead to a third nnd
I perhaps fourth story. Of course, tho first
' story under this urrangemeut is of much the
largest and tho upjier story of much tho
smallest area, and ns tho latter is tho light
I est, tho best ventilated und tho safest, being
I dcufensiblo from all tho roofs below, it is tho
favorite habitation, and usually occupied by
. tho officers uud tho aristocracy. It is esti
mated tuat iu ull the seven Tusaynn villages
thero ara 2,000 jwrsons. They live mainly on
Indian corn, squashes and beans. They nro
I under Mormon inlluence, and will not per
I mit a census or hold much intercourse with
Americans. Col. und Mrs. Stevenson had
, trouble with them, uud were compelled to do
part. Mr. Mcudolcff nnd his party wero
treated remarkably well, and aro puzzled in
I trying to account for it.
I "Perhaps tho oddest thing," added Mr.
Mei'deleif, after u moment's pause, "is the
status of woman In these queer communities.
Sho owns all the houses and most of the
projerty. Tho man owns tho crop iu tho
field, but ns soon as it is harvested it belongs
to his wife. Sho controls tho houso nnd all
that is iu it. Sho works steadily and con
stantly in the duties of thu household, but
she does no ileld work, and, taking it all
together, her condition compares favorably
with that of thu American farmer's wifo.
Tho descent of ull property is in tho fcmnlo
line nnd through tho mother; it is sho who
makes the will mid provide for tho offspring."
"What does the man own, then 1" I asked.
"Tho donkeys, jierhaps," lie said; "but I
am not sure about thut."
"And tho land!"
"No, tho land is not owned individually.
Ever since lioforo historic time land has been
owned by tho whole nation, on tho Henry
George plan. If un Indian goes out uud
takes up some laud not in uso aud cultivates
it nolody can tako it from him. But if ho
stops using it anybody else can jump it. It
belongs to tho fellow that can uso it."
"How does that work!"
"Thero aro no millionaires. Thero is about
tho same degreo of comfort that thero is
among very loor ooplo anywhere. As to
laud, tho shrewdest nnd smartest Indian
manages to got tho !est, the same us under
any system." Washington Cor. Now York
Mail aud Express.
A llml Kit or Territory.
Tho little, old fashioned villngo on tho
crescent shore that marks tho water lino on
tho southern end of Mackinac Islamt has
been tho seeno of more robU-ry, debauchery
and ruin worked iqon the trusting, ignorant
and helpless reds of this upper lake land than
was over knowa in any equal bit of territory
on tho glole. A very old and squatty but
amply whitewashed building may yet lo
seen there, iu which ono can buy rum or
play billiard, aud which was thu headquar
ters of the Fur company. Ever slnco it was
built ioison has been dealt out In it to tho
Indians, rum for furs; to tho Americans,
rum for cash. Visitors oven now aro bled
quite freely. Rich furs wero then bought by
the iKuind, nnd it is said that white men had
a way of giving un Indian u deep drink of
nun, nnd then persuading him that "whito
man's hand jist imuiuI." Then white man
laid his hand on ono scale, ami drunk Iudi..
piled bcavor skins on thu other until whita
man's arm could hold down no more, uud
that was "pound," worth fAW). Money was
of no uso to tho reds, nnd what they got in
its stead cost them fabulous prices. Tho In
dians went uwoy oorcr uud ioorer overy
tuna they cumo.
Beside tho tratlle in furs, tho island was tho
place where for many years tlio Indians gath
ered annually to receive their luouey from
tho United State for ceded lands. Hero
many thouwimU t( dollars were paid ovvr to
tho unprotected reds, ho wero ?J0 poorer
for oery fl iid them. Tho crescent Uvu-h
iiaslieeu tvn covered with Indian canoes,
nnd the old village crowded with men uud
women drunk from day to day until their
money had ull passed into the hands of w Into
"tnuiors," (lodsaxu the mark! und then they
would gradually got Maned into the nocc
uty of goimr buck to tho woods to hunt for ft
living. -Uiurles iillUlUAiueiU'ttU Aiagauutf,
Alone I sit In gorgeous state,
And view my gathered treasures rsre,
Which seem to mock my cruel fate
My lonely lot, so Weak and hare.
tVlthln is wealth and warmth and llsnt,
Close curtained from the whittling wind,
That sweeps nnd swirls with reckless mlRbt,
Whoso breath brings death to human klnrt.
