The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, September 10, 1891, Image 7

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    Hrinn m uunlLLfl.
After Khootlna II Mother It Made
u Desperate MriiSKle to li.cnpe
""'I I'nlllnc In the I'urpo.e Kmlctl
Ita Life with !mlclle.
u. nr r haili-i .
I tli' African o.
' plorer. now in
! ranee. telU s me
thrilhiifj- stor esof
a venture wh le
in the la-art of the
dnr continent,
which will so n be
published in book
form Not the
leat interesting of
those is ono given
to tlio Intornation-
"- al Press, which . e-
latos the ine 1 nts of a gorilla hunt.
1 had one of the greatest pleasures
of my whole life on the day when
some hunters who had been out on my
account brought in a young gorilla
alive. I cannot describe the emotions
with which I saw the struggling little
brute dragged into the village: all the
hardships 1 endured in Africa were re
warded in that moment. It was a little
fellow between two and three years
old, two feet and six inches in length,
and as fierce and stubborn as a grown
animal could have been
l!y the hunters' a count, they were,
goine. live in number, to a villa'irencar
the coast, and walking very silently
through the forest when tliey hoard
what they immediately recognized as
tho cry of a young gorilla for its I
mother" The forest was silent. It I
was about noon, and they immediate
ly determined to follow the cry. I'rcs-
mtly they heard it again. (tun in j
hand, the brave fellows crept noise
lessly toward a clump of wood, where
the ' baby gorilla evidently was. j
The knew the mother would be near, j
and there was a likelihood that tho
male. th. most dreaded of all, might
be there too. Hut they determined to
risk everything, and if possible, to take
the young one alive knowing what a
iov it would bo lor mo. 1 resi ntly they :
perceived the bush m iving, anil crawl
ing a little further on in dead silence,
fcean.0 y broa.hiug with evoitement,
they behold whal h s seldom been
seen, oven by the no ros a young
gorilla, seated on the ground, eating
some berries that grow close to the
earth. A few feet further on sat tho
mother, also eating the same fruit.
Instantly they made ready to lire,
and none too so.m, for tho old female
saw theai as they raised their guns,
and the had to pull niggers without
delav. llaimilv, they wounded her
mortally, and she fell.
The young ono,
liearinir the noise of the trims, ran to
his mother, hiding his face and f in
bracing her body. The hunters im
mediately rushed toward tin; two, hal
looing with joy as they ran on. Hut
this roused the little one, who instantly
let go his mother and ran to a small
tree, which he climbed with agility,
where he sat and roared at them
The hunters were now perplexed how
to get at him: m one eared to run tho
chance of being bitten by the savage
little least, and shoot it they would
not. At last they cut down the tree,
and as it fell, dexterou ly threw a cloth
over the head of the young monster,
and thus gained t ine to secure it while
it was blinded. With all these precau
tions, o ic of them received a severe
bite on the hand; another had a p eco
taken out of his leg.
As the little brute, though so dimin
utive, and the merest baby forage, was
astonishingly strong, and by no means
Jle constantly rushed ut them, bo they !
ju iumiu.1 j j
good-tempered. tliey could noi icau mm
Iwcr obllgod to get a forked stleh. In
which Ids nuok wa liihertod In Mioh a
m-uy that liu mild nut oM-apo. ami yet
could btltHt mf dWaiioa. In
i this uiu iHhrUbh way ho wfc Iwought
Into thu ilhigr, "hum tl iU?niont
wn miaiM A Mr MW
out ol Ihu etiimu In wlk-h hw had
a iitilu wu down tl hut. ha runl
L...I t.ii,.wi-.l. mid h-'Uud ttrwunil
Nil.llj mI" !' vUiUwl MUo vyv. "IV-
Jntf lir Wuri.tiK I" it wwW (
manage in some wav or other to ire at
us ne woiwti wine nis revenge.
I I saw that the stick hurt his neck,
und I immediately set about having a
a cage made for aim. In two hours
we built a bamboo house, with the
1 slats securelv tied at such a distance
! apart that we could see tho animal,
ane it could see out. Here the thing
was immediately deposited, and now,
for the tirst time, I had a splendid
I chance to examine my long-coveted
1 prize.
1 It was n yrung male gorilla, about
three years old. fullv able to walk
alone, and possessed for its aje of most
, extraordinary strength and muscular
Its greatest length proved to le two
feet six inches. Its face and hands
were very black; eyes not so much
sunken as in the adults.
The hair of the strange creature be
gan at the eyebrows and rose to tho
crown, where it was a reddish brown.
