B. Chancey, Publisher, Union, Or. PACIFIC COAST. Torest Fires Raging in the Cascades. THE WASHINGTON MILITIA Sealing Poachers Are Reaching Vic toria, B. C, Every Day With Fine Catches. A $0,000 ico plant for Riverside, Cal. 16 projected. The Alaska salmon pack exceeds that of last season. Sun hi Barbara, Cal., has voted to build an outfall sewer system. The entire Bystcrn of Portland street railways is now owned by one company Coal has been found at Hollywood three miles outside of the city limits of Ijob Angeles. Terrible forest fires are raging in tho Cascade Mountains in the vicinity of Hot bprings, Wash. Tho carpenters at Vancouver, B. C. are striking against the employment of non-union men. Frank Chaves, Sheriff of Santa Fe county, N. M., is said to bo short about 33,000 in his accounts. Portland has hist voted $30,000 for municipal building, s4d,()UU lor sewers and $55,000 for water works. Kosovillo, flvo miles from San Diego is to Im? tho site for tho new iron plant bo long talked about in that section Jxw wages and ioor food are causing largo desertions from the railroad gangs nt work on the Great Northern extension in Montana. Coal of gooil quality has been discov ered by accident at Chemainii", a little village about midway between Victoria and JNanalmo, J. U. The Washington militia is to sue tho State to compel it to settle tho pay roll lor services during the lato troubles in tho mines in King county. The news from tho Pino Nut region bv way of Carson continues to be of an ex citing nature to prospectors and miners. .New strikes, all rich, are reported. Tho Union Pacific instituted a suit against tho Oregon Kailroad Commission to annul tho rates adopted by the lxmnl, which aro 40 per cent, lower than those iixed by tho railroad. Tho owners of tho Bonanza mine at Tombstone have coino to no conclusion concerning the resumption of deep min ing. Tho Contention-mino people have the subject under deliberation. Prof. Geonro II. Brvani of tho Ala Iwnna Polvtechnic Institute has beon up- jioimcu director oi tne work shops ami Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engi neering in mo btaniord university. Tho steamship Zambesi of tho Upton line has boon libeled for $20,000 at Vic toria, 11. O. Damages aro claimed by tho schooner Fanny Dutard, with which tho Zambesi collided in tho Straits of Fuca. Sealing ponchcrs are reaching Victoria very day from Bohring Sea, and some of tliotn have fine catches. The Sap phire has 2,135, the Walter A. Earle 1,021 and tho schooner Carmelite 700 skins. Tho midsummer harvest number of tho Ix)s Angeles Tim ft is brim full of in teresting rending and statistical facts of n reliable character about tho progress of Southern California and its great re sources. The Portland Council, which was electod on a platform of economy and "reform, is attempting to increase tho sal aries of city officers, including their own, boiiio $30,000 ovor the old list, and their conduct is Bovorely criticised. Tho customs authorities have selected a site on Mary's Island. Alaska, near tho British Columbia boundary for a eustom houso mid other government buildings. A schooner leaves Port Towntond in a fuw days with material to construct tho buildings at n cost of $80,000. Tho following cities in tho State ol Washington have over 1,500 mutilation beattlo 42,837, Tncoina 311,00(1, Spokane -rims iii.i-, wuini wuiia -1,7011, Olyinpht 4,t!)8, PortTownsend 4,558, Fuirhiiven 4.070, Whatcom 4,050, Vancouver 3,515, JSIIonsburgh 2,708, Centralla 2,020, Sno homish l,tH3, Dayton 1,880, Puyallup lyo-, oinigiMi i,oon, uonax i,(nw, Abor- tleon 1,(538, Montosano 1,032, Blaine 1,503 North Yakima 1,535. iiio l uma sentinel claiiiiR that at the mouth of tho Colorado river and the upper end ol tho Gulf of California are to bo found sea bass that weigh from 250 to 7mi each, clams as large as a common dinner plate, millions of sardines and Hiuelt, oysters small hut do c bus. mill ions of soft-shelled crabs and other shell nun. myriadB of wild geese, brants ducks, cranes and other sea fowl im.l birds. It is a paradise for fish and game. The aggregate number of penitentiary convicts on tho Pacific Const according to the census bureau is as follows: Arl rona 144. Utah 180, Nevada 00. Idaho ju-', Washington 200, Oregon 302, Call lornia 2,051. Tho sexes are divided among tho convicts as follows: Male Arizona 143, Utah 170, Nevada 05, Idaho 102, Washington 250, Oregon 3(50, Call- ,riilii nun I.'