The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, October 01, 1891, Image 8

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f THURSDAY, OCT. 1, 1891.
Ammonia and Alum In BnklngPowders
How to detect them.
In viow of what tho MinnuHOta
Sennit has dono, it is hoped that legis
lative bodies in other states will soon
tako up tho subject of food adulter
tion. Tin subjoined list of baking
powders containing ammonia ami
alum, compiled from official reports
and mililishcd in u recent number of
the Scientific American, is given below.
"It (h'tilit in a direct, manner with an
ovil which must be cut down" mud the
Chicago Tribune in commenting on
the Scientific American report. Fol
lowing is the list of
, Compiled from Officio, lleportx.
Puwdcrsniarkcd with a star teem
to have a general sale, as they are
mentioned in at leant two of there-ports.
cook's kavumtu.
.iri'H (HtAl'K
piece of silver coin in tho solution.
Stir for one minute, then take out the
silver. If tho powder provo a cream
of tartar the coin will be bright; if an
alum powder it will have sulphur
Now pour a littlo vinouar into the
lid and smell tho fumes. Alum pow
ders give off sulphuretted hydrogen,
which may bo detected by its foul
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is
reported by all authorities as frco from
Ammonia, Alum, Lime or any other
adulterant. In fact, the purity of this
ideal powder has never been ques
Answer to Forus.
There are, in addition to tho forego
ing list from the Scientific American,
a number of such powders sold in the
western that were not found in tho
eastern htores.,Following is tho list
to date :
OALUMIIT. . .. contains iiluni.
(Calumet flaking Powder Co., Chicago.)
FOItKST CITY, contaiim aninionliialiiiii.
' (Vomvit' Jtro., Cleveland.)
CII1UAOO V I'.AHT. contains aiii'n'i alum.
(Cliiiimaii ifcbniilh Co., Chlcauo.)
BON HON, contains alum.
1I0TKL contains ammonia nlnin.
(J. 0. Grant linking Powder Co.. Chicago,)
UNHIVALIiKI), contains alum.
(Sinicue.i, Warner it Griswolil, Chicago.)
ONB HI'OON TAYLOR'S, ammonia alum.
(Tavlor Mfg. Co., St. Louis.)
YAUN A LL'S. . contains .alum.
(Yarnall Mfc. Co.. St. Louis.)
SHAW'S SNOW PUFF, contains alum.
(Merchants' Mf. Association, St. Louis.)
DODSOIs it HILLS, contains alum.
(JJOdSOIl As illll.i, St l.ouis.)
SHl'H'AKD'S. contains ammonia alum.
(Wm. ft. Shepard, St. Louis.)
DAINS, . . contains alum.
(Muyer-llaln Mfg. Co., St. Louis.)
MONAHCH. . . contains ammonia alum.
(Held, Murdoch it Co., Chicago.)
SNOW BALL contains alum.
(KeiiKiU Coffeo & Spleo Mills, Chicago.)
GIANT, . .. contains alum.
MILK, .. . contains alum.
(W. F. McLaughlin it Co.. Chicago.)
ECHO, contains alum.
(Spencer liluiiu; Paridlo Co., Chicago.)
KALFllHLL'S PUIHTY.. . contains alum.
(Kallboll Mfg. Co., Chicago.)
ltlSING SUN, .... contains ammonia
(Phojnlx Chomical Works, Chicawo.)
W1IITK K0S1C, .contains ammonia alum.
(Globo Coll'co it Splco Mills, Minneapolis.)
WOOD'S AOMti, . contains ammonia.
(Thos. Wood & Co., Philadelphia.)
ANDREW'S PKAltL, contains ammonia.
(0. K. Andrews t Co., Milwaukee.)
IIAKUKIKS' FAVOUITU. contains alum.
(11. II. Harries. Minnoapolis.)
FIDELITY, contains alum.
SOLAlt, contains alum,
(Sherman Uros., Chicago.)
PUTNAM'S H1CBT, contains alum.
(Wells Putnam it Co.. (Chicago.)
CHINA "T" HOUSC, contains alum.
(Noah McDowell, St. Paul, Minn.)
TWIN CITY, contains alum.
(J. K. Ferguson, Minneapolis, Minn.)
IIKHCULES, contains ammonia.
(Hercules Duklug Powder Co., S. F.)
OLlMAX contains ammonia.
(Climax Baking Powder Co,, IiulianupolU.)
Ammonia and alum aro tho most
common adulterants used in tho nniu
ufacturo of baking powders. Tho
government report shows that a largo
percentage of tho baking powdors on
the market contain either one or tho
other, or both these pernicious drugs.