It came down the sides of the face
in lines to the lower jaw, much as our
Ward grows. The upper lip was cov
ered with short coarse hair; The lower
lip had longer hair. Tho eyelids wore
very slight and thin: eyebrows straight,
and three-quarters on an inch long.
The gorilla at once began to brood
over tho mprisonnient. It grew sick
ly and feroeuous when an body went
near its cage. Finally it becani sullen
and refused to take the us al meals;
all manner of means was tried to make
it eat. but it tinally died, a suicide from
A AVoiiiuii and Itrrolver Soulier a
Crew of Null or.
Pretty Mrs. May, wife of Captain
May, of the barge .senator Hlood a lum
ber barge plying between Chicago and
lake ports, proved more than a match
for a gang of I'liion sailors at Chicago
the other day.
The Hlood lay at an elevator, when
John Hums and .lames .lones, walking
delegates of the Seaman's union, came
on board with the intention of taking
oil' the crew and compelling them to
join tho union. lien tho captain
saw the walking delegates ho
told his wife to go into tho
cabin and got his gun. With
out a mi uto's hesitation she did as re
quested and soon stood on doc ready
to defend the crow to the last. In the
meantime the walking delegates had
convinced tho orew that work at Si
per day was bet or than "",'. per mouth,
which they were then receiving, and
the sailors had agre -d to ioiu tho
union. They throw their baggatre
over the side of the boat and prepared
to leave.
"If you go ashore I'll shoot you!"
Mrs. May exclaimed to the mate, as ho
started to go over tho schooner's side.
This stopped him, but one of tho sail
ors, who hail become badly scared at
the sight of the gun in Mrs. May's
hands, jumped overboard and swam to
the other side of tiie river. Walking
Delegate Hums then took the gun out
of Mrs. May's hands and seized her
wrists. Mrs. May rained blows upon
Hums' neck and head, begging him all
the time not to hurt her husband, but
tho captain was as meek as a lamb. Aa
the crow seemed certain to desert the
ship, Mrs. May began some most torri
lic screaming, and tho police urrivod in
time to save Hums.
KlIHim ot It. I. Calvin, by John G.
Howell, l'ollilclan.
A sensational tragedy was enacted
at Oakland, t'al., the other day. John
(i. Howell, tho well-known politician
shot and killed H. I. I uivhi, a young
man of good reputation who in vain
sought the hand of tho former's
daughter in marriage, Calvin and
Miss Howell were engaged three
years ago, when for some reason she
hud icnly discarded him. Tho former
made several attempts at a reconcilia
tion, but without success. Tho girl's
father naturally objected to these ad
vances. The two met on the evening
of the tragedy. Colvin expressed a do-
sire to marry the girl. Suddenly How
J'11 "ah ' Hold up your hands," and
iminediatoly drew a revolver and began
ell said, "Hold up your hands,"
lirmg. He tired three shots, all taking
eirect. After the first (olvin begged
for mercy, but Howell continued shoot
ing until his victim was dead. Howoll
then surrendered to the police. Tho
ufl'air created n big sensation on the
Pacific slope.
Mifi IMi-il I'roin Kxpukiire.
Cold blooded murder is mild in com
parison to the manner in viicli John
Kckurt, of Clarence, Hrlu county, N. V.,
put his wife to death. Kckart and his
wife lived on a farm near Clarence.
He is very wealthy, the accumulations
of himself and wifo duri .ir their mar
ried life umouutintr to Sifl.OOO. Tho
story of tho torture is as follows:
July 3D Kckurt and his wifo wern
working on a haymow when Mrs. Kck
urt lot,t her looting und fell to tho
ground. Koine allege that her hmdmiid
jiubhud her oil'. In falling hho broke
hor log and lay groaning ut tho foot of
tho mow until night. W hen twilight
full hur husband drugged tho half con
scimib and bulfering woman by the foot
into tho wimmUIiinI of I its liokuu, whoro,
it Is uliugiMl, ho UioWihI mikI I'lirkitd hur
und btruuk hur with thu humlln of u
piu htork, after will h hu at hi biip
jiur und re l md (41 tlm only lxtd tho
liiiti uDurdwl ami went ti bUwp Jit
thu morning hivlf vub uUuu into
thu ln'iibu, vshuro bhu illni from uxpo
biiru ullhi'iil iuimIil'hI lib! The bruto
v li I n ii iikiblu lur tho turiuiu iu
.TA;1e oa-tc" Burn s
,h jmnuhiiil
.11.1 It V H liJCN OK M OTI.