... ....I.. 1.1. , i I.Nevada 1, Washington 1, Oregon 2, California 21. Boxing has been permitted by the Warden of tho Ma ho penitentiary for mouth, and it ciilinlimtod in a rfnlidi light between convict McCreaiv ami Jhinlup noiiiii ilnyn ago, In which the lut tr mu whliiiHMl, Tim jitiiuiitirlo4 w ww arraiiKiNl by Waiden Muck und liu HHnl, liuunlcf wt-ro UmMmldef. mid MlMnu (IIU'IhU of Wat iiln iDiu i,r,.N. fHl, 'Jhu flulit mh n mvuhii oiiii. und VHHVM Mil WM NlJIIllied llllll jtu HM HWMm uj Muii. Tliunllnlr WuU) ml, im JloUv Ullyl nuu'li tuiI o)vr EDUCATIONAL. Of the Five Hlxlicst Grniliintr nt Went I'olnt the South Him Four. Out nf OT.H AAA IVU nnnnla in all Tnrltn less than 11,000,000 can read and write, i lie receipts hi liimnmuiimi nun n-u- son were 25 per cent, above those of last A high school is to lie established at Cas eadaga Lake, N. Y., in connection with spiritualistic views 01 education. The gain in school enrollment in New Mexico in 1800 is 2e3 percent., while tho gain in population is only 28 per cent Throughout Franco gardening is prao tically taught in the primary and ele mentary pchools. There ar3 about 28.000 of these Echooln. About 1,400 members of Cambridge University, England, have signed reso lutions protesting against me uuimsoiun of women to tho university. The University of tho City of New York has just added a school of tho sci ence of education to itself, and hereafter w ill confer the degrees ot Master and Doctor of Pedagogy. The school census of Louisiana sluws that out of a total school xpulation of 370.220 onlv 85.000 children attend the public schools, and many of these attend two months in the year. The University of Upsnla in Sweden during the present term has an attend anco of 1.(553. Of these 251 aro in the theological department, 740 in the philo sonhical. 443 in the law and 221 in tho medical. Of tho five highest graduates nt West Point four como from (southern btates, counting Maryland as of tho South, and the fifth is from Pennsylvania. Charles I). Hines. who stands the highest in tac tics, is also from the South, being a Vir ginian. Eight institutions have each an enroll ment of over l.OJO students, and seven report from 500 to 1,000. Nor is it the old colleges in vho East alone which draw their pupils by the hundreds, but Har vard's 2.271 students and Yale's 1,045 are paralleled by Ann Arbor's 2,10.5 and Obcrlin's J,7UU. Tho head mistress of the high school for girls in Birmingham, England, sug gests that parents who are anxious as to the career and future of their daughters should train them to be teachers of cook orv. She finds from the Liverpool cook erv school that there is a constant de mand for qualified teachers, and that more applications wero received than could bo satisfied. The remuneration varies from $7.50 to $15 a week excol lent wages for England. A plan for furnishing a technical edu cation to tho boys who have to work is to 1)0 put into operation by tho trusteep of Hell-street chapel, Providence, the free-thought institute which James Ld- dv's money founded. I he scheme is after that in use in England, Iho science classes, which aro carried on under tho direction of tho government and the guilds in London, and which aro doing n largo work in providing proper tech nical education. James inoe, mechan ical engineer, graduate of tho science classes and of Central Institute, will bo instructor, and thorowill bo u committee to overlook the work, consisting of Isaac Whitehead. Robert Grievo, J. Bowloiuid George Whitehead. Tho first course will open Tuesday, October 2, students being required to pay only $5 for fifty-two lessons. THE NATIONAL CAPITAL. HlotliiK' Chlnere