What woman would use an am
monia or alum baking powder, if sho
know it? Such powdors not only
undermino tho health, but ammonia
gives to tho complexion a sallow or
Dioicneu appearance Tho prcsouco
of ammonia or alum in a baking pow
dor, howovor, can easily bo dotootod,
r i a
mix ono neaping teaspooniul o
baking powder with ono teaspoonful o!
water in a tin cup; boil thoroughly
for a few moments, stir to prevent
, from burning, and if ammonia is pro
sent you can smell it lu tno rising
steam. Or, place a can of tho bus
pec ted powder top down on a hot
stovo for a minute or two, thou tako
off tho cover and einoll.
Alum powdor can bo tested by
putting a couplo of tcaspoonfulb of the
powdor in a glass of cold wator. If no
effervoficenco, that is bubbling or
simmering, takes placo, condemn tho
powdor and return it at once.
Bomo alum powdors, howovor, like
tho "Calumet," "lion Hon," "Chicago
Yeast," etc., contain phosphates in
combination with alum, and with these
WaudH tho following test is simple and
TaV-3 one-half teaspoonful of baking
powder In lid of say half pound can;
bar Uwoughly over a strong alcohol
Mmm, good kIhm jet or ml hot coal,
Aftr ohwrii? (that is, burning until
k wMl niMui In blaek) add a ta
HHNwfMl of water Miid (ilactt a bright j
"Where Ij,'iiormiee Is 1'IIhk 'tis folly to be wife."
I am surprised to find in this en
lightened ago a man who will admit
that ho believes in that silly story,
"Noah Flood." It always strikes
mo that that man would be a fit occu
pant for ono of Forepaugh's side
shows. His reply to Mr. Emery is
nothing but a puff of wind a ha
rangue. It is impossible to think
(unlets the heart be made of stone) of j
tho whole human race, one family
excepted, deliberately drowning with
out a feeling of horror. If tho story
is not true, Portia dishonors his God
by believing it. After bringing for
ward no argument himself on tho
subject, he says a great deal about
the Hi bio, admits that it has been re
futcd, demolished, overthrown and
exploded, which is the only sensible
remark in his article he says "I will
say no more on this question now, but
wait patently for some proof to be
I will now provo from tho Biblo (which
ought to be good authority for Poms)
that tlmt story carries evidence on its
face that it is not truo. There were no
such people as Jows or Israelites in
tho time of Noah. According to the
Uiblo it was more than COO vears from
tho Hood to tho time of Moses. We
have two epochs or points of time
that of tho flood and the law of Moses ;
that of tho Hood GOO years prior to the
law of Moses. Tho writer of tho story
(Moses) made an egregious blunder.
Ho tells tho story as if the law "f
Moses was prior to tho flood. He has
mado God to say to Noah (Genesis 7 :
2) "Of ovory clean beast thou slmlt.
tako unto thee by sevens, male and
his female, and of tho beasts that are
not clean by twos, malo and his fe
male." This is tho Mosaic law and
could only bo said after that law was
givon, and not bofore. Thoro was no
such thing as beasts clean and un
clean in tho time of Noah, and the
Uiblo docs not Bay anywhero that they
wcro created so. Thoy woro only de
clared to be so as moats, and that to
tho Jows only, and thoro woro no such
people as Jows at that timo. I ask
those who aro interested to read tho
story for thomselves. This is tho
blundering condition in which this
fablo stands. Tho Bible is full of just
such stories, but I think this ono suf
ficient to question tho divinity of any
book that protends to bo tho word of
God. I cannot understand how it is
that Bible Christians can entertain
"Faith, llopo and Charity" to thoir
uou wuon so many norrioio crimes
lmvo been committed under his sanc
tion. Evon "if tho brutal, cowardly
assassin send his bullet through tho
heart of his innocent victim and ex
tinguish tho llamo of mortal life,"
thoro is a divine Providonco in it.
Faith in a book that makes Moses to
say, "Now thoreforo kill ovory malo
among tho littlo onos." Faith in a
book that makes God to say, "Ye shall
not oat anything that dioth of 'itself ;
thou Bhalt give it unto tho strangor
that Ib in thy gator, that ho may oat
it; or thou mayost soli it unto an
alien." Deut, 11: 2. Bcautiful(?)
teaching that. I could fill sheet after
sheet with just such quotations as tho
above, As Forus is such a truo bo
Hover and upholdor of tho Biblo,
wuld bo pleased if ho would answer a
fow questions-
1st, If man does wrong in returning
ovil for ovil, would not God do wrong
in doing tho same thing?