KUrlch of the Moniaii Who Will
Ilrrt-aftcr Load the IIol Asiilu!
tho Social Cuttoini of the lrrcu
detinitely settled
that Marie, Coun
tessof '.'aithness,
is to succeed
Mine. Hlavatskv
as tho h i g li
prieste s of the
o s o p by. Her
friendship w i th
Mine. Hlavatskv
and her intimacy
ith the spirit of
the (.Jueon o f
seots seem t o
have developed
hor am - itiou to
attain stilt high
er rank, and
ten about years
ogo she confided to her friends
that Mary Stuart had reincarnated
herself in her (Lady Caithness')
body. She accordingly set up a state
drawing room furnished with a throne
in her beautiful villa at Nice, hired
ladi.'s of honor and lords in waiting to
address her as "your majesty."
For all her vagaries she has shown
herself to be an earnest student of oc
cultism and philosophy, and an indus
trious investigator and writer on those
subjects. In ls77 she published a re
markable volume entitled "The Mys
tery of the Ages Contained in tho
Secret Doctrine of all Ueligion-s." This
book which is held by theosophists on
the other side of the Atlantic in an
esteem only second to that of Mine.
Hlavatsky's own - Isis I'nvoiled," is an
interesting survey and summary of
nrahnianism. Iluddhisin. the hermetic
nhilosophy. the worship of tho Druids,
.oroastrinis:. pagan pantheism, tho
lcabbala or Jewish religion. Moham
meilism. Swedenborgism. and the
Christian gospels.
She discoveis in all these "inner'' or
"occult" readings which proclaim that
they were, all in their true meaning.
thoosophy. she asserts that not only
Christ, four of his apostles and certain
of t o early Christian fathers were
Initiates' in the wis 0111 religion, or
theosophy. and tan lit it in paraoles
and allog'ory. but that it was through
their pow r as theosophists that tho
Jesuits, from Ignati s Loyola to our
own nay. have acquired and preserved
an otherwise unaeeoun able power
over tho minds of men, and that many
leaders n the eformed church were
undeniable adopts in theosophy.
All through hor book there are copi
ous foot-notes signed "M. C," the well
known initials of Mabel Collins, the
clever and accomplished daughter of
tho late Mortimer Collins, editor of the
Dublin I'niversity Magazine, and her
self an author of note, having pro
duced, besides tlio thcosophio treatis1
"Light 011 tho Hath," a dozen or so
( harming novels, several of them of a
thcosophio turn. It is evident that
this lady actively eo-oporated with
Lady Caithness in producing "The
Mystery of tho Ages." On tho cover of
the book appears the l'omar crest a
golden campaign rooster over a scroll
with the legend "Commit Thy Work to
In nearly every way this now Castillo
Cuban high priestess presents a strik
ing contrast to her Cossack predecessor.
Of slim figure, elegant manners, re
lined tastes, always inagnilicently
dressed, there is nothing in her out
ward semblance to suggest the fat,
frowsy, untidy, cigarette - smoking
Russian, Hlavatsky, after getting all
her occultism throiig.h spiritualism,
persistently denounced spiritualism as
a gigantic delusion ami all mediums as
humbugs or fools. Lady Caithness
reverently accepts tlio theory of spirit
return as a demonstr itod truth, and
even proclaims hervif a spirit medium.
Hlavatsky and her chief appostles
have for years preached that eelbacy
was an essential of spiritual develop
ment and that all sexual love was sin
ful and demoniac. She oven went so
far as to dismiss Mabel Collins from
her place as adjutant to herself in tlio
society and eo-oditor with her of Luci
fer, the thcologie organ, accusing her
of "black mntric" because hhc allowed a
iiroinhicnt young thuosopliist to full in
iovo with her ami returned ills all'eo
tlon. hady Catilmehs Is not so severe
on Christian Miuramcnt of marriage.
A Mriumn lllnl In Ohio.
A Rtranpc bird which has attracted
tho attention of luimlredH of people, i.s
on exhibition on the farm of John
Itodebauh, a farmer living six miles
east of St Mary's, (ihlo. The bird r
soinljleg an owl very much inform. lias
a head Hhapcd like u heart, the face of
amouliey, a hiimvy white fur adorning
Hh face, while the fnatlien are of a
Iniautlful and tlollcuto yt UowUh gray,
with thu tail ol a turkey. The bird
waH caught a few week ugo while the
family were rotiirniiiif Iioiiim from
clnircli, an I not until it had reuoived a
I ufi d uf idiot did it alliiM' ItMi'f t ho
tali mi captive. hikI thru iU ritpUir wau
fwir ui ly liirertitd in ilm Itvhl that mii
kiitsl It utUrft H'Imi niiiiTlur Ut Ihat
of thu Wiiul f h pig Itml la (ml
wholly on kiuull bird lil li it taUtMi
llitu U liuali iUltu. llir.iiMii oat thu
built und fcuiliur ului wm d
TAtlirtlr Srrnp In a Mrtropnlllnn Ilo
iHiirnnt Tlmt KrrtilN War l)ty.