DcNtroy tho American AIIhhIoii at Yehani;. An additional proclamation, signed bv President Harrison and Assistant Secre tary of State Wharton, has been issued in regard to tho timber resorvo in Yel owstono Park. Tho boundaries aro tho same as described in tho first proclama tion. It concludes with a warning to all persons not to enter or to make sottlo- mont in tho section resorved for lclloW' stono Park. Tho Department of State has received a telegraphic dispatch trom tho Minist-i at Pokin, reporting a riot at Ychang, on uju i tiiig-iBo-iYiiiug river, in wio prov ince of Hoope. and that the establish ment of tho American missionaries there has been destroyed. No further partic ularsare given. cluing is iilnrnt 200 miles above Hankow, which is aUmt as far up tho river as vesssels of war can go Tho Hoard of Managors of tho Na tionai Home for disabled volunteer sol diers has concluded itequarterly meeting 1.. U'..,.l.l..... . I. .1... I... " in i wiauiiifciuii. ji mo iimt iiieeiiug a provision was inndo for tho creation of medical boards at each branch to exam ine tho inmates and ascertain what pio- portion oi inem were nine to maintain themselves and not disabled. These re ports nro now under consideration. The lioard at tho California branch reports there is not a single inmate who could bo properly excluded. In tho Central branch I ho bourd found thirty-three in mates who should Ik excluded, because moy navo n suiitciont income to main tain themselves, mid seventeen Ihhmuhc they wero physically able. The Milwau kee branch hii9 not reported. The Ixmrd has not yet determined upon a line of policy to lie pursued in these cases. It is the desire to rid the home of iumntee really nblo to take care of themselves in order to ailbrd room for deserving veter ans, but so many considerations arise that it is not practicable to apply the general ruio. Tho announcement of naval change will iiicroasothOBquadronsui the Pacific O . M, . ' t, l! . .. oecruuiry irticy lias ucciucu io t-cnu the iorktown around tho Horn for a uoriiin- nont station in the Pacific and the Petrel from Hear-Adiuiral (ilieranliV ti)uutlroi) through tne bticz canal to the Asiatii station. Ho has also detached the Kn terpriso from Admiral (iheranii's MUiad- ron lor service at the Clival Academy to take tho place of tho Wyoming as u training ship for cadets. ThoolhYcrs and men on the Kntorpribouro to bo detached and distributed lnttween the Yorktown and Petrel Ixuoro their departure for their new stations. Admiral (Sherardi is then to have two vessels from acting Kear-Admiral Walker's squadron, which wiiii mo riiiiiuieipiiiii and Jnmmirgu will give him four go'xl Nlilps. Another vcc. probably the Newark, is to Nt de tached front Walker' quota and orderod km a llais" khip fur the Koittli Atlantic mu tton. )ltmrAdinlral lleiihuni hit lieon dliccled n hold hliimulf In rwdiue to (Wiiiinuuid that Mtutluii. The iieniiiiigluii If to Im nddel In Walkur'ii niihuIuhi IU will then liavit live vetiU to (iluuuiill' (our. Mini with Hut") ll In I he iiirjM ol iiiii nt'-uimui v in nutu iiiu mviiuiuuiarv " ... .1 " r i .i .i .f. V 'nmii iMmiimwi iiiiwiiyjjiiui w EASTERN ITEMS. foinagfe lOr the Month . Qi AUSfUSl. THE SAN CLEMENTE ISLAND. Valentine Sorip Cannot Be Used in the Location of Tide Lands on Puget Sound. Indiana saloonkeepers are forming a Stato union. Chicago unveils her Grant monument on October 7. The Vermont Legislature voted $15,000 to tho World's iair. Old Crow, a Cheyenne chief, is trying to set up a Messiah craze. Mrs. Robert Kay Hamilton's theatrical venture has gone to pieces. The North German Lloyd Company will run a line of Btcamers between New York and Genoa. The Cincinnati tax commission is un earthing millions of securities not placed on tho tax duplicate. Typhoid fever has broken out in the Stato idiot asylum at Syracuse. Impure water is the cause for it. Only 5 per cent., or 18,270, of the total immigration to this country during last fiscal year settled in the South. the It is estimated that 20.000-horHe power will be required for the