2nd. Would not ondless punishment
bo a return of ovil for evil?
!lrd. If God would savo all men, but
cannot, ia ho infinite in his power?
1th. If God could savo all mon, but
will not, is ho infinite in Ins goodness?
5th. Can a good man or woman lovo
and worship a God who has created
millions of croaturca for endless tor
6th, Would not a God who would
do this bo as bad or worse than tho
7th, Aro not tho) tho enemies of
God who chargo such conduct upon
Hlli, Is tho devil tho father of IIim?
When did he toll a dollberrtto Ho? To
Kve? Oh no, 1 1 wan tho other parly
who did
that business.
(Gen. 2: 17;
Editor Oiikoon Scout: '
In your frsuo of September 24th I
se ' that PoruB has again come to tho
front and lie thinks that I have used
no argument to provo my position.
He still quotes that which I said of the
capabilities of the atmosphere in sus
taining a sufficiency of water to pre
cipitate to tho earth and cover it to
tho depth of near two and a half miles.
I stand on the negative and he on the '
affirmative, anil as soon as he proves 1
that the atmosphere is capable of '
holding that amount of water, and
that it did hold it, and that it did thus
precipitate it to the earth, he of course
has the best of tho argument. For
when proof positive and direct is given
of any circumstance, or condition, it
becomes a finality and admits of no
more arguniont. Ho has produced no
argument, diicct, to prove his affirma
tion. He has used legendary lore, all
of which is based on mythological lorp.
He speaks again of the 104th Psalm
and wishes me to explain the 9th
verse. He look exceptions to my ex
planation of the Oth, 7th, and 8th
verges and no doubt would take like
exception to the 9th, thcrfore I with
hold an explanation. Someone (per
haps Poms himself) will ask why. I
answer, in the first placo my explana
tion would not ho accepted, and in
the second place the Bible has been
explained and re-explained, lias been
reviced and re-revised, till tho letter
and spirit of it (if it. evei had any) has
hci'ii explained away. It has been in
tcrpreted and rc-iuteroreted until its
essence for goood is swallowed up by
the dicsentious that exist among its
nmst slientious votaries. As tho Bible
now reads, it history of the forma
tions of the millions of globes of the
Btellary dr astral region is not (nega
tive again) in conformity to the known
laws of ccioneo and philosophy, nor is
t lie theory of the (i,000 years of the
earth's existence. H. C. Emkuy.
For Sale.
"CUKM In Cove, conelMlne of 100 crci. All
JL under irnce, small orchard, nine room
Iioukc, mull born, out bull
wominr cntADiinnmciit rt
Iiiquiro ofH. 11. HarroiiKl!
Lombard U M, mtjr on! Innd V It Hunk
lots U fc 15 block 110 ChnpllnV inl'n to
Ii (irniiilo
Lombard C II, mtc on land II A Webb w
I rvf, He( Sec '27 T 1 S It Si B
Lord Vt m, intp on lmid 0 W Fnlloon sU
! Hoc a T 1 .V It MS K
Lewis 11 II, jatif on Imur Jno MiCmiley
I cejf See 1 T 1 S It ."s K
on limit r M
i nn-narn, nine room tn-,,T,i " ", ,. " , ,
iilldlhKN and one wood Mcr.c." r"?1, A,"' " '!
run by water power. ' J'! 1" 5'i.J. h .tP' u h
ih. Ca e, Or. 0-17- wO. ft $ fit !?x' ,lc
Set'.af T 1 S
nit ir on bind It 11 It
,nvrh swJi, c'.iduK
Mercantile Trunt Co,
Davis f! nwU'. :
nnrMrn am r-A i eciaT7iufK
UlLIM LLLJ - HI1 LVV 1 Mercantile Trunt iiiti; on bind S 11 Wll-
ler C 1-, intu on land Jno It Telford lot.-
Livery and Feed Stable.
(Near the Court Huunc.J
Hulick & Wright, Proprietors.
1, .1, (!, 7, K block " Cbiiiiliii's iid'n to
l.ii oruude
Northoni Comities Inv TCoI.d, liitKoii
land Jno Kroner nil K of rei-ciit clinu
licl of Khuih creek ofnU nwi, Hecl,
ifl litti Sec 20 T !l 8 It h K, IwU e4
Sec iEl T 'J S K 15 K .