I saw a curious bit in tho drama of
life the other day, und it seemed to
stand out the more effectively for hav
ing, small ius it was, n certain historical '
background. 1
I was taking a moderate chop in a
Sixth avenue restaurant. The waiters ,
were negroes, and from the time 1 went
in I had looked at the head waiter with
interest. Ho was an elderly innn, with
the patient, subdued, gentle courtesy
that told a story of "befo' do wall,"
and that affected the character of the
very wrinkles in his ancient, well
brushed dross coat. He established,
or rather ho showed his willingness to '
establish, relations of an ideally inti
mate character with the patrons of the
place, utterly servant like, ami yet pre
pared to note your tastes and eater to (
them with the devotion of friendship.
When I was half through my meal
two young women with tho air of
ladies entered and sat down near 1110.
1 could not help overhearing their talk,
quiet as it was. and it soon appeared
that they belonged to tlio ever ineroas-
ing army of girl bachelors that huvo
taken the town. They were students
at the Art league.
The old head waiter stood nearby;
then ho came and changed tho glass of
celery for a fresher ono. Then ono of
the young women asked him to have a
certain window lowered at the top. lie
sent some one to do it, and then said
to one of the girls, rearranging the table
a little nervously, in his soft, old voice,
"Keiiso me, but I've been hoping
you'll excuse me since tlio llrst night
you ennio in, if 1 asked you what paht
of the south do you come Pom?"
"Me?" said the girl pleasantly. "1
come from Tennessee. I suppose you
know I was sous lie'n by the way I talk?"
"Yes. '111; yes, '111." the old man said
hastily, taking tho plates from fho
waiter in charge and speaking with an
odd effect of Hurry. "My young niis
t'oss she marry down in Tennessee. She
wjis one ob do Kentucky l'rontices."
He stopped abruptly and looked at tho
girl, and sho w as staring at him. "She
marry ono 00 do Tennessee Sinclairs,"
he added.
"Why, that was my mother!"
"She was my young mist'ess," said
tlio old man.
The girl held out hor hand to him.
"Why, my mother always loved her
old people so much," she said, tho tears
springing to her eyes. "Sho always
wanted to know w hat becamo of all of
them after the wall, but sho never
could learn much. Now" sho stopped.
Tlio whilom slave was trembling nil
"l'loaso toll please (ell her that Ike,
Yellow Ikonlluz"
The girl was looking at him steadfast
ly through a mist of tears. "She's
dead!" sho said.
The old innn leaned hard on a chair
a moment, and then tho habits of a
lifotime of self control and deference to
other people's comfort eamo to his aid;
he stilled the workings of Ins wrinkled
face and took a dish from the waiter
as he camo up, although his hands still
shook a little.
"I'll wait on these ladies," ho said,
and then gave some direction about an
other part of tlio room. He caught tho
proprietor's eye llxed rebukingly upon
him, but he stuck to that table; lie
was going to wait, on those ladies if it
cost him his place.
Things wont on silently for some mo
ments and then he said, as ho brought
a dish that had not been ordered, sotto
voce, "There's nothing hero fit for you,
missy i.s yo named for your inut"
girl nodded.
"I thought I knowed you hy tho fa
vor," he added, trying to hinilo his dog
like direction upon her, and then he
took himself oil to u little distance and
stood waiting upon their call.
I was putting on my coat when I
heard tho southern girl, who had been
very silent, say to her friend, "lsuppobo
lie would rat hur never have seen meat
l all, really, than to see mo 1 1 call liko
this." And then I left, but I think tho
J girl was wrong. New York Herald,
In ii Tliciitrr l.uh by.
A woman had bothered tlio box ofllco
keeper a good deal in buying two beuta,
but had finally procured tliein ata great
expense of brain power to tho man who
sold them to her. Sho walked slowly
from tho window, casting auspicious
glances at tiie unoffending treasurer, aa
though she was not suro whether ho
had given her tho correct change, until
sho readied tho frame of photographs
which rested on an easel that stood
cioso hy tlio door. A now light camo
over hor face, sho brightened up won
derfully, started back to tho ofllco with
a determined tread and asked, "Do
you tako tintypes hero!" Interview
in Chicago Tribune.
Telrcrupli C'ublo I'lerceil I) Oruia.