But the cold wind of her deep scorn
Has blighted nil my joy of life;
Within my soul no hone is lioru
No rest or pence or savage strife.
And what care I for pride or fnme.
Since love from out my heart is driven!
All. all Is but on empty name
Ashes the prize for which I've striven.
Dead ashes from a deep despair,
A heart burned out by passion's fire
0 God! she was so false, so fair,
And blind was I with fond desire.
1 loved with lovs that ne'er grows old;
My worship followed where she led;
But weary of n tnlo oft told,
Sho left me! and the world is dead.
Martha M. Rosa In Times-Democrat.
Idols nml Temples, Moxqnot nnd Ilathlng
tilints Gixls or the Heathen.
At length I reach Hennres, wheeling
down tho luxuriant Ganges valley. Of
nil the cities of tho east, Heimrcs Is per
haps the most interesting nt the present
day to the European tourist. Its 1,-lCK)
Bhlvnlus, or idol temples, nnd 280 mosques;
Its wonderful bathing glints, swarming
with pilgrims washing away their sins,
tho burning bodies, tho sacred Ganges,
the hideous idols nt overy corner of tho
streets nnd its strange idolatrous popula
tion, mnko up a scene that awnkens ono
to a keen npprcelntlon of its novelty. Ono
realizes fully that hero tho idolatry, tho
"bowing down before Images" that in our
Sunday school days used to seem so unut
terably wicked and perverse, so monstrous
and n far, fnr nwny, is a tangible fact.
To keep up their outward nppeurance on
n par with the holiness of their city, men
streak their faces and women mark the
tho parting in their hnlr with red. Sacred
bulls are allowed to roam tho streets nt
will, und the chief business of a largo pro
portion of the population seems to bo the
keeping of religious observances and pay
ing devotion to the multitudinous idols
scattered nbout tho city.
Everywhere, in niches of tho walls,
under trees, on pedestals nt frequent cor
ners are idols, hideously ugly; red Idols,
Idols with silver fnces nnd stone bodies,
somo with mouths from car to ear, big
idols, little Idols, tho worst omnium gath
erum imaginable. Sati, nothing visible
but her curious face, beams over a black
Mother Hubbard sort of a gown thatcon-
ccals whatever she may possess in the
way of a body; Jngaddutri. tho Mother of
tho World, with four arms, seated on a
Hon; Hmhmu, with llvo eyes and four
mouths curiously mado to supply quad
ruple faces; Knmndeva, tho handsome
llttlo God of Love (the Hindoo Cupid),
whom tlio cruel biva slew with a
beam from his third eye all theso und
multitudinous others greet the curious
sightseer whichever way one turns. Han
niniin, too, is not forgotten, tho great
Monkey King who aided liama in his ex
pedition to Ceylon; outsldo the city proper
is the monkey temple, where thousands of
tho sacred anthropoids do congregate and
consider themselves at home.
Then there is tho fakirs' temple, the
most beautifully curved shlvnla in Hen
ares; hero priests distribute lmndfuls of
souked gram to nil mendicants who pre
sent themselves. Tho gram is supplied
by wealthy Hindoos, und both priests and
patrons consider it a great sin to allow a
religious .mendicant to go away from tho
templo empty handed. Thomas Stevens
in Outing.
Uought It Conditionally.
A genius has invented a clock, which ho
warrants to ruu u hundred years. A man
bought ono of thorn tho other day on condi
tion that if it didn't run over OS years ho
might return it and get Ids money back.
Norristowu Herald.
A Working Women's conferenco has been
formed in England, and a society of women
is organized in tendon for tho investigation
of tho local government.