electric-lighting plant of the Columbian Exposition. Tho Delaware lish commission has placed 4,000,000 shad in the Delaware river at Hull Island during tho present year. Additional instructions concerning the smuggling of lottery tickets into the United States from Mexico have been issued. Tho substitution of the cable for liorses on tho Broadway and Third-avenue linos will throw 0,000 horses out of employment. The Navy Department will at once issue orders concerning the survey ot tho Pacific-cable route. The Tiietis'will probably do tho work. Some of the roads in the Northwestern blind passenger pool have been furnish ing erroneous statements of the business to tho Advisory Hoard. An electrically illuminated cross is to bo placed on tho spire of a Methodist church in Minneapolis. Fifty-two in candescent lamps will be used. Tho South Dakota people aro so jubi lant over their big crops that they have set about tho work of raising a huge "grain palace" in celebration thereof. Tho land olllce refuses to restore San Clemento Island on the southwest coast of California to tho public domain, ow ing to its future availability as a naval station. Tho Secretary of tho Interior decides that Valentine scrip cannot be uued in tho location of hinds Iving between the high and low-watermark in Pugot Sound district, Wash. Already apprehens'ons aro beginning to be expressed at the possible fate of Pearv in his Greenland explorat'ons. There are fears that h" and his party will meet the fato of thcUreely party. Flio Ho8ton Adrertiser gives tho partic ulars involving $1,000,000 worth of stock of the big Quincy copper mine in Mich igan and serious allegations reflecting upon tho honesty of tho managers. Tho census returiiR for Pennsylvania show that the unfortunate city of'johns town has increased in population since 1880 from 8,:i80 to 21 .805. a growth which makes it, now tho thirteenth citv in the State. Conservative estimates place the yield of Minnesota and the Dakotas at 125,- 000,000 bushels of wheat, against 00,000,- uuo last year. It is assorted that the wheat crop of the three States would fill a train 250 miles long. Hlack ants threaten to take possession of Hoston, und Stato street, the citadel of Boston's moneyed men. is literally swarming with them. They aro on tho streets, on the sidewalks and crawling up the side ot buildings. rumor has Ikjoii published at Win nipeg that tho Grand Trunk is about to oxtend its lino to Winnipeg via Sault Ste. Marie and Dulutk, and that when tho former citv is readied the line will bo extended to tlm Pacific Coast. Tho coinage of the United States mints during the month of August was: Double eagles. $1,000,000: eagles. $121,000: half- eagles, JOO.OOO; standard dollars. $1,180.- uuu: dimes, oM4,lHii); o cents. $74,200: cent, $40,200. Total coinage, $11,718,400. rheTennosseo Legislature has decided that it is uiinble to abrogate the present lease of convicts. Tho session was called for the purpose of breaking tho lease. mid the call was necessitated by riots at the place where convicts wero employed in mo mines. All tho reports received at the internal- revenue bureau indicate that the pro duction of sugar from beets, sorghum, maple syrup and cane will be up to the original rBumiiies ui uiu producers, un der which tho bounty was estimated at ..!"! I ..... ! - .1... 1 . about $10,000,000 por year. Tho local directory of the World's Fair has formally confirmed tho nomination of J. M. Samuels of Kentucky, chief of the horticultural department: L. W. llohiuson of tho United States navv. chief of machinery, and H. S. Pcabody of Illinois, chief of the department of liberal arts, Hallway men living at International uridge, uni., and working m North Buf falo have Ikhmi informed bv the United States MarHhal that there is a clause which requires householders to live in the I'liltcd States and unmarried men to take out United States citizenship papers If theywifh to earn u living in tho I'liltcd States, and that it uiimt be observed hereafter. fwo ChlragoaUD. Mennrs. Thornton and Stiong, have