At a meeting of tlio Asiatic society of
Hengal, at Calcutta, a piece of cable
wits oxhiblted. showitiL' that tho India
rubber coveriiiK had boon pierced hy a
.. , , n .... . 1 , ' i
blado of grass, Tlio piercing "was so
complete and tho contact witli thu cop
or coro so iMirfoot that '"dead oartii,"
as it is technically called, was pro
duced, and tho etlioleucy of tlio cable
destroyed, Tho species of tlio grass,
owing to Its dried up condition, could
not bo determined. fit. Ioui Repub
lic. A Nw rlonr.
fit. Agodorti 'J'ho man who takes
llmo U a fnloii.
Do Miisotu IJiinlly that, llo may
bo a proonuHnutor
"Hut you know tlino U iiiono," fit,
J04ep Newa,
Our Latest and Greatest Premium Ofie
ltlTOt( V Tut MtuvoTH CrciPrarueontalni aeompleta
at l mi MteiTof iLr greit American OJtll War, yt9
lue!f tl rlf. with tiutnrriii Anrcdtttea of tht Itehelllonj a
coim 1 i Httnrr t tnllca ft m Ita dlacorery bf CVlutubua to
I)..-1 ifcnt M -i ginrht dearlptloua of fameut raltltfl and
I r i i'tit iii ih hiurj of all natlona, ehronologkal
tiliuti ,rn , etc
llltlCK P!t V. Tl.U great work contalm th Mret of all
the l-flt'iit "t 'lie (nllfl Slatea, from Waahlngton to
tin. tu wuli t n-alia an I other tlluairatloita, alio Uvea and
i "f S.. ..1-.ui Itnnaparte, Uiakeaeare, llrrou, William
I "in. ItroMmlti rrnklln, HeiitT Claf Pauiel Weteter and
I I iai m'i. Niitliota, t'eia, gvnera'a, cltrijmau, ttc.
J.uni t the rt ui da;
i;il I'l, l l'lli:. ValuaVIe Mntaant ooeful anggeallona
l hi imi, nraiilig of (If Id cropa, galea and frncea, tar lilt t era,
rtm Inint'-meiti i IUettck ralatng, Including the treatment of
d' "f itiietla nnlinala poultry kerpltiar, ant how tnada
ti,ivefnl an I piotltatili, le keeping, dairy farming, etc. Tlia
i ' ntuii-nl p tli-w nlJicta a rompleit and eihauallrt, and
ri'ii trra the woik of pleat ptaatlcal ue to far inert and alockmeu.
Iltllt TUT I.TI'Iti:. Herein la gleen the mott uaeful hlnta
toitiowetanf nil klnl "f legelatlea and frutla, aa gathered
from I lie e erlenoe of the liiot aucceaaful Itoillouttutltlt,
Allt'll lTIM'TI'Ki:. Hcalgna and plana rorhouaet.coltagea,
turn mil oilur ontiniHdluga, with faluatlt uggrailvna to
thtue liilriidlug trtl-ullJ.
IMM 'r.lMM.It. Thla woik eonlalna tiled and teatet reclpea
tr nlmoit erery tmaglnatttit dltli fr lreahfait. dinner and tea.
tht depnrtmenl elxne helng worth mote than nine tenlha of
tho cook hook aoM , a I moil tnnumrraMe lilntt, help and aug
rethtia fa limikeeprta , deaignaand auggeatlona for making
rnaiiT mtltul ihlnga fur the Adornment of home, lu needle
work, emhrol lei v, eto j hint on floriculture, telling how to l
Mi'Veoefiil ultli nil the arloua planta ; tolltt hlnta, tellllng how
tn pipneneaiid teautlfy tlia coiupleilon, haudi tcelli, lialr.
etc , eto
tr.lMCM., UlaiiT do;iar In daetora tdtla will he eared
nimimh; to ricre oieaor ef thU lMok through the tajuahle
InfonuREhMi lierchi oontalned. It telle how to cure, lr almple
ri ri-llnhlfl lioiiio remcdlea. atallahlo In ever; houielmld( erery
dtteatc an 1 ailment that la curnMe, thla itepartiuent forming a
.'ompirte medical hook, tho valuo of which In any Lotus cao
hardly to computed In dolUra and ceote,
IXVKNTIlF.V AMI llfOVr.ltV. tlemarkiMy lulsr- 1
rtltig encrlpllona of preat Intention, Including tho Hteam
Knglne, the reieerapli, the I'rlnllng Treat, the I'lectile l.lght, 1
thonhiK Machine, tho Telenhone, the Tyie Wilier, tht Tjpt
Setting Mnchine, tho Cotton tilti, etc.