N'ortbern Counties Invf Co Ld. iiitiroii
Good Teams, Buggies and Hacks
for the accomodation of customers.
'Bus to and from the
nect with trains.
depot to con-6-4-tf.
uf the Cmiiity court of tbe State of OrfRon,
for tbe enmity of Cnioii, to mo directed, com-
niuinllnsr inc to levy on the gmxls anil cliattels
of tbe delinquent Uximyers nnmeil in tbe dcliu
nlicnt tax roll for xalil county fur tbe vear ISM.
thereto iittacbrd, and if none be found, then up-
rorxos ok minion tvkk, in tiikkk
lt)U I'nlr of ciisck. Tbu tvue In in fair order
mid will be sold nt a biirKiiiu. Kor further pur
tlciilurH cull on or nddrcxh HiIh olllce.
j Hnriiey couiitv. Oreuon. about the llrnt of
M.,.. lull f..,. ...... ..r iw.H. ii
.in... ir.,i, mill iuvii iiuuii in mump, nil uimiiiuii
on rlKht stille iih follows:
One xorrel mnru iiImi briuidcd II underneath
the abovo brand.
One K'ray mare alno bruiuliil 11 underneath
the nbovo bruliil bad a cow bell on when last
Onu brown iiniro iiImi branded o(l on left
All the iibovo dencrlbed aninialH were taken
tiom Wallowa valley biKt fall. Anyone kIvIiik
information of their whereabouts, between Har
ney anil iiuowit vaiieys, win lie linerauy re
warded. Addrew II. J. KINKIIAKT,
10-1-ml. iSauuiiurvIlIe, OruKou.
on the real property as net forth and described
' in the diild delinquent tax roll, or fo much there
of an xhall natiufy the amount of tilzen charged
therefor, together with contu and cxpeufcn, I
have duly levied, (Imvlwr Ihcii unable to find
any condn or chatteU Ik-IdiikIhr to tho delln
qucutit hereinafter named,) tiMn the fnllowhiR
oeccribed plecea or parceln of real cidate, a net
forth In nuld tax lint, lying and beliiK in Union
county, State of Oregon, described and asueaiied
as IoIIown:
nurrouKlm S II, cK tl St of kcV A
kCi HYiU St'C 2T1 T :t 8 It iO E U 25
llloom T'raiilc, lot 2 block C llaydcn'n ud'u
to Cove, Union County, Oregon 3 rO
Coad J C, lots 1.1, H A I.'.block OS Chaplin'a
s o."
34 08
XI 10
0 3,
8 SO
SS 40
.i . . .
iiiiiii i. iiiik an iionscn ti t; ncii, nw'-l
, tY'v 2" T " s It :n K . .' .
Odcll Jax, mtK on bind AT Mcrwin f-eli
WW ""J J'C ai, ne.'i nek
See '7 T S S II V V .4
I'reilmore John, mtcoti land Iji ilrande
Ijilid CoeU nli it iW acres oil n end
of ef aw4r Sec ft T .1 8 it as e except
Iwr: comiiieiiciiu; at nw corner block
I.t-'i Chanlin'H nil'n to Iji Or.iiwii. tin .in...
n 3a) ft, e xa ft, k .tjo ft. w ft
Terry S, inton land Myers Uros t-eW
Hell, neli tvii t: Ot l Sec 31. nwW
4 95
1 (Xi
10 ft5
5 10
50 S3
12 ft"
fill U
10 07
50 5J
10 Oil
11 (10
118 ffl
"The Hunt Line"
W4'Xc'.'!!LX ltlHtH l,2,3&4 8eo.ri
2ec i T2HKA5,1 !0tH.1:s:?
ins uco , niti; on bind Ash C Chne
'i nwji, nw'i nw!4 Sec :i2T7HK
fl h
f Mary, mtjr on land i)' Painter w'A
wli neU Sec :iC T 7 8 K 15 V.
Key O N, mt on land II V Weaver
ud'u to I.a Uraude
Courtney A W, lot .1 block 2 Elgin, I'nion
county, Oreuou
Chandler F I), w'X nwji i nwji ni Hcc
19 Tl N H ....... ..... .....
Cofc'smi Kruma L, neJi of nwW A Wli of
neW Hcc 13, T .1 H 11 37 K
Clark A, neji Hcc 2 T 1 8 It X K
Ihvlcht V W, blcx'k 9 and lotii 5 & 0 block
11 CoffKau'a ad'n to La (iraiidc
Dearborn (iuorgc, comniencinir at a jioint
60 ft n of nw corner of block 4 of the
town of Went t'uion, Colon Co, Ojru,
thence n IU0 ft, e 10O ft. a 100 ft, thence
w 100 ft, to place of W'tmilnp, aUo
commeuclii'; at a point GO ft n of nw
corner of block 4 town of Went Union,
thence u 100 ft, thence w CO ft. thence
h 100 ft, thence e CO ft to beKlnninic, .