contracted with tho Mearaguiin government to build a rail. load from M minima lo MatHgulpa via the ItUilhaiide.a dWUiu-ti of 'AK) mile. Thu Kuvtuiuiient nod iui 2KHI,(KK)ueriMul luml, ttiui inu luniii'ife nl lining (lie ivern lljitlil luiliimd' (luiikv uiu UaRllItt U) AlulllUtullllkj. (Jthur Vtlltliihlti mn.v.. PERSONAL MENTION. CotmteUR c,r Cnlthuen In the Exnct An tltheat of .Mine. Itlavatsky. Austin Dobon thinks of coining to the United States in the autumn to give readings from his own works. The King of Italy takes great interest in raising camels when he is not occu pied in trying to raise the wind at any rate of interest. Judge II. K. Douglass, who was a Ma jor on the stair of General Stonewall Jackson, will be one of the speakers at the New Hampshire soldiers' reunion at me weirs. Oscar Wilde frankly entitles his new' est book a study of " Christianity from tho Outside." Some who consider them selves in it could give only a real view of tne Buoject. Mr. Kuskin thinks the English people ought to love the apple tree, " not for its fruit, but for its flower" a sentiment with which the parents of the American small boy will fully sympathize. The oldest jockey on the turf and still one ot the best of them is William Hay ward, who lode Preakness in the famous dead-heat race for the Saratoga cup in laid, lie lives at li,atontown, N. .1 It is always a pleasure to know that a King is of some practical use. King Humbert is a cook of no mean order, and can boil a potato or broil a steak in a way that would make a dyspeptic fee hungry. Gray hairs continue to crowd about the temple of Will S. Hays, editor, poet and song writer, uui ins eoony musiacne is resplendent wiiii youth and vigor. 11 writes better thp.n Joe Howard of New York, and tells inoie truth. George Haven Putnam, the New York publisher, lias received from the trench government the cross of the Legion of Honor, conferred upon him for his sen- ices in helping to secure the passage of the international copyright law. The lato Empress Augusta of Germany was very rigid in her opposition lo being photographed. There is, however, a picture to be seen in the shops of Berlin representing a group of tho royal family, with the Empress Augusta seated on the left, holding a book up so as to hide from view her imperial features. Tho Countess of Caithness, the new high priestess of theosophv. is the exact antithesis of her predecessor, Mine. Bla- itsky. Her figure is slender, her man ners elegant and her tastes rehned. She dresses in great taste. Her only resem blance to Blavatsky lies in her fondness for diamonds, but that is a pardonable womanly weakness. Ex-Judge John Erskine, who retired from the Federal bench about five years ago, h ranked as one of the greatest m- rn-ts in the South, and when lie retired the bar of Geo-gia ;;ave iiini a great ova tion. He was appointed by Andrew Johnson. He lives most of tho time now with his daughter, Airs. Ward of New York, and spends a few months each year in Savannah. Emmet Logan of the Cincinnati Times is your genuine six-foot Kentuckiau, is kindly in Ins face and manner, is a dead eneniv of the " hnrd-lioiled liiit." mirl fivides his time between two-pdged par agraphs and editing his double-leadeu great-primer Warren-county corn patch. He afi'ects store ciothes, pomp and pie in town, but is not haughty as to mush and molasses on the plantation. There is a curious painting in England of Mario Antoinette, taken in Vienna when she was a happy maiden of fourteen summers. It represents tho voung Arch duchess merrily laughing, with her slen der finger pointing in a mocking way to ner neck, around wiucli is encircled a red ribbon, resembling curiously a lino of blood. The innocent but prophetic gesture gives a thrilling and tragic char acter to the portrait. Henjamin Folsoni. Mrs. Cleveland's cousin, who was appointed United States Consul at Sheffield under the last admin istration, has been ill for several months. tie came home last soring to visit his mother, who is dying of consumption in California, and was himself attacked