TIIK U OliUVH WtiMH.Itw. lrarMa dtacrlrtlont,
heautlfollr Illustrated, of the Ywllow alone Patk, Yoaeinlto
A'aller. Niagara l alla tho Alpt, Parle, Veiuvlua, Venice.
Vienna, the t'nnmia of Colorado, Mammoth Care, Natural
DrUge, Watklna Uleu, the White Mouutalut, etc , eto.
TUA Vi:i.H. Deacrlptlone, profuaely lltuatrated, of the life,
uauuera, cuttoma, ecullar forma, rltea end eercuionlea of the
Trnni Ihe nhovfl hrlef fiitiunary oflla enntenta aome Idea of what ft remarkably Intereatlnpr, IiiaUucUto and
f nliiftlilowork lli Mammoih CTri.oP.nniA la may ho yainetl, et hut ft fractional part of the toplrn treate-l 1
thin Krt'ftt work liftvn htu'ii namt'il It la ft mat atorhouae or uneful anil entertaining knowlegi unqnfaUoii
ftbly of tlm heat a till moat valuahle worka ever puhllclicit In any la ml or lanauage. No honmahoulil he wtth
out HOlt lua work to ho conaulteil nvery ily with reKftnl to the tarloua porplexln queatlmia thatconatantlr
arlfH i,i writing and mnreriatlon, by tho farmer and hoiinewiro lu their dally duties and punulu, aud Tor ooav
iiuuous readliitf no work li more eutertalulug or lustructlTe.
Grand Premium Offer to Subscribers to the Scout.
SFJJ Hy Mperlnl firr.niKtMnent with tho pubMnhcr of thu Mammoth ('rcLoiMsmA wear
eMnblctl to nmko our HuhscrilmrH and roatltirn tho fnllww.iiK cxtrnonllnary oirir: IV"
in Itinul (he Mammoth Cyi koim:dia, complete in four volumes, an above descrthtnL
"lpotuve prepaid, alm Tin: Oukoon Scout for oni: vkah. upon receipt of only
iJ J.i, which tx but 75 cents more than our regular subscription price, so that you
practically yet this larue and valuable work for the trtjliny sum of 75 cents, TIiIh In
a grcU. oiler, a wonderful ImrKuin, and It Ih a plwiHurii to iih to ho cnnhlcd toairordour
rondcrn fto rcinarkahlu an opportunity. ThroiiKh tliin oxtraordlnary otlVr wo hop to
IarKily InorwitA our circulation. PlunH tell all your frientiH ihat they can uet tho
MAMMOTH Cv I.(HM:I)IA In four VOlumtiM. with a vcar'H huhHtrlolinn Inmir iuitur. for
only IVrfoct HatU fact ion in K'irantcotl to all who taku atlvantaKOof thlHroAt
urciniuui uflVr. 'I'Iioho whoso Huh-crintloiiH liiivo noL vuL oxofrud who rninuv imiv will
rccoivo the Mammoth Cyci.oimhha at. once, an l their KtilncrlptlonH will ho t'xtcrulo
one year fiom dalo of expiration. The Mammoth ('vci.oiMiDrA will alHO 1h giv
free to any one HCiHilnK uk a club of thne yearly HubucriherH tw our paper, noco
panied with M.fiO in caHh. AddreH ull lotterh;
The Oregon Scout, Union, Or.
w c
lireinliiin In our MiilmoriliuiH Ih lianilanmely priiitml from entirely now platen, wi li new type.
I'lic twelve v iIiiiiihn eontnln tlm following world-f inioua woiko, each one of wlilcli in puli
IihIkmI a-mi'Wr, unchanged, and absolutely unabridged:
The nlxive are without (mention the mot
(Uinrter of u eentury tliey Imvo Itoou eelehruted la evury nook and corner of the civilized
world. Yet there nre t!ioimnndn ol hniiicH in America nut vet autmlled with a Met ut Dlnln im
ihoiiMinl hik'h eont of thu liooka nroventlne neotile In inoderato cireiuiiHlaneea Irom i nlovinp'
thU luxury lint now, owlni; to Ihu into of modern improved printing, fdling ami mitciilni;
muehlnery, the extremely low price of white paper, and thu roat oumpetitioii in thu book.
Irmle, wn are unaliled to offer to our Hiiliuoribeni and roadors a net of DIckoiiM works ata.
I,r,u." wl"'," " can afford to juy. Kvery home
of the- gieat autlior'a woiks.
Our Great Offer to Subscribers to the SCOOT.