IlitANiutETii's Pills are tho safest nnd
most effective remedy for Indigestion, Ir
regularity of the Ilowels, Constipation, llil
iousness, Headache, Dizziness, Malaria, or
any diseaso arising from an impure stato of
the blood. They have been in uso in this
country for over fifty years, and the thou
sands of unimpeachable testimonials from
those who have used them, and thoir con
stantly increasing sale, is incontrovertible
evidence that they perform all that is
claimed for them.
HitANnuirru'H I'ills nro purely vegetable,
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Sold in every drug and medicine store,
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A Ftnggcrer. Throaty Tenor I ah cannot
ah slug the old songs. Loud whlstier (from
audience) You never could.
With LOCAL APPLICATION!, as thov cannot
reach the sent ol tho diseuse. Catarrh is a blood
or coiwltutlounl diseuse, aud In order to cure it
you have to tako internal remedies. Hall's Ca
tarrh Cure Is taken internally, and acts directly
on tho blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Ca
tarrh Curo Is no quack medicine. It whs prc
criU'd by one of the best physicians in this
countiy for years, and la a regular prescription.
It is eomiH)sed of the bett tonics
blued with the best blood purillers, acting di
rectly en the mucous nurtures. The is-rfect com
bination of the two Ingredients it what produces
such wonderful results iu curing catarrh. Fend
for testimonials free. V. J. CHENEY t CO.,
c , , , , . , I'roprietors, Toledu, 0.
Sold by druggists; price, 75 cents.
llaliiinceda is In hot wuter, und of course ho
'JJroieVi llronehial Troehet" will relieve
1 pouchitis, Asthma, Catarrh and Throat
The hotter people feel towards each other the
cooler they act
Centrally located: American A European Plan-Una-class;
readable rates. C. V. Itoby, prop.'
Try Germea for breakfast.
PseKuHmellneBtoToPolUhi rnelU
ejeea Imitated, But" T Lxce.led-The, Are BefT I
or the liccaU8e
Wire Mat, flBUH ThC'
sow MSSWHfflHl 0(,or,e88'
H A R TM AN M Yq, 'c OMP AHy' ! i h! U t m ak' ""e8t"
Tho Nebraska law making eight hours
a day's work in all occupations except
farming nnd domestic service is not like
ly to be very rigidly enforced, liecanse it
ifpclares that for each hour after eight
the worker shnll receive twice tho
amount paid him for tho previous hour's
How the human system ever recovers from the
bad eflccts of the nauseous medicines often
literally poured Into It for the suppositlve re
ef of lvspepciH, liver complaint, constlpn
on . rhcmnutanl and other ailments Is
mv-terv. The niipclilcf done by had
mcdlcYnes is scarcely less than that
ram by disease. If they who arc weak, bilious,
dtsiwtitlc. coiiftipiited or rheumst c would oft
cneffiuMcd by the experience of Invalids who
have Yhoronghly tested hosteller's Uomnch Bit
ers, thev would tn every ins ancc ob pin the
speediest aid derivable from rational medication,
i im leVliel ne is a searching and at the same
time a thoroughly safe remedy, derived from
vegetable f,.urces.ind conso le iNs
of its Imcis of pure spiritH, properties as a medlo
"m 1 stl n ilunt not to be found in the tlery local
hitters and stimulants often resorted to br the
debilitated, dyspeptic nnd languid.
(ientlv Kxptessed.-Waiter, please take this
cheese away again. It Is too uneasy for me.
A prompt return
of your money, if you get neither
benefit nor cure. Risky terms for
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ing to lose. There's just ono medi
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conditions just ono that could be
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis
covery. It's a peculiar way to sell
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It's the guaranteed remedy for all
Blood, Skin and Scalp Diseases,
from a common blotch or eruption
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purifies and enriches tho blood, and
cures Salt -rheum, Tetter, Eczema,
Erysipelas, and all manner of blood
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costs you nothing if it doesn't help
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"Golden Medical Discovery" is
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only pay for the good you get.
Can you ask moro ?
Tho "Discovery" acts equally
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Buffalo, N. Y.
want tho very best goods that you know
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Stop t2Mt,t
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It Is nlmnat no . ... .
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lox 802.