with pneumonia. Having improved somewhat, ho returned to England, but sintered a relapse, from which at last fie Is now reported as slowly recovering. The President's salary is paid to him iii iiiuniiiiv iiisuiuiiieiiiH oi ?4,jdo ui. Tho warrant is brought to tho White House by a special messenger of the Treasury Department, and after the President has indorsed it as he would an ordinary draft his private secretary de posits it at the Columbia Bank. When tho President is out of town tho draft is mailed to him. The samo method is pursued in paying the Justices of tho Supremo Court. CRIME AND CRIMINALS. In .1.1.. ...11 i . . I A4 ..- ,1m Young Ainu I'm tally Htnlm Ills Itrollier With a lVnknlfo. Catttlemen in Custer county, Mont., have captured and lynched several noto rious cattle thieves, who were caught changing brands. ' David Douglass, Township Treasurer at YoungHtown, O.. has been arrested on a charge of emltezzloiuent, it having been discovered that he was short in his ac counts. At AUeghanv, Pa., Georgo Ott, aged 22, fatally stabbed his brother John, aged 10, with a penknife, driving the weajKJii into his left lung near the heart, tho result of a quarrel. Burglars broke open the safe of the Sloan State Bank at Sioux City, la., and secured nearly $5,000. Tho Correction ville postotllco was burglarized by the same gang and $150 worth of stamps taken. The burglars stole horses, and escaped. At Haverhill, Mass., two masked men forced their way into the house of Mrs. tilkins, and demanded her money. She handed them $452; but, presenting n re volver, they tore open her dross and soixed a bag containing $80) in money and $400 in notes. Both escjijiod. Charles H. Ego and K. L. Maguire, formerly individual ledger clerks at the Keystone Bank. Philadelphia, havelwen arroHtcd and charged with making falt-o entries in the ledgers and making such ktatt'iiienta as would tend to deceive the lunik examiner. Iannis Bulling, the St. Jouenh : .Mo. , wife murderer, was hanged at Savannah, Mo. Bulling had obtained a plutnl jiut lkfor the oieeiitiou from the mlniinr and Hlmt hlmwlf twine. The houii.L. wore nut mortal, mid he wan taken Wan. uhiinliig ami Miruaiuinu fur uxunv i., n... Mtailt,iieiiin by it)Mil4iN luug numyU U inn ill ny U LH'UMHiHIIU IUB lJIIHtt Uimitfli Urn iruu I liu uwik mad UibVvii, FOREIGN LANDS. Revolution Anticipated in Hayti. WALES TO VISIT CHICAGO. German Journals Discuss the Proba bilities of War as if They Are on the Eve of One. France claims 1,000,003 Socialists. The condition of the crops in India has taken a turn for tho better. Finer has risen :', shillings a sack at London, owing to the wet harvest. The Hank of Kngland has nearly $20, 000,000 more than it had a year ago. It is said that there are now twenty tu-n ailing of war under construction in Russian ship yards. Masons and bricklayers who build the mills of the Welsh tin-plate trust te ceive il.44 a day in wages. Organized collections are being made in Russia for the relief of the starving and destitute in that country. German journals discuss war proba bilities ns if the country was on the eve of a gigantic struggle for its very life. Smokeless powder is being ued in the French and German military maneuvers, and the evolutions could be easily ob served. The Sultan of Morocco has directed that young girls shall no longer be pub licly sold in the markets of Fez a. id other towns. The annonncemepi that the Prince of Wales will revisit, Tranby Croft this au tumn evokes loud outcries from the re ligious press. John S. Durham lias been appointed Minister Resident and Consul at Hayti. He is a colored man, and is now Consul at San Doin ngo. Pcifitints near Vilna. Russia, have murdeied the wife and family of a Rus sian Jew who bought up several million roubles' worth of rye. Tea-growing is becoming one of the lending industries of Fiii. and it is au- ticipmeil that, a large traffic in the arti- e will soon he deveiopen. A matrimonial alliance between the Czarowitzof Russia and Princes Marie of Greece. .hi" cousin, will b-i formally innouuced