We will iteiul the Kntiiik Hi.t ok Dickknh' Woiiks, in vouvurjt, as oiou
ilrncrtUd, all poiiluue prepaid hu ourtlva, ulna Tiik OituuoN (scout wonk ykak,
uihih rrertid of which i only OU cents more thun the regular nulmcrtptiotx
price uf this paper. Our nutdern, therefore, iirtictlcully get a Net of Dlckemt' worka
III twelve volumes for only W ceuti. ThU U thu grtttidesl iiriiiiiium over oifered. Ull
to till time a net of Dlckeim' works liai iuunll been 91U or more. Tell nil your
friends (list they ran geL n set of Dickons' works In twuive volumes, with Wa
Hiilixrrlptlou to tiik OuiiuoN tU out for only ,IH), MilMerlbd nor uiul got this vreiU
preiiilum, If your ulM iliitluu lu. not yet oxinred. it will uinku no dilterou , foi it
will hu extended one yrur from dalo of expiration. Wo will ilo give a set of DIckeH.
tin Kbove, free mid iKiiliiuld, Ut uny one sending ua m club of two yearly nuUiribe!
i'4)oiupiiled with vU.ini a rali, Adilrea
A Great and Wonderful Work,
2,176 Pages
620 Beautiful Illustrations!
Tim Mammoth Om.orwnu Iim bn mfc
Hp bed t tnfft the w am tii ot thf niM for ft
mutrMAlc unpetultum of knmvl'tlfTf, prwtltl.
ufftr t. jrntiAcml (jenrtnl 'I h nrk li puW
lmliftl compjrt In (our large nn.l IiAiiJmmb
riuunif, cnmrlltic a total ol 2,17ti r4?A n4
lAprotUBe r I mtrMiMnrHlifStflriuilriilfnffTT.
liK Tv. mantl of ilnllnrn hut lr?ti e xpetvdtd
to 11 ftkf this ttn tnot compete, TAltiablfi fctwt
Uffu w rk for tlihiaft otrr publinhrtl, It tt
ft wrrb f ir errrTPOtly mn, womnn tntl tilU,
In r xvry v?croi or nnlk In lifr. The b
Unci ami mrtlct1 utility tf twenty urUlnarr
Tnltune iu coiuprlril In lhfe four, and an
rrpletP 1 tli work with ktinnletldn ut e?erjr
luml. no (Vie. 1 1 It with Uetul MiitAKml helpful
HtiftRt'fthoti, that we fully believe that In Tery
home to nhich It nhall flint It way It will fooa
come to he re pn!n1 ah north Ita welshtln gold
For want of dpace wecan only hrleflr en m mar
lie a mall portion of theconteutaof thla grt
work, it follow a
OMnfM, Jrin"' ,n prr f Tn-llt, A frlea, Miltf
Pftttitln levlind, Hornro, llutmth, ih fnlwlch lihxl
HfrtU, Kffirl, Tirtkry. Cilitnrt in.t Tutili, tht Artba,
Tutkt, Mfttcau, Pouth Aiur?tfn, Ametlctn tnitttM, Kgr
lUm, Sltnifif. AMMltittn, NorrUn, HpnlTit, (IvU)
)UHtN, tJmkl, ltkjlhi, fttflmf AfhRii, Ttrtluia,.
ItoiUnn, Auiirtlltiii, Hu1fttUui, 9tllUn, t , !.
M MirACTITHr.M. IntMtcrrilwerkU all 1Mrik4A
nJ lhutrat4 the trit and ftocttie of rtnilni, ittrvirf4nct
toklln1ltic, m) tii(rlnc, lltlioff by, hotATpht , ell
pftotlnc, Uno makluf, tleti mtklnc. rfr iakUg( U
imnufictutf of ttlk, Irou, !), tUi. cliln, I'frfumvty, pw
Itttltff lrcltf wall pftptr, turrtnthif , putt I cmn1 poMiy
iiimi'i, entflori, ytnn, pcnctlt, nefJi, ni many thr
lMn, all cf which will It founJ tulUily lottttillat a4
rOHlMUN IMtOlirCT. IntfrMlInt VerlrlUm, IIU.
tritt, ettht eultuie ml pr patfttlott for taarketnf Ui, nIIm,
clioeoUtf, cotton, flai. lump, iugar tie, nutntgi, elovrr,
(Ingtr. rhititmon, alliK, rITfr cwoanutt, plnf ftppli, bmm
ana, piunri, datft, ralilnt, nga, olltt, ln-lla-rutbrt juti
I froliBt roth, ciaibort etor wll, uitKa, to., tte,
NAlTIt A I IIIRTtMtV. lotrrfitlng an.1 Intlruetlf
dBcrlpllout, aeepmpaiilf A lr llluiratUfti, of luimr roua tata,
tlrdi, fttha t lnifU, wlitttnucb cuiloui lulotroatlou lag ax
lug ibclr life aud bablli,
liV Tut Mammoth CvrierxMtl alta completa lav
tntok, tflltn ef try mn hew tie may t lila own lawyer, aA
contaWitng full coiirta e ifUnatlona of ttit gfnrral taw
anJttitlawtrf tltt tttrattUtf ujwirt oil ntaltfra which at
tuljectto HI lg at Ion, wih nuruttout futrui uf trg al JotumtuU.