Elliott C II, lotM 16 A-17 block 9S Chaplin's
ad'n to La liraudu
Ellis W V, aw awi Hcc .11 T 6 8 It J K
(iroth Jacob, n'J nwj, ieJi uwj t hwJJ
lKi !CC M 1 1 11 AU ft
5 13
S 45
7 30
I'erKliiF (,co S , nitron bind Ann C Chne
l'crry .Mary,
i :
i.u.iiri ., w .i.nii;; III! laiHll! CHVUr
mi i ii: ne-i nw4 ee l'J T 2 8 It 37 K. . .
Ramt.ev O N, mtK on laud Jno M Hale
nwj. Sec 10 T 2 8 It 30 K
Ramiiey () N, mti,' on hind R 8 Neill eJ4
T3 R M 'KtJ5. UV,A'. "KA UA 'J
Refnell 1' (), mtV on"land Jno W Vvhito
swJi t-wJi See 14, ncii nwj, swj ne'
8cc 2.1 T 1 N R 30 K .... .
HpriiiKer lettln, intit on land of Ambrose
Cl"rk neJi Sec 2 T 2 8 R 35 E
8t John A N. mttf on land Edwd Eben lotn
17 A is block 123 Chaplin'N ud'u to La
(iraude , ..
BnodLTiiuH W J, mtB on land I v' Fa'nlk
eW wtAC Son IT'lU O fM v
uihuirn i, j. llll IIII 11111(1 J
ad'n to La
lot 9 block fi (Irmnlv'H
villtlllic ... . ,
Scott RF, nitK (in land II 6 Corhain AD
W ( NelHonlotlit fraction of lots 2 it
3 block 26 North I'owder
baundem I) 11, mti,' on land Thus Irwin
swJU A lotn 2, 3 it 4 See 4 T 8 R
iu r,
8now Zcra it M L Olin'stcad', mtjr on' land
fcamautha JolniHon uiid'd U in M
sr, S3
a 70
I 10
3 CO
20 20
5 fiO
12 05
3 20
4 10
8 50
4 23
l(i 10
11 ("O
In Connection with the
Konns tho
Quickest and Best Route
Between Eastern Oregon and Washington
ami PtiKct Sound points, us well as
the Popular and Direct
Line, to nil
Through to Chicago via thi.i Lino.
Passenger Trains of this Company are run- ((
ing regularly between
Making close connection at Hunt's Junc
tion with Northern Pacilic trains for Taco
niii, Seattle, Victoria 11. C, Mlensburg,
North Yakima. Paco, Spraguc, Cheney,
Davenport, Spok-me Falls, Uutte, Helena.
St. Paul, Minneapolis,
Passenger Train, making above conneo
tiiins leaves Peiullefon doily, at 7:40 p. m.
bee 7 TS8 R 42 E, also i iindlf V, (n
nwji uwli. swJi ini8ecl7, iiihei
bee IS, te neJ4 See IS, e nw j Sec 7,
UWlinw1 8ce7T8S R42E... .. .. .
luiu m i.,,iiuk mi iinio oi iversev i.eep
'li A 8cc C, eJi nwji Sec 7 t S 8 It
Wakefield Ira, mtg on land It'oiit J Jo'liiV-
ii, coiimencliiir ut ne corner of wU
X Hue 15 T 3 S R 10 E, thence 10 rodi
n. 40 roilH w, 40 rods k, 40 roils v to be-
KiiiiiuiK, coiuainiiiL' 10 acres. In
Csiiaily nit
- C 1 I. 17
10 !)5
2 NJ
16 40
2 25
SS 9.
10 70
3 15
3 20
Ill the Circuit Court of the State of OrcKou, for
t'liliiu County.
E. b. .Met (iniiiH, M. Thomson, K. I'ursel,-!
,. neiiney aim jonn .mcmiiiiiin, I'laimius
I, aura Falrall, May Shelhidy and the un
known heirs at law of J, M. Fori lice, dc
ceased. Defendants.
To l.iuiiM Falrall, May Shclhidy and to thu heirs
at law of J. M. Fordiee. deceased, whose names
are unknown, and to all other unknown per.