in the near future. The Ixindon Choutcle says U:f the Prince of Wales has all but decided fn go to Chicago and is likelv to be acco-n- panied by hmperor illiamof Germany. Emperor WiMiam, tinxiou imt t wound the South German tee'iug. win ttend the Bavarian maneuvers under the Bavarian flag as a guest, not as a sovereign. Gladstone's objection to a lab r party is on tho ground that, " if every class ol the coininuiiitv exercised thu ruin. form a party, we should have a quec Parliament." tt'oneror William is fully confirmed in his determination to have passed at all hazards at the next cession of tho Reichstag a bill to diminish and mulish drunkenness. Tho Hiriperor of Germany lias be stowed upon Dr. W.J. HolTman of the bureau of ethnology, Smithsonian Insti tute, the decoration of the Roval Order oi me urown. There are said to bo about 22.000.000 acres of forests in Hungary. Of these tne government owns about ,),.)i)0,l)00 acres, uuys more each year and retuses to sell any that it possesses. The United States Consul at Guaymas denies the sensational reports to the ef fect that yellow fever prevails at Gnav' mis and on the Pacific Coast of Mexico. I here has been no yellow fever there since 1887. fhe commerce of Italy, as compared with the same period last vear, shows the imports have decreased "$20,800,000 in value and the exports $4,000,000. During the same period the rove n ue from customs fell oil $4,:i00,000. 1 he announcement ib made that the Su'tan lias dismissed the Grand Vizier and the rresident of tho Council, Kia mil Pasha. Djerag Pasha, Governor of Creto, succeeds him. Six members of the Cabinet have also been dismissed An attack upon Port-au-Prince is being prepared by the Haytian exiles nt King ston, anu so strong is tho belief that a revolution will soon break out that many foreign residents have moved out of Port-au-Prince or aro sending their fam ilies away. Tho Paris Temp distinctly indicates that the French government intends to support the Sultan's right to enter into a special contract with Russia nermit. Un the entrance into the Dardanelles of armed vessels outside of the articles of the treaty, Tho British Consul In Japan, who has watched sailors carefully, savs that Jcck is much better mannered since steamers have replaced sailing vessels. The steam era provide better and less monotonous food, entail less hardship and have dulled the adventurous, independent and eter nally unsatisfied spirit with which tho sailors used to roam about the world. A party of Russian officials, sent to kill animals infected with disease in or der to prevent the disease from spread ing, was attacked at Xaikop bv a crowd of inhabitants. A detachment of Cos sacks, ordered to quell tho disturbance was received with a shower of stones' The Cossacks then fired a vollev, killing r s v . o . t r -.ojvg woil till I li. nt I r -a III PI iiioi H.vcssVirvH UIS0UUF.mil) KT0MA0II. ft ntUtnuwf II iillH'lM TV4 I TrMB, PORTLAND MARKET. A Retume of the Condition of Its Dlr ferent Departments. With tho fruit dealers the amount of business done was much in excess of the first part of the week. The glutted con dition of the market is for the present over with. Watermelons drag heavily. The quantity of peaches in the market is very small, and prices aro correspond- ingly stiff. Grapes are in over supply, I aro hard to disposo of. Pears and plums aro plentiful, and meet with only fair sale. Vegetable market is well supplied with every variety, especially potatoes and cabbage, the latter being a drug in tho market. The amount of oats on hand is larger than nt any previous time, and a decline is anticipated. No change is noted in the market for dairy produce. Eggs are higher. Hutter is a little easier, receipts of Oregon being on the increase. In other lines of wholesale trade there is no particular change ns regards the amount oi uusiuess oone. uuotation . -1 , , . . . . on staple articles remain the same, an tho regular fall business commences. WHKAT. Trading iB very quiet, and there is lit tle change to be noted in the general condition of the local market. The ex port demand is good, but holders ask C rices that are away above an export asis and business" is consrqueiitly checked. Foreign markets are dull, but not quotably any lower. Produce, Fruit. Klc. Wheat Valley, 1.50C1.52h'; Walla Walla, $1.42,.