.MINIM), HfoTtrlloni a hluitratlona tt tht mining or
goM, tlhtr, dliuiouJi, coil, It, ccri'h ItaJ, ilue, lln a4
WtMF.ltH TUP SI! A. HfrHn ara dMcrlbel and
lllulraltt ttia nianr woiulfifutand ttfRutlhit iliha Unrnl altha
toltoii oftho pcraii.'llie plaitli. flowria, alitlli, flibtt, tt., Ilka
wlaf frail dlilDg, corit flatting, to., ctd.
((lira avitt amount of narful and Inlrtratlng Infurmailon.
com of -which lathe puUtlon of American cltlra, area u4
txtput tlon i' ih continent of ihefUnUa an.l Terrliotlea, and
ot 'he itlotiralcountrkaof Hie woiM, length of tho ptlnelpwl
JtTl. ' w.i'leiitlt tote for alitr yeara, PreahtfritUl tailatioo,
rre au' leptli of lahea and oecana, tttght of tuountalof
locom tlon ut nliiiala ami trlocliy of ttodlaa, htlght ot iuoau
intuta, towoi. am attucturra, dlatancca from Washington, aU
fromN w Y rl, tolmportatit polntahronologloallilateryofdla
covcry ain rrogreat popular aohrlqucta of American Btatea,
cl lli a, tMa,, common grammatical mora, rule tor apalllng, peo
i) unci tit luii 1.-H ue of capltala, Vallftlrettiraeat oonxtiero
of t'io rorM, cuiloua facta In natural ilatorylongttlty of
anlmnla, oilgln of th natneaof Ptatea, and of counirlea(of great
wotka, (opular fahlae, familiar quotatlona, r geuliia and ol
planta, ljlic worda of famoua prraona, fata of tlio ApoeiWt,
tatlatldiof tha flotit, leading goTtttimtnla of Ikt world, aio,
In Twelve Large Volumes,
Which wo Offor with a Year's Subscription
to ihia Paper for a Triflo More than
Our Regular Subscription Prico.
WIhIiIhb to lurgoly ilicronNn tlio rircnlidlon of this
h r iluriliK Hi" xt xlx tmmtliH, wn Imvo iniwle
urnuii inonlM utli n New Yotlc pnliliHliinn Iiuiino
wlif'icl v i urn rnuMi'il lo i'11'i-r iih ii ihi'Iiiiiiiii to our
BllbHCrllii lM H Sx-l "f 'li" W'iirli if 'lim l Plrk-
lii, ill 1 '!' I.iiik" mill lliimlroiiin
VoIiuim, uitli ii jt urV hmIi(ciiiii)ii to lliin
)npi'i'. lorn lull)) iiidiii tliiui oar icnliir snl
ncri'ti(iii piicc. Our Krciit olTor In Htilu'crihcn
I'i'IIphch any vt In icldloic uiiiili . ClnirlcH
)k'l'IIH UDH till) L'll'alCHl IIDVI'llHt wild UVtr
lived. No unllior licfino oi hiiico liih tinmlma
won tlm fuiiin llml lie Hi-liW'wd, und liin uorl
hki I'Miu more popular to-iluv tliiia during
liiH hlutliuu, Tliuy uboiind in wit. Inuuor,
)iitliiH, nniHtcrly dillnt'iitlon of riinrnulfr,
vlvlil tloHCiilitloiiM ot pliiei'H and incidents,
tlirilllnu und Hklllfnlly uioiiKlit iilotu. Kucu
Ixmk in IntciiHoly iiiit'it'Hling, No IioiiichI onlil
ho without a vet of IIh mu ;reut anil roiiurk
alilo woikH, Not to liuve rend tliein ia lo lio
far helilnil tliu uk In wliieli we livu. Tlio
uot of DickeiiN' woiIim wliicli we oirer om a.
(anions nnvcla that were ever written. Vnr.
ia thu laud may now be itupplied with a. t