Mins having or claiming an interest in tho
proiierty herein described:
You aro hereby required to apin-ar and uu-
swer the complaint lilctl against you in the
above entitled suit on or before tbu 1st day of
the next regular term of the circuit court of tho
state of Oregon, for I'nion county, after six
weeks complete publication of this summons,
to-wlt: on or before tbe inthdavof November
A. D. 1801. Defendants will take notice that if
they fall to appear and answer or plead within
said time, the i'laiutill'M will apply for want
thereof, to the court for tho relief demanded iu
the complaint, to-wlt: For an order for the sale
ill Partition of Lot 5. II lock 1. in the cltv nf Un
ion, County of Colon, State of Oregon, and for a
partition among the owners of the proceeds
thereof after paying the costs and disburseincuts
of this suit and for general relief.
This summons Is published in Tnr. Okkoon
Scout, a weekly newspaper published at Union.
Oregon, by order of Hon, Jas. A. Fee, Judge of
the Sixth Judicial District of the State nf Ore
gon, made and dated at chambers at l'cudletou,
Oregon, Sept. 30, A. 1). itvjl.
T. II. Chawford.
Attorney for l'laintitts.
Iu the Justices Court for North l'owdcr
I'llli't. I 'mmlv nf ITlilnti. Htrito nf Orppnn
lioruain iv uoincniai
Dcfore Jno. Kdwardi J. I1.
Civil action to recover
Joseph C. Harrison
To the above named Defendant. Josenh C.
Iu the name of the State of Oregon you are
hereby required to apiK-ar before the under
signed, a Justice of the l'eare for the precinct
aforesaid, ou the 10th day of November A. D.
1801, at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m. of said day,
at the olllce of such Justice iu said precinct,
and answer tho complaint tiled ugaliut you in
uiu niKive eiiuuiM aciiou, inai ocing mo nun
inu iiuinu cuiikivu nirvtuu, uav ucimk llio llllil
lay after the expiration of tho time prcscrlbol
ne lmuiicauou oi hub luininona. auq ii
fall to so answer, for
you rail to so answer, for want thereof th
I'lalntitl' will tako iudemrut acalnst von for the
sum of Sixty-seven and 25-100 Dollars and coati
of this action. John Edwards,
Justice of tho 1'eace.
This suiamoui Is ordercl to be published by
John Edwimls, a Justice of tho l'caco for North
Powder precinct, Dnlon county, Oregon, ou the
21t day ot September A. 1). 1891, illrcctinic the
publication thereof to be mado in Tins Oregon
Scout, a weekly nvwipaper published at Union,
Union etiuuty, Oregon, ouco a week for the
period of six weeks, Joun Edwards,
U-24-w 0 Justice of the Peace.
nnd Re;r
Clyde, Slsi.
chcron l'z
Vor Snb Ini :' mk1 rr.
$'jil;)t. :,.
Till it ihr iiiuj g 1 , i.i . r.
la lata I him j h y ;.i .
muted fjf I1 1 it, H. i, ikr
iuuiI ttll iu i :u t i . )..
ru4iifwr ucuru4uu4i!l
f(iU ("' t twin I IS i.Uuii,
ClCl.U it 14.1,' vfX).
Kvtry snfaul fuHy Wnmuud. Ttim. Uji)'. Stu,'
(UCuk)ut, . AdJiM.
Jm it C
tlates Sarah II, lots 2 A a block 151 Chap
lin's ad'n to I.a (irande
Grande Ronde Water Mfc Co, 17 acres out
of tho neU of ne'i Sec 1.1 T 4 8 R 39 K 132 00
ilouglitoii it Alnley, awJi swJi Sec 0, seVj
scW Sec 0 it neJi neji bee 7 it nwji
nw Ji Sec 8 T 8 8 R 42 E
Holcomb C F, lot 20 block US Chaplin's
ud'u to I.a (iraudu
Hodge Davis A Co, out lots A it It Chap
lin's ad'n to I.a nrainle
Johnson Thomas, sw'i See 22 T 6 8 R 40 E
jiiiier a a, swii ec a a uj nwii ee
10T48 RlKIE.
McCrarv Robt. estate, lots 19 Ai 'JO block
1U2 Chaiillu's ad'n to I.a (iraude 63 48
McDonald II, lots;! A 4 block 65 Chap.