(!i.45 percental. Fi.ol'h Standard, $5.00; Walla Walla, $4.00 per barrel. O.vrs New, ,'S40c per bushel. Hay $12' 14 per ton. Muxsri'KKS Brnn,$222:; shorts, 425 (S20; ground barley, $ 0ifH2; chop feed, $22ru2; per ton; barley, $1.2J(1 25 per cental. Ht'iTKit Oregon fancy creamery, 30$ o2-tfC; fancy dairy, 27'2c; fair to good, 2oc; common, 15(20c; Eastern, 23a30c per pound. Chbkse Oregon, 1212c; Eastern, 13c per iioiuul. Eoos Oregon, 25c per dozen. Poi'M'itv Old chickens. $5.0!)ff 5.5(1; voting chii,Kens,$2.50((i;i. 1(1; duck". f4.00 Ci0.00; geese, nominal, itT.OOMS.OO per doen; turkeys, Lie per pound. Vi:m:iAiii,i:s. Cabbage, 75c(a$1.00 per cental; onulillower, $f(fnl 25 per dozen : Onions, 80i((i$l percental ; beets, .f 1.25 per sack; turnips, $1.00 per sack; new pota toes, 45fy)(i0c per cental : tomatoes, 4J(rt 50c per box; lettuce, 12'sc per dozen ; gieen pea-, :i(f4c per pound; string beans. 2(ii:Jc per pound; rhubarb, lie per pound ; cucumbers, 10c per d izen ; car rots, 7jo per sack ; corn, 7Se per dozen ; weet potatoes, ,.lm4C per pound. Fkcits Sicily lemons, .f 7.000i 8.00 : Califoi ma, $-j.00(1.00 per box ; apple., 50(Soc per box; banana", $3., "0(re4.(Rl a bunch pineapples, $o.007.00 per dozen ; peaches, GU(('7oo per box ; plums, 25 title per box; watermelons, $l.ft0ff2.00 per dozen ; cantaloupes, $1.00(1. 50 perdozen, r- per crate; grapes, Tokay, .fl.IW per box, Jl.OOaei 10 per crate: muscat and black, 5U(T7.)0 per crate, boxes 75c; pears, 75o ; Bartlett, 70(!K)c per Ikjx: nectar ines, o0(i 75c per crate; crab apple, ."c per pound; pumpkins, $1.50 per dozen. Nu rs California walnuts, lltaiic; hickory, 8c; Brazils, lOtfilc; al monds, 1018c; filberts. l;!ClHc: pine nuts, 1718c; pecans. 17f(0lSc; coco.i nuts, 8c; hazel, 8c; peanuts. 8c per pound. Stnple OroeiTlrK. Coffee Costa Rica .21 '..e; Pin :!( Mocha, 30c; Java. 25'ac ;" Arbuckle's,' tuu-pound cases, 24 V per pound. Sro mi Golden C.458e; extra O. 47fic; granulated, 5Jcj cube crushed and pow dered, Oic; confectioners' A, hhc per pound. Beans Small white, 3?c ; pink, 3' (JW.jc; bayos, 4?ic; butler, 4j,c; limas, 44(i'oc per pound. Honey 18(t20c per pound. Salt Liverpool, $l(i,$lo.5017 ; stock, $ll(tu2 per ton in c-irload lots. Canned Goods Table fruits, $1.65, 2'2s; peaches, $2.00; Bartlett pears, $1.85 ; plums, 1.37s, ; strawberries,,'. ; cherries, $2.50(ffi2.G0 ; blackberries, $1.90 : raspberries, $2.40; pineapples. $2.50(u3; apncots,$1.75. Vegetables : Com, $1.35 h0,, act'onl'"B to quality; tomntoes, $1.1003.25; sugar peas, $1.25; string heans, $1.10 per dozen. Pie fruit: As sorted, $1.50; peaches, $1.05 ; plums, $1.20; blackberries, $1.05 per dozen. iMsh: Sardines, 85c(i?l.(i5; lobsters, $2.30 0'..50; oysters, $1.5003.25 per dozen, balmon, standard No. 1, $1.2501.50 per case; No. 2 $2.55. Condensed milk: land, $0.5; Champion, $0; Monroe, rVoor018?. AIt-'at8: Corned beef, $2.1502.25; chipped beef, $2.40; lunch S'ol318',0'00 28 J dviled ham, $1.502.i6 per dozen. Svitue Eastern, in barrelp, 470 55c; half-barrels, 50058c; in cases, 55080c per gallon; $2.-J502.5O per keg. Cali per keg" barroIs 3Jo I,er gallon; $1.75 Rice $5.25 per cental. DltlEI) FltriTS Itnlinr, i;li ""drnian, 910c per pound; sms, $1.7502.25 per box ; plummet dried pears, 10llc; sun-dried and fac iJ.Jl 2 ll12c ; evaporated peaches, fl. o ! Suivrna tW -'0c; California, hgs, 9c per pound. The Meut Market. HEEFLive . 3c : dressed, 50c. Mutton a , 'r.r' dressed, 7c. D"c"u' BW, .AN;e' 60 '' Messed, 6c 1 KAL 0070 tier Mi,n,l life "-Eaetern ham, 13V. bacon' ,o,erA'?o,et,es' 10 breakfast itfiiJ4c per pound. l iS iVr impound, 1012c; pu -l'4 0jJ2kc: ( rnifnn 1H .hints' - re, UOUnd. ' -"" "V81SU-SC I per i ' AltlhiNU from iiiiufuu,,. vvi i mi' in in.,. kluim till ilMlludcii, l litniNQTdH lHIHil.n'rM ASl) (iHOI'r.llN.