Iln's ad'n to I.a (irande 42 SO
McCtraw J II, lot 7 block 28 North Powder 85
McCullollgh II. aw'i SeelOT2 8 R 30 E ... 2 15
OsborneW II, wjui! Sec SOT 3 8 R 38 E 10 65
ranter uciavioiii, 101 ii mocK . oi mt
town of North Powder 1 SO
Perry T H, swV A of ne'i See 31 T 7 B
R 42 E 5 75
Raley .1 II. tU sw'i SeciW T 2 8 R !M E. .. 10 00
Suasur F 8, lots 1 fc 2 block 65 Chaplin's
ad it to I.u (iraudu 8 50
Kt Jolin, lots 17 it 18 block 123 Chaplin's
ad'n to I.a (iraude 9 40
Smltli elms, tractl' Coggan 's 2nd ad'n to
I.a (iraude 2 15
ismitn W A, lot 8 block (11 Cliaplln's ad.n
to i.a (irande 2 85
Steele Stewart, lots 1, 2, 3 t 4 block 87
Chaiillu's ad'n to Iji (iraude 14 CA
Smith F K, ei i seji Sec 33 T 1 H R 38 E . . . . 8 75
Stevenson M A, lot 14 north side Main
street Elgin, Oregon 41 45
Smltli S 11, w nwiec 17 A seji seiicc
IS A- nci ueJi Sec 19 T 2 8 R 37 E .... n 20
Taylor k (i, s'.; nc'j a e'i se'i Sec 34 T 2 N
R 40 E SO 71
tnknown, lots 1 to 20 block 141 Chaplin's
ad'n to I.a (irande 10 13
Ciiknown, lot 10 block OU Cliaplln's ad'n
to I.a (iraude 4 10
Unknow n, nj ne A- sAi nej Sec 2:1 A
nw i of nwU See 24 T 3 H R M E 12 85
Woislard Mrs F, lots 3, 4, 5 A , being the
s's oi uincx j-i iiaiinuns in in to vtcst
I'nliin 8 10
Unknown, lots 0, 10, 11 ,t 12 block 137
Chaplin's ad'n to Iji (iraude ft 05
Wilkinson Wm A Son, neji se'i See 1 T4 8
R 40 E A n, sit 'i See 6 T 4 S R 41 E. .. 62 45
Wilkinson .Mvrritt E, bU srii Sec 6 T 4 8 R
41 E 19 85
Ward M A. lots 1 A 2 block 1 town of IIH-
gard 16 00
Milli Edward, s'..i stt '. See 3 T 8 8 R 45 E 3 20
Oregon A Yi ash Ty R R Co, about 18 miles
of right nf wav unfinished from or
near Union to SmnmvrvUle, Oregon 52 93
Unknown, lots 1 to 22. inclusive, block 138
Chaplin's ad'n to m (iraude 26 55
American Mtg Co, Mtg ou land W II StalT
ord n'j He4, swJi seji, scJBWjflec4
T 5 S It 39 E f 10 00
American Mtg Co, ou laud W H Stafford,
'i eJ. se-, seliswji See 4 To
8 It :w B 19 95
American Mtg Co, ou laud lien Iougley,
wj ne'i. nwji se4, seJi nwji See 26 T
9 8114,51-: : 59 M
American Mtg Co, on land Isaac T Weaver
w e See HI T 1 N R 40 E 19 90
American Mtg Co, on land Sarah A Alber-
sou sw'i Sec 1 T 3 8 R 38 E 39 73
American Mtg Co, on land T F (iooeh wW
ncJi.eJS uwU, uwJi seji 8eo 17T6B
R W F. 54 67
American Mtg Co, on land W H Iingley
89 75
Alliance Trust Co, on land Chis I, Harris
Nlt 40 V' , ,K'' IU' HeC 30 T 1 J0 M
Adams M J, ratr ou land V X Dolan liwjj
See 12. nwJi sni fee 15, swj swJ Sec
1T6HK39B. (T... ....... 17 14
Athurtou Cbas E, mtg ou laud I.ueretla
Hough tracts 1 A J Coprnans' ad'n to
La (irande 8 80
Ilaer I., mtg ou laud John liaker n sr
See 34, nwf swJi, uJi sw Bee 3.VT 1 8
R3SI2,.. ... :. 925
llaHourduthrle ACo, intg on laud II H
llrtlley se'i Sec 22 T 3 8 R 38 E tl fj
lllgKcrs Mary, mtg on laud Chas McCluro
jois o, d, j, r, v, iu, ii, ij itc ia uioca u
Chanllu's ad'n to Lu (Irande
llloch A Co, mtg ou laud A Thompson
20, e neji uejf seJlSeeMT i 8 R 36 K
sw-i iifjj. , e; e sec is, se-i sw, w4
tfU.Sec 14, nwK Anwji swjj, swJ
nef, nw't sei See 23, sell neii Sec 26,
w W sw ' See 25 T 3 8 It 36 K
swU nwjjf See 25, seji uej-f, eU srti 8cc
26. el wAl. ueii seli SeesdT 2 8 R 36 E
Coggaus K I., mtg ou laud Clarence Eaton
tract II CogKaua'2ud ad'n to (Irande
Kdmlstnu J K, mtg ou laud J It Fowle uU
m.jBwJi e)i, se)4 swJi 8ec26T58
Fcnn W 11,'mt'g on land it J BlaterwW 8eo
Gaylord E 11, mtg ou land Clara (ialloupe
e lot 4 block 5 Allculowu and Im
provements Xuut Ullbert, intgou land W II AS Atial
loway lots 9, 10, 11 A 3 block 2 Elgin..
Ilolmau 0 O, mtg on land F W Haldock
..I . ... S .) . tm 1 1. -o , -
wi See 8 T 8 8 11 42 E, wW lit 8eo
59 62
4 10
1 50
12 55
19 95
8 05
v M ef r$i sit! See 7 T H N II 42 ,
H uw !i" ujJ hU See 7 T 8 R 42 K
iiudlvliful W Interrst tu that portion
lying lu Union county 740
it (1 M. mtg on laud Sarah C Clark sU
block 12 Arnold
A Dray's ad'n to Ia
JarvisCunkllu ilTCo, lutr oalsud Ed
win Mills U stvU Ih 3 TU 8 K Id K ..
Jsryls Conkllu S T t u, mtg ou laud lieu
Wh Reeil lot 1 and Ueii, lie" nil
.jftTaH It 44 K ....... ....
Xellonir Puiu h A Wllroi, nilg oalsndE
II flrsiiimsu lot a block M orlh I'ow
dpr .
12 00
erts () E, mtc on land Ezra
IKlf set. swl '1 llrV Ki.n "ft T 1 l, m l!
Waelty Adolph, mtg on laud (i F Trock!
SBwiminencliig at nw corner lot 1 block
loaiimmerviiie, tlience northeastcrlv
1-0 It, northwesterly 50 ft, southwest
erly 120 ft, southeasterly 50 ft to begin-
'K . 4 00
and ou Monday, the 12thdayof October, 1801, at
the.hour of 10 o'clock A. M. of said dav, at the
court house door in said county and" State, I
will sell the above described real estate at pub
He auction to the highest bidder for cash, sub
ject to redemption, to satisf.t'said warrant, costs
and accruing costs.
, J. T. 1IOI.I.ES,
, Slier!!! of Union County, Oregon.
lly . R. UsHEit, Deputy. y-l()-wB
Through Tickets Sold to all Points
at the Lowest Rates.
Oen'l Fr't and 1'ass'gr Act.
Walla Walla. Wash.
President and Oen'l Monaster.
H. 1.. DEACON, Tielte
it, Union, Or
ApamplllCtOf tllfrri" Ki,- Si, tS.
sir:iciot ii'O, fi ,
SftJCvOlituin I'alenis, C.-ve.'-, 2 '.'"K.
WjSkl'ark-s. Copyriith'., .', .-SUM
.4AJJ',' inuv;: l "y
MKv"-'. l fr,i.i.'-. .7, . '
AJn n o ti n c e m e n t
-3 A
ininHin pitv nnrnnm
Haye on the way ami now arrivint-, several car loads
ricultural Implements.
The Company ill hereafter cany a full and complete stock of
This department will berunder the inanngenient of Mr. Kilpatrick.
2-19-V- THE M. & M. Co.
House Painter t Pauer Hanger.
All Kinds of Graining: Neatlv "Dom
Tho facilities having been increased by tho addition of a fmn nsanrf,
now typo and a largo invoico of the finest papers and material, is now batter
prepared to execute
on short notice
Letter Heads,
Bill Heads,
Shipping Tags,
Legal Wanks,
Call at onco if you want anything in tho way of
circulars, Dusiness Cards,
Lnyolopes, Sooioty Cards,
Itcceipts, visiting Cards.
1,ck.Vt,J' Wedding Cards.
ata onionts, Ua lrotrrarnB.
Kvery Jiibtanco. Ordors by Mail PrnmitMu
AtUmd4to, Addrtiesi TUB OHKGON H0OIJT,
Union, Oregon,
'Butlsfuction Guurnntoed iu